Credit Europe Bank interest rates on deposits. Europa bank deposits

Credit Europe Bank provides an opportunity to place term savings deposits in national or foreign currencies - dollars or euros. There are several deposit programs without the possibility of replenishment and debit transactions with different options for paying accrued interest. The client can make a savings deposit with the possibility of a one-time withdrawal of funds in a partial amount.

Features of deposits. Deposits, which can be issued within the framework of the Credit Europe Bank program line, have a number of the following features:

  • The interest rate depends on the amount and term of the deposit, as well as on the currency in which it is opened;
  • Accrued interest can be paid in a lump sum at the end of the term or regularly - every month / 3 months. Depending on the program, interest can be capitalized or transferred to a separate account;
  • Premature termination of the agreement by the client is allowed, while the Bank recalculates the accrued interest at the rate of a termless deposit;
  • It is not possible to open a foreign currency deposit in all divisions of the Bank. The list of offices working with foreign currency is presented on the Bank's website;
  • Placement of deposits in the Bank is available to both citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens/nationals of any other state. It is not possible to make a deposit in the name of a third party;
  • The client has the right to make several deposits at the same time, including in different currencies;
  • In the branch of the Bank, the depositor can certify the power of attorney for the implementation of certain or all deposit management operations.

How to open a deposit? You can place a deposit in Credit Europe Bank in the following ways:

  • in a branch of the Bank. To make a deposit, the client must provide an identification document, for example, a general civil passport of the Russian Federation / a foreign national passport, a military serviceman's certificate, a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Foreigners additionally provide the Bank with a migration card and a document certifying the legality of their stay in the country, for example, a visa or residence permit. On the official website of the Bank, you can fill out a preliminary online application;
  • Remotely - using the Internet bank or mobile application. To connect remote services, the client needs to contact one of the Bank's branches.

Closing the deposit and withdrawing money. Closing of the deposit is made on the last day of the term of the agreement upon demand from the client. The bank returns the funds in cash through the cash desk or by wire transfer to the depositor's account. Regardless of the amount, the client must notify the Bank in writing about the withdrawal of funds no later than 3 business days before the relevant operation. If the deposit is not claimed by the client, it is auto-prolonged on the terms of the primary contract. The client also has the right to close the deposit ahead of schedule. At the same time, accrued interest is recalculated at the demand deposit rate, unless the terms of the program establish a preferential termination procedure while retaining part of the interest.

This page provides a list of all deposits for individuals in Credit Europe Bank for 2018.


For a period: 3 months to 730 days.
Replenishment amount: unknown.
On a separate account: Yes.

Capitalization: No.
Interest payment frequency: monthly.

Partial withdrawal: Impossible.
Extension: Possible.
Deposit interest: 11.25%.

"Rising Income"
Minimum deposit: 30,000 rubles.
For term: years.
Replenishment amount: unknown.
On a separate account: No.
To a separate account for settlements using a bank card: No.
Capitalization: Yes.
Interest payment frequency: every 92 calendar day.
Progressive accrual: Yes.
Partial withdrawal: Impossible.
Extension: Possible.
Deposit interest: 10.2%.

Minimum deposit: 3,000 rubles.
For a period: Six months to 730 days.
Replenishment amount: from 2,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.
On a separate account: Yes.
To a separate account for settlements using a bank card: No.
Capitalization: No.
Interest payment frequency: at the end of the main (extended) term.
Progressive accrual: No.
Partial withdrawal: Possible.
Extension: Possible.
Interest on deposit: 9%.

In order to open a profitable deposit in "Credit Europe Bank", we invite you to study the offers on deposits for individuals for 2017.

It must be said that the choice of bank programs is "poor". But in terms of the quality of the "product" - there are worthy proposals.

There are rulers with currently "fashionable" sets of currencies: ruble, dollar, euro.

Preferential conditions for early termination of the deposit, capitalization and other pleasant moments also take place.

A vigilant saver will ask a very correct question: "Why should we trust our savings to a bank that is essentially not heard by our Citizens, and little known to anyone?" .

In other words, the bank is small, the client base and material resources also lag behind the top ones (for example: Sberbank, VTB, etc.).

The bank has an excellent answer to this question (a list of the advantages of opening a deposit, namely at Credit Europe Bank):

  • All deposit programs are insured by the State;
  • The bank is trusted by: "Pension Fund of Russia", "HOA", "Housing and Public Utilities";
  • In the bank's database, there are about 5 million customers who have used its services;
  • Large and extensive network of branches;
  • The rate does not expire, even in case of early termination of the deposit agreement;
  • Innovative Internet banking, which is convenient to manage the deposit parameters.

