financial institutions. Banks

1) these are specially designed financial documents, in which the rights of their owner or bearer are fixed;
2) documents containing any property right, the implementation of which is possible only if they are presented (shares, bonds, bills, etc.);
3) monetary or commodity documents, giving their owner property rights in relation to issuers and the right to receive certain sums of money, income.

Securities include: stocks, bonds, bills, treasury bills, savings certificates, checks, bills of lading, documents confirming receipt bank loan, IOUs, wills, insurance policies, options, futures contacts, etc.

Issuers(from lat. emittens (emittentis) - issuing) - bodies or organizations that issue securities into circulation.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation classifies securities as things.

Signs of a security:
1) drawn up in a certain form;
2) contains information about who has the right to property and who owes this property this person provide;
3) the form and name are provided by the state in the relevant acts;
4) is valid only if it is presented.

The right to property and cash payments on securities to their owner is provided by organizations that have issued and sold securities.

security paper A commodity that has no value of its own can be sold at a high market price. This is explained by the fact that a security, having its face value, i.e. the face value indicated on it represents a certain amount of real capital invested, for example, in an industrial enterprise. If the demand for a security exceeds the supply, then its price may exceed its face value.

Types of securities:
Classification No. 1:
1) money (bonds, bills, cash checks, money certificates);
2) commodity securities that secure the material rights of their owners, property rights (bills of lading = waybills, warehouse receipts);
3) shares provide both monetary and property rights.

Classification No. 2:
1) bearer (transferred to another person by delivery),
2) order (transferred by making an endorsement on the reverse side of the document - endorsement,
3) nominal (transferred in the manner established for the assignment of a claim, unless otherwise provided by law).

Endorsement (German Indossament) - an endorsement on bills of exchange, checks, bills of lading and some other securities, which formalizes the transfer of rights under these documents from one person (endorser) to another. As a rule, the purchase and sale of securities is carried out on the stock exchange.

Promotion (lat. actio - order) -
1) a security issued by a joint-stock company and securing the rights of its owner (shareholder);
2) a security issued to an investor (depositor) in exchange for funds received from him and confirming his rights:
3) a security, which indicates that its owner (owners) has contributed - a share - to the capital of a joint-stock company and has the appropriate rights.

Share- a monetary contribution or a share in the total capital of a firm, company, society, cooperative, attributable to a given individual or legal entity contributing money - a shareholder.
What rights does a share give?
1) to receive part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of dividends;
2) for the sale of shares on the securities market;
3) participation in the management of a joint-stock company (ordinary);
4) on receipt of a part of the property or the value of this part of the property upon liquidation of the company.

Dividends(from Latin dividendus - subject to division) - a part of the profit of a joint-stock company, which it distributes among shareholders (owners of shares) and pays them annually in accordance with their shares and taking into account the value of the shares.

Preference shares– shares that give their owners the right to receive priority dividends at a fixed rate, regardless of the level of profit received by the joint-stock company in a given period; the owner of such shares also has a pre-emptive right to receive a share of the property of the liquidated joint-stock company.

Ordinary (ordinary, shares with non-fixed dividend) shares- shares on which dividends are paid out of the part of the profit remaining after the payment of a fixed interest to the holders of preferred shares, that is, in the form of a percentage depending on the amount of profit; holders of such shares, unlike holders of preferred shares, have the right to vote general meeting shareholders.
Nominative, registered shares - shares issued in the name of a well-defined person.

Types of monetary securities:

Bond(from lat. obligatio - obligation) - 1) a security that secures the owner's right to receive a bond from the issuer within the period specified in it of its nominal value or other property equivalent; 2) a security that certifies that its owner has lent a certain amount to the firm or state that issued the bond, and has the right to receive his money back after a certain time along with a premium, the value of which is also fixed when the bonds are sold.
Unlike a stock, which earns a return based on the overall return of the business, a bond earns a return based on a fixed interest rate.

bill of exchange(from German Wechsel - exchange) - a security in the form of a long-term obligation drawn up in writing in a certain form. The bill gives the person to whom it was issued (creditor, lender), called the bill holder, an unconditional, legally supported right to receive (return) the monetary debt granted to them for a fixed period and on certain conditions.

