Can bailiffs remove from the plane. Housing and communal services, payment terms for utilities

How to make sure that you are not on the "black list" of debtors, and what to do if you are still on it? Here is a brief instruction for those who do not want to be left without a foreign holiday, having learned about their debts right at the airport.

If you have an unpaid fine or loan, this does not mean that you will not be released outside of Russia. As lawyer Dmitry Shilov explained to us.

Are You a Traveler: Checking Restrictions on Traveling Abroad

And not to know that you have been banned from leaving and to be dumbfounded about it at the border, if you are at least a more or less respectable citizen, is very unlikely.

The fact is that the travel restriction is set not just for the mere presence of an unpaid fine or other debts. A travel restriction can only be imposed on you for failure to comply with obligations imposed by the court.

Debts before going abroad

And at the same time, no one will compensate you for all this loss, both material and moral.

If you do not want to find yourself in such a situation, then clarify your debts before flying abroad. How to do this, I will try to tell you the solution to this problem. But let's go back a little. If you think that having paid your debts before departure and having receipts on hand, this will be enough for you, then you are deeply mistaken.

How are debtors checked at the airport?

In order for a person to be included in the "black" list of people not allowed to travel abroad, a special decision must be issued on his case. bailiffs. After that, a decision on the debt is sent to the defaulter by mail, and if the person does not respond, his personal data gets to the border guards.

Not everyone lives at the place of registration, letters do not always reach the addressee. If you suspect that you may have debts, it is better to check the debts in advance, even before you start planning your trip. personal account Online tax police(service.

How to check your debts before going abroad

The bailiffs must be informed about the payment of the debt, and they will give the appropriate order to the customs. In total, this process will take 2-3 weeks.

The most convenient is to use the site "Portal public services city ​​of Moscow. where, in theory, all your fines and payments (including improper parking, speeding tickets and others) should be stored. In the same place, by the way, you can immediately pay all debts and fines.

About countries, peoples, trips, events

As part of the campaign, anyone who wishes will be able to promptly receive information at Vnukovo Airport about the existence of debt and how to pay it off, as well as about a possible ban on the right to travel abroad and the sequence of actions to cancel it. If desired, the passenger will be given a receipt to pay the amount of the resulting debt. Tax officers and bailiffs will be available for questions from 10:00 to 17:00 in the departure hall of terminal A of Vnukovo airport.

Pulkovo passengers will be able to find out about their debts right at the airport

The passenger will be able to clarify whether he has outstanding debts for traffic police fines, maintenance payments, taxes, credit payments, housing and communal services that have not been repaid in a timely manner. Small payments can be paid on the spot.

Recall that the presence of a debt not repaid in a timely manner exceeding 10,000 rubles may cause a temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from Russian Federation. Find out about the existence of enforcement proceedings against a citizen or legal entity You can also use the information service "Data Bank enforcement proceedings» on the official website of the FSSP of Russia at http://fssprus.

By Russian laws if a person has debts, they may not be allowed to go abroad. This does not mean that holidays abroad are canceled for anyone who forgot to give a couple of rubles to a friend. Most often, drivers who did not find time to pay old fines, entrepreneurs who do not pay taxes, negligent fathers who “forgot” about alimony, or people who allowed payment arrears utilities missed loan payments.

How to find out about your debts in advance

In order for a person to be included in the "black" list of people not allowed to travel abroad, a special decision of the bailiffs must be issued on his case. After that, a decision on the debt is sent to the defaulter by mail, and if the person does not respond, his personal data gets to the border guards.

Not everyone lives at the place of registration, letters do not always reach the addressee. If you assume that you may have debts, it is better to check the debts in your personal account on the website of the tax police ( in advance, even before you start planning your trip, information on outstanding fines can be obtained on the website of the State Services (www. And be sure to go to the portal Federal Service bailiffs and look for your data in the "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" ( If the search result is positive, you'd better either pay for everything or refuse to travel.

