Filling out an insurance policy. How to issue an OSAGO policy, detailed rules for filling out an insurance form and a list of required documents

The OSAGO Law, taking into account also the latest amendments made to it, does not regulate the rules for filling out the policy form regarding how it should be filled out - it must be done on a computer or it can be done by hand. It follows that forms filled out by hand are considered valid.

If the policy is issued directly at the insurance company, then the form will be filled out on a computer. When applying for an electronic policy online, there can be no other option, by definition. But there are other circumstances when the policy has to be filled out by hand. An example is the situation when an OSAGO policy is purchased from insurance agent, whose responsibilities include the delivery of civil liability policies. Information about the owner of the car and data about the vehicle owned by him can only be entered in a personal meeting. The recording is done by hand.

It is possible to fill out an OSAGO policy by hand, but will it be considered valid? To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  • all entries made in the form when filling it out by hand must be made in one hand
  • the color of the entries must be the same
  • corrections and strikethroughs are not allowed

If the insurance agent has entered incorrect information, then the form is considered damaged. Each policy has a unique number. The damaged form must be returned to insurance company. All bases will receive a message about its damage, after which it must be destroyed. The insured is issued a new form. It is necessary to verify the authenticity of the OMTPL policy filled out by hand:

  • The seal of the insurance company must be at the bottom of the form.
  • The stamp of the insurer must be in the upper left corner
  • The most reliable way is to check the OSAGO policy in the PCA database. To do this, you need to enter the number of the policy being checked into the search engine.

You should be careful. If the dealer, in order to save time, offers to issue only one copy of the policy so that he draws up the second one himself, you should not agree to this. The second copy may be issued with other inaccurate information.

List of documents

Scroll required documents will vary slightly depending on who the registration is for.

Registration for an individual:

  1. Statement of intent to purchase a policy. The application form of the established form is provided by the insurer. All entries must be correct and complete.
  2. A diagnostic card that guarantees that the vehicle passes inspection. The deadline must be valid.
  3. Vehicle registration certificate
  4. Passport vehicle
  5. Russian passport of the insured
  6. Russian passport of the owner of the car, if he and the insured are different persons
  7. Driver's license of all participants allowed to drive the car
  8. A policy issued earlier, if it is a question of prolongation

Registration for a legal entity, in addition to the specified list, requires additional documents:

  1. organization details
  2. extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  3. power of attorney from CEO if the registration is made by an authorized person

All documents must be valid.

Filling rules

Regardless of whether the policy is filled out on a computer or by hand, certain rules must be followed. An employee of the insurance company must complete the following fields:

  1. After the series of the form, there must be a number of the OSAGO policy, consisting of ten digits
  2. The period for which the policy is issued. The start date is indicated at the top of the form, and the end date at the bottom.
  3. Time of use during which payments must be made in case of an insured event
  4. In paragraph 1, information about the insured should be indicated. For individuals - last name, first name, patronymic. If the owner and the policyholder are different persons, then the data of both are indicated.

For legal entities the name of the organization is indicated. In both cases, the data is entered in the nominative case.

  1. In the second paragraph, you should enter information about the vehicle. The make, model, machine number, series and number of the registration certificate and technical passport must be indicated.
  2. The third paragraph lists all drivers who are allowed to drive the car. The series and number of their driver's licenses are entered.
  3. Items 4 to 6 are the same for everyone and are informative
  4. Item 7 is intended to indicate the value of the insurance premium
  5. The eighth point is left for special marks.

After filling in all the points, the date of the conclusion of the contract is set. Then it is indicated that the policyholder was issued the Rules for civil liability insurance under OSAGO, which are mandatory for all car owners. In addition, it is indicated that the list of representatives of the insurer in various regions was transferred to the insured. Do not put your signature until these documents are received.

There should be two signatures at the bottom.

When concluding an insurance contract, it is required to fill out an OSAGO insurance form, which at first glance seems to be a difficult task. When filling out the policy, you must be especially careful, since the slightest inaccuracy can later serve as a reason for refusing to pay compensation amounts. In fact, there is an algorithm for filling out the form, knowing which, you can easily enter data into the policy form. In this article, we will consider the basic rules and methods for filling out an OSAGO policy.

