How to earn money by taking a bank loan. How to make money on a credit card

How to make money with bank money? Honest and legal!

The bank issues a credit card (NOT a debit card!). Definitely with a grace period. That is, with the condition that for a certain period the bank will not charge you interest for the card loan if it is fully repaid by a certain date. Usually this is the 20th of the next month, i.e. Grace period is 50 days maximum (sometimes 55 and even 60 for some banks). If you pay for all your purchases only with a credit card, and on day X you completely repay the debt calculated by the bank for the previous month, Bank loan will be interest-free. :)
Now, actually, a life hack. Let's say you receive your salary on the 1st of every month. Put it in full - minus small change for taxis, lunches, beer and cigarettes - into a deposit, and pay for other purchases with a credit card. The main thing is not to spend more than you earn. On the 1st of the next month you will receive your next salary, from these funds on the 20th you will close the loan on the card. Thus, the first monthly earnings will remain on the deposit and earn interest. Essentially, the bank starts paying you for using the credit card and their money. After closing the loan, a new one is automatically opened for you for the same amount and also with a grace period. Is the hint clear? ;)
Taking into account the fact that now a deposit can be opened directly in the Internet bank, receive card account statements there and see the amount of debt to the bank to repay the card debt, the scheme is significantly simplified. Yes, and you can immediately receive your salary through your online deposit. By the way, in many banks the interest rates on online deposits are even slightly higher than on deposits opened in the office.
Profit? At least 5-8% per annum (at current rates) on a deposit equal to the average monthly expenses on the card. Moreover, it will remain on deposit for exactly as long as this scheme will be used. If you actively use Internet banking, and also deposit your second salary on the 1st of the next month, and transfer it to pay off the card debt on the 20th, your winnings will increase by approximately 1.6 times. The expenses are an annual fee for servicing a credit card, 500-1000 rubles, plus a subscription fee for Internet banking (if any). To make the game worth the candle, you must follow three simple “don’ts”:
1. DO NOT withdraw money against your credit card's credit limit. Never. Cash withdrawal fees in this case from banks are draconian.
2. DO NOT forget to repay the loan on time and in full. Interest rates on credit cards with a grace period are higher than on other card products.
3. DO NOT exceed credit limit and do not spend more on the card than you earn. The first is fraught with large fines, the second - the inability to repay the debt on time, which makes the whole scheme meaningless.
There is no doubt that such use of credit cards is a game on the brink of a foul. You can join it only if all the “safety cushions” have already been formed, and your income is constant and regular. Then you can play cat and mouse with the bankers. The bank will try to catch you breaking the rules, and you will try to avoid its cunning traps. In general, it won't be boring.

Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money with cards.

  • How much can you earn: 4 - 5% of salary per month.
  • Minimum requirements: Availability of debit and credit cards.
  • Is it worth doing: definitely yes .

General information on making money on cards

Banks have long become an integral part of our lives. They get the money we spend. But there is a way to slightly improve the situation. You can make money from bank cards, practically without performing any actions.

There are four ways to earn income using cards:

  1. Interest accrual on wages.
  2. Cashback.
  3. Cashing out borrowed funds from a credit card.
  4. Free lending.

Let's take a quick look at each of these methods.

Accrual of % on wages

The earning scheme is extremely simple. You receive your salary - transfer it to, and use a credit card for regular expenses. As soon as the grace period approaches its end, transfer money from a debit card to a credit card and pay off the debt.

This way, you can earn income without putting any effort into it. And if you leave the income on the card, then over time you can easily accumulate a fairly large amount.

This is the simplest and most effective way to make a profit. You won't need to do anything, literally just a few movements every 1 to 3 months.


This is the most difficult way to earn additional income. You'll need earning credit and debit cards for the product categories you spend the most money on.

Be careful! Bonus categories for some cards change every 3-6 months. Study the information on the bank’s website or in its official groups on social networks.

Cashback not only brings additional income. It teaches you how to properly distribute your personal budget and understand how money is spent.

In order to control your spending, you can enter it into a simple table Excel. Every month you fill out the columns and roughly plan your expenses by category.

This approach will significantly increase your income, self-discipline and help you better understand the methods of earning and saving.

Cashing out from a credit card

This is another option for earning additional income. You will need:

  1. A credit card with a long grace period and no fees for wire transfers to other cards.
  2. Debit card with maximum interest on the balance.

The essence of the method is as follows:

You transfer borrowed money from a credit card to a debit card. Wait until the end of the grace period for the loan. Transfer money back. Interest remains on the card.

By working this way, you also do not make unnecessary movements. It's just that you use borrowed funds bank to receive income from them. The same couple of clicks every 1 - 3 months, and now additional money is already in your pocket.

Free lending

If you want to develop your own business, then you need initial capital. And there are not many ways to get it for free: interest-free loans, grants. All this is quite difficult for a beginner in business to implement. Credit cards are one way for small businesses with a short production cycle to receive free funds. What kind of business is it suitable for:

  1. Creating communities on social networks.
  2. Seasonal business.

The main thing is that you should receive your investment in the first few months. The ideal option is to resell goods. Every time you purchase products, you can use borrowed funds. They sold it -> they gave the loan back without overpayments -> they took the profit for themselves.

If you are a cool currency specialist and have a rough idea of ​​when the rate might fall and when it might return, you can use borrowed money to carry out your operations. Use borrowed funds -> convert into foreign currency -> wait for the exchange rate to increase -> convert back -> return the funds. But here you have to take into account commissions, so it’s not suitable for everyone.

Is this legal

This is absolutely legal and does not contradict the rules of banks. You simply use borrowed funds to generate additional income. The bank will not be able to charge you with any money laundering or other illegal activities.

Despite this, some banks do not approve of this behavior. They try to limit withdrawals from credit cards by adding transfer fees. Read the contract carefully.

But overall, this is a rather beneficial symbiosis for the bank and the client. Each party receives its own profit from such relationships.

What are the benefits of the bank?

Banks make profit from cards in different ways:

  1. Commission for issuing and servicing cards.
  2. % on the loan.
  3. Using client funds for debit cards as a safety cushion.
  4. Increasing reputation.

Everything is simple with commissions and interest. They are indicated in the contract and are understandable to everyone. Even from a card with a grace period for lending, the bank receives income. Some people, especially in the first few months, have little control over their cashless spending. And then, at the end of the interest-free period, you still owe a certain amount.

The remaining two points are a more sophisticated method of earning money. Credit organizations use a minimum balance on debit cards in order to be able to issue loans. That is, the bank also lends at the expense of its clients’ funds.

Banks' own capital is not that big. And rates cannot satisfy the appetite for profitability Russian economy. Therefore, you have to use either borrowed funds in other countries, or such practically free methods of raising funds.

Reputation for a bank is a rather serious factor. If you are a bank card holder, then most likely you will apply for a loan there. And perhaps you will advise your friends to apply for cards and take out loans from this particular credit institution. This increases loyalty and direct receipt arrived.