1. "Term" deposit program - rate up to 9.25% in rubles

The "Term" deposit program goes without replenishment and partial withdrawal.

The maximum deposit rates can only be obtained by investing very "tidy sums", namely: from 3 million rubles (the maximum rate is 9,25 % per annum, term 368 days), from 50 thousand dollars (maximum rate - 2,0 % per annum, term 368 days), euros from 50 thousand (maximum rate - 0,95 % per annum, term 368 days).

As a consolation to poor investors, I will say that a contribution for small amounts is inferior in the rate to the "maximum" by very few - a few tenths of a percent (see the rate tables under the program description).

Deposit term (you can choose as you wish) - from 31 to 730 days.

Interest is paid at the end of the term of the deposit.

If you terminate the terms of the deposit ahead of schedule, and the term of the deposit "exceeds" 181 days, your rate will be calculated as 50% of the interest on the opening date (half of the interest will be returned).

How to open a deposit?

A deposit in "Credit Europe Bank" can be opened: at a branch (come with a Passport), in the Internet bank, or on the official website (by filling out an online application for a deposit).

1. Table of rates

2. Table of rates

2. Deposit program "Growing income" - capitalization and rate growth

This program is characterized by an increase in the rate after each reporting period (once a quarter, see the table).

Deposit term - 368 days.

The entire term of the deposit is "broken" into four reporting periods (92 days each). At the end of each period, interest is calculated and added to the main body of the deposit.

The deposit cannot be replenished or partially withdrawn.

You can make a deposit in any of the three proposed currencies: ruble, dollar, euro.

Minimum amounts: ₽ - 30,000, $ - 1,000, € - 1,000.

The maximum rates are: 9.50% per annum in rubles, in dollars - 2.50% per annum, in euros - 1.25% per annum.

It should be noted that the maximum rate on the "Growing income" deposit will be charged only for the last - 4th period (for 92 days).

If we calculate the average (actual) annual rate, then we get the following "picture": (8.00 + 8.75 + 9.00 + 9.50) : 4 = 8.81% per annum in rubles .

The situation is the same with deposits in dollars and euros.
Table of rates in rubles

Euro rate table

interest period 1 period 2 period 3 period 4 period

3. Deposit program "Cumulative" - ​​with replenishment and debit transactions

If you use this program, then two deposit options will be available to you: replenishment and partial withdrawal.

You can withdraw money from the deposit only once, within 20% of the deposit amount.

The deposit can also be opened in any of the three currencies: ruble, dollar, euro.

The minimum opening amounts are small: ₽ - 3000 $ - 100 € - 100.

Interest is paid at the end of the term of the deposit. The term in this product is from 181 to 730 days.

The rate depends on the amount of the deposit (the larger the amount, the higher the rate), and on the term (the maximum rate can be obtained by investing your savings for 368 days).

1. Table of rates for deposit opening amounts: 3,000 - 2,999,999.99 ₽ | 100 - $49,999.99 | 100 - €49,999.99.

2. Table of rates for deposit opening amounts: from 3,000,000.00 ₽ | from $50,000.00 | from €50,000.00 .

Credit Europe Bank is a member of the FIBA ​​financial group. The latter operates in 11 countries of the world. Initially, the bank functioned as "Financebank". The company received its current name in 2007. Credit Europe Bank has a wide branch network, consisting of 70 customer service points. Branches are located on the territory of 30 different cities of the country.

This financial type organization attracts citizens' funds in deposits. The terms of cooperation for investors are prescribed in the contract. Under some programs, a bank client can expect to receive up to 13.5% profit. Such deposit rates are relevant for ruble deposit programs. Interest on deposits for deposits in foreign currency will be somewhat lower. Here we can talk about figures equivalent to 5%.

Deposits for individuals are issued on the provision of a minimum package of documents. This feature makes such a banking product even more popular among the population. This financial instrument is a good way to increase capital.

Interest is paid monthly or at the end of the specified period. The terms of some programs provide for the possibility of withdrawing or replenishing.

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Card Plus + credit card from Credit Europe Bank: cashback up to 5%. The card earns 5% cashback in the categories "Cafes and Restaurants", "Clothes and Shoes", "Entertainment" and "Beauty and Health" (at the same time), and 1% for everything else. The card is free with a turnover of 15 thousand rubles / month, if you spend less, you will have to fork out 79 rubles. /month