Western exchanges. European stock market

Another selection of foreign exchanges little known in Runet. Today there are a few more general ones, an exchange for copywriters and a platform for translators.


Marketplace for IT professionals. There are jobs for programmers, web developers, engineers, system administrators. There is no need to pay for registration, they do not take any commission.

Almost 114 thousand users are registered on the site, and the number of projects has reached 4.5 thousand.

On the main page, you can immediately see fresh projects that appear daily. Under the name of each, it is indicated whether an employee is required in the office or remotely.

On the right side of the main page, you can see the profiles of newly registered freelancers. A lot of comrades from Germany.

There are three types of accounts for freelancers on the exchange. : Basic (free), Premium ($9.65/month), Business ($38/month). The publication of projects is free.

Quite a live exchange, a lot of interesting projects.

Exchange for website developers, mobile applications and games. Performers from more than 40 countries of the world work here. The site is available in six languages ​​- English, Spanish (by the way, it opens by default), French, German, Portuguese and Italian. Information about projects is closed, completely confidential. Work with the customer - through the manager , which for each project is selected by a specialist from registered freelancers. We have already seen a similar model of cooperation on many foreign exchanges.

The exchange concludes an agreement with each client and contractor. The customer has the opportunity to communicate with a freelancer and manage the project through the exchange.

The site is very concerned about the safety of its users, all payments go through the service only, all stages of work are controlled.

What annoys you is that the manager of the exchange chooses you as the executor. Suddenly you seem to him not qualified enough?

Programming, translation, consulting, graphic design - these are the specializations of freelancers on this site.

Projects that need to be answered are published here - a scheme known to all freelancers. New tasks appear every day, but the size of their budget leaves much to be desired. Registration on the exchange is free . There are two types of account – Basic (Free) and Premium ($10 per month). You can upload your portfolio.

The exchange provides a working area, it is possible to work on a Safe deal.

There are many freelancers from the USA, Canada, Britain, the Philippines, Australia and India.

Exchange for copywriters. Most of the performers here are from North America and Europe. There is a lot of work and it pays well.

Requirements for performers quite high:

Minimum - Bachelor's degree (Academic level writers get access to more challenging assignments);

Excellent command of English;

High speed Internet access.

Registration is free. But after filling out the registration form, you need to upload a sample of your work to show your level.

On the exchange there are projects with full and part-time employment. Each work is checked by moderators, so it must be of high quality. For every non-compliance with high standards, you are charged with money. - the exchange has a whole system of punishments. The site has its own check for the uniqueness of the text. For plagiarism, by the way, you are charged 50% of the payment for the order.

Good performers are rewarded with bonuses.

The exchange takes a commission for its services.

The exchange specializes in proofreading, graphic design, various types of art, photography, accounting, programming, marketing, etc.

Paid for freelancers . Basic account costs $6.25 per month, Silver - $9, Gold - $12.

All projects are categorized for convenience. Recommended projects and recommended freelancers are immediately visible on the main page.

Many performers from USA and India. To be honest, there are not as many projects as we would like, and the pay leaves much to be desired. You can find much more work on the stock exchanges without contributions.

Already from the name it is clear that this is an exchange for translators. There is a lot of work, and the most diverse translations are needed. Mostly from English to other languages: French, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish.

Customers can publish projects or find a translator, indicating from which language to which they need to translate, and from which country the performer should be (optional). By the way, there are not so many of our countrymen who translate from English into Russian.

On the exchange you can see the tariffs for transfers. As you can see, the transfer is relatively inexpensive, with prices hovering around $0.10.

Each translator or translation agency it is possible to create your own website on the basis of the exchange, using a special constructor. The domain name is free, and the site can be made multilingual.

To be continued. There are still a lot of foreign sites for freelancers!

There are more than two hundred stock exchanges in the world today, but not all of them deserve universal respect. The most influential world stock exchanges are located in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, China, and Japan. They are known to every trader and investor and can primarily boast of:

  • high capitalization;
  • quality level of service;
  • a large number of financial instruments presented on them.

So, the most famous international stock exchanges:

NYSE Euronext()

It was formed in 2007 as a result of the merger of two sites - NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and Euronext (European Stock Exchange). No wonder it is considered the largest stock exchange in the world, because the market capitalization of NYSE Euronext is about 16 trillion dollars. The exchange has been holding the honorable first place in various world ratings for many years. More than three thousand companies trade financial instruments here. NYSE Euronext manages the stock exchanges of Paris, Lisbon, Amsterdam and Brussels.

