Salary project in the bank "Opening. We organize a salary project: essence and contract Terms of a salary project in a bank opening

It so happened that in our organization they started a "Salary project" and you have to be so lucky that it is in this bank - Opening. Well, so it is! I received the card and am waiting for the RFP... Naturally, I wanted to activate the SMS notification service. I went to the nearest branch (there are few branches in St. Petersburg in general, I went to 140 Leninsky Street), connected the SMS-informing service. As it turned out in this bank it is free. And what do you think? A day later I received an SMS that everything worked! HOORAY!

And then the advance came ... but the SMS did not come. I'm calling the bank. The girl picks up the phone and explains the problem. I connected SMS notification, but SMS does not come ...

Okay, now I'll connect you with a specialist.
I'm still waiting on the line. The aunt picks up the phone: “What do you have?” I’ll tell you first ... so and so, a week ago in the office on Leninsky I talked with an employee, connected the service, I received an SMS that everything was working, but there were no notifications ...
- What is your name?
I call them...
- Oh! Do you have an Otkritie or Petrovsky bank card?
- "OPENING" - I say ...
"Then I'll put you through to a specialist."

A few more minutes hung on the wire ... Another girl picks up the phone ...
- How can I help?

And then all over again... so and so, a week ago, in the office... on Le...
- I'll take a look...
I'm waiting on the line...
- You know, you need to drive up to the office. In any or to an ATM and ...

Didn't last here. I clarified whether the people working there are normal or not at all ... They froze in a stupor, and in the end they promised to sort it out and get in touch ... We got in touch. Call already from Moscow:
Hello, I'm special. What is your problem...
Then everything started all over again... a week ago, in the office... on Leninsky... I talked with an employee... connected the con...
- Yes, it's strange. You need to go again to the same (!) branch of the bank and reactivate this service. Call them!
I asked to fix everything over the phone. After all, my number is in the database, just tick the box - send SMS! (Moreover, the service is free).
- NO! Ride and all, on this point!

Call this branch! Explained everything first! That I was directed to them! They say: “Now I will connect you with a specialist!” I say: “I need a specialist. only from your department…” They connected… I explained the problem anew, to which I was asked the question: “What do I have to do with it?” I even lost the power of speech. What the hell am I cracking up for?! In general, I went, connected, earned the next day.

In continuation ... I come to an ATM (check the SMS notification and withdraw all the money from there, because the bank did not deserve to use them). I am importing 53 tr. An ATM cannot give such an amount (and not that there is no money, but an ATM cannot give that much). I enter 40 - the ATM cannot... I enter 30 - the ATM cannot... Take 100 rubles! SMS works! And that's good...

I go to the bank: “How much can I withdraw?” - "100 tr." I say: “I don’t agree with you, I didn’t give more than 100 rubles!” - “Well ... we don’t know ... go to the cashier!”

I come to the cashier, I am the second, after 2 minutes I give a card and a passport! Auntie asked the amount. Says enter your PIN! Entered!
- Yes, there is money!
He starts typing into the system... But you are not in the database! You need to enter (JUST SUPER BANK - a card for 1.5 months, but not in the database). 20 minutes to receive money. Interesting - is it just me so unlucky?

Well, as in all normal banks, I wanted to connect the Internet banking service, and, as it turned out, at the time of connecting the SMS service, it didn’t exist yet! All May, June and July - I called every week, where they told me - AT THE END OF THE MONTH EVERYTHING WILL BE. And now the end of July - and such a miracle happened! Such a service appeared in St. Petersburg!

I grab my passport, card and fly to the branch at Leninsky, 140 ... I go to the door - the bank does not work! REPAIR! Awesome ... The ATM is on, but it says that it doesn't work (well, I think they forgot about it, since the repair, and was not particularly upset). I went further ... I arrive at Novatorov Boulevard ... The first thing I saw was that the ATM DOES NOT WORK. I went up to the office ... and I say:
- Connect me to Internet banking. To which I answer: "You need to do this through an ATM."

I'm starting to "boil" ... What an ATM, it doesn't work for you! No, they say this is not the right ATM... You need an ATM from the list... (and they give you a list of about 25-30 ATMs). "And according to the passport?" - "Only through an ATM!"

