Convenient electronic archive for an insurance company. "ingosstrakh" deployed ED "thesis" Corporate document approval system for insurance

In IC "Ingosstrakh".


Insurance company "Ingosstrakh" was founded on November 16, 1947. Today it is a universal insurer of the federal level, one of the leaders of the domestic insurance market. The services of SPAO Ingosstrakh are available throughout Russia thanks to a wide regional network, which includes 83 branches. In addition, companies with the participation of the capital of Ingosstrakh and representative offices of the insurer operate abroad.


At the stage of choosing an electronic document management system for Ingosstrakh, it was important to find a tool that would allow processing about 1,500 documents per day and automate the work of 6,000 employees. Particular attention was paid to the performance of the system and the high speed of its operation, as well as the ability to develop the EDMS on its own or with the help of third parties, thereby not being dependent on the vendor. The company needed to use various electronic signatures in its work, therefore, the acquired system had to have licenses from the Federal Security Service of Russia for the development and distribution of software protected with encryption (cryptographic) means. At the same time, the EDMS supplier had to ensure the implementation of the system in a short time.


The specialists of the insurance company studied the systems available on the market and selected two that met all the requirements. After which they were held comparative analysis, and it was decided to introduce the TEZIS document and task management system. One of the important advantages of the chosen system was a fully functional web client that allows you to work from any device, regardless of where the employee is currently located.

The extended version of the TEZIS system, which was purchased by the insurance company, has a wide functionality that allows you to solve not only classical office work tasks, but also modify the EDMS for the unique processes of the organization, as well as integrate it with other systems. Installation and configuration of EDMS TEZIS on the server equipment of the insurance company was carried out remotely and in a short time. Then, technical support specialists from Holmont, the developer of the EDMS, conducted face-to-face training for system administrators and its key users.


The TEZIS document and task management system helped to automate the work with incoming and outgoing correspondence, simplified the coordination of documents and the organization of meetings. The process of transferring tender documentation was implemented in the EDS, the reports on court correspondence were finalized and it became possible to use the e-Token electronic certificate for electronic signature.

Thanks to the wide possibilities of the TEZIS integration part, Ingosstrakh specialists set up the process of automatically adding incoming court correspondence from the EDMS to the automated information system, which made it possible to track all subpoenas and notices, procedural and judicial documents received by the company.

The company plans to further develop the TEZIS system. The requirements for the coordination of orders will be implemented in the EDMS and the mobile version will be modified. Currently, work is underway to integrate with automated information system, which allows you to generate management reporting and use the system for personnel workflow.

The active use of the system within the company was the impetus for the scaling of the TEZIS EDMS. Ingosstrakh Insurance Company acquired licenses for an unlimited number of connections. As of October 2017, the system has about 6,000 registered users and over 430,000 documents created.


Features of choosing an electronic document management system for an insurance company

Features of choosing an electronic document management system for an insurance company

The main features of the work of insurance companies are:
. A significant amount of workflow, work with documents of various types;
. The need to fulfill financial obligations to customers in the event of an insured event;
. Active interaction with subcontractors to assess losses in the event of an insured event and possible elimination of its consequences;
. Maintaining large customer databases;
. Availability of a geographically distributed network of branches;
. Traveling nature of the work of agents;
. The need for new tools to promote insurance services.
Accordingly, the electronic document management system implemented in the insurance organization should solve these problems as efficiently as possible. That is why the best program for office automation in the insurance industry is a comprehensive ECM platform, the functionality of which is adapted to industry specifics.
An example of such a system is the industry publication bb workspace Insurans Service, proposed by the developers of the Double B company (Moscow).
Benefits of Insurans Service Industry Solution
. Full-fledged functionality for processing various types of documentation, the presence of a large library of standard documents;
. Built-in budgeting, CRM, HR and time management modules;
. Implementation of a modern AIDCAS marketing promotion strategy based on working with clients, taking into account their needs;
. Easy implementation and rapid development by employees;
. Virtually zero administration;
. Integration with MS Office and powerful 1C accounting platform;
. Built-in document scanning tools for their subsequent registration and processing;
. Ability to work in remote access and mail agent;
. Rapid scaling based on Universal User Licenses.
Thus, automating the document flow of an insurance company with the help of the bb workspace Insurans Service program significantly reduces the costs of doing business and makes it possible to use the labor of specialists more rationally.