Try to pay off debts as early as possible - at least a month before departure. It is pointless to do this on the eve of the trip, because the data will not have time to go through the authorities. Employees at passport control are guided only by their base: even if you have a decision to lift the ban or confirmation of payment of debts, you still will not be released.

How debtors are checked at the airport

If you are on the "black" list, you can easily buy tickets, check in for a flight, check in your luggage, but you will not be allowed through passport control. It is the duties of the border guards to check each departing passenger, enter his passport data into the computer and look for him in the lists of debtors.

There are cases when law-abiding citizens who do not have any debts are mistakenly included in the lists of people not allowed to travel abroad. Unfortunately, to prove on the spot, most likely, nothing will succeed. If such a trouble occurs, you have the right to go to court.

The issue of timely payment of utility bills has become especially relevant in connection with changes in the law in 2016. Thus, persons who have a debt for housing and communal services are required to pay penalties, the amount of which significantly exceeds the amounts established in previous years. We will tell you how to check what utility debt is for a particular residential area

Within 5 days, the court will issue a positive decision in absentia.

Who can find out about the debt

The obligation of the homeowner to pay for services in a timely manner implies his awareness of the cost of the benefits provided. However, various circumstances lead to the accumulation of unpaid bills. Such cases may be:

  • during a long business trip of the owner: due to the periodic increase in tariffs, there is a possibility of payment not in full;
  • when you inherit an apartment: sometimes the debt on utility bills accumulated over the years becomes a surprise for the heirs;
  • as a result of the acquisition of an apartment under a donation, exchange, sale and purchase agreement if the acquirer did not take care of making inquiries about the absence of debts.

Some buyers deliberately go for it to buy an apartment with utility bills - in this case, the seller can make a discount from the basic price of the dwelling. With such an agreement, the new owner is obliged to pay the unpaid invoices. To do this, you need to know the amount of debt on the rent and how to pay it.

Find out about the debt at

If the buyer of an apartment wants to make sure that he will not acquire obligations with the housing, or if he already knows about the debt, but wants to pay it off, there is an opportunity to check the debt for the apartment at the address.

Information about the presence of debts at the address of the apartment can be found out without the participation of the owner in the following ways:

  • At the service of public services. On the official websites for the provision of housing and communal services, a form is presented, by filling out which you can get information about the debt for a particular apartment;
  • Through a personal account on the website of the management company. To date, more than half of the management companies have their own page on the Internet and a section on information on payment for housing and communal services;
  • Using the website of the bank that accepts utility payments. For example, in the Moscow region, the bank that accepts all possible payments for housing and communal services is the Bank of Moscow. If you register in your personal account on the bank's website, then through it you can not only find out about the debt, but also pay it online. A similar service in the regions of Russia is provided by Sberbank;
  • ATMs - knowing the address, you can get information about payment for the provision of electricity, heat, gas, water through ATMs of those banking organizations who work with utility bills;
  • Major cities have real estate coordination centers(in Moscow - the Center for Coordination of the GUIS), where you can find out information about debts for any property for free. There is also a calculator program where you can calculate the amount to be paid after entering the necessary meter data.

Find out about debt on a personal account

Often the buyer of an apartment becomes aware of her personal account, it is easy to get information about the presence and amount of debt from it:

  • At the post of Russia. To do this, you need to contact the post office employee and name the personal account number, the presence of the owner of the dwelling and the provision of a passport is not required;
  • In the terminal, where the possibility of paying utility bills is provided. In the same terminals, after entering the personal account number in the appropriate column, you can find out about the debt;
  • At the bank, if its employees accept payments on personal accounts;
  • By company phone, representing a certain type of service: an enterprise for water and gas supply, electricity, etc. By naming a personal account, you can get complete information about the presence or absence of a subscriber's debt.