And banks often make money from their partners. Credit organizations that arrange joint actions with representatives of large retail chains, they take a percentage of the profit from sales. That is, the bonuses awarded to clients are often offset by the bank’s profits.

As you can see, banks receive undoubted benefits from any cooperation with clients.

How much can you earn on cards?

The biggest earnings come from cashback. With the right approach, you can return up to 5% from each salary. More real figure— 3% of salary every month.

If your family expenses every month amount to around 100,000 rubles, then you can receive 3,000 rubles. This is 36,000 rubles of income from purchases per year.

If you shop online, you can earn even more by using special cashback services.

For example, your family budget for the month is 100,000 rubles. This means that you will receive 500 rubles every month - that’s 6,000 rubles a year. If you are approved for a credit limit of 150,000 rubles, then you can receive 750 rubles every month or 9,000 rubles per year. On two credit cards - 18,000 rubles per year, respectively.

If you put the profit received in a bank deposit account when current rates at 7%, then with an income of 100,000 rubles per month you will receive 170,000 rubles. And you don't have to do anything for this.

The profitability of such operations greatly depends on the economic situation. The more unstable the economy, the higher the deposit rates. For example, Rocketbank cards a year and a half ago gave about 8% per annum on the balance, now it’s 5.5%.

Which cards to use

Card conditions are constantly changing, so I will give some examples of the most popular cards on which you can earn money:

  • On credit card Tinkoff Black.
  • On an Alfa-Bank credit card.
  • On a Rocketbank debit card.
  • On the debit card of Rosgosstrakh Bank.

This is a kind of “Gentleman’s Set” that almost always needs to be used. The cards have pleasant conditions, are not very expensive to maintain and have a high cashback.

Do not try to make money on credit cards of Sberbank, VTB and Rosselkhozbank. Since it's very large banks, they set conditions much worse than their competitors.

Now let's move on to the general parameters for selecting cards. What we pay attention to when choosing debit cards:

  • Interest on balance. It's the most important. We will credit the card with the highest interest rate with your salary and cashed-out income from the cards.
  • Cashback amount. This is the second most important indicator. If on the same card high percent, and on the other - a profitable cashback, it is better to take two and separate the finances.
  • Bank reliability. It will be very unpleasant if the Central Bank revokes the license of the bank in which your money is located. Deposits up to 1.4 million are insured, but while you are standing in line to receive money, you may overstay the grace period of the loan.
  • Rates. There is no need to buy premium cards, for which you will have to pay 5-6 thousand a year. In addition, take a close look at Additional services like SMS notifications, online banking, etc.
  • Replenishment methods. If you receive your salary on the card, then everything is fine. But if half the amount comes in an envelope, then you will have to take into account the location of ATMs. Some banks charge a commission for transactions through other people's ATMs, and spending several hours traveling back and forth to transfer money is not very convenient.

Try to take into account the amounts and number of cards. The smaller the amount you have, the fewer cards you will have to use.

For credit cards, everything is almost the same. The most important parameter is the grace period. The longer it is, the more convenient it is. Then comes the credit limit and cashback.

Choosing a card is the most important part of this earning scheme. Treat it carefully.

There are several general tips that will help you make money on cards. There are only 4 of them, but they are really important.

Control your income and expenses.

If you can't control your expenses, then with a credit card you can easily go beyond your monthly expenses and won't be able to pay off the debt before the end of the grace period. This means that, most likely, you will not only earn nothing, but also spend it.

To control your spending, all you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Just distribute your money into several categories, for example:

  1. Products, clothes.
  2. Housing.
  3. Entertainment.
  4. Savings.
  5. Unexpected expenses.

And divide the funds according to monthly expenses. This will kill some of the romance in unexpected expenses, but will allow you to save significantly and increase your budget.

Read the terms of the contract.

To make money on cards, you need to know how they work. Interest accrual, grace period, transfers between cards, cash withdrawals, additional bonuses, cashback, etc. - you must take all this into account and understand how the system works.

The same applies to regular promotions and additional bonuses. As I said earlier, the bonus categories for which cashback is awarded may change. Therefore, check the bank’s website once or twice a month or simply subscribe to its group on social networks.

Take a smart approach to earning cashback.

Of all four listed methods, making money from cashback is the most difficult. You not only need to pre-select cards, but also pay every time with the right card. Of course, this is not necessary, but extra income never hurts.

The standard cashback income is 1 - 1.5%. If you approach this more responsibly, you can receive up to 4 - 5% of your income in bonuses every month.

Try to issue cards during promotional periods.

In order to ensure that each bank tries to do as much as possible profitable proposition. For cards this is an extended grace period, increased percentage for the balance, big cashback, etc. But promotions are a temporary phenomenon.

Welcome bonuses can also be considered as promotions.

That is why it is better not to hesitate during promotional periods. You see a good offer -> it meets your requirements -> apply. The longer you think, the more likely it is that conditions may change and you won't get a good product that could increase your income.

These are simple tips, but they require discipline. You can easily earn additional income without doing anything at all: just change cards periodically when you go shopping.


Making money on cards is an ideal option for everyone. Regardless of your income, position and status, you can additionally receive from 5 to 60 thousand rubles every year. This is a kind of 13th salary, money out of thin air that can be obtained by fulfilling simple conditions.

This little life hack will help you earn more with only a few cards at your disposal. Not using it means missing out on a good opportunity.

Unfortunately, not all of us can live within our means. Especially when there is not enough money to live. In 2017 alone, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the demand for microloans in Russia increased by 62.4%. And where there is demand, there is supply. And where there are offers, you can make money. And it’s good if you can earn money without investment. We’ll tell you how to do this without any problems right now.

You should not think that the demand for microloans is generated by people experiencing financial difficulties. Such people make up no more than 22% of the total number. Surprisingly, 58% are the main part of users who take out microloans to purchase smartphones, household appliances and other consumer goods. The remaining 20% ​​are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The average loan amount is 9.5 thousand rubles. That is, the bulk of consumers of “loan money” are normal people who have somewhat miscalculated their financial capabilities. On the other hand, they have no refusals to issue cash loans.

Microloans- a civilized way to “borrow” money. There is no need to bother friends, there is no need to turn to semi-criminal personalities, there is no need to spoil relationships with people with all kinds of debts, requests and subsequent return of money. Microloans- it’s always convenient, fast and located near the house. The process of issuing loans is streamlined and the time to receive money does not exceed 15 minutes. Sometimes it takes longer to buy bread. Therefore, more and more people are turning to such forms of loans. The main thing is without fanaticism. The ease of issuing a loan is offset by the difficulty of repaying the debt. Once you miss the repayment deadline, interest accrues... but let’s not talk about sad things. After all, we remember that the majority of borrowers are decent people who temporarily lacked the required amount for an important purchase.

The Internet, as the most progressive form of communication in our time, has not remained aloof from these financial processes. It is in the global network that microloans have gained great popularity. And it’s clear why. There are no office hours on the Internet - everything works around the clock; there are no queues or imposition of services - the user himself chooses what he needs; Yes, you don’t need to look for a money issuing point - just enter your phone number, passport details and information about the card to which the money will be received. And within 15 minutes, the account balance will increase by the loan amount. Everything has been done to make the process of borrowing money easy and relaxed. In some online stores it is more difficult to make a purchase than to take out an urgent loan today.

