Unified state register of individual legal entities. Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN, read "ienen") is a special digital code that is issued to individuals and legal entities in order to streamline and control the payment of taxes.

TIN plays one of the main roles in individualization legal entities and individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur (IE) as taxpayers.

Check TIN and get information about the counterparty

TIN of a legal entity and individual entrepreneur

Entity receives TIN from the tax authority at the place of registration of the person simultaneously with other registration documents.

Individuals with IP status can obtain a TIN in two ways:

1) simultaneously with assigning them the status of an individual entrepreneur and issuing a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
2) at any time before registration as an individual entrepreneur (in this case, upon registration You don't need to get a TIN again.).
Without a TIN individual will not be able to obtain IP status.
Legal entities and individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur, when concluding any contracts, are obliged indicate your TIN in the details.
TIN must be located on the seals (for individual entrepreneurs - if there is a seal).

TIN of an individual without IP status

Individual can get a TIN from the tax authority at the place of residence.
Currently obtaining TIN by individuals is voluntary. Exception: TIN is mandatory for an individual when appointing him to the position of a civil servant.
In practice, when applying for other positions, they are often asked to present the TIN along with other documents. Such a requirement cannot be mandatory, since it is not reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

TIN check

Anyone on our site can free check the correctness of the TIN counterparty - a legal entity or an individual with the status of an individual entrepreneur, as well as the fact of making an entry on the registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Knowing the TIN and the name of the organization, you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities to check:

  1. reliability of documents received from the counterparty (since legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to indicate the TIN on any local acts and documents issued by them);
  2. the fact of the existence of a legal entity (there are situations when an unscrupulous counterparty acts in a transaction on behalf of a non-existent legal entity with a mercenary purpose);
  3. reliability of the legal address of the counterparty;
  4. last name, first name and patronymic of the director of the legal entity and other data on the legal entity.

An individual can via the Internet, and knowing the TIN - the amount of taxes and fees owed. TIN check individuals is carried out free of charge online.

Counterparty verification: procedure in questions and answers

Checking a counterparty by TIN is a mandatory procedure that sooner or later all business representatives face, regardless of their line of business. Is it worth it to cooperate with the counterparty, can he be trusted and make an advance payment - this is only a short list of questions that can be answered by carrying out such a procedure as checking the counterparty by TIN.

If we consider private situations, the need to check the counterparty can be useful to an accountant who wants to make sure that the activities of a potential partner of his company are transparent before concluding an agreement. By the TIN number on our website, you can get an extract about the legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as extended financial data on the legal entity.

It will be rational to present the basic information about the verification of the counterparty by TIN in the form of questions and answers in order to achieve high degree understanding the need for this procedure and the features of its implementation.

What is a verification of a counterparty by TIN?

Checking the counterparty by identification number includes the search for information about him and its further analysis, aimed at determining the integrity / dishonesty of a potential partner.

Who checks counterparties?

In most cases, checking the counterparty by TIN is the responsibility of employees of the legal service and the economic department. If there are no such structural units at the enterprise, the person authorized to conclude the contract will be responsible for checking the counterparty.

Why do you need to check the counterparty?

Verification of the counterparty is carried out to minimize the financial risks from cooperation with him. Analysis of the data obtained by TIN will help to avoid delays in deliveries, problems with the quality of goods or services, and will make it possible to stop fraudulent schemes of the counterparty.

Besides, this check necessary to avoid sanctions tax authorities: if violations are found, then the responsibility for choosing a counterparty will fall entirely on your organization. The consequences can be different (exclusion of a transaction of a dubious nature from expenses, refusal to accept VAT deduction), so it is necessary to check the counterparty.

What exactly is studied when checking a counterparty?

Features of checking the counterparty - the procedure, obligations of the parties, the criteria for which studies are carried out - are not established at the legislative level. The concept of “counterparty verification” is currently not prescribed in regulatory legal acts, and is absent in the Tax Code.

Along with this, in 2006, a Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation appeared, which somewhat clarifies who should check the counterparty. It is devoted to the issue of assessing the validity of obtaining by a person tax benefit. It may be recognized as unreasonable in court if it turns out that the taxpayer acted imprudently. In practice, this means that business representatives are responsible for checking the counterparty. In fact, in most cases, the audit is carried out by accountants.

What documents are most often requested when checking a counterparty?

