Accounting for operations with corporate cards. Accounting for corporate cards Accounting for settlements on a current account mental map

Banks actively offer all corporate clients the issuance and use of a corporate card. Why do businesses need such cards, how to issue them, and how much will the service cost?

  1. For what purpose;
  2. What can you do;
  3. What is impossible;
  4. Benefits of using;
  5. It's all about the package;
  6. replenishment and use.

Be sure to read about.

For what purpose?

Corporate cards are used primarily to simplify small payments and control over them.

“Corporate cards are used for purposes related to the main business activities, business trips, hospitality expenses. In fact, these are the same purposes for which cash was previously withdrawn by check for issuance against an account to employees.

Now, in order not to mess around with cash, business leaders and owners prefer to use a corporate card. Thus, most of the business spending is carried out through cards. At the same time, as a rule, cards are issued personalized - for a specific person working in the company, although the plastic itself can be either personalized or not personalized. How and why is a corporate card issued, and in what case can it not be used?

Using a corporate card: On what is possible

How and for what purposes to use a corporate card? For everything that is directly related to the work of the enterprise. For example, for the purchase of goods, settlements with suppliers, the purchase of stationery, furniture and equipment for the office, paying bills at gas stations and service stations. And, of course, such cards are issued for employees who often go on business trips so that they can use the funds to pay for hotels, rent a car, purchase air and railway tickets, and pay in restaurants. The bank does not limit the company in the number of issued cards - it can be issued as one or two cards, as well as ten or fifteen or more.

“The number of corporate cards issued for legal entities is not limited, but, as a rule, depends on the number of employees who often travel on business trips. If there are none, and the card is needed only for settlement transactions, then, as a rule, one is issued.

What is not allowed

There are not many bans on the use of such plastic. Operations related to investment activities, foreign economic contracts, transfer of wages and social benefits fall under the ban.

Before issuing corporate cards to employees, the company opens current bank accounts and activates a package of settlement and cash services. Then the head of the enterprise (and / or chief accountant) submits an application to the bank and signs an agreement on opening card accounts, and employees - card holders fill out a questionnaire and provide the bank with a copy of the passport and a certificate of assignment of TIN.

Benefits of using

Using a corporate card allows management to easily control office expenses.

  • First, by setting limits on the use of funds (for example, $250 per week or $1,000 per month).
  • Secondly, in the Internet-client-banking system of a number of large banks, it is possible to view information on corporate card transactions, receive statements on such cards for a certain period (reporting month).

“In Internet banking, customers can not only view transactions on corporate cards, but also replenish them, return funds, and set limits.”

Unfortunately, managing and using a corporate card online is not available in all banks. Although such a service is becoming available in an ever wider range of banks.

If it is not possible to see card transactions and generate statements in the bank’s online banking, you will have to order such statements separately through a call center or bank branch. It is also necessary to solve the issue of setting and changing limits on business cards.

It's all in the package

Typically, banks offer to issue one or two corporate cards as part of a package of settlement and cash services - in this case, the annual subscription fee for individual cards may not be charged. But only for the initial issue (the card is issued for two years), in the future, the bank will charge $ 2-10 for each card for re-issuance. If you need more cards than the RKO package suggests, they are ordered additionally, and an annual service fee is paid for each. Usually it is $4-15 for one issued card. But maybe $15-30.

The total costs depend on the class of the card.

“The Bank issues only personalized (registered) corporate cards. The cost of servicing a corporate card is determined by its class: from the most affordable MasterCard Business, Visa Business to MasterCard WorldElite, Visa Infinite – premium ones that provide their holders with exclusive discount and bonus programs and personal services.”

The most budget cards are Visa Business, Visa Classic and MasterCard Debit Business. For the annual maintenance of one such card, you need to pay $ 3-10. Banks also offer to issue a "plastic" of a higher class, usually it is Chip Visa Gold or MasterCard World. In this case, the annual maintenance of the card will cost at least $15-30. By the way, for each main card it is possible to issue an additional one - for a fee, of course, about $ 2-5 for a Business class card and $ 10-15 for additional "gold". Two cards to one card account can be useful, for example, if a corporate card is used by two employees for the same purposes. Let's say a company employs two drivers who use corporate cards to pay for fuel and other purchases for a company car.

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Replenishment and use

In terms of its functionality, a corporate card is no different from a standard debit card for individuals. The only difference is that if individuals themselves replenish their cards through cash desks or cash-in ATMs, then corporate cards are usually replenished by an accountant or company owner using non-cash transfers from the main settlement account of the enterprise. Although, of course, they can be replenished in cash through bank branches.

What operations are usually performed with a business card? Crediting funds to the account, settlements in the trade and service network, payments on the Internet, cash withdrawals from ATMs and cash desks.

“Most often, corporate cards are used for settlements in retail chains and the Internet, as well as for transactions at ATMs.”

