Other reviews about otp bank. About otp bank in russia OTP bank whose subsidiary

Education OTP bank took place in 1994. At that time, the institution was called Investsberbank. And since 2008, the organization has been known to Russian consumers of banking services under the current name of the company. IN bank Today, customers are given the opportunity to take advantage of various types of lending. Develop in this direction and become one of the major institutions consumer lending OTP bank helped by joining the Hungarian banking group OTP Group.

Thanks to this merger, the institution gained access to numerous financial instruments, as well as many years of experience in the European jar in the provision of credit services to the population. This gave impetus to the development of retail and wholesale business in Russian Federation. To date OTP bank does not stand still, but develops rapidly. Financial condition institutions are getting stronger. And indicators that demonstrate reliability jar show stable growth.

OTP bank is the largest commercial company operating in the Russian territory. This is a subsidiary of the Hungarian company OTP Group, which since 1998 has been providing Financial services population. Today the company is represented by branches located in Central and Eastern Europe. Bank represents Joint-Stock Company. He has been AO since December 2011. Shareholders jar are:

  • OTP Bank. This is the holder of the main block of shares, the percentage of which is 66.1%;

  • Alliance Reserve. This institution owns 31.71 percent of the total shares;

  • Other shareholders. Today by holders of 2.25 percent of the shares jar are small shareholders.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors is Istvan Hamets. IN Russia president of a financial institution OTP became Georgy Cherkasov. On the board of directors jar there are more than eight people. Among them: Chizhevsky I.P.; Oreshkina Yu.S.; Dremach K.A.; Satybuldiev M.M. and many others.

On official internet the portal provides complete information about the management team jar. Also, the clients of the organization have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the documents of the board. They noted the experience and qualifications of the management staff.

Russian representation OTP is part of a joint OTP group that is active in financial activity in Central and Eastern Europe. The backbone of this business group is OTP Bank, which is the largest commercial institution in Hungary. Her banks approximately 25.6 percent of the national Hungarian market is occupied. Five years ago, the company's assets in the first nine months exceeded ten billion forints. Last year, according to Forbes magazine, the place jar in the world ranking of financial institutions was 962.

main branch credit institution located in Budapest. The history of the establishment of Hungary began in 1949. Then the State Savings bank Hungary. Its local name was Országos Takarékpénztár. It was from him that the name of the group itself went further. OTP bank. Since 1990, this commercial enterprise has been a public banking enterprise. And in 1995 the bank was privatized.

Years of transformation of the banking organization

IN bank over the years of existence there have been many changes and transformations. The key periods for the financial institution were from 1995 to 1999. During this time bank became a universal financial organization providing the population not only consumer loans. Since then approximately 81.4 percent of the shares have been listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange. Bank holds numerous global receipts that are currently in demand on stock exchange Luxembourg. The Board of Directors currently works under the leadership of Sandor Chani. The OTP Group owns OTP financial institutions located in Russia, Ukraine and many other European countries.

Attention! All information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. The site does not collect and process personal data. the federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" is not violated.

The president

Ilya Petrovich Chizhevsky was born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1978.

In 2000 he received a diploma from the St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University). While studying at the University, he was an active member of the International Association of Students of Economics and Management (AIESEC). He started his career in St. Petersburg in the FMCG sector - Kraft Foods.

In 2003, he moved to the retail division of ZAO Citibank in Moscow, where he developed alternative sales channels and loan products. In 2006, he moved to GE Capital - working in Russia and abroad, he rose from the head of the Moscow region to the Director of Sales and Distribution in Russia, was responsible for the development of distribution and sales channels, alternative funding and customer acquisition via the Internet. In October 2012, he moved to LLC Rusfinance Bank (Societe Generale) to the position of Deputy President of the bank, where he was responsible for sales, products and marketing at the bank.

In June 2013, he joined the OTP Bank team, where since August 2013 he held the position of Director of the Network Division. Since June 9, 2014, he was appointed Deputy Chairman ULP boards Jar. Ilya Chizhevsky was responsible for the classic branch network business and alternative sales channels. In addition, he was responsible for working with the VIP segment, micro and small businesses, the development of the Bank's corporate business, channels for remote attraction and servicing of the Bank's clients.