Advantages of fashionable bb workspace system

Basic rules of workflow

"Financial management in an insurance company", 2007, N 4
The work of any insurance company today is impossible without the use of automated computer systems. The traditional paper document management is being replaced by electronic ones, since the former no longer meets the requirements of the business and cannot ensure the speed of data processing. This article talks about the advantages of electronic document management, work algorithms when using it.
Electronic document management for business
The topic of automating the workflow of companies is becoming more and more popular. Over the past few years, the market for automated document management systems has been growing steadily. Many companies, introducing electronic document management, expect to receive another computer miracle that will reduce costs, increase transparency and manageability, and speed up the processing process. But in most cases, a miracle does not happen, and a document in electronic form is still a document that needs to be prepared, edited, approved, read, executed, controlled, following the same procedures that were carried out with paper documents. The number of employees working with documents is not reduced, and the reduction in processing time, if this actually happens, is offset by the time spent on converting the document into electronic form. However, there are areas of business in which the use of electronic document management systems can have a significant effect. First of all, this applies to those areas where the volumes of stored and processed documents are significant, and the speed of searching and accessing information can give companies competitive advantages.
Insurance is a business area in which a large number of documents of various types are processed: contracts, insurance policies, applications, certificates, medical certificates, documents for the right to own property, examination results and other documents, the number of varieties of which for an average insurance company exceeds a hundred. All these documents are formed into files, files are volumes placed in archives, access to which is carried out at the time of the occurrence of insured events, as the terms of the contract change, at the end of its validity period and in other cases. The larger the insurance company, the greater the variety of insurance programs it offers and the more heterogeneous documentation archives it has.
In an effort to cover as many customers as possible, the insurance company opens agencies in other regions and cities, solving the issues of organizing distributed archives or the problem of transporting documents to the central office. Working with large volumes of documents in an insurance company is part of its operations, so solving document processing problems can actually increase the efficiency of the company, the speed and quality of customer service.
The construction of electronic archives and automation of document processing processes, as a rule, are carried out on the basis of specialized systems, which bear the general name "Enterprise Content Management System (ECM)". This class of systems includes industrial platforms that have a number of properties, ranging from the ability to store large volumes of documents in several distributed storages located in different cities or even countries, to the possibility of modeling document processing processes and their integration with e-mail, websites and other systems. The use of such systems is justified when it comes to large volumes of information, organizing reliable storage and providing quick access to information.
Using the electronic archive
If you use the electronic archive ineptly, you can turn it into an additional load that requires unnecessary maintenance costs. With proper application, it turns into a means of increasing business efficiency. Below is a list of some of the opportunities that an insurance company receives when using an electronic archive:
- all documents of clients and contractors are scanned and stored in an orderly manner, in electronic form;
- access to documents is possible (in accordance with access rights) from any remote agency, including via the Internet;
- documents are grouped by insurance contracts, contractors, cases of insured events in accordance with the needs of the company's divisions;
- it is possible to open all insurance contracts for the client of interest;
- it is possible to view all documents under a given insurance contract, including all versions of documents, if changes were made to them;
- it is possible to open all insured events under the insurance contract of interest, including all documents for each insured event;
- it is possible to find documents on all insurance programs in which the client participated, regardless of whether the contracts were concluded with the insured himself (individual insurance) or with companies in which this person worked (corporate insurance);
- when assessing risk during underwriting, it is possible to obtain information about all insurance contracts for a given client;
- there is an opportunity to see all notifications and letters that were sent to the client for the entire history of maintenance of the insurance contract;
- for each insurance contract, the history of all changes in the terms of the contract is available in the form of separate versions of documents;
- you can move from the case due to an insured event to the case insurance policy, from which you can access all cases of insured events of this insurance contract.
All archive documents are electronic images obtained from the original documents, which guarantees the accuracy of the information. Documents can be stored in a recognized form, which provides a search not only for individual details of the document, but also for any combination of words directly in the text of the document. Search and access to documents is carried out within a few seconds.
Documents can come to the company from different sources (insurance agencies, brokers, contractors) in various configurations (heterogeneous, in sets for the client, in packages by types of contracts). Some of the documents may come in electronic form.
Most of the documents are created in the company itself. For each case, a unique mechanism for placing documents in an electronic archive can be used. Below are some of the main ways.
Synchronization with the company's insurance system
Insurance policy data is entered by company employees into a specialized insurance system. At the request of the user or according to the schedule, the insurance system is synchronized with the electronic archive. Insurance policy cards containing details received from the insurance system are created in the electronic archive. If an insurance policy card already exists and a request has been received from the insurance system to update the details of the policy, a new version of the document is created in the electronic archive. The old policy details are retained.
Obtaining documents from territorial agencies
