Is Alor a scam? First impressions of trading through the Alor broker after the Sberbank broker Why is Alor-Trade better than QUIK.

"Alor Broker" is a company specializing in organizing securities trading: by listening to the advice of the agency, an individual can profitably purchase or sell shares of a particular organization on the stock market. It is worth saying that Alor Broker was one of the first in the Russian Federation to engage in online trading and over the 20 years of its activity it has achieved impressive results: currently about 40 branches of the company have been opened in the country.

The company not only coordinates its clients during financial transactions, but also conducts special seminars aimed at developing trading abilities among the population. Since AB offers comprehensive solutions in the field of securities trading, an individual can be confident in the result promised to him - in fact, the company conducts transactions independently, charging the client a commission for the work done. The broker also provides advice on portfolio control to experienced players and assists beginners in creating an individual investment account.

A complete list of the company's services can be found on its official website. The client's personal account is used to manage the exchange portfolio.

To register in the system, an individual will need to go to the official website of the company and click on “Become a Customer”. Next, on the page that appears, you will need to provide personal information such as:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • the city where the user lives;
  • E-mail address;
  • contact phone number.

When the form is completed, a representative of Alor Broker will contact the user and explain how to complete the registration process. To log in to the system, you simply need to enter the previously created login and password for your account.

Functionality of the Alor Broker personal account

Thanks to the system, an exchange player can:

  1. Request details of brokerage operations for any trading period.
  2. Select the desired service from AB and enter into a contract with the company.
  3. Independently manage the purchase and sale of shares, manage money from your personal account.
  4. Order the necessary certificate (for example, 2-NDFL).
  5. Get additional advice from the company.
  6. Sign up for training.

You can also participate in various webinars using your personal account.

Additional Information

  • Reliability rating: AAA
  • Trust. ex.: yes
  • Training: yes
  • There are free terminals
  • Est. capital, million rubles: 29
  • Trading volume 2016 (millions, rubles): 25,415.65
  • Exchange commission: yes
  • Depository commission: 100 rub.
  • Commission on over-the-counter market transactions: 0.1%
  • Analytics: no

Detailed review

is a professional market participant who was the first in Russia to offer its users securities trading via the Internet. For almost 20 years, the company has been successfully operating in the financial services market, providing maximum trading opportunities. Working with a broker is comfortable and profitable, clients trust him, this is a reliable company with many years of experience, high ratings and prestigious awards. And yet, is Alor Broker a scam or a stock broker worthy of your attention? We answer this question in today's review.

Alor was opened in 1997, is part of the largest financial group ALOR Group of Companies (all group members have the necessary licenses: these are ALOR INVEST, INVEST-STOLITSA and ALOR BANK), today its offices are located more than 40 cities of Russia. Alor is also one of the TOP 10 leaders of the stock and derivatives market in terms of trading volume and the number of active clients, and successfully provides online trading services in our country. The broker has many prestigious awards, is the winner of various nominations of the “Stock Market Elite” competition (in the categories “Derivatives Market Company” in 2001, “Associate and Promoter of the Stock Market” in 2002, “Best Project for the Development of the Stock Market” ( project “Chain of Share Supermarkets”) in 2004).

One of the secrets of the company’s success is constant development, providing its users with new products (assets) and unique services. Throughout his successful journey, it was important for the broker to follow such values ​​as customer focus, efficiency, reliability, and responsibility. Special attention is paid to the development of an innovative service that simplifies stock trading. So, back in 1999, users were able to use the Internet trading system, which was the first program in our country officially recognized by the MICEX and connected to real trading in shares.

Innovative platforms are offered for trading: ALOR (for trading, technical analysis, scalping), LiveTrade ScalpingDirect, LiveTrade Professional, Xtick Extreme, TSLab, etc. Mobile trading is available, thanks to the convenient automatic ALOR-Robot, you can set up auto trading and the program will carry out trading operations without client intervention. You can also use the ALOR-Assistant service, which provides comprehensive information and analytical support for clients.

