Partners from the bank. ATM partners from the bank without commission Partners from the bank ATMs

Clients evaluate the quality of banks according to several parameters, one of which is the convenience of withdrawing funds. OTP Bank has 1,400 own branches and about 4 thousand ATM devices (ATMs), due to which cash withdrawals from OTP Bank should not, in principle, cause the slightest difficulty at any time of the day or night. Also, partnership agreements allow cardholders of this bank to be served at preferential rates at ATMs of other financial institutions without additional commission.

Withdrawal of funds through the cashier

A huge number of clients receiving wages to a bank account or card, as well as those who use Internet services and "plastic" OTP Bank for settlements, payment for goods and services, interested in the issue of cashing money without additional costs. No less such questions are of interest to Russians who have.

It is clear that not every client can afford to receive their own hard-earned money even with a minimum commission. Today, most banks include in the tariff packages the service of interest-free debiting from accounts when issuing money. For customers who do not want or cannot master the technique of working with an ATM, there is a simple alternative way - withdrawing cash from OTP cards Bank directly at the cash desk.

To do this, you just need to apply with a passport and a card to the nearest branch where there is operating cash desk. In it, a lot of services are available to the client, including the withdrawal of cash. Bank employees will quickly issue and organize the issuance of the amount of cash requested by the client.

In addition, each of these branches has ATM devices that allow you to withdraw cash from OTP Bank without commission. In many branches there are also special self-service zones, round-the-clock access to which is provided to customers with an OTP Bank plastic card.

Withdrawal of funds via ATM

You can cash out funds stored on a plastic card at any OTP Bank ATM. The procedure is the most common and is no different from receiving money in any other bank, only the commission for cash withdrawal in OTP is not taken at all. It is not even provided for rent loan funds: money can be received both from debit and from.

Until 2020, the bank was part of the United Settlement System (ORS), which includes financial institutions with a total number of ATMs of about 45,000. The ODR ceased to operate, but the contractual ties between the partners remained. In addition, the National Payment Card System (NSPK) includes more than 100 partners of OTP Bank.

According to the agreements, banks serve clients of partners on the same terms as their own. In other words, there is no commission at most ATMs either. But for withdrawing cash from an OTP account at other ATMs, a commission may be charged. This is 1% (minimum 100 rubles) when withdrawing your own and 3.9% (minimum 350 rubles) when withdrawing credit resources.

As noted on the official website, since April last year, the “All at once” card has been offered for regular and reliable customers, which guarantees cash withdrawal without commission at any ATM. This applies, however, only to their own funds.

And recently OTP Bank has released a new product - "Clear Credit Card". Such a payment instrument makes it possible to carry out absolutely free cash withdrawals from an OTP bank credit card in any ATM. It is worth noting that even repaying a loan through partner ATMs is free of commission here.

Transfers through QIWI and Yandex.Money wallets

Internet banking has made it much easier for customers to communicate with the bank. Funds from OTP Bank accounts and cards can now be withdrawn through electronic wallets, including QIWI and Yandex.Money without commission. In this regard, it is very useful to ask what OTP Smart is and how it works.

To top up your e-wallet you need:

  1. In the payment for services section, indicate the type of payment - "Electronic money", and in the "Provider" field, select the required one.
  2. Then fill in all the fields and click the "Run" button.

The money will be transferred quickly. In any case, through QIWI this transaction is carried out almost instantly.

Relatively recently, a commission percentage was introduced for cash withdrawals at OTP, if the funds were credited to the account in a non-cash way. That is, if the funds are credited to the account from electronic wallets, then the bank will take the 0.5% due to it when it comes time to withdraw the money. At the same time, the commission for standard incoming transfers to the current account has been cancelled.

OTP Smart: Video

OTP Bank customers have the opportunity to make non-cash transactions through Internet banking, which can be used on a computer or mobile phone. In the case when you need to withdraw money from the OTP Bank card without commission, you can contact ATMs. In addition to devices that are installed in the department of the specified banking organization, the use of ATMs of partner banks is also allowed.

Necessary conditions for withdrawing money from the OTP Bank card without commission

Take off cash from a card at an ATM without charging a commission fee is possible subject to certain conditions. To withdraw money, any ATM is used, which is in a technically sound condition and performs cash dispensing at the time of the transaction. Clients must comply with the restrictions and limits set by the issuing bank. They will be discussed below.

When using to withdraw credit cards, please note that the Grace period during which no interest will be charged. Opening and maintenance of the card is not required to pay, it is free.