Great competition that has formed in the market of microfinance organizations issuing short-term loans allows the user to choose more favorable conditions; more transparent interest rates; more reliable companies. And the process is reciprocal. It is no longer uncommon for some organizations to issue the first loan at 0% - the so-called money without interest. Of course, you can get small amounts without interest and for a short period of time. But those 58% of people who buy smartphones, household appliances and other non-essential items welcome such offers very warmly.

Of course, there is no altruism here; organizations expect that by issuing one interest-free loan, they will be able to turn a one-time client into a permanent one. And clients who take out a loan at 0% expect that this is the first and last time. In any case, at the intersection of these interests, where money is distributed without interest, quite a large demand arises. And this demand must be satisfied. And therefore it is possible to make money by satisfying great demand.

How to make money on microloans issued without interest

You can, of course, open your own microfinance organization, but this is quite difficult and requires capital expenditures. That is, it does not suit everyone. Or you can open the website - one of the largest aggregators of affiliate programs of microfinance organizations and various banks. It is in this aggregator that there are those offers where money is offered without interest.

Registration on the site is quite simple. And it’s familiar to any blogger who knows how to work with affiliate programs. Yes, in principle, to every user who managed to register, for example, on Vkontakte. After registration, in the catalog Leads You can find several companies that meet our conditions - issuing money without interest.

For example, IFC Ezaem— offers 15 thousand rubles at 0% for everyone who does this for the first time on their website. That is, for those who, thanks to the offer, become closer, for example, to the desired iPhone by fifteen thousand rubles. Or a Samsung phone. Or some other dream. Which can be managed, groomed and cherished. But 15 thousand rubles were not enough to complete it.

And thanks to this offer you can earn money. For each new application for issuance made through an affiliate link, we are paid 1680 rubles. The main thing is to register through Leads. And get an IFC Ezaem affiliate link. If you can’t do it yourself, the aggregator has responsive technical support. She will help you with any issue and tell you how to do it correctly.

A matter of technology: how to advertise your link

This postulate will make an advanced webmaster or blogger laugh. He knows how to advertise various affiliate links. For those who have no idea, our tips below will be useful. But without knowledge of how the Internet works, it won’t work.

On the other hand, we know examples when one inexperienced VKontakte user, who has 100 real friends, simply posted an Ezaem affiliate link on his wall with a request to look, in case someone might find the offer useful. And, as it turned out, 30 people immediately took out this loan without interest. It is easy to calculate that this user spent his 30 * 1680 = 50,400 rubles with great pleasure. And you say that making money on the Internet is difficult!

It's very easy if you follow some simple tips.

  • Social recommendations. Any blogger or owner of any group on social networks dedicated, for example, to shopping in China, can recommend a link to their subscribers. Or just friends. Or simply, in your group or blog, offer to buy a new Xiaomi smartphone on credit at 0%. Because phones from this manufacturer cost much less than 10 thousand rubles. And you don’t even have to be the owner of the group, it’s enough to have at least 1 friend in social network. Recommendations from someone you know are recommendations that always work well. Perhaps this particular friend needs an urgent loan without interest?
  • Local forums and communities. This is also a kind of recommendation. You can find a thread where people are discussing financial questions. And advise them to get a loan at 0%. You can connect to a community of joint purchases. You can join a local car enthusiasts club. Money is a subject that will always be on everyone's lips. Because until now, no one can live without money for a long time. This is how modern society works.
  • Youtube. A separate platform of recommendations, designed with a video, where an overview and personal experience They also allow you to find those who need microloans. If you can create your own video and post it once, you can get a constant flow of registrations, and in the case of a loan, up to 1,680 rubles per person. Excellent scheme! You don’t do anything, they watch the video, and they pay for each registration.
  • Own website with visitors. The more visits, the more more income. Only 100 applications will bring up to 168,000 rubles. Think about it, if there are only 100 loan applications every month, that is, 3-4 applications a day (which is not so much), then the monthly earnings will reach 168 000 rubles This, for a minute, is a fairly large monthly salary even for Moscow and the Moscow region, but here is a website and 100 applications per month. Free time can be put to good use by spending 168 thousand rubles, such a financial pun.

In general, anyone legal way distributing affiliate links - suitable. Working with MFO affiliate links means working with CPA platforms. The main thing is to know the place where profitable affiliate links are given, for example,

28 min. reading

Updated: 01/13/2020

I have been benefiting from this for a long time now banking products. It's not difficult and you don't need to be a genius financier to do it. In this article I will tell you how you can make money with credit cards.

The article will discuss not only credit cards, but also debit cards with interest on the balance, a grace period, and cashback.

The essence of earning money lies in the following: all income (salary) that you receive is immediately placed on a debit card with interest accrued on the balance (hereinafter referred to as Income Card). This is similar to a bank deposit, but more flexible (later I’ll tell you why it’s flexible and which card to choose). Thus first source of income- This is the accrual of interest on our salary.

But do we need to live on something? We will live on bank loans. Here, uninformed people will object: “You have to pay for the loan?!” We will use cards with a grace period for lending, and if you do not go beyond this period, you will not have to pay anything, only for card servicing, but there are options here too, more on that below.

Second source of income- this is cashback. When we spend credit money, banks return part of the money spent back to us in the form of cashback. This is a bonus from the bank for using their card. I wrote a separate large article in which I talk about non-obvious schemes for using cashback that allow me to receive 50-60 thousand rubles annually:.

Third source of income– this is cashing out credit funds bank and storing them on or on an income card.

Fourth source of income is the use of credit cards with a grace period as a source of financing for small businesses. In this way, I purchased goods in China and Taiwan, and then resold them through an online store. At the same time, the loan was completely free for me.

I talked about this scheme in the program “Double Standards” on NTV.

Loans against savings

In this scheme, we will need several credit cards and several income cards, which ones I will specifically describe below. In the meantime, let me tell you in more detail how it all looks in our family.

How to use cards?

Our family has about a dozen different cards. They change periodically, cards with outdated conditions are retired, and newbies come to replace them. We use some cards every day, some work once a month, and there are cards that generally gather dust on a shelf, but at the same time they remain in use.

Before you go shopping, look at the reminder on your phone, which indicates in which store which card is more profitable to use. For example, we go to Magnit for groceries with a debit card from Rosgosstrakh-Bank, we fill up with a credit card from Alfa-Bank, we pay for housing and communal services and communications with a credit card from Eastern Bank etc.

There, on the phone, there is a program for controlling family budget, by looking into which you can immediately see which card has reached the cashback limits, and which is still far from reaching them. The fact is that each card, as a rule, has such limits for receiving cashback, usually from 1,000 rubles. up to 5,000 rubles, which limits the number of bonuses, which is why you have to have not one card, but several.

What kind of restrictions are these?

