Minutes of the general meeting of owners of agricultural land. Minutes of the general meeting of participants in shared ownership of an agricultural land plot with the determination of a quorum and voting by shares


general meeting of participants in shared ownership of a land plot from agricultural land with cadastral number 73:20:020901:1. located at the address: Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district, within the boundaries of the lands of the SPK Volga.

Venue of the meeting: Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district, Elkhovoe Ozero village, SDK building.

Start time of registration of persons eligible to participate at 09:30

meeting: 10:00 a.m.

Meeting opening (start) time: 12:00 pm

End (closing) time of the meeting:

The general meeting of participants in shared ownership is held at the initiative of Tsarev Denis Gennadievich, acting on the basis of powers of attorney from participants in shared ownership.

In accordance with Article 14.1 federal law dated 24.07.2002 No. 101-03 “On the turnover of agricultural land” (as amended and supplemented), hereinafter referred to as the “Law on the turnover of land”, the participants in shared ownership were duly notified of the meeting 40 days in advance by publishing a notice in a periodical printed publication "Ulyanovskaya Pravda" No. 7 of January 31, 2017 and information stands and territories of the Moscow Region, the website of the Moscow Region in the same content.

The total number of participants in shared ownership having the right to vote at the general meeting is 1232 participants in shared ownership.

The meeting is attended personally by participants in common shared ownership with the right to vote on the agenda of the meeting 173 people, including those authorized on behalf of participants in shared ownership without powers of attorney to act when agreeing on the location of the boundaries of land plots that are simultaneously the border of a land plot in shared ownership, when handling applications for conducting state cadastral registration and (or) state registration rights to immovable property in relation to a land plot that is in shared ownership of land plots formed from it, as well as to conclude lease agreements for this land plot, agreements on the establishment of a private easement in relation to this land plot or agreements on withdrawal real estate for state or municipal needs, including the scope and terms of such powers. Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, passport of a citizen Russian Federation 73 03 798348, issued by the Tsilninsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the Ulyanovsk Region on March 17, 2003, subdivision code 732 - 024 and Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation 73 14 037325. subdivisions 730-024. by proxy from 336 participants in shared ownership Tsarev Denis Gennadievich. Total 509 participants in shared ownership, which is 41% of the total number of participants in shared ownership.

Representative of the administration of the municipality "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement." Romanova Tatyana Yurievna

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 14.1. Federal Law of July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ “On the circulation of agricultural land”, the meeting is considered competent, the quorum is more than 20%

Participants in common shared ownership are entitled to make decisions on all issues on the agenda of the meeting.

Compiled registration sheet-Appendix No. 1 to the Protocol.

Nasurtdinov Radik Nazymovich announced the agenda of the meeting and explained the procedure for voting on issues on the agenda of the meeting.


2. Approval of the land survey project.

3. Approval of the list of owners of land plots formed in accordance with the land survey project.

Approval of the size of shares in the right of common ownership of land plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project.

Approval of the calculation of the size of shares in the right of common ownership of land; plot in order to express them as a single number.


HEARD: Nasurtdinov Radik Nazymovich proposed to elect a counting commission. A proposal was made to elect a counting commission of three people - Saifutdinov Almas Faritovich, Faizova Guzeli Dzhemilovna and Nazmutdinova Gulfiya Kamilovna.

"FOR" - 509 participants in shared ownership, including authorized Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, which is 100% of the total number of those present.

DECIDED: to elect a counting commission of three people - Saifutdinov Almas Faritovich, Faizova Guzeli Dzhemilovna and Nazmutdinova Gulfiya Kamilovna.

For agenda items:

1. Election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting.

For the proper organization of the meeting, it is necessary to elect a Chairman. meeting, meeting secretary. It was proposed to elect a participant in common shared ownership - Radik Nazymovich Nasurtdinov as the Chairman of the meeting. Elvira Ildarovna Fetkullova shall be elected as the secretary of the meeting.

"FOR" - 509 participants in shared ownership, including authorized Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, which is 100% of the total number of those present.

"AGAINST" - 0 (zero) people "ABSTAINED" - 0 (zero) people

DECIDED: to elect Radik Nazymovich Nasurtdinov as the Chairman of the meeting. Secretary of the meeting - Fetkullova Elvira Ildarovna.

