All about the loan portfolio of the bank. A loan portfolio is an important indicator of an organization's performance. What is a loan and loan portfolio

The main type of income for financial and commercial organizations is the conduct of active operations in the financial market after attracting temporarily free funds. A typical example of such activities is the issuance of loans on a long-term or short-term basis to entities or . It is due to the issuance of loans that the organization's loan portfolio is formed.

So, the organization's loan portfolio is a set of debts of borrowers on loans issued on a specific date of monitoring such debts. It is worth recognizing that bank borrowers can be:

  • individuals;
  • legal entities;
  • other financial institutions;
  • state.

As a rule, when assessing the activity of an organization in the financial market, we are talking about a client loan portfolio that covers relationships with individuals and legal entities.

The main features by which the loan portfolio is divided are its gross type (the full array of loans issued to various business entities), as well as the net portfolio (characterizes the difference between the amount of funds issued on loan and the accrued reserve collateral).

Depending on the policy of a commercial organization, the following types of loan portfolio can be distinguished:

– loan portfolio with a neutral level of risk. It is characterized by the majority of loans issued to trustworthy borrowers, which also negatively affects the return on issued capital.

– risky loan portfolio. Depending on the degree of profitability and the presence of cooperation with borrowers of moderate or low solvency, the risk of non-repayment of funds may be increased. Mechanisms to counteract this situation are the reservation of funds in case of difficulties with debt servicing, as well as a rational policy on collateral for loans.

Depending on the compliance of the current loan portfolio with the strategic priorities of a commercial organization, the following are distinguished:

  • optimal;
  • suboptimal portfolio.

According to the combination of fundamental conditions for the work of a commercial organization (this is "Risk-return"), there are:

  • balanced;
  • unbalanced loan portfolio.

Depending on the specific tasks of classification, it is also possible to distinguish loan portfolios in the national unit or in foreign currency, as well as portfolios of the main branch or peripheral representative offices of a commercial organization.

The procedure for assessing the loan portfolio

To ensure financial stability, it is important not only to strive to increase the volume of loans issued, but also to systematically control the quality of the loan portfolio. It is worth avoiding the formation and growth of so-called "toxic assets", which are collateral objects with low liquidity. Control over the quality of the loan portfolio is carried out with the help of its regular assessment using objective quantitative and subjective qualitative methods.

More accurate quantitative methods involve a comprehensive analysis of financial statements and specific indicators of the loan portfolio. Financial managers should consistently assess the composition and dynamics of the following indicators:

  • the amount of credit funds issued and their structure;
  • timing of loans;
  • the procedure for servicing the current debt of borrowers;
  • level of interest rates;
  • general macroeconomic indicators that can affect the discount rate and the cost of borrowings;
  • currency composition of loans issued.

A subjective assessment concerns the work of experts in the direction of studying the reliability of borrowers and the procedure for servicing their current debt. The risks of the current position of the commercial organization and the prospects for further expansion of the commercial organization are assessed.

Lending to customers is one of the main functions of any financial institution. The interest they earn makes up the bulk of their earnings. An important role in this process is played by the correct credit policy of the bank, implemented through the management of its loan portfolio. Each head of a banking institution understands that creating an optimal loan portfolio for the bank is one of his main tasks.

In the institution's loan portfolio, only the amount of loans issued by the bank appears. The expected profit of the bank due to the payment of interest on loans to it is not taken into account.

But there are certain types of loans, which, as a rule, are not included in the loan portfolio. For example, many financial institutions do not indicate in the list of their assets loans issued on preferential terms to government bodies and extra-budgetary funds. It also excludes loans to partner structures or subordinate legal entities, because these transactions are in fact usually inter-corporate transfers, and they are not aimed at making a profit.

The classification of loans included in the portfolio is usually done according to the following parameters:

  • for the purpose of obtaining a loan;
  • by sources of loan repayment;
  • by maturity;
  • according to the legal status of credited clients.

In addition, loans are classified according to the risk of default. According to this parameter, they form the following groups:

  1. Ordinary loans with low risks:
  • long-term loans with small regular payments;
  • loans issued to customers with an impeccable credit history.
  1. High-risk loans to new customers and long-term loans.
  2. Loans that are not guaranteed to be repaid.
  3. Loans that are unlikely to be repaid.

Certain factors and risks influence the formation of the loan portfolio

Correctly forming a bank's loan portfolio is a very difficult task that the analytical service of a financial institution will have to solve.

Portfolios are classified according to the degree of risk:

  • optimal– its structure is optimized and fully complies with the bank's strategy;
  • balanced- such a portfolio assumes insignificant risk and, at the same time, sufficiently high profitability;
  • risk neutral- the main principle of its formation is to reduce the risk to the limit in any way, even at the cost of a partial loss of profit.