Is it possible to fill out the OSAGO form by hand?

Until recently, there were several options for filling insurance policy:

  • filling manually;
  • computer data set into a template with subsequent printing on the original form;
  • use of a specially developed computer program for filling out OSAGO policies.

Beginning in 2003, representatives of insurance companies wrote out the policy by hand. The entire procedure for signing the contract lasted no more than 15 minutes. With the creation in 2013 single base AIS RSA, it was forbidden to write out the OSAGO form by hand. AIS PCA is an electronic database that allows you to reliably determine the bonus-malus coefficient or discount for the driver, regardless of the insurance company in which the driver insures his liability.

Using a computer set, you can double-check the correctness of the entered data, and only after correcting all inaccuracies, print it out. To do this, a full-size sample of the form is downloaded to the computer and a template is created, in the fields of which all the necessary data is entered. After filling in and rechecking, all the information entered is printed on a serial form. A policy filled out on a computer in compliance with all requirements and duly certified is a valid document.

Due to the fact that at modern development technologies, there is a high probability of forging expensive forms and issuing fictitious documents, there is a gradual transition to electronic version OSAGO insurance policy. In this case, all data is entered into a special program that is connected to a common database. The policyholder is issued a policy printed on a serial form, and information about the insurance contract is stored in the electronic database of the insurance company.

What is required to complete the policy?

To correctly fill in all the insurance fields you will need:

  • passport of the insured - any capable person over the age of 18 can act as an insured;
  • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  • documents for the car: Title or registration certificate;
  • driving licenses of all drivers who will be allowed to drive;
  • diagnostic card if the car is more than 3 years old.

What does a completed OSAGO form look like?

For the entire period of existence of OSAGO, the following series of policies were issued: CCC, BBB and EEE. This is what an empty OSAGO policy of the EEE series, which has been in use since 2016, looks like:

The form of the EEE series itself includes the following fields:

  • a number consisting of ten digits located next to the series;
  • the period of insurance, from the time and date of application to the expiration date of the contract;
  • a mandatory field in which it is necessary to indicate in which period of the insurance contract the car will be used;
  • when filling out clause 1 for individuals, the full name is indicated, and for legal entities - their full name. The owner of the vehicle is also listed here. Based on the data on its place of registration, a correction territorial coefficient is calculated;
  • the next item is information about the use or absence of a trailer for the vehicle;
  • in the three boxes located under this field, the following data about the car are indicated in sequence:
  • when filling out, the data of the provided TCP are used, and information about the provided document is entered: series and number;
  • followed by an indication of the purpose of using the car. This information is also taken into account when calculating the correction factor;
  • the third paragraph contains information about restrictions or lack thereof. An unrestricted policy contains a check mark in the top box and dashes in the table below;
  • if the policy is limited, then you need to check the box in the bottom box and indicate in the table the data of drivers who have the right to drive this car - the full name of each, the series and number of their driver's licenses;
  • clause 7 contains information on the total cost of OSAGO, which is the amount of the insurance premium;
  • if necessary, special marks are filled in with the relevant data;
  • The completed form must contain several seals of the insurer:
    • upper left corner;
    • the right corner of the policy;
    • when entering data in point 8, a seal imprint is required.

As a result, the completed policy form should look like this:

How to fill out an OSAGO policy through a program on a computer?

To draw up insurance contracts, special programs have been created, thanks to which you can quickly and easily issue a policy compulsory insurance. Filling out the policy consists of several sections. In each section, there are hints about what information you need to provide. Here are the main sections of the form that you need to fill out in order to print the OSAGO policy form:

  • information about the insured;
  • information about the owner;
  • vehicle information;
  • list of persons admitted to management;
  • validity period;
  • calculation of the insurance premium.

