Types of securities social science. Development of the theme: "Securities" (2.8)

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities.

2) Securities are the object of purchase and sale.

3) All securities are legal means of payment.

4) Securities may exist only in the forms specified by law.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

A share is a security that certifies the contribution of its owner Money, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary - the right to vote, dividends are not guaranteed; preferred or preferential - no voting rights, fixed dividends (cumulative - dividends on them, convertible - can be changed to ordinary, returnable - they can be withdrawn by JSC). Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D/R · 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of interest. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a security, a document on the pledge of immovable property by the debtor, giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

A stock exchange is an exchange where securities and currencies are traded.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities - yes, that's right.

2) Securities are the object of sale - yes, that's right.

3) All securities are legal tender - no, that's not true.

4) Securities can exist only in forms determined by law - yes, that's right.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities - no, that's not true.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Shares, investment shares are not a means of payment at all. Please!

Yuri Avezov 16.05.2017 18:47

Who else has the right to issue securities other than those listed in paragraph 5?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

When issuing securities against loans, state and business entities can become issuers. It may also be an individual (as individual entrepreneur) issuing bonds.

1) Distinguish between registered and bearer securities.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time.


In Russian civil law, securities are classified according to the method of legitimation of the owner of the security (an authorized person) into bearer (bearer securities), registered, order (order). According to Russian legislation securities include:

A share (lat. actio - order) is a security that indicates the right to a share of ownership in the company's capital and the receipt of income (dividend). Ordinary shares. Preferred shares may impose restrictions on participation in management, and may also give additional rights in management (not necessarily), but bring permanent (often - fixed in the form of a certain share of the accounting net profit or in absolute monetary terms) dividends.

A bill of exchange (from German Wechsel) is a strictly established form certifying an unconditional obligation of the drawer (a simple bill), or a proposal to another payer specified in the bill (a bill of exchange) to pay a certain amount of money upon the due date of the bill.

Bond (Latin obligatio - obligation; English bond - long-term, note - short-term) - issuance debt security, securing the right of its owner to receive a bond from the issuer within the period specified in it face value or other property equivalent. A bond may also provide for the right of its owner to receive a fixed percentage of the nominal value of the bond or other property rights. The yield on a bond is interest and/or discount.

A check (fr. chèque, eng. cheque) is a security containing an unconditional order of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the amount indicated in it to the holder of the check. The issuer of a check is a person who has funds in the bank, which he has the right to dispose of by issuing checks, the holder of a check is the person in whose favor the check is issued, the payer is the bank in which the funds of the drawer are located.

1) There are registered and bearer securities - yes, that's right.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period - no, that's not true.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security - no, it is not true.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share - yes, that's right.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time - yes, that's right.

Answer: 145.

Answer: 145

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The word ONLY is not in the judgment, so it is true.

Share, bond, bill, security, check.


Securities- monetary documents. Types of securities:

Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a document on pledge by the debtor real estate which gives the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

Futures - a security that gives the owner the right to purchase goods in the future at today's prices.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights.

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security.

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale.

4) Individuals cannot issue securities.

5) Securities can exist both in paper and in electronic form.


1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights. YES, right

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security. NO, incorrect, only in nominal, there is a bearer

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale. YES, right

4) Individuals cannot issue securities. NO, incorrect, check, for example

5) Securities may exist in both paper and electronic form. YES, right

Correct answer: 135

Answer: 135


A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the term of its validity.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate

D) a security, from the amount of par value of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed

2) bond

3) savings certificate



A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it - a bond.

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the period of its validity - a check.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise - a share.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate - a savings certificate.

E) a security, from the amount of nominal values ​​of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed - a share.

Answer: 24131.

Natalya Kravchenko 18.05.2017 21:02

Good evening, in theory, both shareholders and bondholders have the right to part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise. If the enterprise is ruined by both the one and the other, the property is returned

Anastasia Shcherban 21.05.2017 22:20

P. A. Baranov's handbook states that bondholders have a priority right to receive part of the company's property (before holders of preferred shares) in the event of a company's bankruptcy. It turns out that in the answer is ambiguous.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Happens. StatGrad

Lyudmila Anatolyevna invests her savings in the purchase of securities of various enterprises. Find in the list below the securities that she can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation‚ and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) banknotes

3) bonds

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund

6) property insurance contract


Securities are documents that meet the requirements established by law and certify obligations and other rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of such documents (documentary securities). Obligatory and other rights are also recognized as securities, which are enshrined in a decision on the issue or other act of the person who issued the securities in accordance with the requirements of the law, and the exercise and transfer of which is possible only in compliance with the rules for accounting for these rights in accordance with Article 149 of this Code ( paperless securities). Securities are a share, a bill of exchange, a mortgage, an investment share of a mutual investment fund, a bill of lading, a bond, a check and other securities named as such in law or recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law.

