Dumps of bank cards for cashing. Parsing a bank card

- What is a dump?

- Where did you get the dumps?

- And what to do?

- Which for example?


- On what slip?

- "Pins" where did you get it?

Wow! Tell me.

Full parsing bank card from a former carder.
An excerpt from the book "How I Stole a Million. Confessions of a Repentant Carder".

There is a common misconception among ordinary people that the balance is on a credit card, but this is not so - the money does not physically lie on it, a credit card is like a pass to a card account in the bank that issued it. In other words, it identifies the owner of the account - can he take money from the chest that is in the bank. The seller swipes the card through a POS-terminal (from the English Point of Sale - "point of sale") - a device that reads the information recorded on the magnetic strip of the card and contacts the bank to complete the transaction, which connects to the processing center and transfers data there from your card. Further, the processing contacts the issuing bank that issued the card and receives confirmation or refusal in the form of a code. Successful authorization code - 00 - APPROVED (approved). Otherwise, they get a ban on the deal, often played out in Hollywood films (“sorry, your account is frozen” and defiantly cutting the card with scissors). Payment system type VISA links all the links of this chain together, for which it takes up to 3.5% from each transaction.

- What is a dump?

A dump is a collection of information recorded on the magnetic stripe of a credit card. Consists of three tracks (tracks). The first two are used directly for the operation of the card, and the third track is intended for recording various service information. The most important is the second track. The first track duplicates the main data of the second - card number, expiration date, CVV - code, and also contains the name of the card holder.

Track1: B4 55990 75607 84214^SMITH/JOHN^110210 10000 00000 00000

Track2: 4559907560784214=11021010000052700000

Code 101 after the expiration date of the card indicates that the card is international. If instead of it there will be, for example, 201, this means that the card is local, that is, by default it works only in the "native" country. Having track2 on hand, you can easily generate track1, but doing the opposite is quite difficult. To get cash from an ATM, only the second track is enough.

- Where did you get the dumps?

There are currently three ways. Portable readers (English cardreader) are made or purchased - tools for reading a magnetic track payment card. The smallest readers I've seen were the size of a matchbox and were made in Ukraine by Boa Factory engineers. Then the devices are distributed to cashiers in boutiques and expensive stores, waiters in restaurants, foreign exchange prostitutes, and they swipe the client card not only through a legal POS terminal, but also through their own reader. A large processing center of a bank or trading network is hacked, through which payments of physical (not virtual) stores, hotels, restaurants pass, and the database of their customers is obtained. They are simply bought from those who have taken possession of them in one of the above ways.

- After all, dumps still need to be recorded on the credit card itself ...

Certainly. This requires a special device called an encoder. They are sold completely legally and cost $800-1000. The most common model in carding circles is the MSR 206. Connect it to a computer via a USB port, drive the dump into a simple program, pass the card through the slot - and you have a magnetic copy of the card of some American Pinocchio in your hands.

- Can I go to the store now?

No, it's too early to go to the store, because although we have a duplicate of a real card, it's on a piece of white "plastic" (usually brand CR-80). The salesperson in the store will be very surprised if you offer him such a card.

- And what to do?

You negotiate with the seller in some decent store, like: “Vasya, I have such garbage, I will come to you, take a laptop and a plasma, then we will sell the loot in half.” It works - the owners of restaurants, boutiques and casinos gave us 40-50% in cash of the amount that they "rolled", and we told them that they should answer their bank if there were problems.

- Which for example?

Sooner or later, the real cardholder (cardholder) will protest the payment. He complains to his bank, they complain to VISA, and now strong guys from the security service of the bank, which installed a POS terminal in this casino, raided our casino. They will come and say: “What are you, rascal, “rolling” fake cards?” Well, here our oligarch should bulge his eyes wider and say: “I don’t know anything. Now I’ll call the cashier who worked that evening.” Call Masha. Bankers to her:

Did you check the expiration date of the card?


Was the cardholder's signature on the back?

And then. I even compared it with the signature in his passport. And on the slip, he signed in the same way.

- On what slip?

The check that comes out after paying for the goods on a credit card is called a slip. All information about the purchase is printed on it: time, date, name of the organization, details of the place where the purchase was made. By the way, the data for the slip is taken from the first track. And if the dump absolutely does not care what name you indicate in the first track - the real owner of the card or the name that is indicated in your "left" passport, then the card number must still be written in the original, otherwise the payment (transaction) will not go through. And that would be, of course, not bad: you stupidly acquire a “left” passport, stupidly go with it no matter what bank in any country and just as stupidly open an account with a debit card. As a result, you have a credit card in your hands with the name of Zhenya Sokolov with $ 5 on it and a passport in the same name with your photo. You erase all the data from the magnetic strip, take a dump from those that you have, change the name in the first track to Zhenya Sokolova, write this dump on a card and go - even to the bank, even to the store. You ran out of money on this dump - you erase it, prepare it and write a new one. And so, until Zhenya Sokolova is searched all over the globe for all banks and all shops. Then you buy a new passport and go around again. Well, if they start to recognize it in the face, then only plastic surgery then.

