Targeted consumer loan. Types of bank loans for individuals - description of offers, interest rates and requirements for borrowers Targeted consumer loans

It often happens that there are not enough funds to achieve your cherished goal. But not everything is so sad, because there is a targeted loan from Sberbank. Savings Bank of Russia is pleased to offer its borrowers a targeted loan, which is issued to the borrower to solve a specific problem. The advantage of such lending is the low interest rate, which is significantly lower than a loan for consumer purposes.

Targeted lending includes projects such as car loans, loans for the purchase of housing, loans for education, as well as some types consumer lending.

Housing targeted lending

Sberbank provides targeted loans to solve citizens’ housing problems in several areas.

  • Government-supported loans. Under this program, the borrower can receive an amount of 300 thousand rubles, the repayment period of which is 30 years, the interest rate on this loan is 11.4% per year.
  • Targeted mortgage lending for the purchase of housing in a new building. Within the framework of this program, it is possible to receive a loan amount of 300 thousand rubles. at 13% for a period of 30 years.
  • Obtaining a loan to build a house. Loan amount from 300 thousand, term 30 years, rate 13.5% per annum.
  • Loans for the purchase or construction of country real estate (dachas, and other buildings) The loan is issued from the amount of 300 thousand rubles for a period of 30 years, at a rate of 13% per annum.
  • Lending by military mortgage. Purchasing housing, both on the primary and secondary markets. The loan is issued for a period of 15 years at a rate of 15.% per annum.

Targeted lending for the development of personal subsidiary farming

If your goal is to strengthen and develop your personal subsidiary farm, then this method of lending will come in handy for you. The loan amount is issued for one subsidiary farm and has 2 options.

  1. Loan amount from 15 to 300 thousand rubles. The loan is issued for 2 years.
  2. Loan amount from 15 to 700 thousand rubles. The loan repayment period is 5 years.

The advantages of this type of targeted lending: no loan commission, interest payment of 22% per year, availability to all residents of the Russian Federation, except residents of Moscow.

Targeted loan for education from Sberbank

Getting a quality education has become much more accessible with a loan from Sberbank. According to the terms of the loan, you can get it for both secondary vocational education and higher education. The cost of training is 100% covered by a loan.

The amount of interest on the loan is only 7.6%, the loan repayment period is 10 years. This type of lending has no restrictions on the student’s form of education, has no fees and no loan insurance.

Non-targeted lending secured by the borrower’s real estate

The essence of this type of lending is quite simple. The borrower can take out a loan for any purpose. In exchange, he leaves real estate as collateral.

Car loan from Sberbank.
The targeted car loan program from Sberbank involves the purchase of both a new and used car. When purchasing a used car under this program, you must comply with the condition that the car you purchase must not be older than 5 years (domestic and Chinese cars) and 10 years (foreign cars).

The loan is provided at a rate of 13-15% to citizens of the Russian Federation who are over 21 years old and have no debt and with at least 5 years of work experience.

Customer credit.
There are two types of consumer lending at a savings bank:

  1. No guarantors. The maximum amount that can be borrowed without guarantors is 1.5 million rubles. Duration from 3 months to 5 years. The rate is 15.5% (for a loan amount of at least 400 thousand rubles).
  2. With a guarantor Without guarantors. The maximum amount that can be borrowed without guarantors is 3 million rubles. Duration from 3 months to 5 years. The rate is 14.5% (for a loan amount of at least 400 thousand rubles).

For recipients of pensions and salaries on a Savings Bank card, it is possible to receive lending services through the service

Would you like to build a residential or garden house yourself or purchase a plot of land for its construction? We will be happy to help you realize this intention by providing a targeted loan.

Conditions Rates Requirements Documents Expenses Acquisition stages Issuance and maintenance

Targeted loan is provided

  • For the purchase or construction of a residential building 1 or apartment;
  • For the purchase of an apartment or residential building on the primary real estate market;
  • To repay a previously granted loan, for the purchase or construction of a residential building or apartment;
  • For improvement and repair of an apartment or residential building.

Basic conditions

  • credit term: from 1 year to 30 years;
  • Loan currency: rubles 2
  • a targeted loan is issued against the security of an apartment or cottage owned by the borrower and/or guarantor/guarantors;
  • The maximum target loan size is no more than:
    • 70% of the estimated value of the mortgaged property - when pledging an apartment;
    • 50% of the estimated value of the mortgaged property - when pledging a cottage 3;
    • But no more than 15,000,000 rubles.
  • Confirmation of intended use - required;
  • Russian citizenship is not required.

1 An individual residential building means: a residential building, building, garden house, cottage or townhouse.

2 When receiving a loan in foreign currency The borrower should be aware that changes in the exchange rate of a foreign currency in the past do not indicate changes in its exchange rate in the future. At the same time, the Borrower’s risks increase when receiving a loan in a currency different from the currency of the Borrower’s income.

3 When determining the cost of an individual residential building, the value of the land plot on which this individual residential building is located is taken into account.

Fixed interest rate

Tariffs for a targeted loan secured by an apartment (valid from 11/12/2018)

Tariffs for a targeted loan secured by a cottage (valid from 11/12/2018)

Discounts and surcharges on interest rates 1 :

0.25% under the “Targeted loan secured by an apartment” program for a loan amount of less than 5,000,000 rubles for Moscow, 3,500,000 rubles for St. Petersburg, 2,000,000 rubles for other regions.
-0.50% For payroll clients of 2 Banks.
+2.50% In the absence and failure to provide to the Bank insurance against risks of harm to life and permanent disability of the borrower or guarantor(s) participating in the income, as well as the conclusion of an insurance agreement with an insurance organization that does not meet the requirements of the Bank and /or excluded from the List of insurance organizations that meet the Bank’s requirements.
+1.00% In the absence and failure to provide the Bank with insurance of the risk of loss of the collateral as a result of termination of ownership of it (title right), as well as the conclusion of an insurance agreement with an insurance organization that does not meet the requirements of the Bank and/or is excluded from the List of insurance companies organizations that meet the Bank's requirements.

Commissions and early repayment

Commission for arranging a loan absent
Early repayment
Full early repayment on any date
Partial early repayment For early repayment The Borrower must submit to UniCredit Bank no less than 3 (three) business days before the date of expected early repayment a Notice of intention to repay the Loan early in the form established by the Bank.
Minimum early repayment amount


Moratorium on early repayment


Early repayment fee


Penalty for late repayment of loan debt Equal to the key rate Central Bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia) (in % per annum on the date of conclusion of the agreement), accrued on the amount of overdue debt on the loan for the period from the date when the corresponding amount was due for payment until the date of its actual payment to the Bank, inclusive.
Pledge mortgage (pledge) of real estate purchased through a loan
Surety if the borrower is married, a guarantee from the spouse is required, and in case of consideration total income the borrower and the guarantor/guarantors are required to conclude a surety agreement

There are no fees for granting a loan or processing a loan application.