1) banknotes - no, not true.

2) banknotes - no, it's not true.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

4) shares - yes, that's right.

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund - yes, that's right.

6) property insurance contract - no, it is incorrect.

Answer: 345.

Basil 17.12.2017 14:06

In accordance with the current Civil Code RF investment share of a mutual investment fund does not apply to securities.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The last of the securities available in Russia is an investment share (in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On investment funds", 2001). At the time of the assignment, it was relevant.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary (voting rights, dividends are not guaranteed), preferred or preferential (no voting rights, fixed dividends), cumulative (dividends on them), convertible (can be changed to ordinary), returnable (they can be withdrawn by JSC).

Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D / R x 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the face value of the bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

A) grants the right to participate in the management of the company - an ordinary share.

B) gives the right to receive a fixed interest - a bond.

B) certifies a debt relationship - a bond.

D) grants the right to an unconditional return of the nominal value at the end of the term - a bond.

E) certifies the owner's right to a share in the company's capital - an ordinary share.

Answer: 21112.

Answer: 21112

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Fixed dividend on shares

Using social science knowledge,

1) reveal the meaning of the concept of "securities";

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information on the types of securities;

− one sentence, disclosing the term that denotes the issue of securities.

Sentences should be widespread and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

The meaning of the concept:

1) this is a document drawn up in the prescribed form and, if available, required details certifying property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of this document.

2) two sentences.

There are debt (bonds) and equity securities (shares);

The issue of securities is called an issue.

Any other two sentences containing information about securities may be given.



A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Write down the missing word in the table.

Characteristics of securities


A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the profit of the enterprise.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Source: USE - 2019. Early wave

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Answer: 22111.

Answer: 22111

Find securities in the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) preferred shares

2) receipts

6) work books


A security is a document certifying, in compliance with the established form and mandatory details, property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon its presentation. Securities: stocks, bonds, bills, futures.

1) preferred shares - yes, that's right.

2) receipts - no, incorrect.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

6) work books - no, that's not true.

Answer: 134.

Answer: 134

Subject area: Economics. Securities

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts, and write down this word (phrase).

Share, bond, security, bill, savings certificate.


Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Promotion; security; bond; bill; deposit and savings certificate.


All concepts presented are securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word.

Securities, bill, bond, check, share.


These are all different types of securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Andrei purchases shares of large companies, hoping to receive income from the subsequent sale in the event of an increase in their market rate.

Specify the type of exchange where Andrey buys shares.

Name the type of income from shares that Andrey can receive before they are resold. Using social science knowledge, indicate any three types of securities other than shares.

Topic Securities

security paper - this is a sold and bought financial document that certifies the property rights of the owner and gives him the opportunity to receive a certain income.The main properties of securities are: negotiability - the ability to be bought and sold in the market and act as a payment instrument;availability for civil circulation - the ability to be an object of various civil relations;standardity - availability of standard content (rights, forms, accounting rules, types of participants, places of trade);documentary - availability of necessary details;state recognition - provides confidence of buyers;profitability - the ability to receive dividends or interest;liquidity - the ability to quickly sell and convert into cash.

Securities havenominal (indicated on the security) andmarket (formed under the influence of supply and demand) cost.

Allocate the following types of securities . Stock - perpetual equity securities, indicating the share of its owner in the capital of the joint-stock company. The presence of a share gives the owner the right to receive dividends, participate in the management of the organization, receive part of the property after its liquidation. Dividends are paid from the net profit of the joint-stock company.

Bonds - this is a debt security that secures the right of its holder to receive its face value and a fixed percentage within the specified period (there are state and corporate).

bill of exchange - a written unconditional obligation of the debtor to pay a certain amount at a predetermined date and place.