Radik Nazymovich Nasurtdinov spoke on the second issue of the agenda - On the approval of the land surveying project.




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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"

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Ulyanovsk region, Tsilninsky district. \ "Elkhovoozerskoe rural settlement"


"AGAINST" - 0 (zero) Human "ABSTAINED"- 1 (one man

RESOLVED: to approve the land surveying project proposed for review, which determines the size and location of the boundaries of the land plots.

On the third issue of the agenda - On the approval of the listowners of land plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project - listened to Radik Nazymovich Nasurtdinov, who explained that, in accordance with the Law on Land Turnover, it is necessary to approve the list of owners of land plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project (Appendix No. 2 to the Protocol).

BEHIND"- 508 participants in shared ownership, including authorized Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, which is 99% of the total number of those present

"AGAINST" - 0(zero) person "ABSTAINED"- 1 (one) person

RESOLVED: To approve the list of owners of land plots formed: in accordance with the land surveying project (Appendix No. 2 to the Protocol).

On the fourth issue of the agenda - On the approval of the sizesshares in the right of common ownership of land plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project - Nasurtdinov Radik Nazymovich spoke. who propose to approve the size of shares in the right of common ownership of land plots, formed in accordance with the draft survey of land plots by additional agreements (during state registration of rights) on determining land shares, in relation to each land plot.

BEHIND"- 508 participants in shared ownership, including authorized Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, which is 99% of the total number of those present

"AGAINST" - 0 (zero) people "ABSTAINED"- 1 (one) person

DECIDED:approve the size of shares in the right of common ownership of land plots, formed in accordance with the draft survey of land plots by additional agreements on the determination of land shares, in relation to each land plot.

On the fifth issue of the agenda - On the approval of the calculation of the amountshares in the right of common ownership of a land plot in order to express them in a single way listened to Nasurtdinov Radik Nazymovich, who proposed to approve the calculation of the size of shares in the right of common ownership in order to express them in a unified way, approve the following calculation: one share is 4.28 hectares or 1/1232.

BEHIND"- 508 participants in shared ownership, including authorized Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, which is 100% of the total number of those present

"AGAINST" - 0(zero) person "ABSTAINED"- 0 (zero) people

RESOLVED: in order to express shares in the right of common ownership of land, you think, in order to express them in a unified way, approve the following calculation: one share is 4.28 hectares or 1/1232.

Bysixth question agenda listened to Radik Nazimovich Nasurtdinov. who proposed to elect a power of attorney authorized on behalf of the participants in shared ownership to act when agreeing on the location of the boundaries of land plots that are simultaneously the border of a land plot that is in shared ownership, when applying for state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights to immovable property in relation to land a plot that is in shared ownership and land plots formed from it, as well as to conclude lease agreements for this land plot, agreements for the establishment of a private easement in relation to this land plot or agreements for the seizure of immovable property for state or municipal needs (hereinafter referred to as a person authorized by the general meeting) , as well as act on the basis of the Minutes of the general meeting of participants in the common shared ownership of Tsarev Denis Gennadievich.

BEHIND"- 509 participants in shared ownership, including authorized Sadriev Rasykh Aletdinovich, Pavlov Sergey Petrovich, which is 100% of the total number of those present

"AGAINST" - 0(zero) person "ABSTAINED"- 0 (zero) people

DECIDED: to elect Denis Gennadyevich Tsarev as authorized on behalf of the participants in shared ownership to act on the basis of the Protocol of the general meeting of participants in common shared ownership, to act without a power of attorney when agreeing on the location of the boundaries of land plots that are at the same time the border of a land plot in shared ownership, when applying for holding state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights to real estate in relation to a land plot that is in shared ownership and. formed from his land plots, as well as to conclude lease agreements for this land plot, agreements on the establishment of a private easement in relation to this land plot or an agreement on the seizure of immovable property for state or municipal needs (hereinafter referred to as a person authorized by the general meeting), including including scope and terms of such powers for a period of 3 (three) years. The authorized person on behalf of the participants in shared ownership at the general meeting Tsarev Denis Gennadievich can also make decisions:

