Home loan to open a current account. How to open a bank account with home credit

Home Credit is a large bank with foreign participation that specializes in consumer lending. It also has several services for entrepreneurs, including settlement and cash services. You will learn about the conditions of cash settlement at Home Credit Bank and the procedure for opening an account with it below.

Home Credit Bank was registered in 1990 in Zelenograd, it was originally called Technopolis. In 2002, it was acquired by the Czech financial group Home Credit Group, and a year later the bank began operating under its current name. Now the bank is part of PPF, one of the largest financial groups in Europe, which controls it through Home Credit B.V.

The main focus of the bank's work is on serving private clients, mainly on consumer loans. In addition to them, the bank offers deposits, credit and debit cards, as well as insurance services. Offers for business in the bank are poorly developed - this includes cash settlements, payroll projects and customer lending.

Benefits of RKO in Home Credit

Current account in Home Credit, as a rule, it serves an auxiliary purpose - with the help of it, other bank services for business are issued. For a full-fledged business, it is not always suitable due to the lack of a large number of popular services for entrepreneurs. An account in this bank can be opened as an additional or reserve one - the bank offers quite convenient conditions for this.

Advantages of RKO in Home Credit:

  • Reducing the cost of maintenance in the absence of turnover
  • Conducting foreign exchange transactions in US dollars, euros and Czech crowns
  • Low fees for currency control
  • Free payroll service
  • Free salary cards with bonuses and cash withdrawals at any ATM

Bank reliability

Home Credit is a reliable and fairly stable bank. Even during the global crisis, the company managed to maintain its position thanks to the creation of an optimized strategy. Now the bank ranks 34th in the Russian market in terms of the number of assets, and 16th in terms of profit. Expert RA, a major rating agency, assigned Home Credit a ruA- rating with a stable outlook.

Cost of settlement and cash services

approximate cost RKO in Home Credit Bank presented in the table:

Service Rate
Opening an account in rubles 0 rub.
Account maintenance 1000 rub. per month
Maintenance of the account in the absence of turnover for more than 3 months. 200 rub. per month
Transfers to other organizations 40 rub. (on paper)

25 rub. (when using the "Bank-client" system)

Issuance of funds upon prior request 1-1.5% of the amount
Issuance of funds without prior application 3-4% of the amount
Crediting to the account and recalculation of funds at the cash desk 0.5% of the deposited amount
Opening a foreign currency account 0 rub.
Maintenance of a foreign currency account In USD - $5 per month

In euros - 5 euros per month

In Czech crowns - 200 crowns per month

How to open a current account in Home Credit

To open a bank account, you need to contact the bank office - there is no online application form on the Home Credit website. At the branch, you will need to fill out an application - after its consideration, a bank employee will report a preliminary decision and transfer a list of documents required to open an account. He will also set the date and time of the next visit to the bank.

By the appointed date, prepare the required list of documents and apply with them to the Home Credit branch where you left the application. Give the documents to the bank employee for their consideration. If the final decision is positive, the bank will offer you to sign a settlement and cash service agreement. After that, you will receive account details and login details for the client-bank.

The account opening process takes up to 3-5 business days. In some cases, it can take up to a week.

Documents for IP

To open a bank account for sole proprietorship Home Credit, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Entrepreneur's identity document
  • TIN certificate
  • Certificate of registration or extract from USRIP
  • Card with samples of signatures and seal imprint
  • Licenses or patents (if they are necessary for the conduct of business)

Documents for LLC

Representatives of a legal entity will need to prepare:

  • Articles of association
  • Passport of the head and order of appointment
  • Certificate of registration or extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • Passports and powers of attorney of persons having access to funds
  • Card with samples of signatures and stamps
  • Documents confirming the identity and authority of the persons indicated in the card
  • Lease agreement for an office space, or proof of ownership
  • financial reporting
  • Information about the reputation of the company

If you have branches, then for each of them you will need to provide a provision on a separate subdivision, a passport of the head of the branch and an order on his appointment.

There are several ways to replenish your Home Credit account:

At the bank teller. The easiest way to replenish, which is suitable for both small and large amounts. You will need to contact the cashier, leave a request for replenishment and transfer the required amount of credit. The bank accepts both banknotes and coins. The commission is 0.5% of the replenishment amount.