The absence of a written counterparty verification scheme somewhat complicates the process. At the same time, standard practice has already been established, which involves the collection and study of such documents of the counterparty as the charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of state registration and registration on tax accounting, a letter from statistics, which indicates activity codes, documents proving the identity of the counterparty and confirming his authority.

To obtain information on the legal entity you are interested in, please visit the website of the Federal tax service(www.nalog.ru) which is given below. The service allows you to find the details of the taxpayer of the organization on nalog.ru by TIN, PSRN.

Providing information from the USRIP: when the tax authorities demand a fee

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in its letter No. 03-01-11 / 8697 dated February 17, 2016, clarifies when a fee is charged for providing information from the USRIP about an individual entrepreneur. The agency recalls that the amount of the fee for providing information from the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs on hard copy is 200 rubles. The fee for the urgent provision of information is 400 rubles.

At the same time, the collection of such a fee does not depend on the legal status of the applicant. Accordingly, such a fee may be charged, including from applicants who are individuals who are not registered as individual entrepreneurs.

At the same time, the provision of information on individual entrepreneurs contained in the USRIP in the form electronic document carried out free of charge on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

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Obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP about a legal entity / individual entrepreneur in the form of an electronic document

Help in pdf format will be signed with an enhanced qualified signature of the tax authority, which is equivalent to a certificate on paper, signed by the handwritten signature of an official of the tax authority and certified by the seal of the tax authority.

Find out INFORMATION from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about companies or individual entrepreneurs from the website of the tax

Search is possible by one of the listed fields "Organization name", "OGRN", "GRN", "TIN" or "KPP".

Note: Please note that when searching by name, you should enter only its original part without quotes and an indication of the legal form (LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.), and also take into account that the search is carried out by the full name of the company . Interested address of the organization is determined by the result of the request.

In addition, information may be provided to you in the manner prescribed by Art. 7 federal law No. 129-FZ and approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438 "Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and providing information contained therein". In accordance with paragraph 23 of these Rules, information is provided by the registration authority on a specific legal entity upon request, provided that a document confirming payment is provided simultaneously with the request. The fee for providing information to individuals in the form of an extract from the state register is 200 rubles, for urgent provision of information 400 rubles. The request must be addressed to the registration (tax) authority at the location of the organization.


The search takes place by any details: name, address, full name, TIN and other parameters. Financial condition, bankruptcy notice, enforcement proceedings. At the same time, you can write a combination of several details in the search bar! Search for any person by SURNAME. Search for an entrepreneur. And more . More than 10,000 companies are already working in Focus!

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Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Search by OGRN, TIN, name, full name of the director and address

Basic information about the organization based on information from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and Rosstat, including:

  • name, address, information about the state of the legal entity,
  • basic details (OGRN, TIN, KPP, OKPO and others),
  • management and founders of the organization,
  • information about issued licenses,
  • branches and representative offices,
  • activities,
  • management company, JSC registrar and much more.

As well as important information from special registers of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation:

  • legal entities whose executive bodies include disqualified persons,
  • addresses indicated at state registration as the location of several legal entities,
  • information about individuals who are founders (participants) of several legal entities,
  • information about individuals who are heads of several legal entities,
  • a unified register of small and medium-sized businesses.

Do you want to know your transport tax, property and land tax debts?

egrul nalog ru is a database of state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farm) enterprises. With its help, you can check for free whether a legal entity exists, as well as get the main registration information. All information is provided free of charge.

Database main page

Do not confuse the data from this database with a full-fledged electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The latter contains information about the legal entity in 35 sections, while egrul nalog ru will provide data on only six main ones. In addition, an extract is made for money.

On this portal, you can check the very fact of the existence of a legal entity and find out the date of its state registration. The site provides information about the legal address of the person, his TIN, OGRN. The search form is located on the main page and has two tabs: one - to search for legal entities, the other - to search for individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farmer) households.


Select the tab you need and set further search criteria. You can search for legal entities by TIN / OGRN, and if you do not know this data, then by the name of the legal entity. In the latter case, you need to specify the name - if you know it exactly, then check the box "Search by exact match of the name." From the drop-down menu, you can select the region where the desired legal entity is located.

IP and KFK can be searched for by OGRNIP / TIN. If you do not know them, use the search by name and region of residence.

The last step is to enter the digital captcha and click the “search” button.