  1. on proposals regarding the land surveying project:
  2. on the approval of a land surveying project, including if such a project contains information on land plots allocated on account of a land share or land shares that are in municipal ownership;

3) on approval of the list of owners of land plots formed in accordance with the land survey project; --

4) on approval of the size of shares in the right of common ownership of land plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project;

5) on approval of the list persons whose land shares may be recognized as unclaimed, and land shares which may be recognized as unclaimed:

6) on a person authorized on behalf of participants in shared ownership without a power of attorney to act when agreeing on the location of the boundaries of land plots that are simultaneously the border of a land plot that is in shared ownership, filing applications for state cadastral registration and state registration of rights to immovable property in relation to land a plot of land that is in shared ownership, and land plots formed from it, as well as to conclude lease agreements for this land plot, agreements on the establishment of a private easement in relation to this land plot or agreements on the seizure of real estate for state or municipal needs (hereinafter referred to as the person authorized by the general meeting ), including the scope and terms of such powers:

Also, they listened to Tsarev Denis Gennadievich, who explained, that the prepared land surveying project was prepared in accordance with all the requirements of 101 - Federal Law "On the circulation of agricultural land" dated July 24, 2002. The prepared project fully meets the requirements of the Legislation.

There were no comments on the agenda items, no objections.

All items on the agenda of the meeting have been considered. Decisions have been made on all issues. The meeting is considered closed.

Annexes to the Protocol:

  1. Registration sheet of the participants of the shared ownership of the land plot from agricultural land located at the address: Ulyanovsk Region, Tsilninsky District, within the boundaries of the lands of SEC Volga with cadastral number 73:20:020901:1, present at the general meeting.
  2. The list of owners of land plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project.

Chairman of meeting Nasurtdinov R.N..

Meeting Secretary Fetkullova E.I.

Tomsk Date of event » » 200_ Time of event Venue As of » » according to the register of premises owners apartment building at the address: Tomsk, there are owners with the number of votes. In attendance: according to the registration sheet, which is an integral part of the protocol: · owners of residential premises people with % of votes; owners non-residential premises people with % of votes. In total, there were owners with % of votes of the total number of votes. There is a quorum. A decision was made: to start the general meeting. Agenda: 1. Election of the chairman of the general meeting and the secretary.2. Selection of the counting commission.3. On the formation of a land plot.4. The choice of a person authorized to apply to local governments with an application for the formation of a land plot and for the commission of all necessary action associated with it.

Formation of land plots under apartment buildings

About 100 million Russians live in apartment buildings, which is 2/3 of the total population of the Russian Federation, according to Rosstat. Not surprisingly, many are concerned about the issue of adjacent land plots.

Playgrounds, parking lots, plantings, unplanned buildings under the windows of residents are objects of financial, environmental, social, legal and other aspects of the law. What laws govern property relations in this case?

  1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation (art.
    33, 34, 36, 37, 44);
  2. Federal Laws:
    • No. 189-FZ dated 29.12. 2004 (art. 16).
    • No. 221-FZ of July 24, 2007 (Art. 38, 39);
    • No. 191-FZ of December 29, 2004 (Article 6);
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 576 of 08/07/2002
  4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1223 of September 26, 1997 No. (as amended on August 21, 2000);
  5. Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 29 dated February 14, 2007

Minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building: an example

Part of the land plot can be leased to third parties;

  • Ownership of land increases the value of a square meter. meters of housing;
  • Ownership is protected by law.
  • However, possession land plot involves certain difficulties:
  • The procedure for registering a land plot as a property will take from 6 to 12 months;
  • The design of the site involves the need for financial costs;
  • The owner of the site may be fined for improper maintenance (lack of order, unpainted fence, garbage, etc.);
  • The owner is responsible for the construction of structures, if this is contrary to the town planning code.

Warning! Purposeful use of land plots without properly executed title documents threatens to bring to administrative responsibility (a fine of 5 to 10 minimum wages).