Check(English check, Amer. check) - money document strictly established sample, containing in its essence an unconditional order, an order of the drawer (the person who issued the check) to the bank or other credit institution to pay the holder of the check (the person to whom the check was issued) the specified amount of money.

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities.

2) Securities are the object of purchase and sale.

3) All securities are legal means of payment.

4) Securities may exist only in the forms specified by law.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

A share is a security that certifies the contribution of its owner Money, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary - the right to vote, dividends are not guaranteed; preferred or preferential - no voting rights, fixed dividends (cumulative - dividends on them, convertible - can be changed to ordinary, returnable - they can be withdrawn by JSC). Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D/R · 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of interest. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a security, a document on the pledge of immovable property by the debtor, giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

A stock exchange is an exchange where securities and currencies are traded.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities - yes, that's right.

2) Securities are the object of sale - yes, that's right.

3) All securities are legal tender - no, that's not true.

4) Securities can exist only in forms determined by law - yes, that's right.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities - no, that's not true.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Shares, investment shares are not a means of payment at all. Please!

Yuri Avezov 16.05.2017 18:47

Who else has the right to issue securities other than those listed in paragraph 5?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

When issuing securities against loans, state and business entities can become issuers. It may also be an individual (as individual entrepreneur) issuing bonds.

1) Distinguish between registered and bearer securities.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time.


In Russian civil law, securities are classified according to the method of legitimation of the owner of the security (an authorized person) into bearer (bearer securities), registered, order (order). According to Russian legislation securities include:

A share (lat. actio - order) is a security that indicates the right to a share of ownership in the company's capital and the receipt of income (dividend). Ordinary shares. Preferred shares may impose restrictions on participation in management, and may also give additional rights in management (not necessarily), but bring permanent (often - fixed in the form of a certain share of the accounting net profit or in absolute monetary terms) dividends.

A bill of exchange (from German Wechsel) is a strictly established form certifying an unconditional obligation of the drawer (a simple bill), or a proposal to another payer specified in the bill (a bill of exchange) to pay a certain amount of money upon the due date of the bill.

Bond (Latin obligatio - obligation; English bond - long-term, note - short-term) - issuance debt security, securing the right of its owner to receive from the issuer of the bond within the period stipulated in it its nominal value or other property equivalent. A bond may also provide for the right of its owner to receive a fixed percentage of the nominal value of the bond or other property rights. The yield on a bond is interest and/or discount.

A check (fr. chèque, eng. cheque) is a security containing an unconditional order of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the amount indicated in it to the holder of the check. The issuer of a check is a person who has funds in the bank, which he has the right to dispose of by issuing checks, the holder of a check is the person in whose favor the check is issued, the payer is the bank in which the funds of the drawer are located.

1) There are registered and bearer securities - yes, that's right.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period - no, that's not true.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security - no, it is not true.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share - yes, that's right.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time - yes, that's right.

Answer: 145.

Answer: 145

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The word ONLY is not in the judgment, so it is true.

Share, bond, bill, security, check.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (issuer) to reimburse face value this security within the stipulated time with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a document on pledge by the debtor real estate which gives the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

Futures - a security that gives the owner the right to purchase goods in the future at today's prices.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Select correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights.

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security.

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale.

4) Individuals cannot issue securities.

5) Securities can exist both in paper and in electronic form.


1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights. YES, right

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security. NO, incorrect, only in nominal, there is a bearer

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale. YES, right

4) Individuals cannot issue securities. NO, incorrect, check, for example

5) Securities may exist in both paper and electronic form. YES, right

Correct answer: 135

Answer: 135


A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the term of its validity.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate

D) a security, from the amount of par value of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed

2) bond

3) savings certificate



A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it - a bond.

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the period of its validity - a check.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise - a share.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate - a savings certificate.

E) a security, from the amount of nominal values ​​of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed - a share.

Answer: 24131.

