The nationality of a person. What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society? The professional affiliation of a person is a characteristic of his


Part 1

A1. What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society?

A2. Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for another what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

A3. Are they true the following judgments about the impact of nature on society?

A. natural conditions affect the economic life of society.

B. The development of science greatly enhances the influence of nature on the life of society.

A4. What is the hallmark of science?

A5. Anna moved to the 11th grade of a comprehensive school. She is a professional figure skater. What level of education is Anna at?

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. Moral norms exist only in written form.

B. Moral standards are established by the state.

A7. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

A9. At the end of 1991 income federal budget of our country amounted to 145.6 billion rubles, and expenses - 228.8 billion rubles. These data directly reflect

A10. Are the following statements about unemployment correct?

A. The unemployed include all people of working age who are unemployed.

B. Unemployment is inherent in all economic systems.

A11. Nationality a person is a characteristic of his

A12. Soviet society, as the official ideology asserted, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

A13. Are the following statements about family functions correct?

A. The main function of the family is production and economic.

B. The family guards the sphere of a person's personal life.

A14. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

A15. According to the French Constitution of 1791, when the legislature was formed, electors were first elected, who, in turn, elected representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election

A16. Are the following statements about political parties correct?

A. A multi-party system weakens the democratic state.

B. A two-party system does not exclude the existence of other parties.

A17. What is the hallmark of the rule of law?

    existence of a system of legislation

    equal rights and equality of citizens before the law

    functioning of law enforcement agencies


A18. The president Russian Federation

A19. Citizens traded near the metro station with lilies of the valley collected in the forest. It is known that these flowers are listed in the Red Book. What offense did the citizens commit?

A20. Are the following judgments about the Constitution of the Russian Federation correct?

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular referendum. B. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for a special procedure for introducing amendments and additions to it.

Part 2

IN 1. The above list shows the similarities between the norms of law and morality and the differences between the norms of law and morality. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.

1) accepted by the state

3) based on ideas of good and evil

2) regulate the life of society

4) establish rules of conduct


Features of difference

AT 2. Find manifestations of the global problems of mankind in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

    expansion of the circle of nuclear powers

    weakening of the immune system in older people

    increase in debt of economically underdeveloped countries

    soil depletion under the influence of human activities

    growth in the number of primary schools in several countries in Africa

Answer: _________________

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and areas of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) developing and testing hypotheses

B) creating artistic images

2) art

C) the formation of a sense of beauty

D) aesthetic pleasure

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 4. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of "consumption".

1) mortgage loan, 2) family expenses, 3) production of goods, 4) cost of living, 5) personal savings.

Find and write down the number of the term that falls out of this row.

Answer: ___________________

Part 3

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6.

Each ethnic group has its own unique stereotype of behavior. Sometimes the behavioral stereotype of an ethnic group changes from generation to generation. This indicates that this ethnos is developing, and ethnogenesis is not dying out. Sometimes the structure of an ethnic group is stable, because the new generation reproduces the life cycle of the previous one.

The structure of an ethnic stereotype of behavior is a strictly defined norm of relations: between a collective and an individual, between individuals, among themselves, between intra-ethnic groups ... These norms tacitly exist in all areas of life and everyday life, being perceived in a given ethnic group and in each individual era as the only possible way dormitories... Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people...

Different peoples arose in different eras and had different historical destinies. Of course, ethnic groups are influenced by the geographical environment through the daily communication of a person with the nature that feeds him, but that's not all. Traditions inherited from ancestors play their role, habitual enmity or friendship with neighbors play their own role, cultural influences, religion have their own meaning, but besides all this, there is a law of development that applies to ethnic groups as to any natural phenomena. We call its manifestations in the diverse processes of the emergence and disappearance of peoples ethnogenesis ...

The stereotype of the behavior of an ethnos is as dynamic as the ethnos itself. Rituals, customs and norms of relationships change either slowly and gradually, or very quickly.

According to the book L.N. Gumilyov "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the earth". M., 1994. S. 92-93

C1 Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan).

C2. What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include?