Today the company boasts other advantages: unconditional leadership in the stock, futures and options market, a large selection of financial instruments, favorable trading conditions, a variety of tariffs, high-quality support, transparent commissions. The following features are available to users: trading signals, trust management, trading by phone, the ability to work on one trading account, training courses and materials, etc.

Replenishment and withdrawal of earnings

For its clients, Alor offers different methods of depositing and withdrawing funds, and yet they are not enough for the work of a modern trader. To replenish your account, you need to register with a broker, deposit the amount by choosing a convenient method of transferring funds (minimum deposit: 10,000 rubles):

  • payment in cash through a bank cash desk,
  • bank transfers.

Complaints about Alor Broker

The network contains different reviews about the Alor broker, both positive and negative. Among the positive aspects, clients note: a convenient terminal for trading, an informative personal account, favorable tariffs (low entry threshold, low spreads and commissions), opportunities for scalping, day trading, auto trading, fast professional technical support, high-quality training seminars and online courses. The broker is recommended for trading and is considered a reliable, constantly developing and high-tech company.

If there are complaints about Alor Broker, we will definitely publish information on social networks. Subscribe so you don't miss anything.

Among the negative reviews, users most often note the following problems: an inconvenient terminal and trading reports, crashes, problems with the server, withdrawal of funds, and registration. Please note that there is no manager working on the forums on behalf of the broker who could answer user questions and sort out negative reviews.

Is Alor Broker a scam?

For many years now, he has deservedly been a professional market participant who was the first to offer clients trading shares via the Internet. The organization has been operating successfully for almost 20 years, has prestigious awards, and the title of one of the industry leaders in our country. Alor Broker has a license to carry out brokerage activities in our country, which increases confidence in it. There are many reviews about the company on the Internet (most of all, users praise the stable operation and convenience of the terminal, profitable trading, professionalism of technical support, etc.), but there are now more positive aspects.

However, on thematic resources there is no representative on behalf of the broker who would sort out the negative issues that arise. Let's hope that the company plans to study customer opinions by actively working on the Internet. We also note that the organization is recommended to friends and acquaintances as reliable and transparent, this largely indicates that this is a scammer and a shell company. Alor provides maximum opportunities to its user, including profitable trading (low entry and deposit thresholds, minimal commissions). Also among its advantages: high-quality technical support, a variety of tariffs, a large selection of tools and assets. The company pays special attention to the development and provision of high-quality innovative software (platforms, programs), which is marked by positive user reviews, this also indicates that the broker is serious about its work and is ready to invest in the development of the service.

It is worth noting high-quality educational materials and online courses, which were also positively noted by the broker’s clients. And yet, is it worth saying that ALOR Broker is a scam, a kitchen? I think today we will answer this question: no, because... the company has extensive experience of successful work, many prestigious titles and awards, positive reviews and recommendations. All this characterizes the broker well and definitely guarantees that this is not a fly-by-night company or a scammer. In order to avoid problems when working with this stock broker, we recommend actively working with a personal manager, asking him for complete information about trading rules, the withdrawal procedure, broker commissions, etc.

Broker regulator

ALOR Broker has the following licenses from the Federal Service for Financial Markets:

  • to carry out brokerage activities on the securities market (No. 077-04827-100000 dated March 13, 2001),
  • for carrying out dealer activities (No. 077-13011-010000 dated 04/01/2010),
  • to carry out depository activities on the securities market (No. 077-10965-000100 dated January 22, 2008).


The stock market successfully operates in the financial markets, has held strong leading positions for many years, has many prestigious titles and awards, offers the user favorable trading conditions, innovative service, and high-quality technical support. There are enough positive reviews about the broker online; clients recommend the company, trust it, and consider it reliable. The level of trust on the part of users is also affected by the availability of the necessary licenses. Let us again note the fact that there is no company manager working on the Internet who would timely hear the user’s opinion regarding the service and could neutralize the resulting negativity.