Natalia Kravchenko 18.05.2017 21:02

Good evening, in theory, both shareholders and bondholders have the right to part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise. If the enterprise is ruined by both the one and the other, the property is returned

Anastasia Shcherban 21.05.2017 22:20

P. A. Baranov's handbook states that bondholders have a priority right to receive part of the company's property (before holders of preferred shares) in the event of a company's bankruptcy. It turns out that in the answer is ambiguous.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Happens. StatGrad

Lyudmila Anatolyevna invests her savings in the purchase of securities of various enterprises. Find in the list below the securities that she can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation‚ and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) banknotes

3) bonds

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund

6) property insurance contract


Securities are documents that meet the requirements established by law and certify obligations and other rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of such documents (documentary securities). Obligatory and other rights are also recognized as securities, which are enshrined in a decision on the issue or other act of the person who issued the securities in accordance with the requirements of the law, and the exercise and transfer of which is possible only in compliance with the rules for accounting for these rights in accordance with Article 149 of this Code ( paperless securities). Securities are a share, a bill of exchange, a mortgage, an investment share of a mutual investment fund, a bill of lading, a bond, a check and other securities named as such in law or recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law.

1) banknotes - no, not true.

2) banknotes - no, it's not true.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

4) shares - yes, that's right.

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund - yes, that's right.

6) property insurance contract - no, it is incorrect.

Answer: 345.

Basil 17.12.2017 14:06

In accordance with the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the investment share of a mutual investment fund does not apply to securities.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The last of the securities available in Russia is an investment share (in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Investment Funds", 2001). At the time of the assignment, it was relevant.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary (voting rights, dividends are not guaranteed), preferred or preferential (no voting rights, fixed dividends), cumulative (dividends on them), convertible (can be changed to ordinary), returnable (they can be withdrawn by JSC).

Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D / R x 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the face value of the bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

A) grants the right to participate in the management of the company - an ordinary share.

B) gives the right to receive a fixed interest - a bond.

B) certifies a debt relationship - a bond.

D) grants the right to an unconditional return of the nominal value at the end of the term - a bond.

E) certifies the owner's right to a share in the company's capital - an ordinary share.

Answer: 21112.

Answer: 21112

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Fixed dividend on shares

Using social science knowledge,

1) reveal the meaning of the concept of "securities";

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information on the types of securities;

− one sentence, disclosing the term that denotes the issue of securities.

Sentences should be widespread and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

The meaning of the concept:

1) this is a document drawn up in the prescribed form and, if available, required details certifying property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of this document.

2) two sentences.

There are debt (bonds) and equity securities (shares);

The issue of securities is called an issue.

Any other two sentences containing information about securities may be given.



A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Write down the missing word in the table.

Characteristics of securities


A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the profit of the enterprise.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Source: USE - 2019. Early wave

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Answer: 22111.

Answer: 22111

Find securities in the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) preferred shares

2) receipts

6) work books


A security is a document certifying, in compliance with the established form and mandatory details, property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon its presentation. Securities: stocks, bonds, bills, futures.

1) preferred shares - yes, that's right.

2) receipts - no, incorrect.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

6) work books - no, that's not true.

Answer: 134.

Answer: 134

Subject area: Economics. Securities

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts, and write down this word (phrase).

Share, bond, security, bill, savings certificate.


Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Promotion; security; bond; bill; deposit and savings certificate.


All concepts presented are securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word.

Securities, bill, bond, check, share.


These are all different types of securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Andrei purchases shares of large companies, hoping to receive income from the subsequent sale in the event of an increase in their market rate.

Specify the type of exchange where Andrey buys shares.

Name the type of income from shares that Andrey can receive before they are resold. Using social science knowledge, indicate any three types of securities other than shares.

In the lesson, we will define what relates to financial institutions and how they work. Let us characterize the banking system, functions Central Bank. Let's name the main types of securities, find out what income they can bring to their owners.

Abstract of the lesson "Financial institutions. Banks. Securities"

Social Studies Unified State Examination, lesson 10

Lesson 10. Financial institutions. Banks. Securities

Financial institutions

Finance cash, securities and other monetary obligations families, enterprises, states;

      a set of monetary relations organized by the state, in the course of which the formation and use of national funds, funds for the implementation of economic, social and political tasks is carried out.

Financial institutions - commercial institutions engaged in financial transactions.

      Banks – a financial institution (legal entity) entitled to:

      • attract funds from individuals and legal entities in deposits ( deposits );

        • Deposit – amounts of money or securities deposited with a credit institution for safekeeping or for a special purpose.

