Types of remote banking for individuals. Types of remote banking services (RBS)

15.2.1. Benefits of remote banking

Remote banking service (RBS) is commonly referred to as the provision of banking services (provision of banking products) at a distance, without customers visiting the bank office, without direct contact with bank employees - from home (the so-called "home-banking"), office, car, etc. d.

This type of service allows the client to control their own accounts, buy and sell non-cash currency, pay for utilities, Internet access, accounts of cellular and paging operators, make non-cash bank and interbank payments, transfer funds across accounts, etc.

Remote banking service provides the bank with the following competitive advantages.

When using RBS, transaction costs are significantly reduced. There is no need to maintain additional premises, workplaces and personnel, which cannot be dispensed with when serving customers in the traditional way. As a result, transaction costs (in terms of one transaction) are reduced by an order of magnitude. By saving funds for its maintenance, the bank can significantly increase its customer base - the low cost of banking products makes it possible to reduce tariffs for them, which, with other equal conditions makes the bank more attractive in the eyes of the consumer.

On the other hand, thanks to RBS, the bank is able to cover a large segment of consumers who have small funds and are not very profitable in terms of traditional banking.

In addition, a potential client of a bank where RBS is practiced is freed from being tied to a specific location of the bank, which is very convenient. Consequently, RBS contributes to the expansion of the bank to other regions, which leads to an expansion of the client base.

The image aspect of the use of remote service technologies is also important.

The attractiveness of RBS in the eyes of customers is not least due to the fact that it can provide them with more comfortable conditions for communicating with the bank and significant time savings - for a banking operation, the client does not need to visit the bank office. Moreover, he does not even need to adapt to the bank's work schedule - he is available 24 hours a day, and the user can complete the desired transaction at any time convenient for him.

There are the following types of RBS clients: PC-banking, Internet-banking, video-banking, telephone service, WAP-banking, SMS-banking.

In the presence of special software and a modem, PC-banking supports a direct connection of the client's personal computer to the bank's network. The most characteristic example of this type of RBS is the classic "Bank-Client" system.

Internet banking is a set of banking services provided to a client by a bank via the Internet, which includes: control of one's own accounts; purchase and sale of non-cash currency; payment utilities, Internet access, accounts of cellular and paging operators; non-cash payments, transfer of funds on accounts.

This is the most promising type of RBS, for example, Deutsche Bank and Bank of America make about 70% of payments via the Internet. In Russia, Internet banking has also been actively developing in recent years.

Currently, there are three levels of Internet banking:

Informational (the bank's website on the Internet, which reflects the types and tariffs of the services provided);

Communication (two-way exchange of information via e-mail, account information, account statements);

A full-featured transactional bank (carrying out all financial transactions, except for the issuance of cash).

There are systems in which the Internet is used only as a means of data transmission, and systems in which the Internet is used as an independent information technology. In the first case, the Internet acts as a communication channel between the bank and the client, and in fact it is only an addition to the classic "Bank-Client" systems. This increases the efficiency and mobility of communication between business partners, but somewhat reduces the level of security of transactions, since the Internet is an open network.

In the second case, the software is a special Internet application that functions only in a dialogue session between the client and the bank. When using such systems, the client does not need to install software and store the corresponding electronic databases on his computer. In this case, the client can access his bank account by going to the bank's server on the Internet from any computer, after entering your password and personal an identification number. To improve security in such systems, various methods of protection are used. economic information from unauthorized access.

Video banking is a system of interactive communication between a client and bank staff, a kind of video conference, which is organized using a device called a kiosk (a device with a touch screen that allows the client to access various information, as well as communicate with a bank employee and perform various operations with it ). Kiosks are installed in public places and are often combined with ATMs.

To pay bills by phone, a bank client uses a special device connected to a bank computer, which allows you to receive a variety of information about the movement of funds in your account and the state of the financial market, make payments on invoices for goods, medical services, electricity, etc. The client connects to the bank computer and enters the account number, personal identification number, code number of the recipient's company, payment amount.

WAP-banking - remote account management through mobile phone equipped with special software based on the wireless data transfer protocol. However, so far banks do not single out WAP-banking as a separate type of service. A client who wants to conduct banking transactions only by mobile phone will still have to connect to the Internet banking system. Now mobile communication companies, offering their customers GSM phones with the ability to access the Internet, cannot always maintain the necessary degree of protection of transmitted or received information at the same level as it is organized on the Internet.

Consequently, banks cannot take responsibility for the confidentiality of customer payments and so far offer them only to view the account balance and a list of recent transactions using a mobile phone. However, software is being developed that can improve the security of WAP banking services. In the meantime, in order to ensure the security of payments, some banks negotiate a list of transactions with the client and assign an appropriate code to each of them. So, for example, "Guta-bank" acts. When carrying out any of the operations, the WAP banking user only needs to enter a code that, upon confirmation by the bank, activates the necessary transaction. The bank does not charge a commission for transactions on the account.

Another service provided by banks to cell phone owners is SMS banking. With the help of short message services (SMS), which any mobile operator has, the client will have access to all information about the status of settlement accounts (account balances), as well as receiving account statements for the required period. According to experts, this service has much more prospects than WAP-banking. Firstly, because of the cheapness, and secondly, due to the higher data transfer rate - ten times faster, and thirdly, it significantly increases the security of operations. SMS-service is very popular among customers.

It is believed that modern technologies of software and hardware protection are at a level that provides a 100% guarantee of the confidentiality of transactions and the safety of funds. But most importantly, banks are primarily interested in the safety of funds - providers of Internet banking services, responsible not only for the safety of their clients' finances, but also for their funds and reputation.

15.2.2. Information systems used in RBS

RBS is based on the Bank-Client system. The full list of services that the bank can provide through this system is very extensive. In the classic (expanded) version, the Bank-Client system allows the client to:

Familiarize yourself with banking rules;

Receive reference information (list of operations performed by the bank, exchange rates, etc.);

Open various bank accounts;

Manage the movement of funds on accounts, including card accounts;

Receive information about the state of your account in the form of relevant statements;

Make payments on bills, including for goods and services, including utilities;

Receive electronic copies of settlement documents;

Order a checkbook;

Carry out conversion operations;

Conduct transactions with investment portfolio which is under the control of the bank;

Realize credit operations(overdraft loan);

Exchange electronic text messages and financial information with the bank;

Receive consulting and information services; and others. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that within the framework of the system

"Bank-Client" refers to a highly standardized set of transactions, since they are carried out with little or no involvement of bank personnel.

When servicing clients, banks adhere to the established rules for conducting non-cash settlements (payments) and settlement and cash services. The relevant rights and obligations of the parties are stipulated in the bank account agreement (or in additions to it).

The Bank-Client system is a software and hardware complex that allows you to organize interaction in a secure off-line mode between a client and a bank from an office (at home) using paperless technology, provide remote customer service for any type of settlement transactions and implement a full-fledged electronic document flow. It includes banking and client subsystems integrated with protection and communications subsystems.

The system usually includes:

Document exchange server - a mail server that is compatible with various types of protocols in terms of service and addressing formats to provide access via dial-up telephone channels;

AWP of the bank for receiving documents from the client, interacting with the banking system and notifying the client about the results of processing his documents;

Client workstation for creating documents, sending them to the bank, receiving processing results and account statements. It can be used by legal entities and individuals, as well as banks to work with correspondent banks, inter-branch exchange, communication legal entities with trading partners, etc.

The Bank-Client system works with the following types of documents: financial (payment order, collection order, application for the sale of currency, application for the purchase of currency, application for transfer, application for a letter of credit, application for reversal of payment, announcement

for cash withdrawals, etc.); informational (request to search for a payment, extract, transaction passport, certificate of currency transactions, and etc.); mail (text messages generated by the client (bank) for sending to the subscriber of the "Bank-Client" system or the subscriber of the mail server); free format documents, which are text messages signed and encrypted by the senders (bank or client) and developed taking into account the wishes of banks.

The payment order is generated electronically once by the client, and not by the bank teller. This simplifies the daily work of an accountant, speeds up payments and reduces the likelihood of errors in payment details. Upon receipt by the bank, electronic signatures are checked on each document received from the client. The client's settlement documents are stored in the archive of the banking part of the system along with electronic signatures, which excludes their distortion in the bank. Built-in encryption tools ensure the transfer of information between the bank and the client in encrypted form.

The "Bank-Client" system has a multi-level protection system and ensures the reliability, safety and confidentiality of the transmitted information.

Internet banking, in fact, was a further development of the "Bank-Client" systems and has a number of advantages over them. However, some of these advantages can be considered as its disadvantages. For example, the use of an open network allows you to unlimitedly expand the circle of potential customers, but at the same time it is much more dangerous than the direct connection between the bank's computers and its client. At the same time, an indisputable advantage is that the user is not "tied" to a specific computer on which special software is installed (the client's workstation is an integral part of the classic version of the "Bank-Client" systems), but can use any computer that has access to Internet.

A particularly wide range of services via the Internet is offered to their customers by "virtual" US banks.

In the case of RBS clients using a phone and special programs, the computer is able to independently answer the client's questions. This type of banking service is used by the Telebank system.

It gives the client the opportunity to receive various reference information in voice and facsimile form, as well as to carry out some active operations on their accounts, namely:

Receive in speech information about the balances on the accounts for any transaction day;

Make a facsimile copy of the account statement for any business day, for any period, including for the entire period of service at the bank;

Receive information in speech form on the amounts of receipts in favor of the client for any operational day;

Manage the movement of funds on the account. Each payment that the client can order to be made is assigned a code, the system stores such payments in the form of “dummy” payment orders with fixed details and empty fields to be filled in by the client. When making a payment, the system asks the client for a payment code and offers to fill in empty fields;

Revoke the payment order sent to the bank before it enters the settlement network of the Bank of Russia (at the request of the client, the system generates a document canceling the previous order);

Make planned (mandatory) payments;

Order cash in any currency in order to receive it at the cash desk or exchange office of the bank;

Submit an application to the bank for a technical overdraft in case of insufficient funds on the account to make a responsible payment;

Give an order to transfer a facsimile copy of the payment order sent through Telebank or in a standard way to your correspondent. When using this mode, the client has the opportunity to receive the goods (services) paid for by him, being at the supplier's office.

"Telebank" can give the client the opportunity to use the convenient "voice mail" and "fax mail" subsystems for sending or receiving emergency messages, reference information or documents that are not listed among the standard services of the system (legal acts, accounting instructions and so on.).

15.2.3. Main development trends (features) of RBS in Russia

A number of Internet banking systems operate in Russia: Ellips Bank uses the Telebank-NN system to support Internet banking services; the system implemented in "Guta-bank" includes the "Telebank" and "Client-Bank Online" systems; "Internet-Service-Bank" ("Avtobank") allows you to serve private clients and legal entities via the Internet, minimize visits to the bank by customers and reduce the cost of servicing them.

To serve private clients, the Internet-Service-Bank (Avtobank) system uses the Home Bank subsystem, which allows the client to buy and sell foreign currency, pay for utilities, make intrabank and interbank transfers, pay bills of providers and mobile operators.

zi, open deposits, get access to information about payments made and account statements, replenish card accounts. Work with organizations is supported by the "Electronic Client" subsystem, which allows you to prepare and transfer payment documents to the bank via an electronic communication line and make ruble and foreign currency payments, requests for the purchase / sale of currency (for a foreign currency account), receive notifications from the bank about the passage of documents, statements on closed days, generate and send requests to the bank to receive statements on a non-closed day, maintain an archive of payment documents submitted to the bank, place advertisements and make announcements, monitor the current state of their accounts.

The system implemented in "Guta-bank" includes the "Telebank" and "Client-Bank Online" systems. The Telebank system is designed to connect private clients with the bank and is used to buy and sell foreign currency, pay utility bills, long-distance and international calls, cellular and paging communications, Internet access, replenish plastic cards from accounts in the Telebank system, etc. Service is carried out by phone, via the Internet or WAP-phone. The payment process takes from one day (in Moscow) to 2-4 days (foreign countries). The Telebank system is best suited for prepayment for goods and regularly provided services (billing), since it does not provide for the possibility of instant payments.

To organize e-commerce through the Telebank system, a legal entity registered in accordance with the procedure established by law and a bank account are required. It is enough for the seller to publish a description of the goods or services, their bank details, instructions for non-cash payment and a link to the settlement server of the Telebank system. The buyer, who has an account in the system, can use this information and independently make a payment. The buyer places an order in the electronic store, after which the store issues an invoice to him. In turn, he must fill out a form indicating the details of the store on the settlement server (where the store's invoice comes from). Based on the received data, the authorization process takes place. The money is credited by the bank to the account of the store, after which the process of delivery of goods is carried out. The maximum speed of transactions is achieved if the store is a member of the Telebank system.

The Client-Bank Online system provides access to accounts opened with Guta-Bank, obtaining information on account balances, making payments, etc.

To support Internet banking services, Ellips-Bank uses the Telebank-NN system, which performs any banking operations around the world. With its help, the following operations are carried out:

tions: preparation and transfer of client's payment orders to the bank, transfer of account information to the client, attachments to statements, payment of utilities, mobile phone, making any payments, replenishment of plastic cards from accounts in the Telebank-NN system.

Bin-Bank uses a system that allows customers to: conclude transactions on electronic trading platforms (electronic stores, stock exchanges); monitor the status of transactions; draw up payment documents and conduct banking operations via the Internet on ruble and foreign currency accounts; buy and sell currencies and securities via the Internet in real time; receive account statements; pay for transactions carried out in electronic trading systems via the Internet; to form a package of documents for credit and factoring operations; collect and analyze data on financial condition enterprises; issue and revoke user digital certificates; deliver payment orders to the automated banking system for further processing; import and export payment documents from internal client systems; provide users with access to information about transactions conducted by the bank with customer accounts; notify users when conducting banking and system operations; create trade representations (electronic stores) and place them on the e-commerce server; participate in electronic tenders; conduct exchange transactions; integrate with e-commerce systems.