Having studied the list of ATMs, I choose the nearest office - Veteranov, 122 ... food. Arriving at the place, the first thing I see at the door is that the BNKOMAT DOES NOT WORK! I go to the office, everything starts from scratch! I ask you to activate the Internet banking service ... And they are trained to me: “Here is a magical list of ATMs for you, it connects to them ...” - “Why don’t you go to the op? I ask them.

After a long conversation, I understand that all bank employees are scapegoats! I withdraw everything to the penny of the grandmother from the account at the box office and leave. But the matter must be completed to the end ... I find the phone number 8-800 on the card ... I call, some guy picks up the phone ...
- What is the problem?
- Is there at least one working box for issuing money in the city? And then I can not connect the Internet bank. Came to office 3...

To which he says: “Why do you need an ATM? Connect with a bank employee ... ”After that, he heard a lot from me about himself and the bank, and asked me to stay on the line for clarification! After 2-3 minutes, he apologized and said that YES, REALLY ONLY THROUGH THE ATM.
- Where is the worker?
- Go to Nevsky!
- Are you a normal person? I'm telling you that I'm in the Kirov region!
- On Akademicheskaya is.
... no comments ... (as I understand it, the service is probably Moscow, people do not rummage).
“Where are you comfortable?” he asked...
- Zhukova, 36!
Let's check now...
A minute passes...
- Does not work! Maybe it's convenient somewhere else?
- Stachek, 16 (I definitely did not want to go further).
And here is a miracle! Works! I ask him: “Around the clock or limited in time?” ... 1.5 minutes pass!
- Until 19-30!
- Look at the time! It's already 9 pm! Why do I need this ATM?

In general, I was left without an Internet bank! No more time to waste! I'm afraid it will turn out later that all transfers via Internet Banking still come with a commission! I was in Latvia, out of 3 cards from different banks, only in this they took a percentage for the conversion when paying with a card. And the exchange rate is great!

From administrator: Where was the ATM when the money was withdrawn for the first time, which office and when did you go after trying to withdraw money from the ATM? What was the 3rd office like when you were there?

From nailmania: when he tried to withdraw 53 thousand rubles. - it was 06 July. at 7 pm on Leninsky 140. By Internet banking: it was on Thursday! 11/08. on Leninsky 140 office under renovation! At about 20:00 I was at Novatorov - the ATM was not working. A little later I was at Veteranov 122. (at about 20-30) the ATM was not working. Immediately I called 8-800 - and then the story is described!

Analysts called the payroll project of Tochka Bank the most convenient for small businesses. Grade "Points" for the convenience of implementing payroll project management capabilities in the Internet bank amounted to 93%. Although here, in order to participate in the salary project, it will be necessary to open a current account and pay 1 thousand rubles for it every month.

Analysts called the salary project of Tochka bank the most convenient

In second place - Tinkoff bank. He loses to Tochka in that does not make it possible to include cards from third-party banks in the salary register. But you can work in banks as part of a salary project without cash settlement. Plus, by using Tinkoff bank 1C DirectBank technology, you can make a register for paying salaries in 1C without going to the Internet bank for this.

Raiffeisenbank occupies tretier place ranked by convenience. The bank does not use 1C DirectBank technology. In addition, in order to issue cards, employees must sign application forms prior to the issuance of cards.

Many banks connect a salary project for free and do not charge a commission for enrollment wages. In seven banks, you can use the salary project for free, regardless of whether you have a current account with this bank (Tinkoff Bank, VTB 24, Binbank, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, Rosbank). Six more offer a free salary project only if an RKO is opened (Tochka, Raiffeisenbank, VTB Bank of Moscow, Modulbank, MKB, Promsvyazbank).

— The main approach of banks in terms of pricing is to offer and discuss conditions individually with each client: only 6 out of 15 banks studied on the website can find out the exact terms of service within the framework of the salary project (Point, Tinkoff Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Promsvyazbank, Modulbank and VTB 24). Calculation approach individual conditions differs from, literally, “manager’s mood” to special scoring programs that determine the amount of commission, the type of cards issued, and so on, based on input data about the company (payroll, number of employees, etc.), Markswebb said.