Kapustin Sergey Nikolaevich

short biography

Sergei Nikolaevich Kapustin

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

Sergei Nikolaevich Kapustin was born in Moscow in 1979.

In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics. Has a Ph.D. economic sciences.

IN banking over 15 years. He started his banking career in 2001 at Bank Vozrozhdenie, where he rose from a leading specialist to Deputy Head of the Retail Operations Department, being responsible for the Bank's retail business and risk management.

In 2008, he moved to OTP Bank, where he took the position of Director of the Risk Assessment and Methodology Directorate. Supervised issues related to credit risks for the Bank's retail portfolio, lending methodology, operational and market risks.

From 2011 to 2013 he worked in the field of microfinance.

Since 2013, he has been Deputy Chairman of the Board, Director of the Risk Management Division at OTP Bank.

Oreshkina Yulia Sergeevna

short biography

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina

Director of the Legal Support Directorate, Member of the Management Board

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina was born in Moscow in 1973.

In 1997 she graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence.

She began her career in the prosecutor's office, then moved to work in the Legal Department of the Moscow Main Territorial Administration Central Bank Russian Federation. Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina also worked in various years in the legal departments of a number of large Russian banks, in particular, such as CB Petrocommerce, OJSC Impexbank and others.

Yulia Sergeevna Oreshkina has been working at OTP Bank (until 2008 - Investsberbank) since 2007, where she heads the legal support department.

Vasiliev Alexander Vasilievich

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

short biography

Alexander Vasilievich Vasiliev

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

Alexander Vasilyevich Vasiliev was born in Akhtubinsk in 1978.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Has been working in the banking sector for over 10 years.

From 2004 to 2010, he served as Deputy Head of the Retail Operations Department at OJSC Bank Vozrozhdenie, where he worked on projects to develop lending products for individuals (consumer loans, car loans, mortgage credit lending), as well as the implementation of systems for automating retail lending processes, such as Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Experian Strategy Manager.

In 2010, Mr. Vasilyev headed the credit risk department of FG BCS, where he participated in the launch of retail lending and in the creation of unified processes for assessing and managing credit risks. Since June 2011, he joined the OTP Bank team as Director of the Directorate for Product and Technology Development. Since December 2013, he has been Acting Director of the Consumer Lending Division.

Dremach Kirill Andreevich

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

short biography

Kirill Andreevich Dremach

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

Kirill Andreevich Dremach was born in Moscow in 1974.

In 1996 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in Applied Mathematics.

More than 20 years in the banking sector. He began his banking career in 1996 at ZAO Citibank, rising from a specialist to the Head of the Information Technology Department, where he was responsible for the development of the information and technical base, automation of business processes and financial management in the field of IT.

In 2009, he moved to Barclays Bank LLC as a Department Director information technologies, in 2010 was included in the Management Board of the bank.

From 2012 to 2016, he worked at AO Citibank as the Head of Operational Banking Technologies in Central and Eastern Europe, was responsible for the creation, maintenance and development of the bank's high-tech information environment, supervised the development and implementation information systems and new banking products.

In November 2016, he joined the team of OTP Bank JSC as Director of the Operational Management Division. Since November 3, 2017, he has been the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, a member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

Belomytsev Igor Yurievich

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

short biography

Igor Yurievich Belomyttsev

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board

Igor Yuryevich Belomyttsev was born in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) in 1966.

In 1989, he received a diploma in Economics with a degree in Foreign Economic Relations from the Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences in Budapest. In 1993, Igor Yuryevich graduated from the magistracy at the Stockholm University of Economics.

More than 25 years in the banking sector. He began his banking career in 1990 at the Hungarian Mezobank, which was later merged into a major financial group in Central Europe, the Erste Bank Group. Igor Yuryevich was appointed Director of the Treasury Operations Division and was responsible for the development of ALM and the management of Erste Bank's treasury activities in Hungary, the development and implementation of business strategies in the field of treasury operations, initiating the development of new investment products and strategies.

In 2001, he moved to PJSC Volksbank (Budapest) and headed the Treasury Division and the investment direction at the Bank.