The egrul nalog ru website also provides useful information on entering data into the register of legal entities, on the dates of such entries, on changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for a specific organization. With the help of this electronic service, you will find out what nature these changes were, and they also affected the constituent documents of the legal entity. In addition, you can generate a request for information on whether the legal entity you are interested in is registered with all public funds– for example, in the Social Insurance Fund, pension fund, Health Insurance Fund.

At the bottom of the main page of egrul nalog ru there is a large block of links that help you check how risky it is for your business to cooperate with a particular organization or entrepreneur.

Block "Risks for business"

You can check your potential partner against a large list of criteria. Let's look at some of them.

Information published in the State Registration Bulletin on the decisions taken by the registration authorities on the forthcoming exclusion of inactive legal entities from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This service will tell you if your counterparty is going to be excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the near future. To use the service, you need to know the TIN / OGRN.

Check Service

There is no information about legal entities, with which there is no contact at the address (location) indicated by them, entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. If you found your prospective partner through this service, it means that the tax authorities are already interested in him and are looking for him. In turn, this means that the Federal Tax Service can block the current account of this legal entity.

Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are submitted. Here you check the businessman or company to see if they have filed tax declarations on registration actions. Such actions may be, for example, changing the charter, changing the legal address, changing the founder or director. The service will give the date of the decision that the tax service made on such an application. In the search form, you need to enter the PSRN and the name of the legal entity. From the drop-down lists, you will be asked to select the form of the document you are looking for (statement on the creation of a legal entity, statement on reorganization, etc.); the inspection where it was submitted; submission period.

Search Form

Legal entities whose executive bodies include disqualified persons. Disqualification of an individual is one of the forms of punishment for a person who violated the law as the head of an organization. The results of this search include companies where the general directors are officially people who do not have the right to manage legal entities. To search, you will need the full name of the legal entity and its PSRN. If you do not know the details, the system will display the entire list of legal entities with disqualified managers - you can search manually.

Search for disqualified persons

All information and all listings of the egrul nalog ru resource are constantly updated and updated, so that it is an informative source for pre-screening your potential business partner. But you will receive complete information only in the form of a paid electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

What is the register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs? What information is entered in the specified document and by whom? How can I get an extract sheet from the information database? We will understand the nuances of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP) in more detail.

Unified register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - legislative aspects

The unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, as well as the unified state register of legal entities, is maintained in accordance with Order No. 129-FZ of 08.08.01 and Order No. 115n of 05.12.13. These documents are consolidated information bases, each of which information is provided by taxpayers directly during the official registration of the status of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The list of data is exhaustive for all areas of activity and economic entities existing in Russia.

Federal registers are publicly available, constantly updated and contain complete information about the opening of firms, reorganization and / or liquidation. The assigned registration number includes 15 familiar spaces, each of which has a certain value for users:

  • 1 sign - means a sign of making a record.
  • 2, 3 digits - show the last 2 digits of the year.
  • 4, 5 digits - means the regional code of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  • 6-14 digits - decipher in chronological order the numbers of records of the current year in the register.
  • 15 characters - denotes a check number.

The main principle of the functioning of registers is to monitor and subsequently control the activity of individual entrepreneurs / enterprises by authorized state bodies, including the availability of up-to-date information about executives, personal data, composition of founders, etc. Responsible body in accordance with Art. 5 of Order No. 129-FZ, a registration authority is appointed, that is tax office. All data is submitted when registering a business, and some information is transferred to the IFTS by social funds and licensing structures. Accordingly, the host subjects are obliged to timely and in the prescribed form notify the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service of the changes taking place. What exactly does the register of legal entities and the register of individual entrepreneurs reflect? More on this later.

What data is subject to reflection in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (clause 1, article 5 of Order No. 129-FZ):