How banks can attract customers

Benefits for companies working with banks in the framework of a payroll project can be as follows.

  1. Savings on transactions. Most banks transfer salaries to employees' cards for free as part of a salary project. If you send salaries in separate payments for each employee, then, depending on the bank’s tariffs, a commission may be charged in the form of a percentage of the transfer amount (the size of the commission varies from 0% to 1.5%), or a commission in the form of a fixed cost for processing a payment order ( usually several tens of rubles apiece).
  2. Simplify the work of an accountant and save time on creating payment orders. Instead of 30 payments, one register with payout amounts is sent to the bank, which can be generated and sent with a few clicks.
  3. Saving time on ordering cash from the bank, receiving it and transporting it.
  4. Minimization of risks associated with the transportation and storage of cash Money(no need to pay for collection).
  5. Special offers for business loans.
  6. Convenience in transferring salaries to employees who are not in the office (on sick leave, on a business trip, work outside central office, on a shift schedule, etc.).

How companieschoose a bank for a payroll project

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since a lot here depends on the type of business that the salary project chooses, and on the personal preferences of the person.

Here are some criteria that may influence this choice.

  • bank reliability. According to this parameter, banks with a large branch network win, mainly from the list of systemically important ones.
  • The amount of the cost of connecting a salary project and transfers.
  • Consumer properties of a payroll project as a product (for example, the level of payroll cards, the convenience of working through remote banking channels, the absence of the need to visit a bank office, that is, the possibility of a manager visiting a client).
  • Quick connection of the salary project. Potential customers can extrapolate the experience of a long process of selling a product to a future service experience. Decision-making can be negatively influenced by the need for preliminary meetings with the client, negotiations and preparation of a commercial offer.
  • Personal client experience in a bank (as a legal or individual), the experience of familiar entrepreneurs and accountants.
  • Special offers for business (for example, lending).
  • The territorial proximity of the bank to the office, which allows you to speed up and simplify communications with the bank (for example, signing documents, receiving cards by employees).

How to build a high-quality salary project in a bank

In order to create a service that will satisfy both employees and company management, the bank must take into account the needs of each group of payroll project users.

1. For a manager who is not indifferent to the business interests of the company, financial parameters are primarily important: the cost of connection, the size of commissions, and the reduction in accounting labor costs. Employee satisfaction with a payroll project may be important.

2. For an accountant who wants to reduce the proportion of routine and the number of errors due to manual data entry, interface parameters are important: the organization of issuing cards for employees, the degree of automation when exporting and importing salary registers, etc. Already at the stage of initial comparison, there may be jars with inconvenient interfaces or with a complex process of importing a registry from accounting system(for example, if you need to process an XML file from 1C with some specific software that you need to understand).

3. Employees care about the product properties of salary cards, as well as general parameters banking service for individuals: category of cards, preferential terms for other banking products, the number and availability of ATMs, the availability of options such as cash back, interest on the balance, etc.

As banks can offer additional preferences to companies with which they want to work as part of a salary project, with following.

  • A wide ATM network for cash withdrawals and the possibility of free cash withdrawals at any ATM.
  • Discounts at bank partners.
  • Easy business loans.
  • Installation of an ATM in the company's office under certain conditions (for example, the payroll is more than a certain amount or employees are more than a certain number of people).
  • Minimizing the anxiety of employees about the issuance of cards (so that all documents can be signed upon issuance of the card, and preferably not at the bank branch, but at the company's office).
  • Free issuance and maintenance of the card, no commissions from the payroll for payroll.
  • Do not require the opening of a current account to connect a salary project.
  • Independently and in advance to reissue salary cards.
  • Give the opportunity to add employees with accounts in other banks to the register for payroll.

Trends in payroll projects

- We expect an increase in the number of "boxed" offers for small businesses, since an individual approach is always an operating cost. There are a lot of micro and small businesses, and it is possible to single out groups that are similar in needs (in terms of a salary project and not only) there. This is clearly seen in the example of cash and settlement services - almost every bank has several tariff plans for different businesses,” Markswebb commented.