Transfer from another account. You can transfer money to Home Credit from any other account of an individual or legal entity. The commission for this operation will be taken by the bank in which the account was opened. For an individual account, this will be a standard bank transfer fee for details. For an entrepreneur's account - the cost of a payment order at the RKO rate.


Home Credit does not offer service packages for different types of businesses. For all clients there is a single base rate, which applies to any account transactions.

If you use a client-bank, then account maintenance will be free. Otherwise, maintaining an account will cost 1000 rubles per month. If no transactions were made on the account within three months, the bank will write off 200 rubles monthly.

Sending payments on paper costs 40 rubles, for an operation through the Internet bank you need to pay 25 rubles. Incoming payments in foreign currency cost 10 dollars, 10 euros or 300 crowns. Outgoing payments - from 1% depending on the currency and type of operation.

Withdrawal of cash according to a previously executed application with a commission of 1% of the amount, without registration, 3% of the withdrawal amount is charged. These commissions apply to the withdrawal of any currency, except kroons - cash transactions are not available for them

For IP

RKO in Home Credit Bank looks quite attractive for small entrepreneurs. The bank offers free account maintenance, relatively inexpensive payment orders and low fees for cash transactions. If you need any other services (for example, acquiring or a loan), then you can apply for them at another bank. You can also note low-cost foreign exchange transactions and currency control - they will be of interest to those who plan to make payments in dollars or euros.


LLC can issue an account in Home Credit as an additional one. He will be more interested in a bank that offers more flexible conditions and a variety of business services. A Home Credit account is suitable for managing a salary project and concluding foreign exchange transactions.

Bank services within the framework of cash management services

The main service that the bank offers to business is a payroll project. It will allow you to transfer salaries to employees in a non-cash way. To do this, the bank will issue its own debit cards.

To connect a salary project, leave an application on the Home Credit website - you do not need to have an account in it for this. In the application, indicate the name of the organization, full name and position, city of registration, number of employees and mobile phone number. After that, a bank employee will contact you, who will inform you about the procedure for further processing and a list of required documents. Then you will need to sign a salary project agreement and wait for the cards to be issued. The bank itself will deliver ready-made cards to workplaces.

To manage the payroll project, Home Credit will connect the client-bank for free. Here you can generate payroll and transfer money to employees. The process of working with the service is accompanied by a personal manager - you can clarify any unclear points with him.

Payroll customers of Home Credit have the following benefits:

  • Free maintenance of cards with platinum status in the Visa system
  • Free cash withdrawals and card-to-card transfers
  • Up to 7.5% per annum on the balance and cashback up to 10% in points for all purchases
  • Preferential conditions for loans and deposits


Why does an LLC need to open multiple checking accounts?

The presence of several current accounts greatly simplifies the process of budget control when working in different directions or opening branches. You can also open reserve accounts in case of problems in one of the banks. This complicates accounting and reporting.

How to open a current account by proxy?

To open a bank account by proxy, you will need the same documents as usual. To them are added the power of attorney itself and the passport of the authorized person. Before submitting the application, the power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

Why should an individual entrepreneur open a current account?

Opening a current account is necessary to receive payments and pay taxes in a non-cash way. When using cash, you will not be able to conclude transactions with individuals and legal entities in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles. In addition, many companies do not cooperate with those who do not have a checking account.

In accordance with the legislation of our country, individual entrepreneurs may not open bank accounts. At least, this requirement is not mandatory, so not everyone thinks about it at the stage of starting a business. But when it comes to settlements, the main problem arises in which bank to open an account. Usually, novice entrepreneurs choose a credit institution that provides the most comfortable and favorable conditions for its customers, as well as low rates, which is important for small businesses. Therefore, let's try to figure out which are the best banks for opening an IP current account with low rates and convenient service conditions.