  • Russian-language full and / or abbreviated name of the enterprise, as well as company name, if any. If a company of a foreign name is contained in the statutory documentation, it is also necessary to enter such data in a single register (ER).
  • Organizational and legal status of the company.
  • The exact location of the company, including changes in the address, as well as e-mail when specifying the mailbox in the registration application.
  • The option of creating an enterprise (reorganization and which one or opening a business from scratch).
  • Data on all founders of the legal entity, and in the case of entering information on JSC, also data on all holders of registers of current shareholders. For an LLC, information is required on the size of the charter (nominal) and the composition of the shares; about the presence of any encumbrances in terms of shares; about the person managing the share in case of its inheritance.
  • Officially certified by a notary public or original copies of the constituent documentation or a note that the activity is carried out in accordance with the standard form of the charter in accordance with federal regulations.
  • Succession data - submitted by legal entities formed in the process of reorganization of other legal entities; legal entities liquidated in the process of reorganization or legal entities involved in the transformation procedure.
  • The exact dates of changes in the constituent documentation or the exact date of receipt by the control registration body of notification data about such changes.
  • The option of closing a legal entity - by the method of liquidation, reorganization, through exclusion from the UR according to a decision made by the registering authority, as a result of the contribution to the authorized capital of a joint-stock company of a unitary organization as a property complex (IC), as well as in cases established by law, the transfer of an IC of a unitary organization to state ownership.
  • Data on the opening of liquidation, bankruptcy and other related procedures.
  • The exact value indicated in the constituent documents authorized capital/ fund, share contributions, storage fund and others - provided by commercial enterprises.
  • The exact position, full name, TIN (if any) and passport data (or other certifying document) of the responsible person authorized to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney.
  • Data on a corporate contract containing conditions for the restriction and / or alienation of shares / shares.
  • Data on issued permissive licenses.
  • Data on available open representative offices/branches of the legal entity.
  • TIN, date of registration with the Federal Tax Service and reason code of the legal entity-taxpayer.
  • All OKVED codes declared in Rosstat.
  • Registration numbers and date of registration of the taxpayer in the FSS of the Russian Federation, PFR.
  • Data on the ongoing process of legal entity transformation.
  • Data on the ongoing process of reducing the authorized capital of the business entity.

What data is to be reflected in the USRIP (clause 2, article 5 of Order No. 129-FZ):

  • The exact surname and name of the individual, as well as patronymic, if any. For foreign natural persons without citizenship, the specified information is entered in Latin letters according to the information from the certifying document.
  • Place and date of birth, as well as gender.
  • Country of citizenship, in the absence of a corresponding entry "stateless".
  • The exact place of residence in Russia, including the subject of the Russian Federation, city or district, or other place of residence, street, house and apartment number.
  • E-mail address when specifying the mailbox in the registration application.
  • For Russian citizens, the information of the certifying document.
  • For foreign citizens information on the type of certifying document recognized as such in accordance with federal law or international treaty RF.
  • For foreign citizens and stateless individuals, information about the residence permit document (date, number, period of validity).
  • The exact date of state registration of the individual entrepreneur and the data of his certificate of making an entry in the EP.
  • The exact date and option for the termination of the IP’s work activities due to - filing an application, by a court decision to declare the entrepreneur bankrupt or to force the termination of work, due to the death of a citizen, by a court decision to prohibit doing business for a specified period, due to cancellation or expiration of the term validity of a residence permit of the Russian Federation.
  • Accurate data on issued permissive licenses.
  • TIN of the entrepreneur and the exact date of its receipt.
  • Registration data on registration with the FSS, PFR, including date and number.

As it becomes clear, the list of information contained in the register of entrepreneurs or legal entities is very extensive and allows direct users to get answers to almost all questions about the activities of an economic entity. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 5 of Order No. 129-FZ, when making any changes, all previously generated information is stored in order to strengthen control and administration of the work of individual entrepreneurs / enterprises. Upon completion of the deadlines approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, the information is transferred for permanent storage to the state archives.

How data is entered into the register

No wonder the decoding of the USRIP begins with the word single: the designation very accurately conveys the meaning of the federal base. It is, first of all, a collection of information in common bank data, and subsequent clarifications explain which body is assigned responsibility (state); in the form of what information is presented (register) and about whom (individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, respectively).

The initial submission of data is carried out at the stage of starting a business - when submitting a package of registration documents to the territorial tax office. Each entry has its own individual state registration number (clause 4, article 5 of the Order) and the date of entry. In this case, the data is submitted by taxpayers, and entered into the register by employees of the tax authorities. There are several exceptions:

  1. When issuing licenses - information is submitted by licensing structures within 5 days (working) from the date of the decision.
  2. When registering a taxpayer in funds, information is submitted by social non-budgetary funds (PFR and FSS) no later than 3 days (working) from the date of registration of the subject.
  3. When assigning a TIN, information is submitted electronically by the responsible divisions of the IFTS no later than 5 days (working days) from the moment the individual / legal entity is registered for tax purposes.
  4. When changing the passport or place of residence of individuals - direct founders / participants of the legal entity; persons who have the right to act without obtaining a power of attorney; as well as entrepreneurs, information is submitted to the tax inspectorates from the authorities that change the documents of these persons or register changes in residential addresses no later than 5 days (working) from the date of receipt.
  5. When initiating a case regarding the bankruptcy of a legal entity, information is submitted by arbitration courts upon acceptance of relevant applications, and is also provided by the operator of the EFR (Unified Federal Register) up to 3 (working) days from the moment the information is entered into the database.