Agencies are connected to the central office by communication channels. Agencies install scanners. As documents are received, agency employees scan the documents. Documents are automatically entered into the electronic archive and placed in the file of the relevant insurance contract or insured event file.
Prompt placement of documents in the archive immediately after they are received by the agencies allows the company's specialists to immediately begin processing them. This gives a significant acceleration in the cycles of issuing insurance policies and making decisions on insurance payments.
Placing documents by employees manually
Employees of the company who have access to the archive with replenishment rights place documents received by them in electronic form, "drag and drop" them from e-mail or from a folder on their computer.
Import documents from other systems
If the company has systems that automatically create documents for customers (notifications, information letters, etc.), the procedure for importing these documents into an electronic archive is set up. Documents automatically fall into the file of the relevant insurance contract.
Stream scanning and document recognition
Documents received by the insurance company in sets under corporate insurance contracts, such as bank insurance certificates, can be placed in an electronic archive automatically using high-performance streaming scanners. After scanning, the details and contents of documents are recognized and attributes are identified. This makes it possible to place documents in the archive in an orderly manner according to clients and corresponding insurance contracts.
Setting up mechanisms for placing documents in an electronic archive allows you to automatically create a structure for storing documents in accordance with the rules laid down in the system. The creation of folders in the archive structure is done completely without user intervention.
Support for specialized workstations
Working with documents in some cases requires the organization of specialized user workstations. The most striking examples are the jobs of jet screening and underwriting specialists.
The jet screening procedure, which consists of checking the details of the insurance application entered into the insurance system with the original document, can only be effective if the convenience of verifying details in electronic form outweighs the usual verification of paper documents. The use of specialized 21-inch monitors and split-view mode allows you to organize the verification procedure with maximum convenience for users. This mode splits the screen into two parts. One part contains a full size A4 document page. The other part displays the details of the document that require verification. All data for verification is on the monitor screen of the employee.
Underwriting specialists in this mode have additional options available to fill in the weighting coefficients necessary for risk assessment. The organization of specialists' workplaces in this way allows you to get away from working with paper documents and switch completely to working with documents in electronic form.
Additional features of the system
business process support
When working with insurance contracts, specialists need to track the status of insurance policies. For the underwriting procedure, there can be more than a dozen such conditions: checking details, underwriting, requesting additional information, medical examination, lack of money, request for approval of the sum insured, refusal to issue a policy, readiness to issue a policy, etc. Policy statuses are supported using document life cycle mechanisms. Setting up certain procedures allows employees to track which policies are in a particular status, which policies require further processing. Employees at their workplaces monitor the status of documents and, as documents move to certain statuses, carry out further processing of documents.
An additional advantage of processing documents in electronic form is the support of business processes by the system. In this case, it is no longer employees who track the status of documents, but the system automatically transfers the document from employee to employee in accordance with the specified document processing procedure. This allows you to further reduce the processing cycle of documents and improve such indicators as policy issuance time.
Audit, reporting, control
An important element of document processing is the reporting and control procedure. Convenient reporting tools are configured to receive aggregated data in the form of tables in Excel format. This allows users to copy reported figures to summary reports or use them for further calculations.
The reporting system is also used to control:
- documents that are in certain states of the life cycle for more than the number of days specified by the regulations;
- documents for which there are no originals;
- documents entered into the system by a certain agency;
- executive discipline in working with applications;
- policies not delivered to the policyholder, etc.
Internet access
Increasingly, an obligatory attribute of corporate systems is the ability to present information to a client via the Internet. This possibility allows to reduce the time of clients' access to information and improve the quality of information provision.
The use of corporate content management tools as part of the company's corporate information system simplifies the placement of information on the corporate website. This can be either the automatic publication of the news information that is transmitted to customers in the form of notifications and information letters, or the organization of online access for customers to their personal insurance contracts. Online access allows customers to track the status of insurance policies and decisions on insurance payments, transfer the requested information to company employees, send applications for changes to insurance contracts and other information that requires prompt communication.
Effects of use
Summarizing the above, we can note the following effects from the use of electronic archives in an insurance company:
- optimization of work of specialists;
- exclusion of the possibility of loss of documents;
- accelerating the cycle of issuing insurance policies;
- accelerating the decision-making cycle on insurance payments;
- accelerating the response of call-center specialists to customer requests;
- increasing the degree of information content and openness of the company to customers;
- control of processing and passage of documents.
Analyzing the effects of using electronic archives and automating document management in an insurance company, we can confidently state that the use of document management systems in the insurance business brings tangible economic benefits and competitive advantages. The annual growth in the volume of processed information will soon make work without these tools simply unthinkable.
O.M. Pashin
Head of
system solutions
"KORUS Consulting"
Signed for print