Criterias of choice

As soon as an individual entrepreneur is faced with such a task as finding a reliable and proven and profitable financial partner, he makes a list of criteria for himself, which he will rely on in the future. Here is a short list of where to start choosing a credit institution:

  1. Reliability, why it is worth paying special attention to the reliability of a credit institution, in the past few years the number of credit institutions has significantly decreased, the central bank revokes licenses from commercial banks if any violations are detected, as well as for inefficient credit policy. When revoking a license, first of all, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities risk losing their savings.
  2. Service cost. If we are talking about small businesses, then, of course, entrepreneurs are trying to literally save money on everything, banks, in turn, charge a commission for monthly maintenance of settlement accounts, although not all of them, so perhaps this criterion should be paid special attention .
  3. Remote services today, many people prefer to manage their accounts remotely, so individual entrepreneurs have the ability to send payments and pay for other services in an online account or using a mobile application, which saves them a lot of time.
  4. Additional payments. Banks charge a separate fee for settlement transactions, such as payment orders, so you should choose a bank that offers at least a few payments without commission and sets adequate rates for its transfer services. By the way, when choosing a bank, pay attention to the fact that payments to the budget, for example, taxes, are paid without commission.
  5. Access to your account. The point is that it is in the interests of the bank client to get access to his account at any time convenient for him, that is, the bank, as part of servicing the accounts of individual entrepreneurs, can attach an additional free plastic card with which you can withdraw cash from an ATM around the clock, this is convenient and practical for the client.

Please note that in any case, it is almost impossible to find the ideal bank in terms of service, so choose those criteria that are first of all a priority for you.

By the way, it is impossible not to note one of the most important details, banks, in order to attract customers to their services, offer additional services, for example, interest on the account balance, preferential lending and other services. If you are interested in them, then it is immediately wiser to consider the appropriate options. So, back to the question of where to start opening an account for an individual entrepreneur, which bank to choose according to certain criteria.

Banks with free service

Free service, as mentioned earlier, individual entrepreneurs prefer bank products and services for which there is either no charge at all, or it is minimal. It is worth noting that here we should not neglect the reliability of the bank, therefore, we will choose those options that offer the cheapest services for entrepreneurs and at the same time the bank has strengthened its position in the financial market.

Tinkoff Bank

This credit institution attracts the attention of customers for several reasons. First of all, it is an online bank, that is, it remotely serves its clients, respectively, it offers the most convenient and most functional services, with the help of which the client can perform absolutely all financial transactions. The bank has been operating on the market for a long time, it is included in the TOP-100 of the best banks, which means that it has strengthened its position and won the trust of customers.

But its great advantage is still that it offers an account for individual entrepreneurs with minimal costs for it, for the first 2 months you will not pay for account maintenance, after that you have the opportunity to choose one of three tariff plans:

  1. "Simple" tariff, according to which service costs 490 rubles per month, the fee is charged from 7 months after opening an account, the cost of a payment order is 49 rubles, the first 3 are free. When withdrawing cash from a debit card, no commission is charged up to 400,000 rubles, a commission of 290 rubles is charged for replenishment.
  2. The “advanced” tariff will cost its user 990 rubles per month, the fee is charged starting from the third month after opening an account, the first 10 payment orders are free, for subsequent payments it is 29 rubles. Cash withdrawal up to 650,000 rubles is free, after that you will have to pay 1% + 79 rubles, depositing is free.
  3. The “Professional” tariff, under the terms of which the fee is 4990 rubles per month, the payment order is 19 rubles, you can connect unlimited transfers, which will cost + 1990 rubles, you can withdraw cash up to one million without commission, replenishment is free.

Among other things, Tinkoff Bank has other advantages, in particular, these are convenient and functional remote services with a pleasant and simple interface. It is also worth noting that the bank additionally accrues interest on the balance at a simple rate of 6%, at an advanced and professional rate - 8%.


This is a small credit organization, but nevertheless, it attracts individual entrepreneurs with favorable service rates. By the way, it is worth noting that this bank works only with individual entrepreneurs, as for the cost of servicing in this bank, it offers three tariff rates for its customers:

  1. “Starting” is a free tariff, no service fee is charged, but a payment order is 90 rubles, a commission for cash withdrawals is from 1 to 3%, one free card can be issued within the framework of the tariff.
  2. Tariff "Optimal", service 490 rubles per month, the cost of a payment order is 19 rubles, no commission is charged for amounts up to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Tariff "Unlimited" worth 3,000 rubles per month, within the framework of this package of services, free payment orders, commission for cash withdrawals is not charged for amounts up to 500,000 rubles.