Note! Also, the obligation to independently enter information on changes is assigned to the legal entity in case of any changes, except for data on licenses, TIN and registration in funds. The established period is 3 days (working) from the date of the changes. For individual entrepreneurs, there is an obligation to inform about all changes, except for data on TIN, licenses and registrations with the FSS / PFR, with a similar notification period. It is not required to enter information on changes in the passport and address of residence (clause 5, article 5 of Order No. 129-FZ).

Regarding statistics codes, an individual entrepreneur is not obliged, in accordance with the current legislative regulations, to enter data into a single register, but it is necessary to indicate the types of OKVED during registration. And after opening a business, the entrepreneur independently receives an information letter from Rosstat. But it is mandatory to submit an application in the established form for processing changes to the register of individual entrepreneurs, but we will talk about this in the next section.

How can I make changes to the Unified Register

The Federal Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is regularly updated and should contain only up-to-date data. That is why taxpayers are given a certain period of time to make information changes and the generally established procedure must be followed by all entrepreneurs without exception.

Changes to the register have to be made quite often, and this is especially true for changing the types of activities of individual entrepreneurs - adding new ones or excluding old ones. When reflecting data, it should be remembered that one code is recognized as the main one, and all others are additional, such nuances are important when forming the application form. The document is drawn up by an individual personally, the filling format is “by hand” or using a computer, the presentation method is in person, by mail, through an approved representative.

Application form f. R24001 was approved by Order No. ММВ-7-6/25@ dated January 25, 2012 and contains unified sheets, which are formed as needed, depending on the individual characteristics of the situation. For example, an individual entrepreneur, when changing working types of economic activities, if new codes are added, you need to fill out sheet E page 1, and if OKVED is excluded, additionally provide page 2 of sheet E. It is also mandatory to form title page, which indicates the basic information about the individual.

It is not necessary to sign the document in advance, a personal signature is affixed in the presence of the tax inspector when submitting the form. In addition to the specified application, you must have with you - a passport, TIN, copies of those documents that confirm the changes made. The last sheet of the application indicates the preferred method of obtaining documentation from the IFTS - in person, by mail or through a representative. Remember that the OKVED codes have changed, you should notify the registration authority within 3 days (working) from the date of addition, and in case of exclusion, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain any deadlines.

What is the EGRIP record sheet for?

The form of the USRIP record sheet, the tax is paid by the entrepreneur depending on the applicable taxation regime, can be useful in various situations. This is, first of all, checking the counterparties of the company, including suppliers of various goods, services or works. The possibility of obtaining an extract will help protect your business from the risks of non-payment of obligations or additional payment of taxes in the event of claims from the Federal Tax Service. Additionally, you can clarify whether the head of the company is included in the list of disqualified individuals, and whether the location of the company is one of the addresses considered mass registration.

Also, using the USRIP / USRLE sheet, access is given to such information as the current status of the individual entrepreneur / legal entity, date and place of registration, types of OKVED, size and composition of the charter, position and name of managers, licenses and branches, other open data. For personal purposes, an extract is required when opening bank accounts, when obtaining loans, when concluding certain categories of transactions, or when notarizing certain types of documents. take advantage federal base data for obtaining an extract about one's own or a third party at the moment, anyone has the right, especially since there are a lot of ways - from paid to free, from urgent to ordinary.

Important! Part of the information about the individual entrepreneur / legal entity cannot be found out, since some information is considered confidential and is not subject to disclosure to a wide range of people. This is the address of residence of individuals, the legal address of enterprises, passport information and some other personal information.

How to get an extract from the Unified Register

Previously, it was possible to obtain an extract only by contacting the tax office in person. Today, the procedure is greatly simplified and you can order a document in person or via the Internet. First of all, access to the database is provided by the official website of the Federal Tax Service in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP service. The search criteria is very simple and involves searching for information by TIN / OGRN or the name of a person. Keep in mind that a complete document can only be obtained if you have an EDS (enhanced digital signature), if there is none, you will have to order a sheet through your tax office. A shortened version is also available without a signature.