Filling in the fields about the insured

To complete this section, only the passport of the insured is required. As noted, any able-bodied citizen can be an insured. In the first section, you must specify personal information, as in the passport:

  • full name of the insured;
  • series, passport number, by whom and when issued;
  • date of birth;
  • citizenship and address of registration;
  • mobile phone for communication.

The second section is filled in in a similar way, in which personal information on the owner is indicated.

Filling in the fields by vehicle

To specify the data on the vehicle, you will need a document for the car. In practice, drivers keep the vehicle passport at home and carry only a certificate of state registration. Here are the required details that you need to enter:

  • state registration number;
  • vehicle identification number (VIN);
  • type of document (certificate of registration or PTS), series, number and date of issue;
  • if the car is required by law to pass a technical inspection, then at the end you will need to indicate the series, number and validity period of the diagnostic card. If the car is new, it must be indicated that "technical inspection is not required."

Filling in the fields about drivers

No more than 5 drivers can be entered into the OSAGO agreement. If the policyholder needs to allow more than five people to manage, then it is worth choosing the option “unlimited number of people admitted to management”. If you choose the second option, the cost of the contract increases by 80%.

To add a driver, you must fill in the following fields:

  • Full name of the driver;
  • Date of Birth;
  • series and number of the driver's license;
  • driving experience.

Specifying the term of insurance and the period

The term of insurance under the contract is always equal to one year. Everyone chooses the period of insurance independently. According to adopted law, the minimum term of registration of the contract is 3 months. First of all, you must specify the date from which the policy will enter into force and the period will be calculated automatically. The usage period will be set automatically based on the calculation. According to the law, only 3 periods of use can be established during the term of the OSAGO agreement.

Insurance premium calculation

After all fields are filled in, it is necessary to calculate the insurance premium. In the calculation, you must specify the region of use of the car, year of manufacture, power, purpose of use and select the desired period of use. After the calculation, you need to make payment and print the contract.

The nuances of filling out the policy

Only representatives of insurance companies can fill out contracts according to the template. According to the law, the sale of blank OSAGO forms for a fixed fee is prohibited. By purchasing a clean policy, the car owner not only violates the law, but also receives void contract insurance.

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It is acceptable to fill out by hand, but today more and more companies practice filling out the policy using a computer.

To fill out the OSAGO form, the insurance agent will need the data of your passport, driver's license, vehicle registration certificate and technical inspection coupon.

After the representative of the SK company has filled in all the columns, and you have made the payment, the agent gives you the original policy form and a payment receipt. A copy of the completed policy remains with the agent.

The insurance agent gives a copy of the policy to the insurance company, along with your payment. On the basis of a copy of the policy, data is entered into the PCA database.

If, for some reason, the agent did not have time to transfer cash and a copy of the policy to the company, and you have an insured event, the company is obliged to pay.

An insurance agent, when issuing a policy for you, must fill out the following columns:

  1. Count insurer. The name (in full) of the person who is the insured is written in this column (it can be both the owner and not the owner of the car - more on that).
  2. Count owner. In this column enter the data of the owner of the insured car.
  3. Count vehicle. In this column, the insurance agent enters data on the brand of the insured car, VIN number, registration data for the vehicle and the state number of the car.
  4. A string of approved drivers. Here, you will need to enter the full name and driver's license numbers of all persons who are allowed to drive the vehicle. If a policy is issued with an unlimited tolerance, then this column is crossed out.
  5. Amount column. This column indicates the amount that the insured must pay the insurance company.
  6. Row special marks. This line is optional. Here, they enter data on the number of the receipt issued along with the policy, information on the previously issued policy or data.
  7. Counts date and signature. The number from which the contract begins and the contract is signed by both parties is written.

IMPORTANT! At the moment, you can conclude an agreement with an insurance company for at least 3 months (the period of use under the annual insurance, do not forget about it).

What documents are required?

In the event that the policy form is issued to an individual, will need:

To draw up an OSAGO contract for an individual entrepreneur, the following list of documents is required:

To issue a policy for a legal entity, you will need the same documents as for individuals. Plus, legal entities must provide a power of attorney that gives them the right to represent the interests of the organization, a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, a seal. You will find more nuances on how insurance is issued for legal entities.

