Rko legal entities. Settlement and cash services

Settlement and cash services commercial bank legal entities forms the basis of modern financial system. Such cases when enterprises pay directly are a thing of the past. Now, in some cases, there are even criminal penalties for attempting to commit such actions.

general information

First, let's find out what constitutes cash settlement services for legal entities in a bank. This refers to the range of services that are provided by a financial institution and which are aimed at ensuring timely settlements of the organization with various entities. The procedure for their provision is regulated by the law “On Banks and banking", Civil Code Russian Federation And normative base Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Special attention should be paid to the Regulations on non-cash payments and other regulations. An agreement between the client and the financial institution is also required for work. It should be noted that settlement and cash services can be provided to individuals and legal entities, and not just the latter.

Basic RKO services

After the contract has been concluded, the organization must receive a checkbook. It will be needed to receive cash for employee salaries and the needs of the enterprise. There are basic and additional services. The first include:

  1. Issuance of account statements containing information about completed transactions.
  2. Cashless payments.
  3. Operations with funds (the phrase “cash service” can also be used to refer to this).

Basic services are usually free, or a nominal commission is charged for their implementation. To carry out any of the listed operations, you must use a unified form. The bank receives quite a good income for providing additional services. Some institutions have their own characteristics. Let's take Sberbank as an example. in that financial institution provides for the possibility of opening an account not only in rubles, but also in a number of other foreign currencies.

Legal regulation

We have already considered what laws and regulations act as the basis for relationships. But they regulate only in general and generally. Except legislative basis, in addition, an agreement on cash settlement services is concluded between the legal entity and the bank. There are no restrictions on the form of ownership for entering into such relationships. When all formalities are settled and open, the enterprise can dispose of its funds to conduct any activity, which does not contradict the law. If this process is being carried out for the first time, then special attention must be paid to the conditions for providing the following:

  1. Receiving and issuing cash.
  2. Ensuring prompt and uninterrupted movement of funds.
  3. Possibility of carrying out transactions with currency.

You can connect other services if you wish, but this depends on the desires and needs of the enterprise itself. If we talk about interaction, then two methods are used for these purposes, from which everyone chooses what is convenient for him:

  1. Classical. Provides for the transmission of orders personally on paper or through the mediation of a trusted person. Among the negative aspects, it should be noted that it is necessary to spend time traveling to the bank office, so relatively few enterprises use this method.
  2. Online banking. In this case, financial management is carried out remotely. Payment orders and requests are transmitted via the Internet. Due to its speed, flexibility and ease of use, this method is widely used by most organizations.

How is the calculation done?

When the bank receives an order from a company (it doesn’t matter in what way, the main thing is that it is confirmed that the document was sent by an authorized person), then it executes it according to the agreement. For this purpose, it is now considered good manners to use BESP. This abbreviation stands for banking electronic urgent payments. Using BESP, transferring money takes minutes. Although, according to the law, payment must be made within three working days. This is done in case of sudden and unexpected events that disable the system. Although such a quick execution of an order may incur an additional fee. And transfers, even using BESP, will take just three business days. If a bank practices such schemes, you need to think about whether to continue to be serviced by this financial institution. Fortunately, there are plenty of worthy competitors. Take, for example, such structures as Alfa Bank, Sberbank, VTB 24. Cash settlement services for legal entities, if the client does not satisfy the client, you can change the financial institution. Remember that we can vote with our wallets.


All enterprises that are located on the cash register of a certain financial institution can, after signing a separate agreement, make it possible to pay for goods without leaving the point of sale. True, in such cases it is necessary not only to take care of the availability of all the necessary equipment, but also to carry out a fairly significant number of control measures in a timely manner (primarily this relates to safety). The same can be said about accepting payment via payment cards on the World Wide Web. In such cases, terminals replace special forms that the buyer must fill out.

Cash transactions

The previously mentioned amount is used for this purpose. The amounts written out with its help are used to finance the economic side of the enterprise’s activities, pay wages and pay off with suppliers. A corporate bank card has recently become a kind of analogue for a checkbook. When registering it, a special account is opened, with the help of which the financial organization keeps a register of all completed transactions and issues statements with the amounts of turnover and cash balances. Let's consider the example of VTB. Cash settlement services for legal entities in terms of wages for employees are carried out by transferring a certain amount of money to bank card. But this approach is not convenient for some people, since they are used to being clients not of VTB, but of Sberbank. In this case, an accountant can additionally be sent to the bank, who will then receive the necessary amounts using a checkbook. As we can see, there are positive changes, but until the money transfer process is fully automated, certain obstacles often arise. If you have to travel with a significant amount of money, many large financial institutions offer collection services. It is available after the current account and the corresponding additional agreement have been signed.