Sample protocols for MKD owners

Registration procedure The procedure for registering a land plot under an apartment building as a property is as follows:

  1. Holding a general meeting of tenants of an apartment building, at which a decision is made on the registration of the land in the property. The result of voting is reflected in the minutes of the meeting;
  2. Application for the transfer of the site to the common shared ownership to the authorized bodies of local self-government (Department of Land Resources);
  3. An authorized person elected at the general meeting submits to the local government an application for the formation of a land plot occupied by an apartment building;
  4. As a result of the land management works, the project of the site boundaries is approved;
  5. The state authorities carry out the formation of a land plot.


We recommend on the topic: General meeting of owners of an apartment building. Procedure, judicial practice Some sample documents for holding a general meeting of owners of MKD premises: Sample minutes of the general meeting of owners Minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises on the choice of the method of managing MKD in the form of absentee voting (agenda of the general meeting of owners of premises: choice of management method; Choice managing organization; Approval of the terms of the contract for the management, maintenance and repair of common property in the MKD; conclusion of an agreement on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an MKD, etc.) Minutes of the general meeting of owners on the choice of a method for forming a fund overhaul(Agenda of the meeting: choice of the method of formation of the fund for the overhaul of an apartment building in accordance with para.

3 art.
of the Russian Federation" on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, any person authorized by the said meeting has the right to apply to state authorities or local governments with an application for the formation of a land plot on which an apartment building is located. In accordance with paragraph 67 of the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court of the Russian Federation N 10, Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation N 22 dated April 29, 2010 “On some issues arising in judicial practice when resolving disputes related to the protection of property rights and other rights in rem, the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to own and use the formed land plot to the extent necessary for their operation of the apartment building, as well as objects that are part of the common property in such a house.

Sample message (notice) on holding a general meeting of owners Message on holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (the initiative group convenes a general meeting of owners of residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building in the form of joint presence of owners of premises in this house to discuss agenda items and make decisions on issues put to vote) Sample notification of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (we invite you to participate in a general meeting of owners of premises to choose a management method, which will be held in the form of absentee voting in accordance with Article 47 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation .. Agenda of the general meeting:..) Alexander Otrokhov, Legal Center "Logos" (St.

Chairman of the meeting: / / (signature) (full name) Secretary of the meeting: / / (signature) (full name) Information for information:<1 В соответствии с п. 3 ст. 45 Жилищного кодекса Российской Федерации общее собрание собственников помещений в многоквартирном доме правомочно (имеет кворум), если в нем приняли участие собственники помещений в данном доме или их представители, обладающие более чем пятьюдесятью процентами голосов от общего числа голосов. При отсутствии кворума для проведения годового общего собрания собственников помещений в многоквартирном доме должно быть проведено повторное общее собрание собственников помещений в многоквартирном доме.
<2 Согласно п. 3 ст.


of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is eligible (has a quorum) if the owners of premises in this building or their representatives, who have more than fifty percent of the votes of the total number of votes, took part in it. In the absence of a quorum for holding an annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, a repeated general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must be held.

<2 Согласно п. 3 ст. 16 ФЗ «О введении в действие Жилищного кодекса РФ» на основании решения общего собрания собственников помещений в многоквартирном доме любое уполномоченное указанным собранием лицо вправе обратиться в органы государственной власти или органы местного самоуправления с заявлением о формировании земельного участка, на котором расположен многоквартирный дом. В соответствии с п.
Of course, if we are talking about a situation where the court does not establish other significant violations during the meeting. Formulating the Meeting Agenda Occasionally, items such as "Miscellaneous", "Current Issues" and the like can be found on the agenda of a meeting.

Such agenda items, of course, do not carry any semantic load, and only at a meeting can the owner find out what actually “different” meant “raising the salary of the janitor” or, for example, “imposing a ban on drinking alcohol in the courtyard of the house ". Recall that the notice of the meeting, which the owner receives at least 10 days before the meeting, indicates all the issues on the agenda of the meeting.


Question: If land surveying work has already been carried out in this area, can I submit a request to change the size of the site? Answer: No. In this case, you can apply for registration of ownership of a land plot with precisely defined boundaries and size (according to the current Boundary Survey Plan).

Question: What official documents on the registration of the site should be obtained? Answer: Geodetic plan, Cadastral passport, Extract from the cadastral passport, Certificate of registration of the right of common shared ownership (issued at the local representative office of Rosreestr). Land under an apartment building: how can it be used? How to privatize an apartment - many are more or less clear, but how exactly to get a piece of land under an apartment building into personal ownership? More details - on the video.