In the distant future, the use of the salary project will be stimulated by the return of some share of transferred amount to a checking account. That is, there will be a kind of negative rate for enrollment

According to analysts, we can expect a decrease in the cost of switching a client to services in another bank. Since each bank is trying to beat the competitor's offer (it used to be a rate, now it's more often the level of cards and the conditions for them), it becomes easier to leave without losing anything at all.

Five years ago, cash back and interest on the balance of debit cards were not as common as they are now. Now in RKO legal entities More and more banks offer to charge interest on the account balance. Perhaps, in the distant future, the use of the salary project will be stimulated in a similar way: for example, by returning some share of the transferred amount to the current account. That is, there will be such a kind of negative rate for enrollment.


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In the article, we will consider the conditions of the salary project at Otkritie Bank. We will find out if there is a free tariff for employees and what benefits the company's project provides. We have prepared for you the procedure for submitting an online application and collected feedback from the bank's customers.

Conditions for a salary project at Otkritie Bank

The opening offers to connect using MIR, Visa or Mastercard cards. Cards are issued free of charge, and the bank organizes their issuance at your company's office.

The main features of the salary project in FC Otkritie:

  • Crediting funds immediately after sending the registry.
  • With a large number of employees, it is possible to coordinate the installation of an ATM on the territory of the enterprise.
  • There is a dedicated manager to resolve issues related to the salary project.
  • The possibility of issuing cards of individual design, including in the corporate style of the company.

Benefits and rates for employees

As part of the salary project, Otkritie Bank offers special rates with free issuance and maintenance of cards. You can withdraw cash without commission at ATMs of the bank and its partners.

Employees participating in the payroll project can enjoy the benefits of:

  • Increased deposit rates. On the "Reliable" deposit - up to 6.4%, "Premium" - up to 7.3%.
  • Loans on preferential terms, for example, the mortgage rate is from 8.7%. And also for payroll clients, the procedure for obtaining a loan has been simplified.
  • Discounts and Special offers from bank partners. You can also order an additional card with cashback or bonuses.

How to apply online for a salary project

You can apply to connect a salary project through the website of Otkritie Bank. To do this, in the online questionnaire you will need to indicate:

  • company name and field of activity;
  • the number of employees and the size of the wage fund;
  • the region where your company is located;
  • FULL NAME. and phone number of the contact person;
  • your suggestions and wishes for cooperation.

Reviews about the salary project at Otkritie Bank

Davydov Maxim:

Zubov Mikhail:

Solovyov Alexander:

After opening a new company, I immediately signed a contract for and decided to connect a salary project. According to the conditions, everyone agreed and signed the contract in 1 day. It took about 9 more days to make the cards. Internet banking is understandable, and the accountant has no problems. Money is not lost anywhere and is credited to the cards in a few minutes. So far I'm happy with everything.

Perukhina Anna:

I have my own store, and for 3 years I have been successfully cooperating with Otkritie Bank. They also have a payroll project. It’s nice that you didn’t have to pay for employee cards, and paying salaries became much easier. The employees don't complain either.

Many organizations prefer to use payroll cards to pay for the work of employees - this is both more convenient and easier than cashing out. For this, they usually use the services of well-known respected banks, with which nothing unexpected will definitely happen - they are popular, and, of course, Otkritie.

Key offers for clients

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Payroll cards provide the organization that uses them with several advantages that those who pay salaries in cash are deprived of:

  • you can use the international payment systems Visa and MasterCard, which makes it possible to pay for the services of not only domestic specialists, but also foreign professionals;
  • the time spent on receiving funds and on transactions with them is reduced - the accountant does not need to count cash, it is enough to turn to the computer;
  • there is a unified settlement system that can be easily adapted to any organization and allows the accountant to save a lot of time due to increased flexibility and speed of operations;
  • there is no need to streamline the receipt of money, build queues of employees and fiddle with pieces of paper - the money goes directly to the cards;
  • salaries become confidential - only the boss, accountant and employee know them.

Together with the payroll system itself, the bank offers the organization huge time savings and simplification of the work of the accountant.