For example, with the Excellent card of Rosgosstrakh Bank, until March 2019, you could get 5% cashback for expenses in supermarkets and grocery stores. Limit – 1,000 rub. cashback, this means that the maximum you could spend with such a card was only 20,000 rubles. (5% = 1000 rubles), no longer makes sense, since cashback will not be credited. Therefore, we put the Rosgosstrakh card on the shelf and take another, albeit less profitable one.

Many of the available cards can be linked to Android Pay and Apple Pay. This is true when several people in the family use the card at once and they are in different places, or you cannot or do not want to carry the cards with you all the time.

1 There are long-lived cards in our family. One of these is the Home Credit Bank credit card - Platinum with Benefit, which I have been using since 2012. But I don't recommend this card to you. Why don't I recommend it? Because if you apply for it now, you will have expensive annual maintenance - 4990 rubles. and the cashback is less, while more interesting solutions can be found on the market.

I do not have annual maintenance; instead, a monthly fee of 149 rubles is charged for maintaining the card. For the year it comes out to 1788 rubles. Why is that? Because I have been using this card for a long time and when I connected to it, it was a card with different conditions. Now I have an archived one tariff plan, which is not available to new customers.

I use this card for daily small expenses: food, gasoline, restaurants, inexpensive goods. Among the advantages - I receive a cashback of 2-5% depending on the category of expense, the highest 5% goes to cafes and restaurants, gas stations and travel. There is a 2% cashback for everything else, including groceries. The grace period is 51 days.

2 Another long-lived card from Alfa Bank. This is a card with a 100-day grace period for crediting and the ability to withdraw up to RUR 50,000 for free. cash monthly. But this card, unfortunately, does not have cashback.

I use this card to withdraw cash, which I then put on my income card and then withdraw 3-5 thousand rubles as cash is needed. You can withdraw up to 50,000 rubles. inclusive every month during the grace period. That is, in 100 days you can withdraw 150 thousand rubles in total, if limits allow.

Since I have been using the bank’s services for a long time, they issued me this card with a limit of 170 thousand rubles. After a couple of months of use, the limits were increased.

I or my wife never have more than 3-5 thousand rubles in cash in their wallet. We do not store cash at home, it “works” on income cards. Plus it's safer. After all, if you lose your wallet with cash, you are unlikely to return the money that was there, but if you lose your wallet with the card, you will reissue the card and everyone will be there safe and sound.

Another area of ​​application for this card is small business. It can act as an alternative line of credit. Briefly, the scheme is this: you buy any goods with credit money from this card and you have 100 days, that is, three months, to sell this product and repay the debt to the bank without interest, but with a profit for yourself.

I did this for about two years when I developed an online store selling water-saving equipment. One of the most popular items in the store was a sensor attachment for the faucet, which helped save water. I purchased these attachments directly from the factory in Taiwan. Payment was made to the PayPal wallet of a representative of this plant. And the PayPal wallet, in turn, is linked to any card, including a credit card.

At that time, I had a card limit of 360,000 rubles. I purchased nozzles for this entire limit. Those who have ever opened their own store know well how difficult it is sometimes to withdraw some of the money from circulation to purchase any goods. Small entrepreneurs who run shops, boutiques, and stalls usually have all their money in goods. But it was unprofitable to bring 10–20 attachments from Taiwan; it was necessary to immediately purchase a large batch, which would be enough for at least 1–2 months of work. I didn’t always have free money in my “pocket”. Because as soon as they appeared, I spent them on purchasing some item for the online store. In this plan this map helped me out a lot.

So, if you are an individual or a small entrepreneur who intends to wholesale goods from China and sell them in a traditional store, online store or from one-page sites, as I did, then you can consider the option of such cards. By the way, there is another similar credit card from the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, where the grace period is even longer - 120 days, that is, 4 months!

3 Another frequently used card is the Tinkoff Black debit card.

What's most interesting is that this card is not the most profitable. It has one of the lowest interest rates on the balance among income cards, it has a small cashback, except for promotions with partners, but these promotions may not always be relevant. This card has inconvenient conditions, failure to comply with which results in the loss of accrued interest on the balance and the payment of monthly maintenance.

However, this card has many other useful perks that make it almost a must-have for every finhacker. Such goodies are the ability to withdraw cash without commissions from any ATM, free top-up of the card from cards of other banks, or as finhackers also call this service - “money withdrawal”, transferring money to another person to a card of any bank only by card number directly from the Application on the phone , free interbank transfers, various reminders about paying taxes, fines, etc.

I always have a small amount of money on this card, which allows me to use this card without monthly maintenance. I keep my main funds on other, more profitable cards. But I often use Tinkov to transfer money without commissions between different cards.

We buy food products using a Rosgosstrakh card. This card has the largest cashback for purchases in supermarkets, but at the same time it has low percentage for the remainder. Therefore, a day or two before going to the store, I withdraw money from some profitable Income card for Tinkov and from there I transfer the money to Rosgosstrakh. Such manipulations are necessary in order not to pay commissions for transfers.

Sometimes it happens that we spent 20,000 rubles, which means we reached the cashback limit of 1,000 rubles, but at the same time, a little more than 20 thousand rubles remained on the balances of Rosgosstrakh, for example 23 thousand rubles. Since, according to the conditions for receiving cashback, the balance must be at least 20 tr., there is no point in keeping 3 tr. Therefore, we use Tinkoff again, we transfer these 3 thousand rubles to it. and from there we transfer via free interbank to a more profitable card. Everything takes 1-2 minutes with the translation templates configured in Tinkov’s personal account.

4 Well, the final example is the Rocketbank debit card, although I could give a lot more examples, since the experience of using different cards allows you to do this. In fact, he is Tinkov’s younger brother, as he performs basically similar functions. There is a slightly higher interest rate on the balance than in Tinkov, there are restrictions on the number of free cash withdrawals from ATMs, access to Personal Area carried out only through a smartphone, but these are all trifles.

What I like more about it is the lack of different conditions. Everything is simple on this card - the service is free. Interest on the balance is calculated on any amount. This is an example of a card that can sit on a shelf and you don't have to worry about being charged any fees while you haven't used it. If you come across similar banking products, then order them without hesitation, because in the process of using them, which will be free for you, you learn and gain excellent experience interacting with various financial products, which in the future will allow you to easily calculate and compare benefits between different cards.

Income cards

The income card brings us not only in the form of interest on the balance Money, which are available on the card, but also in the form of cashback. Our task is to find the most profitable solutions that will return 5-10% of the funds spent. Why look for such cards? The fact is that sometimes it is more profitable to spend our real, “live” money with a 5% cashback than credit money with a 2% cashback.

It is also worth considering such an important point that for many banks the cashback amount may be limited to a certain amount per month, for example, you can get a maximum cashback of 2000 rubles. on one card, while you spend more and if not for this restriction, the cashback would be higher. This is where other cards come to our aid.