Payment systems in Russia face a number of difficulties associated with a low standard of living, a small percentage of banking system customers, imperfect legislation, etc. However, analysts predict an increase in the use of such systems and the involvement of more online stores and users in them.

Dear Customer!
In connection with the modernization of the section, information on the Remote Banking Service of Rosselkhozbank JSC is posted on the new online page of the website:

Dear Clients!

We would like to remind you that the "Internet Client" subsystem of the RBS CA system has a mechanism for automatically updating information on accounts throughout the day as payment transactions are made.

Information on executed payments and credited receipts of funds is available immediately after the transaction, with a delay of no more than 10 minutes (the maximum time spent on transferring information to your "Internet client").

To use this functionality in your work, we recommend that you read the brief instructions for viewing balances and statements for the current day

Dear Clients!

In accordance with paragraph 138 of the joint order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia and the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 28, 2015 No. 589/944 / pr, credit organizations through which payments for housing and utilities are made in favor of organizations registered in the register of suppliers are required to place in the GIS housing and communal services list required details, identifying the payment, among which one of the unique identifiers must be present (see recommendations for filling out payment orders when paying for residential premises and utilities, the Housing and Utilities Leaflet).

Dear Clients!

In connection with the entry into force on 28.03.16. changes to the Order of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation dated November 12, 2013 N 107n, it is necessary to be guided by this Memo on the execution of orders for the transfer of funds to the budget system of the Russian Federation when issuing orders for the transfer of funds for payment to the budget system of the Russian Federation.

Dear Clients!

We would like to inform you that as of October 30, 2015, changes have been made to the Terms of Remote Banking Services for Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank JSC using the Bank-Client/Internet-Client system (hereinafter referred to as the Terms), providing for:

    the possibility of providing access to the remote banking system "Bank-Client" / "Internet-Client" (hereinafter referred to as the RB System) to an individual authorized by the Client to monitor / control the movement of funds on the account using an accepting signature;

    changing the procedure for terminating the RBS Agreement at the initiative of the Bank/Client;

    addition of a standard application form for re-issuance of a temporary certificate of the electronic signature verification key due to its expiration (Appendix 20 to the Terms);

    the procedure for changing the certificate of the electronic signature verification key in cases of changing the name of the Client / Bank in connection with changes made to federal laws / other regulatory legal acts;

    expansion of the list of system software on the Client's side that is allowed for using the RB system.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the updated documents:

Connection to the "Bank-Client" / "Internet-Client" system

To connect to the RBS system "Bank-Client" / "Internet-Client", you must:

  • apply to the Bank's subdivision, receive a package of documents (or download documents from the Bank's website) and fill out the application forms in two copies in accordance with the terms of the service;
  • submit the completed application forms to the Bank's subdivision.

The Bank is currently transitioning to a new, improved version of RBS.


  • Performing banking operations without visiting the Bank's office.
  • Obtaining up-to-date information about the state of the account.
  • Possibility to choose the "Bank-Client" or "Internet-Client" system.
  • Round-the-clock information and technical support of the Client.


  • A wide range of documents 1 available for sending to the Bank in electronic form.
  • Import and export of documents "1C-Accounting".
  • Connection to the RBS system of accounts opened in different regional branches of the Bank.
  • Control of payments of subsidiaries.
  • Work of several organizations in one workstation.
  • Granting special access rights to the system 2 .


  • Secure file exchange with the Bank.
  • Information security tools (eToken) are used, the reliability of which is confirmed by external regulators and best practices.
  • Ability to use a fixed IP address.


Remote banking service (RBS)- a general term for technologies for providing banking services based on orders transmitted by the client remotely (that is, without his visit to the bank), most often using computer and telephone networks. To describe RBS technologies, various terms, which in some cases intersect in meaning, are used: Client-Bank, Bank-Client, Internet Bank, RBS System, Electronic bank, Internet banking, on-line banking, remote banking, direct banking, home banking, internet banking, PC banking, phone banking, mobile-banking, WAP-banking, SMS-banking, GSM-banking, TV-banking.

Types of remote banking services (RBS)

RBS technologies can be classified by types information systems(software and hardware) used for banking operations:

1. Client-Bank systems (PC-banking, remote banking, direct banking, home banking)

Systems accessed through a personal computer. At the same time, the Bank provides the client with technical and methodological support during the installation of the system, initial training of the client's personnel, software updates and support of the client in the process of further work. Client-Bank systems provide full-fledged settlement and depository services and maintenance of ruble and foreign currency accounts from a remote workplace. Client-Bank systems allow you to create and send payment documents of any type to the bank, as well as receive account statements from the bank (information about movements on the account). For security purposes, the Client-Bank systems use various encryption systems. The use of "Client-Bank" systems for servicing legal entities is still one of the most popular RBS technologies in Russia. Client-Bank systems are fundamentally divided into 2 types (thick client and thin client):

1.1 Bank-Client (thick client)

Classic type Bank-Client systems. A separate client program is installed on the user's workstation. The client program stores all its data on the computer, as a rule, these are payment documents and account statements. The client program can connect to the bank via various communication channels. The most common way to connect to the bank is to use a Dial-UP connection via a modem or a direct connection to the Internet.

1.2 Internet Client (thin client) (On-line banking, Internet banking, WEB-banking)

The user logs in through an Internet browser. The Internet-Client system is placed on the bank's website. All user data (payment documents and account statements) are stored on the bank's website. Using the Internet Client technology, systems for mobile devices are also built - PDA, smartphones (Mobile banking (mobile-banking). Based on the Internet Client, information services with a limited set of functions (On-Line Statement) can be provided.

2. Phone-Bank systems (Telephone banking (phone-banking), telebanking, Phone-Client, SMS-banking)

As a rule, Phone-Bank systems have a limited set of functions compared to Client-Bank systems:

  • information about account balances;
  • information on the amount of receipts in favor of the client;
  • entering applications for the provision of a facsimile copy of the account statement;
  • entering applications for making payments, ordering cash;
  • entering applications for the transfer of a facsimile copy of a payment order;
  • entering an application for the execution of an instruction prepared according to the template for the transfer of funds;

The transfer of information from the client to the bank can be done in various ways, depending on the implementation of the system:

  • Communication of the client with the operator of telephone service (Call Center).
  • Using a push-button telephone (Touch Tone Telephone) and a voice menu (computerized telephone communications (IVR (Interactive Voice Response) technologies), Speech to Text, Text to Speech).
  • Through transmission SMS messages(SMS banking)

3. Service using ATMs (ATM-banking) and self-service banking devices

RBS technologies using self-service banking devices are among the most popular in the world and in Russia. There are several types of RBS according to the type of devices used:

  • RBS using ATMs (ATM-banking) - based on software installed on bank ATMs. See also Bank card
  • RBS using payment terminals;
  • RBS using information kiosks.

financial regulation

RBS services are regulated by the following provisions of the Central Bank of Russia:

  • Regulation No. 205-P dated 05.12.2002 “On the rules for maintaining accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation"
  • Regulation of 03.10. 2002 No. 2-P “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation”.
  • Regulations of 09.10.2002 No. 199-P “On the procedure for maintaining cash transactions in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation” (clause 2.8 “Organization of work with cash when using ATMs, electronic cashiers, automatic safes and other software and hardware systems”);
  • Regulations No. 36-P dated June 23, 1998 “On Interregional Electronic Settlements Through the Settlement Network of the Bank of Russia”;
  • Regulations of March 12, 1998 No. 20-P “On the rules for the exchange electronic documents between the Bank of Russia, credit institutions (branches) and other clients of the Bank of Russia when making settlements through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia”.
  • Temporary Regulation No. 17-P dated February 10, 1998 “On the Procedure for Accepting for Execution Orders of Account Holders Signed with Analogues of a Handwritten Signature when Conducting Cashless Payments by Credit Institutions”

In addition, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • federal law dated January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On electronic digital signature»;
  • Standard of the Bank of Russia STO BR IBBS-1.0-2006 "Ensuring information security of organizations of the banking system of the Russian Federation;
  • Bank of Russia Letter No. 16-T dated April 3, 2004 “On Recommendations on the Information Content and Organization of Websites credit institutions on the Internet"
  • Bank of Russia Letter No. 197-T dated 07.12.2007 “On Risks in Remote Banking Services”
  • Letters of the Bank of Russia No. 36-T dated 31.03.2008 “On recommendations for organizing the management of risks that arise when credit institutions carry out operations using Internet banking systems”
  • Letters of the Bank of Russia No. 11-T dated January 30, 2009 “On recommendations for credit institutions on additional information security measures when using Internet banking systems”

RBS services are regulated by the following provisions of the National Bank of Ukraine:

  • Instruction No. 22 of January 21, 2004 on non-cash payments in Ukraine in the national currency, Chapter 11.


1.Theoretical and organizational aspects of remote banking

1.1The concept of remote banking customer service

1.2 Features of the organization of remote banking services in Russian banks: Comparative characteristics

1.3Development of the remote banking market in foreign countries

2. Features of the organization of remote banking services in JSCB "MBRD" (OJSC): advantages and disadvantages

2.1general characteristics activities of JSCB MBRD (OJSC)

2.2Characteristics of services within the framework of remote banking customer service in JSCB "MBRD" (OJSC)

3. Ways to improve the organization of remote banking customer service in Russia

3.1Main problems and directions of development of electronic banking services in the Russian market

3.2Measures to improve the system of remote banking services in Russian commercial banks




In the face of fierce competition and global financial crisis, a huge number of banks are paying attention to the need to increase the quality of customer service while reducing costs. It is known that the growth of performance efficiency while increasing customer satisfaction with the quality of banking services are the main factors for the success of the modern banking system.

One of the most promising areas for the development of the banking sector in modern conditions is the development of such a field of activity as remote banking. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the provision of such services allows creating a completely new level of service for large corporate clients. Secondly, high-quality remote service is increasingly understood as a competitive advantage in the provision of services to individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses. Thirdly, the rapid growth of the retail sector requires the creation of accessible and effective mechanisms for interaction between the bank and retail clients. For the client, this means maximum convenience and no time and financial costs at all stages of working with the bank: while obtaining information about services and products, filling out the necessary questionnaires and forms, receiving a banking product, as well as its use and control over it. For the bank - growth of indicators of its work efficiency, reduction of costs and a chance to significantly increase the client base without losing the quality of service. It is also worth noting that almost all banks without exception have a remote banking system for legal entities.

The purpose of this work is to study remote banking services as one of the most promising ways for the development of the banking sector, as well as to study the level of development of this type of service using the example of JSCB MBRD (OJSC) in order to develop proposals for its improvement.

In accordance with the goal, this work is aimed at solving the following problems:

-to study the distinctive features of the organization of remote banking both in Russia and abroad;

-understand the importance of remote banking services in the activities of JSCB "MBRD" (OJSC);

-to study the effectiveness of the bank's activities in remote banking customer service;

-determine further ways of development, formation of an appropriate strategy to improve remote banking systems.

In the course of the work, materials of internal regulations of JSCB MBRD (OJSC), information posted on the website of JSCB MBRD (OJSC), annual reports and materials were used General Assembly shareholders, as well as legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

1. Theoretical and organizational aspects of remote banking

1.1 The concept of remote banking customer service

Remote banking service (RBS) is a set of services for remote access to various banking operations that banks offer to their customers (both legal entities and individuals).

Using RBS services, customers can, for example, access their bank accounts remotely or make payments and transfers using various technical means, communication channels and using specialized software products. This form of interaction with the bank allows customers to receive up-to-date information from the bank or give the bank their commands at the right time without visiting the bank.

The term RBS is one for different technologies for providing banking services based on customer orders, which are transmitted by customers without their visit to the bank (remotely).

Remote banking services are understood as various electronic services that allow serving customers using all access channels: the Internet (on-line and off-line access), telephone (regular or mobile), PDA, payment terminals and others.

Remote banking is also called electronic banking. To describe RBS technologies, various, sometimes overlapping terms are used, for example, Internet banking, home banking, telebanking, WAP banking, PC banking, mobile banking, SMS banking, and others.

Remote banking service (RBS) is the provision of banking services through the use of electronic delivery channels.

An electronic channel for the delivery of remote banking services is a found technological solution based on modern means of communication, such as the Internet, mobile, fixed-line communications, various network connections, etc.

Regarding this, RBS can mean several predefined remote banking services provided to the client using different electronic delivery channels and concentrated in one single system for each of the channels. At the same time, each individual channel can duplicate and complement the others.

RBS can be grouped according to various criteria:2

1.Banking service delivery channel.

The systematization of RBS along the channel for the provision of remote services is due to the technological and functional properties of each of the channels. Through the service delivery channel, you can focus on the provision of RBS services:

through the Internet;

by telephone;

when using special self-service devices.

The use of remote banking services via the Internet is one of the most promising and rapidly developing areas. The rapid development of information technology has led to the fact that the Internet has begun to be used not only as a means for placing general information about banks and their products, but also as a network through which banks can provide customers with the opportunity to fulfill a huge range of information requests and active operations(payments, transfers, etc.).

Telephone communication has historically been the first to be used and has been the most common channel for providing banking services. Before the emergence of modern technologies and means of communication for a large number of customers, the easiest and most convenient way to get the necessary information or advice was a phone call to the bank. With the advent and very rapid spread of computers and mobile communication devices, tele-banking by telephone has taken on various other forms.

One of the RBS channels is self-service mechanisms: payment terminals, information kiosks, ATMs, etc. The development of this type of remote banking services requires, first of all, initial stage significant investments in the development of the bank's infrastructure, the purchase of appropriate equipment, the formation of maintenance and collection of these devices. However, these devices are becoming more and more popular among the population, and their number and the list of possible operations provided to customers is growing all the time.

2.Type of information system used for banking operations.