October 29, 2012 8:19 pm

Ivan Nagornov, company expertDIRECTUM-M

To overcome the above difficulties modern systems electronic document management (ECM-systems) allow the use of integration and barcoding mechanisms. To do this, it is necessary to properly organize the process of processing documents, converting them into electronic form. This article presents materials based on the real experience of DIRECTUM.

Below I will give an example of organizing the process of entering documents. All documents received from clients (for example, a CASCO agreement with related documents) are affixed with a barcode containing a unique document number (ID) and the type of this document. Sometimes companies want to put a barcode on a set of documents for simplicity, this is also possible, but then the ability to automatically control the completeness of documents disappears, as well as automatically fix the actual location of the original documents removed from the paper archive. You can mark documents with a barcode in various ways:

● sticking a label with a barcode on the document. In this case, it is assumed that the labels can be printed on site using a label printer or pre-printed (on rolls);

● printing barcodes directly onto documents using a conventional printer if there is free space on the front side or back of the document;

● printing of a separate sheet with a barcode;

● initial printing of a barcode along with a form of documents, such as, for example, a CASCO policy.

Integration of the accounting system of the insurance company andECM-system provides additional benefits. After all documents are marked with barcodes, employees of insurance companies enter the data on the insurance contract or insured event into the accounting system of the insurance company in the same way as they always did. Further, part of the data entered by the employee is automatically transferred to the storage system for electronic images of insurance documents (ECM-system). This will require only two additional button presses: the first - in the insurance accounting system to start transferring the entered data, the second - on the barcode scanner when reading them from documents (the barcode scanner looks similar to barcode scanners in grocery stores). After the above actions, all the necessary data appears in the electronic archive of insurance documents, including a unique document number encoded in a barcode.

Then, at the document scanning station, the responsible officer scans the documents on a conventional scanner that saves the documents to a special folder, from which the DIRECTUM insurance documentation storage system service takes the files and, dividing them into separate documents by barcode, attaches it to the corresponding cards that were automatically filled out from accounting system. Thus, without the use of manual labor, documents from the scanner automatically enter the electronic archive of insurance documentation with the details filled in on the cards. Moreover, the time\date of scanning the document and the department\name of the scanning employee can also be automatically recorded.

Further on the scanned document gets to a special folder to the employee responsible for verification of the scanned documents. The person responsible for verification checks the quality of the scanned documents, and if it is unsatisfactory, he can send the document back to the scanning station again.

Entering into the archive of documents that were originally non-paper, for example, electronic photographs from the scene of an accident, can be carried out after entering all paper documents also with a single click on the “photos” button. They will be saved as a multi-page document and can be easily compared with, for example, pre-insurance photos of the car.

Thus, an archive of insurance documents is formed, the documents of which can be opened from the insurance accounting system at the click of a button (for this, various integration mechanisms can be used, such as com-objects or web services). Now any document on the client can be quickly found. If necessary, employees may receive various reminders, for example, about the expiration of contracts, or about the incompleteness of any package of documents. The use of a barcode scanner also makes life easier for the archivist if it is necessary to record the withdrawal and return of original documents to a paper archive - for this, you only need to scan the barcode of the issued / returned document and indicate to whom it is issued and to what extent.