Penalties and fines

Penalty for late repayment of loan debt (in loan currency) equal to the size of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) in effect on the day of concluding the Loan Agreement (in % per annum on the day of concluding the agreement), accrued on the amount of overdue debt on the loan for the period from the date when the corresponding amount was due for payment to the date of its actual payment to the Bank inclusive
If the Borrower violates his obligation to confirm the intended use of the loan, the Borrower pays a fine to the Bank in the amount of 15,000 (fifteen thousand) Russian rubles. The deadline for paying the fine is 5 (five) working days from the date of expiration of the obligation.
In case of violation by the Borrower of its obligation to agree with the Bank on changes to the Insurance Agreement, the Borrower shall pay the Bank a fine in the amount of 15,000 (fifteen thousand) Russian rubles for each violation. The deadline for paying the fine in case of violation by the Borrower of its obligations enshrined in the Loan Agreement concluded between the Borrower and the Bank is indicated by the Bank in the notice sent to the Borrower.
If the Borrower violates his obligation to sign the Mortgage Agreement and register the mortgage (pledge) of the property, the Borrower shall pay a fine to the Bank in the amount of 30,000 (thirty thousand) Russian rubles for each violation. The deadline for paying the fine is 5 (five) working days from the date of expiration of the obligation.
For violation by the Mortgagor of the obligation to notify the Bank of the intention to conclude a subsequent mortgage agreement on the property (in the event of concluding a Mortgage (Pledge) Agreement for real estate in the Bank's form), the Borrower shall pay the Bank a fine in the amount of 15,000 (fifteen thousand) Russian rubles. The deadline for paying the fine is 5 (five) working days from the date of expiration of the obligation.

1 When determining the final interest rate, premiums are summed up.
2 Salary clients Bank - employees (with the type of employment “for hire”) of companies/organizations served by the Bank under the “Agreement for the provision of additional services for settlement services" or "Agreement for the provision of additional services for settlement services using a special account", and regularly receiving wages or part thereof (with the attribute wages) to your account(s) with the Bank within at least 3 (three) last months. This discount does not apply to borrowers who are individual entrepreneurs or owners/co-owners of a legal entity.

Requirements for the borrower

  • The registration address of the transaction participant and the actual residence address of the transaction participant are within the Russian Federation, with the exception of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea;
  • Location of the employing enterprise - without limitation, within the Russian Federation, with the exception of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea;
  • Confirmed income sufficient for the requested loan amount;
  • No negative credit history.

When determining the permissible loan amount, the Bank, at the request of the borrower, may take into account the income of his immediate relatives (spouse, parents, children), as well as other third parties who do not have family relations with the borrower. The listed persons, together with the main borrower, will be responsible to the lender for the repayment and servicing of the loan, and, like the borrower, must meet the requirements set by the Bank and provide a set of documents similar to those provided by the borrower. The total number of guarantors should not exceed 3 people. The borrower's income must be no less than the income of the guarantors (the only exception is when a spouse acts as a guarantor). Accounting for the income of third-party guarantors is possible if the mortgaged property is registered as a common joint/shared property of the borrower and the guarantors.

The Bank may also consider regular additional income (income from part-time work, bonus payments, pension), supported by documents, as the borrower’s income.

Requirements for the property being pledged as collateral

  • The collateral property must be used for its intended purpose: for the residence of citizens.
  • The property must have a separate entrance, as well as a bathroom (bathroom and toilet) and a kitchen separate from other apartments or houses.
  • The location of the collateral object is in the territory of the city where the Bank's division operates, issuing loans secured by real estate (within the Russian Federation, with the exception of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea). Moreover, if the property is located outside the city in which the Bank’s division is located, issuing the loan, then the distance of the property from such a city should not exceed 100 km. The Bank has additionally established a limited list 3 settlements located more than 100 km from the city in which the unit issuing loans secured by real estate is located.
  • The pledged object must belong to the pledgor(s)/seller(s) on the right of ownership registered in the manner established for state registration rights to real estate and transactions with him.
    If a loan is issued for the purchase of an unfinished construction project - an apartment/townhouse, this object must belong to the mortgagor on the right of claim, registered in the manner established for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.
    The land plot on which the residential building - the subject of assessment - is located may belong to the mortgagor on a leasehold basis. In this case, the term of the lease agreement must exceed the term of the loan and the lease agreement must be registered in the manner prescribed by law.
  • The purchased Collateral object can only be registered as the individual property of the Borrower.
  • Loans secured by purchased real estate: Persons who have and retain the right to use the property upon transfer of ownership of it in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, on the basis of an agreement for the gratuitous use of residential premises, a rental agreement, a lease agreement, etc., cannot be registered. The borrower and the borrower's family members cannot be registered.
    Loans secured by existing real estate: Members of the owner’s family who are under guardianship and trusteeship, or minor members of the owner’s family left without parental care cannot be registered; persons who have and retain the right to use an object upon transfer of ownership of it in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, on the basis of an agreement for the gratuitous use of residential premises, a rental agreement, a lease agreement, etc.
  • Among the persons who were previously registered in the apartment, there should not be citizens deregistered due to their departure to the armed forces of the Russian Federation, to places of imprisonment, to a place of work, etc., i.e. citizens who, upon return, would have the right to register at their place of residence in the mortgaged property.
  • The collateral must be free from any rights of third parties, both physical and legal (including not encumbered by a previous mortgage, rental or right of temporary gratuitous use). The supporting documents (certificate of state registration of rights), as well as the extract from the Unified State Register and the cadastral passport of the land plot (if a land plot is pledged), should not indicate any encumbrances/restrictions on the ownership of the object and the right to use the pledged object. Third parties should not make any claims in relation to the subject of pledge, including claims for seizure or foreclosure of the subject of pledge.
  • Availability of unregistered alterations/refurbishments:
    The following real estate objects that carry the risk of physical loss of the pledged item or the risk of loss of ownership (or loss of title) are not accepted as collateral, namely:
    • dismantling of load-bearing structures, leading to a violation of their strength and/or stability (including any holes, openings, niches in load-bearing structures, with the exception of dismantling the window sill block, if it is part of the load-bearing wall),
    • transferring gas equipment inside the apartment outside the kitchen without the appropriate permission from gas services,
    • violation of the general boundaries of the property.
  • The house in which the apartment, cottage/individual house/townhouse is located should not be classified as dilapidated housing, should not be included in the plan for demolition, should not be registered by registration major renovation, reconstruction with resettlement.
    It is not allowed to accept as collateral objects - apartments located in panel buildings built before 1975 and the number of floors of which does not exceed 5 floors (applicable only to Moscow).
    The maximum depreciation of the building in which the Pledge object is located is 60% (in accordance with the assessment report).
  • Additional requirements for collateral:
    Land plot:
    - It is mandatory to have land surveying and site boundaries in accordance with current legislation;
    - A cadastral number is required;
    - The land plot must belong to one of the following land categories:
    • agricultural land;
    • lands of populated areas.
  • - The land plot must have a permitted use:
    • for individual housing or country house construction;
    • for running personal farming;
    • for gardening.
  • Individual residential house/building/garden house
    Completed individual residential house/building/garden house:
    Must be connected to electric, steam or gas heating systems, as well as water supply and sewerage systems, including those operating in autonomous mode. For example, sewerage - septic tank; heating - AOGV (autonomous heating and hot water supply systems), etc. The presence and functioning of these types of communications is mandatory. All of the listed communications must be located directly in the house (not in separate buildings on the territory of the land plot). It is acceptable that the house is not connected to the gas supply system.
    It is necessary to have a roof, walls, an installed entrance door and windows, as well as a reinforced concrete, stone or brick foundation.
    Unfinished individual residential house/building/garden house:
    It is acceptable that the house is not connected to electric, steam or gas heating, water supply and sewerage systems, including those operating in autonomous mode. However, it is mandatory to bring these systems to the site, as well as the presence of concluded agreements on connecting them to the house and documents confirming payment under the agreement. It is acceptable that there is no gas supply to the site.
    A roof is required load-bearing walls, entrance door and windows or window replacements, as well as reinforced concrete, stone or brick foundations.
  • The documentary history of the apartment/cottage/individual house/townhouse should not include court decisions, the appeal period for which has not expired.