Among the company's advantages are constant development, following modern trends, developing trading solutions that have positive customer reviews (terminal, robots, etc.). We can only hope that the Alor stock broker will continue its dynamic development and offer even more opportunities for trading securities to its user. Today we will not evaluate Alor as a scammer and a kitchen. However, feedback from investors and speculators, whom we are waiting for in this review, can not only significantly affect the ratings of the Alor stock broker, but also warn market players against possible problems.

I still haven't updated my trading program. Currently OFZs are not displayed. So in July or August, Alor made QUIK free.

I immediately tried to switch to it. It was quiet horror. When I turned on the terminal for trading (Alor-Trade) for the first time in my life, everything in it was intuitive: where to see the amount of money in the account, profit, the number of securities in the portfolio, the list of instruments for trading.

When I turned on QUIK, I was, to put it mildly, freaked out. A bunch of incomprehensible menu items appeared in front of me. And while I was trying to make a table with stocks for trading, my computer thought for a very long time and eventually froze.

This is where my patience ran out. I uninstalled the program and installed Alor-Trade again.

It's already the fifth month. They still can’t update the program and it feels like it won’t be done anytime soon. So I decided to give it a second try.

Now I’ve already set everything up and everything works as it should, but in terms of convenience Alor-Trade was still better.

How is Alor-Trade better than QUIK

In QUIK, the list of trading instruments is called “Current table of parameters”. Unlike last time, I started adding stocks and bonds one at a time, and not all at once.

What I didn't like:

  • In Alor-Trade you can sort the table simply by clicking on the title. You need to enter QUIK through the right-click menu.
  • As for Alor-Trade, I can close this window and open it again at any time. In QUIK, my entire created list was lost and I had to spend time creating it again. I did this by accident twice.
  • In Alor-Trade, I can check the boxes of the necessary tools so that only they appear in the list. In QUIK I will have to edit the entire table each time.
  • I have Ubuntu. This may be causing the following problem. When I open the order book and enter a buy or sell order and click on the button to change the price by 1 point, instead some left random number appears in the field.
  • In the order table, double clicking does not change the current order, but adds a new one.
  • QUIK does not save the shape and location of the glass.

What I liked:

  • QUIK has a search feature, so finding stocks and bonds to add can sometimes be a little easier.

I didn’t immediately understand how to see the amount of money and papers I couldn’t count. The broker suggested that this is done through “Cash Limits” and “Security Limits”. This turned out to be not quite what I needed. It is much more convenient to view money and securities through the menu item “Trade” -> “Account Status”.

Good day!

In general, I have always been depressed by the commission from my broker on the stock market (broker Sberbank), for me now this is not particularly important because I now trade derivatives. I was amazed by the commission figures and, in general, I often in my mind intended to switch to another broker, it’s not even about the commission, but also about the fact that there are communication breakdowns, the fact that the program for mobile devices is unfinished after two years, and the fact that there are no options. As a matter of fact, the lack of options trading prompted me to partially escape from Sberbank to Alor

First impressions now as a client of the ALOR broker.

Let's start with the free ALOR-Trade terminal

We download the terminal, install it and see what happens (maybe something is being configured there, but as they say, first impressions).

Honestly, I have to use this terminal out of despair. It seems to me that this terminal can even be used to intimidate. What personally pisses me off about this terminal after using QUIK for a long time:

1) This is when you cannot open a chart through the trading order book

2) This is when you open the list of all the instruments to open the chart and ask yourself where is the search, nervously scrolling the mouse wheel looking for the ticker.

3) This is when you open the chart and there is Intraday

4) This is when you, horrified by the charts, open the application window to open a deal and do not observe the total volume of the transaction

The only thing I liked about the terminal was the speed of opening transactions.

ALOR-Fast terminal is also free

I liked this terminal because of its eye-pleasing charts and scalping trading order book.

Unfortunately, this terminal also does not show the total volume of the transaction in the order book and it is inconvenient to trade options in it just like in ALOR-TRADE because there is a list of tickers and not an options board like in QUIK. This terminal already has a search for selecting tickers among instruments. There is no H4 on the graphs. After 2 weeks of using the program, this same Alor-Fast often crashed or simply hung after prolonged use.