If on the scale of the organization, cards help save time, then for one employee who receives a salary in the form of a transfer, they give much more opportunities:

  • there is no need to stand in line for a salary;
  • there is no need to worry about a significant amount of cash that can be lost, stolen or simply inconvenient to carry;
  • you can control money without endless recalculation and at any time of the day - just make a request to mobile bank or through a computer to see what state the account is in;
  • you can pay for goods and services via the Internet - both in Russia and abroad;
  • you can quickly and without leaving your home pay for HKH services, mobile communications and the Internet;
  • you can easily transfer money to another person's card;
  • you can easily withdraw money at any of the many Otkritie ATMs without paying any commission;
  • you can use discounts provided by bank partners;
  • you can use preferential terms when receiving a loan or opening a deposit;
  • you can buy any goods in stores that are equipped with card readers;
  • You can easily control your account with mobile phone and, if the card is stolen, instantly block it, preventing attackers from using the money.

For an ordinary employee, a salary card is an opportunity to greatly simplify his life without worrying about the safety of money and using all kinds of preferential services.


For those organizations that are going to provide their employees with Otkritie payroll cards, in addition to obvious advantages such as saving time, there are also advantages provided by the bank.

So, if an organization turns on a salary project, it can expect:

  • that the cards she orders will be issued free of charge and delivered free of charge - no one will have to send for them;
  • that cards can be issued at will - their design according to the colors of the company can look very stylish and even become a kind of advertising;
  • that it will be possible to install an ATM for employees on the territory of the organization;
  • that all issues related to the project on the part of the bank will be decided by an individual manager who will be aware of all the nuances.

It is beneficial for the bank to meet the needs of large customers, because the organization can count on an attentive and polite attitude, as well as on the timely resolution of all emerging problems.

"Our people"

In addition to the benefits and obvious benefits from using the card, each employee also gets the opportunity to participate in the “Inside the People” program, which is something like a win-win lottery and allows you to win 500 rubles, which can be spent on purchases on a specific site.

To become a participant in the promotion, you need:

  • have an Opening salary card;
  • purchase one of the additional services offered by banks, including:
    • open debit;
    • take a loan;
    • make a contribution;
    • insure investments or savings;
    • issue a credit or debit card.

Everyone who fulfills the conditions before a certain deadline will receive the agreed prize.

There are, however, some nuances:

  • you can get only one prize per participant, regardless of how many additional services were issued;
  • you can refuse the prize or transfer it to another person who has a Discovery card;
  • participation in the promotion implies full acceptance of its terms and conditions.

Options for salary cards from Otkritie Bank

Despite the general essence, salary cards can vary greatly in functionality.

The opening offers several different options:

Map Peculiarities
Travel Suitable for those employees who are constantly sent on business trips. It provides an opportunity to receive money to a bonus account for each purchase, book hotels and tickets through a special website offered by the bank. It has additional features that allow you to travel easily and comfortably.
Aeroflot Suitable for those employees who constantly go on business trips to other countries, and do it by plane. It provides an opportunity to receive miles for the purchase of each ticket, and then spend them on the purchase of new tickets. It has additional features that facilitate flights.
Lukoil Suitable for those employees who constantly use the car and are forced to buy gasoline or diesel fuel. Provides an opportunity to receive special points when buying fuel or goods at Lukoil gas stations and then spend them on fuel or goods at the same gas stations. It has additional features that make driving a car more comfortable.
Good deeds Suitable for employees with a good heart. It provides an opportunity to participate in various charitable programs without a commission and has additional features that can make life easier for the holder. In addition, it is usually drawn up with the help of illustrations from The Hedgehog in the Fog.

An organization should choose the type of map based on common sense and the benefits that can be derived from working with a map.