When applying this criterion to systematize RBS, we mean the division of remote services according to the type of software and hardware used to implement remote banking operations.

The systematization of RBS according to this criterion is the most common, while the following forms of remote banking services are distinguished.

PC banking

This type of remote service uses a personal computer (PC) for this.

· Internet banking

This type of RBS is becoming more and more popular due to the development of the Internet, and it was created using the thin client technology. The client logs in through an Internet browser. The remote service management system is located on the bank's web server. All user data (payment documents, account statements, etc.) are available on the bank's website. At the same time, the site itself must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia. This includes information such as:

-the full company name of the credit institution in Russian, included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

-registration number assigned by the Bank of Russia and entered in the Book state registration credit organizations;

-abbreviated company name in Russian;

-full company name and (or) abbreviated company name in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) foreign languages ​​(if such a name exists, it is indicated in accordance with the charter of the credit institution);

-main state registration number of the credit institution; date of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the state registration of a credit institution, etc.

To designate this type of remote service, the names Internet Client, thin client, on-line banking, WEB-banking and others are also used.

· Mobile banking

A form of remote banking service, created under this name in the same way as Internet banking, on the “thin” client technology, but in this case, mobile devices (for example, mobile phones, PDAs, smartphones) are used for remote banking.

· Phone banking

Telephone banking technologies are based on the sound method of information transmission in the following ways:

· using telephone service providers,

· using automatic systems using a push-button telephone and computerized telephone communication,

· by sending SMS messages.

Usually, telephone banking systems have a limited set of functions when compared with other remote banking systems.

This type of RBS has names such as phone-banking, telebanking, Phone-Bank, Phone-Client, SMS-banking.

· Service when using banking devices

Remote service technologies using self-service banking devices turned out to be one of the most popular. There are several types of RBS according to the type of devices used:

· RBS using ATMs (ATM-banking) - based on software installed on bank ATMs,

· RBS using payment terminals,

· RBS using information kiosks.

3.Entities using the services.

Remote banking services are used by both legal entities and individuals.

Due to the fact that the banking services that legal entities need differ from those that individuals need, remote banking also differs depending on these categories of customers.

The expediency of providing remote services for a particular category of customers is established by the bank, some banks provide the opportunity to work remotely with the bank only to legal entities, others - only to individuals. Nevertheless, recently many banks (especially the largest ones) are actively using all types of RBS, including for different categories of clients.

As a rule, remote services for legal and individuals implemented by different software and hardware and differ from each other primarily in terms of functionality, as well as terms of provision, interface, etc.

4.The type of information provided or possible operations when using the services.

There are different requirements for remote banking functionality. As a result of the fulfillment of these requirements, the list of possible transactions provided to clients within the framework of a specific remote service, as well as the information received by the client from the bank, are completely different. Thanks to this, it is possible to distinguish RB services by the type of information provided or possible operations when using the services.

One of the very first and simple remote banking services was the provision of advice by bank employees to customers by phone. At the same time, the client was usually given only general information about the banking products of interest to him, the work schedule of the bank's departments, the features of receiving services, etc.

The development of information technology has allowed customers to receive information of a much larger volume and variety on the corporate Internet sites of banks, using automatic telephone services, banking self-service devices, etc.

The next stage in the development of remote banking services was the ability of the client to receive information prepared only for him: the provision of information on account balances and account statements, the client's current debt, etc. To obtain such information, the client is given the opportunity to send appropriate requests to the bank using the necessary software and hardware, which are called passive requests.

At the same time, the provision of personal information requires the creation of client authentication procedures (most often by password, username, passphrase, etc.) in order to comply with the law on bank secrecy and non-disclosure to third parties of its constituent information.

The highest level of remote banking services in terms of possible operations when using remote services is providing the client with the opportunity to conduct active operations through remote banking channels, for example, transferring funds from their accounts, making payments, replenishing deposits, repaying loans, etc.

In order to implement each of the above types of RBS, along with various software and hardware tools and technologies, additional tools are required to reduce various risks during remote interaction between the client and the bank. And the wider the range of operations that the bank provides to the client during remote service, the higher these risks are for both the client and the bank.

5.The degree of universality or complexity of the operations provided.

Another criterion for systematizing remote banking services is the complexity of the services provided (universality). Based on this, we can distinguish:

· the simplest service

· extended service

· complex (universal) remote banking service.

The simplest remote service is a limited set of options for the client, for example, viewing information only about the balance of funds on the account and minimal reference information (for example, about exchange rates and bank deposit rates).

An example for an extended service should be such a remote service, in which the client has the opportunity not only to receive up-to-date information from the bank, but also to monitor all banking operations on their accounts for any period of time and make non-cash payments.

A comprehensive (universal) remote banking service gives the client the opportunity to remotely access all banking services that the client could receive during a personal visit to the bank's office (with the exception of cash transactions).

Thanks to this, customers to whom the bank provides a comprehensive RBS service have the opportunity to use any of the supported access channels to implement their operations.

If the bank provides its customers with the most extended service (at best, complex), this allows the bank to gain additional competitive advantages.

6.Terms of services provided.

Depending on the terms of provision, remote banking services are divided into paid and free. This does not mean at all that any particular type of service is completely paid or free. When deciding on the provision of a remote service to customers, the bank determines the tariffs for the use of this service. Usually, the client's costs for using the service can be either one-time (for connecting to the service, for each specific operation, etc.) or periodic (for example, in the form of a subscription fee for the period of using the service).

Very often, the bank decides not to impose a fee for any remote service. For a number of reasons, some operations as part of settlement, credit and deposit transactions can be performed free of charge. Often, banking services are distinguished that bring and do not bring bank income, expensive and cheap services. Thus, most active operations allow the bank to receive income, while its passive operations involve the payment of interest on certain types. Separate banking services require a lot of labor, as a result of which their price is more expensive.

Consequently, the bank itself determines whether remote customer service is a service, or an additional service to an existing product, as well as whether the service is paid or free for this category of customers, as well as the amount of payment, taking into account its tariff policy and market strategy.

Remote banking service is a profitable and convenient form of interaction for both the bank and its client. It is thanks to their main advantages that RBS channels have been embodied in modern life and are constantly evolving.

The main advantages of remote banking services for the client:

· convenience - the client can always use the services from anywhere in the world;

· efficiency - payment for services using remote service systems occurs at a high speed, in some cases instantly;

· availability - the cost of using remote services is low, often banks offer their RBS services for free;

· profitability - often banks provide the client with the opportunity to perform remote banking operations at more favorable rates than if the client is served in the office;

· diversity - many banks support and develop different channels of remote service (for example, the Internet, mobile or landline phone);

The use of remote banking services provides the client with convenience and time savings, since there is no need to go to the bank office, spend time on the road and queues to complete transactions. The client will be able to receive the necessary set of banking services in a format and place convenient for him, without additional financial and time costs. Basically, customers will use RBS services when the usual payment channels no longer satisfy them.

The main advantages of remote banking for the bank:3

1.Economic benefits due to reduced customer service costs - the cost of providing services to a customer at bank branches and points of sale is much higher than with remote interaction. Of course, the bank incurs considerable expenses to implement RBS systems, but they always pay off after a certain period of time, and the more clients the bank connects to remote services, the faster the payback period ends.

.Remote service, which can also include customer service using terminals and self-service devices, is much more efficient when compared with traditional service at a bank office, because. no bank is able to serve tens of thousands of customers in its offices. As a result of reducing the time for interaction with the client is reduced, and most importantly, that the service throughput increases. And the more actively the bank works with private clients, the greater the effect of remote service.

.The introduction of remote service will help solve the problems of developing points of presence and ensure that the bank's services are available to the client at any convenient place and at any convenient time.

.Opportunities arise to attract customers regardless of their geographic location, the bank gets access to new customer segments that the bank could not serve before the introduction of remote services.

.Increasing the speed and improving the quality of customer service.

.The accuracy of banking operations is increased, the number of various errors is reduced, and the operational risks of the bank are reduced.

.The bank has the opportunity to solve important additional tasks, for example, provide the client with up-to-date information about new banking products or inform the client about necessary actions(timely repayment of the delay, expiration of the deposit period, etc.)

.The level of competitiveness of the bank is increasing due to the possibility of creating fundamentally new banking products and rapid scaling and integration of banking services with other financial services using remote access to cash accounts;

Therefore, if you correctly implement and develop remote services, the bank will increase the efficiency of its activities and expand its business by selling banking products and attracting new customers.

Despite numerous advantages, the use of online banking also has a number of disadvantages.

The general drawback of RBS is due precisely to the peculiarities of such a service, that is, the fact that banking operations are carried out by the client remotely without direct communication with the bank's specialists. It is precisely because of this that problems arise in the correct identification of the client when he performs banking operations remotely.

Moreover, this problem exists both for credit institutions and for customers. For the bank, it is especially important to guarantee that remote operations are performed by the person to whom the bank has granted the right to do so. The client must be sure that no one except him (through malicious intent or mistake) will be able to use his bank accounts.

If, while using one of the various remote banking services, unauthorized actions are possible on someone's part, then such a service will not be in demand, even despite all its many advantages.

In the early stages of the emergence and spread of RBS services, insufficient attention was paid to possible problems and shortcomings associated with their use, the rapid development of remote services is primarily due to the benefits that they can provide to banks and their customers. But, nevertheless, the emerging cases of fraudulent activities, technical failures and other incidents have forced all entities involved in the implementation and operation of remote banking services (credit institutions, customers, system developers) to take the security of remote services more seriously.

For example, the Bank of Russia suggests that credit institutions include in agreements concluded with Internet providers and developers of RBS systems the obligations of the parties to take measures aimed at quickly restoring the operation of the resource in the event of emergency situations, as well as liability for untimely fulfillment of such obligations.

It should also be noted that when using remote banking services, the dependence of customers on those software, hardware and communication tools becomes much greater than with traditional customer service at the bank office. Nevertheless, the above can be rather equated with the features of RBS services than with their shortcomings.

Any type of RBS, together with the advantages that distinguish one remote service from another, also has disadvantages associated with the features of a specific software and hardware implementation of a particular RBS channel and its operation.

The shortcomings that occur when using one or another type of remote banking service can be eliminated to one degree or another by various organizational and technical methods.

1.2 Features of the organization of remote banking services in Russian banks: comparative characteristics

Banks operating in the territory of the Russian Federation provide RBS services to two large groups of clients - individuals and legal entities - without division into any subgroups.

From the point of view of the methods of providing RBS services by Russian banks, the following main ones can be distinguished in order of greatest demand:

· classic "client-bank";

· Internet banking - provision of remote banking services based on banking

Internet payment systems;

· telephone banking - provision of remote banking services based on the banking system of voice messages;

· mobile banking - provision of RBS information services based on WAP, PDA and SMS technologies.

The first place among the services of the RBS system provided by the bank is occupied by the “client-bank”. This is due to the familiar interface of the service, compliance with security standards, independence in terms of operating time and the ability to maintain its own database. Then comes the “Internet client”, as long as Internet technologies improve dynamically, both the quality and the form of Internet banking will grow at the same exponential rate. There is no doubt that the Internet is an ideal transport medium for information transfer.

Quite often, “client-bank” and “ Internet client» are used at the same time to provide basic algorithms for the acceptance of documents by bank customers.

Telephone banking performs informational functions and, as a rule, is part of the bank's front office. This service accounts for most of the workload of remote informing customers. Of course, "thin" solutions for transmitting information via the Internet provide data that is more favorable for processing and perception, but in Russia the Internet is not yet widespread. Large and medium-sized banks operating in the regions are very actively using telephone banking. These banks include: Alfa-Bank, Absolut Bank, Sberbank, MBRD, VTB 24, etc.

Mobile communication is the next step for the provision of remote banking services and is just beginning to develop in our country. Many credit organizations in Russia can already provide such services or announce these services. All over the world, this type of e-banking is so popular that there are banks that have completely abandoned other services in favor of mobile solutions. It is worth noting that in our country mobile banking is aimed mainly at individual bank customers.

In order to be able to take and maintain a leading position in the market in the future, the bank must constantly improve the quality of work and the range of its services. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the importance of electronic banking and RBS in general.

Among the main parameters affecting the effectiveness of the use of remote banking systems, one can single out the following:


fault tolerance;

informativeness of the system;

ease of use;


friendliness of the interface;

system scalability;

system functionality.

All these parameters are interconnected, it is necessary to disassemble them in a complex.

Performance, fault tolerance and scalability are the criteria for building a 24/7 front-end solution for a multi-branch bank.

Ease of use, user-friendliness of the interface, informativeness - these parameters are critical for serving individuals, but in general they are responsible for the popularity of the service among bank customers. These parameters are especially relevant for new remote banking services that are just entering the market.

Extensive functionality RBS system allows you to offer unique services to bank customers, create new services and even new systems. Private-banking systems, company budget control, various solutions, such as salary or credit projects, are, in fact, parallel ways of developing standard remote banking system solutions.

Security issues should be given special attention. Given that RB systems allow direct access to accounts and conduct financial transactions, any industrial RB system must fully comply with the security requirements for servicing certain document flows, and also be able to make adjustments to the system in case of changes in security requirements.

The customer segmentation that is essential for a multi-branch structure deserves special mention.

For the full and normal development of RBS, a bank must differentiate its services for various groups and segments of customers in order to increase the efficiency of service.

To date, the approach of banks to the issue of customer segmentation in most cases is limited to two options: 1) the bank does not have any targeted methodology for customer segmentation; 2) the bank conditionally divides all its bank clients into two categories - VIP clients and all other bank clients.

In addition, banking customers are segmented based on the volume of transactions carried out, based on the qualitative characteristics of transactions (singling out customers with a small number of rather large payments, as well as customers making a large number of medium and small payments in amount). Clients can, are also subdivided on a territorial basis and professional affiliation.

We should also note the technical differentiation of clients in terms of such parameters as the security of the systems used, the access channels used - which is especially important for our country. For example, state-owned enterprises may have high requirements for the level of data transmission protection, and regional ones often use modem connections to work with a bank.