After the company has a convenient electronic archive of insurance documentation, you can already think about automating various business processes, for example, claims settlement. In this case, the loss settlement process will be transparent for managers and employees and, accordingly, clients, that is, it will be possible to see who and at what stage is the process of considering a client's application. It is possible to include “permanent counterparties” in the approval process, such as independent experts and repair and maintenance stations, by providing them with access to documents through a web interface, or by uploading them to a special portal. It is also possible to maintain a register of typical damages in order to collect statistics and take control actions based on these statistics, etc. Further development of the system may be the collection of not only documents, but also "cases" for the analysis of various insured events.

Khudomyasova Marina student of group 302, specialty "Insurance business"

Report at the scientific and practical conference "XXI century - the century of information technologies"



State budgetary educational institution secondary vocational education of the Moscow region "Kolomensky Agrarian College"


Kolomna 2014

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………...

Main part……………………………………………………………….

1. Mobile solutions for insurance agents……………………………

2. Electronic document management in the financial and analytical activities of the company………………………………………………………...

3. Automation of workflow in the settlement of losses……




Insurance is a business area in which a large number of documents of various types are processed: contracts, insurance policies, applications, certificates, medical certificates, documents for the right to own property, examination results and other documents, the number of varieties of which for an average insurance company exceeds a hundred. All these documents are formed into files, files are volumes placed in archives, access to which is carried out at the time of the occurrence of insured events, as the terms of the contract change, at the end of its validity period and in other cases. The larger the insurance company, the greater the variety of insurance programs it offers and the more heterogeneous documentation archives it has.

In an effort to cover as many customers as possible, the insurance company opens agencies in other regions and cities, solving the issues of organizing distributed archives or the problem of transporting documents to Main office. Working with large volumes of documents in an insurance company is part of its operations, so solving document processing problems can actually increase the efficiency of the company, the speed and quality of customer service.

The construction of electronic archives and automation of document processing processes, as a rule, are carried out on the basis of specialized systems, which bear the general name "Enterprise Content Management System (ECM)". This class of systems includes industrial platforms that have a number of properties, ranging from the ability to store large volumes of documents in several distributed storages located in different cities or even countries, to the possibility of modeling document processing processes and their integration with e-mail, websites and other systems. The use of such systems is justified when it comes to large volumes of information, organizing reliable storage and providing quick access to information.

IN modern world The work of any insurance company is impossible without the use of information and communication technologies. The traditional paper document management is being replaced by electronic ones, since the former no longer meets the requirements of the business and cannot ensure the speed of data processing. The presented report describes problem organization of electronic document management and work algorithms when using it.

The relevance of this problem has recently become very important, because in the conditions of fierce competition, it is the automation of workflow that makes it possible to speed up the work of various departments of the insurance company and allows you to make important operational and strategic decisions.

The purpose of the report is to identify the benefits of using electronic document management in insurance companies.

The main objective of the report is to study and systematize the materials used by the insurance company "Consent" of the electronic document management system.

Main part

1. Mobile solutions for insurance agents

One of the strategic initiatives of insurance companies is to strengthen retail sales through the development agency network. Intensifying work with the agency sales channel, insurers face a number of problems. One of them is that the pricing system in insurance companies is so complex and multifaceted that working with it on paper media it is quite difficult for an agent, and this does not correspond to the nature of his work: the seller must first of all sell, and not mess with papers.

A modern company achieves success by creating new values ​​in work, both with an “external client” and with an “internal client”, which is an agent for an insurer. Therefore, insurers equip the selling network with "electronic assistants", and not just a premium calculator, but devices for exchanging information with the company. They give the agent the opportunity to remotely complete the entire procedure for concluding an insurance contract: assign a number to the insurance policy, transfer to the company data about the insurance object and the owner, the vehicle inspection certificate, its photographs, etc., as well as quickly and accurately determine the amount of the premium, promptly report the numbers of used forms of policies and receipts, etc. This allows the agent to be less "attached" to the company's office and get as close as possible to the client's location.