C5. L. Gumilyov cites such facts. The knights who captured Palestine resented the Arab custom of polygamy, and the Arabs considered the uncovered faces of French ladies to be shameless. What feature of the ethnic stereotype is manifested in these facts? Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

C6. The author believes that ethnic groups develop according to the laws of nature. At the same time, many researchers attribute ethnogenesis to social phenomena. Which of these points of view do you think is more correct? Based on the text and social science and historical knowledge, give two arguments (reasons) in defense of your opinion.

Keys Option 6.

job number

job number

job number

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan). Answer:

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) development and stability of the ethnic group;

2) norms of relations within an ethnic group;

3) what influences the development of an ethnos.

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks

The main semantic parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the content. The number of selected parts can be different.

Not all the main parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the main ideas of the selected fragments, OR not all the selected parts of the text correspond to meaningful and logically completed components of the text, OR not all the names of the selected parts correspond to their content

Maximum score

C2. What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include? Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer should include the following types norms:

1) between the team and the individual;

2) individuals among themselves;

3) intra-ethnic groups among themselves.

Three types are named

Named two types

One species named OR incorrect answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Your answer should include the following factors:

1) geographic environment

2) traditions;

3) relations with neighbors;

4) the natural law of the development of ethnic groups.

Four factors named

Name any two or three factors

Any one factor is named OR the answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

1) the answer to the question, for example: the dynamism of the stereotype of behavior is manifested in the fact that rituals, customs and norms of human relations are constantly changing;

2) examples, let's say:

Changing the norms of family and marriage relations among European peoples: from a decisive role in choosing a spouse of relatives to an independent and free choice of a marriage partner,

Changing the attitude of the Russian nobility towards foreigners-Europeans: from the feeling of their complete alienation in the period of Muscovite Rus' to the passion for everything foreign in subsequent centuries.

Other examples may be given.

The question is answered, two examples are correctly given

Question answered and one example given OR Two examples given and question not answered

Question answered OR one example given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C5. L. Gumilyov cites such facts. The knights who captured Palestine resented the Arab custom of polygamy, and the Arabs considered the uncovered faces of French ladies to be shameless. What feature of the ethnic stereotype is manifested in these facts? Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a feature of the ethnic stereotype is indicated: the attitude to one's own norms of behavior as the only possible one;

2) a fragment of the text is given: “Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people.”

A trait is indicated, a fragment of text is given

A trait is indicated OR a piece of text is given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

Based on the text and social science and historical knowledge, give two arguments (reasons) in defense of your opinion. Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the student's opinion is expressed: agreement with a particular point of view;

2) two arguments (explanations) are given, for example:

when consent with the fact that the development of ethnic groups is a natural phenomenon, it can be indicated that:

The processes of formation and development of nations cannot be directed by the activities of people, do not depend on their will;

Like a living organism, ethnoi in their development go through the stages of origin, "childhood", maturity and extinction;

when consent with the fact that the development of ethnic groups is a social process, it can be stated that:

Social phenomena have a decisive influence on the development of ethnic groups: norms of attitude, interaction with neighbors, etc.;

Even natural factors influence the ethnos most often indirectly - through production, which in itself acts as a social phenomenon.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

The student's opinion is expressed, two arguments are given

The student's opinion is expressed, one argument is given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but is clear from the context, two arguments are given.

The student's opinion is expressed, no arguments are given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but it is clear from the context, one argument is given, OR the answer is incorrect or missing.

Relationships ... at the conclusion of marriages predominantly within a separate group ... a factor in everything spheres life societies How at the state level...

A1. What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society?

A2. Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for another what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

A3. Are the following judgments about the impact of nature on the life of society correct?

A. Natural conditions affect the economic life of society.

B. The development of science greatly enhances the influence of nature on the life of society.

A4. What is the hallmark of science?

A5. Anna moved to the 11th grade of a comprehensive school. She is a professional figure skater. What level of education is Anna at?

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. Moral norms exist only in written form.