Thanks to this, in the future, banks that use RBS systems will create a kind of client matrix in which clients will be distributed according to various characteristics. For example, according to one scale, a client can be classified as a VIP or ordinary user, according to another - depending on the quality of possible communication, the equipment used, etc. Of course, such a matrix can also be multidimensional.

The RBS system must comply with the main directions of the bank's business development, the services that the bank intends to offer to its customers. Working with a matrix of customers in a variety of dimensions has a fairly high priority. One of the first steps in this direction is the provision of RBS services in the context of the bank's multi-branch structure.

According to BSS, legal entities are still the most important consumers of RBS services. Retailers are still learning this way of working with banks. Virtually all domestic banks have long established RBS systems that make possible aspects of interaction with customers more convenient. For example, almost 100% of Russian banks already provide remote services to legal entities; there are an order of magnitude fewer banks in Russia that use systems to work with individuals, but this trend is constantly changing towards an increase in the number of systems used. According to the company, 7banks are in great demand for "client - bank" systems. It can be understood that the market potential for systems of this type lies mainly in the promotion of these systems among other client segments and in improving the quality of services provided. Thus, the development of specialized solutions for servicing legal entities, where the “client-bank” system is an integral part, for example, of private banking services, will be expected. The Internet banking segment is actively developing, and Russian bankers are noticing a constant growth in the client base - from 40% per year (in some areas this growth is even higher). This growth will continue in the future.

In the field of development of integration solutions, it should be noted the fact of a sharply increased need for centralized systems that allow connecting distributed branches and bank branches, caused by the trend of connecting financial structures and developing regional networks.

Nevertheless, the main potential for the development of the remote banking system market is credit institutions that are going to introduce and actively develop Internet banking and remote service systems for individuals, as well as mobile solutions for legal entities. It is these systems and solutions that will develop most dynamically in the coming years.

To date, 75.8% of TOP-100 banks use remote banking systems for individuals. In more detail, you can see the level of informatization of Russian banks in Table 1. Among the ways to provide remote banking services to individuals, along with the spread of Internet banking, mobile banking will become increasingly popular. IN Western Europe mobile communications come out on top, overtaking personal computers in popularity for banking transactions.

In the absence of access to high-speed wired Internet for a significant part of the Russian population, the introduction of mobile services is one of the most effective solutions. Today, in the vast majority of cases, a bank that builds a remote banking infrastructure for individuals has planned to use mobile services at one of the infrastructure deployment stages.

According to market experts, the potential for the development of Internet banking is huge. The users of the Russian Internet zone already today have more than 70 million users and, according to surveys, every third Internet user is ready to manage his bank account via the Web. And if the Internet trade market is growing by 30-50% annually, then the number of mobile subscribers has already far exceeded the population of Russia. Can be argued with a high degree the likelihood that mobile services will represent the largest growth in the customer base in the very coming years.

All these indicators create a suitable ground for the development of remote payment services, which is also demonstrated by the data in Table 1.

Table 1. Level of informatization of the largest banks of Russia 2011

Rank 2011Rank 2010BankCityIT budget (million rubles)IT department staff (persons)12SberbankMoscow25 9009 50021VTBMoscow2 50045033Alfa-BankMoscow/dn/d47GazprombankMoscow46255056Bank of MoscowMoscow/dn/d6-Rosselkhoz bank *Moscow/day/d711Unicredit Bank *-n/dn/d85VTB 24Moskvan/d66494NB TrustMoskvan/dn/d109BSGVMoskvan/dn/d11-Russian Standard * (1)Moscow569n/d1212Home Credit and Finance Bank-n/d3501310Raiffeisenbank-n/dn/d1414PetrokommertsMoscow/dn/d1518Absolut BankMoskvan/d2371613AK BarsKazan90n/d1716MDM-Bank *Moscow6594911815UralsibMoscow/dn /d1917OTP BankMoscow411n/d2023Nomos-BankMoscow/dn/d21-Nordea Bank (Orgresbank) Moscow/day/day2225Promsvyazbank *Moscow8683102320MBRRMoscow229n/d24-Ing Bank (Eurasia) *-n/d/d2519RosbankMoscow/dn/d2626Svyaz-BankMoscow4362022729ZenithMoscow/dn/d2821Kit FinanceMoscow/d752924Citibank (2)-7231503028Moscow Industrial BankMoscow145n/a

The main problems in the development of RBS channels in Russia include:

Russian mentality

Non-cash form of payments is unpopular and undeveloped among the population. Clients of Russian banks are accustomed to direct visual contact with tellers, as well as to obtaining documentary evidence of completed transactions.

Clients' distrust of banks, the low level of banking services among the population and the security risk of passing financial information through electronic communication channels

According to the study, the confidence of Russians in our banking system in 2011 is stable at the level of 32%. Today, only 20% of the population choose to keep their savings in banks. Another 16% of citizens still keep their money under the "cushion", and more than 60% of the population have no savings at all. Consequently, of those citizens who have their own savings, approximately 42% prefer to keep money at home.

Distrust needs to be dealt with through promotion and educational programs of banks for current and potential customers

The main reason for the low demand for banking services by the population is that individuals mainly operate in cash. People do not want to bring cash to the bank's cash desk, in order to then turn it into non-cash, and then pay, for example, for cellular communications. This service can be paid directly to the operator. Legal entities are required by law to keep a bank account, while citizens are not. And very strong arguments are needed for them to start using commercial bank accounts. Even forcible "hooking" on bank cards through salary projects gives little, except queues at the ATM on the day the salary is credited. People will definitely not use banking products, including remote ones, until they themselves are interested in this.

Low income level of the population

In absolute terms, salaries in Russia are still low: according to a sample study by Rosstat (without small firms and without freelancers), one in ten earns less than 5,000 rubles, the median salary is about 13,200 rubles (half of the employed earn less, half earn more) , and the average - 18,287 rubles.

4. Low level of financial culture of the population

A lot of banks in practice are faced with the fact that customers are poorly versed in the nuances of offers. This has affected, for example, contributions and proposals for plastic cards.

Technical illiteracy of the population

The average banking client gets confused in everything automatic, mastering any technical device can cause him serious difficulties. Moreover, banks almost always try to improve and complicate their products. For example, multi-step transitions to the IVR menu or a rather complicated interface in Internet banking. To do this, you need to simplify some user applications, otherwise banks will have to wait until they grow up and come to them. advanced users.

Lack of due attention to the promotion of remote services by the bank

One of the main mistakes of bank management in promoting remote channels is that not all banks position these services as a full-fledged product: instead of considering remote banking as a form of interaction with the bank that is convenient for the client, they very often position it as a secondary service. Along with this, there is also a lack of proper attention to the promotion of Internet banking on the part of the banks themselves. Many banks that have long mastered technologies for legal entities are buying technical products for RBS of individuals without understanding how to use them. In some banks, after the product is launched, they do not even print booklets and make no attempt to inform customers about new ways of servicing. One of the main reasons for such failures lies in the fact that the development, formation, promotion of this business, as well as customer support, are completely entrusted to IT specialists, which is wrong. Of course, the technical side of the task should be provided exclusively by highly qualified IT specialists, but customer support should be entrusted to specially trained employees. What matters is not the technology itself, but how the technology is offered to customers.

Legislative restrictions

State bodies are obliged to develop business and judicial practice use of the new legislation (FZ "On the national payment system"). We need amendments to the law “On Personal Data” (cancellation of the right unscrupulous borrowers refuse to transfer PD to third parties, permit the processing of personal data of customers on loan applications received through remote banking channels without the written consent of the potential borrower). For the development of RBS, it is necessary to amend the federal law 115-FZ (permission to open accounts for current bank customers without their personal presence).

Underdevelopment of communication infrastructure in the regions

Electronic channels in remote areas are not at all developed. Offline solutions should be actively used in the regions. To fully implement the ideas of remote banking, good communication channels and infrastructure are needed, which is not yet available to most of Russia.

The unwillingness of payees, primarily public utilities, to accept a large number of non-cash payments, which is very often caused by the lack of necessary agreements with banks with these services.

This is, firstly, due economic reasons, namely, the low level of remuneration of the bank for the services of receiving utility payments in comparison with the operating costs of the bank.

1.3 Development of the remote banking market in foreign countries

bank electronic remote

One of the most important prerequisites for the current level of development of the remote banking market in developed countries became mainly high level general trust of people in the state economic policy, the banking system, as well as solutions provided on the market in the field of remote banking services. The most important reason for the growth of trust is the high level of penetration of technology into everyday life and the education of the population in this area, a stable economy and the desire to reduce temporary and financial costs for the purchase of banking services.

The driving force behind the development of this market segment among banks is competition, which forces commercial banks to work all the time to improve the quality of customer service and introduce new types of services.

Current trends in the development of the remote banking market in European countries are mainly due to the following main processes:

-intensive development of modern information technologies, the use of which allows banks to increase the range of simultaneously provided services, bring them closer to the client, reduce the time spent by clients and bank operating costs;

-the evolutionary development of the financial market, the emergence of its new segments and instruments;

-an increase in customer requirements for the quality of banking services and increased competition among banks in terms of the quality characteristics of the services provided.

These processes take place in different countries ah with varying intensity and set the direction and pace of development of the remote banking market for each country.

The main trends in the development of remote banking services in European countries are:

-application of strategies for multi-channel servicing of individuals;

-outsourcing of remote banking systems;

-consolidation of various banks in unified systems remote banking services;

-increase in available types of services in order to create the most comprehensive customer service.

Omnichannel strategies in many developed countries turn out to be the main strategies for organizing sales of banking services. The content of these strategies is contained in the provision of standard banking services combined with modern multimedia forms of their sale (based on the development of information technology), which, when the established volumes of operations are reached, can reduce the cost of these services.

Outsourcing of remote banking systems is also proving to be quite an important trend in European market. The presence of highly specialized companies allows them to provide remote banking systems and channels for their management, which should lead the bank to a certain reduction in the costs associated with the organization and maintenance of these systems and channels, in addition, this allows you to speed up the process of organizing them in case of working from scratch. Classic examples for Europe of outsourcing in the field of remote services are the transfer of functions of the Call Center to external partners, the creation and maintenance of a network of self-service devices, the introduction of contractual relations with channel providers and service providers, SMS distribution.

The trend of integrating various banks into a single system of remote banking services can be traced within the framework of international banking groups connecting banks in different countries of the world. Despite the remaining differences in the organization of information systems in each of the banks of this group, differences in the legislation of different countries, the general trend towards the unification of requirements and information systems allows you to create remote services in such a way that a client who has accounts in banks in different countries can manage them within one remote service systems. Undoubtedly, work in such systems is limited by many local and international regulations and is associated with certain risks, described, among other things, in the framework of the Basel Committee documents, but, nevertheless, it is becoming more and more popular in the European Union and the United States.

The increasing attention of European banks to the quality of remote banking services and their security is due to the fact that in a well-developed market, the competitive market positions of banks depend on the quality of the services offered.

The most important criteria for the quality of banking services when providing remote banking services are:

-availability of services - the probability of acquiring the necessary set of services with minimal costs and time, at any suitable time and in any convenient place, i.e. availability of the maximum number of channels for the provision of remote banking services, which will allow the client to choose the most convenient way for him at a given time to interact with the bank;

-the state of service factors - the convenience of remote service system interfaces, the appearance of self-service devices, information materials, etc.;

-the level of training of support personnel - the competence and responsibility of bank employees who are responsible for solving conflict and problem situations when using remote service systems, their availability at any time, a creative approach to their work. Almost all employees are required to receive training in the specifics of service provision and communication with customers, regardless of whether these services are individual, mass, or provided only in the form of remote service;

-the behavior of the accompanying personnel - the friendliness, polite attitude of the bank employees, their desire to satisfy the client's needs as best as possible;

-characteristics of the service by the bank - the correctness of the description of the properties of the service, the availability of this description for the perception of the client;

-reliability of service - the provision of remote services by the bank in strict accordance with the declared properties, stably and on time;

-lack of risks - obtaining correct information or qualified advice, compliance of the provided remote service with the requirements of the law, especially in the case of international transactions, etc.

The work carried out by banks since the late 80s to improve the quality of services provided now also applies to remote banking systems. Moreover, foreign banks are forced and are trying to take into account the specifics of the functioning of remote service systems when introducing quality management systems and certification of critical services based on ISO-9000 standards created by the International Organization for Standardization. Banking quality management systems are based on the principle of compliance of the quality of banking services with the requirements and expectations of customers. Within the framework of these systems, quality management methods are developed and structures are established, the activities of units responsible for the quality of remote service are planned, and quality improvement programs are implemented. The assessment of the quality of the services provided is based on the analysis of questionnaires, telephone surveys or personal conversations with customers, as well as indicators of costs (losses) of banks due to poor quality of service and internal quality indicators. Most banks use two main approaches that complement each other to determine the level of customer service quality: firstly, assessing the quality of services provided from the client’s point of view and, secondly, assessing the amount of the bank’s financial losses from quality deterioration. As experience shows, the use of indicators of financial losses of the bank from a decrease in the quality of services in quality management can significantly reduce such losses.

Increasing the number of available types of services in order to create the most comprehensive remote customer service is one of the most important trends used by foreign banks. Increasing the range of services in the European banking market largely due to the development of banking technologies, international competition banks, including competition between national banks and international banking institutions, as well as competition between banks and non-bank financial institutions in national (local) markets.

To date, the share of banks in the European market is less than half of the total volume of services provided, which is quite strongly associated with an increase in the penetration of non-bank credit and financial institutions in traditional banking activities. For example, the largest European financial companies very often specialize in issuing consumer loans and sometimes even provide services at home. Credit unions, for example, provide private individuals with services for raising funds for deposits, issuing loans, making payments, insuring life and property, etc. In turn, commercial banks are trying to expand non-traditional activities, in particular the insurance business (the share of banks in the European private insurance market is about 30 percent).