Note that due to the daily accrual of penalties and fines for non-payment of housing and communal services, information on the Internet (with any method of informing) may be displayed incorrectly. So, it is not uncommon for the accrued daily penalty not to be taken into account on the day of its accrual and is shown in the program only the next day. In order to avoid underpayment of several rubles or kopecks, for which a fine will subsequently also be charged, it is better to make sure that the amount paid is correct directly at the office of the management company or the housing office.

Debt for paying landline phone and internet

Companies that provide fixed telephone and cable Internet services often inform citizens with whom a corresponding agreement has been concluded about the next payment. Despite this, more than half of all debtors do not know about the amount of payments.

You can find out about debts of this kind (and pay them off immediately) directly on the websites of companies providing telephone and Internet services. To do this, you need to know the phone number, contract or address data. Companies such as Rostelecom, NTV, Tricolor, MTS, etc. offer to check for debt and pay it directly on the site.

If utility bills are not paid

From what month can debts be turned off services or go to court
  • six months without paying- usually, when accumulating debts for utilities for more than six months, members of the board of the HOA, representatives of the housing office or the management company apply in court to recover the amount of non-payment from the debtor. The law provides for the possibility of evicting a debtor from municipal housing if the debt has not been paid within six months. But such a measure of influence is an extreme measure and is rarely used in practice.
  • Debt 2 months or more- but it is quite realistic after two months of no payments (without a court decision).
  • The amount of debt is large and comparable to the cost of housing- arrest of the apartment, if it is not the only housing (see).
Other consequences

In addition, unwillingness to pay your debts can lead to such consequences as:

  • inclusion in the register of debtors;
  • receipt of information by credit organizations, when applying to which an application for a loan is likely to be refused (negative credit history);
  • if the management company applies to the court, the debtor bears all the expenses incurred by the organization in connection with this: the work of a lawyer, preparation of documents, participation of a representative in court, etc.;
  • if the amount of the debt was collected by the court (in 85% of cases, claims for debt collection are satisfied by the court), then the debtor will face enforcement proceedings and all those troubles that are associated with the activities of bailiffs: inventory of property, recovery of part wages, freezing accounts, etc. (cm. .
Term limitation period

Recall that the collection of debts for housing and communal services can only be for the last three years preceding the filing of a claim ( general rule statute of limitations of civil law).

Purchase and sale of an apartment with debts on a "communal"

As a general rule, in Russia, when buying an apartment, a certificate of no debt to utility companies in government bodies registration of real estate transactions is not required. Note that in some regions, nevertheless, the inspectors of the regional chamber still ask to submit it.

The most cautious buyers have the right to require the seller to provide such a certificate for personal purposes in order to make sure that there are no debts for the apartment. It is necessary not only to familiarize yourself with such a certificate, but also to verify the readings of the meters indicated in it. So, if the indications for paying utility bills were underestimated, then a certificate of no debt does not guarantee the transfer of unpaid bills along with housing to the new owner.

Suppose the heir got an apartment with a large communal debt. The heir does not want to live in the apartment or rent it out, there is an intention to sell the housing received by inheritance. Is it possible to sell an apartment with rent debts? The law does not prohibit this, but it is better to comply with some conditions:

  • do not hide the presence of debts for the apartment;
  • calculate the amount of unpaid debts on time, compare it with the cost of the apartment;
  • discuss with a potential buyer a reduction in the price of housing in the amount of debt;
  • upon reaching agreement with the buyer, include in the contract of sale a clause on transferring the debt to the buyer, with his consent. Only in this case, the new owner, who bought an apartment with a rent debt, is obliged to pay the housing and communal services debt in the amount specified in the contract. If nothing is said about the transfer of the debt in the main contract, the debt is recoverable from the former owner.

Privatization of housing with communal debt

Is it possible to privatize an apartment where there is a rent debt? According to the law, the presence of debts for "communal" in privatized apartment is not a reason to refuse privatization, but in practice it turns out otherwise. In most cases, a citizen who wants to exercise the right to privatize is required to pay off all debts. Arbitrage practice on this score has already developed: refusals to privatize on the basis of "the presence of debts for utilities" are recognized as illegal.