The final decision on granting a loan is made by the Bank after reviewing the full set of documents provided by the client. To make a decision, the Bank has the right to request additional information, as well as documents necessary to confirm the information received. The bank reserves the right to refuse to provide a loan without explaining the reasons for the refusal.

3 The Bank has additionally established a limited list of settlements located more than 100 km from the city in which the division issuing loans secured by real estate is located.

Documents to be filled out and sent to the Bank

Borrower questionnaire PDF 373KB Download
Application for a mortgage loan PDF 141KB Download
Questionnaire for individuals – business owners and individual entrepreneurs PDF 207KB Download
Documents provided by the borrower/guarantors PDF 77KB Download
Certificate of income for obtaining a loan secured by real estate DOC 244KB Download
Consent to the processing of personal data PDF 111KB Download
Consent to the processing of personal data (for citizens of countries included in European Union) PDF 120KB Download

List of required documents when applying for a mortgage

List of documents for the mortgaged property (primary market) PDF 60KB Download
List of documents for the mortgaged property (secondary market) PDF 80KB Download
Requirements for a marriage contract PDF 348KB Download

Borrower expenses

In addition to repaying the principal and interest on the loan, the borrower makes a number of payments, most of which are intended not for the bank, but for other participants in the transaction. These payments, as a rule, are mandatory for all recipients of a loan secured by an apartment/individual residential building (cottage/townhouse), regardless of which bank the loan is taken from and for what purpose it is used.

When receiving a targeted loan secured by an apartment/individual residential building (cottage/townhouse) the borrower pays:

To other parties to the transaction

  • services of an appraisal company - for the appraisal of a real estate property;
    The Bank accepts reports from all appraisal organizations and appraisers, carrying out assessment activities independently (IP). At the same time, reports of an appraisal organization/appraiser with positive experience working with the Bank are accepted immediately, and reports of an appraisal organization/appraiser without such positive experience require additional analysis by the Bank within 10 business days from the date of submission of the Report to the Bank.
  • insurance company services - for concluding a comprehensive agreement mortgage insurance(insurance of the risk of loss and damage to the collateral, life and disability*, the risk of loss of ownership by the owner of the property* (if the borrower is the first owner, insurance is not required)
  1. Filling out the Borrower Questionnaire and Loan Application.
    Providing a complete package of documents necessary to consider the issue of issuing a loan.
  2. Contacting an appraisal company (in case of purchasing real estate under an Assignment Agreement)* .
  3. Contacting the insurance company.
    Check by the insurance company of the borrower and the property.
    Conclusion by the borrower of a comprehensive mortgage insurance agreement.
  4. Signing a loan agreement.
    If the borrower has a spouse, a Guarantee Agreement is concluded between them and the Bank. Conclusion of surety agreements between the Bank and the owners of the mortgaged property.
  5. Signing the Pledge Agreement for an apartment/individual residential building (cottage/townhouse) and its state registration.
  6. Providing credit.
  7. No later than three months from the date of use of the loan The borrower must submit documents to the bank confirming the intended use of the loan funds.

If the borrower has not documented the intended use of the entire loan amount, then he will be subject to a fine in the amount established by the loan agreement, and he will have to return the unconfirmed part of the target loan.

If the borrower does not confirm the intended use of more than 50% of the loan amount and refuses to return the corresponding cash, a decision is made on early repayment of the loan.

* The report of an appraisal company that has experience working with the bank is accepted immediately. An assessment report prepared by a company that does not have a positive experience of working with the bank is accepted after an additional assessment by bank employees. The period for reviewing the report is 10 working days from the date of submission of the Valuation Report and the Valuation Company Questionnaire to the Bank. To conduct an inspection of the appraisal company, the borrower must provide information and documents according to the list. More detailed information at bank branches.

Interest accrual

The date from which interest is calculated for using the loan

Interest on the loan is accrued from the date following the date the loan was issued

Loan repayment methods

Methods for the borrower to fulfill obligations under the agreement at the borrower’s location

In order to fulfill the Borrower’s obligation to repay the Loan, the Borrower undertakes to provide funds in its current account with the Bank in the amount and within the period specified in the Loan Agreement concluded between the Bank and the Borrower. Account replenishment is possible in cash at the Bank's offices or by bank transfer on account. Methods for transferring funds to the account are given on the page “Methods of loan repayment”

A free way for the borrower to fulfill obligations under the agreement

In cash at any office/branch of the Bank.
Through a Bank ATM with a cash acceptance function, if you have a valid Bank card.
A complete list of loan repayment methods is provided on the page “Loan repayment methods”

Jurisdiction of disputes

All disputes that may arise in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with current legislation:

  • on claims of the Borrower against the Bank - in a court determined by the Borrower on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”;
  • on claims of the Bank against the Borrower - in a court determined in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Targeted loan under maternal capital(MK) can be applied for by families who received a certificate after the birth of their second child. Since this subsidy relates to targeted assistance programs, the use of the funds received can be exclusively targeted. Let's learn more about the rules for using MK.

Application of maternity capital

Since maternity capital is a special state subsidy, its use is regulated at the legislative level. Young families can spend it on:

  • child's education;
  • improving housing conditions (for example, applying for a targeted loan for maternity capital);
  • mother's pension.

There are no other legal uses for MK. Inappropriate attempts to use the certificate (including cashing it out) will be grounds for declaring transactions with maternity capital illegal and will lead to deprivation of the right to use it.