Certificates - These are securities that certify the amount of the deposit made to the bank and the rights of the depositor.

Government securities - government-issued securities (government bonds, treasury bills, savings certificates). Government bonds are considered the most reliable of all securities, which is why they are characterized, on the one hand, by high attractiveness for buyers, and on the other, by low yields.

The securities market isstock Exchange is a place where shares are bought and sold. Brokers and dealers operate on the stock exchange.Brokers specialize in intermediary exchange transactions, receive a percentage of the transaction amount.Dealers act in their own name and at their own expense. The stock exchange performs an important economic function. Through it, funds are mobilized for investments in the fixed capital of industry, and there is a huge centralization of capital. The stock exchange sells shares and bonds of joint-stock companies, as well as government bonds. The latter gives the state the means by which it covers budget deficits. The exchange rates (price levels) of securities are added up. These courses are a sensitive barometer of any changes in the economic and political life one country or another. Rates fall sharply in years of crises and unfavorable market conditions and, conversely, rise during periods of recovery and growth in production. A general decline in stock prices is calledstock market crash

Test on the topic: Securities

1 . Types of value of securities: nominal and ... .

2. Indicated on the most valuable paper:

1 market value of the security 2 nominal value of the security

3real value of the security 4actual value of the security

3. Perpetual equity securities are:

1 certificates 2 bills 3 bonds 4 shares

4. Are they true the following judgments? A. The presence of a share does not give the owner the right to participate in the management of the organization. B. The presence of a share gives the owner the right to receive part of the property of the organization after its liquidation.

1 Both statements are correct 2 Only B is correct 3 Both statements are wrong 4 Only A is correct

5. Under the influence of supply and demand, the following is formed:

1 nominal value of the security 2 real value of the security 3 market value of the security 4 actual value of the security

6. Securities certifying the amount of the deposit made to the bank are:

1 certificates 2 stocks 3 bonds 4 bills

7. Read the text below. Determine which provisions of the text are factual in nature, and which are the nature of value judgments.

A) the actual nature; B) the nature of value judgments.

1To operate on the securities market in Russia, organizations must disclose more fully information about their activities. 2 Whereas previously it was sufficient to report quarterly on your financial condition, then in order to work on the securities market in Russia in 2010, it is necessary to disclose 50 mandatory indicators of the company's performance. 3According to legislators, this measure will make transactions with securities more transparent. 4As in previous years, shares of oil and gas companies, as well as companies operating in the field of communications and telecommunications, enjoy the greatest interest from investors on the securities market in Russia in 2010.

8. Government securities include:

1 certificate 2 share 3 bill 4 treasury bill

9 Debt securities securing the right of its holder to receive a fixed interest within a certain period are:

10. Written unconditional obligations of the debtor to pay a certain amount within a predetermined period and at a specified place are:

1 bonds 2 certificates 3 shares 4 bills

11. Intermediary exchange operations are carried out by:

12. Of all the concepts, the concept of government securities does not include:

1 gold certificates 2 government bonds 3 treasury notes 4 bills of exchange 5 privatization checks

13. Are the following statements correct? A. The securities market is the stock exchange.B. The securities market is the Central Bank.

1 Both statements are correct 2 Only B is correct 3 Both statements are wrong 4 Only A is correct

14. On its own behalf and at its own expense acts on stock exchange:

1marketer 2manager 3broker 4dealer

15. During the privatization of the 90s of the XX century. in Russia, such a security was used as:

1 share 2 bond 3 promissory note 4 voucher


Social science. Full course of preparation for the Unified State Examination Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

2.8. Securities

2.8. Securities

security paper - a document of the established form and details, certifying property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon its presentation. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, securities are classified as objects of civil rights and are equated to things, property. security paper- this is a form of existence of capital, different from its commodity, productive and monetary forms, which can be transferred instead of itself, circulate on the market like a commodity and generate income.

Types of details of a security

economic: reflect the economic content of the security (form of existence, period of existence, ownership, obligated person, face value, granted rights);

non-economic(technical): necessary for its circulation and are the details of the "circulation" (serial numbers, addresses, signatures, seals, names of organizations serving the implementation of the rights of security holders, etc.).