The stronger the competition, the faster the number of services offered by banks increases, as well as their complexity, and this leads to natural changes in remote service systems. At the same time, the range of remote banking services will be expanded in the following areas:

-modification of existing (already provided) services. Technological and quality parameters of traditional or basic services may be changed in such a way as to ensure their introduction into various remote service systems, which may lead to a general expansion of the list of types of banking services;

-creation of fundamentally new services that differ from existing ones. Their creation and implementation are associated with increased competition between banks and non-bank financial institutions, the formation of new segments of financial markets, as well as the development of information technology and the emergence of new technological opportunities;

-creation of auxiliary remote services (consulting services on the use of remote banking systems, support and assistance services in case of problem situations, working using modern communication methods: chats, forums, e-mail, telephone, etc.).

It is especially worth noting that the level legislative framework in foreign countries, as well as the development of the information infrastructure, the literacy of the population and the culture of using solutions based on information technology, allows foreign banks not only to provide access to the products that already exist for the client, but also to draw up, accept and process client applications for a new product or services. At the same time, a personal visit of the client to the bank is absolutely not necessary, and verification of the reliability and integrity of the information provided, signing an agreement or confirming the client's intention to receive the service can be carried out exclusively with the help of technological means.

Consequently, the current level of development of remote banking services in developed countries provides an opportunity to provide the client with a comprehensive set of banking services, regardless of geographical location branch of the bank where the client is served, or the channel that the client uses to access banking services. With all this, remote banking involves the provision by the bank of a certain set of services, including on more favorable terms than if these services were purchased during a personal visit to the bank. Almost always, a customer must be offered a package of multiple channels for remote service (multi-channel strategy). The cost of the package, if any, should be significantly lower than the one that the client will have to pay when acquiring access to remote services for each of the channels separately.

It can be said that modern banks should work on the basis of the “3C” principle, which means compliance with the main trends in the development of banking services: segmentation, standardization, self-service. At the same time, self-service or the use of remote service systems is gaining more and more weight in this tandem.

Finally, it should be noted that the use foreign experience banking and the introduction into the practice of Russian banks of strategies for multi-channel servicing of individuals, comprehensive services, expanding the range and improving the quality of remote banking services should contribute to the overall development of the banking services market in Russia.

2. Features of the organization of remote banking services in JSCB "MBRD" (OJSC): advantages and disadvantages

.1 General description of the activities of JSCB MBRD (OJSC)

Full name:

Joint Stock Commercial Bank"Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development" (open Joint-Stock Company) - Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Abbreviated name: JSCB "MBRR" (OJSC) - MBRD.

Location (address) of the Bank: 115035, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 75.

Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development" (open joint stock company) was established on January 29, 1993.

Based on 18 years of experience, the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development is intensively developing and strengthening its position as a large Russian universal commercial Bank with modern banking technologies, a diversified client base and the harmonious development of three main business areas: corporate, investment and retail. All these years, the main components of the Bank's activity were the reliability of the mechanism for conducting transactions, confidence in the result when making decisions, strict fulfillment of the obligations assumed, as well as reasonable conservatism and loyalty to corporate values. It was thanks to these principles of work that the authority of the Bank, its financial and intellectual components, on which the success of the Bank itself is based today, grew.

Today JSCB MBRD (OJSC) is a reliable financial institution, economic indicators which testify to stability and significant potential. International rating agency Moody s Investors Service has assigned the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development a B1 long-term rating and a Not-Prime short-term rating for deposits in foreign currency, as well as an E+ Financial Strength rating. The outlook for these ratings is defined as "stable". In December 2010, the international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed the ratings of the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development:

Long-term IDR affirmed at 'B+', Outlook revised from Stable to Positive

Short-term IDR affirmed at 'B'

The IBRD was included in the "List-60" of banks that can guarantee loans from the Bank of Russia. This was a confirmation that the Bank is a reliable financial institution, whose economic indicators show stability and significant potential.

In 2010, the Development Strategy of the Banking Group for the period up to 2014 was developed and approved. The Strategy is based on the diversification of the client base, improving the quality of business, including through the modernization of banking technologies and the optimization of business processes. The banking group is aimed at further development of lending, both for the population and for organizations and enterprises.

The strategy within the retail business involves strengthening cooperation with AFK Sistema enterprises in terms of cross-selling products and services to individuals with access to wider client groups.

It is planned to actively develop consumer lending to individuals. The Bank sees the main opportunities for active growth, first of all, in the area of credit cards And mortgage lending.

Particular attention will be paid to increasing the loyalty of retail customers through the introduction of advanced technological solutions and, above all, the CRM system. This will significantly improve the efficiency of cross-selling products and services to the Bank's customers.

Another promising direction for the development of the retail block of the Bank should be the activation of lending to small businesses. The strategy within the corporate business is to prioritize the development of lending to the medium-large client segment through a client-oriented approach and prompt decision-making, followed by expansion of the client base through the medium corporate segment.

Active development of the Bank, especially in terms of retail business, is impossible without the advanced development of IT infrastructure. It will allow to offer higher quality services to existing and potential customers of the Bank. Due to its scale, the new IT system will become the foundation for further growth of the Bank's business.

As regards the development of the Bank's investment business, the Strategy assumes reaching a competitive level through operations with Sistema's companies at the initial stage. In the future, building a high-quality market expertise system and offering investment services to third-party clients will not only provide additional profit, but also reduce interest costs for the Banking Group.

The sales network development strategy assumes priority in the key, most promising markets. This will allow the Bank to concentrate its efforts to achieve significant indicators both in terms of positioning in the regions and in terms of key performance indicators of the distribution network. In general, the implementation of the Strategy will make it possible to achieve the goals and objectives set for the Bank by its shareholders.

.2 Characteristics of services within the framework of remote banking customer service in JSCB MBRD (OJSC)

JSCB MBRD (OJSC) belongs to the largest banks Russia and currently offers the following types of remote banking systems:

-Client-Bank for legal entities;

-Internet banking for individuals;

Auto payment;

-Mobile banking;

-Payment and reference terminals.


JSCB MBRD (OJSC) is pursuing a very active policy in the remote banking market. The main emphasis will be placed on the remote service system for individuals, since it is it that has a huge impact on the activities of the IBRD, helps to attract a large number of customers and allows the bank every day to reach a higher level of customer service - individuals. This approach is very relevant today, because. the time has come for informatization and transition to a new stage of business development in our country.

Client-Bank for legal entities

Currently, the "RBS BS-Client" System is used. The RBS BS-Client system is a modern and convenient Internet banking system that allows the Bank's clients to carry out full-fledged information and payment and settlement services in the Bank without personal presence using a personal computer and the Internet.

Serving in the Bank through the "RBS BS-Client" system, the client can connect to the Bank's website around the clock via a computer or laptop connected to the Internet, and start working with payment documents from his own office, representative office abroad, etc. At the same time work with the "RBS BS-Client" system will allow the Client to:

· increase the efficiency of work with the bank and reduce the number of errors when filling out documents, as well as the volume of their return - the system will determine the incorrectness of filling it out already when entering a document and prompt the right decision;

· increase the security and confidentiality of document flow with the bank;

· promptly and around the clock make decisions on payment (in fact, the RBS BS-Client system replaces the organization of a trusted accountant who is constantly at the Bank with a cell phone and signed payment order forms);

· at any time promptly see balances and account statements along with copies of all payment documents for crediting and debiting accounts;

· receive reference banking information(list of ongoing banking operations, exchange rates, etc.);

· keep archives of payment documents and statements on the bank's server and access them in a secure mode via the Internet;

· at any time receive an extract with all debit and credit documents in an expanded format, and not wait for the courier to return from the bank;

· save on transport and courier costs;

· optimize the working hours of accounting staff.

Internet banking for individuals

The "Internet banking" system provides remote access to information and transactions on open bank in the name of the client Cards and accounts through any relevant technical requirements computer connected to the Internet. Access to the System is carried out using the secure protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer). To identify and authenticate the Client, the Login and Password entered by the Client when entering the System are used. To confirm the operations performed by the Client in the System, Session Keys are used, which are analogous to the Client's handwritten signature.

Services provided by the Bank using the System:

.Providing information on customer accounts:

-providing a certificate of the balance of funds in the account for a specific date;

-provision of a certificate of operations carried out on the account for a certain period;

-providing information about current debt the Client to the Bank and the amount of the permitted overdraft.

.Provision of information on Bank Cards of Clients:

-provision of a certificate on the current Payment Limit of the Bank Card;

-providing a certificate of the last five authorizations on the Bank card.

.Operations for servicing Bank Cards of Clients:

.Making money transfers from the accounts of the Bank Cards of the Clients issued by the Bank:

-transfer of funds between the Accounts of the Client's Bank Cards issued by the Bank;

-transfer of funds from the Client's Bank Card Accounts issued by the Bank to the Bank Card Accounts of other Clients issued by the Bank;

-transfer of funds from the Client's Bank Card Accounts issued by the Bank to Accounts opened with other banks;

-payments to the Service Providers from the Client's Bank Card Accounts issued by the Bank.

.Setting the System parameters by the Client:

-change by the Client of the password for access to the System;

-binding by the Client of a new set of Session Keys.

.Messaging in the System:

-sending messages by the Client to the Bank in a free format regarding maintenance in the System and provision of banking services;

-sending messages by the Bank to the Client (for example, about refusal to issue a Bank Card, a message about Compromise of keys, about new services provided by the Bank, etc.).

Using the service is simple and safe:

· Internet banking does not require special skills and knowledge. The system has a simple, convenient and intuitive interface. Using the system is as easy as any site.

· Your personal financial information is protected by modern certified software. JSCB MBRD (OJSC) is constantly working to ensure the safety of using the remote service system.

· Internet banking gives you the opportunity to work with the bank at any time in a place convenient for you.

call center

One of the services in demand among IBRD clients is the Call-center or information service. The service was organized in 2005 during the implementation of the MTS.CARD project. The call center provides round-the-clock banking services to MTS Bank cardholders by phone - in automatic mode or through an operator.

· You can receive information at any time, including weekends and holidays.

· The multi-channel telephone number of the system allows you to call the bank without any difficulties.

· The service does not require additional connection and is provided completely free of charge.

· Check the available balance of funds on a bank card;

· To know minimum payment under a loan agreement.

Auto payment

The service is an automatic replenishment of the balance of the personal account of an MTS subscriber from an account bank card Client. The amount of the payment to replenish the personal account of the MTS subscriber is written off for the amount set by the Client, when the balance of the personal account of the MTS subscriber drops to the replenishment threshold. The personal account of an MTS subscriber is identified by a mobile phone number in the federal format. The Service parameter - top-up amount - is individual for each mobile phone number. Service parameters are set by the Client upon connection and can be changed by the Client.

Features of AutoPay

· Operative replenishment of the balance of your phone and people close to you.

· 24/7 payments regardless of your location.

· Connection of the service at any time convenient for you - 24 hours a day.

· Reflection of all payments in your card account statement.

Service parameters

· Connection and making payments within the framework of the service is free of charge.

· You set the replenishment amount yourself when activating the service in the amount of 50 to 10,000 rubles.

· If the balance on the subscriber's personal account drops to 30 rubles or less, it will be replenished automatically from the bank card account.

Mobile banking

The Mobile Banking System (hereinafter referred to as the System) provides Clients with remote access to information and transactions on Bank Cards and Bank Card Accounts of Clients through a mobile phone on the iOS platform (iPhone, iPod, iPad), Android, Symbian (Java based) that meets the technical requirements. ), Windows Mobile that has access to the Internet. To identify and authenticate the Client, the Login and Password entered by the Client when entering the System are used. To confirm the operations performed by the Client in the System, an APIN is used, which is an analogue of the Client's handwritten signature. The System Services are provided with all the Client's Bank Cards issued by the Bank. When the Client issues a new Bank Card of the Bank, it is automatically added to the list of serviced Bank Cards.

The following operations are available to Clients using the System:

.Money transfers:

-from the Client's Bank Card to the Bank Card Account / Client's deposit account / Client's current account opened within loan agreement and used to repay the debt / the Client's Bank Card issued by the Bank, including the implementation of non-cash conversion of funds using Bank Card Accounts;

-to the Bank Card of a third-party Client issued by the Bank;

-transfer of funds using free details (subject to the implementation of the service in the Internet banking system).*

.Payments to Service Providers. The list of Service Providers and the range of services is constantly growing.

.Setting up/deleting payment templates.

.Non-cash conversion of funds with the possibility of preliminary settlement.*

.Receiving/viewing information on request:

-on the available Payment Limit on the Bank Card(s), dividing the amount into own funds Client and borrowed;

-on transactions on the Bank Card Account / on the balance of funds on the Account (s) of the Bank Card (s) / statements on the Bank Card Account for any period;

-mini-statements on the Bank card(s);

-on loans/deposits of the Client (the amount of the balance on the deposit account, the amount of the planned payment on the loan) in the amount realized in the Internet banking system;*

-on exchange rates established by the Bank for non-cash transactions;

-on exchange rates established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;*

-about the Bank, including: number free phone Bank Information Center, addresses of the nearest branches and ATMs of the Bank, news of the Bank, new services and offers of the Bank, etc.).

-about the Bank's partners (including MTS OJSC), which includes: call center telephone number, addresses of nearest service offices, etc.

.Bank card servicing operations:

Other services:

-Viewing information about the offices and ATMs of JSCB "MBRD" (OJSC)

-Viewing exchange rates set by JSCB MBRD (OJSC) and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for non-cash transactions on the current date

-Viewing the Bank's news (the last 10 news are available for viewing)


)Free call (within Russia)

)Call the Bank (international number)

)Personal account - go to the page personal account client

)Go to the Bank's website

-City selection (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg)

Change Password

Auto exit

Payment and reference terminals

An equally significant channel for remote banking services that exists in the IBRD is a network of self-service devices. Today, the number of ATMs is 606. ATMs and self-service terminals allow you to carry out transactions without visiting the Bank's office.

