Rating of banks according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The most reliable bank in Russia

The most reliable banks in Russia for 2018 for deposits

At the beginning of 2017, there were 623 credit institutions in Russia with a license from the Central Bank for the right to carry out banking operations. By the end of the year, their number decreased by 10% - to 561. In total, 51 credit organizations were deprived of their licenses (some more licenses were canceled at the request of bank owners). For comparison: in 2015, the activities of 93 credit institutions were discontinued, and in 2016 - 97.

The most reliable banks in Russia

Rosbank's assets, according to the magazine's estimates, amount to 957.7 billion rubles. In second place is UniCredit Bank, which belongs to the Italian banking group of the same name. Raiffeisenbank closes the top three.

The top 10 most reliable banks included Sberbank, Citibank, Nordea, VTB Group, Bank of China, Bank Intesa, Gazprombank. Alfa Bank, Rosselkhozbank and Russian Capital complete the rating of the most reliable financial organizations.

The most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks from the top 10


Deposit "Profitable"

Interest rate Sum Term
7,00% from 5 000 is not limited

Replenishment / Capitalization / Partial withdrawal / Interest accrual monthly.

Credit Bank of Moscow

Deposit "Maximum income online"

Replenishment / Extension / Preferential termination / Interest accrual at the end of the term

Bank FC Otkritie

Deposit "Reliable"


Deposit "Maximum interest (online)"

Interest rate Sum Term
6,80% from 10 000 181-367 days

Prolongation / Interest accrual at the end of the term.


Deposit “Profitable (online)”

Interest rate Sum Term
6,7% from 3 000 730-1460 days

Interest accrues at the end of the term.

VTB Bank

Deposit “Profitable (online)”

Capitalization / Prolongation / Interest accrual monthly.


Savings deposit

Capitalization / Preferential termination / Prolongation / Interest accrual monthly.

Sberbank of Russia

Contribution “I remember. I'm helping"

Capitalization / Prolongation / Interest accrual monthly.

Rating of the five most reliable banks in Russia by deposits 2017-2018

  • "Sberbank of Russia";
  • "VTB Bank of Moscow";
  • Gazprombank;
  • "VTB 24 »;
  • "FC Otkritie"

The regulator also identifies the “ten” following reliable banks:

  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • "Alfa Bank » ;
  • "National Clearing Center » ;
  • "Credit Bank of Moscow » ;
  • Promsvyazbank » ;
  • "UniCredit Bank » ;
  • "Binbank » ;
  • "Rosbank » ;
  • "Raiffeisenbank » ;
  • "Bank Russia » .

Problem banks of Russia 2018 according to the Central Bank list

The Bank of Russia does not expect rehabilitation of large credit institutions in the near future, but allows for the rehabilitation of smaller banks, said First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin, speaking in the State Duma.

“We are convinced that the largest problem banks have already been identified and we have dealt with them. We do not expect a repetition of very large reorganizations in the near future; there will probably be smaller jars", he stated.

In 2017, the Bank of Russia began to rehabilitate the three largest private banks - Otkritie, Binbank and Promsvyazbank - through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. As part of the recovery, the Central Bank decided to merge Otkritie and B&N Bank, and Promsvyazbank became the supporting bank of the military-industrial complex.

Banks with problems 2018

The Bank of Russia revoked the licenses of the Khabarovsk Ussuri Bank and the Yaroslavl United Credit Bank(“O.K. Bank”). The press service of the Central Bank reported this on Friday, May 25.

“The activities of the management of the credit organization Bank Ussuri led to the formation on its balance sheet of property recorded at an inflated value,” the regulator said in a statement.

“Ussuri” carried out “scheme” transactions with problem loan debt, which were aimed at artificially maintaining the required level of capital, experts note.

As of May 1, 2018, Ussuri Bank ranked 275th in terms of assets banking system Russia, “O.K. Bank" - 200th place. Both credit organizations are participants in the deposit insurance system.