The Alor-Trust program is purely for those who make 3 transactions a year, Alor-Fast is perfect for trading shares or futures.

The conclusion about these programs for me personally is simple, these programs force the client to mentally calculate the total volume of the transaction. Okay, if you trade stocks or futures, you can roughly estimate everything, but when you trade options you will have to calculate using a formula, taking into account the commission and the ruble exchange rate .

Let's give an example: when you trade through Quik, clients do not need to count anything in their heads; everything in the trading order book of the terminal is already calculated, taking into account the dollar exchange rate and commission.

As a client trading through Quik, I am used to seeing the numbers visually for each transaction.

Since the Alor-Trust and Alor-Fast programs do not count the total volume, we simply buy, hoping to see the numbers at least in the broker’s report. And so we actually bought the RTS option for March expiration with a strike price of 105,000 (71 pieces at 70). According to the formula, the options cost us 70 * 0.02 * 60.2671 * 71 = 5999 rubles. Open the broker's report and what we see

The report shows only the variation margin + commissions, and it’s not shown on the screen above, it shows the balances. I honestly haven’t seen a funnier report than this one yet, asking how my deal went. It turns out that Alor terminals don’t count and they don’t even show it in the report, so it turns out that the client himself must count a shitload of options according to the formula. It’s called: use Alor’s services, get funny terminals and funny reports as a gift.

Now let's compare the simple formalities of two brokers (Sberbank and Alor)

I decided to top up a brokerage account in Alor through the cash desk; the transfer took about 2 days (if you transfer money using other methods, you will be charged a commission, commissions vary everywhere - about 2%). At Sberbank, it takes a day to deposit and withdraw funds; if you top up through Sberbank itself, there is no commission for the transfer. As far as I understand in Alor, when transferring funds from one trading account to another, the transfer can take a day. At Sberbank, such transfers always took me about 2 minutes and the tax is not calculated. I liked the nice feature in my Alor personal account to change tariffs and connect the necessary services. To change the tariff at Sberbank, say, you will have to go to the office. As for customer service, Sberbank usually answered my questions quickly and to the point, where I could always get an answer to my question. The Alor customer service, to put it mildly, does not understand you. Everything regarding the secure connection of your terminal, Sberbank has a special flash drive with an encrypted key through which the terminal connects; Alor does not have this. On my RTS deposit, Sber charges a commission of 2 rubles; Alor charges about 4 rubles.

In general, I advise broker Sberbank to quickly send their fucking mobile application and launch options. I think Alor will understand how to save his clients from unnecessary calculations. If both brokers correct the above, then they can be applauded while standing on their hands with their feet. Don't take it for rudeness, for the sake of progress you can listen. Good luck with your trading.

Attention! If you have any questions about the topic of the article or want to share your opinion,! We will answer any questions!

The Alor Broker company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years. Its main feature is its work in the legal field of the Russian Federation. Seniority and experience are often a sign of quality and integrity. Whether this statement applies to Alor Broker, a detailed analysis will help you figure it out.

The brokerage brand Alor Broker belongs to Alor + LLC. The company was founded in 1997 and has been operating online since 2003. It is part of the Alor Group, which covers part of the Russian stock market. The financial group of companies operates in the following areas:

  • Internet trading;
  • brokerage services;
  • asset Management;
  • depository services;
  • corporate finance;
  • education.

Alor represents the old generation of brokers on the Russian market. It is licensed by the now abolished state regulator, the Federal Service for Financial Markets. The company's main office is located in the center of Moscow. There are representative offices in more than 30 cities of the Russian Federation. Also in the CIS there are companies related to this broker, which are not part of the financial group.

Alor Broker official website address: // It is only available in Russian. The company provides trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Registration of a personal account

Registration for Alor Broker is possible only for residents of the Russian Federation. The first step requires filling out the following fields:

  • phone number (Russian only);
  • City of residence;
  • Email.

Next, the system will offer a choice: open an account in the office or online. In the second case, you still need to come up with a password. The program will generate a login on its own and send the result as an SMS to the specified phone number. In the future, these data will need to be used to log into your personal account at Alor Broker.