In 2007 he joined the team of OTP Bank (Ukraine) as Deputy Chairman of the Board responsible for Treasury operations and asset and liability management, development of subsidiaries. Under the leadership of Igor Yurievich, the following were created and successfully developed: OTP Factoring, OTP Pension Fund, OTP Management Company and OTP Leasing.

In 2016, Igor Yuryevich moved to OTP Bank (Russia), where he took the position of Advisor to the President and was responsible for the development of the Corporate Business and Treasury Operations. In February 2017, Igor was appointed Director of the Corporate Business and Treasury Division, Igor successfully manages the development of strategies and new products in the business areas of these divisions.

On November 3, 2017, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

On January 27, 2015, Gabor Burian-Kozma joined the team of the Finance Division of OTP Bank JSC as a Project Manager. He was involved in the development of plans for the preparation and implementation of financial projects of the Bank, took part in the improvement of business planning and the development of an effective strategic model for the development of the OTP Group in Russia.

On December 1, 2015, Gabor was appointed Director of the Finance Division and assumed oversight of the financial unit of OTP Bank (Russia) and management of the divisions responsible for the formation and strategic planning of the Bank's financial policy, financial and accounting services, divisions responsible for audits.

On June 6, 2018, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, member of the Management Board of OTP Bank JSC.

OJSC OTP Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank", "OTP Bank") is a subsidiary bank of the OTP Group, which is one of the largest banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe. The parent bank of the Group, OTP Bank Plc., owns 95.9% of the shares of JSC OTP Bank.

OTP Group believes Russian market one of its strategic priorities.

The issue of OTP Bank bonds is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Intensive growth of the loan portfolio;

Diversification of funding sources;

Development of sources of ruble liquidity and reduction of the Bank's currency risks;

Presentation of OTP Bank to the Russian investment community, creation of a history of borrowing in the domestic debt market (the Bank's debts are not presented in the public debt market at the moment).

OTP Bank is a universal bank. At the same time, retail lending is the main business line of OTP Bank, which includes:

Lending at points of sale (POS lending). The bank takes the 2nd place in this market segment. Point of sale lending allows the Bank to diversify geographic risks and provide services to clients throughout Russia;

Credit cards - 4th place in the market. Credit cards are offered to the highest quality POS lending borrowers.

The Bank provides a wide range of services to corporate clients. The share of the corporate portfolio is 16% of the total loan portfolio of the Bank. OTP Bank is also a leading player in the foreign exchange market.

High capital adequacy is a characteristic feature of OTP Group's business. OTP Bank's policy to maintain capital adequacy is fully consistent with the approach of OTP Group; as of February 1, 2011, the Bank's capital adequacy ratio is 17.92% (RAS).

The products the Bank specializes in are mainly high-margin products. The Bank pays great attention to the control and management of risks, minimization of transaction costs, as well as measures to improve the quality of the loan portfolio. Table 2.1 contains basic surface information about the bank.

Table 2.1.1 OTP Group: Basic Information

Ba1 (Moody's) / BB (Fitch)

State. registration number

Nominal output

RUB 2,500,000,000

Term of circulation

Coupon payment


Type of accommodation

Book building


CJSC Citibank and CJSC VTB Capital»

Quote list

The placement is planned through the quotation list "B"

Lombard List

The issue meets all the criteria for inclusion in the Lombard List of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

OTP Bank is part of the international financial group OTP Group, which is one of the leaders in the financial services market in Central and Eastern Europe. OTP Bank Plc., credit ratings Baa3 (Moody's) and BB+ (S&P) owns 95.9% of the authorized capital of OTP Bank and is the largest asset of OTP Group. Shares of OTP Bank Plc. traded on the Budapest Stock Exchange, 68.86% of the shares are in free float. The largest shareholders (according to the Budapest Stock Exchange as of December 2010) are Timur Megdet and Ruslan Rakhimkulov (9.02%), the oil company MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company (8.57%), as well as an insurance and banking group Groupama (8.31%) . bulgaria russia ukraine howatia romania serbia slovakia montenegro

OTP Group was founded on March 1, 1949 in Hungary as a state savings bank. At the end of 1990, the bank was reorganized into a public limited company and renamed the National Savings and Commercial Bank, which is how the abbreviation OTP Bank stands for in Hungarian.