Bankers will ask if the cashier checked the card number and last name on the check and the front surface of the card - the cashier will answer that, of course, yes, he will add that the card was not damaged and there were no signs of forgery, and this is the end of the "interrogation" - with all suspicions the bank has no legal grounds to block the payment. Of course, if sellers in Minsk stores checked whether the data on the slip matches the numbers on the card itself, it would be impossible to turn an already used card into a reusable one, however, in Belarus - a country of not scared idiots - cashiers everywhere "scored" on the rules for safe service banking plastic cards and I often managed to make purchases from dumps recorded on original ones, but expired, or even on discount cards. Businessmen who were indebted to criminal authorities and who had no choice were often involved in working with white "plastic". Of course, we did not "milk" one point too often, otherwise the servicing bank could take away the terminal and we would be left without work at all.

Hope what is PIN - you know?

I know, four numbers, without which you can't get cash from an ATM.

Right. But I will add. Firstly, a PIN code is often required when paying for purchases. And secondly, PIN (Personal Identification Number - “personal identification code”) does not necessarily consist of four digits. Its length should be large enough to minimize the likelihood of its selection by trial and error, and on the other hand, small enough so that the cardholder can remember it. Therefore, the length of the PIN code varies from four to twelve digits. More often, of course, four.

- "Pins" where did you get it?

- "Pins" ... Ordinary cardholders are sure (and bankers constantly tell them about this) that it is impossible to crack or steal a PIN code, but I know ten ways to do it.

Wow! Tell me.

Maybe not today? This is a topic for a separate discussion...

What exactly is the "method"?
Stop stupidly copy-pasting topics, or at least create them in the appropriate sections

Attention! Everything described in this article
illegal and falls under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The editors strongly do not recommend
use the methods given here
providing information for general

At the numerous requests of the fighters of our invisible front, I finally give out a small review about real plastic. I hope that this will slightly reduce the number of questions, sometimes just annoying. Therefore, I will try everything on my fingers and in simple words.

This case does not claim to be complete coverage of everything in the world on real plastic, but simply gives some directions for reflection. And again - no ready-made recipes - you will have to chew, swallow, and find the information yourself. under the word
"credit cards" in this article refer only to VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Diners Club, Discover or AmEx, while debit cards and SMART-cards require a separate approach to the projectile.

First, some terms, so that it is clearer for those who have not dealt with this at all, and then I will spread my thoughts along the tree:

  • A dump is a collection of information that is recorded on the magnetic stripe of a credit card. The dump can consist of tracks 1, 2 and 3, or 1 and 2, or 2 and 3
  • A track or track, a road is a text file with certain information, which is recorded on the magnetic track of a credit card. The main functional load is carried by Truck 2 or the second road. Having track 2, you can manually make Track 1, based on the data available in Track 2. Functionally, for some pickup methods, only the second track is recorded on the card. Usually, tracks 1 and 2 are used. Track 3 is used by different financial institutions on credit cards ah to record some additional information - for example, if the card is issued by Citibank together with American Airlines, then on the third road there may be information about the points scored for flights on AA, and so on. For us, the third way is not interesting.
  • For the manufacture of credit cards, various types of plastic are used, but in 90% of cases it is the so-called CR-80, on which all sorts of passes, certificates, casino membership cards and so on are made at the same time. That is, it is worldwide.
    and is used not only for the manufacture of credit cards.
  • POS terminal - a terminal for rolling credit cards when buying something there - seen in stores.
  • Dove and Globe - there is currently a hologram on every VISA or MasterCard credit card - on Visa there is a dove, on MC - hemispheres. We must pay tribute, there is no hologram on AmEx yet (although there is on the Optima card - a kind
  • The balance is not on the credit card!!! “Ge - lads, how to kill 100 bucks of balance for 10,000 on credit? Gee?” - I didn’t invent it, these are questions that are asked. I explain that the balance is NOT on the credit card, that is, the money does not physically lie there. A credit card is, as it were, a pass to the account of this credit card in the bank that issued it. That is, the credit card simply identifies the owner of the account - can he withdraw money from the chest that is in the bank.
  • Where to get dumps? - four ways to get dumps are currently in place:
  1. Buy, make, get readers - portable battery-powered (like PMR-202, PMR-102, MSR300, MSR500, Smart Mag-DC), or stationary, like AMC C722, MSR206 - and depending on the country of residence, experience, circle acquaintances are distributed to agents: foreign exchange prostitutes, cashiers in decent stores, employees of cafes, hotels - wherever there are foreigners who pay with credits. The pay for this work ranges from $10 to $200 for each dump collected by your agent.
  2. A very large processing center of a bank, or a processing network, through which payments of physical, and not virtual stores, and all sorts of things pass, breaks down, and the database is torn out from there.
  3. At the bank, you agree with the banker who sits precisely on the issuance of cards, or on their embossing, so that he will give you all the cards made on a floppy disk at the end of each working day. The most unrealistic way, but sometimes it occurs, especially if the banker has no sense of self-preservation.
  4. Dumps are simply bought from those who took possession of them in one of the above ways.