Maternity capital in lending

The concept of a targeted loan for maternity capital (from Sberbank or any other bank) means participation in one of the mortgage programs. It is not possible to use the subsidy in consumer lending or to pay off debts on credit cards or existing non-mortgage loans. Banks and Pension Funds (in pension fund an account is opened in the name of the mother or father, where the subsidy is transferred) will not allow the unlawful use of MK. IN banking sector You can use maternity capital:

It should be noted that the main programs that have been developed for young families large banks operating in the Russian Federation are quite similar in their conditions. Potential borrowers should pay attention to the following points when choosing a bank:

  • programs with the participation of MK: this subsidy usually cannot be used in all mortgage loans;
  • interest rate: are there any benefits when using MK to reduce the interest rate;
  • size of the down payment: some credit institutions allow full payment of the down payment from maternity capital funds.

Is it possible to get a targeted loan in the amount of a state family certificate without collateral?

Let's look at an example of how a targeted loan for maternity capital is issued at Rosselkhozbank and Sberbank. These are quite large lending institutions that offer special programs with the participation of MK.

Using a certificate for a targeted loan at Sberbank

A targeted loan for maternity capital at Sberbank is issued under several mortgage programs. These include:

  • purchase of finished housing;
  • purchase of housing under construction.

In the first case, the interest rate (base) will be from 10.5%; as part of the promotion for young families, it can be reduced to 9.5%, the down payment will be at least 20% of the cost of the purchased home. In the second, the amount of the down payment is reduced to 15% of the appraised value. The interest rate depends on several factors: base – from 10.7%, some developers – bank partners offer preferential terms. If you purchase housing from them, the rate can be reduced to 8.7%.

An additional offer from the bank to reduce interest on a mortgage loan is the possibility of electronic registration of the transaction. In this case, the rate is reduced by 0.5 - 0.7%.

A targeted loan for maternity capital within the framework of these programs is issued for standard conditions. That is, the requirements for borrowers/co-borrowers, the property, and the package of documents do not change. The key feature will be the need to present a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of funds in the account and an MK certificate.

Programs with state subsidy at Rosselkhozbank

A targeted loan for maternity capital at Rosselkhozbank can be issued under apartment purchase programs:

  • on the primary market with a contribution of 20%;
  • on the secondary market, the down payment is at least 10%.

If MK covers the minimum initial payment, then own funds may not be used. The interest rate is set at 10.25% when purchasing real estate from developers - partners of the bank, in other cases - from 10.75%.

The loan can be issued as a lump sum or issued as line of credit. The MK and a certificate from the Pension Fund are added to the standard package of documents. The remaining conditions will be common to all Rosselkhozbank programs.

It is worth noting that a targeted loan for maternity capital in most banks is provided on almost standard terms. The choice of real estate is usually limited to apartments on the primary and secondary markets; the initial payment can be repaid with MK funds in whole or in part. The interest rate within the program is determined individually.

Majority banking institutions provide preferential rates to existing clients for the purchase of real estate from recommended developers.

An increase in interest rates in housing loans can also be influenced by such factors as the lack of a personal insurance policy for the entire term of the contract. The spouse is involved as a co-borrower.


A targeted loan for maternity capital can be issued immediately after receiving the certificate. Participation in mortgage lending gives families the right to take advantage of government subsidies until the child reaches 3 years of age. But at the same time, the choice of real estate is somewhat limited. For example, banks rarely finance the construction of a private house using MK funds.

When a bank takes out a loan for the implementation of some specific financial goals, including the purchase of real estate, such a loan is called a targeted loan. The agreement drawn up between the borrower and the bank must indicate the purpose of obtaining the loan. A person cannot spend borrowed money on anything else, since the funds are not issued in person (with rare exceptions), but are transferred to the seller’s account. A type of targeted loan is a mortgage (loan for the purchase of housing).

Review of offers from Russian banks on targeted housing loans

When choosing a financial institution where you can take out a targeted loan to purchase a home, anyone can get confused by the huge number of offers from different banks.

But such diversity does not help, but only confuses, making it difficult to choose the most profitable lending program from all those offered at the moment.

To make it easier for potential bank clients to make their choice, we have compiled a review of offers from major Russian financial institutions for targeted housing loans:

  • Sberbank

This bank's offers for targeted loans are among the most profitable on today's market. There are 3 basic and 4 special lending programs for borrowers.

The loan is issued for the purchase of:

In addition, you can take out a targeted loan:

  • For refinancing housing projects
  • For a mortgage with maternal capital participation

A targeted loan can be obtained for up to 30 years at 11.5-15% per annum. According to the “Young Family” program from 10%. The down payment is 10-20%, the maximum loan amount is up to 85% of the cost of housing. The bank's commission is up to 4% of the loan amount. In this case, the borrower’s age should not exceed 75 years (minimum 21 years).

  • VTB 24

Any citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 with a regular income can become a bank client under the mortgage program. The down payment amount is at least 10%, target VTB loan 24 can be issued for up to 50 years. The maximum rate in rubles is 14.65%, in foreign currency from 9 to 11.2%. Loan payments are made according to the annuity option, although differentiation is possible. Early repayment is permitted.

VTB targeted loan is issued:

  • For the purchase of housing in new houses (new buildings)
  • For the purchase of secondary stock apartments
  • For the purchase of country real estate
  • To buy a garage
  • For Sochi construction projects
  • For state co-financing of mortgages
  • Rosselkhozbank

The bank provides mortgage loans on relatively favorable terms. The age of borrowers, however, is limited to 65 years, but a loan can be obtained as early as 18 years. Funds for the purchase of housing are provided at 12.5-14.5% per annum, the maximum loan term is 25 years. The interest rate depends on the term of the contract and the size of the down payment (it is 15% or higher). Upon presentation of all necessary documents and sufficient income, the applicant can count on a loan of up to 100 million rubles. According to the bank's terms, it is required compulsory insurance collateral property, and also indicates that only family members of the borrower can be co-borrowers and guarantors.

A targeted loan from Rosselkhozbank can be obtained for the purchase of:

  • Apartments (in secondary stock)
  • Private house or cottage
  • Plot of land for construction
  • Unfinished housing for further completion of construction and commissioning of the building, as well as for:
  1. Individual construction
  2. Participation in shared construction
  • UniCredit Bank

The main conditions for receiving the target home loan at UniCreditBank you can name: the borrower’s age from 21 to 65 years, a sufficient level of income and permanent work (the employing company must be located in the Russian Federation). Russian citizenship and registration within the location of the bank where the client applies for a loan are optional.

Loans for software products:

  • New building
  • Apartment purchase
  • Buying a house

are offered for a period of up to 30 years at 11-13% per annum. The maximum loan amount is 30 million rubles (can also be issued in foreign currency). It is advisable to take out insurance. It is allowed to involve only close relatives and no more than 3 people as co-borrowers and guarantors.