UBRD bank

If you are looking for which bank to choose to open an account for an individual entrepreneur, then you should definitely know that this particular credit organization is preferred by individual entrepreneurs for the simple reason that you can count on free service here, however, this is conditional. But the caveat is that tariffs can mainly depend on regional affiliation, for example, in large cities, a fee will be charged in the amount of 300 rubles. The bank offers two tariffs:

  • “Everything is simple” with free service, the cost of one payment order is 55 rubles, when withdrawing cash, a fee of 1% per operation is charged, within this package you can issue one corporate card, plus a fee for SMS notifications in the amount of 39 rubles is charged.
  • The “Online” tariff will cost its user from 330 rubles per month, a fee of 19 rubles is charged for a payment order, a commission for cash withdrawal is 1%, a corporate card is one, a fee for SMS alerts is 39 rubles.

As you can see, in each bank, free service is conditional, because if the bank does not charge for services for a month, then it increases the fee for additional operations, for example, for a payment order, SMS notification service and other services. But in any case, choosing all of the above banks, at the initial stage, you can save a lot.

Choosing a bank for reliability

If your priority is to choose a reliable bank, which is one of the key financial institutions in the Russian market, then you should pay attention to organizations such as VTB, Sberbank, Alfa Bank. They not only win the attention of the majority, but are also among the top ten banks, consider what conditions they offer.


Nobody doubts the reliability of a credit institution, because it serves about 70% of the population of our country. As for the offer for individual entrepreneurs, there are several of them, if you choose a basic tariff for a novice entrepreneur, then according to its conditions, the cost of service will start from 1000 rubles per month. For payment orders, you need to pay 30 rubles, for cash withdrawals, a commission of 1% is provided.

Otherwise, the terms of service will largely depend on the package of services you choose. That is, for certain services, the bank may charge a fee, for example, for the issuance of corporate cards, SMS notification services and other services. By the way, the peculiarity of Sberbank is that it offers a convenient remote service Sberbank Business Online, which allows you to significantly save time on carrying out certain operations.

Please note that Sberbank does not provide interest on the balance of the account, but offers conditions for preferential lending.

VTB Bank

VTB Bank ranks second and does not raise doubts about the reliability of its customers. It offers several tariffs for servicing individual entrepreneurs. On average, the cost starts from 1,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles per month, depending on the set of services. The cost of a payment order is from 39 rubles, the commission for issuing cash is 0.5%, the commission for crediting funds is 0.2%, the cost of services will depend on the tariff you choose.

Alfa Bank

Finally, Alfa Bank is also the leader among banks for individual entrepreneurs. Here, the cost of service depends entirely on the region and the selected tariff, the minimum cost of service is 850 rubles for one month, the bank charges an additional fee for various operations, you will have to pay from 16 to 250 rubles for a payment order, a commission of 0.6% is provided for cash withdrawals , not less than 250 rubles, the bank charges a fee for connecting Internet banking, but does not charge a fee for using a mobile bank.

Point bank

This credit institution is a subsidiary of the financial corporation Otkritie, perhaps for individual entrepreneurs, this is the best bank, judging by estimates, because here the minimum service fee is 750 rubles per month, the fee for payment orders is 50 rubles. No commission is charged for cash withdrawals and deposits. The bank offers convenient Internet banking and a mobile application, among other things, it calculates monthly interest on the account balance in the amount of 8% per annum.

Tariffs Bank module

Please note that Tochka Bank charges a service fee starting from 3 months after the conclusion of the contract, the first two months of service are free.

So, where to open an IP account is a rather complicated and ambiguous question. Of course, each client will choose a credit institution depending on many factors, in particular, on regional affiliation. But first of all, before entering into an agreement with one bank, you need to study the terms of service in detail, for this you can consult with specialists from different banks and compare the current conditions in each of them.

RKO to:

  • enter into contracts for amounts above 100,000 rubles;
  • pay taxes on the Internet without commission and queues;
  • accept payment through the terminal;
  • settle accounts with partners and manage money from anywhere in the world.

We tell you how to open a current account in Home Credit Bank - HKF Bank, what is needed for this and how much cash settlement costs.

How to open an account with HCF Bank

Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs open an account at the HCF branch. A business client takes with him a passport, financial statements and an extract from the USRIP, which confirms the registration of the individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service.