The counting of votes is over. Decisions have been declared invalid. Members of the counting commission (signatures) Annex No. 3 to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk No. r 1095 dated 11/30/2007 Extract from the minutes No. of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at: Appendix No. 3 to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk No. r 1095 dated 30.11. 2007 Extract from the minutes No. of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at: (indicate the date and place of the meeting) in the form of (in-person, absentee) voting, a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building was held at: (indicate the address of the house) on the issue of selection of a person authorized to apply to local governments with an application for the formation of a land plot and to perform all necessary actions related to this.


of the general meeting of owners of land shares - participants in common shared ownership of a land plot with a cadastral number, located at the address: Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Podberezskoye rural settlement

The announcement of the general meeting of owners of land shares was published in the official newspaper of the Novgorod region - "Novgorodskiye Vedomosti" No. 2 (4029) dated January 11, 2013 on page 23, Novgorod Municipal District "Zvezda" No. 1 (14809) dated "11 » January 2013 on page 6.

The notice of the general meeting was posted on the information boards of the Podberezsky rural settlement. Information on holding a general meeting of owners of land shares is posted on the Internet, on the official website of the Administration of the Podberezsky rural settlement - www. *****.

The general meeting of participants in shared ownership is held at the initiative of the Administration of the Podberezsky rural settlement.

Venue: Novgorodsky district, village Podberezye, st. Central, 110, House of Culture.

Time of the event: start - 18 hours 00 min.,

End - 18 hours 30 minutes.

Total number of participants in shared ownership: 536 Human;

Total number of land shares per land plot: 536 shares;

Shares are expressed in a single way, with 1 share = 2 ha, 46.5 b/ha.

The general meeting is competent if there are participants in shared ownership constituting at least 20 percent of their total number, or if the method of indicating the size of the land share allows comparison of shares in the common ownership of the land plot, owning more than 50 percent of such shares - Art. . 14.1 of the federal law of 01.01.2001 "On the turnover of agricultural land" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On the turnover of agricultural land").

To participate in the general meeting registered: 3 shareholder, which is 0,56 % of the total number of owners of land shares per land plot.

3 0,56

Registration sheet is attached.

no quorum.

In accordance with Article 14.1 of the Federal Law “On the turnover of agricultural land”, the general meeting of participants in common shared ownership of a land plot with a cadastral number is not authorized to make decisions on all issues on the agenda.

The general meeting was opened by: , Head of the Podberezsky rural settlement:

“Dear owners, today's meeting is not authorized to make decisions on all issues on the agenda, since the meeting is attended by 0,56 % of the total number of owners who collectively 0,56 % of land shares of the total number of land shares.

Prior to today's general meeting, the Administration of the Podberezsky rural settlement received objections from persons who believe that they or their land shares are unreasonably included in the list of unclaimed land shares. Objections were also received at today's general meeting of participants in shared ownership (applications are attached).

Before the start of the general meeting, we need to resolve procedural issues.

In accordance with the law, a representative of the local government presides over the general meeting of owners. However, the general meeting has the right to re-elect the Chairman of the general meeting. In this regard, I propose to vote by show of hands for the candidacy of the Chairman of the General Meeting.”

The head of the rural settlement was elected the chairman of the general meeting.

The decision was taken unanimously.

Chairman of the general meeting:

"Thank you for your confidence. I propose to complete the procedural questions. We need to elect a secretary of the general meeting. I propose you a candidate IN.

Elected secretary of the general meeting IN.

The decision was taken unanimously.

The Counting Commission of the General Meeting was elected as part of:

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

The decision was taken unanimously.

Since all procedural issues have been resolved, I propose to proceed directly to the meeting.

We have gathered today to decide how we will dispose of our shares and land as a whole. For this purpose, a notice of a general meeting was published in the newspapers Novgorodskiye Vedomosti and Zvezda. To make a decision, a


1. On approval of the list of unclaimed shares.

Those present at the meeting registered: 3 participants in shared ownership, which is 0,56 % of the total number of owners of land shares per land plot (Appendix to the minutes of the general meeting).