Tokyo Stock Exchange

Tokyo Stock Exchange was founded about a century and a half ago, and therefore is rightfully considered one of the oldest and largest stock exchanges in the world. Regular, special members and saytori, the so-called intermediaries, can trade here. In terms of market capitalization, the Tokyo Stock Exchange is second only to the New York Stock Exchange. World famous concerns such as Nikon, Casio, Olympus, Toyota, Honda and many others place their shares here.

Main indices: NIKKEI 225 and TOPIX.

London Stock Exchange

Abbreviated as LSE, it dates back to 1570. It was officially founded in 1801. Today, it accounts for about 50% of global stock trading, for which the LSE has received the title of perhaps the most international on the planet. In addition to stocks, there are also futures and options.
Stock index - FTSE100

shanghai stock exchange

Appeared quite recently - in 1990 and today is one of the most dynamically developing and large sites in China. Trading here is carried out both in shares, bonds, and government securities.

Stock index - SSE Composite

This exchange quickly broke into the leaders among the markets of the Pacific region and today it confidently enters the top ten largest trading floors in the world. It was formed in 1947 as a result of the merger of two exchanges existing at that time in Hong Kong. Later, in different years, other exchanges joined it, for example, in 1969 Stock Exchange far east, in 1972 - Kowloon Stock Exchange.

Stock index - HANG SENG

Toronto Stock Exchange

Canada's main stock exchange is one of the most popular in the world for a reason. The stocks of several thousand companies are traded here, most of which represent the oil and gas and mining industries, as well as banking countries. The history of the stock exchange is deeply rooted in the middle of the 19th century. In the middle of the 20th century, this trading platform was one of the first to introduce an electronic trading system. In 2001, there was a lot of talk about the merger of the London Stock Exchange with the Toronto Stock Exchange, but the deal ultimately did not take place.

Stock Index: S&P/TSX

Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Frankfurter Wertpapierberse is undoubtedly the oldest stock exchange not only in Europe, but in the whole world. It originates from 1585, when local merchants established a single exchange rate for currencies that were in circulation at that time. Today, the site is famous for a large number of financial instruments presented on it and is supplied in terms of trading volumes only to the London Stock Exchange.
Main stock index - DAX

Swiss stock exchange

SIX Swiss Exchange is located in a country that is famous for its long financial tradition, and therefore it is not surprising that it attracts many investors from abroad. The beginning of the Swiss stock exchange itself was laid in 1823 and today the site is located in the city of Zurich. In 1996, SIX Swiss Exchange was the first in the world to switch to a fully automatic trading and settlement system.

Stock index - SMI

australian stock exchange

The Australian Stock Exchange was formed by the merger of six exchanges on the continent: Hobart, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth and Sydney. In 2006, the Sydney Futures Exchange also joined them. It is in Sydney that the main Australian trading floor is located today. In 2010, there was talk of merging the Australian Stock Exchange with the Singapore Stock Exchange. However, the plans were not destined to materialize - the Australian authorities rejected the proposal of their Singaporean counterparts, arguing that the merger would not benefit the country.

Basic stock index– ASX

Korean Stock Exchange

It was created through the merger of three sites: the Korea Futures Exchange, the Korea Stock Exchange and KOSDAQ. The site is relatively young - it was officially opened in 2005. However, despite such a young age, in terms of the volume of transactions, it does not lag behind most largest exchanges world, and often overtakes them. Futures, stocks and bonds are in use here.

Stock index: KOSPI


IN Western Europe There are 58 different stock exchanges in 17 countries. In the leading capitalist countries stock market is of great, though far from equal, importance. This concerns, first of all, the UK, Switzerland, Holland and also France, Germany, Belgium and the brightly specific market of Luxembourg. In countries such as Austria, Italy, Spain and also in the Scandinavian countries, the role of stock markets is small. In Greece, Ireland, Portugal, they practically do not matter.

Obviously, the largest Western European stock market is English, much smaller than the American one, but at the same time much larger than other Western European ones - Swiss, German and French. With regard to the importance of the stock market and the reproduction of capital, the leading role, on an equal footing with the United States, is played by the stock markets of Great Britain and Switzerland, but here one should take into account the large share of foreign shares. The Dutch stock market plays a much smaller role, and the French, Belgian, and German markets play an even smaller role. Of the bond markets, the largest is in Germany, the second largest in the UK, and their lagging behind the US is less significant. The bond market is most important in the economy of Great Britain, Belgium and Germany.