      • provide loans (perform lending);

        carry out cash settlements;

        buy and sell currency, securities;

        provide other services.

      Insurance companies financial institutions providing insurance services acting as an insurer, that is, assuming the obligation to compensate the insured for damage upon the occurrence of insured event(life, health, property, liability insurance, etc.)

      Investment companies - financial institutions that collect funds from private investors through the sale of their own securities. They act as intermediaries between the borrower and the private investor, expressing the interests of the latter.

      pension funds - funds created by private and public companies for the payment of pensions and old-age or disability benefits to persons who contribute to this fund.

      Stock Exchange - stocks and bods market; an organized market where transactions with securities and other financial instruments are carried out.

      International financial and credit institutions: World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European bank reconstruction and development…

Banking system

Banking system - the totality of banks, credit institutions and individual banks operating in the country economic organizations performing Bank operations.

      Credit organisation - a legal entity that, in order to make a profit as the main goal of its activity, on the basis of a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, has the right to carry out banking operations (it is formed on the basis of any form of ownership as a business partnership).

In the Russian Federation - two-tier banking system

Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) :

      conducting monetary policy:

      maintaining the stability of the national currency:

      • foreign exchange interventions;

      issue and redemption of government securities;

      supervising the activities of the country's financial institutions and the implementation of financial legislation;

      lending to commercial banks;

      government account management, cash and settlement services public accounts;

      execution of foreign financial transactions;

      storage of official gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Commercial banks - universal banks engaged in direct lending to all economic entities, including entrepreneurship.

Specialized banks

      Credit and financial organizations- lending to certain areas and sectors of the economy.

      investment banks– specialize in financing and long-term lending, investing in industry, construction and other industries, as well as in securities.

      • Investments – long-term investments of capital with the aim of generating income.

      Mortgage banks- provide loans secured by collateral, most often against real estate.

      savings banks- attract and store free cash, cash savings of the population, paying depositors a fixed percentage that increases with the increase in the period of storage.

      Innovative banks- credit innovations, i.e. ensure the development of innovations, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements.

      Other credit institutions.

Bank operations:

      passive- accumulation of funds;

      active- lending.

      • Credit - a loan provided by a lender to a borrower on the basis of the principles:

        • return,



Banking services:

      cash and settlement services: cash and non-cash payments;

      issue and storage of securities;

      currency exchange operations;

      trust (trust) operations:

      • management of funds, property;

        performance of any actions with property - storage, execution of a power of attorney, transfer to third parties;

        maintenance of personal bank accounts of the client;

        creation of private pension funds.


security paper - a document of the established form, which certifies property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of this document

Security properties :

      negotiability - the ability to be sold and bought, to act as a payment instrument;

      standardity - the presence of standard content (rights, form, accounting rules, types of participants);

      documentation - the availability of the necessary details;

      turnover capacity - a security can be an object of civil law transactions;

      profitability - the ability to receive dividends or interest;

      liquidity - the ability to quickly sell and exchange for cash.

Types of securities:

      bearer, nominal, order .

      • Order securities imply the possibility of their transfer to another person by means of a transfer record (endorsement).

Equity securities

Promotion - a security that testifies to the participation of the owner (shareholder) in the capital of the joint-stock company that issued it and gives him the right to receive part of the profits of this company.

      Ordinary share:

      • gives the right to participate in the management of the enterprise;

        right to receive dividends .

        • Dividend- part of the profit of a joint-stock company (or other economic entity), distributed among shareholders, participants in accordance with the number and type of shares, shares in their possession.

      Preferred share:

      • the right to pay fixed dividends;

        the right to receive their share of capital in the event of liquidation of the enterprise;

      "Golden share" is a special type of share that provides its owner - the state with special rights in comparison with all other shareholders for the purpose of state control over the privatized enterprise.

      • The offer is valid for a certain period of time government agency casting vote at the shareholders' meeting.

        The share is not subject to sale on the securities market.

Debt securities

      Bond a security that certifies that its owner has lent a certain amount to the firm or state that issued the bond, and has the right to receive his money back after a certain time along with a premium, the amount of which is also fixed when the bond is sold.

      • The bond premium is most often paid as interest on the principal amount twice a year.

      bill of exchange long-term debt obligation, the obligation to repay a certain amount within a certain period of time.

