Reflection of the purchase of foreign currency at the expense of the federal budget. Accounting for the institution's funds on a foreign currency account Calculations for damage to property

In continuation of the topic begun, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of reflecting the most common currency transactions in the accounting of state employees.

Currency transactions in accounting are almost no different from transactions carried out in national currency. However, there are some nuances that are unique to the currency. These include, in particular, the acquisition, conversion into national currency on the date of the economic operation or balance sheet, reflection of exchange rate differences, etc. It is on these operations that we propose to dwell in more detail.

So, for starters, let's find out what activities a budgetary institution needs to carry out in order to purchase currency.

Buying currency

Recall: the main regulatory navigators for a budgetary institution when buying a currency are , , , and .

The acquisition of foreign currency by the manager of budgetary funds is carried out not only with the participation of an authorized bank, but also with the Treasury.

application-instruction for providing foreign currency according to the form

supporting documents(contracts concluded with non-residents; acts of acceptance and transfer, invitations, tickets, invoices, calculation of travel expenses, etc.)

registries budget commitments and budgetary financial commitments

payment order for transfer from the registration account of the hryvnia equivalent of transferred funds in foreign currency

payment order for the transfer of funds from the relevant accounts in the national currency for the purchase of foreign currency at the MVRU

foreign currency calculation in equivalent to the national currency*

Having received everything from a budgetary institution Required documents The Treasury, based on the available funds in its foreign currency account, makes a decision to transfer funds from the foreign currency account to the institution's account opened with the bank institution.

After the relevant decision is made, the Treasury prepares payment document to transfer funds in foreign currency from the account of the Treasury to the foreign currency account of a budgetary institution specified in the application-order. At the same time, the hryvnia equivalent of the transferred currency is transferred (debited) from the registration account of the budgetary institution on the same day on the basis of the submitted registers of budgetary obligations and budgetary financial obligations, as well as a payment order.

Stage 2. Transfer of funds from the registration account of the institution

At this stage, the Treasury transfers funds in national currency to an authorized bank from a registration account opened in the name of a budgetary institution in the Treasury to purchase foreign currency and pay the appropriate commission.

In turn, the bank transfers funds from the registration account to a separate analytical account of the balance sheet 2900 "Accounts payable on transactions for the purchase and sale of foreign currency, banking and precious metals for bank customers."

From this account, funds can be transferred for the purchase of foreign currency not earlier than the next business day from the day the hryvnia was credited to this account.

The authorized bank transfers to account 2900 such amount of funds in hryvnias that is sufficient to carry out transactions for the purchase of the amount of foreign currency indicated in the application, recalculated at the hryvnia exchange rate to foreign currency on the day the funds in hryvnias are credited to account 2900, but not lower than the official hryvnia exchange rate to foreign currency, established by the National Bank for that day ().

Since the foreign exchange rate may change on the day of the transaction for its purchase, the authorized bank in this case is allowed to additionally credit funds in hryvnia to account 2900 in an amount not sufficient to fulfill the client's application for the purchase of foreign currency.

If the institution does not have the opportunity to transfer an additional amount of hryvnia for the purchase of foreign currency and the client agrees to purchase a smaller amount of foreign currency, then the bank purchases foreign currency for an amount less than that indicated in the application for the purchase of foreign currency.

Stage 3. Transfer of currency to a bank account opened in the name of the institution

At this stage, the bank credits the acquired currency to the foreign currency account of the institution.

After the currency has entered the account of the institution, it is necessary to carefully monitor the period of its stay in this account, since there are temporary s There are no restrictions on the presence of such currency on accounts.

Currency on a business trip

The foreign exchange expenses of a seconded worker (according to the approved one) in the amount of the advance payment issued are recalculated into the national currency at the exchange rate for start of the day dates receiving an advance.

In case of overspending during a business trip, that is, expenses exceeding the amount of the advance payment issued in accordance with the approved amount, they are recalculated into hryvnia at the exchange rate at the beginning of the day dates report approval about the use of funds ().

As for exchange rate differences on monetary items, they are determined twice: the first time - on the date implementation business transaction , and second - on the balance sheet date(as of the reporting date) ().

In the first case, all relevant monetary items are recalculated using the exchange rate at the end of the day dates business operations.

In the second - to determine the exchange rate differences on the balance sheet date (reporting date) - the exchange rate is applied at the end of the reporting date.

In conclusion, let's look at typical postings associated with basic foreign exchange settlements when ordinary activities institutions. For convenience, we present them in a tabular format (see Table 2).

table 2

No. p / p

Correspondence of sub-accounts



Issuance of foreign currency under the report

2. Instruction No. 492- Instructions on the procedure for opening, using and closing accounts in national and foreign currencies, approved.

3. NP(S)BUgs 130– National regulation (standard) accounting in the public sector 130 "The impact of changes in exchange rates", approved .