Opening an account

This service can be either paid or free. It all depends on the bank's policy. But this amount is not prohibitive even for new enterprises - for such pleasure you will have to pay “only” a couple of thousand rubles. A few hundred more must be paid for servicing the current account. Many financial institutions only charge usage fees in months where there is at least one transaction. Certain deviations from the indicated values ​​may occur in cases where a currency account is opened rather than a ruble account. Abroad, accordingly, there are different prices for these services, which vary depending on local specifics.

Interaction with the tax service

This information will be useful to those who are just thinking about opening an account. The fact is that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a legal entity, when opening a current account, must report this to tax service no later than 5 days after the registration has been completed. If you fail to arrive on time, a fine will be imposed. If you don’t want to understand all the nuances yourself, you can entrust all the issues to a company specializing in this. The approximate cost of such a service will be about 2-3 thousand rubles.


You can tell a lot more about how the cash settlement system works, touching on various nuances and aspects. In general, if an entrepreneur or manager has at least a general understanding of cash management services, this will allow him to better understand the affairs of the subordinate company, which is undoubtedly a significant advantage.


Hello! In this article we will talk about bank services that form settlement and cash service for individual entrepreneurs, LLC and even individuals.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is included in RKO;
  2. Who is it intended for and what problems does it solve?
  3. How to choose a bank;
  4. How to open a cash register service on your own.

What is cash management services?

Cash and settlement services for clients (or abbreviated RKO) is a system of services provided by the bank and. RKO regulates everything monetary transactions, transfers of funds to business partners, suppliers, receiving payments from clients.

RKO – a set of banking services for storage and movement Money enterprises.

The essence of cash settlement services is to conduct and carry out financial transactions on it. Unlike a current account, a current account allows its owner not only to store finances, but also to manage them to conduct commercial and non-commercial activities.

Each bank sets its own service rates.

After the client enters into a settlement agreement with a financial institution, the bank takes over all financial transactions of the customer.

These include:

  • Non-cash and cash payments;
  • Generating account statements.

RKO for individuals

It is customary to talk about settlement and cash services in the aisles of services for enterprises and businessmen; on bank websites, tariffs for cash settlement services are most often located in the “Legal Entities” section.

Therefore, it is widely believed that RKO is a service for enterprises. But theoretically, individuals can also act as consumers of cash settlement services. They can also enter into an agreement with the bank to use their personal account for non-commercial purposes. For example, for non-cash payment of utility bills.

For citizens, RKO implies the following functions:

  • Account replenishment and cash withdrawal;
  • Non-cash payments;
  • Internet banking.

Often settlement services for individuals are paid by commission on specific transactions, but some banks offer separate tariffs, service packages from the “All Inclusive” area, for which a monthly subscription fee is set.

Document flow

A financial institution providing cash settlement services interacts with clients through certain documents.

The most common ones are:

  • Payment orders for non-cash payment of bills;
  • Forms for depositing cash into an account;
  • Checkbook and checks, which are issued upon receipt of cash at the cash desk;
  • Statements as a means of controlling expenses and receipts.

Legal regulation of RKO

Legally, the activities of RKO are regulated Civil Code RF, Federal Law“On banks and banking activities” and various provisions of the Central Bank of Russia.

The relationship between the parties is governed by an agreement, the conclusion of which is a mandatory condition for the provision of the service.

Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur. In this case, the form of ownership and cash flow do not matter.

According to the law, each organization or entrepreneur can have as many current accounts as they need to carry out their work.

As part of the agreement with the client, the bank providing cash settlement services undertakes, at the consumer’s request, to credit his funds to the current account, store them, issue and make payments and money transfers.

In what cases should you use RKO services?

In any business you can’t do without RKO if you need:

  • Transfer money to a non-cash account;
  • Transfer of salaries by bank transfer;
  • Withdrawing and receiving non-cash transfers;
  • Receiving bank account statements.

Organizing settlement and cash services for an LLC or individual entrepreneur is a common procedure for most financial institutions. For the bank this is another source of income, and for the client company it is a simplification of financial transactions.

Advantages of RKO

Why enter into an agreement with a bank if you can store money in your safe and pay non-cash bills through a bank operator?

Cash settlement services in a bank would not be so popular if it did not have its advantages:

  • Fast and accurate financial transactions;
  • Operational service;
  • Consultations of specialists;
  • Providing up-to-date information about the account status and transactions performed;
  • Guarantees from the bank regarding the confidentiality of commercial information and the safety of funds entrusted to it.

Thus, the bank is able to solve many problems in the financial life of an enterprise. RKO allows you to save time and sometimes money.

Components of RKO

Cash management services are not just about maintaining a current account. This is a whole range of services that banks provide to the best of their ability and at individual rates.

From the package of services offered by the bank, entrepreneurs can choose the most suitable moments at reasonable prices.