But the difference lies not only in the volume and significance of stock exchanges. Whole line differences shows a brief description of leading Western European stock markets.

UK stock market

The UK stock market is traditionally, due to the significant capitalization of British monopolies ($324 billion in 1992), an important part of the country's credit and financial mechanism. Widespread reprivatization of the public sector gave a significant impetus to the growth of stock capitalization. In 1967, all the country's stock exchanges were merged into regional stock exchanges in Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and Belfast. The clear leader is the London Stock Exchange. She happens to be joint stock company and is not subject to direct state control. Its leadership is carried out by the Board of the exchange, consisting of 45 members, including one representative of the Central Bank without voting rights. The council is elected by a meeting of 4482 members and "self-regulates" in cooperation with Central Bank stock exchange activity.

Shares and bonds are issued mainly in nominal form. Bearer securities are allowed, but are not common among English issuers. Foreign shares must be kept in special depots of authorized credit institutions. Transactions are made, basically, on time. Bonds are realized by cash transactions. The current course is set. Exchange trading covers a very large share of the total turnover of stock values. Trading in non-quoted securities is carried out on the exchange with the permission of the board of the exchange. Since 1980, the so-called mini-exchange has been operating at the exchange with reduced admission conditions for the exchange circulation of shares of medium and small firms.

A very large proportion of foreign valuable papers confirmed the great importance of London as an international financial center and in the field of stock markets, for example, as the largest center for Eurobond loans. In recent years, the London Stock Exchange has been the scene of significant change as part of the reform carried out from 1983 to 1986, which, in turn, had a significant impact on the reforms of other Western European stock markets. The reform is aimed mainly at increasing its international competitiveness and, thereby, at strengthening the position of British capital.

So, as part of this reform, the traditional, purely English division of brokers into brokers and jobbers was removed. Their functions are now performed by the same brokers. The reduction in commissions associated with this simplification was supplemented by a reduction in the taxation of stock turnover. Computer technology was widely introduced into the work of the exchange. British brokerage firms (about 200) lost their monopoly in stock transactions. First, 29.9% participation was allowed, and then 100% takeover of these firms by industrial and banking monopolies. This was taken advantage of by the British monopoly banks, which actively invaded the area of ​​stock transactions previously closed to them.

Swiss stock market

The Swiss stock market is characterized primarily by its international functions. In the Swiss economy, it plays, on the one hand, the role of a source of financing for the reproduction of national capital and, on the other hand, is an important component of the credit and financial system, which, due to its international significance, is an extremely important "branch" of the Swiss economy. There are 7 stock exchanges in the country, among which Zurich, Geneva and Basel stand out. Monopoly position in the stock market big banks that determine the course of events there. There are no special brokers on the stock exchanges. All operations are carried out by representatives of banks. Along with banks, about 120 brokerage firms operate on the over-the-counter market alone, most of which are foreign. The over-the-counter market is significant. Along with the cash market, there is a developed market for term transactions. A single course is established. Government regulation is subtle, but there is a fairly strict banking "self-regulation", for example, in terms of the sequence of issues.

The importance of Switzerland as an international financial center is clearly reflected in the stock market, where about half of the shares and almost 1/3 of the bonds are foreign. Here the Swiss monopoly banks, using the stock market subordinate to them, act as intermediaries between foreign borrowers and creditors. The Swiss stock market is something of a spinning disc for international capital inflows. But thanks to the presence of such a developed stock market adapted to the needs of international financial capital, it has also become an important element in the reproduction of Swiss capital. Thus, the significant capitalization of Swiss corporations - $59 billion in 1992 - testifies to this. This is what distinguishes the Swiss stock market from the Luxembourg stock market. The latter is almost exclusively bonded and has almost no effect on the country's economy.

Holland stock market

The stock market in Holland is notable for, although less bright than, for example, in Switzerland, the international focus, but it has, nevertheless, intensified in recent years. The main stock exchange of the country is the Amsterdam Stock Exchange founded in 1602. The Stock Exchange is a private institution that is subordinate to the "Union for Stock Trading", which brings together banks and brokerage firms. All of its 255 members are allowed to exchange trading - both representatives of banks and brokers.