Types of documents related to securities:

a) a government bond; bond; bill; check; deposit certificate; savings certificate; bearer bank savings book; bill of lading; promotion; privatization securities;

b) double warehouse certificate; warehouse receipt as part of a double certificate; pledge certificate (warrant) as part of a double certificate; simple warehouse certificate;

c) mortgage, investment share.

Promotion- “issuance security, securing the rights of its owner (shareholder) to receive part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of dividends, participation in the management joint stock company and part of the property remaining after its liquidation.

Bond- “issuance security, securing the right of its holder to receive from the issuer of the bond within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value fixed in it or the property equivalent”;

bill of exchange- a security that certifies the written monetary obligation of the debtor to repay the debt, the form and circulation of which are regulated by special legislation - the bill of exchange. promissory note- a security certifying an unconditional obligation (promise) of the debtor to pay the amount of money indicated in it to the holder of a bill after a certain period of time. bill of exchange- a security that certifies the offer to the debtor to pay the amount of money indicated in it to the person indicated in it after a certain period.

Check- a security that certifies a written instruction of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the payee of the check the amount of money indicated in it during the period of its validity. A check is a type of bill of exchange that is drawn only by a bank.

bank certificate- a security that is a freely transferable certificate of a cash deposit (deposit - for legal entities, savings - for individuals) in a bank with the latter's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period in the future.

Bill of lading- a security, which is a document of a standard form, accepted in international practice, for the carriage of goods, certifying its loading, transportation and the right to receive it.

Mortgage is a registered security certifying the rights of its owner in accordance with a mortgage agreement (mortgage of real estate) to receive monetary obligation or property listed therein.

Investment share- a registered security certifying the share of its owner in the ownership of the property constituting a unit investment fund.

Classification and types of securities

1. By the period of existence: a) term (the period of existence is limited in time: short-term, with a maturity of up to 1 year; medium-term, with a maturity of 1 to 5 years; long-term, with a maturity of 5 to 30 years (mortgage securities securities under the law can be issued with a maturity of up to 40 years); b) perpetual (the period of existence is not limited in time); 2. According to the form of existence: paper (documentary); paperless (uncertificated);

3. By nationality: national (Russian); foreign;

4. According to the form of ownership: bearer (do not record the name of the owner), nominal (contain the name of the owner and are registered in a special register); if a registered security is transferred to another person by making an endorsement (endorsement) on it, or by order of its owner, then it is called order a valuable paper.

5. By the form of issue: issuance (issued into circulation in large lots, within which all securities are absolutely identical); non-issue (usually produced individually or in small batches without state registration). Under Russian law, issued shares, bonds, bank certificates are subject to mandatory registration (registered central bank) and mortgages. Other types of Russian securities, regardless of the size of their issue, are not subject to state registration.

6. By type of issuer: government securities (types of bonds issued by the government); non-state or corporate, which are put into circulation by corporations (companies, banks, organizations) and even individuals.

7. By risk level: risk-free; risky;

8. According to the degree of negotiability: market (freely tradable); non-marketable, which are issued by the issuer and can only be returned to him; cannot be resold;

9. By the form of attracting capital: equity (owner's), which reflect the share in the authorized capital of the company; debt, which is a form of borrowing capital (cash).

10. By type of denomination: with a constant denomination; with variable denomination.

11. According to the form of servicing capital: investment (capital) securities are an object for investing money as capital, i.e. for the purpose of generating income; non-investment securities serve cash settlements in commodity or other markets. Usually bills of lading, warehouse certificates, and bills of exchange act in this role.

12. According to the accrued income: incomeless; with accrued income.

The listed types of securities, typical for countries with highly developed market economy, are not exhausted. The securities market is part financial market and performs a number of general market functions: accumulating; redistributive; regulatory; stimulating; control; price; function of insurance of price and financial risks; informational.

Specific functions of the securities market

– use of securities in privatization, anti-crisis management, economic restructuring, stabilization monetary circulation, anti-inflationary policy;

- an accounting function, which manifests itself in the mandatory registration in special lists (registers) of all types of securities, securities market participants, as well as fixing stock transactions executed by contracts of sale, pledge, trust, conversion, etc .;

- the redistribution of funds (capitals) from the owners of passive capital to the owners of active capital is carried out through the issuance and circulation of securities, which means the redistribution of funds between areas of activity, areas of the economy, legal entities and individuals;

– redistribution of financial (market) risks, or redistribution of risks between the owners of any market assets; change in the form of ownership. This function can also be called function of protection (insurance) against risk or, more precisely, hedging function.