Other types of securities: check, certificate of deposit, warrant, option, futures, bill of lading.

Stock Exchange


      Mobilization of funds for long-term investments in the economy and financing of government programs.

      Purchase and sale of shares, bonds of joint-stock companies, government bonds and other securities.

      Establishment in the course of trading of the rate of securities circulating on the stock exchange.

      Dissemination of information about securities quotes and the state of financial market generally.

stock market players

      Investors buy securities based on their long-term returns.

      Speculators - buy securities, expecting to receive income from changes in their exchange rate:

      • bulls- play on an increase in the rate;

        the Bears - play on a depreciation.

        Securities rate the price at which securities are bought and sold.

      Dealers make transactions with securities on their own behalf and at their own expense.

      Brokers transact on the stock exchange on behalf of clients.

Problem solving

Choose a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) investment fund 2) commercial bank 3) credit institution

4) insurance company 5) savings bank

Establish a correspondence between the type of bank and banking functions: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Choose the correct judgments about the banking system and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Structural element banking system are Insurance companies.

2) Acceptance of deposits from the population refers to active operations commercial bank.

3) The Central Bank is the custodian of the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves.

4) Large enterprises open their deposit accounts with the Central Bank

5) The passive operations of a commercial bank include obtaining loans from other banks.

In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. write it down word (phrase) .

Ordinary share, security, bond, promissory note, check.

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Securities include shares, promissory notes, bonds.

2) Distinguish between equity and debt securities.

3) The sale of securities is carried out on foreign exchange market.

4) A share is a security without a fixed circulation period, which is a certificate of receipt of a share in the company's property and gives its owner the right to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend.

5) The issue of securities is called a surplus.

Financial Consultant explains to his client the difference between preferred shares and common shares. What rights conferred by preferred shares should the consultant highlight? Choose the correct answers and write down the numbers with which they are indicated.

1) These shares give the right to participate in the management of the company.

2) These shares give the right to receive a fixed dividend.

3) The amount of the dividend on these shares and the liquidation value are determined in a firm sum of money or as a percentage of the par value of preferred shares.

4) These shares give a priority right to receive a part of the property of the company in the event of its bankruptcy.

5) The source of payment of dividends on preferred shares is the net profit of the joint-stock company for the current year.

6) These shares give the right to an unconditional return of their nominal value upon maturity.

Practice solving tasks of part 2 of the exam.

Task 25

What is the meaning of economists in the concept of "securities"? Drawing on knowledge of the economic course, make two sentences containing information about securities.

Task 27

In country Z, the refinancing rate of the Central Bank was reduced to develop the economy. Name any three consequences of this decision for the financial sector of country Z.

Tasks on the topic for independent solution

Exercise 1

(3 points)

Bank Z is located in the business district of the state capital. On what grounds can one establish that Z is a central bank? Write down the numbers under which these signs are indicated (in ascending order, without spaces and any punctuation marks).

1) The bank issues money.

2) The Bank provides loans to individuals.

3) The bank attracts funds from citizens and firms for deposits.

4) The bank serves the settlements of firms.

5) The bank sets the discount rate of interest.

6) The Bank licenses the activities of financial organizations.

Task 2

(3 points)

Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the field of activity of commercial banks.

1) storage of the gold and foreign exchange reserve of the state;

2) purchase and sale of currency;

3) sale of traveler's checks;

4) maintenance of company accounts;

5) implementation of the monopoly issue of money;

6) opening and maintenance of deposits of citizens.

Find two functions that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated (in ascending order, without spaces or any punctuation marks).

Task 3

(2 points)

Write down the word passed in the table (without any punctuation marks).




The topic about securities and their types refers to economic sphere the life of society. I’m sure it causes difficulties, because the guys with whom I personally prepare for the Unified State Examination in social science at first had little idea what they were in general and why they were needed? Well, in their views, there was a dark forest in general!

You need to know that in Russian Federation all legal relations in this area are regulated by several federal laws, two of which are the most important: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and "On the Securities Market".

A security is a document that, as an object civil rights gives rise to financial and other rights of its owner. The issue of this document is registered by the state.In fact, money is also a document that generates financial rights. It's just that their range of action is incomparably wider!

