Disgusting customer service and over-limit card debt. What is excess debt VTB What does excess debt mean on the card

In January 2017 in this credit organization was issued consumer loan, to which the bank attached a credit card with a limit of 25,000 rubles. This map I didn’t use it very actively - in February-March I made a couple of purchases, the debt was repaid during the grace period.
However, in April 2017, a situation arose in which it was necessary to make c2c transfers several times from this credit card to a card from another bank. In this case, the transfer fee was instantly displayed in mobile application(even before the transfer was made), I knew about it and agreed with the commission amount displayed in the application. However, very strange events happened next.

May 16, 2017 at third party bank I requested a credit history from NBKI. Upon reviewing it and with great surprise to myself, I discovered the fact of delay in credit card VTB Bank 24. I knew perfectly well that I always deposited funds onto the card on time (before the 20th of the month, in accordance with clause 6 individual conditions Treaty), so this news surprised me very much.

Naturally, a call was immediately made to the bank’s hotline, where I was switched to an employee who, in response to my question about the reasons for the overdue debt, first began asking me whether the payment would be made minimum payment on the card (I did not contact about this issue, and, yes, of course all payments will be made), and then, after some time of verification, he informed me that there were no delinquencies on my credit card and there had been none before. To my reasonable question: “For what reason, in this case, is information about the delay indicated in the credit history?”, the employee hotline advised to contact the bank branch.

I followed the employee’s advice and on the same day contacted the subsidiary “Na Lavochkina” VTB 24. After explaining the situation to the branch employee, it took some time to check the information, after which the employee told me that there were no delays and there had never been any (exactly the same , which is what I heard on the phone). Next, the employee was provided with a printout of the credit history, which clearly shows information about the presence of overdue debt, after which he turned for help to a more experienced colleague, who helped find the reason.

The reason for indicating overdue debt in the credit history (according to bank employees) was the presence of an excess debt on a credit card. At the same time, the employees told me that there were 3 facts of the presence of over-limit debt, which led to information being sent to the BKI about the presence of 3 overdue payments. This fact shocked me - for the entire time I used it credit products I didn’t have a single case of overdue debt from other banks; all payments were always made on time. Here, in less than 1 month, I received 3 facts of delay, which completely destroyed my credit history, despite the fact that my obligation to make payments by the 20th day of the month (according to clause 6 of the individual conditions of the Agreement) was fulfilled in a timely manner, i.e. There were no late payments.

At the same time, the very fact of the formation of excess debt remained a mystery to me, because:
- when transferring c2c funds through the mobile application, the commission amount was initially displayed, taking into account which the transfers were generated. The total amount of the transfer and commission did not exceed the amount of the available account balance, due to which the mobile application did not generate an error about the card balance being exceeded, but allowed the transfer to be made.
- after some time, an additional commission was debited from the account, which brought the account to the over-limit. When the transfer itself took place, information about this commission was not indicated.

As a result, I inform the bank that I would never make a transfer from a card in an amount exceeding the available account balance. I was absolutely sure that the commission indicated when making a transfer in the mobile application was final, and no further additions. no commissions will be written off. I learned about the write-off of these commissions after the fact - i.e. much later than the actual transfer.

In connection with the above, I request:
1) Take action against the incompetent employees of the hotline and bank branch who provided me with incorrect advice.
2) Fix a problem in the mobile application that allows c2c funds to be transferred in an amount (taking into account all commissions) exceeding the amount of the available card balance.
3) Take measures to correct the damaged credit history, for the reasons:
- the absence of the fact of delay in making the regular payment in accordance with the terms of the Agreement;
- errors in the bank’s mobile application, which allows transfers in an amount exceeding the amount of the available balance (due to which a excess debt).

Overdraft by debit card. The bank writes that an over-limit debt has arisen. and got the best answer

Answer from Terminator-5[guru]
Overdraft can only be done on a credit card. But the trick is that with this credit card you can use your own money without resorting to the Bank’s money. Deposit your money and use it. They will simply charge you for servicing your credit card. But it may happen that you have spent your money and continue to use the card as if nothing had happened. In this case, you take money on credit from the Bank using your card at their cannibalistic interest rates. And here there can be so many people rushing in that it doesn’t seem like enough. You must carefully read the report that the Bank must send you monthly. Otherwise you will end up in debt.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Overdraft on a debit card. The bank writes that an over-limit debt has arisen.

Answer from Yergey Familny[guru]
There cannot be an overdraft on a debit card. Unless you withdrew the erroneously credited funds

Answer from Persifina[guru]
You need to contact the bank or they screwed up there or some conditions of the properties of your card played a role. It also happens, for example, that the salary is higher (i.e. the amount is incorrect)
you've credited it, you've withdrawn it in full, there's nothing left on the balance, then when they discover it's the same one and the overdraft, of course they can charge you for servicing the card, in short, tell them where you got the card from

Overdrafts sometimes occur on debit cards. This happens due to the so-called overdraft - when the client spends more money than he has in his account. Any debt that arises above the limit at VTB 24 is regulated by an agreement.