Cash transactions

Cash settlement services always include accepting cash from an entrepreneur. You can top up your current account in some banks only through a cash desk in the office, in others - through ATMs (with self-collection cards).

To withdraw cash from your account, there are two options:

  1. Checkbook. It is issued at the bank, according to which the account holder can receive funds at the bank’s cash desk for employees or for other needs.
  2. Corporate bank card. Allows you to receive cash through an ATM. At the same time, all transactions are also formalized and recorded by the bank.

For organizations with a large cash turnover, the bank can include collection services in the cash settlement package.

Transactions with non-cash funds

Within the framework of cash settlement services, the bank undertakes to carry out the client’s instructions regarding the movement of non-cash funds, timely provide information on cash receipts and outflows, and generate statements (information on the results of financial transactions).

A bank client can submit his instructions for carrying out monetary transactions in the classic way - with printed payments through an operator at the bank, or using Internet banking, which is becoming increasingly popular not only due to convenience, but also due to competitive tariffs (it is also more profitable for the bank to accept payment orders via the Internet and do not have a large office and a staff of tellers).


And - additional services that are part of cash settlement services, allowing the enterprise to accept from individuals non-cash payment(via bank cards).

This service is provided for a fee and, as a rule, the bank takes a certain commission for accepting non-cash payments.

For acquiring at a retail outlet, you will need to purchase or rent a special terminal (some banks provide it for free); in Internet acquiring, additional equipment is not required, it is replaced electronic form, filled out by the buyer.

Currency operations

For companies planning to work not only with Russian rubles, but also with foreign currency, banks include additional services in cash settlement services:

  • Purchase and sale of currency;
  • Sale of the obligatory part of foreign currency earnings;
  • Conversion;
  • Receive payment in foreign currency from foreign clients;
  • Payment of foreign currency bills.

A foreign exchange account consists of three accounts:

  • To manage the available currency – a current account;
  • To account for income – transit;
  • To account for purchased currency.

How to open a cash settlement in a bank

Opening an account for cash register services is becoming easier every year. Today you can book a current account through the bank’s website and accept payments to it on the same day.

In total, the procedure for opening an account consists of several stages:

  1. Selecting a bank;
  2. Select a tariff (if there are several);
  3. Collection and provision of documents;
  4. Concluding an agreement, drawing up a card with signatures and a seal (if available).

Depending on the bank, the entire procedure may take 1-5 days.


A list of documents required to open an account can be obtained from the financial institution. Banks have the right to establish their own procedure for servicing, opening an account and the form of documents.

Minimum package of documents:

  • Statement of intent to open an account;
  • Identity document (passport and quite often -);
  • If available - or organization;
  • Documents confirming state registration organization or individual entrepreneur ().

For legal entities, other documents may be required.

For example:

  • , certified by the seal of the tax service;
  • Protocol on the establishment of the company and the appointment of a director;
  • Documents for the legal address (, certificate of ownership);
  • If available, a constituent agreement, licenses, if the type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing.

In which bank to open a cash settlement

Below is a list of banks and the benefits of working with them. The selection of banks was carried out by collecting reviews.


This bank gained fame not so long ago, but now it is in a stage of active growth and development. Tinkoff does not hesitate to attract new clients through advantageous offers and promotions, inexpensive tariffs and delight regular partners with new upgrades.

You can open an account at official website of the bank in 5 minutes.

The range of services is quite wide: lending, acquiring, Internet banking, SMS notification system, and so on.

  • Monthly service – for individual entrepreneurs the first 3 months are free, then – from 490 rubles;
  • Money transfers – from 29 rubles per payment, or unlimited payments for 990 rubles per month;
  • Depositing funds into the account - depending on the tariff: 299 rubles for any amount or 0.25%, or unlimited deposit for 1990 rubles per month;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: up to 100,000 rubles – free, large amounts – from 1%.


Covers the widest range of banking services. Works with both individuals and legal entities.

You can open an account at official website of the bank.

Tariffs and additional services are calculated for both large enterprises, and for beginning businessmen. In addition, the geographical area covered is wide.

Sberbank branches and its ATMs are located even in small towns and villages.

The Sberbank Business Online system allows you to maintain several current accounts at the same time, and it is convenient to manage it through a mobile application.

The Sberbank Advisory Center provides round-the-clock support to its clients.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – from 1500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 1500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 32 rubles per payment, to on paper– from 300 rubles;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.6% of the amount, for other needs - from 1.4%.


This bank operates on the basis of Regional Credit, which has been known on the market for more than 20 years. It works only with representatives of small businesses, and accordingly offers services that are beneficial to them.

You can open it at official website of the bank in 5 minutes.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – 0-3000 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 0 to 90 rubles per payment;
  • Depositing funds into your account is free on most tariffs;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – 0-15%.