The company, in turn, is interested not only in enhancing the agent's loyalty through the creation of attractive conditions, but also in raising the level information security procedures for concluding insurance contracts. When issuing an insurance policy in handwritten form, there is a certain cycle in which there are significant periods of time between the appearance of the policy with the client and the appearance of the same policy in the accounting system of the insurer. However, the current competitive situation (competition at the level of quality of service) requires that the service be instantaneous, starting to act as soon as the client is insured. But in reality, in some companies, the process of registering a new contract takes 1.5-2 months. Mobile solutions for insurance agents provide the ability to transfer information about the concluded insurance contract online to the general database of the insurance company, and thereby eliminate the time gap between the moment the agent concludes the insurance contract and the moment the service options are opened.

A client served by the new technology receives significant benefits, which include not only accelerated quotation and billing. In fact, all service departments (call center, technical support service, etc.) are involved in entering the insurance policy number into the system, and until the number is entered, the client does not exist for them. That is, in fact, service programs begin to work only when the insurer finds out about the existence of such a client. Registration of the contract in the system through mobile solutions for insurance agents allows you to solve this problem in 1-2 minutes. The time for the complete execution of the contract when using this device will take 6-7 minutes for the CASCO contract and 4-5 minutes for the OSAGO contract.

The insurer, in addition to saving time when receiving information on the policies sold by the agent, also wins in that it helps to prevent insurance fraud: when the premium on the policy is received by the agent, the client believes that he is insured, and the insurer has neither a policy, nor a premium, nor there is no information until the client comes to him with a loss. Photographing an object on mobile devices also increases control, since the agent loses the opportunity to insure an already broken car.

One of the main issues is also the protection of information: special attention is paid to the protection of personal data of customers, both at the stage of entering information and at the stage of its processing.

A mobile insurance office allows an insurance agent to save and quickly find information on a client, events related to their service, maintain and store electronic correspondence, do not forget about contract expiration dates and other important events.

In the insurance company CONSENT, automation of activities is organized using a specialized database management systemDiasoft and electronic document management systems (EDMS).

Insurance contracts are concluded not only directly at the office of the insurance company, but also at the location of the insurance object, agent works remotely. After it's been reachedconsent to the conclusion of the contract, the electronic version of the insurance policy is entered into the Diasoft system using the EDMS, and the contract is instantly registered.

Example. During my internship, an insured contacted the Consent company with a request to insure his Renault-Duster car against the risks of Theft and Damage (CASCO insurance), I, together with an insurance agent, went to him at his place of residence. The agent used the Mobile Office kit in his work, which included a laptop, a mobile printer and a USB modem for communication with the Diasoft database.

Calculation of the insurance premium, execution of the application and insurance policyI was made in the program 1C: Insurance. Electronic versions documents were sent to the head office, after registration in the contract system, the policyholder received a policy printed on a mobile printer. It took about 20 minutes to inspect the car, photograph it and conclude the contract.

The advantage of this method of concluding a contract is the instant registration of an insurance policy in the company's database.

By the way, in the program 1C: Insurance, the commission of an insurance intermediary (his wage) is calculated automatically when entering the insurance policy into the database.

  1. Electronic document management

in the financial and analytical activities of the company

After entry into force, each contract becomes an object of accounting, including accounting. It includes incoming payments (accounting), it controls the plan for their receipts (insurance department), its conditions are necessary for the loss settlement department in the event of an insured event, etc. But, one way or another, the document flow moves to the financial and analytical level.

Further, this information in a generalized form is of interest to top managers of the company for the operational analysis of activities in various aspects (by clients, by regions, by responsible executives, etc.).

The top level is the block of strategic planning and management. These are the tasks of building a budget, analyzing activities in the context of insurance products, and calculating tariffs.

When the information in the database is accumulated, the top level of company automation begins. For top managers, it is possible to solve the problems of management accounting, analysis and planning. For example, profitability indicators are automatically calculated for each contract (the amount of premium received, the amount of payments under insurance acts, the amounts received from reinsurance companies, etc.).

The manager has the opportunity to determine the planned annual revenue for the regional sales departments. Sales departments, in turn, on the basis of these data calculate their insurance portfolio and receive profitability indicators.

In addition, the implementation of the company's budget is monitored. It is formed in branches and divisions, goes to the head office for consolidation and approval.

The approved budget is returned back to the units for execution. The implementation of the budget is monitored by the so-called. "cash" method in the context of each division. The fact of deviation is tracked and can be analyzed.