And then you say: “Come on, Andrei Alexandrovich, money is the most important thing! You can buy anything with them!” I won't argue - you can really buy a lot with money. But still, these documents can give rise to significantly greater rights of their owners.


Documentary- these are those whose possession is confirmed by some documents: certificates, etc. Well, Ivan Ivanovich is the owner of such and such securities.

Such documents can be bearer, order and nominal.

Bearer- means that any person can come and claim the rights stipulated in it.

Order security means that it passed to a certain person according to a certain procedure (order) and he has the right to demand the realization of his rights on it.

Nominal writes in someone's name.

There are also paperless securities. In this case, it will not be issued to you, since there is no document confirming your rights. But an entry is made in a special register that such and such a person has the right to such and such. This is also very convenient: you do not need to store them at home in socks, books or gouge a niche for them. Entered your name in the register, and forward.



According to Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a share is an issue paper that secures the rights of its owner (shareholder) to receive part of the profit of a joint-stock company in the form of dividends, to participate in the management of a joint-stock company and to part of the property remaining after its liquidation.

What does emissive mean? This means that the share is issued (printed) by some legal entity. That is, you buy yourself shares of some growing company. Since it grows, the value of the share rises, because the number of assets (factories, railway transportation, goods) of this company also increases. A share just reflects the value of these assets. The more shares you have, for example, Google or Apple, or, at worst, at least Rosneft, the more you can claim for a larger share of the profits (money) of this company!

That is, you don’t need to draw all kinds of feng shui drawings on your wallet so that money multiplies there - buy shares and be happy!


A bond is also an issue paper, according to which its owner can receive either its entire face value or a property equivalent from the company that issued this bond. The organization that issued the bond is called the issuer.

Imagine how many new words you will learn now: issuer, share, bond!.. Whether there will be more! You mean come on a date to a girl (or guy) and immediately ask her (him): “What is an issuer ?! You know?! No?! Well, or-ka learn - small (a) you still go on dates! »

And how you can shine in society with the knowledge of new words! Already breathtaking!

Well, that's what it means. On a bond, you can use the money that is indicated on it. It is written, for example, on bonds 1000, which means that at some intervals you will receive 1000 rubles each. By the way, a bond can assign to its owner other property rights, except for financial ones.

bill of exchange

A bill of exchange is already a different security, different from stocks and bonds. It is given to a person (or legal entity) so that he pays money on it to another company. Of course, in order to lend a couple of thousand rubles, a bill of exchange is not needed - you can simply take a receipt, or conclude an agreement.

But if the amount is tidy, then you can go to the bank and issue a bill: as a result, the debtor will pay the agreed amount not just anywhere, but in a strictly defined place and a strictly defined amount.


According to the check, the bank is obliged to pay the amount specified in the check to the bearer of the check.


This is a registered security that is issued in the name of a bank or a person who has the right to fulfill property obligations in his favor. Today, mortgages are common in mortgages. I took a mortgage, and the bank issued a mortgage, that in case of non-payment of the mortgage, there are some mortgaged property, which actually goes to this bank .... Tin, of course, but such is the harsh reality of the market!

Investment share

This is also a registered security, according to which a person is entitled to a financial share that he has contributed to investment fund. It is clear that all such shares (shares) are managed by this fund. So, you kind of give money in trust.

These are the main securities and their types, dear friends, you should know! I hope the topic has become clearer.

Sincerely, Andrey Puchkov



Securities appeared when people faced the difficulty of moving large amounts of money and their security. Securities not only allow a person to accumulate their funds, that is, to receive money from money, but also to save them from inflation (depreciation). Anyone who has securities can increase his wealth if he decides to invest them in a business.

security paper- this is a financial document drawn up in the form prescribed by law with the presence of mandatory details and fixing the property rights of its holder (owner) to the issuer.

Securities have the same properties as money - negotiability and liquidity. They are available for civil circulation. This means that individuals and legal entities can enter into transactions with securities. The participants in such transactions are the issuer and the holder. An issuer is a person who issues a security. Only legal entities and the state can be issuers, while natural persons, legal entities and the state can be holders. An obligatory condition for the issuer to exercise the property rights enshrined in the security is its presentation by the holder.