4. Order No. 1407– Treasury service procedure state budget on expenses, approved .

5. Order No. 938– Treasury service procedure local budgets, approved .

6. Regulation No. 281– Regulations on the procedure and conditions for trading in foreign currency, approved by .

8. Methodological recommendation No. 68– Guidelines on the list of supporting documents for registering budgetary obligations, budgetary financial obligations and making payments, approved.


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Russian legislation allows budgetary institutions to carry out cash settlements in foreign currency. Meanwhile, legal tender in the territory Russian Federation is the ruble and accounting for the assets and liabilities of the institution must be carried out in this currency.
We will talk about the features of accounting for transactions in foreign currency in budgetary institutions in this article.

Before starting a conversation about the nuances of accounting for transactions in foreign currency, let us remind the reader of the main aspects of currency legislation, for which we turn to federal law dated December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ "On currency regulation And currency control"(hereinafter - Law N 173-FZ), establishing the legal aspects of currency relations between participants economic activity In Russian federation.
Currency transactions between residents are prohibited, but there are whole line the exceptions provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 9 of Law N 173-FZ. Such exceptions are, in particular:
- transactions between commission agents (agents, attorneys) and principals (principals, principals) when commission agents (agents, attorneys) provide services related to the conclusion and execution of contracts with non-residents on the transfer of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the transfer of information and results intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, including operations for the return to commitents (principals, principals) sums of money(other property) (subparagraph 3
- transactions for payment and (or) reimbursement of expenses individual related to a business trip outside the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as transactions in the repayment of an unspent advance payment issued in connection with a business trip (subparagraph 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of Law N 173-FZ);
- operations related to settlements and transfers in the course of budget execution budget system Russian Federation in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation (subparagraph 10 of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of Law No. 173-FZ);
- and others.
Currency transactions between residents and non-residents are carried out without restrictions (Law N 173-FZ). Thus, if an institution, for example, purchases goods (works, services) for foreign currency, then we are talking about a transaction between a resident and a non-resident.
Residents have the right to open in authorized banks bank accounts in foreign currency, unless otherwise provided by Law N 173-FZ, that is, settlements in the implementation currency transactions can be made only through bank accounts in authorized banks, with the exception of cases established by the named law (paragraphs and articles 14 of Law N 173-FZ).

The need to purchase foreign currency may arise as commercial organization, and from a budgetary institution (for example: in the case of sending an employee on a business trip abroad, etc.). In this article, the methodologists of the company "1C" consider the procedure for accounting for this situation in the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8".

dated 10.10.2008 No. 8n

However, in the field

dated December 30, 2008 No. 148n
- ,
- ,
- .

Debit KRB 1 304 04 000
KRB loan 1,304 05,000

CIF debit 1 201 03 510
KRB loan 1,304 04,000

Debit KRB 17 03

dated January 20, 2006 No. 42-7.1-15 / 1.2-24).

CIF debit 1 201 07 510
CIF loan 1,201 03,610

Debit KRB 17 07(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses).

Debit KRB 17 03

dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136

CIF debit 1 201 03 510"Receipts Money establishments on the way
CIF loan 1,401 01,171
Debit KRB 17 03(KOSGU 171);

CIF debit 1 401 01 171
CIF loan 1,201 03,610
Debit KRB 17 03

No. p / p

the name of the operation



Document in the program

KRB 130404000

KRB 130405000

CIF 120103510
KRB 1.17.03 (KOSGU)

KRB 130404000

CIF 120107510
KRB 1.17.07 (KOSGU)

CIF 120103510

CIF 120103510

CIF 140101171

dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136)

CIF 140101171

CIF 120103610

Buying Foreign Exchange: Regulatory Rationale

According to clause 2.8.2 of the Procedure cash service execution of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, approved by order of the Treasury of Russia dated October 10, 2008 No. 8n (hereinafter - Procedure No. 8n), funds required by the chief administrator of sources of external financing of the deficit federal budget or the main manager of federal budget funds for the purchase of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget to pay for accepted budgetary obligations under agreements and government contracts concluded with non-residents for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services, making payments in foreign currency related to business trips outside the territory of the Russian Federation are transferred by the Federal Treasury on the basis of the Application for cash flow from account No. 40105 to an account opened by the chief administrator of sources of external financing of the federal budget deficit or the chief administrator of federal budget funds in a bank for the specified purposes, for use in in due course on balance sheet account No. 40106 "Federal budget funds allocated to state organizations" (hereinafter - account No. 40106).

However, in the field Purpose of payment Applications for cash expense in addition to the mandatory information, it is recommended to specify additional text Transfer of funds for the purchase of foreign currency, as well as the name of the foreign currency and the amount.

Operations for transferring funds to foreign currency accounts and their use are reflected in budget accounting and reporting in accordance with the Instruction on Budget Accounting (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 2008 No. 148n), taking into account the clarifications brought by letters Federal Treasury:
- dated December 23, 2005 No. 42-7.1-01 / 2.4-385,
- dated 01/20/2006 No. 42-7.1-15 / 1.2-24,
- dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06 / 136.