After you receive your salary, immediately transfer it to your Income Card, because there is no need for money to lie around like a dead weight - it should work. Let me give you my parents as an example. They have been paid in cash all their lives. At home, the money was always in the closet, under one of the piles of clothes. And this habit has taken root so deeply that even now, when for many years they have been receiving their salary on a card, they go to the ATM in the old fashioned way, withdraw money and take it home to the closet. This shouldn't happen.

Income cards give 6-8% on the balance. Yields are constantly changing as they are tied to , but this also applies to regular deposits and loans.

Why should you use Income Cards rather than bank deposits?

  • Bank deposits are usually opened for at least six months to a year. And if you withdraw money ahead of schedule, then instead of the promised 6-10% you will be credited with income at the “Demand Deposit” deposit rate, for example, in Sberbank it is only 0.01%, or nothing. In this scheme, we will need to constantly move money between different cards, so standard deposits are not suitable.
  • There are such concepts as partial replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the deposit. Above we talked about the complete withdrawal of all money from the deposit. Here we are talking about withdrawing some of the money from the deposit or, conversely, adding a small amount. For example, I am an entrepreneur, and my money comes not once a month in one large amount, like with employees, but regularly in certain portions. Most profitable bank deposits They prohibit partial withdrawals and replenishments, but this is not prohibited on the Income Card.
  • On bank deposit the money just sits there and earns interest. On the Income Card, money earns interest, and you can also pay for goods, services, telephone, housing and communal services, etc., make transfers to relatives and colleagues, that is, you have full access to your money, which you can dispose of as you need , which a bank deposit does not allow.
  • The difference between the accrued interest on a deposit and an income card is small, and an income card has more opportunities, so there is no point in chasing the highest rate.

Please note that all of the above arguments in favor of the Income Card relate to short-term money, that is, money that you operate over a short period of time, up to 6-9 months. If you have a large amount of funds that you do not plan to use during the year, then it is definitely better to take a closer look at classic deposits, as they can give 1-2% more than a profit card, and more importantly, by concluding a contract for a classic you fix the deposit interest rate for the entire term, while on the Income Card the interest rate varies depending on , or take a closer look at other investment methods, such as investing in stocks and bonds.

Read also:

What Income Cards do I use in this scheme?

Currently I am using the following cards:

Their list is constantly changing. Why six and not one?

Firstly, there is no connection to the number six. There can be as many cards as you like, the main thing is that this is not a disadvantage for you, because some of them have annual maintenance and various commissions that can “eat up” all your profits.

Secondly, the number of cards should be determined by the amount you distribute across those cards. If you have thirty thousand rubles to spare, then there is no point in getting many cards for this small amount. In this case, I would limit myself to one card. If you have three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles at your disposal, then to diversify risks it is worth spreading this money over several cards.

Well, we’ve sorted out the Income cards, let’s move on to credit cards. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Credit cards with grace periods and cashback

In this scheme, it is extremely important to maximize your monetary transactions transfer to payments using plastic. In our family, 90% of all expenses are made non-cash.

It is worth noting here that 95-98% of our expenses were non-cash, that is, we paid for everything with cards. Grocery stores (Auchan, Dixie, Perekrestok, Pyaterochka), housing and communal services, gasoline, clothing, pharmacies, taxis, public transport (Troika was topped up with a credit card), etc.

Now we live in Gelendzhik (Krasnodar region). Here the penetration of banking technologies is not as deep as in Moscow. You can’t pay with cards everywhere, for example, only a few cards are accepted in markets, but fruits and vegetables there are much tastier and healthier than at Magnit, so you can’t do without cash.

Why do I emphasize cash and non-cash payments? Because most credit cards charge a fee when withdrawing cash. high commissions. However, there are credit cards on the banking services market that allow you to withdraw cash without interest; we are talking about the Alfa Bank card 100 days without interest. I also put this cash on the Income Card and withdraw it in small amounts as needed to pay at the same market.

Thus, there will also be several credit cards in our scheme, as well as Income Cards.

What is the grace period of the loan?

Before we move on to the review of cards, let's briefly look at what the Grace period of lending is, otherwise it is called the grace period.

The credit card contains a certain amount, which the bank assigns based on your income, credit history, presence of dependents, property and other factors. You can spend these borrowed funds as you wish. The bank assigns a grace period, for example, 50 days from the beginning of the month or from the first expense, during which if you pay back the borrowed funds, you do not pay any interest on the loan. It's like borrowing money from a relative until payday. But if you don’t have time to return the money, the bank charges interest from the very first day of use credit resources.

I've been using these credit cards for probably five years now, if not more. During all this time, I had only two cases when I flew out of the grace period:

Thus, while our salary is on the Income Card, we buy food, clothing, pay for gasoline, cellular communications, and housing and communal services using credit cards. But as soon as the grace period ends, we close the debt on the credit card with the help of the salary that has been on the Income Card all this time.

During this time, interest on the Income Card will accrue + we will return part of the money spent on the credit card through cashback, which would not happen if we paid salary card or cash.

What is cashback?

Cashback (from English. cashback- cash refund)– This is a refund of part of the cost of each purchase using the card. This is a bonus program that is used, in our case, by banks, to encourage customers to make non-cash purchases using a credit card.

The amount of cashback in different banks varies from 1 to 10%, but on average it is 1-5%. There are also one-time promotions where the cashback amount can reach 30%, but this happens extremely rarely. The screenshot below shows examples of such promotions:

Example: In the screenshot above we see that 21% cashback is provided for book purchases at liters. This means that if you collect books worth 1 thousand rubles, then 210 rubles will then be returned to your card in the form of cashback, and, therefore, the books will cost you 790 rubles.

So that you understand how profitable it is or not, I will give statistics from my account at Home Credit Bank:

In total, I accumulated from January 1, 2016 to January 24, 2018 – 39,441.50 rubles, of which 10,766.75 rubles. is now on the account and has not yet been debited. 1 point = 1 ruble. That is, over the course of a year, cashback in this bank alone brings me about 20,000 rubles on average.

What is the benefit of the bank? Why would he give money to his clients?

For bank cashback is an additional marketing tool that helps it in the fight with other banks for clients. There are many credit cards, the interest rates and grace periods are mostly the same. So what else can interest a client? This is where Cashback comes into the picture.

It also helps get customers to do more card transactions. It is easier for the client to part with credit money, knowing that he will receive an additional discount in the form of cashback for this.

Well, the bank makes money on commissions for monthly or annual card servicing. And also on interest on a credit card, because not every person meets the grace period.

Review of credit cards with cashback

In the review below, I did not indicate the interest rate on the loan, the fee for cash withdrawal, or the loan amount, since these parameters are not needed in our scheme. Our task is always to meet the grace period; we do not withdraw cash, with the exception of one card so far that allows you to do this without commissions. Well, the loan amount is not so important, because we will have several credit cards and each bank, when issuing a credit card, will take all this into account and determine the limit for you based on all available cards.