A modern bank with a youthful spirit and first-class service, created on the basis of the well-known Otkritie Bank. Convenient online payments, round-the-clock transfers from minimum commission. Each region has its own tariffs, so the cost of services may vary significantly.

You can open an account at official website of the bank in 5 minutes and start using it! This is great!

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 500 to 7500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: for legal entities - depending on the tariff, from five payments free of charge, and then from 30 rubles per transfer; for individuals - free up to 500,000 for individual entrepreneurs and up to 70,000 for;
  • Depositing funds into your account is free through Otkritie Bank ATMs;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal is free up to the amount determined by the tariff (from 10,000 rubles).


It is among the 500 largest global banks (according to The Banker magazine), in Russia it also occupies a leading position in terms of customer coverage, and is among the top 3 private banks.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – from 590 rubles;
  • Money transfers – 0-110 rubles, depending on the tariff;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.5% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal – from 0.2%.

More details at official website of the bank.

Alfa Bank

All services on a non-cash account can be carried out through the online account. You can hold several accounts at the same time, and in different currencies. The bank provides additional services (for example, lending) in full.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 850 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically - from 30 rubles per payment, on paper - from 0.1% of the amount;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.5% of the amount, for other needs - from 2.5%.

You can open an account at Alfa-Bank official website.


Founded in 1993, the head office is located in Moscow. Has the status of a universal bank and is part of the international financial group Societe Generale.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – free of charge when registering via the Internet;
  • Monthly maintenance is free for the first three months, then from 700 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 30 rubles per payment, on paper – from 250 rubles;

More details on the official website of Rosbank.


The bank provides services to key industries domestic economy(oil, gas, energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering and so on). One of the largest banks not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

  • Monthly maintenance – from 600 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 30 rubles per payment, on paper – from 200 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.02% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal – from 1%.


The main direction of the bank is retail and corporate business. The head office is located in Moscow, 6 branches and 280 sales points have been established throughout the country.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 1800 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 1000 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 10 rubles per payment, on paper – from 50 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: for wages - from 0.5% of the amount, for other needs - from 1%.

More details on the Uralsib official website.


Opened 23 years ago, it continues to grow and develop actively. The bank puts trusting relationships with clients first and receives a lot of positive feedback in return.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 0 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 0 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – up to 0.3% (minimum 19 rubles), within the selected package there can be from 10 free transfers;
  • Depositing funds into your account – no commission;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal – from 0%.

More details on the official website of Otkritie Bank.


VTB is a group of financial enterprises that includes about 20 banks. The most famous of them is VTB24. The main shareholder of the bank is the state, which gives the bank additional reliability.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 1000-4500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – 1000-2500 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 5 rubles per payment, on paper – from 250 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into an account – from 0.08% of the amount;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – from 0.5% of the amount.

Details at VTB official website.


Once one of the most popular banks, it is now beginning to lose ground, unable to keep up with modernization. Suitable only for those clients who are used to doing everything the old fashioned way, without using mobile banking and SMS notifications.

  • Monthly maintenance – from 900 rubles;
  • Money transfers: from 25 rubles per payment;
  • Depositing funds into the account – from 0.3% of the amount;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – from 1.2%.


The bank was established in 2000 for the agro-industrial sector and Agriculture. Today it is a universal bank providing a wide range of services to private clients and businesses. One hundred percent of the voting shares of the enterprise belong to the state.

  • One-time payment for opening an account – 2500 rubles;
  • Monthly maintenance – from 750 rubles;
  • Money transfers: electronically – from 6 rubles per payment, on paper – from 250 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into the account - as agreed by the parties;
  • Cash withdrawal fee depends on the region.

Post Bank

Bank from the VTB group. Created on the basis of Leto Bank in 2016. The main goal of the bank is to increase accessibility financial services for residents of our country, the bank especially focuses on pensioners. The bank currently provides settlement and cash services only to individuals.

  • Release bank card- for free;
  • Monthly maintenance is free;
  • Money transfers: up to 0.8%;
  • Depositing funds into your account – no commission;
  • Cash withdrawal fee – no commission.

AK Bars

Registered in 1993. It provides more than a hundred different services to both private and corporate clients (including large enterprises in the field of oil and gas exports).

  • One-time payment for opening an account – from 1000 rubles;
  • Monthly service – 400 rubles using Internet banking and 1200 rubles without using it;
  • Money transfers – from 50 rubles;
  • Depositing funds into your account is free;
  • Commission for cash withdrawals is on average 0.9%.

5 best banks for cash settlement services

From the entire list that you saw above, we settled on these four leaders in terms of price-quality ratio:

  1. Dot;
  2. Tinkoff;
  3. Modulbank;
  4. Promsvyazbank.
  5. Alfa Bank.

How to choose a bank

You need to be very careful when choosing a bank. A significant part of the company’s work process depends on the quality and cost of RKO.