Implemented cash transactions, there is a very developed market for term transactions, which are traditionally of great importance here. For the shares of Dutch and foreign TNCs, the current rate is set, for all the rest - a single rate twice a day. There is no over-the-counter market. Trading in non-quoted securities is carried out on the stock exchange before or after the regular exchange session. In 1982, a mini-exchange was created for the shares of smaller companies. The importance for the reproduction of both international and Dutch capital is significant. Foreign shares make up approximately 55% of the exchange capitalization. But the capitalization of Dutch corporations - $48 billion in 1992 - is an important factor in their reproduction, although half of them are shares of two corporations: Royal Dutch and Philips.

French stock market

The French stock market is an important part of the tools of state-monopoly regulation. Among the seven French stock exchanges, the Parisian stock exchange is the clear leader. stock exchanges local importance are located in Bordeaux, in Lyle, in Lyon, in Marseille, in Nancy and in Nantes. The state regulation of the stock exchange dates back to the reign of Napoleon and was introduced by his order after the speculative excesses that shook the French financial system. Today, the stock exchange is subordinate to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which appoints brokers (about 80 in Paris) who have a monopoly on stock transactions inside and outside the exchange. State supervision, as well as admission to exchange trading, is carried out by the exchange commission.

A single course is established. Commission averages. There is both a cash market and a derivatives market, but each share is allowed only one type of transaction. Until 1986, all shares in France were registered, but now there is an active transition to non-cash shares, which now account for 35% of the total number of all shares. The capitalization of French corporations is substantial. A factor in its further growth is the privatization program for a large share of the public sector. As part of the exchange reform, a mini-exchange was created and a certain "deregulation" was carried out stock circulation. Various measures have been taken to provide tax incentives for investments in securities.

For the purposes of international competitiveness, further lifting of various restrictions is planned. Even undermining the monopoly of brokers in favor of expanding the range of activities is being discussed. financial institutions and attracting foreign intermediaries. But so far, the international functions of the French stock market are limited due to its relatively strict state-monopoly regulation and also the low level of liberalization of international capital flows.

German stock market

There are 7 stock exchanges in Germany located in Frankfurt-Main, Düsseldorf, Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, Stuttgart and Berlin, among which the Frankfurt and Düsseldorf stock exchanges stand out, realizing 51% and 39% of the total exchange turnover. Stock exchanges are public institutions and are subordinate, according to the federal structure of the country, to the lands. The council managing the activity of the exchange is elected by its members - brokers, among whom representatives of banks predominate. The market is predominantly cash market. Forward transactions are only allowed in the form of options. For the majority of shares, a single rate is set; for the shares of large monopolies, the current rate is determined. Commission averages.

A distinctive feature of the German stock market is the enormous influence exerted by monopoly banks throughout their development. The stock market is relatively small, the capitalization of corporations is about 580 billion marks. The bond market is more developed, but first of all, government and bank bonds are circulated there. The traditionally close ties between banking and industrial capital explains the preference for using medium- and long-term bank loans over the use of securities. German banks "prefer to issue loans than mediate access to the stock exchange." Monopoly banks almost completely monopolize the stock market. They are engaged in the issue and placement of securities, actively participate in the secondary market and own large blocks of securities themselves. Influence based on own, direct ownership of shares (about 9% of all shares) is multiplied by shares held in trust departments. Thus, the share of German banks in the disposal of capital is very significant.

Germany's financial capital is highly organized and relatively stable structures. About 48% of all shares are permanently owned and circulated only formally. The secondary market is therefore not very active, although the turnover on the exchange is only a part of the stock turnover, since many transactions are carried out directly between banks, bypassing the exchange. Government intervention is weak.

The Federation, the Länder and their bodies actively use the bond market in refinancing public debt. In recent years, the state has been more actively trying, through tax rebates and reprivatization of the public sector, to encourage both the issuance and acquisition of shares, and their exchange circulation.

Belgian stock market

The Belgian stock market, although not very large, is essential in financing the reproduction of national capital. The Brussels Stock Exchange is central. The stock exchanges in Antwerp, Ghent, Liege have a provincial character. The Exchange is an independent institution, which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance. Brokers have the monopoly right to conduct transactions with securities. Trade in unlisted is carried out, as necessary, on the stock exchange. Deals for the term have become widespread. Commissions are relatively low.