A loan portfolio that is optimal for a bank is not always balanced. The reason for this is that some, especially start-up banking institutions, are forced to take risks in order to gain the trust of potential customers. Therefore, they issue very risky loans even with a small yield.

Also, the loan portfolio is gross or net. The gross portfolio includes all loans issued by the bank to date.

Factor assessment

To assess risks, the volume of the net portfolio is often calculated, in which the amount necessary to cover losses in the event of non-repayment of loans issued is deducted from the gross. It is impossible to accurately calculate the volume of this portfolio, but the well-being of a financial institution depends on how close to reality the result turns out to be.

A net loan portfolio is those funds that, with a probability close to one hundred percent, will be returned by reliable borrowers.

The remaining loans are at risk, and the bank must provide for their non-repayment so as not to go bankrupt. Most often, when forming a loan portfolio, banking institutions choose its best option. To do this, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Analysis of conditions that can affect supply and demand. Both internal and external factors are examined.

The internal ones include:

  • available credit facilities;
  • the amount of own funds;
  • degree of preparedness of bank employees.

External factors:

  • economic situation in the country;
  • volumes and terms of the loan offer;
  • trends in the development of the credit services market.
  1. Research and analysis of short-term and long-term potentials and formation of credit potential on their basis.
  2. Comparison of credit potential and loans that are planned to be issued.
  3. Classification of loans granted to customers according to various criteria, for example, by terms of repayment or categories of borrowers.

Good management and careful risk analysis help reduce losses

portfolio management

And now about what is credit portfolio management. The ultimate goal of this event is to get the maximum profit, ensuring minimum risks.

To this end, the bank is developing a program that allows for the supervision of loans granted in order to ensure their timely repayment. As a result, a system should be formed that will allow the bank to extract the maximum possible profit without fear of losing money.

To manage a loan portfolio, the following tools are used:

  • a clear delineation of the responsibilities of the management of the institution by type of loans;
  • personal assessment of possible risks for each application for a loan;
  • individual lending conditions for each borrower.

With their help, the policy of the bank is formed, which is binding on all its branches.

Each financial institution uses its own methodology to reduce risks and increase profits. They create committees that need, in particular, to establish:

  • the maximum amount of money that the bank can issue to borrowers;
  • the interest rate on loans for a specific time period;
  • the need for guarantors or collateral when issuing loans.

This committee must assess the level of risk that the bank can afford to make a profit. This body is also empowered to make decisions on lending to key clients of the institution.

Conducting an analysis

To determine methods for extracting maximum profit with acceptable risks, bank personnel should regularly analyze the loan portfolio to study its structure directly in the course of work processes. For such an assessment, banks use two types of analysis: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative includes the analysis of the following indicators for a specific period of time:

  • the number of agreements concluded under each credit program;
  • structure of loans by groups of counterparties;
  • the total amount of loans issued;
  • timeliness of return of borrowed funds;
  • the value of interest rates.

Carrying out such an analysis of the loan portfolio makes it possible to choose the most promising investment objects, as well as to identify risky areas where the conclusion of contracts is highly undesirable. An important role is played by the comparison of debt balances with expected payments. Based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to adjust the lending limits. Limits of the total amount of loans issued to one borrower and their number must be established. After the analysis, the possible amount of all funds that the bank will be able to direct for the issuance of loans is determined.

Qualitative analysis will reveal:

  • the percentage of problem loans out of their total number;
  • the amount of overdue debt and its share of the total volume of loans;
  • the most popular types of lending among customers;
  • areas of activity of the institution that are developing more slowly than others.

The banking services market is in a state of constant change. In this regard, analysis should be carried out regularly, which will certainly help increase profits and reduce losses.

Illiterate loan portfolio management can lead to bankruptcy


Incorrect formation or unsuccessful management of the loan portfolio can, in the presence of additional unfavorable factors, lead a financial institution to bankruptcy. When the bank comes to the conclusion that it can no longer pay its debts to creditors, it declares itself bankrupt. The institution is being taken over by an interim administration that will try to rectify the situation. If its activity yields results, the bank will repay its debt to creditors. If the situation cannot be rectified, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation declares the institution bankrupt, after which the bank will begin a number of complex procedures, one of which is the sale of the loan portfolio.

A financial institution that has bought a loan portfolio from a bankrupt bank notifies all its borrowers about this. Some clients fear that after the transfer of the portfolio, the interest rate may increase. However, the new institution does not have the right to do so. You will need to return the money according to the same scheme that was in effect initially.