Let's go from the beginning - you got a dozen dumps from somewhere, and you dug up a dozen clean CR-80s from somewhere. What
further? Let's go from simple to complex:

  • How to shove these dumps onto this white plastic so that everything is on track? It's simple - there are scribblers for this, or in other words encoders (AMC C722, MSR206), by connecting which to a computer, and having figured out the program, you roll white clean plastic through the encoder, as a result of which you have plastic with a magnetic strip applied - a real dump credit cards. In other words, you have a magnetic copy in your hands. If suddenly your agent, who took this dump from the patient, got him drunk to such an extent that he shouted out the PIN to him in ecstasy (or wherever he found it in a notebook), you can safely go to an ATM and try to get money. With a high probability, if there were no suspicions when the dump was taken from the owner, and he does not suspect that a copy was taken from his card, you will receive money - another thing is that it is not known what the limit is, and whether there is money on it at all. But, as practice shows, PINs do not scream even in ecstasy. Thus, you have a duplicate on white plastic, with which, of course, you will not go to the store on the corner or to the ATM, since there is no PIN. What to do? Again - from simple to complex. First from the series quickly finely
    sleep ... uh, steal and drink beer: you negotiate with the seller in some decent store there, which accepts cards, that, they say, Vasya, I have such garbage, I will come to you, buy a laptop, then we will sell it and cut the money in half. It passes. For players of a heavier weight - a suitcase of such plastic with recorded dumps is collected, an office is opened (probably, it is possible in the Union, they have not tried it), it starts working - it sells some kind of baby dolls. A bank account, an agreement with a bank, a POS terminal is installed, and at one fine moment this whole suitcase of white plastic is driven through it. Money falls into the account. Take cash - and to the girls. Of course, everything is not so simple, at the beginning of any such topic, you need to carefully study the country, the banking system, possible pitfalls, the bank’s security system (by what signs red flags are thrown out), which put this terminal in your United Bratva office, the terms of enrollment, the possibility of withdrawing money, to think over ways of withdrawal, of course you cannot open such an office for yourself, calculate the costs - and much more.
  • Let's move on to something more complex. Initially there is pure CR-80 plastic and dumps. How would you print and make a credit card maximum one to one? With such a credit, you can safely go to any store in any country, and something else, which is discussed below. First you need to buy ready-made plastic with doves or a globe, or buy these holograms separately. Then you need to find a printing house, or buy your own equipment that will allow
    print something beautiful on clean CR-80 plastic - and practice shows that it doesn’t matter which bank is indicated there, and whether it corresponds real bank. The print is double-sided, of course. Pay special attention to the quality of the dove and the globe - if something is wrong with them, this is very alarming for sellers and bankers. Printed with grief in half. Now we need to make these indented credit card number, name, and so on. Again, you can negotiate with a banker who will emboss this business for you, or buy the equipment yourself. In addition to all this, it is necessary to stick a strip of special paper on the back of the credit, on which the signature of the cardholder is put. Not even six months have passed, and you already have a suitcase of duplicate credit cards that no one will find fault with. What are the options with a suitcase: if for clothes - buy a ticket to Singapore, for example, or to Pretoria, and buy tightly there until the suitcase runs out. Then somehow, somewhere, all this iron or silver-gold is attached, sold, distributed. Option two - dump absolutely give a damn about what name you indicate on the first road - either the real owner, or, say, the name that you have in the second left passport, for example, bought from BezNogi, or in international rights. You can manually change the name of the card owner inside the tracks (tracks). That is, in the slip-e that comes out of the POS terminal, the name that you yourself made in the dump will be stamped. I hope it is clear that in the same way no one bothers you to emboss all cards with the same name. Or, for example, make John Smith on 20 cards, Moisei Abramovich Petrov on 20 more, and Boris Berezovsky on 20 more. Order passports for these three names with rights for reliability. And boldly go to the Main Coolest Commercial Bank Ivanovo in the same Ivanovo or there at the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich, and, presenting a passport and a credit card in the same name, withdraw money from it to the maximum. Cash. It is clear that you need to enter the country on a different passport, just in case. Basically, think about everything. Withdrawn at one bank - go to another with another credit card in the same name, and so on. You change the country. And on a new one. With a different passport and other credit cards.
  • Shura Balaganov was very surprised when Ostap bought an ink set for the Horns and Hooves office. “Ostap Ibragimovich, were you not ashamed to pay LIVE money for this ink set?” Shura was right. The third option is simple and classic. Stupidly acquire the left passport. Stupidly go with him anyway to which bank and in which country, and just as stupidly open an account with a credit card. As a result, you have a credit card in your hands with the name of Zhenya Sokolov with 5 dollars on it, there is a passport in the name of Zhenya Sokolov with your photo. Erase all data from the magnetic stripe. Prepare a dump from those that you have - it doesn't matter whose and what country. Change the name in it on the tracks to Zhenya Sokolova. Write this dump on this credit card. And forward - even to the bank, even to the store - everything is there. You ran out of money on this dump - erase again, cook and write a new one. And so on, until Zhenya Sokolova is searched all over the globe for all banks and shops. Then buy a new passport - and in a circle again. Well, if they begin to recognize it in the face, then only plastic surgery then.