The following credit cards are suitable for our scheme:

Alfa-Bank (100 days) from 1190r depending on the tariff No Up to 100 days
The main advantages are cash withdrawals up to RUB 50,000. inclusive every month and a 100-day grace period. At the beginning of the month you withdraw 50 thousand rubles. and put them on your income card, and the next month you withdraw another 50 tr. and report it to your income card, then for the third month another 50 tr. By the end of the grace period we will withdraw 150 tr. and put them back on Alpha, or do an interbank transfer if you don’t want to go to ATMs and the income card allows you to do this without commissions.
Alfa-Bank (CashBack) RUB 3,990 in year up to 15% for partners, 10% at gas stations, 5% in cafes and restaurants, 1% for everything else. IMPORTANT! You need to spend 20,000 rubles. per month at any retail outlets to receive cashback. Max. cashback 3000 rubles/month Up to 60 days
Good bonuses at gas stations and cafes, but expensive maintenance. Suitable for those who have high expenses for gasoline and cafes.
Raiffeisen (All at once) RUB 1,490/year (the first year is free if you register before March 31, 2018) 5% on all purchases with the card, including taxes, fines, housing and communal services, communications, but not more than 1000 points per month. Up to 52 days
A good cashback, but there is a significant drawback - cashback can be exchanged for rubles only after accumulating 20,000 points, which will take 20 months. During this time, they can unilaterally change/degrade/cancel the bonus program.
Tinkoff Platinum 590 rubles per year 1% and up to 30% on promotions, no more than 6000 points per month Up to 55 days
Not great service. Cashback is small. Up to 30% for stocks is rarely applicable, so you need to focus on 1%. Convenient additional services, online banking and mobile bank for other purposes, for example, for free interbank banking with a debit card, you can top up the card for free with cards from other banks through the card2card service. Excellent support, at any time in chat, telegram, by phone.
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (120 days without interest) 1500 rubles annually. Or free of charge: upon reaching expenses on the card in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. within 1 year 1% – no restrictions Up to 120 days
The longest grace period. Cashback is small, only 1%, but without restrictions. The service is small and can be done completely free of charge. 100,000 rub. It's easy to spend in a year.
Renaissance Credit 0 rub. 1% and up to 10% on promotions with partners Up to 55 days
Free service attracts. Cashback is standard 1%, 10% on promotions with partners. Poor customer support.
Eastern Bank (heat card) RUB 800/year 5% points for paying for housing and communal services, communications, public transport, for purchases at the pharmacy and 1% points for any other purchases. Limits on points: no more than 100,000 rubles. per month. Up to 56 days
The card will be of interest to those who have high expenses for housing and communal services, communications, public transport and pharmacies - all of this comes with an excellent cashback of 5% and, what is important, there are practically no restrictions, a ceiling of 100 thousand rubles. According to KB it is difficult to achieve. Add to this inexpensive service and we get excellent conditions.
Home Credit Platinum 149 rub. per month or 1788 per year (if you do not use the card, the service is free). 2% of the amount of any purchase, but not more than 2000 points per month, 5% (gas stations, Cafes, Travel), but not more than 3000 points per month, 5-10% in partner stores Up to 51 days
I indicated this map purely for comparison. Now the conditions are different (cashback 1.5 - 5% for the same categories, but service is 4990 rubles), a card from Alfa-Bank (CashBack), where 10% for gas stations and 5% for cafes, I like much more.

Income calculation

Now let's try to calculate the benefits. Let's say your total family income is 100,000 rubles. Perhaps the number is high for your family, but there is no need to focus on it, since we need to understand the principle of calculation; it’s easier to do this with a round number. After reading the article, you can substitute your data.

Depending on the income card, we can receive the following income:

  • An income card with a 6% accrual on the balance will bring you about 500 rubles per month or 6,000 rubles per year
  • An income card with a 7% accrual on the balance will bring you about 583 rubles per month or 7,000 rubles per year
  • An income card with 8% accrual on the balance will bring you about 667 rubles per month or 8,000 rubles per year

Now let’s calculate the approximate income from cashback for the month, based on the same total income at 100,000 rubles/month, which was considered higher. Below we will look at several scenarios using different cards.

Scenario one

In the first scenario, to calculate cashback income, I use my valid card Home Credit Platinum. It gives cashback of 2-5%. For new clients, the conditions are different (1.5-5% and service 4990 RUR/year). This is not the most profitable scheme, so in the next scenario we will consider combinations using other cards that can give a greater profit.

The numbers in this table are arbitrary and will differ for each family. Nevertheless, they are quite plausible, very close to the expenses of our family. If you think that they are far from your situation, then using this example you can calculate your profitability.

So, cashback will give us 2,750 rubles. profit per month. Let's add it with the profit from the Income Card and get 3,250 rubles. – 3.417 rub. per month. If you do not spend this money, but direct it to the same income cards, then in a year we will receive 40,296.24 rubles. – 42,832.39 rub. From this amount we will subtract the cost of servicing a credit card of 1,788 rubles. per year and, possibly, on an income card, depending on the choice, it could be 0 rubles. in year.

This is money out of thin air. They can be made literally from nothing! Consider them your 13th salary.

Scenario two

In the second scenario, we will try to create a scheme of several cards in order to get the maximum cashback. Let's take the same 100,000 rubles as a basis. monthly expenses:

Credit card Consumption category Amount in rubles/month Cashback in % Cashback in rub/month Service
Rosgosstrakh debit card (not relevant) Products 20.000 5% 1000 42 rubles/month
Products 15 000 5% 750 125 rubles/month, or 0 rubles/month in the first year of service
Petrol 10.000 10% 1000 RUR 335/month
Alfa-Bank credit card cashback Cafes/restaurants 10.000 5% 500 ###
Debit card Promsvyazbank All Inclusive Cloth 10.000 5% 500 150 rub./month
Raiffeisen credit card (all at once) Household chemicals 2.500 5% 125 ###
Housing and communal services 5.000 5% 250 67 rub./month
Credit card Eastern Bank(Teplo map) Communication/Internet 1.000 5% 50 ###
Credit card Eastern Bank (Teplo card) Medicine 2.000 5% 100 ###
Raiffeisen credit card (all at once) Gadgets 2 500 5% 125 ###
Home Credit debit card (Cosmos) Vacation 10.000 3% 300 0 rub./month or 99 rub./month
Alfa-Bank credit card cashback Miscellaneous 7.000 1% 70 ###
Total for the month: 100.000 4 920 594 – 1,068 rub.
Total for the year: 1.200.000 59 040 7 128 – 12 816

Note: the conditions for some cards have currently lost their relevance, but I did not change the cards, since this is just an example. You can put together another combination with no less favorable conditions. Tariffs change every month and it will be difficult to keep up with the relevance of the article.

Over the course of a year, you will earn 46,224 – 51,912 rubles from cashback alone. Also, don’t forget about the interest on the Income Card. It is difficult to calculate the exact figure here, since in the second scenario it is about 60,000 rubles. we will spend with credit cards (annual income at a rate of 7% ~ 4,337 rubles). We will not include here the calculation of income from transferring cashback to an income card, since some banks do not pay cashback immediately, but, for example, when they reach a certain level, as in Raiffeisen.