Very often we can observe the use of a corporate card abroad - for settlements and receiving foreign currency in cash. For a card in national currency, money will be automatically converted into the currency of the country where it is used. But banks also offer the issuance of cards in foreign currencies - in dollars and euros.

An employee who has received money against a report is required to submit an advance report along with documents confirming payment for goods and services. This is stated in clause 6.3 of the Procedure approved by Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014 (hereinafter - Directive No. 3210-U).

The unified form of the advance report No. AO-1 was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 55 of August 1, 2001.

Uniform Form Limitations

The use of corporate cards expands the list of transactions available to the accountable person. In addition to direct payment for services and goods purchased in the interests of the company in a non-cash manner, an employee can withdraw money from a corporate card to pay in cash. In addition, the use of a corporate card makes it possible to replenish the balance of accountable amounts by non-cash transfer to the card.

The unified form of the advance report does not provide for lines for reflecting operations on the company's corporate card. Let's figure out how to get around these restrictions.

Supplement the unified form. The company may make changes to the uniform forms. In particular, add lines. This is stated in the Procedure for the use of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 No. 20.

Design your own form. From January 1, 2013, unified forms are not mandatory for companies to use (clause 4, article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting", hereinafter - Law No. 402-FZ).

The obligation to apply unified forms remained only in relation to cash documents that are directly listed by Directive No. 3210-U. These include credit and debit cash vouchers, payroll and payroll and bank documents. The advance report is not listed among them, so the company can develop its form on its own. The main thing is that it contains all the required details. Their list is given in paragraph 2 of Article 9 of Law No. 402-FZ.

Let's figure out what additional lines are needed in the advance report to reflect all transactions using the company's corporate cards.

Non-cash replenishment of the balance of money on a corporate card

Suppose an employee is given an assignment to buy expensive equipment for a company. The balance on the corporate card he received is not enough for the purchase. The accountant transfers the missing amount to the card (to the corporate card account) from the company's account. What lines will be needed in the advance report, let's look at an example.

IN. Lunokhodov received a corporate card. Available funds on the card - 50,000 rubles.
The employee was instructed to purchase a multifunctional device (MFC) for the company worth 110,000 rubles. By order for the corporate card V.O. Lunokhodov, by payment order No. 125 dated March 24, 2014, 65,000 rubles were transferred. After purchasing the MFC, 5,000 rubles remained on the card. How is the advance report?

The company's accountant supplemented the unified advance report form with new lines, taking into account operations on the company's corporate card.

Remaining funds and issuing a card. In the expense report form developed by the accountant, there are two lines that show the amount of funds as of the date the card was used:
— “Balance on the card (if the card has not been previously surrendered by the employee)”;
— “Card No. issued”, is filled in if the card was issued before the task was completed.

The balance on the card in our case is zero, since O.V. Lunokhodov received the map just before the mission. In the line "Issued card number" indicate the card number and the amount available on it.

Replenishment of funds on the card. The line "Payment order" has been added to the advance report. In this line we indicate the number, date of the payment order. In our case, the entry will look like this: "Payment order No. 125 dated 03/24/2014".

Final balance. In the line "Total on the corporate card" you need to indicate either the balance on the card, or the amount of the balance on the issued card and the additional transfer. On the map of V.O. Lunokhodov accumulated the amount of 115,000 rubles. (50,000 rubles + 65,000 rubles).

Reverse side of advance report. On the reverse side of the advance report, the employee will list documents confirming the targeted spending of funds on the card, indicate their date and number, and the amount of the expense.

Please note: when paying for goods (works, services) using corporate cards, you do not need to comply with the settlement limit (100,000 rubles), paragraph 6 of the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated 07.10.2013. No. 3073-U for cash payments under one contract.

Withdrawing cash from a corporate card

The accountable person does not always have the opportunity to pay for goods (works, services) in a non-cash way. But the employee can withdraw money from the company's corporate card and pay in cash. Such a situation must be foreseen when developing the advance report form. Just add four lines:

  • "Withdrawn cash on a corporate card";
  • "Cash spent";
  • “Introduced through the terminal to a corporate card”;
  • "Cash balance".

The rest of the cash after withdrawing it from the corporate card, the employee must deposit to the company's cash desk or through the terminal to the corporate card. The accountant will record all cash transactions on the front side of the expense report.

Receipt for receipt of advance report

The accountable employee presents the advance report to the accounting officer, and in his absence, to the manager. Such a rule is established in clause 6.3 of Directives No. 3210-U. The verified advance report is approved by the head of the company. After that, the goods (works, services) purchased by the accountant are accepted for accounting. The employee is issued a receipt for the advance report. This is the cut-off lower part of the unified form report.

If this part is not provided for in the form of the advance report developed independently, the receipt must be drawn up in any form.