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Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities.

2) Securities are the object of purchase and sale.

3) All securities are legal tender.

4) Securities may exist only in the forms specified by law.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary - the right to vote, dividends are not guaranteed; preferred or preferential - no voting rights, fixed dividends (cumulative - dividends on them, convertible - can be changed to ordinary, returnable - they can be withdrawn by JSC). Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D/R · 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of interest. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a security, a document on the pledge of immovable property by the debtor, giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

A stock exchange is an exchange where securities and currencies are traded.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities - yes, that's right.

2) Securities are the object of sale - yes, that's right.

3) All securities are legal tender - no, that's not true.

4) Securities can exist only in forms determined by law - yes, that's right.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities - no, that's not true.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Shares, investment shares are not a means of payment at all. Please!

Yuri Avezov 16.05.2017 18:47

Who else has the right to issue securities other than those listed in paragraph 5?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

When issuing securities against loans, state and business entities can become issuers. It may also be an individual (as an individual entrepreneur) issuing debt bonds.

1) Distinguish between registered and bearer securities.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time.


In Russian civil law, securities are classified according to the method of legitimation of the owner of the security (an authorized person) into bearer (bearer securities), registered, order (order). Under Russian law, securities include:

A share (lat. actio - order) is a security that indicates the right to a share of ownership in the company's capital and the receipt of income (dividend). Ordinary shares. Preferred shares may impose restrictions on participation in management, and may also give additional rights in management (not necessarily), but bring permanent (often fixed as a certain percentage of accounting net income or in absolute monetary terms) dividends.

A bill of exchange (from German Wechsel) is a strictly established form certifying an unconditional obligation of the drawer (a simple bill), or a proposal to another payer specified in the bill (a bill of exchange) to pay a certain amount of money upon the due date of the bill.

Bond (Latin obligatio - obligation; English bond - long-term, note - short-term) - issuance debt security, securing the right of its owner to receive from the issuer of the bond within the period stipulated in it its nominal value or other property equivalent. A bond may also provide for the right of its owner to receive a fixed percentage of the nominal value of the bond or other property rights. The yield on a bond is interest and/or discount.

A check (fr. chèque, eng. cheque) is a security containing an unconditional order of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the amount indicated in it to the holder of the check. The issuer of a check is a person who has funds in the bank, which he has the right to dispose of by issuing checks, the holder of a check is the person in whose favor the check is issued, the payer is the bank in which the funds of the drawer are located.

1) There are registered and bearer securities - yes, that's right.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period - no, that's not true.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security - no, it is not true.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share - yes, that's right.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time - yes, that's right.

Answer: 145.

Answer: 145

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The word ONLY is not in the judgment, so it is true.

Share, bond, bill, security, check.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a document on the pledge of immovable property by the debtor, giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

Futures - a security that gives the owner the right to purchase goods in the future at today's prices.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights.

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security.

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale.

4) Individuals cannot issue securities.

5) Securities may exist in both paper and electronic form.


1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights. YES, right

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security. NO, incorrect, only in nominal, there is a bearer

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale. YES, right

4) Individuals cannot issue securities. NO, incorrect, check, for example

5) Securities may exist in both paper and electronic form. YES, right

Correct answer: 135

Answer: 135


A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the term of its validity.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate

D) a security, from the amount of par value of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed

2) bond

3) savings certificate



A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it - a bond.

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the period of its validity - a check.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise - a share.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate - a savings certificate.

E) a security, from the amount of nominal values ​​of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed - a share.

Answer: 24131.

Natalya Kravchenko 18.05.2017 21:02

Good evening, in theory, both shareholders and bondholders have the right to part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise. If the enterprise is ruined by both the one and the other, the property is returned

Anastasia Shcherban 21.05.2017 22:20

P. A. Baranov's handbook states that bondholders have a priority right to receive part of the company's property (before holders of preferred shares) in the event of a company's bankruptcy. It turns out that in the answer is ambiguous.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Happens. StatGrad

Lyudmila Anatolyevna invests her savings in the purchase of securities of various enterprises. Find in the list below the securities that she can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation‚ and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) banknotes

3) bonds

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund

6) property insurance contract


Securities are documents that meet the requirements established by law and certify obligations and other rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of such documents (documentary securities). Obligatory and other rights are also recognized as securities, which are enshrined in a decision on the issue or other act of the person who issued the securities in accordance with the requirements of the law, and the exercise and transfer of which is possible only in compliance with the rules for accounting for these rights in accordance with Article 149 of this Code ( paperless securities). Securities are a share, a bill of exchange, a mortgage, an investment share of a mutual investment fund, a bill of lading, a bond, a check and other securities named as such in law or recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law.