For some companies, the speed of operations is important - fast payment accounts and prompt arrival of funds. For others, speed is not as important as low price, because when you have to do a lot mandatory operations, a high commission can cause a significant blow to the budget.

What to pay attention to.

The bank must first of all be reliable. Every collaboration has its own risks. And if these risks exceed the benefits that the bank is able to offer, you should not take this option into account.

Bank reliability criteria can be:

  • The bank's reputation among former clients, in the media and on the Internet. Of course, you will not find negative reviews on the official website of the bank, but on other resources, such as business forums, the Banki.ru portal and so on, you can find real reviews and expert opinions.
  • Timing of monetary transactions. Some banks issue cash and make wire transfers on the day of application, while others only after 3-5 days.
  • Geographical location and accessibility of the branch and ATMs, work schedule. Of course, today there are also Internet banks that do not have their own offices, but for some operations, especially when working with cash, an accessible branch is required.
  • Wide range of services. It is much more convenient to perform all transactions in one bank. You need to make sure in advance whether the bank is ready to provide all the necessary services. For example, not all organizations make payments in foreign currency.
  • Tariffs, commission amount. Some tariffs are beneficial for frequent non-cash payments, others for cash withdrawals.

Not always large bank- means reliable. Even the whales of banking sometimes fall into debt and lose their license. At the same time, a little-known bank with a small number of branches can operate quite calmly and at the same time maintain a balance of its liabilities and assets.

An organization or individual entrepreneur choosing cash settlement services is not required to settle on one bank. If you don’t like something, or you receive a more advantageous offer, you can always close your current account, terminate the contract and enter into a new one with another bank. The law does not limit the number of current accounts per company, so you can cooperate with several banks at once.

Bank selection procedure.

Step 1. Selecting a list of required services.

To begin with, it is important to understand which of the cash register capabilities will be required in the company’s work. It is necessary to take into account the specific features of your activity.

How often will you need to make non-cash payments, accept incoming transfers, make collections or withdraw cash? The answer to these and similar questions will help you understand which lines in the tariff plans you should pay special attention to.

For example, a retail store may require acquiring and frequent deposits of cash into the account, while convenient and inexpensive Internet banking may be required.

Step 2: Prioritization.

Once the picture of the required RKO emerges, it is necessary to decisively and finally place emphasis. If you decide that you need a bank with a small commission for withdrawals, then do not deviate from your decision.

Sometimes banks lure customers with lucrative offers and additional services that are actually not that important.

Step 3. Selection of banks, review of tariffs.

Next, it is necessary to select several banks whose services best meet the previously identified requirements. From a huge number of organizations (and in Russia there are neither more nor less banks, but almost 800) you need to choose 2-3 that provide the services you are interested in at the best prices.

Step 4. Analysis of information about banks.

The package of services and tariffs suit you, but what about the geographical location, service, availability of ATMs and offices? At the final stage, we recommend studying as much as possible all available information, including customer reviews.

Customer service is provided in accordance with operating hours.

Criteria for classifying clients as a foreign taxpayer client

When analyzing the possibility of classifying clients as a client - a foreign taxpayer "INTERPROGRESSBANK" ( Joint-Stock Company) (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) uses the following criteria:
1) place of registration in accordance with foreign legislation;
2) presence of outside control foreign citizens and/or foreign tax residents;
3) the presence of other signs of a foreign taxpayer in the Bank’s systems.

Methods of obtaining the necessary information from clients - foreign taxpayers

If it is necessary to obtain the necessary information from clients - foreign taxpayers, INTERPROGRESSBANK (Joint Stock Company) uses the following methods:
1) written and oral questions/requests to the client;
2) filling out by the client a form confirming/refusing the possibility of being classified as a foreign taxpayer;
3) analysis of available information about the client;
4) other methods that are reasonable and sufficient in the relevant situation.


"INTERPROGRESSBANK" (Joint Stock Company) offers to use the service

BASIC RATES of the Head Office of JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities (except for credit organizations) ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from December 23, 2015; for clients opening separate accounts of the Head Contractor, Contractor of the State Defense Order from December 9, 2015)
(pdf document, 584.93 Kb)

BASIC RATES of the Head Office of JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations) ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 07/04/2017)
(pdf document, 626.65 Kb)

BASIC RATES of the Head Office of JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations) ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 04/14/2017. For previously opened accounts, tariffs come into effect from 05/04/2017)
(pdf document, 617.93 Kb)

BASIC RATES of the Head Office of JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations) ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 10/24/2017; for clients who are Lead Contractors, State Defense Order Contractors from 10/04/2017)
(pdf document, 626.15 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE HEAD OFFICE OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 05/01/2015)
(pdf document, 568.56 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE HEAD OFFICE OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice opening accounts after 06/01/2014.
(pdf document, 572.99 Kb)