B. Moral standards are established by the state.

A7. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

A9. At the end of 1991, the revenues of the federal budget of our country amounted to 145.6 billion rubles, and expenditures - 228.8 billion rubles. These data directly reflect

A10. Are the following statements about unemployment correct?

A. The unemployed include all people of working age who are unemployed.

B. Unemployment is inherent in all economic systems.

A11. The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

A12. Soviet society, as the official ideology asserted, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

A13. Are the following statements about family functions correct?

A. The main function of the family is production and economic.

B. The family guards the sphere of a person's personal life.

A14. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

A15. According to the French Constitution of 1791, when the legislature was formed, electors were first elected, who, in turn, elected representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election

A16. Are the following statements about political parties correct?

A. A multi-party system weakens the democratic state.

B. A two-party system does not exclude the presence of other parties.

A17. What is the hallmark of the rule of law?

    existence of a system of legislation

    equal rights and equality of citizens before the law

    functioning of law enforcement agencies


A18. President of Russian Federation

A19. Citizens traded near the metro station with lilies of the valley collected in the forest. It is known that these flowers are listed in the Red Book. What offense did the citizens commit?

A20. Are the following judgments about the Constitution of the Russian Federation correct?

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular referendum. B. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for a special procedure for introducing amendments and additions to it.

producers and consumers

parties and states

parents and children

writers and readers

A2. Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for another what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

right claim

moral norm

scientific law

etiquette rule

A3. Are the following judgments about the impact of nature on the life of society correct?
A. Natural conditions affect the economic life of society.
B. The development of science greatly enhances the influence of nature on the life of society.

only A is correct

only B is correct

both statements are correct

both statements are wrong

A4. What is the hallmark of science?

appeal to supernatural powers

striving for objective truth

impact on people's emotions

A5. Anna moved to the 11th grade of a comprehensive school. She is a professional figure skater. What level of education is Anna at?

Basic general education

Secondary vocational education

Complete (secondary) education

Higher professional education

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?
A. Moral norms exist only in written form.
B. Moral standards are established by the state.

only A is correct

only B is correct

both statements are correct

both statements are wrong

A7. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

hallmark market economy is

centralized resource allocation

free pricing

introduction income tax

trade deficit

At the end of 1991, the revenues of the federal budget of our country amounted to 145.6 billion rubles, and expenditures - 228.8 billion rubles. These data directly reflect

decline in production

budget surplus

rising inflation

budget deficit

10. Are the following statements about unemployment correct?
A. The unemployed include all people of working age who are unemployed.
B. Unemployment is common to all economic systems.

only A is correct

only B is correct

both statements are correct

both statements are wrong

The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

natural status

social role

achieved status

public prestige

Soviet society, as the official ideology asserted, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

political system

social structure

economic structure

form of state

13. Are the following statements about family functions correct?
A. The main function of the family is production and economic.
B. The family guards the sphere of a person's personal life.

only A is correct

only B is correct

both statements are correct

both statements are wrong

What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?


Security Council

Federal Assembly

Public Chamber

According to the French Constitution of 1791, when forming legislature first, electors were elected, who, in turn, carried out the election of representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election





16. Are the following statements about political parties correct?
A. A multi-party system weakens the democratic state.
B. A two-party system does not exclude the presence of other parties.

only A is correct

only B is correct

both statements are correct

both statements are wrong


Part 1

A1. What relations are associated mainly with the political sphere of society?

A2. Ivan Petrovich is guided in his life by the rule: do not wish for another what you do not want for yourself. This rule expresses

A3. Are the following judgments about the impact of nature on the life of society correct?

A. Natural conditions affect the economic life of society.

B. The development of science greatly enhances the influence of nature on the life of society.

A4. What is the hallmark of science?

4) higher professional education

A6. Are the following statements about morality correct?

A. Moral norms exist only in written form.

B. Moral standards are established by the state.

A7. Which of the following refers to the factors (resources) of production?

A10. Are the following statements about unemployment correct?