Summing up, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that the loan portfolio is a very important element in the activities of financial institutions that receive the main income by issuing loans. The portfolio is a kind of indicator for them, allowing them to detect unsuccessful decisions when placing loans, and to make timely adjustments to their credit policy in the direction of increasing its efficiency.

Proper management of the loan portfolio gives the bank the opportunity to increase or decrease the amount of funds allocated for lending, improve the structure of the portfolio, which will allow the bank to place its financial resources with the greatest efficiency and receive maximum profit through this.

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The totality of credit investments available at a certain date represents the bank's loan portfolio, which includes interbank loans and loans granted to individuals and legal entities, or interbank and client loan portfolios.

The main source of information about the state of the bank's loan portfolio is its balance sheet. The classification, on the basis of which the bank's balance sheet is built, gives an idea of ​​the composition and structure of credit investments by counterparties and types of credit.

The bank's clients for obtaining a loan, or subjects of credit relations, are non-banking financial institutions, commercial organizations, non-profit organizations, individual entrepreneurs, government bodies and individuals.

Credit transactions mean the following operations of the bank with customers: short- and long-term loans, factoring, leasing, provision of funds to clients on REPO terms, transfer of funds as security for the performance of obligations, fulfillment by the bank of obligations, provision of funds when selling promissory notes with deferred payment, loans.

The transaction type is associated with the object of credit investments, which determines the purposes for which the loan is granted.
Allocate loans that are provided for purposes related to the creation and movement of current assets, and loans that are provided for purposes related to the creation and movement of long-term assets. As a rule, loans that involve the formation of current assets are short-term, while loans that involve the formation of non-current assets are long-term. At the same time, the division of loans into short-term and long-term should not necessarily reflect the object of lending, but may indicate only the term of the loan. So, short-term loans include those for which the full repayment period established by the loan agreement does not exceed one year, as well as loans provided under revolving credit lines and overdraft financing, except for loans with a repayment period originally set in the loan agreement of at least part of the loan over a year. Long-term loans include loans with a maturity of more than one year.

Factoring is lending against the assignment of a monetary claim, i.e. in this case, the object of credit relations is the debtor's financial obligations (invoices for goods shipped, receivables).

Leasing reflects the relationship that arises between the bank that acquires the object of leasing, the supplier from which this object is purchased, and the lessee to whom the object is transferred on a lease basis. The lessee pays the bank leasing payments, including the interest for using the subject of leasing - various property acting as an object of credit relations.

Loans are provided to individuals for consumer purposes and for real estate financing.
The bank's lending operations, the object of which are securities, include the provision of a grace period for customers to pay for bills they purchase, including when they are sold on the secondary market.
Operations on obligations fulfilled by the bank to the client, for example, acceptance, aval, endorsement of bills of exchange, guarantees, involve the return of the funds transferred by the client for him. The object of the Transaction is the obligation fulfilled by the bank.

Loan originating transactions are classified as lending transactions, although they are not considered banking transactions due to the nature of the loans. The latter can be provided by all subjects of economic relations without complying with banking legislation, but with a prerequisite: issued only at their own expense, but not at the expense of attracted sources. Therefore, banks, providing, for example, their employees with funds under a loan agreement and on more favorable terms than loans, exclude their amount from the calculation of the bank's regulatory capital.

The totality of all the above groups of loans at a certain date is the gross loan portfolio of the bank.

As part of the loan portfolio, a retail portfolio is distinguished, which is a set of bank claims for loans for consumer needs of individuals and credit debt of individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, the total amount of claims on loans of one client should not exceed the amount equivalent to 50 thousand euros and 0.5% of the total retail portfolio.
Loan portfolio evaluation includes quantitative and qualitative aspects.

For quantitative assessment, the composition and structure of the loan portfolio are determined according to the following criteria: type of counterparty, industry affiliation of the client, type of credit operation, object of lending, type of currency, method of securing the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement, the initial loan term and the period remaining until the loan is repaid.

Qualitative assessment takes into account compliance with the terms of lending and the level of credit risk, involves the determination of the net loan portfolio, the share of problem debt in its composition.

The maturity classification of the gross customer loan portfolio reflects the nature of the debt. Allocate urgent, prolonged and overdue debts.
Term debt refers to debt that has not yet matured. Attribution of debt to the account for accounting for prolonged debt, i.e. a change in the initial terms established in the loan agreement is possible for good reasons. The assignment of debt to the account for accounting for overdue debt means the failure to repay the entire loan or part of it on the due date of repayment of the loan.