Forbes magazine has published a rating of the most reliable banks in Russia. The most reliable banks in Russia are the subsidiaries of foreign banks and the largest state banks: Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank and VTB. This year, Forbes changed the principles for forming the rating; in particular, it took into account Russian rating agencies accredited by the Central Bank with a large number of ratings.

Rosbank (a subsidiary of the French Societe Generale) entered the top three. Experts estimated the bank's assets at 786.5 billion rubles.

Rating of Russian mortgage banks

The leader in terms of mortgage portfolio volume as of July 1, 2017 was Sberbank of Russia. Its portfolio is 2.5 times larger than that of its closest competitor, the VTB Group, which includes VTB 24 and VTB Bank of Moscow. Gazprombank took third place, its mortgage portfolio is 10 times less than that of the rating leader.

10 most profitable deposits in reliable banks 2018

The most profitable deposits individuals in reliable Russian banks: compare and select the best deposit for today at high interest rates in rubles. The review presents offers from the top 10 banks by deposit volume in 2018. The calculator will help you calculate your profitability.

Even in a difficult economic situation in 2018, there is an opportunity to invest money in such a way as to make money. One way is to issue profitable deposit for individuals. But which of the most reliable banks in Russia today has the most high percent by deposits? Specialists from the Top-RF.ru ​​agency analyzed the offers of the country's largest banks, compiling a review of deposits in rubles with favorable interest rates.

Deposits from individuals - a traditional way of investing money

There are many ways to invest money to earn passive income. You can buy a currency and wait for it to rise in price, you can make money on Forex, invest in a PAMM account, try to earn income by trading binary options and much more.

All these ways of making money bring quite high profits, but are also associated with a certain risk. Bank deposits for individuals, today they remain the most reliable and traditional way of investing savings in Russia.

Choosing the most profitable investment: what to pay attention to

When choosing a bank to entrust money to, depositors usually pay attention to at least two parameters:

  • — interest rate, which allows you to choose a deposit with maximum income;
  • — reliability of the bank, which allows you not to worry about the safety of your savings even during a banking crisis.

It can be quite difficult to combine a high interest rate and sufficient bank reliability. Analysts from the Top-RF.ru ​​agency tried to do this by studying the conditions of deposits in Russian rubles for individuals in reliable banks.

What are the most profitable deposits in reliable Russian banks today?

Each bank has its own line profitable deposits for individuals with unique conditions.

In order to somehow bring the parameters of deposits in different banks “to a common denominator”, we tried to find out which are the highest interest rates in rubles are offered to those who intend to open a deposit today, in 2018.

As a result, the following list was obtained (check with banks for exact conditions and interest rates on deposits).



State-owned banks continue to increase their influence in the banking sector. If last year there were four state players in the group of banks with the highest reliability, now there are five. The number of private players also decreased; in the second reliability group, FC Otkritie Bank and Promsvyazbank were nationalized.

The presence of a bank in a high place in the Forbes reliability rating confirms that it can be relied upon when making investment decisions. All banks that participated in last year's reliability rating were able to survive the ongoing purge of the financial sector by the Bank of Russia (about 50 licenses were revoked last year).

None of them were deprived of their license; the banks only came under state control. The most high-profile case of license revocation last year, the large private bank Yugra of Alexey Khotin, did not have ratings that would allow him to get into our banking rating. However, this does not mean that all banks on our list will survive this year calmly, so we recommend paying attention to banks from groups with the highest ratings.

How to choose your bank in such an unstable system? Forbes studied the 100 largest banks in the country and rated them by reliability.

Reliability ​​​​​​


The group included banks with ratings BB and BB- (Fitch). These banks are considered to be quite reliable, but their stability largely depends on a favorable business environment. Even if the economic situation worsens, they will continue to have access to alternative financial resources to fulfill obligations.


Banks in this group will have to rely on their own strength in case of problems. At the same time, they retain a limited liquidity cushion, and in the event of their default, creditors have a greater chance of receiving their investments through bankruptcy and the sale of assets. The group included banks with a B+ rating (Fitch).