Requirements for the execution of the contract

A mandatory requirement is that the policy must be issued on the established original form. The document that is filled out on the computer is single-layer. The same insurance contracts that are filled out by hand are two-layer. The contract must bear the seal of the organization that issued the policy. The policy can also be in electronic form.

Can it be written by hand?

Yes, the insurer has the right to fill out an auto third party liability insurance contract by hand, and such a policy is valid. But when filling out an insurance contract with a regular pen, Some rules must be followed, such as:

  1. The OSAGO policy form must be filled out with one pen, ink color mismatch in the columns is unacceptable. Also, this form must be completed with one hand. If the handwriting in the columns does not match, then the document may be invalidated.
  2. In the OSAGO form, corrections are not allowed. The form should be checked for errors after completion.
  3. On the insurance, there must be a seal of the organization that issued it and the signature of the person who issued this document, i.e., the insurance agent.

How to fill in correctly on a computer?

To complete the form on a computer there is a special program(which is called OSAGO Policies). It is downloaded and installed on a computer, the program, by the way, is free. In this program, you will fill out a template, which, after filling, must be printed on the original form.

Fill out the template carefully without making mistakes.

Before you print a document on the original form, you should check the print quality by printing a draft.

Program features

  1. First, it allows electronic filling of forms.
  2. Accounting for vehicles for which insurance has already been issued is carried out automatically.
  3. The program uses a sample policy that is filled out, after which it can be printed without worrying that some fields may not match.
  4. Automatically keeps track of the cost and number of issued policies.
  5. Reminds those motorists who have not paid the insurance premium.

The program is easy to set up and make adjustments to it, which are required due to changes in legislation.

An insurance agent, having once filled out the policy data, will at any time have access to information about the history of cooperation between the client and the company.

Filling in the data in the program does not take much time. You can fill out the template in a minute. If earlier, a person has already purchased a policy from you and his data is in the program, it will take even less time to fill out.

With the help of this program, an insurance agent will be able to get the entire chronology of work with a client:

Today, storing customer information, calculating bonuses and filling out forms has become much easier thanks to this program.

Online way to generate applications

On the Internet there is a specialized service programma-о, with which you can fill out the OSAGO form online.

The service provides for the possibility of generating and accounting for the following list of documents:

  1. an application for an insurance policy;
  2. applications for changes in insurance conditions;
  3. an application that will be needed for early termination of the policy;
  4. and directly for filling out OSAGO policies.

For more information on how to order an OSAGO policy via the Internet with home delivery, read at.

What should I do if there is a mistake on the form?

The OSAGO policy refers to BSO (strict reporting forms). It is protected with a watermark and has a number and series on it.

When completing the form, strikethroughs and corrections are not allowed. Therefore, in no case do not pay for a policy that contains errors.

If an insurance agent made a mistake or a blot, then he must write you a new document, and this one should be handed over to the UK. You are not required to pay for the new form, because you pay the insurance premium not for the form, but for the conclusion with you.

After the insurance agent writes out an insurance policy agreement for you, check the document for errors and blots, and if they are found, ask them to write out a new form. How many times the agent will rewrite the document should not bother you as a consumer, this is his job.

Always check that the insurance is filled out correctly - if the policy is filled out incorrectly, it may be invalidated. Be sure to check the policy after purchase according to the PCA database.

Remember that it is impossible to make amendments and changes to an already issued insurance contract. In order to amend the contract, the insurer must issue a new policy.

Insure your car with trusted insurers. Check if the company that issued your policy is valid.

Often, errors in the execution of a compulsory insurance contract lead to irreversible consequences. The insurance premium may not be paid to the insured who has to eliminate the consequences of the accident at his own expense. This situation is quite common today, even though there are no rules for filling out the contract.

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Items to fill

In order to simplify the perception of the compulsory insurance policy, we will break it into several points.

In the foreground in the header, opposite the inscription, "Insurance policy" should be the series and number of the document. In the entire history of insurance, only 3 series have appeared. If you present them in ascending order, it turns out - BBB, CCC and EEE. And now only the latter is used. Immediately after the series, a number consisting of 10 digits is written. And below are the special fields where they are written.