Debt categorized as overdue or extended is problematic. Part of term debt can also be considered as such if there are grounds for creating a reserve for possible losses in 3-5 groups. The difference between the gross loan portfolio and the created provision for problem loans is the bank's net loan portfolio.

The size, composition and structure of the loan portfolio is the basis for calculating the main regulatory indicators of the bank, such as indicators of the bank's own capital adequacy, liquidity and compliance with the maximum risk level for the bank's debtors.

A bank's loan portfolio is the amount of debt that customers have before an institution in a specific period of time. Represents a number that is calculated with reference to a date. It is taken into account that lending operations are performed daily.

Types of loan portfolios

The loan portfolio is gross and net. The first includes loans issued but not repaid. Net is calculated minus the amount of reserves that are prepared in case of losses. Every reputable financial institution should have a reserve fund. Its size indicates the opportunity and the risks.

Portfolios also differ with respect to bank policy:

  • Optimal. It best suits the bank's marketing and lending strategy.
  • Balanced. It is aimed at solving the most ambiguous problem "risk - profitability". It is similar in structure to the optimal one, but may differ from the first in separate stages.
  • Risk-neutral. This option has low risk and return rates.

They are also divided on other grounds. According to the subjects of lending, they are divided into types for individuals and legal entities. The terms can be short-term, medium-term, long-term. The larger the short-term loan, the more it is considered liquid.

Formation features

The creation of a loan portfolio is the main task of any financial institution, since it allows you to make a profit. Today it is customary to distinguish several stages of formation. Each takes into account general and specific principles for the formation of a loan portfolio.

Each bank that decides to provide funds to citizens must:

  • analyze the factors that influenced the magnitude of demand;
  • to form a credit potential;
  • ensure the right balance of capacity and credit;
  • develop a plan that will help improve the existing portfolio.

When forming the structure, various factors affecting the development of the entire bank are taken into account. These include features of the market sector, for example, the work of commercial institutions affects certain economic sectors.

An important parameter is the amount of bank capital. The maximum allowable limit issued to each borrower depends on it. Because of this, it acts as a limiting factor.

When all stages are completed, it remains to carry out effective management of the company. It is based on making a profit by minimizing risks. The entire organizational structure is based on a clear delineation of the competencies of employees. Managers at different levels have their own powers, they can change the main conditions for granting loans, taking into account previously created formulas.

What is included and not included in the portfolio?

The structure includes the possibility of choosing a foreign currency or ruble loan account, the availability and method of providing property as security, and features of debt repayment. Depending on the policy of the bank, this list may be supplemented with other items.

The peculiarity is that the loan portfolio does not include loans issued to government agencies, various extra-budgetary funds. This is due to the creation of special conditions for them, which imply the absence of collateral or a significant reduction in interest rates. Therefore, the loan portfolio shows only typical activities of a financial institution.

Thus, the formation of a loan portfolio is the first step towards obtaining the desired result. This indicator is displayed on the rating of the bank. Therefore, it is important to use the data obtained during the analysis and apply them in solving practical problems. One of the most effective tools for improving the level of the bank is the development and implementation of an optimal portfolio. A properly formed balance of assets and liabilities allows management to correctly choose the current rate, taking into account the risks and potential.

Loan portfolio is the total amount of loans issued by the bank. It is considered by the bank as a single object of management with a structure (directions of investments and types of loans, types of borrowers, lending conditions, etc.), profitability, and cumulative risk. Loan portfolio characteristics:

  • the amount of loans issued;
  • weighted average interest rate;
  • weighted average term of crediting;
  • riskiness (the share of overdue loans and provisioning);
  • concentration (share of large loans);
  • diversification (the share of a group of loans prevailing on any basis).

The assessment of the loan portfolio is based on the analysis of its quality. Bank of Russia regulations establish 4 groups for assessing the quality of loans:

  • 1st - standard loans (virtually risk-free);
  • 2nd - non-standard loans (moderate risk of default);
  • 3rd - doubtful loans (high risk of default);
  • 4th - bad loans (the probability of return is almost zero, the loan represents the actual losses of the bank).