I'm tired of pressing the clave, so I round off. I apologize to everyone who is aware of the topics raised, for the fact that I stated all this in a somewhat simplified form - the article is not aimed at bison, but at beginners in this matter. Of course, the topic is endless, with many pitfalls at each stage. If someone is touched by the quick and the desire to take it - the directions are clear, look for information on each of the questions, study the materiel, Read The Fucking Manuals, banking systems, countries, languages, psychology of communication, security systems - the space for a fight is simply huge. Well, if someone from all this chewed up did not understand anything, duck and well, then this is not for you. It's okay too - Kasparov Garik plays chess, although he could do carding. And he is doing well financially. Take up chess. Or checkers. Or continue to practice regular virtual carding.

And the last note - if you suddenly see somewhere once again that someone is selling dumps with PINs - do not believe your eyes. If you carefully read this case from top to bottom, then, I hope, it is clear that PIN dumps are like cash in your pocket. And no one has yet sold $100 for $20. If $100 is printed in Washington, of course, and not in Grozny or Tehran.

PS. Do not forget that almost all ATMs have video recording equipment installed.
And video recordings are stored indefinitely - depending on the degree of chaos in the bank that owns a particular

It's probably no secret to anyone that a credit card is not a reliable means of storing money. Credit cards are taken away and cashed out online or in real stores. Today I would like to talk about the most sophisticated way of fraud with plastic cards - when they steal a dump (a copy of a credit card) and a pin code, and then withdraw money from ATMs. This is a multifaceted matter so that I will describe it step by step and at the same time reinforce it all with photographs.

Fraudsters who work with plastic cards are called "carders", but carding is a fraud with plastic cards. What does a carder need to withdraw money from your plastic card through a vending machine? Its full copy or the so-called dump (dupm) and your pin code (pin) is a four-digit number that the ATM asks each time to make sure that the card is yours.

You can get credit card dump different ways, but the difficulty is that information about your pin code is not stored in a plastic card, and if you only steal a dump, then it is useless to receive money from an ATM (credit cards without a pin are cashed out in a different way and this is the topic of another article). This means that the scammer needs to get a credit card dump along with the pin, which makes the task much more difficult. Here it will not work to get a job as a waiter or a seller and copy credit cards, the client must dial the PIN code, and the PIN code must become known to the scammer. Of course, you can stupidly take away a credit card and try out a pin threatening with something dangerous, but firstly it’s not subtle, and secondly it falls under the article “robbery” where the terms are much more abrupt. And where is the guarantee that the "client" will say the correct code? And even if it’s true, the “client” needs to be isolated somehow so that he doesn’t accidentally realize that he can call the bank and block the credit card or, even worse for the criminal, dial 02 and catch the thief warm at the ATM. The risk is great, and the card may turn out to be a very meager amount, and work on Visa Platinum it's expensive, usually such "clients" have security guards that can knock on the head.

But an inquisitive mind will always find a way out (and scammers are savvy people). The only place where you can get a plastic card dump and pin is an ATM. The conclusion suggests itself, you need to install special equipment so that it collects information that the fraudster could use in the future to enrich his pockets.