Calculation is also complicated by the money (40,000 rubles) that we will spend with debit cards. The expenditure on them will spread over the entire month, and not all at once in one amount. According to my estimates, this will bring about 300-700 rubles/year.

In the end, we will get about 50,861 - 56,949 rubles / year. This is more than in the first scenario, from which we can conclude that the most effective scheme is when we use credit and debit cards with maximum cashback and minimum annual maintenance.

What do you need to do? Make a rough spreadsheet of your monthly expenses. Analyze and write down the most profitable cards for your expenses. Then, all that remains is to formalize them and start using them.

In the tables above, I indicated the cards that I use myself and that I am considering for registration in the near future. I will constantly update this table and add the most interesting solutions here, so check back here periodically. I draw your attention to the fact that I left explanations for each card in order to show you my line of reasoning when analyzing and choosing credit cards. When you choose a credit card, this will help you direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Russia is a large country and what is relevant for Moscow may not be relevant for Vladivostok or Krasnodar. Therefore, monitor the offers in your region and try to find the most best deals. I would be glad if you share your findings with me and other readers, or below in the comments to this article.

Subtleties and tricks

1 When using debit cards, I recommend keeping money on the most profitable Income cards. So, for example, on the Excellent Rosgosstrakh card we received 5% cashback from expenses in supermarkets, but the interest on the balance was small - only 5%. At the same time, to receive 5% cashback, you had to keep at least 20,000 rubles in balances. per month. This means that before going to the store you had to have more money on your card. If you plan to spend 5 thousand in Auchan, then put this amount on the card so that you have 25,000 rubles.

But what if you have 60,000 thousand rubles to spare? Why not put the entire amount on your Rosgosstrakh card? 20,000 rubles would be better. put it on the Rosgosstrakh card at 5% per annum, and the remaining 40,000 rubles. transfer to an Income card with a higher rate. 1-2 days before going to the store, top up your Excellent card and then go shopping. We top up, naturally, through a free interbank account or a free card2card. Please note that the conditions on the Rossgostrakh card are no longer relevant and are used here as an example.

2 Sometimes you can find banking offers that are relevant to a specific case. For example, Rosbank has a “Supercard+” with which you can get 7% cashback in the first 3 months (welcome period) from the moment the card is activated. Next, the same 7% is charged, but for certain categories, which are assigned by the bank itself. This can be inconvenient because the category you want may not be there.

Maximum amount cashback – 5,000 rubles, this means that your expenses on the card should be about 71,000 rubles/month. If you usually do not make such expenses, then you need to choose a time when you are planning large purchases, for example, renovations, weddings, vacations, etc. and apply for a card by this period, because after the welcome period the conditions on the card will be significantly worse.

3 If you find an interesting banking offer, do not delay to take advantage of it.. I have already given an example with the Home Credit card, which over time continues to function for old clients on favorable conditions, but is no longer available to new clients.

Here’s another example: Avangard Bank is running a “Premium Card” promotion, where you can get one of the bank’s premium cards with free service in the first year and get 10,000 bonus miles as a gift, which can be used to buy train or air tickets.

However, there is a nuance; you must have a premium card from another bank to participate in this promotion. Since this article is about making money with credit and debit cards, when you become sophisticated bank user and you apply all the schemes from this article, then you will have a dozen, or even more, cards from different banks, among which there may be more than one premium one. For example, I now have 3 in my hands premium cards different banks.

And this example also shows well the essence of this article, when you, again, make money out of nothing. In this case, you receive them in the form of bonus miles, which you exchange for a ticket. In a specific case, you can use the donated miles to buy a ticket for the Sapsan train Moscow - St. Petersburg, which in rubles will cost 3,754.00 rubles.

Click on the picture to enlarge

4 If the card has very attractive conditions, then it can be issued to family members. We did this with an excellent card from Rosgosstrakh, which gave 5% cashback on purchases in supermarkets and grocery stores. In our family, about 40 thousand rubles are spent on markets. per month, sometimes more. In such large stores as Auchan, Magnit, Perekrestok you can buy not only food, but also household chemicals, pet food, light bulbs, etc.

As you understand, the limit is 20 thousand rubles. with a bonus limit of 1 tr. per month on a Rosgosstrakh card with our expenses is not enough, so we issued 2 cards at once - one for me, the second for my wife, and our total limit on both cards was 40 thousand rubles, which gave us the opportunity to return 2 thousand rubles monthly. in the form of cashback. Don’t forget to take into account the fact that in this example, the balances of both cards must always have at least 40 thousand rubles, otherwise we won’t see a 5% cashback. The excellent card from Rosgosstrakh ceased to be excellent in March 2019 and we replaced it with OTP card bank called " Big cashback", where the cashback on products was even higher, as much as 7%, but we will soon be changing this card too, since its validity conditions will change from July 1, 2019.

5 Check how cashback is credited and for how long. When analyzing cards, always start from how cashback is awarded - in rubles or points? The most profitable option is in rubles. If in points, then look at what you can exchange these points for. If points are exchanged for rubles 1 to 1, then everything is fine, but if points are exchanged for some kind of certificates, gift cards different stores, this is not always good, since the list may not contain the stores you need.

Now about the time of accrual of points. I already gave an example above with the Raiffeisen bank and the Vsesrazu card. The cashback amount is 5%, accrued on almost everything, but the trouble is, to get this 5% you need to wait 20 months, that is, almost 2 years. Your cashback is frozen for 2 years and this is unprofitable because we cannot direct it to the Income Card.

Another example is the Benefit card from TalkBank. They also give 5% for many areas of expenses, including: Supermarkets, Medicine, Clothing, Shoes, Entertainment, Motor Transport, etc., but here the money is frozen, though not for 20 months, but only for 6 and saved up during this time You need at least 16,000 points. It seems like we can be patient, but this bank, and a lot can happen in 6 months, is depriving banks of their licenses with a bang.

Marketing Tricks of Banks

If you find a credit card with interesting conditions, then in addition to studying the promotional offer, do not be lazy to study the tariffs, and also go to the bank’s office, call and preferably several times to chat with different employees.

  • Firstly, banks employ incompetent employees, one may say one thing, the other – another.
  • Secondly, what may be written even on the official page of the bank, upon careful study of the tariffs, may not correspond to reality.

I recently came across a credit card Asia-Pacific Bank (My rules) on the official page of which there is a 7% cashback, which can be obtained on expenses in supermarkets, that is, spending on Food.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

This is the largest expense item in my family, so I greedily began to study the conditions. Somewhere in the depths of the tariffs there is a not entirely clear postscript:

Click to enlarge

The website states that cashback is 7%. But if you carefully study the tariffs, you will find that no more than 20% of the total volume of non-cash card transactions per month is returned.

Example: you spent 30,000 rubles on groceries. – 20% of this amount will be 6,000 rubles. Cashback is calculated from this 20%, that is, from 6,000 rubles. and in our case it will be only 420 rubles, which is only 1.4% of the 30,000 rubles you spent.