Subsidiary banks of OTP Group are present in 9 countries:







Rice. 2.1.1 Geographic presence of OTP Group

For more than 60 years of history, the OTP brand has become well known in Europe - now it is trusted by more than 13 million customers in 9 countries. OTP Group today is about 1500 branches, more than

4,000 ATMs, more than 57,500 lending points, almost 13.5 million issued cards. OTP Group employs more than 30 thousand people.

OTP Bank (Hungary) is the largest bank in Hungary and holds a leading position in the market of bank cards, mortgage loans, POS lending and other segments of retail banking services. OTP Bank (Hungary) has client and partnership relations with more than 60% of Hungarian households, 70% of municipalities and more than 30% of companies. OTP Bank (Hungary) has been repeatedly recognized as the Bank of the Year by Euromoney, The Banker and Global Finance. Subsidiary banks of OTP Group are leaders in all major segments of retail banking in Bulgaria and Montenegro, are actively developing in Russia, Ukraine and Romania and hold strong positions in other regions of presence.

The international activities of OTP Group also cover a number of important areas in the areas of financial, insurance, investment and banking business - from asset management to leasing and pension fund.

Table 2.1.2 Financial results OTP Group

Indicators, mln.Euro

2010 G.

2009 G.

Consolidated profit after tax

Profit before tax

Total Profit

Net interest income

Total assets

Total share capital

Loan portfolio

Deposit portfolio

Return on assets

Return on equity

Net interest margin

The structure of any organization is an ordered set of its individual elements. The bank is a functional-hierarchical structure that ensures the performance of management functions, maintains appropriate vertical and horizontal connections and separation of management elements. Grouping of divisions occurs in accordance with the functions that reflect the main directions and areas of activity. The functional structure provides the bank with quite serious competitive advantages due to its clarity, harmony, reliability of communications, the absence of their duplication, which makes it possible to communicate without delay to the performers and implement management decisions.

The bank has a rigid hierarchy of power and a system of control from the top management, decisions are made centrally. But at the same time, the level of training of specialists ensures a wide specialization in the work of personnel (interchangeability).

The supreme management body of the bank implements its functions and tasks directly through the executive and control bodies, which are fully accountable to it.

The executive and control bodies of the bank are staffed with highly qualified bank employees. The chairman of the board of the bank in accordance with the Charter is elected by the supreme management body of the bank and is a member of its executive body.

For the general management of the bank's work, as well as monitoring and control over the work of the board and the audit commission of the bank, OJSC CB OTP has a bank council (board).

Members of the Board of Directors elect the Chairman of the Board of the Bank and his deputies by a majority of votes. Members of the bank's council cannot be simultaneously members of the board or members of the audit commission of the bank.

The Council of the Bank solves strategic tasks of management and development of the Bank's activities, its meetings are held at least once a year. In its work, the council is guided by the current legislation and regulations.

The organizational structure of OJSC CB "OTP" includes functional units and services of the bank, each of which has certain rights and obligations.

The director manages the bank and represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, manages the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, hires and dismisses employees in accordance with labor legislation, applies incentives and imposes penalties on employees of the enterprise.

Subordinate to the director are: chief accountant, head of the retail services department, head of the operations department, head of the settlements department, head of the security department, head of the legal department, head of the personnel department. Each of them is subordinated to subdivisions specializing in the areas of the bank's activities.

Several leading banks operate in Russia, among them OTP Bank. This organization offers products and services to both private and legal entities. Favorable terms of service and loyal credit policy every day they attract new customers and allow the bank to develop rapidly.

About OTP Bank

The history of the financial organization began in 1994. Initially, OTP was called Investsberbank, but due to the radical metamorphoses associated with entering the OTP Group, in February 2008 it became known as OTP Bank


In 2006, OTP Bank became part of the Hungarian OTP Group, which today is the leading financial institution and leading provider of banking services in Europe. The Group is involved in such areas as banking, insurance, investment, leasing. Its basis is OTP Bank, located in Hungary. It occupies 26% of the national market, and the value of its assets is estimated at 10,978,359 million forints. Apart from Russia, the following countries belong to the group:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Bulgaria.
  3. Slovakia.
  4. Serbia.
  5. Montenegro.
  6. Croatia.
  7. Romania.