Important! Please note that if you withdraw funds from a credit card, no commission will be charged, however, the interest rate will be increased, which is specified in the relevant agreement. For this reason, the use of credit cards from OTP Bank is not entirely profitable.

In order to find out where the ATM is located, where you can withdraw money without charging commission fees, you can refer to the official website of the banking organization. The portal displays a list of addresses of organizations where devices are installed.

Where can I withdraw funds

When the card is a debit/credit card, it is possible to withdraw funds without commission, however, this rule only applies to customers' own money. OTP partner banks include:

  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • MDM Bank;
  • Raiffeisen;
  • VTB and others.

An agreement has been concluded between banking organizations conducting joint activities, which reflects that in case of charging commission fees, the self-service device must warn the client about this, if necessary, he can refuse to complete the transaction. This rule applies to situations where:

  • transfer from one card to another;
  • there is a withdrawal of funds, both in rubles and in the currency of a foreign state;
  • some items are purchased.

Before making a transaction, contact the bank branch through a personal visit or by calling hotline and check the current data on your card, including what is the interest rate, commission and other conditions.

In Ukraine, OTP Bank is a large organization and has a large number of partners. These include:

  • BTA Bank;
  • Diamantbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Bank of investments and savings;
  • idea and others.

It is worth noting that there is the possibility of withdrawing money without commission at the cash desk of a banking organization. You can contact any branch of the bank that is closer to your home or place of work. When making a transaction with yourself, you must have a document through which your identity is established. Otherwise, you will not be able to withdraw money.

Restrictions and limits

The Bank has established certain restrictions and limits that apply to operations to withdraw funds from plastic cards. It is worth noting that the conditions change depending on what type of card you use. The MasterCard Standard card is issued only to persons who, at the time of applying to the OTP, have reached the age of 18 to 25 years. You can withdraw up to fifty thousand rubles from plastic in one day, up to 200 thousand rubles per month.

If necessary, the card can be opened in foreign currency. It will turn out to withdraw from it 1,000 dollars or euros - per day and 6.5 thousand - monthly. You can withdraw up to 500 thousand rubles from a gold debit card per month, up to 90 thousand rubles in one day.

What difficulties may arise

Difficulties in making the transaction in question may be associated with the use of a credit card. The main point is to increase interest rate which is disadvantageous for the client. In this case, it is more profitable to pay a commission equal to 350 rubles than to use the product at an increased rate in the future. When using debit cards, difficulties arise because withdrawals without additional fees occur only at OTP ATMs. However, they are not located everywhere.

You need to withdraw money from plastic card issued by OTP Bank, or urgently replenish its balance? You can do this without paying commission fees through ATMs belonging to this credit institution.

However, what to do if there are terminals and self-service points of third-party banks nearby, but you don’t want to pay a commission?

Does OTP Bank have partner banks?

At the moment, the bank has no partnerships with other financial institutions , therefore, it will be possible to use a plastic card without paying a commission fee only at ATMs, owned by OTP Bank.

At the same time, the credit institution has partners in another area - chains of stores and outlets where it is possible to obtain a consumer loan for the purchase of any product.

The affiliate network of OTP Bank includes the following popular companies and retail chains:

  • "A lot of furniture";
  • "Megaphone";
  • "Jeweler Network 585";
  • "Citylink";
  • "How-How";
  • "KANT";
  • "M Video";
  • "Adamas";
  • "Moscow Jewelry Factory";
  • Lazurit;
  • DNS;
  • "Connected";
  • Euroset;
  • and other organizations.

For clearance consumer credit in the store, a potential borrower is required to have only a passport with him. Do you want to purchase multiple items?

You do not need to receive loans for each of them, because OTP Bank provides the opportunity to combine the purchase by issuing a loan "Cash in 15 minutes".

The borrower can count on flexible lending conditions - an individual interest rate, loan terms up to three years, receiving up to 300,000 rubles. The client has the right to make an initial fee up to 99% of the value of the goods or dispense with its provision.

Where can I withdraw money from an OTP Bank card without a commission?

As mentioned above, the withdrawal of funds from the card without commission in the partner banks of OTP Bank is currently not possible. You can get cash only at terminals and ATMs owned by OTP Bank itself, and through bank cash desks.

  • In the first case, the client is required to have a plastic card with him. The service is available after entering a unique PIN code on the ATM screen. No commission fees are charged from the client if money is withdrawn from a debit card or own funds, credited to a credit card in excess of the established limit.
  • In the second case, the client needs to apply to any office of OTP Bank with a passport and a plastic card.