  • Gazprombank

According to the bank’s terms, only Russian citizens who have reached 23 years of age (maximum age for women is 55 years, for men 60 years) and have permanent registration in the region served by the divisions can receive a targeted loan for the purchase of housing. The borrower must also have at least 1 year of work experience and regular income. The loan cannot exceed the amount of 30 million rubles (or an equivalent amount in foreign currency) and is issued for a period of up to 30 years at 15.3% per annum in rubles (13% in foreign currency). Insurance of the purchased property is required.

Several mortgage lending programs have been developed for bank clients:

  • For individual construction
  • For the purchase of housing in a secondary fund
  • For the purchase of country real estate (house, land)
  • To buy a garage

Which bank is better?

If we compare the conditions for issuing targeted housing loans from the above-mentioned banks according to different criteria, it should be noted that:

Of course, this method of solving life problems is very convenient, but, unfortunately, it is not free - you have to pay for the loan, and the size of these payments significantly affects the borrower’s budget. Therefore, the issue of choosing a consumer loan must be approached very seriously, soberly assessing your own financial capabilities, and this is not easy. In order to skillfully use banking services, plan your expenses wisely and not overpay, you need to learn to “swim” in the world of finance by understanding the types of consumer lending, pricing, repayment methods and other characteristics of loans.

This review, the first in a series of articles on consumer lending, talks about the types of banking products presented on the Russian market and their main characteristics. Before we begin the story, let’s make a small digression and present the following dialogue:

“Hello, I need shoes,” says the buyer.

– What shoes exactly? - asks the seller.

- Like which one? Are you kidding me? Just shoes,” the buyer begins to get nervous.

Don't you think this imaginary conversation is, to put it mildly, strange? But if you replace the word “shoes” with the combination “consumer credit”, you can bet that such a conversation could well have taken place between potential borrower and bank employees.

The fact is that the types consumer loans, just like there are many types of shoes! The trouble is that, with a sigh, you can put the wrong shoes in the closet or throw them away, but you can’t throw the wrong loan in the trash and you can’t refuse your obligations. Therefore, when turning to a bank for financial help, remember: a loan is not a gift, it must be repaid, and repaid with interest and within the specified period.

So, banking products presented in the retail segment of the domestic lending market can be characterized by the following set of conditions:

  • special purpose;
  • method of provision;
  • place of provision.

Let's look at these characteristics in more detail.

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Targeted and non-targeted consumer loans

Consumer loans provided to individuals are divided into two large groups: targeted and non-targeted.

You can spend the funds received within the framework of targeted loans for strictly defined purposes specified in loan agreement. This could be payment for educational or medical services, development of subsidiary farming, purchasing a home (not to be confused with a mortgage) or a car and other similar goals. When choosing a target loan, you must understand that you will not see “real” money: the bank will transfer the entire amount to the current account of the seller of goods or service provider. Targeted loans are distinguished by favorable conditions optimized for solving a specific problem, namely convenient repayment terms, reduced interest rates, the possibility of receiving government subsidies (for example, an educational loan with government support).

For information: in European countries and the USA, it is customary to take targeted loans exclusively for the payment of medical or educational services, and, perhaps, for the purchase of so-called “luxury goods”: expensive yachts or works of art.

What if I don’t want to tell the bank what purposes I need the money for?

In this case, a non-targeted loan is suitable for you. As the name suggests, this type of loan is available for any purpose. When you receive money from the bank, you are not required to report what you are going to spend it on. This is your own business. There are two main (most common) methods of non-targeted consumer lending:

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If cash loans can safely be attributed to the specifics Russian market– this method has not received distribution abroad, then credit cards– a very convenient tool for raising borrowed funds for consumer needs, which has received wide recognition throughout the world.

Products of this type are characterized by increased availability (especially for express loans provided on the day of application without certificates or guarantors) and, as a result, an increased interest rate, which is a kind of payment for efficiency and lack of control over your expenses.

From all of the above, we can conclude that if you are planning to make a large purchase (for example, a car) or pay for education for yourself or your child, pay attention to targeted loans. When you urgently need cash, the best choice is a loan for any purpose.

Also, do not forget that the range of banks includes targeted and non-targeted loan products aimed at different social and age groups. For example, these are programs for young families and professionals, retirees, participants salary projects and so on. Within the framework of such a program, it is quite possible to receive funds on preferential terms.

For comparison, we present the main conditions of loans provided for any purpose and for education.

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Types of collateral for consumer loans

According to the law on banks and banking activities and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the borrower’s fulfillment of his loan obligations can be supported by the following methods of security:

Let's consider how the presence of collateral affects the terms of banking products.


According to Art. 33 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, a pledge of movable and immovable property, such as motor vehicles, antiques, securities and even jewelry.

So, I can pledge a diamond ring or my grandmother's antique vase and get a large sum of money?

It is unlikely. If you take a closer look at the offers of banks, it is easy to see that most often residential real estate acts as collateral: apartments, houses, dachas, land. In the segment consumer market Almost all banks offer borrowers consumer loans in rubles and foreign currency secured by real estate. Interest rates on such programs look more attractive because credit risks bank in this case are reduced to a minimum. However, please note that secured loan provided at a discount (at smaller size) from the assessed value of real estate, which in turn is lower than the market value of housing.

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In our opinion, a targeted loan secured by a property is appropriate in a situation where you want to buy new apartment, build a house, open your own business, i.e. for serious accomplishments that require serious amounts of money. But even under ideal lending conditions, the risks of losing your home are very high, so you can use these programs as a last resort (for example, paying for an emergency medical care) and only when you are 100% sure that you will be able to repay your debt to the bank on time.


Very often, when analyzing the terms of banking products, we are faced with a requirement to provide one or two guarantors as collateral for a loan. What does this mean? Let’s look at the features of this type of product.

A guarantee, according to Article 361 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is the responsibility of the guarantor to the bank for the fulfillment of obligations under a loan agreement concluded with the borrower. Thus, guarantors risk no less than the borrower: they are obliged to undertake the fulfillment of obligations under the contract if the borrower is unable to fulfill them.

The guarantee can be full (for the entire amount of the loan and interest on it) or partial (for part of the amount). Guarantors can be both individuals and legal entities, but in any case, they must have a stable, confirmed income (banks must check solvency) and, preferably, a good credit history.

As a rule, the presence of guarantors allows you to count on a larger loan amount and generally increases the likelihood of receiving funds from the bank. For example, in the USA it is almost impossible to get a large consumer loan (from 300 thousand dollars) without guarantors or collateral, however, the same as in Russia. This type of collateral has little effect on the interest rate.

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Example of consumer loans with collateral and guarantors

Place of loan provision

The place of issue also affects the terms of consumer loans and, according to this characteristic, banking products are divided into two groups:

  • products issued at bank branches;
  • POS loans.

We decided to consider this characteristic somewhat more broadly, additionally touching on the question of what methods in Russia can be used to obtain money on credit for consumer purposes and which of these methods is preferable.