Next, the client must provide full passport details and actual address of residence. The procedure takes about 10 minutes. You can open an account with Alor Broker faster using a ready-made account in the State Services system. After the platform takes the user’s official data, all that remains is to enter the TIN.

Trading conditions

Alor does not have any account types as such. Trading conditions vary depending on the amount invested and the activity of the trader. Some parameters are selected individually for each client. According to official data:

  • The base currency of the account at Alor Broker is RUB;
  • the minimum deposit for working in the markets is 10 thousand rubles;
  • maximum trading leverage - 1:3;
  • minimum lot - depending on the stock price;
  • spread type - floating;
  • scalping is allowed.

The broker has several commissions:

  • terminal operating fee - up to 200 rubles/month;
  • fee for withdrawing funds from the account - 0.5%;
  • fee for using some of the tariff plans - up to 250 rubles / month;
  • operating commission in the format of broker's remuneration - 0.005 - 0.035% (daily).

Traditional accounts under Alor offers have been replaced by tariff plans. The company places great emphasis on investment package offers. Clients are offered to invest in corporate Eurobonds, federal loan bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as in shares of leading domestic companies. The volume of minimum investment is 50-200 thousand rubles.

Demo account

This service allows you to master the trading platform, software and online trading technology. The client does not need to open a real account. The broker gives 100 thousand virtual currency units. Before starting work, the trader can only choose a cooperation model.

other services

PAMM accounts and binary options are not included in the list of broker services.

But the company gives clients the opportunity to operate trading robots. There are several programs to choose from to suit every taste for automated trading. Some of them are paid.


Another product of Alor Broker is the investment package IIS “Deposit Plus”. Its reliability is partially ensured by the state as part of a program to support private investors. The owner of such an account receives tax benefits, namely personal income tax compensation (tax deduction). The benefit implies a return of 13% of the amount credited to the account. In addition, the client receives an income of 4.25% per annum.


The broker does not conduct competitions or tournaments.

Trading platform

At the moment, the company offers several trading platforms to choose from:

  1. Own development Alor-trade. In long-standing reviews, clients complained about its freezing and incorrect operation of stop losses. After 2012, there are no such reviews anymore. It is quite possible that the broker has corrected the errors.
  2. Own development Alor-fast. An improved version of Alor-trade, but more bulky and heavier for the operating system.
  3. A popular platform on the Russian market. It is considered fast, but also has errors in operation. Until 2016, it was provided on a paid basis.
  4. Paid platform for creating retail networks. Received a lot of positive feedback from users.

All options are available in Russian. There are versions for downloading and working in the browser, as well as in the format of applications for smartphones.

Trading instruments

Traders can work with the following instruments:

  • currency pairs (USD/RUB, EUR/RUB);
  • Russian and foreign indices;
  • goods (copper, precious metals, agricultural products, energy, raw materials),
  • shares of Russian issuers;
  • interest rates.


Alor+ LLC has several licenses from the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation. The documents had no validity period, but for this purpose the regulator checked the activities of the financial company on a weekly basis. Since 2013, this organization has ceased to exist. Alor Broker came under the legal control of the Bank of Russia Financial Market Service.


The company has many offices in Russian cities. Everyone has their own e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. Details can be found on the website in the “Our Offices” section.

Universal contacts for residents of the Russian Federation:

  • telephones: 8 800 775 11 99 (toll-free); +7 495 981 55 77;
  • Email:


Clients have access to a voluminous list of analytical tools to assist in trading: a transaction copying service, a technical analysis system, calculators, etc. Some of them are paid. The broker has an excellent YouTube channel with almost daily webinars on various topics.

The “Advisor” system also works: the company’s consultants share short- and medium-term investment ideas with clients.


The Alor website has a large training section. The forms of training are different. Among them are paid ones.

Deposit and withdrawal of funds

The broker uses exclusively traditional transaction methods:

  • bank transfer;
  • payment at the bank's cash desk.

Depositing on average takes 1-2 days, withdrawals take longer.