Order a debit card from a bank online. Plastic cards from the bank

Updated 10/22/2018.

Hungarian OTP Group for three years she tried to promote a remote banking project under the Touch Bank brand, but Tachka did not turn into a profit. As a result, it was decided to close this line of business, although during this time it was possible to attract more than 200,000 customers:

If the minimum balance for a calendar month did not fall below 10,000 rubles, then 6.5% per annum is set on the balance from 10,000 to 600,000 rubles, if it fell, then only 0.1%:

Since it is the calendar month that is taken into account when determining the percentage, it is unrealistic to get 6.5% on the balance in the month of receiving the card. at the beginning of the month, you simply could not maintain a balance of 10,000 rubles, because you did not have a card yet.

The Clear Card has no interest on the balance; as an alternative, you can use a savings account, as of August 11, 2018, for a balance of 5,000.01 to 100,000 rubles. 5% per annum is charged, on the balance from 100,000.01 - 5.5% per annum:

UPD: 08/31/2018
On August 31, OTP Bank paid interest on the card balance for former Touch Bank customers, and now we can say with confidence that if the whole month on the card account was from 10,000 rubles. and above, then the interest is charged on the daily balance, and not on the minimum for the month:

Former Touch Bank customers can open a special savings account at the OTP branch at the “Welcome” tariff, it accrues 6% per annum on the balance of 5000.01:

4 Free C2C top-up.

"OTP" allows you to replenish many of your cards from cards of other banks through the service on the site without a commission ("Clear" and "All at once" among them). The limit for one transfer is 140,000 rubles, monthly - 300,000 rubles:

Some customers were brought cards with tariffs that did not assume the original one, but then they got such an opportunity:

It is important that during C2C replenishment, money is not immediately credited to the account, the operation hangs in hold, i.e. interest on the balance this amount will not be charged at this time. You can make purchases right away, OTP Bank does not have a fine for technical oversight.

In addition to C2C, OTP Bank cards can be replenished at their own ATMs. But for some reason, a commission is set for replenishing the card in the OTP terminals:

There is no commission for the incoming interbank (it is better to send the interbank from).

5 Withdrawing cash from other people's ATMs without commission.

With a debit card credit limit(tariff "Everything at once") it is possible to withdraw 45,000 rubles / day at third-party ATMs without commission. In the tariffs, however, this possibility is described rather crookedly, it simply states that 45,000 rubles. - this is the withdrawal limit per day, and the commission is not prescribed at all.

In practice, it has been verified that it is possible to withdraw cash from OTP cards issued to Touch Bank customers at other people's ATMs without commission.

The Clear Card has a higher cash limit - 300,000 rubles. Cash withdrawal from account borrowed money- this is a non-preferential operation, interest will immediately begin to accrue on it.

6 Free donor.

Important: in the presence of overdue debt, cashback is not paid.

9 Google Pay support.

Recently, Gpay technology has become available to OTP Bank customers, but Apple Pay and Samsung Pay is not yet available.

OTP Bank card for Touch Bank clients. Flaws
1 They take the card for a long time.

The delivery of the OTP Bank card cannot be called prompt, when making an application, Marinka promises that the card will be delivered within 2 weeks, in practice this period can stretch for a month or even more.

2 Not a remote bank.

It is surprising that Touch Bank was a product of OTP Bank, no hint of quality remote service not here. Most issues are resolved only through the branch.

It would be logical to simply transfer the code word from the Touch Bank card, but no, to set the code word for the new OTP cards, you still have to come to the bank "for security purposes":

Without a code word, it will not be possible to carry out most operations on the hotline, and without it it is impossible to connect the possibility of making payments and transfers through the Internet bank. The option of opening deposits through the Internet bank is also connected only at the branch.