Securities in the Russian Federation must undergo mandatory registration in a special register, otherwise they are considered invalid. Securities that do not have mandatory requisites (ownership, term, denomination, addresses, numbers, stamps, etc.) are also invalid.

Types of securities

Securities are divided into equity, debt, payment. The first indicate the share of the person who invested his property in the enterprise. A share is a share. The second fixes debt obligations. Debt is a bond, a certificate of deposit. Payment securities include bills, checks and others.

There are also registered securities, bearer and order. The share can only be nominal, that is, it indicates the ownership of a specific person. Bearer securities do not contain an indication of a specific person, it is enough just to hand it over. Bonds can be both nominal and bearer. And checks can be of all listed types. Order checks differ in that they can be transferred to another person, but with the obligatory presence of the signature of the transferring person.

By maturity, securities are termed and perpetual.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides the following types securities: shares, bonds, promissory notes, checks, investment shares, bills of lading, futures and others. We will consider the most common securities in civil circulation.

Promotion- a registered equity security that secures the right of the holder to receive part of the profit of the joint-stock company (dividend).

Shares are ordinary and preferred. There are more of the former in circulation. The holder of ordinary shares has the right to participate in the management of the affairs of the joint-stock company. One ordinary share entitles one vote at the general meeting of shareholders. An ordinary share gives the right to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend, the amount of which is not fixed, depends on the invested funds (the number of shares purchased) and on the net profit of the enterprise. Preferred shares guarantee their holders a fixed dividend, which is determined in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company and does not depend on the profit of the enterprise. The distribution of the profit of a joint-stock company occurs in such a way that, first of all, the holders of preferred shares receive their dividend, and then the profit is distributed among ordinary shares. Another advantage of preferred shares is that they give a priority right to receive part of the property of a joint-stock company in the event of bankruptcy. Both ordinary and preferred shares are issued for an indefinite period and cease to exist only in the event of liquidation of the joint-stock company.

How can an individual acquire a share in any enterprise, for example, Sberbank or Gazprom? Since an individual cannot directly enter the stock exchange, he needs to contact a brokerage firm (this is an intermediary between individuals And stock exchange) and register a brokerage account in it. After that, he can buy shares of the company of interest to him. Shares are sold in lots. The number of shares in one lot is different for different companies and depends on the value of one share. Joint stock companies issue not only stocks, but also bonds.

Bond- a debt security that secures the holder's right to receive the face value of the bond and interest.

Comparing the definitions of a stock and a bond, one can notice the difference between them: a stock certifies a share, and a bond certifies debt obligations. Another difference is that a stock is a perpetual security while a bond has a maturity. This means that the bond holder, after the expiration of the period specified in the agreement, will receive from the issuer the face value of the bond plus a fixed percentage. The fact that the holder of a bond receives a fixed interest rate distinguishes it from ordinary share, but related to the privileged. Let us explain with an example, imagine that on August 20, 2017, IP Ivanov invested his free funds in the amount of 300,000 rubles by purchasing bonds of Ariel JSC for a year. Thus, he became an investor in a children's clothing company and knows that on August 20, 2018 he will receive his investment back and a fixed percentage income.

Check- a security addressed to the bank and containing the order of the drawer of the check to pay the holder of the check the amount specified in it.

The checkbook is issued by the bank. For this, physical or legal entity you need to open a bank account and conclude a check agreement with the bank. The check has a maturity date specified in the law of the Russian Federation - it is 10 days from the date of issue. In fact, checks help people to carry out cashless payments. Let's say IP Ivanov has a checkbook in Sberbank of Russia. According to the contract of sale with the firm "Stationery" Ivanov wrote out a check in the amount of 8,000 rubles. A representative of the firm "Stationery" cashed a check at Sberbank. The procedure for cashing a check is called collection.

Savings or bank certificate - a security about depositing funds (deposit or savings deposit) in a bank for a certain period.

After the expiration of the specified period, the certificate holder has the right to return the deposit amount and receive interest. Certificates can be registered or bearer.

bill of exchange- a security that certifies the obligation of the drawer to pay a certain amount to the holder of a bill at a certain time and in a specific place.

A promissory note is used when people borrow or lend money.

Futures- a security that certifies an agreement on the sale of goods in the future at a price agreed in the present.