1. Transfer of federal budget funds in rubles for the purchase of foreign currency on the basis of the Application for cash expenditure of the chief administrator (chief administrator of sources of external financing of the federal budget deficit) from the accounts of the Federal Treasury opened on balance account 40105 "Federal budget funds" to the accounts of administrators and recipients of federal budget funds in foreign currency, opened on the balance sheet account 40106, is reflected in the entry:

Debit KRB 1 304 04 000"Internal payments"
KRB loan 1,304 05,000"Settlements on payments from the budget with financial authorities".

At the same time, the chief manager (chief administrator of the IFDB), as the recipient of budgetary funds, on the basis of an extract from the personal account, reflects this operation with the entry:

CIF debit 1 201 03 510"Receipts of funds of the institution in transit"
KRB loan 1,304 04,000"Intradepartmental Accounts".

Transactions on the conversion of funds into foreign currencies should be recorded at off-balance account 17 "Receipts of funds to bank accounts of institutions", opened to account 1 201 03 000, by codes budget classification Russian Federation.

Debit KRB 17 03(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses).

2. The purchased foreign currency shall be credited by the credit institution to the currency account of the budgetary institution opened on the balance sheet account 40106 "Federal budget funds allocated to state organizations" and spent in accordance with the established procedure (letter of the Treasury of Russia dated 20.01.2006 No. 42-7.1-15/1.2 -24).

Receipt of funds in foreign currency to the bank account on the basis of an extract from the currency account 40106:

CIF debit 1 201 07 510"Receipts of funds of the institution to accounts in foreign currency"
CIF loan 1,201 03,610"Disposals of funds of the institution in transit."

Operations on the receipt of funds in foreign currency to the currency account of the main manager should be reflected in off-balance accounts 17 "Receipts of funds to bank accounts of institutions", opened to accounts 1 201 07 000 and 1 201 03 000, in the context of codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

Debit KRB 17 07(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses).

Debit KRB 17 03(according to KOSGU codes corresponding to expenses) with a minus sign.

3. When transferring funds to a foreign currency account, exchange rate differences may occur. Accounting records for the reflection of the exchange rate difference that arose when transferring funds to a foreign currency account are given in the letter of the Treasury of Russia dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06 / 136 for the amount of the positive exchange rate difference:

CIF debit 1 201 03 510"Receipts of funds of the institution in transit"
CIF loan 1,401 01,171"Income from revaluation of assets";
Debit KRB 17 03(KOSGU 171);

For the amount of the resulting negative exchange rate difference:

CIF debit 1 401 01 171"Income from the revaluation of assets"
CIF loan 1,201 03,610"Disposal of funds of the institution in transit";
Debit KRB 17 03(KOSGU 171) with a minus sign.

The above accounting entries for the purchase of foreign currency are summarized in a table.

Table. Accounting records for the purchase of foreign currency at the expense of the federal budget

No. p / p

the name of the operation



Document in the program

Transfer of budget funds for the purchase of foreign currency from a personal account opened with the Treasury to an account opened with credit institution (103)

Application for cash flow (conversion)

Transferring the ruble amount to a transit account

KRB 130404000

KRB 130405000

Crediting the currency amount to the currency account 40106

CIF 120103510
KRB 1.17.03 (KOSGU)

KRB 130404000

Receipt of funds to the currency account of the main manager, manager, recipient of budgetary funds for making payments in accordance with the budget list (clauses 114, 103)

CIF 120107510
KRB 1.17.07 (KOSGU)
KRB 1.17.03 (KOSGU) (with a minus sign)

CIF 120103510

Receipt of foreign currency to the account

Positive exchange rate difference (letter of the Treasury of Russia dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06 / 136)

CIF 120103510

CIF 140101171

Negative exchange rate difference (letter of the Russian Treasury dated October 24, 2006 No. 42-2.4-06/136)

CIF 140101171
KRB (with minus sign)

CIF 120103610

Let's consider how these operations are reflected in the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8".

Making a purchase in the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8"

In the program "1C: Accounting of a budgetary institution 8", accounting for operations related to currency conversion is reflected in the accounts:
- 201.07 "Funds of an institution in foreign currency"; - 201.03 "Funds of the institution in transit".

According to account 201.03, accounting is established by sections of personal accounts (types of funds). According to account 201.07, currency accounting and accounting by sections of personal accounts - types of funds are established (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

According to Appendix 4 to the Budget Accounting Instructions for account 201.07, allowable ARCs and BCCs are configured.

Parallel accounting according to the codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation is organized on off-balance accounts:
- 17.03 "Receipt of funds in transit to the accounts of the institution";
- July 17 "Receipt of funds in foreign currency to the accounts of the institution";
- 18.07 "Disposal of funds in foreign currency from the accounts of the institution".

For off-balance accounts, accounting is established by type of activity, CBC, KOSGU and by sections of personal accounts (types of funds).