  1. Workflow automation

when settling losses

The main business process of an insurance company is the settlement of losses after the occurrence of an insured event. If we imagine this process in stages, for example, in the implementation of insurance vehicle from damage, you can understand how many documents you need to fill out, how many offices to go through in order to eventually close the case.

We represent this process in the form of a sequence of stages:

  • Filling out an application for the occurrence of an insured event;
  • Provision by the insured of all required documents confirming the right of the insured / beneficiary of property to the object of insurance, as well as the right to receive insurance payment (copies of the vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate, technical inspection coupon, power of attorney, property purchase and sale agreement, copy of the insurance policy, receipts for payment of the next insurance premium, etc.)
  • Referral for internal or independent examination of the damage caused;
  • Provision by the insured of all necessary documents confirming the fact of the event that led to damage to the property of the insured (certificates from the traffic police, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, from medical institutions, etc.);
  • Providing the results of the damage assessment;
  • Making a payment decision insurance compensation, or on the method of settling the loss of the insured;
  • Carrying out the payment of insurance compensation, accounting for this payment, or making mutual settlements with service stations and providing / accounting / agreeing on estimates of the cost of restoration repairs;
  • Closing the case for settlement of losses.

This sequence is similar for other types of insurance - for example, life insurance: only the sets of documents provided and the circle of persons who control the process of providing them and making a decision on the case differ. The loss adjustment process usually occurs sequentially.

During it, the following decisions are made:

  • On the opening of a case for the settlement of losses;
  • On the examination of damage;
  • About the absence of the structure of fraudulent actions;
  • On the completeness of the provision of documents for the settlement of the loss;
  • On a positive decision in the settlement of the loss and the method of settlement;
  • On an increase in the amount of damage upon detection of hidden damage (for a vehicle) or upon a change in the cost of repairs, etc .;
  • About closing the case.

At each stage of the application along the route, in order to make an adequate decision, access to complete package damage documents, including a copy of the insurance contract/policy, which must enter the System immediately after it is signed by the client. Because Insurance companies often have a geographically distributed structure, the provision of a full set of documents on the case at each stage of approval is of particular importance: this eliminates the possibility of fraud on the part of the client or insurance agent and ensure that the case is dealt with promptly.

In the insurance company CONSENT, automation of the workflow of the loss settlement process occurs as follows:

An insurance company specialist calls a client from an electronic queue.

Then the insured, together with an employee of the insurance company, fills out an application for insured event, the specialist checks the submitted documents for data compliance and completeness.All these documents are scanned and entered into the database, into the client's folder,after which the Acceptance Certificate is prepared- transfer of documents on the declared event. Further, a referral for the inspection of the vehicle is issued and an independent expert inspects the car, draws up an act of inspection of the vehicle.

After all the documents are completed, you can start working with information programs, in particular, you need to register the declared event in the Diasoft system.

Having completed the registration of the application in Diasoft, the specialist of the insurance company proceeds to fill out the EDMS in terms of creating a loss.

After filling in the EDS, the payment case is transferred to the stage of the examination department, where the issue of repairing the car or paying insurance compensation is decided.

To the formed payment caseconnected phone numberthe client that receives SMS - messages about the status of the insured event.

EDMS allows you to clearly track the stage at which a particular claim settlement case is located, to see those of them for which the time for transition to next status, inform the responsible executors.

Standard lists of documents required for conducting the claims settlement process are also compiled. And since scanned copies of documents are placed directly in the Diasoft database, after the application is submitted for consideration by the commission, all information is available for making a decision on settlement or refusal. Accordingly, the system will allow you to transfer the application to the accounting department for payments or generate a notice to the client about the refusal. It is also possible to initialize the regression procedure.


Having considered the system of organizing electronic document management in the insurance company Consent, we can conclude that electronic document management:

  1. meets the requirements of the modern insurance business and ensures the speed of data processing;
  2. allows you to speed up the work of various departments of the insurance company;
  3. allows you to make important operational and strategic decisions in a timely manner;
  4. allows the agent to remotely complete the entire procedure for concluding an insurance contract;
  5. contributes to the prevention of insurance fraud;
  6. contributes to solving problems of management accounting, analysis and planning;
  7. allows you to clearly track the stage of a particular loss settlement case, see those for which the transition to the next status is overdue, and inform the responsible executors.


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