Are you located abroad? In this case, a commission fee may be charged by a third-party bank. Its dimensions should be specified in advance.

The first financial operations of the group banks OTPs were held in 1949 in Hungary, where this credit organization was founded. To date banks partners of OTP Bank and its branches are located in such countries of the world, concentrated in Central and Eastern Europe. In Russia, this institution began work as a subsidiary of the Hungarian banking group. Initially, in our country, the organization was called Investsberbank. Today she is known as OTP bank.

Gradually OTP organization acquired partnerships with the largest credit institutions Russian market. Partners of OTP Bank allow customers to use their services on favorable terms. They are provided with favorable rates for financial transactions. Official arrangements jar With partners allowed citizens to save time and money when using ATMs without commissions.

Cooperation with other credit institutions also influenced the attraction of customers. IN OTP bank they are well aware that many people are looking for organizations that provide the most comfortable conditions for financial transactions. And setting your own ATMs V settlements in sufficient quantities is a difficult task. OTP attempted to resolve this issue by partners. They provide their ATMs without commission various localities to the bank's clients.

The first partners of the credit organization

Partner banks at OTP at the moment there are a lot, but the first who began to provide the opportunity to use their ATMs clients jar without commissions were the following institutions:

  • Moscow Business Bank;
  • BmnBank;
  • Vanguard;
  • Uniastrum.

Joining the ORS

Replenishment OTP Bank partners started after the establishment joined the ORS (United Settlement System). It happened in 2010. The largest credit institutions in Russia have opened jar access to the services of ATMs. No commission is charged for completed transactions. Among the largest partner organizations after joining the LFS, the following can be distinguished:

  • MTS bank;
  • Rosbank;
  • AK Bars;
  • Oriental;
  • Rusfinance;
  • Moskombank.

However, in 2016 the Bank of Russia decided to ban transactions in ATMs using maps jar VISA and MasterCard. This was due to the formation of a new national system of payment cards. However, in relationships jar and its partners, ATMs who can still use the services without commissions, it had no effect. Their number has not decreased. Full list of partners in OTP bank can be found through its official website, which also contains the address of the nearest ATM. Thus, after the introduction of the national system of payment cards, the established links between OTP bank and his partners survived and continue to this day.

The OPC was replaced by the National Payment Card System. And in order to find out whose ATMs clients can use OTP for transactions without commissions. To find out about the partners of the institution, just look at the list credit institutions included in the NSPK. the largest banks included in this system are:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Bank Russia.

With the advent of the new system, customers OTP banks can carry out financial transactions in ATMs organizations included in it minimum commissions or without them at all. It is worth remembering that each bank fees, interest rates, terms of service may change.

Cash withdrawal to OTP cards at own ATMs and ATMs of third-party institutions

IN bank credit and debit cards are issued. With any of them, it is possible to withdraw cash by finding a suitable ATM partner banks and OTP. However, when making financial transactions in ATM, it is worth remembering that cash withdrawals from salary cards issued in OTP bank there are some features. With her without commissions You can withdraw money only from ATMs jar. In third-party ATMs, cash is withdrawn according to the tariff plan bank card. A certain commission is charged.

IN OTP bank more and more customers are provided credit cards from which you can also withdraw cash. At the same time, it should be noted that due to the emergence of monitoring, it is possible to withdraw funds from loans in the institution’s and its partners’ own ATMs without commissions.

In branches jar debit and credit cards are also issued. You can also withdraw money from them in cash at any ATM without any interest, but in the event that the client withdraws his own funds, and not credit ones.

Cash withdrawals around the world

OTP bank it is possible to use plastic cards in any corner of the world. To do this, you just need to use an ATM that accepts VISA cards and MasterCard.

When withdrawing cash abroad, a fee may be charged, the amount of which depends on tariff plan plastic card issued by the bank.

Cashless payments

IN bank customers can receive debit, credit, debit-credit or salary cards from which there is no need to withdraw funds to pay for goods and services. Very often, people spend time looking for a suitable place to withdraw money. However, cashing out is not always necessary. With the help of OTP cards, everyone can pay for goods and services without commission. Most outlets offer cashless payments.

Currently, the credit institution cooperates with the international payment system MasterCard. Also appeared pension cards national payment system WORLD. To make purchases, you just need to choose a suitable outlet and make an interest-free payment using your plastic card.