Approval of the advance report form

The form of the advance report must be approved by the head (clause 4, article 9 of Law No. 402-FZ). This requirement is not canceled if the company plans to apply a unified form. As a rule, the forms of primary documents are given in the appendix to the order on accounting

I. Dmitrieva,

Learning to work with corporate cards (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0)


In this lesson, we will consider the reflection in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0) of operations with corporate cards.

Corporate is called a bank card linked to the card account of the organization.

Typically, an organization will special card account in the bank and binds to this account the required number of bank cards, which are called corporate.

The organization transfers funds to this card account from its main current account, and employees organizations that have been issued corporate cards, withdraw money from these cards to themselves under the report.

Then the employees report back on spending funds withdrawn from corporate cards with the help of advance reports.

The advantages of corporate cards are obvious:

  • reduced costs and time for the issuance of funds under the report
  • reduces the risk of losing cash
  • it becomes possible to withdraw funds from the card in the desired currency (an indispensable thing when traveling abroad)
  • there is control over the spending of funds online (for example, using a mobile application)
  • it becomes possible to set limits both for the card account in general and for corporate cards in particular
  • opportunity to shop online

Requirements for working with corporate cards:

  • funds withdrawn from cards cannot be used for settlements with an employee for remuneration and in general for any social payments
  • an agreement is concluded with the bank on the issuance and maintenance of corporate cards, to which is attached a list of employees who will use these cards
At the same time, as one of the readers corrected me, it is possible to withdraw cash using a corporate card and deposit it at the cash desk for payroll.

I remind you that this is a lesson and you can safely repeat my actions in your database (preferably a copy or a training one), the main thing is that the database version is 1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0.

To work with a card account in the accounting department, account 55 "Special accounts in banks" is used.

Now let's look at the same operations in the "troika" (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0).

The organization replenishes the card account to which corporate cards of employees are linked

The transfer of funds from the main settlement account of the organization to the card account is issued by the usual debit from the current account.

We go to the section "Bank and cash desk" item "Bank statements":

Create a document "Write-off from the current account":

We indicate the type of operation "Transfer to another account of the organization", our card account and accounting account 55.04.

We pass the document:

Employees withdraw money from corporate cards linked to the organization's card account

Withdrawal of money by an employee through a corporate card is displayed by the same debit document from the current account.

Specify the type of operation "Transfer to an accountable person"; as an account we indicate 55.04 and our card account; the cardholder acts as a recipient (accountable person):

We pass the document:

The bank charges a fee for cash withdrawals on a corporate card

When an employee withdraws cash using a corporate card, the bank will withhold a commission. This commission is also documented by a debit document from the current account:

We pass the document:

The employee reports for the spent money withdrawn from the corporate card

And, finally, the employee who withdrew the money under the report is obliged to report on it - to attach supporting documents.

In accounting, this operation is reflected in the document "Advance report".

We go to the section "Bank and cash desk" item "Advance reports":

Let's create a new document:

Let's run it:

This is how easy and simple it is to work with corporate cards in 1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0.

We are great, that's all

By the way, new lessons...

Additions from readers

Accountant Olga Klimova shared valuable additions to the article - I am happy to publish them for all readers.

In very small organizations, a corporate name card can be opened directly to the main current account. Sberbank, for example, actively practices this for micro-enterprises. And then accounting is kept without using account 55 and "Debiting from the current account." The employee simply withdraws money through an ATM or pays with a card: Dt 71 Kt 51.

Quote from the article: "... The organization replenishes the card account to which the corporate cards of employees are attached ... We create the document "Debit from the current account" ...".

Companies, like ordinary citizens, can pay their expenses using bank cards. However, despite all the convenience of such a scheme, there are some difficulties in the design and accounting of these costs. Let's try to consider them.
Stas Bely, Clerk.Ru

In order to issue a payment card for a company, you need to conclude an agreement with the bank. Most credit institutions provide such services. However, if an organization (client) concludes an agreement with a bank, then the bank card holder is an individual acting as an authorized representative of the company. It can be either the director of the company or any other person. It is his name, and not the name of the company, that will be indicated on the map.

Legal entities can open two main types of cards for their employees. The first is a payment card, it is intended for transactions by its holder within the amount of money established by the bank, the settlements for which are carried out at the expense of the company's money in its bank account. The second card is a credit card. Settlements on such cards are carried out at the expense of funds provided by the bank within the established limit in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

Thus, these two types of bank cards differ from each other in that in the first case, in order to receive a bank card, an organization must transfer funds in advance to an already opened bank account or open a special card account in a bank. In the second case, the bank actually provides the organization with a loan.

Clients (i.e. firms) enter into an agreement with a credit institution, which determines the specific conditions for providing funds for settlements on transactions made using payment cards, credit cards, the procedure for returning funds provided, as well as accruing and paying interest on the specified money.