Loan portfolio structure

The volume and structure of the loan portfolio of a particular commercial bank is determined by a number of factors:

1. The specifics of the market sector served by the bank. The influence of this factor on the volume and structure of the loan portfolio is determined by the credit specifics of a commercial bank in certain sectors of the economy, types of loans and borrowers;

2. The size of the bank's capital. This factor determines the maximum loan amount (limiting factor) provided to an individual borrower, and the bank as a wholesale or retail lender;

3. Rules for regulating banking activities. This factor determines the establishment of credit risk standards, restriction and / or prohibition on the provision of certain types of loans. The degree of influence of this factor is determined by legislation in the form of resolutions of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approval of instructions and mandatory standards for banking activities;

4. Credit policy of the bank, which defines the goals and priority areas for lending to a particular commercial bank;

5. Experience and qualifications of bank managers. The influence of this factor is determined by the fact that the bank provides loans that cannot be professionally assessed by the bank's specialists;

6. Expected bank income from lending operations. This factor provides for the use by the bank of those types of lending that provide a higher level of profitability for the bank;

7. The level of profitability of other directions of placement of funds. So, under equal conditions of profitability of various types of assets of a commercial bank, preference is given to the least risky areas for investing funds, although they are less profitable.

Loan portfolio quality

The quality of the loan portfolio is understood as such a property that is able to maximize the level of profitability with an acceptable level of credit risk and liquidity. Let us consider the content of individual criteria for assessing the quality of a commercial bank's loan portfolio.

1. Degree of credit risk. Credit risk associated with a loan portfolio is the risk of loss that arises from a default by a lender or counterparty. The loan portfolio of a commercial bank is subject to the risk of losses arising from a default by a lender or counterparty. Loan portfolio is segmented into:

  • loans granted to legal, physical, financial organizations;
  • factoring debt;
  • issued guarantees;
  • discounted bills, etc.

The assessment of the degree of risk of the loan portfolio has its own peculiarities. First, the total risk depends on:

  • the degree of credit risk of individual segments of the portfolio, the assessment methods of which have both common features and features associated with the specifics of the segment;
  • diversification of the structure of the loan portfolio and individual segments.

Secondly, to assess the degree of credit risk, a system of indicators is needed that takes into account many aspects.

2. The level of profitability of the bank's loan portfolio. Since the purpose of the bank's operation is the maximum profit with an acceptable level of risks, the profitability of the loan portfolio is a criterion for assessing its quality. Elements of the loan portfolio can be divided into two groups: income-producing and non-income-producing assets. The latter group includes interest-free loans, loans with frozen interest and with a long delay in interest payments.

In foreign practice, with a long overdue debt, interest is practiced by refusing to accrue them, as the main thing is the return of the principal debt.

In Russian practice, the mandatory accrual of interest is regulated. The level of profitability of the loan portfolio is determined both by the level of the interest rate on the loans provided, and by the timeliness of payment of interest and the amount of the principal debt.

The profitability of the loan portfolio of a commercial bank has a lower and an upper limit. The lower limit is determined by the cost of conducting credit operations (expenses for personnel, maintenance of loan accounts, etc.) plus the interest payable for the resources invested in this portfolio. The upper limit of the portfolio is the level of sufficient margin. The profitability of the loan portfolio of a commercial bank directly depends on the volume and structure, which are determined by a number of factors. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • The specifics of the market sector served by the bank. The influence of this factor on the volume and structure of the loan portfolio is determined by the credit specifics of a commercial bank in certain sectors of the economy, types of loans and borrowers;
  • The size of the bank's capital. This factor determines the maximum loan amount (limiting factor) provided to an individual borrower, and the bank as a wholesale or retail lender;
  • Banking regulation rules. This factor determines the establishment of credit risk standards, restriction and / or prohibition on the provision of certain types of loans. The degree of influence of this factor is determined by legislation, the approval of instructions and mandatory standards for banking activities.

In modern conditions, banks seek to increase profits by offering customers a large number of loan products. Thus, two goals are achieved at once: on the one hand, in order to reduce credit risk, the bank diversifies the loan portfolio, which makes it possible to compensate for possible losses from some transactions with profit from others.

3. The level of liquidity of the loan portfolio. Since the level of liquidity of a commercial bank is determined by the quality of assets and the quality of the loan portfolio, it is important that the loans provided by the bank are returned within the terms established by the agreements, whether the bank could sell loans due to quality and profitability. The higher the share of loans classified in the best groups, the higher the liquidity.

In favor of applying the criteria for assessing the quality of a commercial bank's loan portfolio (the degree of credit risk, the level of profitability and liquidity), the following arguments. The low risk of elements of the loan portfolio does not mean its high quality: loans of the first category of quality, which are provided to first-class borrowers at low interest rates, do not bring high income. As a rule, the high liquidity inherent in short-term assets of a credit nature brings a low interest income to a commercial bank.

Thus, credit risk is not the only criterion for the quality of the bank's loan portfolio, since the concept of the quality of the loan portfolio is broader and is associated with liquidity risks and loss of profitability by the bank. However, the significance of these criteria will vary depending on the conditions, place of operation of the bank, as well as its strategy.

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