Shareholders registered to participate in the general meeting collectively own 3 shares on the land plot, which is 0,56 % of the total number of shares per land plot.

That is less than 20% of the total number of participants in shared ownership.

According to the indicator "the number of shares present at the general meeting of owners" - no quorum.

By virtue of Art. 14.1 of the Federal Law “On the turnover of agricultural land”, the meeting of participants in common shared ownership is not authorized to continue its work.

On this, the general meeting of owners of land shares is considered closed. Those who wish can obtain a certified copy of this protocol from the Administration of the Podberezsky rural settlement. Thank you all for participating!

_____________________ ______________________ Chairman of the general meeting

(full name) (signature)

_______________________ ________________________ Secretary of the general meeting

(full name) (signature)

_____________ ______________ Representative of the local government



On approval of approximate forms of the protocol of the general meeting of owners of premises of an apartment building on the formation of a land plot and an approximate form of an extract from it

In connection with ongoing activities to form land plots on which apartment buildings are located, and in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation:

1. Approve the approximate forms of the minutes of the general meeting of owners of the premises of an apartment building on the formation of a land plot and the approximate form of an extract from it in accordance with Annexes No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.

2. Recommend that the owners of premises in apartment buildings and authorized representatives of the interests of the municipal formation "City of Tomsk" be guided by the approved sample forms of the minutes of the general meeting and an extract from it when registering the results of voting at the general meeting on the formation of a land plot and the choice of an authorized person.

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

First Deputy Mayor of Tomsk
ON THE. Nikolaichuk

Annex No. 1 to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk No. r 1095 dated November 30, 2007 Minutes No. ___ of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: ______________ on the formation of a land plot

Appendix No. 1 to
by order of the Mayor of Tomsk
№ р 1095 dated 30.11.2007

Minutes No. ___ of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: ______________ on the formation of a land plot

Tomsk date "___" ________ 200_

Time spending ___________________________
Location ___________________________

As of "__" ________ ____, according to the register of owners of the premises of an apartment building at the address: Tomsk _____________________, there are ___________ owners with _________ the number of votes.

In attendance: according to the registration sheet, which is an integral part of the protocol:

Owners of residential premises _________ people, with _____________% of the votes;

Owners of non-residential premises ____________ people, with ___________% of the votes.
A total of _______owners were present, holding ______% of the votes of the total number of votes.
There is a quorum.
The decision was made to start the general meeting.

1. Election of the chairman of the general meeting and the secretary.
2. Selection of the counting commission.
3. On the formation of a land plot.
4. Selection of a person authorized to apply to local governments with an application for the formation of a land plot and to perform all necessary actions related to this.

1. On the first question: it was proposed to elect _________________________________ as the chairman of the general meeting, ____________________ as the secretary
Voted: for _________ votes, against ______ votes, abstention _________ votes.
It was decided: to elect ____________ as the chairman of the meeting, _____________ as the secretary

2. On the second question: it was proposed to elect a counting commission for counting votes during voting.
Candidates proposed: __________________________________________
Voted: for _______ votes, against _______ votes, _______ abstentions.
It was decided to elect a counting commission consisting of:
_____________________ _____________________ ______________________

3. On the third issue: it is proposed to form a land plot on which the multi-apartment residential building ______________ is located, for its transfer to the common shared ownership of the owners of the premises in the house.
Voted: ______ votes in favor, ______ votes against, ______ votes abstained.
A decision was made: to form a land plot under the house with its subsequent transfer to the common shared ownership of the owners of the premises in the house.

4. On the fourth question: it is proposed to authorize to apply to the local authorities of the city of Tomsk with a statement on the formation of a land plot and perform all necessary actions related to this (full name) _______________________
Voted: _______ votes in favor, ______ votes against, ______ votes abstained.
The decision was made: to authorize to apply to the local authorities of the city of Tomsk with an application for the formation of a land plot and to perform all necessary actions related to this (full name) __________________________________ living at ______________, passport data _____________________

The meeting is closed.