Transfer of federal budget funds in rubles for the purchase of foreign currency

For shaping and printing Applications for cash expense (f. 0531801) for the transfer of budget funds for the purchase of foreign currency, as well as for the accounting of transactions for the transfer of funds for the purchase of foreign currency, a document is used .

The header of the document says:

  • Document Number- filled in automatically when writing a document; it can be changed;
  • document date- is set equal to the working date of the program; can be changed;
  • to form the payment details of the payer, you must specify paying institution And personal account, from which the transfer of funds should be made - the selection button opens the directory Personal accounts, from which you should select the desired personal account;
  • OFK/UFK- it is necessary to indicate the body of the Federal Treasury, in which the personal account of the institution is serviced;
  • if accounting is carried out in the context of balance sheets, for the formation of postings, you should specify type of balance;
  • recipient- choose from the directory offered by the program Counterparties organization receiving funds;
  • beneficiary's account- by choosing from the directory Bank and treasury accounts, indicate for which bank details send money. The selection window shows only those current accounts that relate to a particular recipient.

When choosing a payee and his account, information about them specified in the directories Counterparties And Bank and treasury accounts, will be displayed on the tab counterparty document Application for cash flow (conversion). If necessary, the automatically filled in values ​​can be changed for a specific request for cash flow directly on the tab counterparty.

The main payment details are indicated on the tab Application. Payout amount- indicates the total amount of payment under the document in rubles. Purpose of payment- a multi-line text field for entering information about the purpose of the payment, common to the entire document. It is filled in in accordance with the Description of filling in field 24 of the payment order (Appendix 4 to the Regulation on cashless payments in the Russian Federation, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 03.10.2002 No. 2-P).

According to the requirements of Order No. 8n in the field Purpose of payment in addition to the mandatory information, it is recommended to specify additional text Transfer of funds for the purchase of foreign currency, as well as the name of the foreign currency and the amount. The text of the payment purpose can be filled both manually - by entering a text line, and automatically - from the template (button Fill in "Purpose of payment").

It is also provided for the inclusion of the TIN and KPP indicated on the Application tab in the text of the payment purpose according to the rules specified in paragraph 9.2 of Order No. 8n.

Sign of advance payment - by default it is indicated No.

Order of payment- you should indicate the number of the group of priority of payment in accordance with Article 855 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The default is 6 . Payment type- choose the type of payment: by mail, telegraph, electronically, urgently when making payments in the appropriate ways. By default, the prop takes the value Electronically. Due date limit- specify the date no later than which the application must be executed. In this case, the deadline date of execution should not be earlier than the date of the current business day. By default, the attribute takes the value according to the setting in the personal account card. In the attribute group Signatures information about the persons signing the application for cash expenditure is indicated. Checkbox Print position should be included if the document is signed by an authorized person.

Bookmark Payment decryption the total amount of the cash payment (document) is detailed by budget classification codes to form Section 3 "Deciphering the application for cash expense" of the form Applications for cash flow, as well as for the formation accounting records on account 17.03 (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

In the rows of the tabular part, indicate:

  • personal account section- the type of funds at the expense of which it should be made cash payment(it is necessary to select the section of the personal account specified in the header of the document);
  • KBK- for each type of funds, the budget classification codes for which payments must be made are indicated;
  • KOSGU- it is necessary to indicate the code corresponding to the payment according to the sector classification government controlled. If the institution conducts additional analytics on goals, activities, additional classification, you should enable the visibility of details Target Code, Activity Code, Additional Classification;
  • Purpose of payment- the purpose of the payment is indicated according to the corresponding budget classification code in accordance with the basis document confirming the occurrence monetary obligation. The requisite is filled in if the purpose of the payment changes depending on the budget classification code or the amounts specified in Application;
  • Note- if necessary, the target code is indicated in brackets, as well as other information necessary for budget execution;
  • Sum- the amount in rubles is indicated according to the corresponding codes of the budget classification.

After checking the correctness of filling out the application, it can be printed in the required number of copies (button Seal). Attention! Only recorded document can be printed. If the document is not recorded, a confirmation message will be displayed before printing.

According to Order No. 8n, Section 2 is displayed on paper carrier and is formed in electronic form if there are supporting documents confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation, for the payment of which this Application for cash flow.

Having received an extract from the personal account, in the document Application for cash flow (conversion) checkbox should be enabled Paid, indicate the date of issue (on the tab Execution) and then swipe (button OK), reflecting the operation to write off funds in the accounts of budget accounting.

When conducting a document Application for cash flow (conversion) for each specification line Payment decryption three postings are formed (see clause 1 of the table). Accounting records that are generated when posting a document (Fig. 3) can be seen in the accounting statement (button P print - Accounting reference).

Rice. 3

Bookmark Execution you can also indicate the registration number and date of registration of the document in the OFC, the number and date of the supporting document (payment order of the Treasury). The specified details are filled in automatically when uploading Account statements.

Information about the settlement document can also be loaded. In this case settlement document can be printed from the link Confirmation document.