It is important to note that not only a clear date of validity of the policy is prescribed, but also time up to a minute. Traditionally, the duration of the contract is one year. On the right side of the document there is a special place for the insurer's stamp.

The next block specifies the dates during which this document applies to insured events during the term of the contract. This period can be divided into several months. However, most often the dates for the validity of the contract are prescribed. It all depends on the wishes of the insured.

  • In the first paragraph of the document, the personal data of the insured are presented. As you know, both an individual and a legal entity can act as an insured. In the first case, the name, surname and patronymic of the citizen are indicated, and in the second, the full legal name of the company. In this case, the insured may not be the owner of the vehicle. However, the owner's data must be written below in a specially designated column. It can also be either an individual or a legal entity.

Note - During the execution of the insurance policy, the presence of both the owner and the insured is required, and it is mandatory with a passport.

  • The second point is about the vehicle. Here, in the first column, the model, make of the car and the amount of horsepower are indicated. Then, in a separate column, the identification number of the vehicle is written. It is also necessary to indicate the state number of the vehicle. And, finally, write down the number and series of one of the documents of the vehicle. It can be a passport, registration certificate, technical passport or coupon. Most often, a vehicle passport is used.
  • This paragraph is dedicated to persons admitted to driving a vehicle. It should be noted initially that there are 2 types of insurance - open and closed. Accordingly, with a closed type, the data of persons admitted to driving the vehicle are clearly indicated. And with an open insurance policy, all drivers are allowed to drive. Just the last option is suitable for legal entities. Personal data (Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, date of issue of the driver's license), as well as the series and number of the driver's license are written in special columns.
  • The fourth paragraph of the policy is devoted to the sum insured or, in other words, the amount of payment upon the occurrence insured event.
  • The heel point just explains to the insured what is an insured event.
  • The next paragraph speaks of the territorial affiliation of the validity of this document.
  • Here, the amount of the insurance premium, that is, the cost of the insurance policy, is determined and prescribed.

Note - since 2014, special tariffs have been established for the OSAGO insurance policy, therefore, in each insurance company, the cost of the contract is the same.

  • This paragraph contains any additional information. For example, the purpose of using a car, notes about the presence of a trailer or KMB.

At the bottom, the signatures of both the insurance company and the insured are put and the date of conclusion of the contract is prescribed.

Filling rules

There are no legislative rules and explanations regarding filling out an OSAGO insurance policy. However, based on the form of the insurance contract, all columns must be filled in, taking into account the names of the items.

Thus, there is only one unspoken rule - the name of the item must correspond to its content. It is also necessary to have the signature of the insured and the insurance company and the date of conclusion of the contract.

By hand or on a computer

OSAGO insurance policy forms can be single-layer, they are used for computer filling and two-layer for manual filling.

Today, insurance companies most often fill out a policy on a computer, where the contract form has already been entered and only the personal data of the insured, the owner and the technical characteristics of the vehicle are registered. However, filling out the policy by hand is not prohibited by law and is permissible. The main rule when filling out the form manually is good readability of the text.

Fill Features

As with the execution of any other contract, the OSAGO policy is filled out only according to the documents. It must be taken into account that in the contract the name, surname and other personal data are written exactly like in the passport, otherwise the insurance simply will not be valid, and this can lead to many troubles, including when paying insurance compensation .

The list of required documents when filling out:

  • passport of the owner of the car or certificate of registration of the company;
  • passport of drivers allowed to drive a car;
  • vehicle passport;
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • driver's license of all citizens admitted to driving the vehicle;
  • previous OSAGO agreement, if any;
  • diagnostic card.

Filling errors

When concluding a compulsory insurance contract, the document should be especially carefully checked for errors and, if any are found, it should be immediately reissued. Since corrections in the forms are unacceptable, reissuing the OSAGO form is the only way not to fall into the trap.