1) banknotes - no, not true.

2) banknotes - no, it's not true.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

4) shares - yes, that's right.

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund - yes, that's right.

6) property insurance contract - no, it is incorrect.

Answer: 345.

Basil 17.12.2017 14:06

In accordance with the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the investment share of a mutual investment fund does not apply to securities.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The last of the securities available in Russia is an investment share (in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Investment Funds", 2001). At the time of the assignment, it was relevant.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary (voting rights, dividends are not guaranteed), preferred or preferential (no voting rights, fixed dividends), cumulative (dividends on them), convertible (can be changed to ordinary), returnable (they can be withdrawn by JSC).

Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D / R x 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the face value of the bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

A) grants the right to participate in the management of the company - an ordinary share.

B) gives the right to receive a fixed interest - a bond.

B) certifies a debt relationship - a bond.

D) grants the right to an unconditional return of the nominal value at the end of the term - a bond.

E) certifies the owner's right to a share in the company's capital - an ordinary share.

Answer: 21112.

Answer: 21112

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Fixed dividend on shares

Using social science knowledge,

1) reveal the meaning of the concept of "securities";

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information on the types of securities;

− one sentence, disclosing the term that denotes the issue of securities.

Sentences should be widespread and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

The meaning of the concept:

1) this is a document drawn up in the prescribed form and in the presence of mandatory details, certifying property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of this document.

2) two sentences.

There are debt (bonds) and equity securities (shares);

The issue of securities is called an issue.

Any other two sentences containing information about securities may be given.



A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Write down the missing word in the table.

Characteristics of securities


A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the profit of the enterprise.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Source: USE - 2019. Early wave

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Answer: 22111.

Answer: 22111

Find securities in the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) preferred shares

2) receipts

6) work books


A security is a document certifying, in compliance with the established form and mandatory details, property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon its presentation. Securities: stocks, bonds, bills, futures.

1) preferred shares - yes, that's right.

2) receipts - no, incorrect.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

6) work books - no, that's not true.

Answer: 134.

Answer: 134

Subject area: Economics. Securities

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts, and write down this word (phrase).

Share, bond, security, bill, savings certificate.


Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Promotion; security; bond; bill; deposit and savings certificate.


All concepts presented are securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word.

Securities, bill, bond, check, share.


These are all different types of securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Andrei purchases shares of large companies, hoping to receive income from the subsequent sale in the event of an increase in their market rate.

Specify the type of exchange where Andrey buys shares.

Name the type of income from shares that Andrey can receive before they are resold. Using social science knowledge, indicate any three types of securities other than shares.

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities.

2) Securities are the object of purchase and sale.

3) All securities are legal tender.

4) Securities may exist only in the forms specified by law.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary - the right to vote, dividends are not guaranteed; preferred or preferential - no voting rights, fixed dividends (cumulative - dividends on them, convertible - can be changed to ordinary, returnable - they can be withdrawn by JSC). Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D/R · 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of interest. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a security, a document on the pledge of immovable property by the debtor, giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

A stock exchange is an exchange where securities and currencies are traded.

1) Certain property rights are concluded in securities - yes, that's right.

2) Securities are the object of sale - yes, that's right.

3) All securities are legal tender - no, that's not true.

4) Securities can exist only in forms determined by law - yes, that's right.

5) Only the state, municipalities and legal entities have the right to issue securities - no, that's not true.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Shares, investment shares are not a means of payment at all. Please!

Yuri Avezov 16.05.2017 18:47

Who else has the right to issue securities other than those listed in paragraph 5?

Thanks in advance for your reply

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

When issuing securities against loans, state and business entities can become issuers. It may also be an individual (as an individual entrepreneur) issuing debt bonds.

1) Distinguish between registered and bearer securities.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time.