So, the first and most optimal way is to lend from a bank whose client you are, or which offers the best conditions. However, there is a small nuance here - you can draw up an agreement directly at a bank branch, using one of the offered programs and receive money into your account, in cash or in the form of payment for a product (service), or conclude a transaction at the place of purchase of the product (at a retail outlet). The last method is called POS lending and is characterized by increased interest rates, most often hidden in the markup of the product, so be careful when concluding similar agreement, and if the purchase amount is significant, calculate Alternative option using traditional lending programs.

For information: in European countries and the USA it is not customary to take out loans in retail chains: you will not see bank representative offices in stores.

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The next way to obtain borrowed funds is through credit broker. This type of service is just beginning to enter our lives, therefore, like everything new, it causes fear and anxiety. What kind of people are these, and what can they offer? A credit broker is an intermediary between a bank and a borrower, providing assistance in selecting a suitable lending program and providing comprehensive transaction support, which begins with submitting applications to selected banks and ending with the preparation of a full set of necessary documents. The services of a credit broker are comparable to the services of a realtor and, of course, are not free - their cost is usually calculated as a percentage of the loan amount, which naturally increases its cost. Before contacting such a company, you need to carefully check its reputation, since you will have to provide the documents required by banks.

All other methods of borrowing cash (from dubious advertising companies in newspapers, elevators, etc.) are not regulated federal law about banks and banking activities and, accordingly, carry a huge risk. For example, you can easily increase the interest rate on a loan received or unilaterally change other terms of the concluded agreement not in your favor. For these reasons, borrowing money from dubious companies is not advisable.

Targeted loan

Targeted loan Sberbank

It often happens that there are not enough funds to achieve your cherished goal. But not everything is so sad, because there is a targeted loan from Sberbank. Savings Bank of Russia is pleased to offer its borrowers a targeted loan, which is issued to the borrower to solve a specific problem. The advantage of such lending is the low interest rate, which is significantly lower than a loan for consumer purposes.

Targeted lending includes projects such as car lending, loans for the purchase of housing, loans for education, as well as some types of consumer lending.

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Housing targeted lending

Sberbank provides targeted loans to solve citizens’ housing problems in several areas.

  • Government-supported loans. Under this program, the borrower can receive an amount of 300 thousand rubles, the repayment period of which is 30 years, the interest rate on this loan is 11.4% per year.
  • Targeted mortgage lending for the purchase of housing in a new building. Within the framework of this program, it is possible to receive a loan amount of 300 thousand rubles. at 13% for a period of 30 years.
  • Obtaining a loan to build a house. Loan amount from 300 thousand, term 30 years, rate 13.5% per annum.
  • Loans for the purchase or construction of country real estate (dachas, and other buildings) The loan is issued from the amount of 300 thousand rubles for a period of 30 years, at a rate of 13% per annum.
  • Military mortgage lending. Purchasing housing, both on the primary and secondary markets. The loan is issued for a period of 15 years at a rate of 15.% per annum.

Targeted lending for the development of personal subsidiary farming

If your goal is to strengthen and develop your personal subsidiary plot, then this method of lending will come in handy for you. The loan amount is issued for one subsidiary farm and has 2 options.

  1. Loan amount from 15 to 300 thousand rubles. The loan is issued for 2 years.
  2. Loan amount from 15 to 700 thousand rubles. The loan repayment period is 5 years.

The advantages of this type of targeted lending: no loan commission, interest payment of 22% per year, availability to all residents of the Russian Federation, except residents of Moscow.

Targeted loan for education from Sberbank

Getting a quality education has become much more accessible with a loan from Sberbank. According to the terms of the loan, you can get it for both secondary vocational education and higher education. The cost of training is 100% covered by a loan.

The amount of interest on the loan is only 7.6%, the loan repayment period is 10 years. This type of lending has no restrictions on the student’s form of education, has no fees and no loan insurance.

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Non-targeted lending secured by the borrower’s real estate

The essence of this type of lending is quite simple. The borrower can take out a loan for any purpose. In exchange, he leaves real estate as collateral.

The targeted car loan program from Sberbank involves the purchase of both a new and used car. When purchasing a used car under this program, you must comply with the condition that the car you purchase must not be older than 5 years (domestic and Chinese cars) and 10 years (foreign cars).

The loan is provided at a rate of 13-15% to citizens of the Russian Federation who are over 21 years old and have no debt and with at least 5 years of work experience.

There are two types of consumer lending at a savings bank:

  1. No guarantors. The maximum amount that can be borrowed without guarantors is 1.5 million rubles. Duration from 3 months to 5 years. The rate is 15.5% (for a loan amount of at least 400 thousand rubles).
  2. With a guarantor Without guarantors. The maximum amount that can be borrowed without guarantors is 3 million rubles. Duration from 3 months to 5 years. The rate is 14.5% (for a loan amount of at least 400 thousand rubles).

Recipients of pensions and salaries on a Savings Bank card have the opportunity to receive lending services through the Sberbank Online service

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What is the difference between a non-targeted loan and a targeted loan?

The bank issues loans for various purposes. With the help of lending, you can buy any product in the form of a telephone or household appliances, a car, an apartment, make repairs and much more. As a rule, such agreements can be drawn up directly at the point of sale where there are representatives of one or another banking organization. But often you may need money for various expenses. In this case, you can apply for a cash loan directly. This type of lending is called non-targeted. What is a non-targeted loan, how to apply for it and whether it is profitable, we will consider in this article.

Customer credit

To understand what non-targeted loans are, first let’s look at the types of consumer lending. All loan agreements can be divided into two types:

Targeted loans

A targeted loan is a type of loan in which funds are directed to a specific purpose. Often, a client, when signing such an agreement, pays an initial payment to the retail outlet and immediately receives the goods. The rest of the money is financed by the bank. And the client, based on monthly repayments, repays the bank loan at a percentage determined by the terms of the agreement.

In this case, the client does not receive funds from the bank. This way you can purchase goods, a car and even an apartment. Interest rates on targeted loans are usually lower than if the borrower takes out a non-targeted consumer loan. The interest rate largely depends on the loan amount.

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If the purchased product is inexpensive, then interest rates on targeted loans can reach up to 40%. Banking organizations inflate interest rates using psychological aspects. Since the borrower is already determined to get the necessary goods, he often does not pay attention to the percentage offered by the loan specialist.

When buying a car or an apartment, potential bank clients carefully approach their choice, trying to extract the maximum benefit. Therefore, the offers of banking companies in this direction are more loyal. Under certain conditions, you can buy a car on credit at 7-10%. Or get a mortgage from 10.5%.

Non-targeted consumer loans

A non-targeted loan is a loan of cash from a bank. In this case, you can manage the loan amount at your own discretion. Use it to purchase goods, pay a down payment on a mortgage, pay for education, treatment, etc.

The banking organization will not track your spending in any way. Based on the loan amount, contract term and interest rate, a payment schedule will be created for you. It will be necessary to repay the amount according to the schedule, and the borrower can repay the principal and interest under the agreement ahead of schedule, paying only the accrued interest for the actual use of the funds.