The fact is that if in the policy, the personal data of the owner or authorized driver, the technical characteristics of the vehicle or the identification code of the car are indicated incorrectly with an error or are not registered at all, problems with payments for insured events may arise in the future.

Reissuance of the OSAGO policy is carried out at the expense of the insurance company. For the insured, this procedure is completely free. When reissuing an OSAGO policy, the following documents are required: Passport of the owner of the vehicle, driver's license and certificate of registration of the vehicle.


As an example, the OSAGO insurance policy of the insurance company "RESO Guarantee" is presented:

  • First of all, the fields for the validity period of the contract are filled in.
  • Then the dates are specified during which the contract applies to insured events. In this example, these dates are exactly the same.
  • Also in this case, the insured and the owner of the vehicle are one and the same citizen. Personal data is indicated in accordance with passport data.
  • The technical data of the car is filled in below - the make, model of the car, identification number, state registration mark, as well as the series and number of the vehicle passport.
  • The next paragraph is devoted to persons admitted to the management of the vehicle. In the example presented above, the insurance policy is of a closed type, therefore only one citizen is entered, who is the owner. Despite this, all data is duplicated, plus the series and number of the driver's license are added.
  • The next item to fill out is number 7, where the cost of the insurance policy is prescribed. In this example, the amount is 10378.37 rubles. It is worth noting that this insurance policy was issued at an inflated rate immediately for 2 reasons. Firstly, the person admitted to driving has not reached the age of 22, and secondly, he does not have a driving experience of 3 years. Just these two factors have a direct impact on the cost of the insurance policy.
  • as special marks, the insurance company indicated the purpose of using the car, the amount of the insurance payment and the personal data of the insurance agent, but as noted earlier, the special marks column is filled in at the discretion of the insured and the insurance company.
  • Finally, the signatures of both parties and the seal of the insurance company were affixed.

Thus, we can note several important points when filling out an insurance policy:

  • the most important rule for filling out this document is the logical filling of each column, taking into account its name;
  • all data must be written as in the original documents and checked for errors;
  • in case of detection of errors, it is necessary to immediately contact the insurance company and reissue the contract;
  • when drawing up a contract, you must have a package of documents with you, which is prescribed in the paragraph "Features of filling out" of this article.

Since 2016, new rules for car insurance have been in force - Article 37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It is expected that it will be easier to conclude an agreement with an insurance company if you use the instruction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 36448-U dated May 24, 2015. The document contains rules on how to issue electronic policy OSAGO.

We remind you that the owner of the vehicle is allowed to drive without OSAGO for 10 calendar days.

During this time you need:

  • pass a technical inspection;
  • get a diagnostic card;
  • register the car with the traffic police;
  • get car insurance at RSA.

The term of the OSAGO policy has expired, but it has not been reissued - it is possible big problems not only in the form of a fine. In case of an accident, the damages are paid by the person responsible for the accident, if his vehicle is not insured. Today you can issue a new document quickly electronically. A driver's lack of time or money is not a good reason not to get insurance.

General terms and conditions of insurance

So what you need to know:

  • the vehicle owner has the right to choose any company from the PCA list;
  • the insured must submit documents: personal and on the vehicle;
  • the insurer is allowed to inspect the vehicle;
  • the place of inspection is chosen by mutual agreement of the driver and the insurer;
  • the persons to be included in the insurance are indicated;
  • the term of the contract is stipulated;
  • the amount and procedure for paying the insurance premium and compensation for losses are determined;
  • information about the procedure for amending the insurance policy.

The cost of insurance can be reduced if the vehicle is not used in winter.

It is allowed to insure a car before its registration with the traffic police. After registration, you need to provide new data to the insurer - 3 days are given for this.

The driver has two options to purchase OSAGO:

  • on a form issued by the insurer;
  • via the Internet, as an electronic document.

The insurance takes effect immediately if payment is made in cash to the cashier of the company, the next day, by bank transfer.