There is an opinion among people that a bank is like a casino that always wins. I never set myself the goal of beating the casino, but when there is an opportunity to use Banking services with benefit for yourself, then you need to use it. There is no deception in the schemes I have described. Everything is fair here. And, in fact, both the bank and its client win.

I will be glad to answer your questions. I will be even more glad if you share your experience of using banking products. Save this article to your browser bookmarks, or take it to your wall on social networks so that you can return and re-read it later, the article will be updated regularly.

In conclusion, I suggest watching the episode of Vesti, where I also touched on the topic of making money on credit cards.

Gone are the days when a credit card was only a consumable instrument issued at huge interest rates. Today, bank borrowed funds can be used not only for free, but also to make a profit from them.

In this article I will talk about how to make money on credit cards and clearly show how much income you can have. At the end they will be presented real reviews people who tried to implement the schemes I described, as well as an expert’s opinion on the reasons for their successes and failures.

Earning money on credit cards - what is it?

To summarize, earnings can be considered any income received from using or using a credit card. Some methods are proposed and promoted by the banks themselves, others are prohibited and can even lead to criminal liability.

How much you can get from a card with a limit depends on the activity of the credit card holder himself - some users receive income simply from everyday spending, while others come up with entire earning schemes to increase their profits.

Methods and schemes for making money on credit cards for the client

There are only two honest schemes for generating income using credit cards. By using them, you do not violate either the terms of the bank or Russian legislation. In this case, the methods listed below can be used both together and separately from each other.

Earnings during the grace period

Nowadays it is difficult to find a credit card that does not have a grace period - a period of time during which you can avoid paying interest for non-cash payments for purchases or services received. Usually it is 50-60 days. There are also banks that offer an interest-free period of up to 100 or even 200 days. Moreover, during this period you need to pay 5-10% of the debt amount. For example, a card according to the tariff.

There are proposals under which the grace period applies not only to payments for goods or services, but also to cash withdrawals. It is difficult to earn income from using such a card - a commission is charged for the operation, which “eats up” all the profit.

To earn money, choose credit cards without annual maintenance. For example, this one. Also disable all paid services, and instead of the usual SMS notifications, download a free one mobile app. Do not pay attention to the interest rate - when returning money during the grace period, you do not need to return anything over the amount used.

Earnings on two cards

To receive income from the interest-free period using this method, you need to have at least one credit card and one debit account with an attractive interest rate on the balance or deposit from which you can withdraw the required amount any time. For example, it could be Tinkoff - the Tinkoff Black tariff currently charges 6% per annum, and for new clients the rate is 10% until the end of the year.

The earnings scheme in this case is as follows:

  • on the first day of the start of the grace period, you begin to pay with a credit card for all purchases without exception;
  • the funds that you would use for the expenses you made on a credit card, you place in a debit account with interest;
  • at the end of the grace period you transfer from debit cards the required amount for the loan and repeat the scheme again.

As a result, you will not only use the bank's money for free, but will also receive income in the form of interest that a debit account or deposit will bring you.

The disadvantage of this method is that many tariffs do not provide a new grace period without closing the debt on the previous one. This means that before the start of the new billing month you will need to pay the entire amount spent.

Earnings on 3 cards

An “advanced” version of the above method is the option of earning money on several credit cards. Otherwise it is also called “banking carousel”. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Of your two credit cards, you take the one for which the interest-free period lasts longer.
  2. On the first day of the interest-free period, make a payment.
  3. The next month, on the first day of the billing period, you make all purchases using the second card.
  4. By the end of the second month, pay off your first credit card debt.
  5. You start paying again only with the first card.
  6. By the end of the third month, pay off the debt on your second credit card.
  7. Again, pay exclusively with the second card, etc.

Using this system, there is no need to pay off the debt before the start of a new grace period - you simply make a payment using a different card.

It is important not to change the card frequency and return the spent amount in a timely manner - otherwise the scheme will not work and you will need to pay interest. Also, don't spend more money than you can actually get back. Without financial discipline and understanding of your cash flows you won't be able to make money.

Earning income from cashback

The tariffs of most banks for credit cards provide a bonus program. Its conditions may be different, but the essence is the same - when non-cash payment goods or services, a certain percentage of the amount spent is returned to the account. On average it is 1-3%, but some banks give up to 10%. For some cards, cashback is given for all purchases, for others - only for certain categories, for example, gas stations.

When choosing options for a banking carousel, you should give preference to tariffs with maximum cashback for all categories, rather than any specific group of goods.

But there is an exception to this advice. For example, if you make all your main expenses (food, clothing, shoes, household goods) in a large hypermarket, then it makes sense to get a card with increased cashback in the “grocery shopping” category. But first make sure that your outlet corresponds to the chosen direction.

How much can you earn?

The amount of your income from using the earning methods I described above depends on your purchasing activity - some people spend 15,000 rubles a month, while others spend 50,000 rubles. Below I will give an example of a calculation based on 30,000 rubles of monthly spending. By substituting your data, you can calculate your potential income from using credit cards.

Ivan spends 30,000 rubles monthly on current expenses. He pays for all his purchases exclusively by credit card. This means that he earns 300 rubles in cashback (provided that the bet is bonus program 1%).

During the grace period, Ivan’s own money is in a debit account at 6% per annum. This means that every month he earns another 150 rubles in interest.

In total, Ivan receives 450 rubles in income from his 30,000 rubles. Over the course of a year, his earnings reach 5,400 rubles.

How to make money by cashing credit cards

It is possible that 5,400 rubles per year is not a very large amount. Although if you consider the fact that to receive it you don’t need to do practically anything other than pay by card and make payments on time.

However, some are confident that there is an alternative way to generate income - making money by cashing out credit cards.

The scheme is simple:

  • you are offered earnings by cashing out;
  • you agree to cooperate;
  • you will be given a card with a PIN code by mail or courier;
  • you go to an ATM and withdraw money.

After this, the main amount is transferred to the “customer”, and the contractor takes his percentage - 10-30%. Usually we are talking about amounts from 100,000 rubles, so for one cashing out you can get from 10,000 rubles or more.

But no matter how attractive this way of earning money is, you should not agree to its offer. The fact is that all the money that is on the cards transferred for cashing is stolen or withdrawn through criminal means.

The customer does not dare to withdraw money himself, because there is criminal liability for participation in fraudulent schemes. That’s why people from outside are brought in and agree to take all the risks.

Do not agree to such offers, no matter how tempting the opportunity to make money may be.

Many people don’t understand - if it’s so easy to make money on credit cards, then what is the benefit to the bank from issuing and selling them?

In fact financial organization will not miss out on his benefits. Here is a minimum list of what banks earn by issuing a credit card to a client:

  • commission for issuance or registration;
  • SMS notification;
  • insurance;
  • commission for withdrawal of money;
  • late fees;
  • interest on the loan.

Not all clients repay their debt strictly within the grace period and always deposit funds without delay. A sufficient number of credit card holders withdraw cash or fail to repay their debt on time. Therefore, cards with a limit for a bank are one of the key sources of income.