Receipt of funds in foreign currency to a bank account

Based on an extract from the currency account 40106, you must enter a document . The document is entered based on the document Application for cash flow (conversion). When entering based on a document Application for cash flow (conversion) most of the details are filled in automatically with the values ​​of the corresponding details of the base document.

As document date Receipt of foreign currency to the account you must specify the date of crediting to the account according to the statement.

Document Receipt of foreign currency to the account you must specify the currency account and the amount of currency credited to the currency account.

In the account card 40106 (element of the directory Personal accounts) on the tab Personal account details you should indicate the source of funds for the fulfillment of obligations (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4

Bookmark additional information the currency of the account.

The exchange rate and multiplicity of the currency on the date of enrollment must be uploaded to the directory Currencies previously or they must be specified directly in the document. According to the exchange rate and currency multiplicity indicated in the document, the ruble coverage of the currency amount is calculated (requisite Amount in rubles) and exchange rate difference.

In the attribute group Budget accounting accounts You must specify a 26-digit exchange rate account. By default, the synthetic account is 401.01.171. From the working chart of accounts, you should select account 401.01 with a CCC of the "CIF" type (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

In the tabular section Currency inflow based on document Application for cash flow (conversion) lines with currency amount details by budget classification codes have been formed.

Detailed currency amounts are calculated pro rata specific gravity ruble amount reflected in the document Application for cash flow (conversion). Rounding errors refer to the first line of the table.

For each line - budget classification code - the ruble coverage of the currency amount is calculated according to the exchange rate and currency multiplicity specified in the document.

Each line should indicate the section of the currency account - Budget funds.

Bookmark Exchange difference you must specify the subconto of the accounts for accounting for funds in transit (201.03, 17.03) and the account for the allocation of exchange rate differences (401.01).

If the standard account settings have not been changed, then you only need to specify the section of the personal account from which the currency funds were transferred for currency conversion, for accounts 201.03, 17.03 (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

A correctly completed document should be posted to form accounting records for crediting currency to a foreign currency account (see clause 2 of the table). At the same time, records are formed for the reflection of the exchange rate difference (see paragraphs 3 and 4 of the table). You can create a document for accounting statement, which reflects the generated records.

In the practical activities of budgetary institutions, sometimes it becomes necessary to open a foreign currency account and conduct transactions with money in foreign currency. For example, when making settlements with foreign counterparties (including when acquiring inventories, including equipment, payment for consulting, intermediary and other similar services) or for issuing advances in foreign currency to employees of the institution sent on a business trip abroad.

The general rules for organizing and maintaining accounting for foreign currency transactions are established by the norms of paragraph 154 of the Instructions for the Unified Chart of Accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n.

Operations on the movement of funds in foreign currency are recorded simultaneously both in this currency and in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the transactions. The ruble equivalent of the balance of funds in foreign currency on the reporting date (on the date of formation of accounting registers) is reflected in the accounting in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this date.

Exchange differences in foreign currency settlements

Cash in foreign currencies should be revalued at the date of the foreign currency transactions and at the balance sheet date. At the same time, exchange rate differences (positive or negative) may occur when calculating the ruble equivalent. They are taken into account as an increase (decrease) in funds on the accounts of the institution in foreign currency with attribution to the financial result of the current financial year from the revaluation of assets.

Let us turn to the Instructions for the Chart of Accounts for Accounting of Budgetary Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n. Its separate provisions regulate the procedure for accounting for exchange rate differences arising from the conversion of currency into the ruble equivalent (or vice versa), as well as when recalculating the obligations of an institution or its counterparties on the date of settlement.

Based on the provisions of Instruction No. 174n, when making settlements in foreign currency, in fact, at least two accounting entries should be made:

1) adjust receivables or payables by the amount of the exchange difference (if the debt is denominated in foreign currency);

2) to revalue for the same amount the currency funds debited from the account or credited to the account.

As part of the state task, on August 1, the institution took into account an obligation to purchase inventories in the amount of $10,000.

The dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank on the date of the commitment is 33.03 rubles. for US dollars. The funds were transferred to the supplier on August 9 (there was a balance of dollars on the foreign currency account sufficient to complete this operation). Suppose that the dollar exchange rate on August 9 was 33.18 rubles. for US dollars. Postings will be made in accounting:

Contents of operation Debit Credit Sum
August 1
The amount of debt to the supplier for purchased inventories is reflected 4 105 XX 340
<Увеличение стоимости материальных запасов>
4 302 34 730
330 300 rub. (USD 10,000 × RUB 33.03/USD)
August 9
Transferred funds in foreign currency to the supplier* 4 302 34 830
"Decrease accounts payable for the acquisition of inventories"
4 201 27 610
RUB 331,800 (USD 10,000 × RUB 33.18/USD)
Reflected the amount of the exchange difference on the obligation assumed 4 401 10 171
4 302 34 730
"Increase in accounts payable for the acquisition of inventories"
1500 rub. ((33.18 RUB/USD – 33.03 RUB/USD) × 10,000 USD)

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. When a foreign currency is credited to a foreign currency account, exchange rate differences do not arise (if the receipt is not related to the repayment of previously accounted accounts receivable). The received amount is estimated and reflected in accounting at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of receipt of funds to the account (in accordance with the bank statement on the credit account).