Chairman ___________________ Secretary ______________________________

Annex No. 2 to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk No. r 1095 dated November 30, 2007 Minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: _________________________ on the formation of a land plot in the form of absentee voting

Application No. 2
to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk
№ р 1095 dated 30.11.2007

Minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: _____________________ on the formation of a land plot
in the form of absentee voting


Date of drawing up and signing of the protocol "___" ________________ 200_

The meeting was held in the form of absentee voting in accordance with Art. 47 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
Summing up the results of voting on the agenda items by the members of the counting commission _____________________________________________
(surnames, acting)
In total, _____________ decisions were received from the owners of the premises, with __________% of the votes of the total number of votes.
There is a quorum.

Voting was conducted on the following issues:
1. Selection of the counting commission.
2. On the formation of a land plot.
3. Selection of a person authorized to apply to local governments with an application for the formation of a land plot and to perform all necessary actions related to this.

1. Voted on the first question: for _______ votes, against _____ votes, _______ votes abstained.
It was decided to elect a counting commission composed of

2. On the second issue voted: _____ votes in favor, ______ votes against, _____ votes abstained.
It was decided to form a land plot on which an apartment building is located, __________________________________ for its transfer to the common shared ownership of the owners of the premises in the house.

3. Voted on the third question: ______ votes in favor, ______ votes against, _____ votes abstained.
It was decided to authorize to apply to the local authorities of the city of Tomsk with a statement on the formation of a land plot and to perform all necessary actions related to this _______________________________________,
(Full Name)
living at the address: _____________, passport details ______________________

Minutes No. __ and other materials of the general meeting of premises owners are stored at ___________ (place or address of storage).

Members of the counting commission _____________________

Annex No. 3 to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk No. r 1095 dated November 30, 2007 Extract from the minutes No. ___ of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: ___________

Application No. 3
to the order of the Mayor of Tomsk
№ р 1095 dated 30.11.2007

Extract from the minutes No. ___ of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: ___________"against" - _____ people (___% of the votes that took part in the voting),
"abstained" - ____ people (___% of the votes that took part in the voting).

By a simple majority of votes, the owners of premises in an apartment building at the address: ________, on the issue of choosing a person authorized to apply to local authorities with an application for the formation of a land plot on which an apartment building is located, and to perform all necessary actions related to this, decided :
Authorize ________ (full name, passport details, place of registration of the person) to apply to the local authorities of the city of Tomsk with an application for the formation of a land plot on which an apartment building is located and to perform all necessary actions related to this.

Minutes No. __ and other materials of the general meeting of premises owners are stored at ___________ (place or address of storage).

Date the extract was made Signature of the chairman of the meeting (members
counting commission in case of absentee

Meeting secretary's signature

Certifying inscription (carried out by the HOA, housing cooperative, LCD, if any, in an apartment building; in their absence, the inscription “not available” is affixed)

The applicant does not agree with the refusal to register the encumbrance of agricultural land

1. The general meeting of participants in shared ownership (hereinafter referred to as the general meeting) is held at the suggestion of a participant in shared ownership, or persons using a land plot in shared ownership for the purpose of producing agricultural products, or a local self-government body of a settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot, under common ownership. The General Assembly decides on the issues referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 14

2. Participants in shared ownership shall be notified by the local self-government body of the settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot in common shared ownership of the holding of a general meeting by publishing an appropriate message in the media designated by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and posting such a message on the official website relevant body of local self-government on the Internet (if available) no later than forty days before the day of the general meeting, and in the case of holding a repeated general meeting - no later than thirty days before the day of its holding. Not later than the day of publication of the announcement of the holding of the general meeting, the announcement must also be placed on information boards located on the territory of the municipality at the location of the land plot that is in common shared ownership. The local self-government body of a settlement or city district at the location of the land plot in common shared ownership shall be notified in writing about the holding of a general meeting at the suggestion of a participant in shared ownership or persons using a land plot in shared ownership for the purpose of producing agricultural products.

3. The notice and notice of the general meeting specified in paragraph 2 of this article must contain:

1) the date and time of the general meeting;

2) the address of the place of holding the general meeting on the territory of the municipality at the location of the land plot, which is in common shared ownership;

3) the agenda of the general meeting;

4) the address of the place of familiarization with documents on issues submitted for discussion by the general meeting, and the terms of such familiarization.