A. The unemployed include all people of working age who are unemployed.

B. Unemployment is inherent in all economic systems.

A11. The nationality of a person is a characteristic of his

A12. Soviet society, as the official ideology asserted, consisted of two classes and a stratum. This characterizes

A13. Are the following statements about family functions correct?

A. The main function of the family is production and economic.

B. The family guards the sphere of a person's personal life.

A14. What is the highest representative body of state power in Russia?

A15. According to the French Constitution of 1791, when the legislature was formed, electors were first elected, who, in turn, elected representatives of the Legislative Assembly. This is an example of an election

A16. Are the following statements about political parties correct?

A. A multi-party system weakens the democratic state.

B. A two-party system does not exclude the presence of other parties.

A17. What is the hallmark of the rule of law?

1) the existence of a system of legislation

2) equality and equality of citizens before the law

4) the presence of sovereignty

A18. Which of the following is characteristic of a traditional society?

1) serial production of goods

2) natural way of farming

3) the predominance of industrial production

4) the special value of information about new production technologies

A19. The totalitarian state is characterized

1) the presence of economic independence of citizens

2) ideological pluralism

3) the action of independent media

4) the absence of opposition parties and movements

A20. The federal form of government is characterized by

1) division of powers between the center and subjects of the federation

2) single-level system of legislation

3) the possibility of changing the territory of the subject by a unilateral decision of the central government bodies of the state

4) the possibility of free withdrawal of the subject from the federation

Part 2

IN 1. The above list shows the similarities between the state and the political party and their differences. Select and write down in the first column of the table the serial numbers of the similarities, and in the second column - the serial numbers of the differences.

AT 2. Find manifestations of the global problems of mankind in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

1) expansion of the circle of nuclear powers

2) weakening of the immune system of people in old age

3) increase in debt of economically underdeveloped countries

4) soil depletion under the influence economic activity of people

5) growth in the number of primary schools in a number of African countries

Answer: _________________

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between characteristics and areas of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) developing and testing hypotheses

B) creating artistic images

2) art

C) the formation of a sense of beauty

D) aesthetic pleasure

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

Read the text. Analyze the diagram data and complete tasks B4 and B5.

The sociological service of country Z conducted a survey of a group of citizens. The question was asked: “Which of the listed problems of our society worries you the most?” The survey results are presented in the form of a diagram.

B4. Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The largest share of respondents is concerned about the growth of unemployment.

2) A fifth of the respondents are most concerned about the reduction in the production of domestic goods.

3) For about a third of the respondents, the main concern is the inaccessibility of quality education and health services.

4) Approximately the same proportions of respondents are concerned about both the problems of corruption and the growth of crime, and problems related to political life.

5) Respondents are more concerned about rising prices and unemployment than about the inaccessibility of quality education and medical services.

B5. The results of the survey reflected in the diagram were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions follow directly from the information received during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In recent years, the level of income of all segments of the population in country Z has increased significantly.

2) In country Z, the population does not receive quality educational and health services.

3) The government of country Z needs to focus its main efforts on solving socio-economic problems.

4) In country Z, there has been a decrease in the level of crime.

5) Rising prices and unemployment are not the most pressing problems for the majority of the country's population.

Part 3

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6.

Each ethnic group has its own unique stereotype of behavior. Sometimes the behavioral stereotype of an ethnic group changes from generation to generation. This indicates that this ethnos is developing, and ethnogenesis is not dying out. Sometimes the structure of an ethnic group is stable, because the new generation reproduces the life cycle of the previous one.

The structure of an ethnic stereotype of behavior is a strictly defined norm of relations: between a collective and an individual, between individuals, among themselves, between intra-ethnic groups ... These norms tacitly exist in all areas of life and everyday life, being perceived in a given ethnic group and in each individual era as the only possible a way of coexistence... When in contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people...

Different peoples arose in different eras and had different historical destinies. Of course, ethnic groups are influenced by the geographical environment through the daily communication of a person with the nature that feeds him, but that's not all. Traditions inherited from ancestors play their role, habitual enmity or friendship with neighbors play their own role, cultural influences, religion have their own meaning, but besides all this, there is a law of development that applies to ethnic groups as to any natural phenomena. We call its manifestations in the diverse processes of the emergence and disappearance of peoples ethnogenesis ...