Skimmer (skimer) - a fraudster's device that reads and stores in memory (options: sends SMS or radio signal) information from the magnetic tape of a payment card. Here is the dump for you. The skimmer is installed in front of the ATM card reader and is usually made according to the design of a particular ATM, so that the cardholder would not suspect anything. When a person who wants to withdraw money from a card sticks a card into an ATM, the skimmer reads the data from his card, which gets to the scammer. Below are photos of skimmers, so that you can better understand what it is:

This is the skimmer, with which scammers can get a plastic card dump. But as we already found out earlier, one dump is not enough, you also need a pin code. That's why you need to install a skimmer on an ATM in order to find out the pin at the same time as the dump. In order to find out the PIN code of a particular card, there are two ways. The first is the simplest, install a camera next to the ATM, which will record the typed pin. You can hang a box with booklets on the ATM itself, where a hidden camera is mounted, or, for example, make a decorative canopy with a hidden camera over the ATM. See photo examples:

The second way is to make a fake keyboard overlay that looks like the real thing. This overlay will save (send) the pin code. See photo:

If everything is done correctly and accurately, then the client will not even notice that a dump was taken from his card and his pin was recorded, the card will crawl into the ATM card reader through the skimmer and the ATM will process it, and a well-made overlay will be pressed through and duplicate what is typed on the real ATM keyboard.

Now we have dumps and pins of credit cards, but the ATM has nothing to do with this information, it accepts cards. Next, we need white, clean plastic, on which we will write this information. See photo:

I heard somewhere that they contrived to use ATMs and now they “see” that the plastic is pristine white and stupidly swallow it, so the scammers began using ordinary string players to apply a pattern to white plastic. By the way, I’ll say by the way that the magnetic tape on credit cards is being rewritten, and nothing prevents a scammer from typing real cards for nothing and writing information on them, and if by chance the teaching staff catches this business, then a real credit card is in the hands, and who what is written on it only God (and the swindler) knows. Recording devices are sold quite legally, which is not surprising, since with the help of these devices they also write a lot of things, for example, bonus and discount cards of supermarkets. See photo:

By the way, usually a reader comes with a pair of white plastic cards for experiments. The point is small, write dumps on white plastic and withdraw money from an ATM. Yes, I foresee the next question, ATMs have cameras. So what? Who forbids a swindler to lightly make up, put on a wig, wide dark glasses and a cap? And in this case, the built-in camera is useless, like a goat's milk.

How to protect yourself from this? Eat the new kind cards with an electronic chip, the protection there is much steeper and, as I know, they have not yet been hacked, so ask the bank for a card with a chip and nothing else, it may be more expensive, but as you know, the miser pays twice.

Well, the universal way to deal with any fraud is ATTENTION. If you see that something sticks out at the ATM card reader, that the ATM keyboard is unnaturally raised, made “somehow wrong” or moves, there are booklets hanging on the ATM (the banks themselves do not hang them on the ATM) or, something else suspicious, not be lazy, look for a more trustworthy ATM. Yes, and you need to use ATMs in crowded places, preferably in large shopping centers or supermarkets, since there are a lot of cameras, and scammers usually choose a less risky path and naturally choose some kind of ATM, which is somewhere on the outskirts of the city, than they will risk installing equipment in a large shopping center full of surveillance cameras and security.

Unauthorized copying of all information contained in the magnetic strip of an active credit card in order to illegally create a fake credit card that can be used by cybercriminals to make purchases. Credit card surrender is used by scammers to collect valuable card data such as card number and expiration date. "Credit card surrender" is another term originally used underground that has found its way into widespread public awareness due to the increasing prevalence of credit card counterfeiting, identity theft and other types of cybercrime.


Credit card surrender can be obtained in a number of ways. A popular technique used by criminals is "skimming", in which an illegal card reader is used to copy credit card data. Other methods include hacking into a retailer's network or using a point of sale infected with malware.

In many cases, the consumer may not be aware that a dump of his or her credit card details has occurred. Cybercriminals go to great lengths to dump credit cards undetected, as cardholders can simply cancel their cards if they suspect the card's security has been compromised. In fact, the first indication that a data dump has occurred frequently is either when a consumer discovers an unauthorized purchase on his or her credit card, or when a consumer receives a notification from a merchant that credit card details may have been stolen due to a hacker attack.

A credit card dump that contains data for a US card can be sold in the underground economy for between $20 and $80. The value of this information is an incentive for hackers to try to penetrate the networks of established retailers. Once they succeed, it will be possible for them to get a dump for thousands of credit cards. The push for hacks in recent years at a number of big high-profile retailers is evidence that this issue is here to stay.