The service is paid only when requesting data on a foreign company / individual entrepreneur. For own purposes, an extract is issued free of charge on a general basis (within a 7-day period), for a fee - in case of urgent appeal and issuance of a document the next day. The cost of the state duty in 2017 is 400 rubles. Payment is made to the details of the IFTS according to the corresponding CSC.

Conclusion - we examined the essence and purpose of the USRIP / USRLE in accordance with the current legislative norms of the Russian Federation, namely Order No. 129-FZ and Order No. 115n. The basic requirements for submitting data to unified registers are the same in relation to legal entities and entrepreneurs, but they have a number of differences in terms of specifying information. Keep in mind that when requesting an extract sheet, in some situations a limited validity period is approved (1 month, week or 5 working days), so in each case it is necessary to clarify the nuances of the appointment.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities- abbreviated Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Today it is a special system that contains information about each organization that is registered in Russia. Unified State Register of Legal Entities Contains up-to-date information about the organization, such as:

  • The name of the legal entity.
  • A note on the constituent documents, namely the charter or agreement.
  • Surnames, names, patronymics of all founders and the general director.
  • The size of the authorized capital and its share ratio between the participants.
  • State registration number.
  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities is, first of all, a system that was created for the convenience of storing information about all legal entities existing in Russia. This register contains full and complete information, which is recognized as reliable by all state bodies.

    When data is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    • The creation, reorganization and liquidation of an enterprise must necessarily be reflected in the database by creating an entry in it about the state registration of a legal entity.
    • An entry is also made if the constituent documents are corrected and officially registered.
    • When information about the enterprise becomes irrelevant, updated data is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
    • In addition, the provision of documentation for the registration of a legal entity is also accompanied by an entry in the register.

    Gaining access and making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    • There are electronic and "traditional" versions of the register, and, in case of data discrepancy, information on paper takes precedence over the electronic register.
    • The information entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is open and publicly available. Only personal data of individuals are hidden: phone numbers, addresses, passport number and series, account information, etc.
    • Information is added to the registry in chronological order. All these records are “complete” with the SRN (state registration number). An enterprise may have several entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the first of them is considered to be the main state registration number.

    How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Any person has the right to issue a written request for information about documents from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the registration authorities will be required to issue the requested information upon request within five days.

    Information can be provided in the form:

    • extracts from the state register;
    • photocopies of a document or package of documents;
    • certificate of the established form, informing that there is no information about the requested securities in the register.

    If the applicant submits government bodies or requires an extract on their own documents, then the information is provided free of charge. In all other cases, the receipt of an extract is preceded by the payment of a fee.

    Types of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  1. Normal. Most often, the applicant is issued a regular extract - that is, containing publicly available information. Of course, this extract does not contain the passport data of the general director or founder of the enterprise, as well as information about accounts, addresses and telephone numbers. A regular extract may be requested by any interested person.
  2. Extended. The extended extract contains information not only about the management, but also about all participants in the legal entity in general. It contains confidential information (see above), except for current account records. Only a legal entity (whose data is in question) can request this extract. It is issued together with registration documents or in case of making adjustments to the register.
  3. official The statement is issued by the tax office. This paper is certified by the seals of the tax service. It consists of several numbered pages. Stamps are affixed to the reverse side of each sheet. The entire document is stitched. It takes 5 days to receive an official statement. If the information is needed urgently, it can be obtained the next day after the application is submitted (paid service).
  4. In electronic The extract contains exclusively open information about the legal entity.

Why do you need extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  • 1. They are needed by the personnel department and the security department of the company - to check regular and potential employees for their participation in the activities of other enterprises.
  • 2. They can be useful to the owner of the company in order to prevent its takeover or to resist aggressive competitors.
  • 3. Credit control services use them to clarify registration information.
  • 4. They help the accounting department of the company to correctly issue invoices and take care of the relevance of registration data.
  • 5. They can be used by an individual to find out more about their potential employer.

In addition, some information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be requested via the Internet. They can be provided in the form:

  • electronic information about the company (mainly about its activities);
  • an electronic reference by full name, containing information about the registered person - both an individual and a legal entity.

Among other things, using the Internet, you can monitor potential partners and customers: registration data is updated every day. And, finally, the information obtained from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is used to verify the annual reports of the accounting department of an enterprise.

Thus, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be used for a variety of purposes by a variety of people. Information about legal entities collected in the Unified Register is relatively accessible.

Business and Finance
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