Remotely closing the OTP Bank card, unlike the Cars, will not work:

Appearance and functionality mobile application and Internet banking from the last century:

3 Compulsory consent to additional services.

When issuing a card, the courier gives a very voluminous document for signing, in which checkboxes are marked for consent to connect SMS informing (paid when using a credit limit), to transfer personal data to many offices, to spam, to receive bank cards by mail, and also to close the current Touch Bank card with a zero balance on it:

Moreover, the courier simply will not issue the card if you cross out the consent box at some point:

4 No free interbank.

Unlike Touch Bank, OTP Bank does not. Transfer to another credit organization through the Internet bank will cost 0.5%, minimum 30 rubles, maximum 300 rubles:

5 Paid statement by mail.

By default, it is set that the statement comes by regular mail in paper form, if there is a debt, this service is paid, it costs 59 rubles.

In order to receive an extract by e-mail, you will need to give a code word on the hotline, for which you need to go to the department.

6 It is difficult to talk to a live operator on the hotline.

If you just call hotline, then you can lose a lot of time listening to the robot, live Marinka connects to the conversation only with an unobvious combination of buttons. Users have found that the fastest way to access a live person is to select Change PIN.

7 Limits cannot be set.

It is not possible to set individual limits for various operations in Internet Banking, for example, prohibit cash withdrawals from ATMs or limit the amount of purchases per day/month.

8 Use of the anti-money laundering law (115-FZ).

On the net you can find reviews from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose accounts are blocked by OTP Bank under formal pretexts, extorting an increased commission:


In general, OTP Bank got a very good offer (especially since the issue and maintenance of the card, as well as SMS informing are free), but still not outstanding.

6.5% on the balance, and even with the condition of a minimum balance of 10,000 rubles. - by today's standards, not the most profitable proposition, for example, if you have 5 any purchases per month - 7.5% per annum, if you have at least 5 purchases for a total amount of 10,000 rubles. also 7.5%.

3% cashback on your favorite category (one of which is “Supermarkets”) will be quite useful, the card is also suitable for large purchases in those categories that are not covered by other cards. Let me remind you that when paying with a smartphone until 12/31/2018, a 12% cashback is provided in partner stores and 3% in all others.

The presence of free replenishment from cards of other banks, as well as the possibility of commission-free cash withdrawals at third-party ATMs, make the card more versatile.

In general, I received such a card, just in case, let it lie down until the worst of best times. True, if there was no bank branch in my city, then I would have thought a hundred times before agreeing to it. After all, OTP is not a remote bank at all, it will not work to solve any problem remotely or simply close the card.

I hope my article was useful to you, write about all the clarifications and additions in the comments.

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Russian OTP department The bank is in the financial OTP group(OTP Group), which is a leading player in the banking segment of the Center and East of Europe. banking institution on the territory of the Russian Federation provides a full range of banking and financial services, both for private (individual) clients and legal entities.
OTP Bank actively promotes such a profitable product as plastic cards, because today almost every person uses it.
We also recommend considering the possibility of obtaining a cash loan from OTP Bank. You can apply right here:

A credit card makes it possible to pay with it throughout Russia and abroad. For the client, this is a kind of spare wallet that can be used at any time when it is needed. Inserted into an ATM or paid for the purchase - that's why you need an OTP bank credit card. An online application for this banking product helps a person save time on going to the bank when receiving plastic.
OTP bank credit cards have various parameters, on the basis of which the client will be able to make a choice:
  1. Belonging to the global payment system.
  2. Credit limit.
  3. Status of the plastic card.
  4. Possibility to use the grace period.
  5. Annual interest rate for the use of credit funds.
  6. The composition of the package of documents required when applying for a card.
  7. Bank requirements for a client wishing to purchase a card with a credit limit.
  8. Daily and monthly cash withdrawal limits.
  9. Commission for cash withdrawal.

Distinctive features of OTP Bank credit cards.

  1. Product line credit cards the bank is narrow, and is represented by only two types: classic and gold status.
  2. All security of payment transactions with cards is provided by the global payment system mastercard.
  3. SMS notifications are sent for transactions on the card, which helps to control the debiting of funds from the card.
  4. The choice of card currency is carried out at the request of the client and his needs (when submitting online applications in OTP bank you need to specify the currency)
  5. The credit maximum for a card product of any status is possible up to one and a half million rubles.
  6. Credit funds can be used up to 55 days without paying interest.
  7. OTP bank credit card works like virtual online wallet to make payments online.
  8. Cash withdrawals are possible at millions of ATMs around the world.
  9. It is not required to declare funds on cards when traveling abroad.