The bank employee accepts the documents, helps to fill in the questionnaire and signs the contract with the client. An account can be opened on the day of application or a month in advance, it all depends on how quickly the bank checks the documents.

Home Credit: how much does it cost to open a checking account

In Home Credit Bank, an account - ruble or currency - entrepreneurs open free of charge in any branch.

From users who have connected the "Bank-Client", HCF does not charge a subscription fee. Maintaining an account, the owner of which does not use the Bank-Client system, will cost 1,000 rubles per month.

The commission for maintaining an account on which there has been no movement for three months in a row is 200 rubles, but not more than the balance.

Home Credit Bank issues an account statement without commission. Upon a separate request, the client receives a second statement, which costs 300 rubles.

HCF Bank charges interest on the balance of money and can open a line of credit for business. To do this, the entrepreneur concludes an additional contract.

Home Credit and Finance Bank - current account and payments

Payments can be paid and free.

IP commission free:

  • deposits money and receives payments from partners;
  • pays to the budget and state funds;
  • pays for the service to the bank and its partners.

The bank charges a fee for:

  • payments to other banks on paper - 40 rubles per document;
  • payments to other banks through the "Bank-Client" system - 25 rubles per payment;
  • outgoing payments after the end of the transaction day - 0.5% of the payment amount, but not less than 100 rubles.

Clarifications on the amounts of payments, changes in payment instructions, search for money that did not reach the recipient, and similar operations are paid - from 150 rubles per document.

home credit. Checking account. Cash transactions

The business owner can withdraw money in cash upon prior application with a bank commission of 1% of the amount. If you need to withdraw money without an application, the client pays a commission of 3% to the HCF. A transaction with a breakdown of bills, but without pre-ordering cash, will cost 4% of the withdrawal amount.

The bank can exchange large bills for small bills or coins, or vice versa. Depending on the packaging, the cost of exchange ranges from 0.5% to 2%.

Other paid services

For an additional payment, an individual entrepreneur or organization can order other services from the bank, for example:

  • registration of check books - 100-150 rubles;
  • certificate of turnover and balances, cash flow and salary - from 50 to 300 rubles per copy;
  • repeated certificates of account availability - 200 rubles;
  • certificates at the request of auditors - 250 rubles;
  • duplicates of payment documents - from 50 to 200 rubles per sheet - depends on the age of the document.

About the bank

HKF Bank LLC opened its first branch in Nizhny Novgorod in 2002. Home Credit Bank has 32 million customers in Russia. Bank branches operate in all regions of the country.

In 2017, the bank carried out a large-scale rebranding and began to focus on an audience that is convenient to conduct transactions online. One and a half million Russians use remote services and mobile products of the bank.

Sometimes, in order to submit applications for services (for example, refusal of insurance), it is required to indicate the details of a credit institution in the application. Moreover, the bank details include quite a few items, and they may require different things. In any case, if you use the services of an organization, it would be nice to know such information. Just in case, we will find out the details of the Home Credit Bank account.

In fact, the current account as such is provided only to customers so that they can manage their financial affairs remotely, for example, through the Internet banking system. A huge number of people use the services of banks, and such identification information helps to control the finances of each individual.

The bank does not have its own current account, since it is simply not needed. However, there are details, they are necessary to identify the bank! For example, BIC. That's what it's called: bank identification code. After all, it is impossible to completely anonymously hold the money of thousands of people. So, let's go directly to the details.

  1. The legal and actual addresses of the bank are the same: 125040, Moscow, st. Pravdy, d. 8, building 1 (in the case of the actual address, this refers to the head office of the bank).
  2. Correspondent account: No. 30101810400000000216 in Branch No. 2 of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia.
  3. Bank identification code: 044525245.
  4. Tax identification number: 7735057951.
  5. All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations: 9807804.
  6. All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities: 45334000.
  7. Registration reason code (additional code with BIC): 997950001.
  8. Main state registration number: 1027700280937.

Important! The names of the details are given in full, but the following abbreviations are most often used: BIK, TIN, OKPO, OKTMO, KPP, PSRN.

In fact, a correspondent account for a bank is a personal account and an analogue of a current account for an ordinary client. If you submit some application, as mentioned above, to an insurance agency, for example, the recipient will immediately be able to verify the accuracy of the information you provide using the details.