4. If the proposed agenda of the general meeting includes issues on the approval of the land surveying project, the notice and notice of the general meeting specified in paragraph 2 of this article must also contain the information provided for in paragraph 8 of Article 13.1 of this Federal Law.

4.1. The General Meeting has the right to make decisions only on issues that are included in the agenda of the General Meeting. The General Meeting has no right to change the agenda of the General Meeting.

Decisions of the general meeting canceling and (or) changing the earlier decisions of the general meeting must contain an indication of such decisions.

5. The general meeting is considered valid if there are participants in shared ownership that make up at least 50 percent of their total number, or if the method of indicating the size of the land share allows comparison of shares in the right of common ownership of the land plot, owning more than 50 percent of such shares .

(see text in previous edition)

5.1. If the general meeting did not take place due to the fact that the number of participants in shared ownership required to ensure its eligibility is insufficient in accordance with clause 5 of this article, a repeated general meeting with the same agenda is considered competent if there are participants share ownership, constituting at least 30 percent of their total number, or, if the method of indicating the size of the land share allows comparison of shares in the right of common ownership of a land plot, owning more than 50 percent of such shares.

5.2. A repeated general meeting of participants in shared ownership may be held no later than two months after the failed general meeting.

From the date of publication by the local self-government body of the settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot, which is in common shared ownership, of the notice of holding a general meeting in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article and until the date of holding this general meeting, the convening and holding of a general meeting, the agenda of which contains similar questions are not allowed.

6. In the event that the number of participants in shared ownership of a land plot not included in the approved list of persons whose land shares may be recognized as unclaimed, and land shares that may be recognized as unclaimed, is not enough to ensure the competence of the general meeting in accordance with clause 5 of this article, the general meeting shall be considered eligible if it is attended by at least 50 percent of the total number of participants in shared ownership of this land plot, not included in the specified list.

7. Only persons who have submitted identity documents, documents certifying the right to a land share, as well as documents confirming the powers of these persons, may take part in the voting. Responsibility for ensuring access to voting shall be borne by an authorized official of the local self-government body of a settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot that is in common shared ownership.

8. Decisions are made by the general meeting by open voting. If there are several issues on the agenda of the general meeting, an independent decision is made on each of them.

(see text in previous edition)

The decision is considered adopted if the participants of the general meeting voted for it, owning in aggregate more than 50 percent of the shares of the total number of shares of the owners present at the general meeting (provided that the method of indicating the size of the land share allows comparison of shares in the common ownership of this land plot ), or the majority of participants in the general meeting.

9. For the purpose of holding a general meeting, the local self-government body of a settlement or urban district at the location of a land plot in common shared ownership shall ensure the compilation of a list of participants in shared ownership (if it is not available), storage of such a list and proposals of participants in shared ownership to change the size land shares, expressed in a single way in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of this Federal Law (if previously these shares were expressed in different ways), drawing up and storing minutes, other documents of the general meeting.

10. An authorized official of the local self-government body of a settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot, which is in common shared ownership, participates in organizing and holding a general meeting, including:

1) checks the proper notification of participants in shared ownership about the holding of a general meeting and the compliance of the agenda of the general meeting with the requirements of this Federal Law;

2) certify the powers of persons present at the meeting;

3) preside over the opening and conduct of the general meeting, unless another chairman is elected;

12. The minutes of the general meeting are drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the person at whose request the general meeting was held. The second copy of the minutes of the general meeting is kept in the local self-government body of the settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot, which is in common shared ownership. A copy of the land survey project approved by the decision of the general meeting is also transferred for storage to such a local government.

The local self-government body of a settlement or urban district at the location of the land plot in common shared ownership shall post the minutes of the general meeting on its official website on the Internet (if any) and on information boards located on the territory of the municipality at the location a land plot that is in common shared ownership, no later than ten days after the date of the general meeting.

13. Certified by an authorized official of the local self-government body of a settlement or urban district at the location of a land plot that is in common shared ownership, extracts from the minutes of the general meeting or a copy of such a protocol, extracts from the land survey project approved by the decision of the general meeting or copies thereof shall be issued to any to the interested person within three days from the date of application for a fee in the amount covering the costs of making extracts and copies.