Question answer

I bought an apartment with a utility debt of 34,000 rubles, there was no transfer of the debt. The management company collected this amount from the seller, but the bailiff comes to me at the address of this apartment to describe the property of the seller, arguing that he (the seller) is registered at this address. What should I do?

Indeed, bailiffs work, starting from the place of residence of the debtor. You need to remove the seller from the register with the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service as soon as possible, as well as stock up on receipts for the items you purchased. After the seller is deregistered, given your ownership of this housing, the bailiff is not entitled to exercise his powers at your address.

I am privatizing an apartment for which a debt of 44,000 rubles has accumulated. Because of this, I am constantly denied privatization, motivated by the need to pay. Going to court is long and expensive, what can help me?

If for some reason it is problematic for you to apply to the judiciary, you can find a compromise and conclude an installment agreement with the municipality, with a schedule of periodic payments.

Every day the rhythm of life of modern man is getting faster. And it is not surprising that such trivial things as paying utility bills become secondary. This is more clearly seen in cities with a population of over one million, where the total debt on housing and communal services has increased by more than thirty percent in recent years. And in the production of courts, the number of cases for the collection of debts for public services has increased. The number of enforcement proceedings in this area has also increased.

It should always be remembered that payment for housing and communal services is an obligation, and not a right, of the owners of premises or tenants and landlords.

In the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for housing and communal services is divided into two parts.

  1. Payment for utilities, such as: water supply, electricity, heat, gas, sewerage, and waste disposal.
  2. Payment for housing and communal services in the form of maintenance of common areas, which includes payment for: expenses for management companies, maintenance and repair of the joint property of residents in an apartment building, utilities for common areas, contributions to overhaul(paid by the owner of the premises).

Payment for housing and communal services for the current month must be made before the 10th day of the next month.

Responsibility for late payment of utility services

The laws of the Russian Federation stipulate a number of sanctions for persons who violate the terms of payment for housing and communal services. One of the most loyal methods is penalty. For each day of non-payment, a certain amount will be added to the amount of the main debt at the rate of one three hundredth of the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The next way to fight, less loyal to non-payers, is that the provision of public services to them may be limited or completely terminated. Such sanctions can only be applied to those who owe utility bills for 2 months or more, and they can last up to full repayment arrears in payment of utility bills.

If the first two methods have not had their effect and the debt continues to grow, debt collection occurs through the judiciary and bailiffs.

Payment for housing and communal services

Housing and communal services have become commonplace for us. Water in the tap, light, warm batteries in winter - we notice all this only in those cases when we are deprived of these benefits against our will. Therefore, it is very important to control the payment of housing and communal services, and for this you only need to find out the debt for utilities once a month and pay it, if any.

In the view of most residents, paying for housing and communal services is not the most pleasant experience, which is a trip to the housing department, housing office or management company, time costs and the search for an opportunity to get into these organizations during their working hours. If you are lucky and you managed to drop by after work, you can pay for utilities at the cash desk or terminal. However, situations are not uncommon when the owners of the premises are not in locality, and cannot honor these organizations with their personal presence in order to pay for utility services.

It is for such people, as well as for those who value their time and money, that the https://website Internet portal provides an excellent opportunity for residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region to check and pay debts for housing and communal services online. This is convenient - you do not need to be present in the city to search and pay; it is easy to control the integrity of tenants or tenants online if they are responsible for paying utility bills. Well, one more, important factor - it's just comfortable when from anywhere in the world, for example, being in New Year in the UAE, you can pay for heating in an apartment in Odintsovo.

People value time, so they use fast and reliable ways to pay their debts, and housing and communal services are no exception. This way is our online service:

  • work of the service without days off;
  • the procedure from the moment of sending the request to payment takes only 2-3 minutes;
  • all information is up-to-date and is taken directly from the GMP GIS database;
  • the possibility of transferring meter readings;
  • choice of payment method;
  • guarantees of full and prompt write-off of debts for already paid utility bills.