Salary card from the bank Otkritie provides an opportunity to get advice from a bank specialist, you can connect an online bank or mobile bank to everyone

Additional services

In addition to the main ones, there are additional services that can make life much easier for the user:

  • the opportunity to withdraw money without commission is provided for all cards, regardless of their name and class;
  • the opportunity to use free transport to the airport is provided for all Premium cards, regardless of their name;
  • the opportunity to use the business class lounge at the airport is provided for all Premium cards;
  • the opportunity to use the round-the-clock concierge service is provided for all Optimal and all Premium cards, and allows you to:
    • get help if something happens to the car;
    • get help with travel and business trips: find out where to go, what to do, where is the best food and what areas of the city are best not to enter after dark;
    • get language support in a foreign country - help with ordering services, technical support, booking tickets and hotels;
    • get home service - lunch or dinner delivery, cleaning, babysitting or insect exterminator.
  • the opportunity to insure when traveling abroad is provided by Premium and Optimal Travel and Good Deeds cards;
  • the opportunity to make a deposit on special conditions is provided to all cards;
  • the opportunity to use special MasterCard services, such as preferential admission to museums or exhibitions, is provided to all Good Deeds cards.

It also makes it possible to pay for travel in public transport and suburban trains.

Read about the benefits of the Unicreditbank salary card in the article on.

The need to obtain a salary card arises when a person gets a job. This product is not only a tool that allows an employee of an enterprise to access their funds. Using it, the bank provides various bonuses, new opportunities and advantages that can be used to your advantage.

Which bank is better to open a salary card

Before opening a bank account for carrying out operations to calculate the employer for the work performed in accordance with employment contract, you should study the proposed conditions.

The main criteria to be followed when choosing a bank:

  • an extensive network of branches and ATMs;
  • availability of self-service terminals;
  • the ability to simultaneously withdraw all funds at any time of the day;
  • the presence of additional options, in the form of accrual of bonuses for purchases in a certain chain of stores;
  • the possibility of obtaining an overdraft;
  • zero cost of annual maintenance;
  • accrual of interest on the balance of funds at the end of the month, quarter or year;
  • the ability to connect the "SMS notification" option for all transactions.

Salary cards: which bank to choose

Before opening an account and attaching a salary card to it, you should analyze the factors that have a direct impact on the choice of an employee:

  • client status;
  • the potential amount of cash inflow to the account;
  • own opportunities related to traveling abroad;
  • how wages are planned to be used (payment in cash or by bank transfer).

Banking products of international formats, such as Visa and Master Gard and Maestro, which are distinguished by high cost of service and advanced features, are popular. They are accepted for payments for goods and services in all European countries.

Cheap products such as Visa Electron and Maestro can only be serviced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If the employee has a high salary, you should use the cards of the series Gold and Platinum, These are the most expensive banking products, with the use of which there will be no problems in any country in the world. In addition, they are reliable and equipped with an additional degree of protection.

In order for the employee to use the funds for representation or travel expenses, you need to open a corporate card, on which the employer sets a certain limit.

It is worth noting that in different banks with the same type of product selected, the terms of use may differ significantly. For this reason, beforehand, you need to familiarize yourself with the information in several banking institutions in order to be able to choose the best and most profitable offer.

Opening a salary card

After it has been determined which bank’s salary card is better, the employee will be able to receive it only after the company with which he has an employment relationship has signed an agreement with the bank for the provision of services.

To do this, a representative of the enterprise, usually from the accounting department, must personally come to the office of the selected bank with a set of documentation required for the execution of the contract. After signing the agreement, the bank independently draws up an application for the issuance of a certain number of cards, which will later be issued to the company's employees.

Registration and re-issuance of a banking product for a salary project refers to free services. However, in case of loss by employees, it will be necessary to pay for restoration and re-registration.

To receive banking products, employees of the enterprise do not need to visit a banking institution. To do this, they just need to fill out an application addressed to the head of the company for the transfer of wages to a specific card. For each employee, an agreement will be drawn up for servicing the banking product, after which the card will be issued.

Banking product service

A fixed fee is charged for servicing the card. The payment is made as a one-time payment, usually at the end of the calendar year or at the beginning of the next year.

Some banks, as a bonus, offer the opportunity for employees of the enterprise to use the card for free for a specific period. Also, employers often bear the cost of maintaining employee cards, so the latter do not need to take care of this criterion.

Relevance of the problem

Some enterprises already have their own salary project, through the execution of contractual relations with a banking institution. In such a situation, employees have no choice regarding the definition of a bank in which it is more profitable to open an account and attach a card to it, and the problem of which salary card is better to choose becomes irrelevant.