BASIC RATES of the Head Office of JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities (except for credit organizations) ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 01.10.2015, for clients opening separate accounts of the Head Contractor, Contractor of the State Defense Order from 18.09.2015)
(pdf document, 185.17 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE HEAD OFFICE OF JSC AB RUSSIA for settlement and cash services in the currency of the Russian Federation and in foreign currency for legal entities (except credit institutions), individual entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - Clients of JSC AB RUSSIA who opened accounts before 06/01/2014 (inclusive)
(pdf document, 589.78 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 05/01/2015)
(pdf document, 578.45 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from December 23, 2015; for clients opening separate accounts of the Head Contractor, Contractor of the State Defense Order from December 9, 2015)
(pdf document, 594.62 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice opening accounts after 06/01/2014.
(pdf document, 576.41 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 07/04/2017)
(pdf document, 635.75 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 04/14/2017. For earlier open accounts tariffs come into effect from 05/04/2017)
(pdf document, 623.44 Kb)

BASIC RATES OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities. persons (except for credit organizations), ind. entrepreneurs and individuals persons engaged in private practice (Valid from 10/24/2017; for clients who are Lead Contractors, State Defense Order Contractors from 10/04/2017)
(pdf document, 635.38 Kb)

BASIC TARIFFS OF THE CENTRAL and MOSCOW BRANCH OF JSC AB RUSSIA for settlement and cash services in the currency of the Russian Federation and in foreign currency for legal entities (except credit institutions), individual entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in private activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation practice - Clients of JSC AB RUSSIA who opened accounts before 06/01/2014 (inclusive)
(pdf document, 596.41 Kb)

TARIFF PLAN "CORPORATE" for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities (except credit institutions) operating in the fuel and energy industries and their subsidiaries, as well as for holdings and corporations, Clients of JSC AB RUSSIA (Valid from 10/24/2017)
(pdf document, 522.72 Kb)

“COMMUNICATION” TARIFF PLAN for transactions in the currency of the Russian Federation for legal entities (except credit institutions) engaged in the provision of mobile and fixed-line communication services, Internet access and cable TV, Clients of JSC AB RUSSIA (Valid from 10/24/2017 .)
(pdf document, 630.72 Kb)

Every legal entity, individual entrepreneur and even an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur and is engaged in private practice must have a special bank account through which all financial transactions related to the implementation of activities pass. In the context of rapid development banking sector and fierce competition among credit financial organizations and banking institutions, on financial market services you can find many profitable offers for settlement and cash services. Sberbank has been offering the most favorable conditions for cash settlement services for many years and is the undisputed leader in this area.

Page content

High quality of settlement and cash services is the key to success and a guarantee of business development. For every large businessman, small entrepreneur and even practicing person, it is imperative to properly organize financial side issue, which includes all settlements with clients, customers, suppliers and other business participants.

For this purpose, special programs have been developed that include a whole range of banking services that will significantly ease the lot of entrepreneurs and make their activities simpler and more understandable. Becoming a bank client and taking advantage of the package of services is much more profitable for several reasons:

  • the bank independently selects the range of necessary services, so inexperienced clients who do not understand all these intricacies of doing business can be calm and not worry that they did not take into account or missed something;
  • As people say, “cheaper in bulk,” so it is here: a set of services for cash settlement services will cost the client less than if he used each service separately at standard bank tariffs.

RKO: highlights

Cash settlement services mean a full range of banking services and functions for making financial payments in non-cash and in cash Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in private practice. In other words, cash settlement services should be understood as opening current accounts with their subsequent servicing.

Attention! Individuals Those engaged in private practice are people who do not conduct business and work for themselves. These include private lawyers, attorneys, notaries, tutors, teachers, doctors, etc.

In Russia, all issues related to the provision of this range of financial services are regulated by the following regulations:

  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Normative documents Central Bank Russia.
  3. Federal Law No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities” (dated December 2, 1990).

Like any other banking product or service, cash settlement services are provided to the client on a paid basis. The cost of a package of banking services for opening and maintaining (servicing) an account depends on the pricing policy of a particular bank, as well as on the tariff chosen by the client.

Current tariff plans in Sberbank

Sberbank, taking into account the needs and wishes of clients, has developed several tariff plans for settlement and cash services, which differ from each other:

  • the range of services that are included in the contents of the package;
  • the size of the commission (for enrollment, transfer, withdrawal of funds from the account, etc.);
  • limits on free banking services;
  • cost of maintenance, etc.

Today the following tariffs apply at Sberbank:

  • “Easy Start” tariff plan (tariffs are valid from February 5, 2018);
  • “Minimum +” service package (ideal for individual entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in private practice);
  • tariff "Basis +" ( best option for small and medium businesses);
  • “Active +” service package (contains the entire range of services for active business activities);
  • tariff plan "Optima +" (optimal set banking products and services for middle and big business with large cash flows and many financial transactions);
  • tariff " Great opportunities"(the contents of the package include a wide range of services and products, most of which are not limited).