In Russian civil law, securities are classified according to the method of legitimation of the owner of the security (an authorized person) into bearer (bearer securities), registered, order (order). Under Russian law, securities include:

A share (lat. actio - order) is a security that indicates the right to a share of ownership in the company's capital and the receipt of income (dividend). Ordinary shares. Preferred shares may impose restrictions on participation in management, and may also give additional rights in management (not necessarily), but bring permanent (often fixed as a certain percentage of accounting net income or in absolute monetary terms) dividends.

A bill of exchange (from German Wechsel) is a strictly established form certifying an unconditional obligation of the drawer (a simple bill), or a proposal to another payer specified in the bill (a bill of exchange) to pay a certain amount of money upon the due date of the bill.

Bond (Latin obligatio - obligation; English bond - long-term, note - short-term) - issuance debt security, securing the right of its owner to receive from the issuer of the bond within the period stipulated in it its nominal value or other property equivalent. A bond may also provide for the right of its owner to receive a fixed percentage of the nominal value of the bond or other property rights. The yield on a bond is interest and/or discount.

A check (fr. chèque, eng. cheque) is a security containing an unconditional order of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the amount indicated in it to the holder of the check. The issuer of a check is a person who has funds in the bank, which he has the right to dispose of by issuing checks, the holder of a check is the person in whose favor the check is issued, the payer is the bank in which the funds of the drawer are located.

1) There are registered and bearer securities - yes, that's right.

2) A bill of exchange is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank with the bank's obligation to return this deposit and interest on it after a specified period - no, that's not true.

3) In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any document issued by the state is called a security - no, it is not true.

4) A security that certifies ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit is called a share - yes, that's right.

5) The bond gives the owner the right to demand its redemption on time - yes, that's right.

Answer: 145.

Answer: 145

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The word ONLY is not in the judgment, so it is true.

Share, bond, bill, security, check.


Securities - monetary documents. Types of securities:

Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the nominal value of bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

Certificate - a written certificate of the bank on the deposit of funds, certifying the owner's right to receive the amount of the deposit and interest on it after the expiration of the established period.

A bill is a bank obligation.

Mortgage - a document on the pledge of immovable property by the debtor, giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property if the debt is not paid on time.

A voucher is a state security giving the right to a share in state property.

Check - a security, a written order of the account holder to the bank to issue to another person or transfer to another person's account a certain amount of money indicated in the check.

Futures - a security that gives the owner the right to purchase goods in the future at today's prices.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights.

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security.

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale.

4) Individuals cannot issue securities.

5) Securities may exist in both paper and electronic form.


1) A security is a document certifying certain property rights. YES, right

2) The name of the owner is always indicated in the security. NO, incorrect, only in nominal, there is a bearer

3) A security may be an object of purchase and sale. YES, right

4) Individuals cannot issue securities. NO, incorrect, check, for example

5) Securities may exist in both paper and electronic form. YES, right

Correct answer: 135

Answer: 135


A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the term of its validity.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate

D) a security, from the amount of par value of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed

2) bond

3) savings certificate



A) a security that secures the right of its holder to receive from the issuer within the period stipulated by it the nominal value and the percentage of this value or property equivalent fixed in it - a bond.

B) a security, which contains the order of the payer to his bank to pay the recipient the amount of money indicated in it during the period of its validity - a check.

C) the holder of this security has the right to a part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise - a share.

D) a monetary document certifying the deposit of funds for a certain time, usually having a fixed interest rate - a savings certificate.

E) a security, from the amount of nominal values ​​of which the authorized capital of a commercial organization is formed - a share.

Answer: 24131.

Natalya Kravchenko 18.05.2017 21:02

Good evening, in theory, both shareholders and bondholders have the right to part of the property remaining after the liquidation of the enterprise. If the enterprise is ruined by both the one and the other, the property is returned

Anastasia Shcherban 21.05.2017 22:20

P. A. Baranov's handbook states that bondholders have a priority right to receive part of the company's property (before holders of preferred shares) in the event of a company's bankruptcy. It turns out that in the answer is ambiguous.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Happens. StatGrad

Lyudmila Anatolyevna invests her savings in the purchase of securities of various enterprises. Find in the list below the securities that she can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation‚ and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) banknotes

3) bonds

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund

6) property insurance contract


Securities are documents that meet the requirements established by law and certify obligations and other rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of such documents (documentary securities). Obligatory and other rights are also recognized as securities, which are enshrined in a decision on the issue or other act of the person who issued the securities in accordance with the requirements of the law, and the exercise and transfer of which is possible only in compliance with the rules for accounting for these rights in accordance with Article 149 of this Code ( paperless securities). Securities are a share, a bill of exchange, a mortgage, an investment share of a mutual investment fund, a bill of lading, a bond, a check and other securities named as such in law or recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law.