The exchange capitalization is significant, although about 1/3 is accounted for by the shares of the Petrofina concern. In 1992, it amounted to 859 billion bp. fr. There are quite a few foreign securities in circulation, but the nomination of Brussels as the "Western European capital" had little effect on the stock market.

Italian stock market

Although Italy is among the economically developed countries, the country's stock market is extremely underdeveloped. It is purely national, aimed mainly at securing the financing of the public debt. The country's main stock exchange is located in Milan, along with which there are 7 more local exchanges. As a reflection of the relatively low concentration in many industries, the capitalization of Italian corporations is low - $ 43 billion in 1993.

main subject stock trading are Italian government bonds. This is facilitated by strict state control of the exchange itself and the corresponding tax policy. The exchange itself is a public legal institution and is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance. Others characteristic features of the Italian stock market are: a high share of the OTC market, weak legislative support for the circulation itself, the absence of a formal ban on insider trading. Shares are issued registered, bearer bonds. Transactions for a period of time are not permitted. The course is set uniform. The international significance is reduced in fact, due to an undeveloped market and a lack of capital, to zero.

Making money abroad has always attracted the attention of domestic freelancers. In popular blogs, the authors highlight the achievements of foreign colleagues and advise to learn from their experience. Masters of various industries cooperate with customers in Europe and America, succeed and have a good income.

The idea came to me to have a close acquaintance with foreign freelance exchanges. I wonder if any of you have already studied their principles and structure? If not, we will start right now, and if so, I will share my own impressions with you.

The first thing I will mention is salaries. From beginners, you can hear talk about "paradise places", where specialists receive exorbitant amounts. In fact, in order to count on a decent salary, it is necessary to correctly assess the forces. Exchanges are international, and people from hundreds of corners of the Earth work on them. Fierce competition exists in every segment:

  • programming,
  • design,
  • copywriting,
  • 3D modeling,
  • engineering, etc.

Especially knock down the prices of Indian, Chinese and Pakistani specialists. These "daredevils" are ready to make websites for 30-50 dollars and for the same price they will create an architectural project two-storey cottage. For Europeans, this “oriental color” makes their hair stand on end. Yes, and Internet guest workers from Russia will find such prices ridiculous.

But there is also good news. There are more offers on foreign sites. And if employers need really high-quality work, then they try not to turn to comrades from China or India, but are looking for experienced professionals, albeit for serious money. Next, we turn to specific examples.

One of the most famous English-speaking exchanges, owned by the Australian company Freelancer Limited. Positions itself as the first largest crowdsourcing site in the world. At the time of writing, the number of completed projects is about 11 million, and registered users - 22.500.000. Since its foundation, this colossus has absorbed several projects:

  • vWorker (USA),
  • LimeExchange (USA),
  • Scriptlance (Canada),
  • EUFreelance (Sweden),
  • GetAFreelancer (Sweden),
  • Freelancer.de Booking Center (Germany),
  • Freelancer.co.uk (UK).

Among similar resources, the platform has the highest Alexa rank (an indirect assessment of site traffic). This means that it is "live" and is of interest to employers. Agree, the statistics are impressive.

The main areas of cooperation are as follows:

  • web development,
  • software creation,
  • services of lawyers and legal consultants,
  • Accounting,
  • mobile games and apps
  • text writing,
  • marketing,
  • engineering,
  • content management.

The specialization is varied. There are projects like 15 at. e., and within 200-500 USD.

Large, young and ambitious resource. The company merged two popular freelance exchanges, oDesk and Elance, and entered the market in the spring of 2015. The unique feature of Upwork is that an agent can receive an order with an hourly rate or a fixed budget. In the first case, the system requires the performer to install a special program on the PC to enter screenshots into his diary, where the stages of the work being performed are visible. Therefore, to sit back and stretch the time will not work. Only hardcore.

Here is a lesson for those who understand:

  • web design,
  • mobile apps,
  • programming,
  • creating articles,
  • accounting business,
  • marketing,
  • graphic design,
  • management and sales.

On the exchange it is allowed to use useful tools:

  1. Jira: bug tracking system, serves to organize interaction between users;
  2. Google Drive ("Google Drive"): for storing and sharing information;
  3. GitHub: online service for hosting and collaborative development of IT projects.

Specialists can unite in groups, collaborate, demonstrate to the customer the statistics of successfully completed tasks, supplement the portfolio with a video presentation.