Documents required for registration OTP Bank credit card.
In OTP Bank, a client can apply for a credit card in two ways:

  • only by passport
  • when providing a complete list of documents (passport, second document of your choice (pension insurance certificate, TIN, driver's license, income statement)).

Requirements for a potential client wishing to issue an OTP Bank credit card:

  • Russian citizenship,
  • permanent registration in the region of presence of the bank branch,
  • age from 21 to 55 years for women and 60 years for men, entrepreneurs from 25 years old,
  • receipt of official income for at least three months and a permanent place of work,
  • positive credit history.

Types of plastic credit cards in OTP Bank and their conditions.

MasterCard Standart rubles classic 1,500,000 29.9 (for one document), 24 (for complete package documents) 600 rubles. 55 days MasterCard Gold rubles premium 1,500,000 29.9 (for one document), 24 (for a full package of documents) 1,800 rubles. 55 days MasterCard Gold for businessmen rubles premium 1,500,000 29.9 (financial reporting is not required) 1,800 rubles. 55 days

Possibility to apply for a credit card with only one document.

Such an opportunity to obtain a credit card under one document is provided by OTP Bank.
You can open a loan product and use it only by presenting your passport. With this type of registration, the credit limit is also possible up to 1,500,000 rubles, and the annual rate will be from 29.9%.
In this case, to determine which is more profitable, We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of other banks:

Tinkoff credit card

Alfabank credit card with 100 day grace period

Kviku credit card application

Standard credit card application complete list documents.
Providing documents from the complete required list gives the borrower additional benefits, which include a reduced interest rate (from 24%) and an increased credit limit.

Registration and receipt of plastic for people engaged in business.

It is often difficult for a businessman (entrepreneur) to get a credit card for himself, since financial institutions put forward quite stringent requirements for such a borrower and for the list of documents and reporting provided. In OTP Bank, to issue a card with a credit limit for business representatives, you do not need to provide financial statements or guarantors.

Features of the grace period for OTP Bank credit cards.

The interest-free period for OTP Bank credit cards is valid only for non-cash payment goods or services. Grace period renewable and takes effect from the date of activation of the card, regardless of whether the client used preferential terms in the previous month or not.

Banking products have taken root in the life of almost every modern person. For example, cards are a very convenient means of non-cash payments, and their debit varieties are especially popular. Naturally, before making a specific option, a potential client needs to take into account the main points, which are sometimes quite a lot.


So, banking organization issues a payment plastic card, intended for settlements at the expense of funds, belonging to the client. Their person places on this account independently, the amount that he has.

Debit card Profitable Gold OTP Bank is a piece of plastic measuring 85.6 × 53.98 mm. Some FIs offer to get it in a different format, for example, one that can be built into a keychain and carried with you at all times. Both registered and unnamed instruments are issued various systems(Visa, MasterCard, MIR).

Cards of any type Russian Federation equipped with special chips for data storage. Some of them also have a magnetic strip to match older devices.

How to make a choice

Financial institutions offer a variety of products to potential customers, and it is not so easy to understand such a wide range. What points you should definitely pay attention to:

  • cashback;
  • interest on the balance;
  • the cost of annual maintenance;
  • issuing bank;
  • methods of depositing and withdrawing cash;
  • the amount of commission fees;
  • the availability of an overdraft, the conditions for it;
  • opportunity to create individual design plastic.

What are the advantages

Profitable Gold card of OTP Bank is a profitable and convenient tool for paying for everything that its owner needs. This product has many advantages:

  • Additional savings due to various options.
  • Increased security.
  • Convenience of paying for purchases in online stores.
  • Even greater privileges for those who choose VIP plastic.
  • The ability to receive cash and make payments anywhere in the world.
  • Quality and affordable service.

About Usage

To make a payment in a store, it is enough to insert the card into the terminal or bring it to the reader (contactless payment). To make paying even more convenient, you can link the instrument to a mobile payment system.

In online stores, on the corresponding page, the required details are indicated and, if necessary, enter one-time password from SMS.

Cash is withdrawn from ATMs and cash desks. In this case, the client specifies a PIN, and then follows the prompts of the device or operator.