What is excess debt

VTB 24's excess debt is essentially a deliberate overspending. It can arise only if there is an appropriate agreement, which comes as an annex to the main contract.

Overdraft by salary or debit card

This overdraft is similar line of credit– it has the following characteristics:

  • duration grace period– at VTB it is tied to the end of the calendar month;
  • interest rate – 20%;
  • minimum monthly payment– 10% of the debt (plus interest);
  • limit, usually tied to the average salary.

Having the right to over-limit debt on a VTB 24 salary card, the client can spend more money than he has in his account, but must cover the debt within at least a month minimum payment. This turns a regular debit card into a hybrid with a credit card.

Technical overdraft

When the question arises, what is above-limit debt on a VTB card, you must definitely mention a technical overdraft. It occurs when two conditions coincide:

  • the client topped up the card, but the funds were not actually credited, although they were reflected on the balance;
  • the client made a payment that exceeded the account balance.

Also, technical overruns occur when making payments in foreign currency, if the conversion operation was carried out the next day, when the exchange rate changed not in favor of the client. Such debt arises due to the fact that payments do not have time to be processed on the bank’s business day and for other reasons.

Technically, the excess debt that arose in VTB 24 at salary card is not a debt and is not included in the client’s credit history. However, it will have to be paid, albeit without interest. Accrual of fines and penalties is also illegal.

How to pay off an overdraft

To repay VTB Bank's over-limit debt, it is enough to put the missing amount on the card. As a rule, an overdraft is closed automatically, and no special actions are required for this - this applies to both regular and technical overdrafts.

However, if the debt arose due to the fault of the bank, then it is fair to demand compensation from the credit institution. To do this, you need to contact the operations center or go to the VTB 24 branch and file a complaint. As a rule, there are no problems with payment of compensation. As a last resort, you can contact the bank.

How to cancel an overdraft

To avoid the occurrence of excess debt on a VTB 24 debit card, it is enough to terminate the concluded agreement. Usually it is signed automatically along with the main card service agreement, but many simply do not read the documents they sign.

To terminate the agreement, it is enough to send a corresponding application to the bank. As a last resort, you can simply close one card with an overdraft and open another, without the possibility of VTB 24 exceeding the limit debt.


Over-limit debt at VTB 24 may arise as a result of contractual relations for servicing payment cards. Such an overdraft occurs as a result of an overdraft permitted by the agreement, or as a result of a time delay between the purchase being made and the payment being made to the current account within the bank. To avoid the occurrence of such debt, it is necessary to terminate the corresponding agreement with the bank for servicing the card.

In some situations, your debit card account may become overdrawn. The situation when excess debt arises at VTB 24 is usually specified in the contract.

What is excess debt

Debt that exceeds the established limit is the result of deliberate overspending financial resources. It may appear in situations that are stipulated in a special agreement between the client and the bank in the form of an overdraft service.

Overdraft by salary or debit card

Overspending (overdraft) has some similarities in its parameters to a line of credit.

Overdraft features:

  • interest rate – 26% per year;
  • interest-free interval – 101 days;
  • the limit depends on the average parameters of the client’s income;
  • The monthly payment amount is 3% of the debt amount and bank interest is also added.

As a result of activating an overdraft on a debit and salary card, a larger amount may be spent Money than is present on the account.

VTB 24 over-limit debt on a salary card - what is it? It gives the right to spend on a salary card more money than is on the account. The resulting debt must be repaid with at least a minimum contribution within a month. Thus, a debit card acquires the capabilities of a credit card.

Temporary and actual technical overdraft

If we talk about over-limit debt, we must not forget about the possibility of a technical overdraft.

Simultaneous conditions for its formation:

  • the card was topped up when the money had not yet been credited to the account, but had already appeared on the balance;
  • payment was made for a purchase that was greater than the available amount in the account.

With technical overruns, a debt arises as a result of the formation of a time difference between the receipt of money and the processing of this payment. Besides, technical overdraft can be formed at the time of making a payment in a currency when it was exchanged the next day at a lower rate. This situation may be the result of later payment processing.

Excess debt salary cards, which arose due to technical reasons, will not affect the client's history. But, it still needs to be repaid without fines, penalties or bank interest.

Repayment of used overdraft

In order to pay off the overdraft, you will need to top up your account with the missing funds. Regardless of whether the debt is being repaid, technical or ordinary, no other additional actions are required from the client, since the closing of the overdraft is performed automatically.
If the debt arose through no fault of your own, you should contact the bank for compensation. You will need to file a complaint by telephone or by visiting the office in person.

How to cancel an overdraft

To prevent the formation of debt in excess of the established limit on debit cards, VTB 24 will need to terminate the agreement, which was executed simultaneously with the service agreement. To do this you need to submit to financial institution a certain application or close a card with an overdraft in order to subsequently open a completely new map and an account without this function.

Termination of the agreement completely eliminates the possibility of VTB 24 exceeding the limit debt.


Debt that arises in excess of the established limit is the result of an agreement between the client and the bank. It is considered a consequence of an authorized overdraft or may be caused by a time delay between the purchase and the receipt of money in the account. In order to exclude such situations, you will need to terminate the agreement with the bank.