2. If prior to the next reporting date monetary funds in foreign currency are not spent, there is no need for their revaluation.

3. If any settlements are made between the date the currency is credited to the account and the reporting date, the exchange rate differences are taken into account as of the date of these transactions.

4. When issuing funds in foreign currency under the report to business travelers, exchange differences may occur several times depending on when the accountable amount is actually issued - on the day the currency is received from the bank or later.

Note that the Ministry of Finance of Russia does not deny the possibility of issuing a foreign currency advance for a business trip (letter dated August 9, 2012 No. 14-07-06/9).

Exchange differences when buying foreign currency

As a rule, foreign exchange rates set by credit institutions differ from the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the question arises of how to reflect in accounting the difference arising from the revaluation of the currency at the rate of a particular bank and the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In our opinion, such a need arises only when buying a currency (when converting a currency into rubles or vice versa). In other situations, the placement of foreign currency funds on the accounts of credit institutions, as well as their spending and receipt in foreign currency, does not lead to a change in the economic benefits of the bank and, therefore, such amounts are not subject to recalculation.

System Documents regulation accounting in institutions, the issue of separate reflection in accounting of the difference between the exchange rate of the bank and the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not regulated. Therefore, in our opinion, the general scheme seems to be legitimate, according to which the differences actually formed (between the rate of a particular bank and the rate of the Central Bank) are reflected in the accounting.

In accounting, such operations are reflected in the usual manner (clauses 74, 75 of Instruction No. 174n):

  • a positive exchange rate difference during conversion on the basis of a Certificate (f. 0504833) is reflected in the debit of account 0 201 13 510 “Receipts of funds of the institution in the treasury body on the way” and credit of account 0 401 10 171 “Income from revaluation of assets”;
  • the negative exchange rate difference during conversion on the basis of the Certificate (f. 0504833) is reflected in the credit of account 0 201 13 610 “Disposal of funds of the institution in the treasury body in transit” and the debit of account 0 401 10 171 “Income from revaluation of assets”.

The need to determine exchange rate differences during conversion is due to the fact that this operation is usually carried out in two stages within two banking days. If the transaction is carried out within one banking day, exchange differences do not arise during the conversion.

If the terms of the bank account agreement provide for the collection of an additional commission for the services of a credit institution for currency conversion, such amounts are reflected in the accounting separately. In our opinion, it is most legitimate to attribute the amounts of expenses to the KOSGU code 226 (since payment for other services is meant). As for accounting entries, according to paragraph 78 of Instruction No. 174n:

  • payment for a credit institution's currency conversion service is reflected in the credit of account 0 201 23 610 “Disposal of funds of an institution in a credit institution in transit” and the debit of account 0 401 20 226 “Expenses for other work, services”;
  • the negative exchange rate difference on the basis of the Certificate (f. 0504833) is reflected in the debit of account 0 401 10 171 and the credit of account 0 201 23 610.

To send an employee on a business trip abroad, the institution needed to purchase 2,000 US dollars, and it applied to the bank with a corresponding order on August 8.

Suppose that the exchange rate of the bank in which the institution has a foreign currency account is 34.08 rubles on this date. for US dollars. On the same day, 68,160 rubles were transferred for the purchase of foreign currency. (34.08 rubles / USD × 2000 USD), the bank purchased the currency and credited it to the foreign currency account of the institution minus a commission fee in the amount of 200 rubles. August 9th. Suppose the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this date amounted to 33.18 rubles. for US dollars.

And on August 12, 2,000 US dollars were transferred to a bank currency card to an accountable person sent on a business trip.

Advance report on the expenditure of all accountable amount submitted by an employee on 22 August. Suppose that the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this date amounted to 33.25 rubles. for US dollars. The accounting records will include:

Contents of operation Debit Credit Sum
8 August
Funds were transferred from the personal account of the institution for crediting funds to a foreign currency account (at the rate of the bank)*,** 4 201 23 510
"Receipt of funds of an institution in a credit institution on the way"
4 201 11 610
"Disposal of funds of an institution from personal accounts in the treasury body"
RUB 68,160
August 9
The currency was credited to the foreign currency account of the institution (at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation)*,** 4 201 27 510
4 201 23 610
RUB 66,360 (33.18 RUB/USD × 2000 USD)
Commission withheld by the bank* 4 401 20 226
"Expenses for other works, services"
4 201 23 610
"Disposal of funds of an institution in a credit institution in transit"
200 rub.
The negative difference between the currency purchase rate and the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is reflected* 4,401 10,171 "Income from revaluation of assets" 4,201 23,610 “Disposal of funds of an institution in a credit institution in transit” 1800 rub. ((34.08 RUB/USD – 33.18 RUB/USD) × 2000 USD)
12th of August
The currency from the currency account was transferred to bank card seconded worker* 4 208 XX 560
<Увеличение дебиторской задолженности подотчетных лиц>
4 201 27 610
"Disposal of funds of an institution in foreign currency from an account with a credit institution"
RUB 66,440 (33.22 RUB/USD × 2000 USD)
The exchange rate difference from the revaluation of the currency on the account is reflected** 4 201 27 510
"Receipts of funds of an institution in foreign currency to an account with a credit institution"
4 401 10 171
"Income from the revaluation of assets"
80 rub. ((33.22 RUB/USD – 33.18 RUB/USD) × 2000 USD)
August 22
Reflected business trip expenses according to the approved advance report 4 401 20 XXX
<Расходы текущего финансового года>
4 208 XX 660
<Уменьшение дебиторской задолженности подотчетных лиц>
RUB 66,500 (33.25 RUB/USD × 2000 USD)
The amount of the exchange rate difference 4 208 XX 560
<Увеличение дебиторской задолженности подотчетных лиц>
4 401 10 171
"Income from the revaluation of assets"
60 rub. ((33.25 RUB/USD – 33.22 RUB/USD) × 2000 USD)

V. Zakharyin,
budget accounting expert

In the practical activities of budgetary institutions, sometimes it becomes necessary to open a foreign currency account and conduct transactions with money in foreign currency. For example, when making settlements with foreign counterparties (including when purchasing inventories, including equipment, paying for consulting, intermediary and other similar services) or for issuing advances in foreign currency to employees of an institution sent on a business trip abroad.

The general rules for organizing and maintaining accounting for foreign currency transactions are established by the norms of paragraph 154 of the Instructions for the Unified Chart of Accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n.

Operations on the movement of funds in foreign currency are recorded simultaneously both in this currency and in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the transactions. The ruble equivalent of the balance of funds in foreign currency on the reporting date (on the date of formation of accounting registers) is reflected in the accounting in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this date.

Exchange differences in foreign currency settlements

Cash in foreign currencies should be revalued at the date of the foreign currency transactions and at the balance sheet date. At the same time, exchange rate differences (positive or negative) may occur when calculating the ruble equivalent. They are taken into account as an increase (decrease) in funds on the accounts of the institution in foreign currency with attribution to financial results the current financial year from the revaluation of assets.

Let us turn to the Instructions for the Chart of Accounts for Accounting of Budgetary Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n. Its separate provisions regulate the procedure for accounting for exchange rate differences arising from the conversion of currency into the ruble equivalent (or vice versa), as well as when recalculating the obligations of an institution or its counterparties on the date of settlement.

Based on the provisions of Instruction No. 174n, when making settlements in foreign currency, in fact, at least two accounting entries should be made:

1) adjust receivables or payables by the amount of the exchange difference (if the debt is denominated in foreign currency);

2) to revalue for the same amount the currency funds debited from the account or credited to the account.

As part of the state task, on August 1, the institution took into account an obligation to purchase inventories in the amount of $10,000.

The dollar exchange rate of the Central Bank on the date of the commitment is 33.03 rubles. for US dollars. The funds were transferred to the supplier on August 9 (there was a balance of dollars on the foreign currency account sufficient to complete this operation). Suppose that the dollar exchange rate on August 9 was 33.18 rubles. for US dollars. Postings will be made in accounting:

Contents of operation Debit Credit Sum
August 1
The amount of debt to the supplier for purchased inventories is reflected 4 105 XX 340
4 302 34 730
330 300 rub. (USD 10,000 × RUB 33.03/USD)
August 9
Transferred funds in foreign currency to the supplier* 4 302 34 830
"Reduction of accounts payable for the acquisition of inventories"
4 201 27 610
RUB 331,800 (USD 10,000 × RUB 33.18/USD)
Reflected the amount of the exchange difference on the obligation assumed 4 401 10 171
4 302 34 730
"Increase in accounts payable for the acquisition of inventories"
1500 rub. ((33.18 RUB/USD – 33.03 RUB/USD) × 10,000 USD)

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. When foreign currency is credited to the currency account, exchange rate differences do not arise (if the receipt is not related to the repayment of previously accounted receivables). The received amount is estimated and reflected in accounting at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of receipt of funds to the account (in accordance with the bank statement on the credit account).

2. If prior to the next reporting date monetary funds in foreign currency are not spent, there is no need for their revaluation.

3. If any settlements are made between the date the currency is credited to the account and the reporting date, the exchange rate differences are taken into account as of the date of these transactions.

4. When issuing funds in foreign currency under the report to business travelers, exchange differences may occur several times depending on when the accountable amount is actually issued - on the day the currency is received from the bank or later.

Note that the Ministry of Finance of Russia does not deny the possibility of issuing a foreign currency advance for a business trip (letter dated August 9, 2012 No. 14-07-06/9).