Parameters for various available products are conveniently displayed on one page. The user sees all the information and can immediately compare them to highlight suitable options. The necessary calculations are carried out on the online calculator, located right there. After completing the search, the site visitor presses the "Online Application" button and proceeds to fill out the form.

Paper money is gradually becoming a thing of the past, for financial transactions people are increasingly choosing cashless payments. Purchasing goods in online stores, shopping at retail outlets and even paying for travel is one bank card replaces a whole purse today. For both credit and debit cards, each bank defines different tariff conditions and bonuses: service cost, cashback, interest on the balance, cash withdrawal limit and much more. The OTP Bank debit card offers a number of advantages for its owner. We will review the tariff conditions for OTP bank debit cards.

Information about OTP Bank

The Russian branch of OTP Bank is part of the international group OTP Group. She is one of the key representatives financial market European continent. Russian OTP Bank is among the 50 largest banks in the country and has about 4 million customers. There are branches in almost 4 thousand settlements Russia, so finding an ATM is not difficult.

Withdrawal limit by type of debit card

There are two types of OTP Bank debit card: profitable and classic. Using the first, you can receive cash income in the form of interest on the balance of the account. The principle is the same as that of a conventional deposit, but the client always has the money, he can receive it and dispose of it at any time. For the balance of funds on the card of the second type, classic, no interest is charged. Consider the terms of OTP Bank debit cards, four products are offered to customers.

  • MasterCard Standard is designed specifically for young people aged 18 to 25. The card is available only for clients of this age category (at the time of applying to the bank). MasterCard Standard allows you to store and use money in rubles, annual maintenance free. The limit for withdrawing cash from an OTP bank debit card: up to 50 thousand rubles per day and up to 200 thousand per month.
  • For those who love to travel different countries, OTP Bank recommends currency MasterCard Standard. A special condition of the OTP bank debit card is that it can store US dollars or euros. This option will allow you to significantly save on conversion: the money in the account is stored immediately in foreign currency, there is no need to recalculate rubles at the current exchange rate, and also declare them when leaving the country. You can pay with an OTP Bank debit card anywhere in the world. The maintenance fee is $20 or Euro (depending on the chosen currency) per year. Cash withdrawal limit: up to 1,000 USD/EUR per day and up to 6,500 per month.
  • Income card MasterCard Gold allows you to accumulate up to 7.5% per annum for the balance of the account. In addition to interest on the balance, the owner has access to all the privileges of a gold holder MasterCard cards: discounts and Special offers Worldwide. For example, access to the business lounge of Sheremetyevo Airport or movie tickets. The cost of maintenance is 1788 rubles per year (149 per month). Restriction on cash withdrawal from an OTP Bank debit card: up to 90 thousand rubles per day and up to 500 thousand per month.
  • With MasterCard Unembossed, you can earn up to 7% on your account balance. Issue fee - 99 rubles, for a year of service - 588 rubles (democratic 49 per month). The limit for withdrawing cash from an OTP bank debit card: up to 50 thousand rubles per day, up to 300 thousand rubles per month.

The interest on the account balance is determined depending on the smallest amount that was on the card during one calendar month. For amounts up to 30 thousand rubles, only 1% per annum is charged. To get maximum interest rate on the card you need to have 100-200 thousand rubles every month at least. These cards are perfect for those who keep large sums on the card and do not use them for a long time. Cashback on OTP Bank debit cards is not credited.

Conditions for obtaining and requirements for the client

To apply for a debit card at OTP Bank, you only need a passport. Requirements for the client - age from 18 years. You can control the funds on your account free of charge through the OTPdirect Internet bank both from a computer and from a phone - a special application has been developed. For all tariffs, the service of informing via SMS messages is available for 49 rubles per month.

It is impossible to issue an OTP bank debit card online, but on the website you can read more about the tariffs and conditions, find out the address of the nearest branch, and also contact the manager: https://www.otpbank.ru.


Each OTP bank debit card has its own advantages, conditions and cash withdrawal limits, the choice depends on the individual situation of the client. Cards are serviced at all ATMs connected to international systems MasterCard and Visa.