A non-targeted consumer loan has a fairly high interest rate. In this way, the bank is trying to reduce its financial risks, since the organization does not know what exactly you will use the loan for. Typically, the interest rate is around 30%.

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How to apply

There are different offers in different banks. A non-targeted loan can be issued either using two documents, but with a higher interest rate, or by providing a full package of documents. This package standardly includes:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate from the accounting department about monthly earnings.
  3. A copy of the work book.

In this case, the condition may be age from 21 years and work experience of six months at the last place of work.

The agreement is drawn up both at the bank’s office and online based on an electronic application. You can get cash by going to the cashier additional office, or to an account opened with a banking organization.

Thus, if it is possible to obtain a targeted loan, it will be more profitable for the borrower. Rates for these types of contracts are lower. A non-targeted lending It is better to use it when necessary and due to the lack of options with a targeted consumer loan.

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Targeted loan

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What is a targeted loan? Description and definition of the concept

The peculiarity of targeted loans is, first of all, that they are provided exclusively for specific needs. This could be the provision of funds by the bank to receive consumer goods of various categories (furniture, clothing, building materials, household appliances), for the purchase of real estate, for the purchase of a car, for education and so on...

At the same time, whatever the purpose for which you borrow money from a credit institution, they will all be stipulated in the contract. In this case, the money will not be given to the borrower in hand, but will be transferred to the seller of the goods or service provider to his account, after which he gives the purchase to the borrower, who subsequently pays the cost of the services and goods received to the bank.

If you wish to be provided with borrowed funds in your hands, you will need to provide confirmation of them intended use financial institution. Typically, such loan programs are long-term.

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Types of targeted loan

It should be noted that the targeted loan is divided into several types, which will be determined, taking into account what exactly the money received on credit will be spent on:

  • mortgage - when you have signed an agreement with a credit institution, this means that the funds provided to you must be spent on obtaining real estate, and the one specified in the agreement for exactly this price, otherwise the lender may use sanctions that are imposed on you: demand a long-term return of the money loaned by the bank or be punished with significant fines.

But with this type of lending, money is very rarely given to the borrower; usually, the amount is transferred to the seller’s account;

  • car loan - as in the above case, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, the bank pays the client part of the price of the car or contributes all the necessary funds to obtain it and the borrower does not have the right to use the money to satisfy any of his needs in other areas, including otherwise, he will also be in trouble with the bank, from which punishment will follow;
  • education loan - in this situation, the lender pays for the student’s education by transferring money to the account of the educational institution in which the borrower is studying and regulates for what purposes the money will actually be used; usually, this type of lending is given to students studying at institutions which have a state license and the borrower does not have access to credit funds, therefore he is not able to spend them on other purposes;
  • targeted small loans - purchasing household goods, providing loans for treatment, purchasing vacation vouchers, and so on. In addition, you can also add to this list credit cards that are provided by financial institutions to their own borrowers along with hypermarkets, where the main condition was that funds from such cards can only be spent on goods from the required store.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the targeted nature of the loan has a number of undeniable advantages. These may include the fact that such a loan is much easier to obtain than a cash loan, the interest in this situation is an order of magnitude lower since the received goods can usually act as collateral, and the bank’s risks are correspondingly reduced, which cannot but affect terms and conditions of the loan.

In addition, the borrower has a unique opportunity to identify a debt payment schedule that is suitable for himself, since such loans are provided for a long period.

Still, one should not forget about certain disadvantages of the targeted lending mechanism: usually, lenders require a guarantee or give money as collateral; in addition, it is necessary to provide many different documents that confirm the financial condition.

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At the same time, when there is no insurance, the rates increase even more, at the same time, if the loan is secured, automatically compulsory insurance will be an additional expense. And the price of insurance is not the cheapest, and the larger the loan amount, the more expensive the insurance will be. At the same time, the final decision regarding the issuance of a loan will be made much later than with other lending programs.

Banks welcome the issuance of loans for specific purposes. Institutions offer borrowers preferential terms and reduced rates for the use of funds. How to identify what a targeted loan is? This is an agreement, the amount of which is used only for its intended purpose.

Borrowing can be short-term or long-term. The main characteristic of the programs is the issuance of funds for specific expenses or purchases.

Features of processing targeted loans

Contracts for specific purposes can be concluded:

  • For the purchase of expensive property. The subject of the agreement is the property being purchased - a vehicle, commercial or residential property
  • For short-term borrowing purposes, the funds are used to pay for training, carry out repairs, and obtain equipment.

Conditions banking agreement when concluding targeted lending, they have common characteristics.

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Common requirements for property agreements include:

  • Inability to dispose of property without bank approval.
  • Pledge of an item that is purchased with the help of a loan. The encumbrance for real estate is registered at the registration chamber.
  • An independent audit of the property and confirmation of the borrower’s solvency, which is carried out at the stage of consideration of the application.
  • Necessary insurance of an item against the risks of damage, loss, and deprivation of consumer properties. Insurance is issued for a one-year period with annual renewal.

The beneficiary of the insurance and encumbrance is credit institution. During the validity of the contract, the bank can check the intended use and condition of the property.

Positive aspects for borrowers

When concluding targeted loans, borrowers receive some advantageous positions:

  • The purchased property simultaneously becomes collateral and is provided as security for the loan.
  • Interest rates on targeted contracts are lower than the percentage of regular borrowings that do not have a specific purpose. The subjects of the agreements have a high degree of liquidity, which gives banks the opportunity to sell the property at auction if the borrower is insolvent.
  • Additional properties of the borrower make it possible to improve lending opportunities. A benefit, such as a reduction in the rate, is given to persons who have issued personal insurance, have salary project accounts and provide a guarantor.
  • If it becomes possible to repay the amount early, it is possible to pay off the balance of the debt without additional payments or penalties.

It is possible to find out in more detail what a targeted loan is if we consider special cases of borrowing.

Types of targeted loans for individuals

Among targeted lending agreements, there are some groups that are popular among borrowers.

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Banks and individuals enter into agreements:

  • Mortgage. The agreement has a long borrowing period and is given in order to purchase residential real estate. Banks put forward serious demands on property. The issuance of funds is carried out to obtain property in a secondary or primary fund that is suitable for living. Lending for personal construction is provided for land owners.
  • Car loans. The subject of the contract may be used or new vehicles. Lending is carried out in relation to equipment that is purchased through showrooms. For the entire period of lending, a CASCO insurance agreement is issued - an insurance contract with the most likely risk protection.
  • Customer credit. Within the boundaries of the agreements, household appliances, furniture, electrical appliances, small-scale mechanization equipment, and equipment are purchased. Guarantees act as collateral for a loan - guarantors, collateral, borrower's income - movable and immovable property. The contracts are issued for a short period of up to five years and have a limited amount of borrowing.

One of the important areas of lending programs is agreements in the execution of which the state participates.

Targeted lending with the participation of government programs

Credits that are supported by the state have a distinctly social orientation and are given for certain groups of borrowers. When drawing up contracts, third parties take part and control subsidies.