1) banknotes - no, not true.

2) banknotes - no, it's not true.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

4) shares - yes, that's right.

5) investment share of a mutual investment fund - yes, that's right.

6) property insurance contract - no, it is incorrect.

Answer: 345.

Basil 17.12.2017 14:06

In accordance with the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the investment share of a mutual investment fund does not apply to securities.

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The last of the securities available in Russia is an investment share (in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Investment Funds", 2001). At the time of the assignment, it was relevant.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Share - a security that certifies the contribution of its owner of funds, giving the right to participate in the management of the JSC, to receive part of the profit in the form of a dividend and part of the property, in the event of liquidation of the enterprise. Shares are issued for an unlimited period and are not redeemable. Types of shares: ordinary or ordinary (voting rights, dividends are not guaranteed), preferred or preferential (no voting rights, fixed dividends), cumulative (dividends on them), convertible (can be changed to ordinary), returnable (they can be withdrawn by JSC).

Shares can be split and consolidated. When splitting, one share turns into several. The level of the annual dividend is calculated by the formula: U = D / R x 100%, where D is the annual dividend; P is the purchase price of a share.

A bond is a security that certifies the deposit of funds by its owner and confirms the obligation of the organization that issued the security (the issuer) to reimburse the par value of this security within the prescribed period with the payment of %. Bonds can be issued by the state and JSC. Income on government bonds is paid in the form of winnings, on bonds - as a percentage of the face value of the bonds. Bonds differ from shares in that their holders are not members of the JSC and do not have the right to vote.

A) grants the right to participate in the management of the company - an ordinary share.

B) gives the right to receive a fixed interest - a bond.

B) certifies a debt relationship - a bond.

D) grants the right to an unconditional return of the nominal value at the end of the term - a bond.

E) certifies the owner's right to a share in the company's capital - an ordinary share.

Answer: 21112.

Answer: 21112

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Fixed dividend on shares

Using social science knowledge,

1) reveal the meaning of the concept of "securities";

2) make two sentences:

− one sentence containing information on the types of securities;

− one sentence, disclosing the term that denotes the issue of securities.

Sentences should be widespread and contain correct information about the relevant aspects of the concept.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

The meaning of the concept:

1) this is a document drawn up in the prescribed form and in the presence of mandatory details, certifying property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon presentation of this document.

2) two sentences.

There are debt (bonds) and equity securities (shares);

The issue of securities is called an issue.

Any other two sentences containing information about securities may be given.



A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the enterprise's profit.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Write down the missing word in the table.

Characteristics of securities


A share is a security that certifies the ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and gives the right to receive part of the profit of the enterprise.

Answer: action.

Answer: share

Source: USE - 2019. Early wave

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of securities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Answer: 22111.

Answer: 22111

Find securities in the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) preferred shares

2) receipts

6) work books


A security is a document certifying, in compliance with the established form and mandatory details, property rights, the exercise or transfer of which is possible only upon its presentation. Securities: stocks, bonds, bills, futures.

1) preferred shares - yes, that's right.

2) receipts - no, incorrect.

3) bonds - yes, that's right.

6) work books - no, that's not true.

Answer: 134.

Answer: 134

Subject area: Economics. Securities

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts, and write down this word (phrase).

Share, bond, security, bill, savings certificate.


Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Promotion; security; bond; bill; deposit and savings certificate.


All concepts presented are securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented. Write down this word.

Securities, bill, bond, check, share.


These are all different types of securities.

Answer: securities.

Answer: securities

Andrei purchases shares of large companies, hoping to receive income from the subsequent sale in the event of an increase in their market rate.

Specify the type of exchange where Andrey buys shares.

Name the type of income from shares that Andrey can receive before they are resold. Using social science knowledge, indicate any three types of securities other than shares.