This resource has been around for ten years, but it caught my eye recently. What I noticed on this exchange really surprised me. I will say more, I began to respect the Western approach to business. So, let's move on to review.

The profile of this site is narrower than that of the previously considered ones. She specializes in creating and selling content. Therefore, the lion's share of orders - for those who write, that is, for copywriters. But not only. Other vacancies available for:

  • SEO optimizers,
  • webmasters,
  • translators,
  • photographers,
  • text designers.

At first it seems that there are no differences from Russian text platforms. But then I noticed one thing. Can you imagine? They have three schemes for acquiring content:

  1. Usage: The article is only purchased for publication, but you do not own the article. The same text can be purchased by others.
  2. Unique: you get a guarantee that the project has not been published anywhere and by anyone before. But full copyright does not come, and the buyer is obliged to use the content in its original form.
  3. Full Right: The owner is given full control over the text and can do whatever they want with it.

The first type is the cheapest, the last is the most expensive. At the same time, the author independently decides under which license to put the product on sale. The price for an average article (3000-4000 characters) is 35-65 dollars. But there are pearls for 100-200 USD.

A copywriter abroad is not just a person who has a good command of the word. It requires knowledge of the accepted terminology, understanding of the mentality of the target audience, the ability to use metaphors and lexical units. With a school level of English, there is frankly no chance of success.

Another nuance of the site: the calculation is carried out not by characters, but by the number of words. In the early stages, this approach will be unusual. But then you get involved and start counting “other categories”.

Also on "Constant Content" there is a store of images, drawings and videos. A very well thought out business move. Why torment the Internet in search of media files, if everything is collected in one place? In this section there is a part-time job for photographers and videographers.

Summing up: what determines the earnings of a freelancer

Registering on a foreign exchange does not mean starting to earn good money. Fees depend on the following factors:

  • qualification and ability to improve it;
  • ability to focus;
  • the time you are willing to devote to work;
  • the ability to find customers and negotiate with them;
  • experience, positive feedback;
  • content portfolio.

The better you do with the above, the higher the potential opportunities. Good luck!

I decided to put western freelance exchanges in a separate selection. There are foreign exchanges from the USA, Europe and some Asian exchanges. Which I admit here are somewhat off topic, but so far there is no separate selection for them.
They will be useful mainly only to connoisseurs of English, or other languages, so in the usual selection they only distract attention. If you are bad with European languages, then you have nothing to do here. In that case, focus on .

Origondo- Swiss freelance exchange, supports three languages, English, French and German. The pay here is good, even compared to other Western exchanges. Customers are looking for performers here for both one-time and permanent work. So with some luck, you can find a permanent job.

Coswap- here freelancers can sell or exchange their work. For example, you wrote a program, but for some reason did not receive money for it, you can put it up for sale here. In addition to programs, design elements, etc. are accepted for sale. You can place your program in the site's store for free, but when selling, the site withholds its commission.

Project4Hire- exchange with a large number of the most diverse robots for programmers, web developers, Wordpress developers, Drupal developers, IT professionals, software developers and coders, graphic designers, translators, consultants, administrators, accountants,social media marketers and other talented freelancers. The exchange works with the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South America, India, the Philippines, Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Romania), etc. there are many orders, the price is also quite high. The site takes a percentage of each order.

Freelanced- Here you can find a huge selection of the most diverse robots, new orders appear quite often, but there are also many competitors. An interesting feature of the exchange is that some orders do not have a fixed price, you can offer the customer your price and bargain. For the robot you will need knowledge of English.

Jobs.Smashingmagazine - main feature this exchange is that the customer will have to pay money to simply place an order here. Therefore, there are no simple customers here, serious uncles who need a high-quality robot are cooperating with the exchange. For a robot performer with an exchange, it is free, but the requirements for performers here are quite strict, you need to be a professional in your field.

ProgrammerMeetDesigner- can work here programmers, web developers,graphic designers, andsecond content,web developers. The site works only as a platform where you can find a customer-performer, if the customer or contractor deceives you, he will be banned here, but they are not responsible for your money. There are not many people here, but there is work.