You can get information about what a loan with state aid is and what programs there are, perhaps from banks. State programs support a limited number of banks.

Borrowers will be able to obtain:

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  • An agreement, the amount of which is used to pay tuition fees. The program is provided to full-time students of universities that are licensed and take part in the project. In order to receive loan amounts, a person must have good academic performance.
  • A mortgage issued under the Young Family program. The loan can be characterized by partial budget subsidies and the lowest preferential rate. Young couples who do not have living space but have a child can become part of the program. The initial stage in order to obtain a loan is to receive a subsidy. Responsibility for providing state aid rests with the municipality.
  • Military mortgage. Military personnel who participate in the co-financing program of the Russian Defense Ministry can take part in purchasing a mortgage. Interest, the body of the agreement and the preliminary payment are paid to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In other conditions, the mortgage corresponds to the standard agreement.

You can find out more about what targeted loans are issued to individuals directly from banks.

Types of target agreements with legal entities

Individual entrepreneurs and commercial enterprises are often sent to banks in order to receive credit support. The issuance of funds is carried out in order to replenish working capital, purchase real estate, equipment or transport.

Features of the terms of contracts with legal entities:

  • Before receiving a loan, the bank evaluates the company's financial statements for several years.
  • All agreements have a clearly defined purpose.
  • Cash settlement service must be carried out at the creditor bank.

Enterprises are required to regularly report on the intended purpose of the loan and funds. In order to receive funds, you must provide a guarantee and collateral.


As a result of applying for a targeted loan, both parties receive excellent conditions. The bank has a liquid agreement with large guarantees, the borrower acquires benefits, such as a reduced lending rate.

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In order to determine what a targeted loan is and under what conditions it is possible to obtain it, you need to consider the offers of different banks.

The terms and conditions of lending are determined by each institution independently.

Loans according to one of the classifications are divided into non-targeted and targeted. A targeted loan differs from a non-targeted one in that it is issued for the payment or purchase of a specific product. This could be the purchase of household appliances, real estate, a car and payment for treatment, education, recreation, repairs and so on.

The purpose for which this loan issued and recorded in the loan agreement. It is prohibited to use the loan for other purposes. Usually, when providing a targeted loan to a borrower, money is not even given in hand - it is transferred directly to the seller’s account by the creditor bank. Otherwise, the borrower will need to provide the bank with evidence of the intended use of the loan. As proof, you can provide an agreement with a construction company that agreed to do repairs at your place, or a training agreement, and so on.

Today, a targeted loan can be obtained directly at the place of purchase of goods by drawing up a corresponding agreement (POS lending) with a bank representative. Using this form of loan, you can purchase furniture, equipment, and so on in installments. The decision to provide a loan is made directly on the spot in a few tens of minutes. It is also often possible to arrange a tour or vacation on credit directly at the office of a travel agency. The most common form of targeted loan is a mortgage. Mortgage in this case, it involves providing a loan for the purchase of a house, apartment, cottage, room, or other real estate, and the borrower cannot spend the purchased funds on anything else. A car loan is another method of targeted lending. Money received for the purchase of a car cannot be used to pay for the purchase of furniture or a refrigerator.

Targeted loans for a bank have a special essence. The fact is that the goods purchased in this way immediately serve as collateral for the loan. It is beneficial for every lender to have collateral, as this significantly reduces the risk of non-repayment of the loan provided. If the debtor fails to fulfill loan obligations, the bank has the opportunity to repay the debt by selling and confiscating the property purchased on credit. So, the collateral for a car loan is a car, for a mortgage loan - real estate, and so on. Due to the presence of collateral, a targeted loan usually has more favorable conditions; for example, the interest rate on a targeted loan may be 5-7% less than on a non-targeted loan, in contrast.

Applying for a necessary loan has certain differences from a non-purpose one. For example, given that the property being purchased also serves as collateral for the loan, it may need to be insured, which is an additional cost. You will have to insure the property or car obtained thanks to a targeted loan. However, car insurance upon registration car loan may cost less as a related loan service. If you are taking out a car loan or mortgage, you are often required to make an initial payment, however, the loan amount in this situation is very significant - purchase at non-targeted loan a similar one is possible only with the necessary security.

Therefore, applying for a targeted loan is often more profitable than a non-targeted one. The terms are better, it is easier to purchase, and in this case the loan amount can be much larger. When the borrower has a specific goal for which he plans to spend the funds received on credit, it is more profitable and logical to issue a targeted loan. When they plan to spend the loan on something that will be difficult to document, and the loan amount required is small, a completely non-targeted loan will do.

A targeted loan differs from other types of lending in that it is provided for specific needs. That is, the question of what a targeted loan is can be answered this way. This is money that the bank provides to the borrower to obtain specific consumer goods or to pay for specific services, for example, to purchase a car, for education, for the purchase of real estate, and so on.

All purposes of the loan and conditions are clearly stated in the agreement. Typically, funds for targeted lending are not issued in cash to the borrower, but are directly transferred to an account in a specific company whose services the client wishes to use.

Types of targeted lending

It is worth noting that targeted loans are classified into several types, which are determined taking into account what exactly they will be spent on. Of course, this is mortgage lending, which involves the use financial resources, which are provided by the bank, for the purchase of real estate, and for the purchase of that which is determined by the contract and for this exact price. Otherwise, the bank may rightfully impose sanctions on the borrower and demand early repayment of the loan. These credit funds are not issued in cash, but are transferred to the seller’s account.

Another type of targeted lending is a bank loan for education. Here the lender lists this amount to the account educational institution where the borrower is studying, the bank monitors that the money is spent specifically for these purposes. Usually given credit product They are given to students who do not have access to loan funds, so they do not have the opportunity to spend them on other purposes.

And one more thing that needs to be noted in the question of what a targeted loan is is targeted small loans. Here the bank gives credit funds for treatment, receiving various household appliances, paying for a tourist voucher, etc. You can also add to this list plastic cards, however, with the condition that funds from these cards can be spent on goods of a specific store.

Pros and cons of targeted lending

Of course, a targeted loan has its advantages. These may include the fact that this loan is much easier and easier to obtain than a cash loan. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the plus of the interest rate, which is lower, since the purchased goods can be collateral, and accordingly, the bank’s risks are significantly reduced, which cannot affect the terms of the loan.

The advantages may also include a long loan period, which will give the borrower the opportunity to choose the necessary debt repayment schedule.

However, there are also disadvantages. A targeted loan requires the necessary provision of a guarantor or collateral, and the bank requires a large list of documents that are necessary for registration. When the loan is secured, compulsory insurance must immediately be included as an additional expense, but the price of insurance is steep. However, the decision-making period is much longer than in other lending programs.

We briefly reviewed targeted loans: types, advantages and disadvantages, design features, positive aspects for borrowers, targeted lending with the participation of government programs, conclusion. Leave your comments or additions to the material

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