Available operations:

· Receiving cash from a card account;

· Obtaining information about the balance of funds on the card account;

· Obtaining a statement of the last 5 transactions made on the card;

· Replenishment of the bank account linked to the card;

· Repayment of loans issued by the Bank;

· Obtaining information about a loan issued by the Bank;

· Transfer of funds from a card account to another customer account opened with the Bank;

· Transfer of funds from a card account to another customer's card account;

· Transfer of funds from a card account to a card account of another client of the Bank;

· "Transfers by card number" MasterCard MoneySendon MasterCard cards other banks. To transfer funds, the sender only needs to know the recipient's MasterCard card number;

· Making payments and transfers to providers of mass services - cellular communications, the Internet, television, housing and communal services, electronic wallets, etc. - using a card or in cash.


The SMS-Bank Info service is designed to provide the Client with round-the-clock control of the status of the Accounts of his/her Cards issued by the Bank and receive information support via mobile communication using the SMS-message exchange technology between the Bank and the Client. The following operations are available to the Bank's customers who have activated the SMS-Bank-Info service:

.Obtaining reference information from the Bank:

-receiving notifications about transactions with the Card;

-receiving notifications about non-cash replenishment of the Card account;

-obtaining, upon request, a certificate of the available Payment Limit of the Cards issued by the Bank;

-obtaining a mini-statement on the Card upon request;

-obtaining, upon request, information about the Status of the Card;

-receipt upon request of information about the Cards for which SMS-Bank-Info services are provided.

.Card maintenance operations:

-suspension of settlements on the Card (card blocking);

-cancellation of suspension of payments on the Card (unblocking of the Card).

.For holders of MTS.Card MasterCard bank cards, operations are additionally available:

-providing a certificate of accumulated bonus points;

-order bonus points to use.

.For holders of MTS Money bank cards, operations are additionally available:

-obtaining a certificate on the current exchange rate of the Bank's EUR and USD authorization;

-obtaining a certificate on the current exchange rate of the Bank of Russia EUR and USD;

-obtaining information on the loan (rate on the loan, the amount of the principal debt, debt in the current month);

-receiving information about payment for purchases using the card (the last three card payments in the past thirty days);

-obtaining information about cash withdrawal transactions using the card (the last three card transactions in the past thirty days);

-submission and processing of Applications for termination of a loan agreement, for prolongation of a loan agreement, for an increase in credit limit by card, for card reissue;

-payments to mobile operators;

-payments to Internet providers.

RBS services for legal entities, namely the "Client-Bank" and Internet-Bank systems, are currently provided by all large, as well as a number of medium-sized banks. Opportunities and procedures in this system are implemented and provided to clients - legal entities by all banks at the same level and do not have significant differences.

Therefore, the main direction of development of remote customer service will be the service of individuals. Thus, the use of RBS will attract individuals and help the bank reduce transaction costs. The main emphasis will be placed on the development of two types of services. Firstly, Internet banking, because its share as one of the types of RBS forms for individuals in the total volume of banking operations is gradually increasing. In Russia today, the approximate number of Internet banking users is 1.2-1.5 million people, of which 90% are just individuals. Secondly, mobile banking. This direction of remote banking services is very promising and carries one of the most important qualities - mobility. This service is also important for the bank, due to the fact that MTS is one of the shareholders of the bank. MTS currently has more than 70 million subscribers across the country, and 3,500 stores. Having projected the MTS brand on the sphere of financial and credit relations, the Bank intends to ensure the highest standards of service, provide advanced and technological banking products and services. After all, all this will help attract even more individuals.

Internet banking

A huge number of people who use Internet banking are concerned about the problem of protecting their personal account from unauthorized access. Of course, the likelihood that a hack will occur if elementary security rules are observed is quite small. But, nevertheless, to ensure maximum security within the framework of the remote service system, one-time dynamic passwords, an electronic digital signature (EDS), and securely protected access key packages are used.

Experts note that the functionality of the system provided by Russian financial institutions is practically the same. But today, among the most common Internet banking services, the following are distinguished. Firstly, viewing the balance of accounts and providing information on banking products (loans, deposits, etc.). Secondly, the opportunity to apply for a loan, opening a deposit, obtaining a bank card, opening settlement accounts, etc. Thirdly, customers will also be able to carry out Money transfers- both within the bank (between customer accounts and to other accounts within the same bank) and outside (to accounts of other financial institutions). In the end, currency conversion, online consultations with qualified employees, payment for various services.

The bank, developing Internet banking, is trying to fulfill quite pragmatic goals: to meet the growing demand from customers, reduce the share of cash withdrawals from ATMs and thereby increase the balances on customer card accounts, and, in the end, earn additional commission income. The availability of internet banking is already an important driver of non-price competition. According to various estimates, at the moment 15-25% of retail customers, and the most active and wealthy, choose a bank, assessing the development of the Internet banking zone, and the share of these customers will increase.

The market volume and the number of Internet banking users will grow: in two or three years, the market volume will grow by about 3-3.5 times, and about 15-20% of cardholders will become customers. As IBRD Senior Vice President for Development of Retail Business Products noted in an interview with this information agency Bankir.ru, in 2008 there was an increase in the client base of Internet banking by 108%: the number of users of this service already exceeds 20 thousand, and in 2011 this figure increased to 50 thousand customers. Housing and communal services payments, repayment of loans, services for the purchase of railway and air tickets, cinema tickets, theater tickets, etc. are growing at a faster pace. Moreover, such a segment of payments as instant money transfers, including between clients of different banks, is quite promising. Of course, in the coming years, a significant share of retail banking services, as well as transactions that today can be carried out through payment terminals, will move to Internet banking. As an example of the development of this direction is the fact that with the help of online payment systems of the bank (Internet and Mobile banking) it became possible to replenish the accounts of such popular online multiplayer online games absolutely free of charge today. An undoubted advantage for all "gamers" is not only the absence of a commission for the transfer of funds, but also the almost instantaneous crediting of money to the account. Also, using the services of Internet and Mobile banking, payment terminals and ATMs of the bank, you can pay for the services of more than 120 service providers, including: mobile operators, Internet providers, cable and satellite television, housing and communal services, replenish electronic wallets.

Mobile banking

According to some experts, such a means of communication as a smartphone in the near future will prevail, if not in all, then in many areas of human life. Banking is no exception in this case. Contactless payments based on NFC technology (Near Field Communication), which allow you to pay for a large number of products and services, have already become a reality. Moreover, using a smartphone with installed application for mobile banking - a new and promising channel of the "Client - Bank" system. Any client of the bank, having installed "mobile bank" free of charge, acquires the possibility of round-the-clock access to the system of remote banking services via IPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. And also for phones with support for Windows Mobile, Java and Android.

The bank usually identifies several areas in which the development of mobile banking can go. The first is the extraterritoriality and continuity of the system, which can give the client the opportunity to manage accounts regardless of his location and time of day. The second direction is general accessibility: technological means that allow access to the system must be sufficiently widespread and affordable. The third is the multivariance of access channels: the banking system should provide for the ability to use different channels in any combination of them. The fourth is the interactivity of the service, which should provide for the possibility of conducting financial transactions in the self-service mode.

Moreover, the client must be given the opportunity to make a choice between conducting transactions online or through an operator. Another promising direction in the development of mobile banking is the implementation of the possibility of conducting transactions in real time.

Since the bank almost always has a huge amount of information about the client, and if the client also uses mobile app, this information may be supplemented by data on its location - they are determined by the mobile operator. And if the client agrees that the bank uses this information, then you can use it for targeted marketing - for example, for special offers from bank partners located nearby.

Of course, when using mobile banking, it is very important to ensure the security of transactions. And here the guarantor against unauthorized access is also the observance of elementary security rules. If the phone is lost or stolen, you should immediately inform the bank and block the account.

It is also important not only to protect the system from the side of the bank, but also to work with users, explaining to them the principles of mobile security and giving them the opportunity to monitor it on their own. The most important thing is to convey to the user the following security principles: use anti-virus software and regularly update databases; never tell anyone your passwords, do not store them explicitly on your smartphone; do not enter a payment password on third-party sites; you should always ignore letters with notifications that an account in a particular system is blocked, and offers to follow a link to activate it (as well as any other similar letters in which you are required to follow a link and enter your data) - this is phishing . In addition, it is very important to warn users against using third-party software (not developed by a bank) to work with bank accounts, use the https encrypted protocol, and require mandatory confirmation of transactions using payment passwords or one-time authentication codes. All these measures will not only save clients' money, but will also help improve the work of the bank itself.

Another promising way to improve mobile banking in JSCB MBRD (OJSC) is to work with social networks. As shown by the latest research by Fiserv, mobile banking users are also active users of social networks. This means that if banks want to instill the habit of using mobile banking in social network users, they need to do more than just respond to comments posted on the wall. For example, it is possible to integrate into mobile banking the ability to post reviews about the quality of the bank's software and services directly on the bank's social network page.

. Ways to improve the organization of remote banking customer service in Russia

.1 Main problems and directions of development of electronic banking services in the Russian market

Today, more than half of Russian commercial banks already have remote customer service systems created on the basis of Internet technology. But, nevertheless, this most likely indicates the potential size of the market, because many banks, having acquired licenses, in fact, have not yet begun to use the systems in operation. In addition, in most cases, only some solutions are used (practically, only services for obtaining information about the current state of the bank account by the client), and not a comprehensive virtual service. Only a few Russian banks offer a "full" package of Internet services, which includes not only traditional Internet banking but also Internet trading, WAP and SMS banking. With all this, in the next few years, we can expect that the list of such banks will expand significantly.

It is generally accepted that at present the development of Internet banking is hindered by a number of factors, among which the technical illiteracy of the population and insufficient penetration of the Internet (here, the poor quality of communication) are highlighted.

But in fact, active users of the World Wide Web in Russia include 49% of the population. According to the head of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation Igor Shchegolev, in 2011 Russia came out on top in terms of the number of Internet users in Europe, overtaking Germany, and the number of users amounted to 70 million. Problems with telephone communication in our country and related difficulties in accessing the network certainly exist. But you can already see the trend towards the transition from modems to a dedicated high-speed connection. In 2010, the total number of users of broadband Internet access (BBA) in Russia reached 15.7 million subscribers, according to research by iKS-Consulting . According to Maxim Klyagin, an analyst at Finam Management, up to 80% of all network users in Moscow were connected to leased lines at the end of last year, and 65-70% in St. Petersburg. Therefore, probably, in the near future the problem of high-quality Internet access will not be so acute, at least in large cities. However, even today this factor, although it limits the number of potential bank customers using electronic channels, is not critical.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that, firstly, Internet users are more active in business terms, and secondly, very often, they have a fairly high level of income and for the most part they are residents of the capital and other largest cities , i.e. represent just the directly target banking audience. If banks were to reach at least 20% of these users, this would bring millions of dollars of additional annual profit from risk-free commission transactions, subscription fees, as well as cross-selling of other banking services that customers may need already in the service process.

Indeed, there are other, more significant factors that hinder the development of Internet banking: the low attractiveness of the service for customers and the lack of appropriate attention to the promotion of Internet banking on the part of the banks themselves. In many Internet banks there are no templates for making utility payments, contractual relations with popular companies have not been established - those that receive retail payments, after they have introduced a new service, banks simply do not print booklets and do not properly inform the client. A simple example: for two years, bank account holders could make non-cash payment goods and services without sales tax, but no one would bring this important advantage to the attention of their Internet customers. At the same time, if we consider the results of sociological surveys, then it is the convenience of the service that can be one of the decisive factors for the consumer when using Internet banking (hereinafter, in decreasing order of importance - the ability to independently manage an account, use PC capabilities, attractive tariffs, new opportunities, free use, recommendations acquaintances).

In general, the problems that hinder the development of banking services on the global Internet can be divided into several large blocks:

)Psychological problems

In more detail, one can meet two opposing points of view among bankers. Firstly, these are those who do not like the Internet, and believe: "That the Internet is very dangerous, and we do not need it." The position of the latter is opposite: "The Internet is very promising, and we need to develop the Internet business no matter what it costs us." Both radical views only reflect different stages that people usually go through when they begin to understand what the Internet has to offer them.

So, a complete denial of the expediency of its use is typical for those who still have no idea how to work correctly on the Web. The boundless belief that everything can be done with the help of the Internet is characteristic of those who have just learned about the opening horizons. Everything would not be so terrible if the technological backwardness of the bank could not become a consequence of the first of the misconceptions, and the result of the second would be too much spending of huge funds with no apparent return. There is one surefire way to develop a more professional attitude towards the Internet - you just need to work with it, first learning, and then trying to create something of your own.

It is much more difficult to work with society as a whole. There is still a distrust of a significant part of the population in conducting transactions via the Internet. It is often psychologically easier for people to come to a bank office and stand in line than to make payments from their computer. Internet banking is not at all benefited by countless media publications about massive hacks and thefts from computer systems. About 60% of networks experience third-party penetration attempts more than 30 times a year. However, these data do not at all indicate that the level of security of remote banking services is at a very low level. The seller of services via the Internet is obliged to know to whom and for what he sells them, to correctly identify the buyer, who, in turn, must be absolutely sure that the seller has taken all the necessary security measures and will fulfill all the requirements.

)Personnel problems.

The quality and efficiency of solving any problems directly depend on the qualifications of the specialists who undertake it. To develop and support Internet banking systems, programmers are very much needed today (and not only in the field of Internet technologies), system administrators, Web designers, Web programmers, computer and communication security experts, economists, marketers, lawyers. All of them are obliged to have a good idea of ​​the world of the Internet, which is far from always possible now.