The stereotype of the behavior of an ethnos is as dynamic as the ethnos itself. Rituals, customs and norms of relationships change either slowly and gradually, or very quickly.

According to the book "Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth". M., 1994. S. 92-93

C1 Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan).

C2. What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include?


C6. The author believes that ethnic groups develop according to the laws of nature. At the same time, many researchers attribute ethnogenesis to social phenomena. Which of these points of view do you think is more correct? Based on the text and social science and historical knowledge, give two arguments (reasons) in defense of your opinion.

Keys Option 6.

job number

job number

job number

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title to each of them (make a text plan). Answer:

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) development and stability of the ethnic group;

2) norms of relations within an ethnic group;

3) what influences the development of an ethnos.

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks

The main semantic parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the content. The number of selected parts can be different.

Not all the main parts of the text are highlighted, their names (points of the plan) correspond to the main ideas of the selected fragments, OR not all the selected parts of the text correspond to meaningful and logically completed components of the text, OR not all the names of the selected parts correspond to their content

Maximum score

C2. What three types of norms does an ethnic stereotype of behavior include? Answer:

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer should include the following types of norms:

1) between the team and the individual;

2) individuals among themselves;

3) intra-ethnic groups among themselves.

Three types are named

Named two types

One species named OR incorrect answer

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

Your answer should include the following factors:

1) geographic environment

2) traditions;

3) relations with neighbors;

4) the natural law of the development of ethnic groups.

Four factors named

Name any two or three factors

Any one factor is named OR the answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

1) the answer to the question, for example: the dynamism of the stereotype of behavior is manifested in the fact that rituals, customs and norms of human relations are constantly changing;

2) examples, let's say:

Changing the norms of family and marriage relations among European peoples: from a decisive role in choosing a spouse of relatives to an independent and free choice of a marriage partner,

Changing the attitude of the Russian nobility towards foreigners - Europeans: from the feeling of their complete alienation in the period of Muscovite Rus' to the passion for everything foreign in subsequent centuries.

Other examples may be given.

The question is answered, two examples are correctly given

Question answered and one example given OR Two examples given and question not answered

Question answered OR one example given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

C5. L. Gumilyov cites such facts. The knights who captured Palestine resented the Arab custom of polygamy, and the Arabs considered the uncovered faces of French ladies to be shameless. What feature of the ethnic stereotype is manifested in these facts? Give the position of the text that helped you answer this question.

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) a feature of the ethnic stereotype is indicated: the attitude to one's own norms of behavior as the only possible one;

2) a fragment of the text is given: “Coming into contact with another norm of behavior in another ethnic group, each member of this ethnic group is surprised, lost and tries to tell his fellow tribesmen about the eccentricities of another people.”

A trait is indicated, a fragment of text is given

A trait is indicated OR a piece of text is given

Answer is incorrect or missing

Maximum score

530 "style="width:397.65pt;border-collapse:collapse;border:none">

(Other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the student's opinion is expressed: agreement with a particular point of view;

2) two arguments (explanations) are given, for example:

when consent with the fact that the development of ethnic groups is a natural phenomenon, it can be indicated that:

The processes of formation and development of nations cannot be directed by the activities of people, do not depend on their will;

Like a living organism, ethnoi in their development go through the stages of origin, "childhood", maturity and extinction;

when consent with the fact that the development of ethnic groups is a social process, it can be stated that:

Social phenomena have a decisive influence on the development of ethnic groups: norms of attitude, interaction with neighbors, etc.;

Even natural factors influence the ethnos most often indirectly - through production, which in itself acts as a social phenomenon.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

The student's opinion is expressed, two arguments are given

The student's opinion is expressed, one argument is given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but is clear from the context, two arguments are given.

The student's opinion is expressed, no arguments are given, OR the student's opinion is not expressed, but it is clear from the context, one argument is given, OR the answer is incorrect or missing.

Maximum score

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