Quality service

Services jar used by residents of Central and Eastern Europe. Branches are located in various localities in order to make them more accessible to the public. OTP has many branches, its own ATMs, and also partners with whom financial transactions become even more accessible. A complete list of institutions where you can withdraw cash from ATMs without commissions can be found on the organization's website.

Attention! All information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. The site does not collect and process personal data. the federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" is not violated.

Users OTP products Banks can transact in non-cash form through Internet banking, which is available on a smartphone and any PC.

Customers use ATMs to withdraw funds. In addition to devices installed directly at the bank's offices, customers can withdraw funds through ATMs of OTP Bank's partners without commission.

At the office of OTP Bank

For representatives who cannot master the operation of an ATM, there is only one option - contacting the nearest OTP department Jar.

Each branch has an operating cash desk, where the user can make transactions with details, deposit or cash out the balance of a plastic card. The main thing is that the client has a personal passport and details of a plastic card with him, since this is necessary for the identification procedure.

If there is a long queue at the bank's cash desk, the client may ask for advice from a bank specialist.

For this purpose, the branches have special self-service areas that remain available even after the office is closed. Access to the use of equipment is provided by plastic card OTP Bank.

Via OTP Bank ATM

Customers can withdraw money from the OTP Bank card at any native ATM, and no commission is charged for the operation. Due to the wide scope of user service, their number is growing every day.

This forced the company's management to create such methods of withdrawing money that are available at any time of the day or night, working equally well in all corners of Russia.

Installed ATMs significantly reduce the queue at the cash desks of bank branches, since OTP clients The bank is looking for those ATMs that are closest to the house.

The service fee is taken only for withdrawals from credit products. There is an accrual of the standard interest rate for cashing out, the size of which today is kept at the level of 3.9%. The final amount depends on the name of the tariff plan. Minimum payment for one operation is 350 rubles.

In addition to cash withdrawals, OTP Bank customers can repay credit obligations through ATMs. In this case, the method does not provide for the payment of additional commissions.

The operation is available both by transferring money from another bank card, and by depositing cash at any bank ATM. In the latter case, the device must have a bill acceptor.

Can I withdraw money from other ATMs?

Clients can withdraw money without commission in the device of another bank, which is a partner of OTP Bank. According to the terms of the contractual relationship, they must perform customer service in the same way as OTP Bank does.

In other words, you can withdraw funds from a plastic product at a partner ATM according to the same rules that apply to OTP Bank.

Since the company became part of the OPC, then withdraw cash without additional payment possible in almost any device. The main thing is that it has a special sign indicating that the owner belongs to this group.

Often they are located in large shopping malls, hotels, airports and other equally popular public areas.

Partners of OTP Bank

Along with the ODR system, the lender has managed to develop strong partnerships outside this group.

Despite this, OTP bank partners ATMs without commission are directly related to OCR. Today, OTB cooperates with the following financial institutions:

  • Binbank;
  • MDM bank;
  • Vanguard bank;
  • Uniastrum Bank.

This list may not be complete. According to the management, the current list of ATMs through which OTP Bank customers can withdraw cash without paying a commission can be seen on the official Internet portal of the bank, or directly at the office, from a company representative.

Limits and restrictions on cash withdrawals

For ODR participants, there are often no conditions for limiting one-time withdrawals. Companies with which OTP Bank has partnerships often have other requirements.

Some of them may insist on withdrawing money only from debit cards, while others indicate limits on making one-time withdrawals. Usually, this value does not exceed 15 thousand rubles, but there may be other amounts.

To find out at which ATMs you can withdraw money from an OTP card without a commission, you can contact a bank representative in person at the office or by calling the hotline.

As for involvement in the OCR, here you need to pay attention to the characteristic labels, which are proof of the fact of involvement. Most of these devices are located in crowded places, and always work during the day and at night.

Check out the offers of banks

Card with cashback in Rosbank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Cashback up to 7% - for selected categories;
  • Cashback 1% - for all purchases;
  • Bonuses, discounts on goods and services from VISA;;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile bank- for free;
  • Up to 4 different currencies on 1 card.
Card from Unicredit Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 5% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Vostochny bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 7% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Card service - free of charge;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Home Credit Bank Issue a card

More about the map

  • Up to 10% cashback from partners;
  • Up to 7% per annum on the account balance;
  • Withdrawing funds from ATMs without commission (up to 5 times a month);
  • Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay technology;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

Debit card from Alfa Bank