Since July 2016, a single sample of electronic insurance document- a form that Gosznak is now producing. Replacing old forms with new ones will be carried out in all regions of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed

It is allowed to draw up a car insurance contract in a company from the PCA list that has a sample insurance certificate and OSAGO forms. If the car owner came for the policy for the first time, he must provide information about the car:

  • technical inspection card;
  • information about registration.

You must provide personal documents:

  • the driver who is insured;
  • documents of drivers who are allowed to drive a car.

In what form the documents will be accepted, the employees of the company and the owner of the vehicle decide.

Valid options - electronic and paper (copies).

When the contract is concluded with the former insurer, or a replacement of the previous certificate is needed, it is possible not to submit documents on which insurance was previously obtained. The insurer is obliged to check the authenticity of all documents using an electronic database, and only if the check is successful, he is allowed to conclude a contract. If other drivers need to be entered in the certificate, their documents are transferred to the insurer for verification.

The contract is concluded - 2 forms of notification of an accident and a list of representatives of the insurer are issued. You need to get information about them: address, phone numbers, working hours.

New operating procedure for insurance companies

It will take a little time for the insurance company to issue insurance if the driver has prepared all the documents necessary for concluding the contract and decided who should be included in the insurance documents.

Auto insurers, since 2015 switched to new order issuance of OSAGO using the traffic police information base. Employees of the PCA can now receive information about any vehicle in electronic form, check the conditions on which the contract was concluded. Positive information has been received - the cost of insurance services will be optimal for the insured. If the insurance policy is used by a driver who has traffic violations, then the PCA allows insurers to issue insurance in a simplified form, when losses to the insured are not fully reimbursed. The calculation of insurance payments is carried out according to a special program. The car owner is allowed to control it.

In the event of an insured event, compensation is first paid for the damage to life and health, then property losses are paid.

We arrange via the Internet

The right to issue insurance in electronic form has been granted to car owners since October 2015. The insured chooses an insurance company, and on the official website of the insurer opens Personal Area driver. The access code can be received by e-mail or mobile phone.

Further communication between the policyholder and the insurer takes place in the same way as during a personal appointment, but only online. Document numbers are reported, an application is filled out, the cost of insurance is calculated using the calculator located on the website. Previously, in the application submitted, it was required to enter the SNILS number. Now they do not require to make an entry about SNILS.

The information is checked by AIS of insurers, then the contract is sent to the insured. You must enter your username and password as a signature. After paying for the contract, the details of the insurance certificate and the period until which it is allowed to use the policy are reported.

RSA is developing a program that allows you to quickly, using the online mode, check the availability of OSAGO insurance with any car owner. It is believed that this will reduce the number of accidents.

Features of filling out an electronic questionnaire

After it was allowed to receive OSAGO insurance via the Internet, it turned out that the exact date from which the driving experience is counted must be entered in the questionnaire. At this point, you need to pay special attention, because when buying insurance in the form electronic document driving experience is important. For a driver who has received a new driver's license from the traffic police, the column "Special marks" contains only a year, for example, "experience since 2000".

The press center of the PCA published an explanation - you can put the date on December 31. This will not be considered an error and the verification of information submitted via the Internet will be successful. The insurance policy will be calculated for the "age-experience" coefficient equal to 1, and the cost of insurance will not increase. Similarly, questionnaires are filled out for other drivers who are allowed to use the car - you just need to check their personal data against the original documents.

Fines 2016

For driving a vehicle in the absence of OSAGO insurance, various forms of punishments are provided - a warning, a fine. The cost of a fine is from 500 to 80,000 rubles.

The smallest fine for a driver is 500 rubles for insurance forgotten at home. The same amount should be paid for a driver who is not included in auto insurance. For the decision to travel during the period not stipulated by the contract - the punishment is also 500 rubles. They forgot to renew the insurance with the RSA employees - you have to pay 800 rubles.

If it is found that the policy is fake, the traffic police will not deal with it for a long time. The law imposes a fine of up to 80,000 rubles. If the driver is suspected, and they decide that he made a fake policy, then the guilty person faces six months of arrest under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, the largest number of fakes are found among documents executed electronically. Since 2016, the punishment in the form of a ban on the operation of a car has not been used.