What we thought

A rating from one of the agencies is the easiest way to assess the reliability of a bank. When problems arise and subsequent rating downgrades, banks often break contracts with agencies. The absence of a rating does not mean that the bank has problems, but the presence of a high rating can be considered a certain guarantee of reliability. A litmus test for what is happening in a bank can also be individual indicators, such as excessive concentration of operations on industries or clients against the backdrop of a small capital reserve and liquidity, low profitability combined with low capital adequacy against the backdrop of a significant share of household deposits, funding long-term loans legal entities at the expense of deposits of individuals. To compile the rating, we took into account data from international and Russian rating agencies. At the first stage, we selected banks based on three parameters: the presence and number of ratings, assets more than 10 billion rubles, the share of individual deposits more than 3% of liabilities. If there were several ratings, the maximum was taken into account. In each of the five reliability groups, banks occupy places in accordance with their ratings and the size of their assets.

The TOP 50 banks allows you to navigate the most attractive offers, giving preference to reliable financial institutions. This list includes institutions that have already proven the effectiveness of their policies.

How is the TOP 50 banks in Russia formed?

The most reliable banks are determined by indicators collected by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Calculation occurs periodically:

  • assets,

The leading positions in the TOP 50 banks in Russia are occupied by institutions that have a high level of trust among the population and have a positive assessment from the Central Bank.

According to the TOP 50, it is the most indicative. Analysts take into account:

  • absolute indicators compiled on the basis of financial statements;
  • financial ratios obtained by assessing the relationship of some data in relation to others;
  • dynamic data showing the trend of changes.

The TOP 50 Russian banks include institutions that have a good reputation, extensive experience and the possibility of government support.

The website presents the TOP 50 best banks of 2019. You can see the ranking taking into account various indicators, including by volume own funds institutions. The list of TOP 50 banks in Russia is constantly updated depending on the current situation in the financial market.

The rating of Moscow banks is aimed at a wide range of users. It allows you to correctly determine the most reliable banks, taking into account the data provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Moscow banks are numerous. Among them there are both government and commercial ones.

How is the rating of Moscow banks compiled?

The best banks in Moscow according to reliability rating are presented on the website in the table. Their list includes those financial institutions that are less susceptible to bankruptcy. When compiling the rating of Moscow banks, the following are taken into account:

  • assets;
  • trust level.

Job evaluation financial institutions can be provided not only by the Central Bank, but also by independent rating agencies.

The TOP 10 banks in Moscow include institutions offering good conditions. An important criterion is the opinion of users. According to their feedback and opinions, accessibility is taken into account banking products, competence of employees, availability, ability of employees of the institution to resolve conflict situations.

How to find the best banks in Moscow?

The best of 2019 included institutions that not only proved their financial stability, but also actively cooperated with the state. When choosing the most reliable bank, the availability of:

  • government support;
  • institutions in the register of banks offering deposit insurance.

Today there is a tendency to increase the level of trust in such financial institutions.

We suggest getting acquainted with the rating of Moscow banks according to the Central Bank. The list contains data both on the institutions themselves and on those offered banking services. Users can independently view the rating of banks in Moscow by deposits, loans or assets.

Bank assets- this is a different property, bank-owned, and having a monetary value. Assets mean such property of the bank as securities, loans and credits, real estate, etc.

Reliability- This financial stability jar. This option allows you to determine whether you may need financial organization assistance from third parties, for example, the state. The reliability rating of banks is compiled on the basis of market positions, asset diversification and key financial indicators. To assess the reliability of banks today, ranking systems invented by international and national rating agencies are used.

Creditworthiness- is the bank's ability to issue loans and credits. The level of creditworthiness of banks is assessed on a scale from E to A++ or from E to Aaa, where A++ or Aaa is highest level creditworthiness.

Rating of banks based on reviews

Capitaloff has created the top banks in Moscow, which is compiled by users of our project. This rating presents a list of banks in the capital that provide services to individuals and legal entities. Bank clients independently evaluate the level of quality of services provided by the bank using a 5-point system. In addition, users can leave reviews about banks.