Exchange differences when buying foreign currency

As a rule, foreign exchange rates set by credit institutions differ from the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the question arises of how to reflect in accounting the difference arising from the revaluation of the currency at the rate of a particular bank and the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In our opinion, such a need arises only when buying a currency (when converting a currency into rubles or vice versa). In other situations, the placement of foreign currency funds on the accounts of credit institutions, as well as their spending and receipt in foreign currency, does not lead to a change in the economic benefits of the bank and, therefore, such amounts are not subject to recalculation.

The documents of the regulatory system of accounting in institutions do not regulate the issue of separate reflection in accounting of the difference between the bank's exchange rate and the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in our opinion, the general scheme seems to be legitimate, according to which the differences actually formed (between the rate of a particular bank and the rate of the Central Bank) are reflected in the accounting.

In accounting, such operations are reflected in the usual manner (clauses 74, 75 of Instruction No. 174n):

  • a positive exchange rate difference during conversion on the basis of a Certificate (f. 0504833) is reflected in the debit of account 0 201 13 510 “Receipts of funds of the institution in the treasury body on the way” and credit of account 0 401 10 171 “Income from revaluation of assets”;
  • the negative exchange rate difference during conversion on the basis of the Certificate (f. 0504833) is reflected in the credit of account 0 201 13 610 “Disposal of funds of the institution in the treasury body in transit” and the debit of account 0 401 10 171 “Income from revaluation of assets”.

The need to determine exchange rate differences during conversion is due to the fact that this operation is usually carried out in two stages within two banking days. If the transaction is carried out within one banking day, exchange differences do not arise during the conversion.

If the terms of the bank account agreement provide for the collection of an additional commission for the services of a credit institution for currency conversion, such amounts are reflected in the accounting separately. In our opinion, it is most legitimate to attribute the amounts of expenses to the KOSGU code 226 (since payment for other services is meant). Concerning accounting entries, then according to paragraph 78 of Instruction No. 174n:

  • payment for a credit institution's currency conversion service is reflected in the credit of account 0 201 23 610 “Disposal of funds of an institution in a credit institution in transit” and the debit of account 0 401 20 226 “Expenses for other work, services”;
  • the negative exchange rate difference on the basis of the Certificate (f. 0504833) is reflected in the debit of account 0 401 10 171 and the credit of account 0 201 23 610.

To send an employee on a business trip abroad, the institution needed to purchase 2,000 US dollars, and it applied to the bank with a corresponding order on August 8.

Suppose that the exchange rate of the bank in which the institution has a foreign currency account is 34.08 rubles on this date. for US dollars. On the same day, 68,160 rubles were transferred for the purchase of foreign currency. (34.08 rubles / USD × 2000 USD), the bank purchased the currency and credited it to the foreign currency account of the institution minus a commission fee in the amount of 200 rubles. August 9th. Suppose the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this date amounted to 33.18 rubles. for US dollars.

And on August 12, 2,000 US dollars were transferred to a bank currency card to an accountable person sent on a business trip.

The advance report on the expenditure of the entire accountable amount was submitted by the employee on August 22. Suppose that the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on this date amounted to 33.25 rubles. for US dollars. The accounting records will include:

Contents of operation Debit Credit Sum
8 August
Funds were transferred from the personal account of the institution for crediting funds to a foreign currency account (at the rate of the bank)*,** 4 201 23 510
"Receipt of funds of an institution in a credit institution on the way"
4 201 11 610
"Disposal of funds of an institution from personal accounts in the treasury body"
RUB 68,160
August 9
The currency was credited to the foreign currency account of the institution (at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation)*,** 4 201 27 510
4 201 23 610
RUB 66,360 (33.18 RUB/USD × 2000 USD)
Commission withheld by the bank* 4 401 20 226
"Expenses for other works, services"
4 201 23 610
"Disposal of funds of an institution in a credit institution in transit"
200 rub.
The negative difference between the currency purchase rate and the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is reflected* 4,401 10,171 "Income from revaluation of assets" 4,201 23,610 “Disposal of funds of an institution in a credit institution in transit” 1800 rub. ((34.08 RUB/USD – 33.18 RUB/USD) × 2000 USD)
12th of August
The currency from the foreign currency account was transferred to the bank card of the seconded worker* 4 208 XX 560
4 201 27 610
"Disposal of funds of an institution in foreign currency from an account with a credit institution"
RUB 66,440 (33.22 RUB/USD × 2000 USD)
The exchange rate difference from the revaluation of the currency on the account is reflected** 4 201 27 510
"Receipts of funds of an institution in foreign currency to an account with a credit institution"
4 401 10 171
"Income from the revaluation of assets"
80 rub. ((33.22 RUB/USD – 33.18 RUB/USD) × 2000 USD)
August 22
Reflected business trip expenses according to the approved advance report 4 401 20 XXX
4 208 XX 660
RUB 66,500 (33.25 RUB/USD × 2000 USD)
The amount of the exchange rate difference 4 208 XX 560
4 401 10 171
"Income from the revaluation of assets"
60 rub. ((33.25 RUB/USD – 33.22 RUB/USD) × 2000 USD)

V. Zakharyin,
budget accounting expert