The Latin abbreviation OTP stands for Országos Takarékpénztár (National Savings Bank). Over time, it migrated to Russian and began to be used to name local branches.


OTP Bank is developing rapidly. Throughout its activities, there has been a constant increase in assets and profits, the introduction of new technologies, the creation of high-quality products. Great achievements have been repeatedly noted at various awards. We should also pay tribute to the management, which, due to their correct decisions, brought the company to a high level.

The history of the development of OTP Bank is presented in the table:

1994 A license to operate has been obtained.
2003 The first loan was issued, after which a course was set for the development of consumer lending in Russia.
2004 30 branches were opened all over Russia.
2005 Merged with Russian General Bank.
2006 Two banks were merged.
2007 It was included in the rating of financial institutions with dynamic development, according to RBC.Rating.
2008 Took 8th place in the NAFI ratings.
2009 He became the owner of two significant awards in the financial sector "Financial Olympus" and "Brand of the Year".
2010 In the second, he won the Brand of the Year award.
2011 Became the owner of the awards "Financial Olympus", "Finance" and others.
2012 A new president of the company, Z. Illes, has been appointed.
Internet banking has been created, allowing transactions through Personal Area Online.
2013 Georgy Chesakov took the position of the president of the company.
launch mobile application, which improved remote maintenance clients.
2014 It took the 22nd position in terms of its reliability among Russian banks in the Forbes rating.
2015 I. Chizhevsky took the presidency in the company.
2016 A new Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Z. Mayor was elected.
2017 RAEX assigned a rating of ruA.

Mission and Vision

"OTP Bank" seeks to win the trust of consumers, which he succeeds. It sells affordable products and services in all regions of the Russian Federation. Its mission is to increase the level of financial literacy and develop the banking services market. The vision of OTP Bank is to achieve the following long-term goals:

  • increase the number of regular customers up to 3 million;
  • get into the TOP-20 banks of the Russian Federation;
  • become one of the main industries of the OTP Group.

Given that OTP has a stable growth in profits and other indicators, it will be able to realize its plans in the near future. A large flow of customers is ensured by favorable conditions for loans and deposits, a wide selection of banking products, and high-quality European-level service. Tariffs are calculated for citizens of various social status, including pensioners, beneficiaries, and the unemployed. The requirements that are put forward to potential customers are very loyal.

Management of OTP Bank

In the process of the company's formation, its management was constantly replaced. However, today it looks like this:

Scope of leadershipJob titleFull name
Governing bodyThe presidentChizhevsky I.P.
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the BoardKapustin S.N.
Dremach K.A.
Belomytsev I.Yu.
Satybaldiev M.M.
Vasiliev A.V.
Director of Legal Support DirectorateOreshkina Yu.S.
Board of DirectorsChairman of the Board of DirectorsZ. Major
Member of the Board of DirectorsR. Barlai
F. Boehle
I.P. Chizhevsky
P. Chani
Sh. Bela
Kummer A.Yu.

Financial indicators

"OTP Bank" for the last reporting period(03.2018) improved its financial performance. The indicators from the reporting are given in the table:

Address and details

The main office of the bank is located in Moscow and has the following legal and actual address: 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoe shosse, 16A, building 1. However, postal correspondence is delivered to the address: 127299, Moscow, Clara Zetkin street, 4A, building 1.

To make transfers, below are the details of the financial institution:

Name of companyJSC "OTP Bank"
Correspondent account30101810000000000311 in the Central Federal District of the Bank of Russia
OKVED64.19, 66.19

Clients and partners

The main contingent served by the bank are individuals. For them, he developed a standard set of products, including consumer loans at retail outlets, deposits, credit cards. It also serves corporate clients. For them, settlement operations, placement of funds on deposit accounts and much more are carried out.

The bank has many partners. The most popular of them are the following companies: Moscow Jewelry Factory, Snow Queen, Megafon, Euroset. They offer various discounts and bonuses to bank customers. You can also apply for a loan in partner stores, which is very convenient.

OTP Bank is the leader in financial market in Russia. Therefore, choosing a reliable financial institution to make deposits or apply for a loan, you should pay attention to it first of all. It offers the most favorable conditions in Russia, which will be optimal for various segments of the population.