Large expenses will not be easy, for example, to find a lawyer who knows not only jurisprudence but is also a connoisseur of electronic communications, and it will not be cheap. The same applies to network security professionals. As the Network penetrates into everyday life, related professions are slowly beginning to appear, which are necessary for activities in the field of Internet banking, but so far this has been happening rather slowly.

)Technological problems.

There are also technological reasons, they also limit the area in which you can apply the electronic channels that are used in the activities of the bank. Unlike branches, where the number of transactions is limited by the number of employees, in Internet banking, the number of transactions can, in principle, be practically unlimited. But this will require from banks such a level of development of internal business processes and the state of information systems that will be able to perform many more operations at a time than can be done in branches.

)Legal issues

Also among the problems slowing down the development of Internet banking is the lack of clearly formulated and systematized legislation both on protection and security issues, and in the field of electronic commerce in general. This, of course, does not stop those who are seriously engaged in the Internet business. The legal justification they need for their own activities they put together from bits of information that they seek out in numerous legislative acts, decrees and instructions. However, for those who are just thinking about a new case, the legal "fog" is one of the barriers to the Internet.

)Financial difficulties

Everyone knows that new technologies are turning into active consumers of financial resources, but not everyone can imagine the extent to which financial resources are consumed. Products such as the "Internet Client" were not originally developed as a means of directly increasing profits. Their main goal was to provide quality customer service. It is very difficult to evaluate the return from the "Internet Client", since the most important part of it is the indirect benefit. In any case, anyone trying to implement an Internet service system must always be prepared for serious costs, and in addition, he must estimate the final benefit as accurately as possible. It is extremely important here to avoid a mistaken attempt to achieve profitability of the project in a short time - by increasing the price of customer service. The Internet does not withstand expensive solutions - it is designed for the mass character and cheapness of the service. But the cost of the Internet banking system itself can be quite high.

There is another important financial aspect of Internet banking - a participant in the electronic settlement system is usually required to reserve (actually freeze) some amount of money. So, in the case of interbank settlements, the reserved funds are the balances on correspondent accounts (the size of the balances can be regulated), for bank customers it is minimum amount, which may remain on the accounts, etc. In a word, for the sake of the convenience of online payments, part of the funds must be withdrawn from active circulation.

The problem of profitability and cost of micropayments also belongs to the financial ones. It is no secret that it is convenient to make small purchases via the Internet. The amount of micropayments, according to the tradition that has now formed, does not exceed $1. The ability to execute such transactions at a low interest rate (rather than a high fixed rate) seems to be an important advantage of the system from the client's point of view, but for its owners it brings a headache in terms of profitability.

Therefore, after analyzing the factors slowing down the development of e-banking in Russia, it can be seen that problems appear mainly not from the side of customers (if they exist, then in principle they will be eliminated by themselves in the future), but from the side of commercial banks themselves. For the most part, the deterrents are essentially on the surface. On the one hand, banks are extremely "lazy" in promoting these services (even if expensive equipment and software products have already been purchased and implemented). On the other hand, in order to seriously introduce advanced technologies in retail, modern integrated operating systems are needed that can process a large number of banking transactions. And few credit organizations in our country have such.

At the end of 2010, the number of users of Internet banking systems in the Russian Federation exceeded 9.4 million people, which is 6% of the population. 28For comparison, the figure for 2010 is 4.2%, i.e. the increase in the number of users for the year amounted to over 40% (almost 1.5 times). In 2009, this figure was twice as low - i.e. in just two years, the number of compatriots managing their own accounts via the Internet has increased by 3.5 times. However, Russian figures are quite different from those of the Top 5 countries where Internet banking is popular and widely used. By the end of 2011, Canada became the leader in this direction - 68% of the population somehow manages their own bank accounts via the Internet. In France and the UK, this figure is 59% and 55% respectively - i.e. more than half of the adult population with bank accounts use the services of remote management of personal funds - make payments for services, buy goods online, etc. The fourth European country in the top five in the spread of Internet banking is Spain: 49% of the population know firsthand about Internet banking. And the last country is the United States with 48% of the population turned out to be users of Internet banking services in 2011. These figures can be seen more clearly in Fig. 1.

Picture 1.

But nonetheless, modern tendencies are such that it is possible to speak with confidence about the imminent change of the situation. Middle class in Russia feels more and more confident, consumption of both everyday goods and durable goods is growing, demand for paid services and, most importantly, savings continue to grow. All this is already forcing consumers to often turn to the services of banks and not only banks. Niches in which banks are not very nimble (payments without opening an account, prepaid financial products, Internet payments) are immediately captured by more mobile financial companies. In addition to these actually favorable commercial prospects, the integration of the banking business into the network is a guarantee of the competitiveness of the Russian financial sector in the struggle for a client.

At the same time, over the past 3 years, we can observe an active, almost “aggressive” development of banking retail. It is this factor that largely stimulates the process of connecting banks to e-banking systems. The logic is clear - in order to gain competitive advantages in the retail sector, the bank needs to improve the quality of customer service, which today is unimaginable without the use of the latest, promising technologies. For example, such as Internet banking, and this provides a private client of the bank with the opportunity to fully use banking services, practically without wasting time going to the office. Moreover, the potential base of such clients is increasing literally from month to month - as the audience of users of the World Wide Web expands.

It is still difficult to name the future leaders of Russian Internet banking, one can only assume that among them there will be those who already now offer the widest range of Internet services and are popular with individuals. In the banking environment, unlike, for example, online gambling, fully virtual institutions are rare, because of this, such large domestic banks that have relied on IT, such as Alfa-Bank, MBRD "(OJSC), "Vneshtorgbank - Retail Services", Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank, Sberbank, " Tinkoff Credit Systems" and a number of others.

2 Measures to improve the system of remote banking services in Russian commercial banks

Improving the existing system of remote banking services will help banks significantly increase their customer base and increase the quality and security of services provided, and reduce costs. The main areas for improving the RBS system in Russian banks include:

-improving the quality and security of remote banking services;

-use of cloud technologies.

Business process automation should be actively developed for many banks, as this will directly affect the profits of credit institutions. At one time, the crisis clearly outlined development trends for the entire banking industry, which determined the priority areas of automation. The main thing in these trends is the reduction of operating costs, so customer self-service comes to the fore, as this is an opportunity to greatly reduce costs and segment the customer base. To analyze it in detail and form highly specialized offers for customers, you need a software product that allows you to create, store and segment the customer base according to various criteria. To do this, banks should use CRM solutions from different manufacturers. It will also be useful to automate customer service processes - both through tellers and through the development of self-service systems through remote access channels, such as the Internet, mobile devices, ATMs and terminals.

In this regard, it is worth developing, not only remote service, but also strives to make the client's visit to the branch more comfortable. We are talking about the introduction of systems of electronic queues, "electronic cashiers" (armored cash machines for receiving and issuing cash), etc.

Another option to improve remote banking is the use of IT outsourcing. If you involve professional external contractors, you can solve IT problems quickly and efficiently, both for short-term and long-term projects. If you properly organize the interaction of the parties, then outsourcing will be an effective tool for optimizing and controlling IT costs, if only because the costs associated with the work of the contractor are often more understandable and transparent than the costs of your own unit.

True, sometimes banks decide that IT outsourcing is a rather expensive pleasure, since in fact it turns out that the bank pays for part of the IT company's infrastructure. But at the same time, banks forget to calculate the cost of all expenses for the maintenance of their own personnel, equipment, etc. After all, it does require a lot of investment. An example is Bank Soft Systems LLC (BSS Company), which provides a full range of services for organizing remote banking services for all types of bank respondents (legal entities and individuals, branches, branches, correspondent banks, exchange offices, etc.) .

Increased attention to the quality and security of remote banking services and their security is primarily due to increased competition between banks in all areas of their activities, as well as the need to minimize reputational, financial and other risks associated with the use of remote banking channels.

At the same time, the main quality criteria, as well as in global practice, are:

-availability of services;

-convenience of interfaces and appearance of self-service devices, information materials, etc.;

-the level of training of escort personnel and their behavior;

-service reliability;

-no risk.

In order to ensure a higher level of security of information systems, banks today must create an internal information technology audit service, whose tasks will include identifying existing risks in accordance with ISO, BSI, COBIT standards, developing recommendations for their elimination and monitoring the implementation of these recommendations in in full and on time.

Contribute to the strengthening of security and the use of personal authentication tools and EDS (USB-keys, smart cards) with hardware support for Russian cryptography. In addition, the centralized management of already implemented information security tools (information security tools) is becoming more and more in demand. The growing popularity of mobile access to corporate resources contributes to an increase in demand for two-factor authentication tools using one-time passwords. After all, mobile devices are becoming more intelligent, which is why authentication software is becoming more widespread.

To improve the work of the bank, you can use technology such as "cloud computing". In 2011, this technology became quite popular and, as a result, they are constantly trying to improve it. True, there is still a discussion: is it worth using it or not? But nevertheless, "cloud computing" can bring tangible benefits to the bank if it uses them.

"Cloud Computing" is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., data networks, servers, storage devices, applications, and services, either collectively or individually) that can be promptly provided and released with minimal operating costs and/or calls to the provider.

Today, cloud computing technologies for banks can be applied in areas such as sales management, marketing management, customer service, as well as managing specific financial applications. Clouds will be able to provide flexibility in the use of IT resources. In addition, if you use "cloud computing", this will allow you to use as many resources as you need at any time and not overpay for infrastructure redundancy. Convenience and versatility of access is ensured by the wide availability of services and support for various classes of terminal devices (personal computers, mobile phones, Internet tablets).

Summing up, it should be noted that if you use the experience of foreign companies, as well as have a clearly drawn up and verified development strategy, directed and coordinated activities will help create one of the most successful remote service systems on the market.


To date, the sphere of high technologies and various information systems have monopolized all spheres of human activity, including the banking business. One of the most promising directions The development of the banking sector in modern conditions may be the development of such a field of activity as remote banking, which became the subject of study of this graduation project.

One of the leading financial institutions of the country, JSCB MBRD (OJSC), was chosen as the object of the study, which today is among the leaders in the development of new banking technologies and ideas.

As a result of the work done, the set goal was achieved, measures were developed to improve the system of remote banking services operating in JSCB MBRD (OJSC), and recommendations were made to improve the quality of remote banking services offered by other banks.

As a result of the analysis of remote banking services provided to individuals, it was concluded that the maximum interest among customers is caused by services that are provided via the Internet.

Summarizing the advantages of using Internet technologies in the work of the bank described above, we can divide them into two groups: "image" ones that help maintain a solid reputation with the bank, and "really profitable" ones that will increase the number of customers and money turnover bank, namely:

  1. Introduction to the Internet gives a significant increase in "publicity" to the bank. Working closely with foreign partners, Russian bankers realized that the business card of a large company without specifying the address of the Internet information site abroad has long become "undignified";
  2. Having started its work in the electronic market earlier than others, the bank will be able to gain significant experience in information technology and, in the future, will be the most authoritative and influential on others electronic markets;
  3. The introduction of the Internet gives the bank the opportunity to improve the work electronic systems customer service, providing the client with additional convenience in managing their account. To get the necessary information or carry out this or that operation, the client just needs to press the appropriate key;
  4. Connecting electronic retail banking services is expensive and has low profitability, but in the future it will be possible to reduce the level of operating costs and significantly reduce the cost of money circulation.

The current state of the financial Internet services market and some of the trends observed in the market will allow us to talk about more greater opportunity development of these services. Dramatic cost reduction and improved efficiency of credit risk management and financial transactions themselves using the Internet provides unprecedented opportunities for developing and transitional economies (which is certainly especially relevant for Russia), in particular in terms of their access to international financial markets.

Such electronic channels as information service (Call-center) and SMS-bank also play a significant role in the activities of JSCB MBRD (OJSC). As a result of the study, the following activities were proposed:

A) automation of many business processes, as well as customer service processes;

b) use of IT outsourcing;

V) active promotion of remote banking systems on the market;

G) improving the quality and security of remote banking services;

e) use of cloud technologies

In the course of the study, the entire Russian market remote banking services, as a result of which it was found that today Russian banks render to legal entities in many respects the same services as foreign ones. In the retail customer service sector, there is a significant backlog. Therefore, each bank is obliged to objectively evaluate its plans for the development of remote banking services and take the necessary measures for their full implementation, concentrating its efforts on solving the following tasks:

A) improvement of the current legislation in order to create the necessary conditions for expanding the range of remote banking services, namely to change the legislation, develop laws on electronic documents and electronic archive etc.;

b) the introduction of new types of remote banking services that ensure the growth of the client base, especially in the retail business;

V) expanding the capabilities of existing systems of remote banking services, developing and introducing new types of payments and operations, simplifying the procedure for obtaining access to these services in order to increase their value and accessibility;

G) ensuring the growth of the volume of non-cash payments of the population, namely the creation of mobile banking points in rural areas, the introduction of payment terminals in all stores bank card;

e) improving the quality of banking services by improving the culture of support and customer service, optimizing business processes and interaction models, introducing internal quality assessment systems.

At the same time, the main criterion for evaluating the quality of banking services may be the availability of services (the ability to obtain the necessary set of services at minimal cost and time at a convenient time and place).


1) Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature”

) Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 03.10.2002 No. 2-P "On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation"

3) Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 1998 No. 20-P “On the rules for the exchange of electronic documents between the Bank of Russia, credit institutions (branches) and other clients of the Bank of Russia when making settlements through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia”.

)Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 1998 No. 36-P "On interregional electronic settlements carried out through the settlement network of the Bank of Russia";

) Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2008 No. 318-P “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions in credit institutions in the Russian Federation” (clause 2.8 “Organization of work with cash when using ATMs, electronic cashiers, automatic safes and other software technical complexes");

)Standard of the Bank of Russia STO BR IBBS-1.0-2006 "Ensuring information security of organizations of the banking system of the Russian Federation

)Letter of the Bank of Russia dated 07.12.2007 No. 197-T "On risks in remote banking"

)Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 128-T dated October 23, 2009 “On recommendations on the information content and organization of websites of credit institutions on the Internet”

)Letters of the Bank of Russia dated October 26, 2010 No. 141-T “On Recommendations on the Approaches of Credit Institutions to the Selection of Providers and Interaction with Them in the Implementation of Remote Banking Services”

10) Letters of the Bank of Russia dated April 27, 2007 No. 60-T “On the peculiarities of servicing clients by credit institutions using the technology of remote access to a client’s bank account (including Internet banking)”

)Letters of the Bank of Russia dated January 30, 2009 No. 11-T “On recommendations for credit institutions on additional information security measures when using Internet banking systems”

)Letters of the Bank of Russia dated August 30, 2006 No. 115-T “On the implementation of the Federal Law “On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of identifying customers served using remote banking technologies (including Internet banking )"

)Letters of the Bank of Russia dated 31.03.2008 No. 36-T “On recommendations for organizing the management of risks arising from the implementation of operations by credit institutions using Internet banking systems”

1) Gorchakova M. E., Remote banking: textbook. allowance. - Irkutsk: Publishing House of BGUEP, 2009. - 65 p.

2) Remote banking, series Library of the Center for Research of Payment Systems and Settlements - Publisher: KnoRus, TsIPSiR 2010.

3) L. V. Lyamin, Application of electronic banking technologies. Risk-oriented approach, series Library of the Center for Research of Payment Systems and Settlements - Publisher: KnoRus, TsIPSiR 2011

4) Report on the activities of JSCB "MBRD" (OJSC) for 2010

5) Retail banking business. Business encyclopedia, series Library of the Center for Research of Payment Systems and Settlements - Publisher: TsIPSiR, Albina Pablishir 2010

6) Yu. N. Yudenkov, N. A. Tysyachnikova, I. V. Sandalov, S. L. Ermakov, Internet technologies in the banking business. Prospects and risks - Publisher: KnoRus 2011

7) Bankir.ru - information agency [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://bankir.ru/

)iFin-2012 - XII International Forum dedicated to remote financial services and technologies [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://forumifin.ru/

9) Morio J., Picouet M., Rey-Lefebre I. Vivre a credit: reves et realites // Monde-Agent

10)RUMETRIKA - numbers on the Internet [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://rumetrika.rambler.ru/

)Bank RBS [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.bankdbo.ru/

)Banking Review[Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.bosfera.ru/

) All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://wciom.ru/

) Edition of high technologies [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.cnews.ru

) Reader's Digest Publishing House [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.rd.ru/

)Internet finance [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://ifin.ru/

)Internet banking for private clients of JSCB "MBRD" (JSC) [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - https://personalbank.ru

)Internet client for corporate clients of JSCB "MBRD" (JSC) [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://cb.mbrd.ru/

) BSS Company [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.bssys.com/

)Official website of the bank JSCB "MBRD" (JSC) [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.mbrd.ru/

)Preparation electronic reporting[Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://mospf.ru/

) Forecast of financial risks [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://bre.ru/

)Rambler - news [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://news.rambler.ru/

)Russian newspaper[Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.rg.ru/

)Russian Internet Forum RIF + CIB 2012 [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://2012.russianinternetforum.ru/

) Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia [Electronic resource]. - Electronic data. - www.wikipedia.org.

) Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] - Electronic data - http://www.ictgov.ru/

Remote Banking Services (RBS) is a general term for technologies for providing banking services based on orders transmitted by the client remotely (that is, without his visit to the bank), most often using computer and telephone networks.

RBS technologies can be classified according to the types of information systems (software and hardware) used for banking operations:

1. Client-bank systems (PC-banking, home banking)

Systems accessed through a personal computer. At the same time, the Bank provides the client with technical and methodological support during the installation of the system, initial training of the client's personnel, software updates and support of the client in the process of further work. Client-Bank systems provide full-fledged settlement and depositary services and maintenance of ruble and foreign currency accounts from a remote workplace. Client-Bank systems allow you to create and send payment documents of any type to the bank, as well as receive account statements from the bank (information about movements on the account). For security purposes, the Client-Bank systems use various encryption systems. The use of Client-Bank systems for servicing legal entities is still one of the most popular RBS technologies in the Russian Federation. Client-bank systems are fundamentally divided into 2 types:

1.1 Bank-Client (thick client)

Classic type of bank-client system. A separate client program is installed on the user's workstation. The client program stores all its data on the computer, as a rule, these are payment documents and account statements. The client program can connect to the bank via various communication channels.

1.2 Internet Client(thin client) (On-line banking, Internet banking, WEB-banking)

The user logs in through an Internet browser. The Internet-Client system is placed on the bank's website. All user data (payment documents and account statements) are stored on the bank's website. Based on the Internet Client, information services with a limited set of functions can be provided.

1.3 Art banking(Eng. Art-banking) - financial and consulting support for investments in art. New service that appeared on financial markets world at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century.

Most of the major Western credit institutions allocate art advisory departments within their divisions focused on working with VIP clients with portfolios of more than 500 thousand euros. In Russia, such a service has been offered for several years by departments of the largest credit institutions, including Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, UralSib, Deutsche Bank and Impexbank.

This service is designed for both corporate and private investors. The range of services offered is varied and covers the following areas:

· advising on the formation of investment quality collections;

analysis of collections or individual objects of art;

· advice on the selection of collections, management and long-term maintenance of their value;

Examination of the authenticity of a work of art;

restoration and storage.

1.4 direct banking is a bank without a branch network. It offers the following types of RBS:

§ Telephone banking;

§ Online banking;

§ ATMs (in rare cases);

§ Bank mail;

§ Mobile banking.

Excluding the costs associated with setting up a bank branch network, virtual banks can offer higher interest rates on deposits lower maintenance fees than their traditional competitors.

2. Systems "telephone-bank» (Telebanking, telebanking, SMS-banking)

Telephone banking is a type remote banking, in which the client receives banking services through the use of telephone capabilities. Using the system telephone banking the client can receive both information services from the bank and manage the funds on his accounts.

The telephone banking system can be implemented in two ways:

1. customer communication by phone with a bank operator who receives calls at a specially organized workplace (call center, call center, etc.)

2. interactive voice interaction (IVR), which allows the client to access bank services via telephone without the participation of an operator.

The emergence and development of mobile communications has led to the emergence of another way to implement telephone banking, called SMS banking, in which the client provides information services and the ability to manage his accounts by sending SMS messages from his mobile phone.

3. Service using ATMs and self-service banking devices

Self-service banking device(self-service terminal) is the most general definition of all machines that allow the client to perform various banking operations without the participation of bank employees. Self-service banking devices are divided into two types depending on whether they support the cash dispensing function or not. If yes, we are talking about ATM (automated teller mashines), or ATMs if negative - about NCS (non-cash systems), or terminals for non-cash transactions.

ATM- this is the general name of ATMs for issuing and collecting cash in transactions with plastic cards. In addition, some ATMs can perform a number of additional functions (display information about the state of the account, make non-cash payments, accept orders for check books, etc.).

NCS(non-cashsystems)- automatic devices that allow the cardholder to receive almost the full range of banking services in self-service mode, except for cash transactions. NCS differ from ATMs in an extended keyboard and a set of video and audio interface tools.

Automated banking systems (ABS).

What opportunities are hidden in the information data from the ABS? What needs to be added to the information available in the ABS to build effective analysis? Information about the client base, demand for products and the financial "return" on sales is the basis for building the bank's marketing policies. Bank departments spend considerable effort on market analysis, conduct special research and surveys in order to develop strategies for attracting customers. At the same time, a considerable amount of information that is at the disposal of banks is not used. This valuable information is accumulated in the course of the bank's operations and is not in demand after the completion of a specific business process.

Consider the information potential of the automated banking system. The reason for studying ABS is the following facts:

> ABS is available in every bank, and this ensures the breadth of use of the proposed approach;

> as a rule, the information accumulated and used in the bank's operations is reliable. For example, if the deposit agreement signed by the client was previously printed from the ABS, then it can be argued that the client's details contain reliable passport data;

> ABS contains information arrays accumulated daily and stored by the bank for a long time, which is due to the requirements of the banking business and banking accounting standards;

> the proposed approach is a model one - it can be applied to other systems as well.

At the moment, ABS is required to support “proactive” interaction with the client. In addition, special analytical decision support systems are being developed that interact with the ABS at the level of information integration.

Each step in the development of ABS not only expands the scope of information that is at the disposal of bank managers, but also increases the possibilities for analyzing this information.

So, let's consider the information that a standard ABS contains.

1. Basic information about clients as contract counterparties and account holders - the so-called client card. As a rule, the client card includes full name, TIN, passport details, registration information and contact details. For legal entities, the client card also contains information about persons with the right to sign AND codes characterizing the industry affiliation of the organization. In the general case, transactions of individuals can be recorded in the ABS on the balance sheet accounts of the General Ledger. Then information about customer data is kept in a separate, “retail” system.

2. Basic information about existing contracts, including: type of contract; basic details; opening date and validity period; accounts opened under the agreement. In rare cases, only the accounts are stored in the ABS, while the contracts and their relationship with the accounts are kept in back-office systems. However, in this case, the back office system is usually closely integrated with the ABS or implemented on a common platform with the ABS.

3. Client accounts, including current account status, opening and closing dates.

4. Postings to customer accounts and intra-bank accounts, including withholding commissions by the bank and interest income of the bank. Income and expense accounts may or may not be related to contracts, but linking a transaction to two accounts will usually "restore" the underlying economic meaning of the transaction.

In examining the usefulness of the information accumulated in the ABS, there are several key points that should be observed when analyzing the available data. Information from the ABS allows you to:

Generate statistics in the context of legal entities and individuals;

Conduct an analysis of concluded contracts with customers in the context of services sold by the bank;

Analyze customer payment chains;

Generate a retrospective analysis of customer profitability.


The division of the client base into legal entities and individuals makes it possible to generate statistics on the functional divisions of the bank, which usually provide separate corporate and retail services to clients. In this case, client managers of different functional units are able, based on the results of a retrospective analysis, to identify groups of clients and form a predictive analysis in terms of groups.

Customer groups are formed based on various indicators and are dynamic. The change in the composition of dynamic groups occurs as the analytical periods are specified. Methods of mathematical analysis show that the greatest reliability is the analysis carried out on large data arrays with the shortest calculation periods. This is critical for retail banks with a large customer base. The formation of groups of corporate clients can be built on the relationship of industry and economic characteristics.


Analysis of contracts in the context of the services offered allows you to obtain statistics on the number of concluded contracts (transactions) for the period, contracts by amounts for the period.

This retrospective analysis is usually formed in the following sections: the head bank, branches, departments, subsidiary banks. Contracts and client transactions should be divided into services offered by the bank. In this case, it makes sense to analyze the regions, which makes it possible to identify trends in the promotion of individual bank services in the regions where branches and branches of the bank are represented.

In general, a retrospective analysis of client contracts is used to compare the work of selling divisions in periods, to build forecast sales figures by divisions and regions.


The analysis of payment chains is also carried out in the context of the head bank, departments, branches, regions.

At the same time, internal, incoming and outgoing customer payments are distinguished.

All customer payments are subdivided according to the types of client documents (payment orders, payment requests, advice notes, etc.) and according to the regularity of the execution.

Thus, the analysis of customer payments reveals the standing orders of bank customers within the bank and the payment chains of bank customers and non-bank customers.

Analysis of payment chains over long periods of time allows you to:

Establish groups of clients connected by conducting a common business. For such business groups, special packages of corporate services are created, the tariffs for which will allow attracting customers so that they can make the largest number of transactions in the bank;

Identify clients of other banks who are recipients or payers of regular payments of a bank client. Such clients may be potential clients of the bank, so for client managers there is an attraction segment;

Form development plans, taking into account the attraction of potential customers in the region.


The task of analyzing the profitability of bank customers is not simple and can be solved in several approaches. The solution to this problem depends on the extent to which the information on accounting for the client's operations and the maintenance of his contracts and transactions is structured in the ABS.

In the general case, to calculate the profitability of clients, a retrospective analysis of transactions with a client in the context of bank services is used. The construction of the profitability analysis is based on the analysis of income from operations (interest income) and commission income (non-interest income).

To build an analysis of the client's profitability, special analytical accounts of income from operations with a client for bank services are used or they form an analysis of the relationship of client operations according to the characteristics of operations with income accounts from services provided (analysis of statements from client accounts, from commission accounts).

The considered methods of data analysis based on ABS information do not mean that all data manipulations are carried out directly in the system itself.

Several different options are possible, which can be conditionally divided into "stages of maturity": the accumulation and use of information data in the organization.

Understanding the value of information in the information system by end users.

An understanding of the value has been formed among the end users of information, but there is no special infrastructure for accessing information - programmers make ad-hoc reports at the request of a manager or analyst. At best, unloading "data marts" using the "Excel + PivotTable" technology.

The analysis is performed regularly, and the task of reducing its cost arises.

Automation of regular standard reports, called by interested users through the system interface, or automatic distribution of ready-made reports by the system.

Data orientation for analysis and decision making. It becomes obvious that the registration of some additional "marketing" details when performing operations can increase the value of information. The benefits of collating information from different systems are also becoming clear.

Special "marketing" attributes are added to the system. If possible, manually or semi-automatically synchronize directories in different systems to compare reports (“with the eyes” or in Excel).

Any system created specifically for operational activities is less convenient for analysis than a special tool.

A decision is made to create a data warehouse (DW) using industrial reporting and analytics tools (Business Intelligence, Bl).

It is not enough to load information from different systems into the data warehouse - there is a need for interconnections of information data of different products and operations.

The Master Data Management tool and the logical combination of information from different operating systems in the data warehouse are being introduced into the practice of the organization.

HD information is used for analysis and decision-making using various BI methods: statistical models, cluster analysis, neural networks.

This approach can be used to study and analyze other information systems. Let's consider some examples of extension of the proposed model.