A cardholder authorized by the company can make transactions using several payment and credit cards issued by one bank. Transactions can be made on several customer accounts using one payment card or credit card issued by a credit institution - issuer to a person authorized by the customer. All this should be provided for in the service agreement with the bank.

A credit card is issued directly to an individual - the cardholder, who can carry out the following operations using payment and credit cards:

Receipt of cash;

Payment of expenses related to business activities, including payment of travel and hospitality expenses, on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Receipt of cash in foreign currency outside the territory of Russia;

Payment of travel and hospitality expenses in foreign currency outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

By the way, most often firms use bank cards to pay for hospitality and travel expenses.

A big plus of such operations is that the limit of cash payments - 60 thousand rubles - does not apply to payment for goods, work, services between organizations. After all, this limit applies only to cash payments. And payment for goods, works or services by means of a bank card "is a tool for non-cash payments."


The basis for compiling settlement and other documents to reflect the amounts of transactions performed using payment cards in accounting is a register of payments or an electronic journal. Both documents are issued by the bank, and the register is usually issued on paper, and the journal is in electronic form.

Write-off or crediting of funds for card transactions is usually carried out no later than the business day following the day the bank receives the payment register or electronic journal from a single settlement center. Subsequently, these documents can be obtained by the firm.

It is important!
The company must report the issue of the card to the tax office. As well as opening any other account, the company must notify the tax authorities within ten days. Violation of this period entails a fine in the amount of five thousand rubles (paragraph 1 of Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
The transfer of funds to card accounts should be reflected in the accounting as follows:

D 55 sub-account "Special card account" K 51 "Settlement account"
Transferred funds to a bank card account from a current account

D 55 sub-account "Special card account" K 52 "Currency account"
Transferred funds to a bank card account from a foreign currency account

The amount of remuneration that the bank charges for servicing a special card account is an operating expense in accounting and is accounted for in the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”, sub-account “Other expenses”.

In the accounting of the organization when paying for bank services, the following entry is made:

Bank services paid

However, the most difficult thing is to organize analytical accounting for the sub-account "Special card account". After all, accounting for this subaccount should be organized in the context of specific card accounts opened in a particular bank. In addition, analytical accounting is significantly affected by the conditions for issuing and using bank cards offered by the bank.

So, for example, when concluding an agreement, a bank may put forward a condition on the presence of a minimum balance on the organization's account (an insurance deposit that can be used for settlements in exceptional cases to cover the excess of the payment limit). In this case, it is advisable to use second-order sub-accounts "Special card account - minimum balance" and "Special card account - payment limit".

If several cards are opened for a special card account, then any holder can carry out transactions using them within the general payment limit. In this case, analytical accounting of cardholders is not required until the moment the funds are issued to the accountable person.

If each payment card corresponds to a separate card account, then when transferring funds to a special card account, a special statement is sent to the bank containing the data of holders and card numbers, as well as the amounts to be credited to each bank card. In this case, analytical accounting is kept in the context of holders of issued cards.

When opening a bank card in foreign currency, it must be borne in mind that in accordance with the Accounting Regulation "Accounting for assets and liabilities whose value is expressed in foreign currency" PBU 3/2000, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2000 No. 2n " On Approval of the Accounting Regulation “Accounting for Assets and Liabilities Denominated in Foreign Currency” RAS 3/2000 (hereinafter referred to as RAS 3/2000), foreign currency held on a special card account must be revalued on the date of the transaction and on the date preparation of financial statements.

Arising exchange rate differences are taken into account for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting; moreover, in both types of accounting, the amount of exchange differences is considered non-operating income (expenses). In accounting, exchange differences are included in financial results and are reflected in account 91 “Other income and expenses”:

D 55 sub-account "Special card account" K 91 sub-account "Other income"
Reflected the amount of positive exchange rate difference

D 91 sub-account "Other expenses" K 55 sub-account "Special card account"
Reflected the amount of negative exchange rate difference

Under report

Money debited from the account of a legal entity is considered issued against the account of the bank card holder. In addition, the cardholder can use the payment card directly to withdraw cash. In this case, the employee must provide advance reports and documents confirming the costs. If he did not do this, and the bank statement indicates that cash was withdrawn from the card account, the accountant of the organization reflects the debt of the employee of the organization as follows:

D 73 "Settlements with personnel" K 55 sub-account "Special card account"
Reflected write-off of cash from a special card account not confirmed by primary documents

Upon receipt of the advance report, the costs incurred (related to the production activities of the organization) are reflected in the general manner. If the expenses incurred by the employee of the organization are not related to the production activities of the organization, then the latter is obliged to reimburse them. Reimbursement by the employee of these amounts can be made in two ways: either the employee of the organization contributes cash to the cash desk of the organization, or the organization withholds the amount of damage from the employee's salary.