Data of some representations

Like any other organization, Home Credit Bank has its branches in the regions. Officially they are called representations. To see their indices and addresses, you need to go to the official Home Credit website and find the "About the bank" item. First you will see the above details, then international details, and then the addresses of representative offices in alphabetical order. It looks something like this:

  1. Murmansk regional office. Opening date: 04/17/2018. Address: 183025, Murmansk region, Murmansk, st. Papanina, d.7.
  2. Nizhny Novgorod regional office. Opening date: 08/02/2018. Address: 603155, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod district, st. Bolshaya Pecherskaya, 37, room. P1.
  3. Obninsk regional office. Opening date: 12/15/2006. Address: 349030, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Kyiv shosse, 90.
  4. Pskov regional office. Opening date: 04/17/2018. Address: 180000, Pskov region, Pskov, st. Sovetskaya, d. 60, room 1013.
  5. St. Petersburg regional office. Opening date: 04/17/2018. Address: 194044, St. Petersburg, Vyborgskaya nab., 47.

As you can see, many branches were opened en masse, that is, they have the same founding date. The distribution of representations occurred in waves. The Obninsk representative office appeared before anyone else: in 2006! Next, we will add to the list of addresses, but without specifying the city (since regional offices are located in regional centers).

  1. Rostov regional office. Date of foundation: 06/05/2018. Address: st. City of Volos, d.6.
  2. Smolensk regional pr-o. Date of foundation: 09/18/2018. Address: st. Tenisheva, d.22. Index: 214018.
  3. Tomsk regional pr-o. Date of foundation: 08.08.2018. Address: st. Karl Marx, 36. Index: 634009.
  4. Chelyabinsk regional pr-o. Date of foundation: 05/15/2018. Address: st. Kirova, d.159. Index: 454091.
  5. Yakutsk reg. Pr-o. Date of foundation: 09/18/2018. Address: st. Khabarova, 13.

In any case, you can find relevant information for all regions on the website. Or you can write to the Home Chat and ask the employee for the relevant information. Both will take about the same amount of time. However, please note that information such as BIC, PSRN, is the same for the entire organization as a whole and does not differ depending on your region of residence and contacting the bank.

Legal entities need an account to pay rent, taxes and salaries. The law does not prohibit working without an account, but imposes some restrictions, for example:

  • legal entities are required to pay taxes by bank transfer;
  • it is impossible to conclude contracts for an amount exceeding 100,000 rubles;
  • the bank will not connect the terminal for payment by cards;
  • salary must be paid in cash through the cashier;
  • will not be able to participate in tenders and take government orders.

Home Credit: current account for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

To open an account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC in Home Credit, an entrepreneur comes to the bank with documents and signs a settlement and cash service agreement - RKO.

Documents for IP:

  • passport;
  • IP registration certificate;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • print, if any.

Documents for LLC:

  • company charter;
  • an order appointing a director;
  • passports and powers of attorney of those who get access to money;
  • office lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the property;
  • financial statements;
  • information about business reputation in any form;
  • OGRN;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Home Credit Bank: tariffs for entrepreneurs

Home Credit Bank opens a current account for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities free of charge. If the client connects to the Internet bank, there is no monthly fee for settlement and cash services. Clients who make payments through the bank's cash desk and do not use the online service pay 1,000 rubles per month. If the company does not use cash settlement, the bank writes off 200 rubles each as long as there is money in the account.

Home Credit does not charge a commission for the first account statement, but the client pays 300 rubles for the second and subsequent ones.

The bank does not charge for:

  • incoming payments;
  • payments to the budget and taxes;
  • payments within the bank;
  • account closure.

For payments on paper, the client pays 40 rubles, and for online payment - 25.

To withdraw cash upon a preliminary application, the client pays 1% of the amount, without an application - 3%.

The bank has a cash split service, for example, if a client wants to withdraw money in banknotes of a certain denomination or coins, Home Credit takes from 1.5% to 4% of the amount.

About the bank

Home Credit has been operating since 1990, issuing loans to the population, serving small and medium-sized businesses.

According to financial indicators, it ranks 38th among 534 banks in Russia - information from the Banki.ru portal. It ranks sixth in the national rating, which is based on user feedback on the quality of services.