Xplace- in general, here we have an ordinary freelance exchange, with more or less standard tasks. But at the same time, there are quite a lot of robots here, and the pay is generous. You can work on the exchange for free, but a paid account allows you to work on the exchange more efficiently. JournalismJobs- the peculiarity of this exchange is that it is designed for journalists. There are a lot of various tasks here, for example, tasks related to photography, but most of the tasks that you can see here are related to journalism in one way or another. Freelancers - the exchange has been operating since 1999, this is its main feature, few exchanges have been able to hold out for so long. The exchange is British, but in general, clients are found here from all over the world. Although I must note that there are not so many customers and performers from the CIS countries here. The audience is mostly Western.

Your web job- here they can look for a job, SEO copywriters, programmers, designers, etc. Most of the tasks in one way or another are related to the development or promotion of sites. In addition to a secure transaction, you can pay here bypassing the site, through direct payment. Or sign a contract for long-term cooperation.

Flexjobs- to work on the stock exchange, you will not interfere with knowledge of the English language. Well, the site only works with Western payment systems, so withdrawing money to residents of the CIS countries is a bit problematic. Otherwise, this is a pretty decent site, with a large selection of robots, and high pay by our standards.

Freelance- The exchange supports French and English. The disadvantages of the exchange include the lack of a secure transaction, all payments here are made directly, so the performers may be deceived. Of the advantages, often here they are looking for a performer, for permanent and not one-time work. With luck, you can find a job here for a long time.

Authentic jobs- here you can search for both a one-time job and an online job on an ongoing basis. For freelancers, when working with the exchange, there will be no particular problems. But customers have to pay to place their order here. The customers there are mostly Western, but there are also people from the CIS countries.

CloudPeeps- a relatively young exchange, appeared only in 2015. There is a wide variety of jobs here. There are different types of assignments, ranging from writing a blog to advertising. Despite the fact that the exchange is relatively new, there is work here. You can find both a one-time remote job and permanent job offers.

Peopleperhour - provides the contractor with access to thousands of trusted freelance experts who can work flexibly from anywhere, performing a wide variety of jobs. The main advantage of the exchange is that there is a lot of work here, and the price of orders is quite high.

Toptal- there are a lot of robots for designers, programmers and specialists in the field of finance. The pay for work by our standards is very high, but at the same time, the requirement for freelancers is extremely high, according to the information on the exchange itself, they accept only 3 processes of freelancers who apply to them. The main thing you need for robots on the stock exchange is a good knowledge of English and high professional qualities.

Simply Hired- this is not a freelance exchange, the service searches for vacancies on western employment sites, but among other vacancies, you can find a robot designed for freelancers.

Rent acoder- a small but popular western freelance exchange. Basically, programmers can find jobs here, more than half of the tasks are designed for them. But there is also a robot for designers and authors. Moreover, there are a lot of robots, especially related to programming. True, for the robots here you will need knowledge of the English language.

Guru- more than two million people are registered on the site, which perfectly shows its popularity. The choice of work is very extensive, anyone can find something to their liking. But despite the extensive selection of robots, there are also many performers here, so there is considerable competition.

freelancer map- here you can find a job related to both text and design or program creation. There are quite a lot of jobs here, it can be said that there are literally thousands of vacancies. To work, you will need knowledge of English.

Power To Fly- here before us is not quite a freelance exchange, although it is also associated with freelancing. Here we have a site created by women and only for women. The site is designed to help the beautiful half of humanity find a job.

Skip The Drive- a free site, the purpose of which is to help you when searching for robots on the Internet. Here we have a list of job vacancies, for almost every taste. So if you know English, then you can almost certainly find something for yourself here.

iFreelance- specialists of various fields can find a job here. There is work related to both text and programming or design. Moreover, there is a lot of different work. Well, of course, for work you need knowledge of English.

Working Nomads- not quite a freelance exchange, rather it is a board with vacancies from around the world. But there is a lot of work here, and for every taste. It is easier to say what is not here than to describe all the types of robots that are available. awesome web- the site can rather be called a professional database of freelancers. You just post your portfolio, and the customer will find you and write to you. For robots, knowledge of English is useful to you.

Genuine Jobs- here we do not have a freelance exchange, but rather a site for finding remote work. Jobs here can be searched in many directions, and in general, the activity on the site is serious, so it is worth paying attention to it.

Virtual Vocations- the site has collected a huge number of vacancies, from writing texts to providing legal services. In addition, you can find here a lot useful information regarding remote work. Krop- freelancers can find interesting tasks on the site, although the activity here is not very high. And also leave your portfolio, in the hope of future customers.