Attention! All tariffs of currently valid service packages, except for “Easy Start”, are valid from February 1, 2018.

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own tariffs for settlement and cash services for legal entities (institutions, organizations, enterprises), individual entrepreneurs and individuals, therefore, even within the same package of services, bank rates for a particular product/service may differ slightly. For comparison, you can see the tariffs in force in the capital of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg.

Table. Cash settlement tariffs for legal entities in Sberbank, valid in the capital of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg.

Type of service providedCost, rub.
MoscowSaint Petersburg
Opening a current account (s/c)3 thousand2.3 thousand
Opening a bank account with connection to one of the existing tariff plans for cash settlement servicesFor freeFor free
Account maintenance, per month1.7 thousand1.6 thousand
Transfer of funds between accounts opened with Sberbank11 rubles11 rubles
Making a money transfer to the recipient's current account at another banking institution32 rubles35 rubles
Transfer of funds from a corporate client’s account to the account of the Federal Tax Service, to the state budgetFor freeFor free
Enrollment fee sums of money to a bank account by depositing cash using a customer self-service device0.3% of the amount deposited into the account0,2%
Fee for withdrawing cash from the account for various purposes:
  • within 2 million rubles per month;
  • within the amount of 2 to 5 million rubles per month;
  • more than 5 million rubles per month
  • 1.4% of the withdrawal amount (minimum commission amount is 250 rubles);
  • 4,0%;
  • 3.0% (min. 200 rubles);
  • 4,0%;

Tariffs for services included in the RKO package differ even if we are talking about Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, etc. For example, the cost of banking services for a current account per month in the Moscow region is 2.1 thousand rubles, while in the capital this service will cost clients 400 rubles less.

Conditions for the RKO tariff plan “Easy Start”

This package of services consists of the most necessary for a simple and pleasant start of banking products. It is designed and intended specifically for those who are not yet familiar with the specifics of Sberbank's cash settlement services and are not entirely sure of choosing a servicing bank. The terms of service in the “Easy Start” tariff plan are quite simple and understandable:

  • opening and maintaining (banking services) a current account - the service is free, provided that the client has only one ruble account within one territorial branch of Sberbank;
  • there is no commission for making any payments and money transfers to current accounts opened with Sberbank, the recipients of which are legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs;
  • once a month according to current conditions tariff plan, each client has the opportunity to make three payments to an account in another bank without commission (for the fourth and each subsequent payment a commission of 100 rubles will be charged);
  • when opening an account and ordering the “Easy Start” service package, the client receives a corporate plastic card, the first 12 months of service of which are free;
  • for replenishing a bank account through customer self-service devices (ATMs, information and payment terminals, etc.), a commission of 0.15% of the amount deposited into the account is charged if the funds are deposited at a bank branch through operating cash desk, then the commission fee will be 1%;
  • when withdrawing funds from an account within 5 million rubles through an ATM, the commission will be 3% of the amount, at the bank’s cash desk - 5%, but if the amount exceeds 5 million rubles, the system commission will be 8%.

Attention! Unlike other tariff plans for cash register services in force today, the tariffs and conditions of the “Easy Start” service package are the same for all regions of Russia.

Other RKO tariff plans

All current accounts intended for carrying out financial transactions in the process of doing business and private practice, in Sberbank you can open as in national currency Russian Federation and foreign (US dollars, euros). When opening a current account, the remote banking service (RBS) is connected to it, carried out through:

  1. "Sberbank Business Online".
  2. "Sberbank Business".

What is included in a particular service package, the limits and cost of packages can be found in the table below.

Table. Conditions and tariffs of RKO service packages valid in Moscow.

Package contents (banking services)Service package “Minimal +”Service package “Basis +”Service package “Active +”Package of services “Optima +”Package of services “Great opportunities”
Number of serviced accounts with RBS1 current account1 current account1 current account1 current account1 current account
Limit for making payments to legal entities’ accounts with and without RBS:
  • to an account with Sberbank (as well as to subsidiary banking institutions of Sberbank PJSC);
  • to an account opened in another banking institution
Up to 5 paymentsUp to 20 paymentsUp to 50 paymentsUp to 100 payments
  • unlimited number of payments;
  • up to 100 payments
Transfer of funds from a legal account to an individual accountUp to 300 thousand rubles
Limit on crediting funds by depositing cash through IPT or using corporate card Up to 30 thousand rublesUp to 100 thousand rublesUp to 100 thousand rublesUp to 500 thousand rubles
Limit on withdrawal of funds using a corporate card issued when opening a bank account and without it (also when closing a bank account)Up to 500 thousand rubles
Registration of electronic certificates about completed transactions on the accountNo limit setNo limit setNo limit setNo limit setNo limit set
Issuance of a duplicate statementNo limit setNo limit setNo limit setNo limit setNo limit set
Annual servicing of a corporate business card issued for a bank account+
SMS notification service about account transactions+
SMS notification service for corporate card+
Cost of service package for 1 month990 rubles2.7 thousand rubles3.4 thousand rubles4.1 thousand rubles13.4 thousand rubles
Cost of services for 3 months7.695 thousand rubles9.69 thousand rubles11.685 thousand rubles
Cost of services for six months14.58 thousand rubles18.36 thousand rubles22.14 thousand rubles

The data given in the table is relevant only in Moscow. You can get acquainted with the tariffs for other Russian cities and regions, as well as find out more detailed information about the services provided on the corresponding page of the official website of Sberbank.

The established limit on transactions does not mean that the client cannot exceed it. Under the terms of settlement and cash services at Sberbank, clients can not only exceed the established limit, but also use additional services that are not included in the current tariff plan, for an additional fee according to the bank’s standard prices.

For example, the commission for a money transfer to a legal entity’s account in Sberbank in excess of the limit within the framework of the “Minimum +”, “Basis +”, “Active +” and “Optima +” tariff plans will be 50 rubles per payment. And if exceeded established by the bank limit on making transfers to accounts opened in other banking institutions as part of the “Great Opportunities” package, the system commission will be 100 rubles for each such transfer.

Attention! According to the terms of the current tariff plans for settlement and cash services, there are no restrictions on payments made with settlement accounts of financial organizations, as well as those whose intended purpose does not go beyond the payment wages, social transfers, etc.

Advantages of settlement and cash services at Sberbank

Most consumers of banking products and services prefer Sberbank, since it has been proving its reliability, stability and competitiveness for decades. If we are talking about settlement and cash services in this bank, then it has a number of advantages that once again emphasize the reliability of Sberbank:

  • 24-hour technical support for customers, assistance in solving a wide range of problems, advice on various issues over the phone using a specially dedicated telephone line for corporate clients;
  • the largest network of ATMs, information and payment terminals and bank branches in the Russian Federation;
  • high degree of reliability of various financial transactions using our own settlement system jar;
  • 24-hour access to a remote customer service system, allowing you to use most banking products and services without visiting a bank branch;
  • access to profitable credit offers for successful business and entrepreneurial activity;
  • favorable terms of deposits for corporate clients of Sberbank;
  • the highest quality of service, as well as consultations on the implementation exchange control and conducting foreign economic activities;
  • the ability to carry out financial transactions with many currencies of the world;
  • when opening an account and connecting to one of the current RKO tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, Sberbank donates up to 120 thousand rubles for the first Internet advertising campaign.

  • Prepare full package necessary documents for submitting an application for the provision of a range of banking services and opening an account.
  • If there is an urgent need, you can use the remote service and reserve an account for yourself without leaving your home and receive your account number online within a few minutes.
  • From the date of booking your account online, within 30 calendar days you must go to the nearest bank branch and provide the prepared papers (copies and originals).
  • During a personal visit to the bank (upon submitting a package of documents), an account will be opened for the client, and additional services will be activated (optional) - “Self-collection”, “Service package”, “Sberbank Business Online”, etc.
  • After checking the submitted documents, the client will have access to various expense transactions by cash account, including use remote service"Sberbank Business Online".
  • Attention! Having received an account number and reserved it online, the client can use it to accept payments and money transfers immediately after the reservation and even before visiting a bank branch. You can carry out debit transactions with your account only after submitting all the necessary documents to the bank.

    It often happens when there is a need to open one or more additional current accounts. Sberbank allows this possibility and is doing everything to improve the level of customer service. According to the terms of cash settlement services in a given banking institution, to open a second (third, etc.) account, you must:

    1. Use the Sberbank Business Online RBS service and create an electronic request to open an additional bank account.
    2. An individual entrepreneur or the sole executive body of a legal entity has the right to sign a request to open another account.
    3. After the request has been successfully created and signed by an authorized person, the document should be sent for review to the banking institution.
    4. The bank will send the result of consideration of the application to the email address specified by the client, in which it will provide information about opening a bank account, connecting to the SMS notification service and to the Sberbank Business Online remote access service to accounts.
    5. If the need arises, the client can print out his application in the remote banking system.

    Attention! Opening a second and each subsequent account through the Sberbank Business Online online customer service system is possible only if the bank has all Required documents in paper (natural) form.

    Each Sberbank client has an excellent opportunity to choose the optimal and most favorable conditions for settlement and cash services, taking into account the specifics of their business, volumes money turnover and the frequency of making various payments. For beginners, Sberbank recommends giving preference tariff plan“Easy start” with free opening and maintenance of a current client account and all necessary banking services for successful business activities.