Do I need to close a loan? How to close a bank loan

In 2014, former borrowers of GE Money Bank began to receive messages from collection agencies and Sovcombank demanding to repay the loan debt. Ge Money Bank was bought by Sovcombank in 2013.

It turns out that even having fully paid off the loan, you can at one point receive a call from collectors with a message about the debt. And the person has no documents left ... And how to prove his case? The fact is that when closing a loan, you must definitely get a certificate of no debt and close the current account from which you paid the loan ... How to do this, we will tell below.

The procedure for closing a loan is no less important and complicated than its registration. However, customers mistakenly believe that making the last payment is evidence that all obligations to the bank have been fulfilled. The fact is that the credit account continues to operate, even with the full repayment of the debt.

Banks deliberately made the procedure for closing it complicated so as not to lose good statistics on loan accounts.

In what cases can a loan be closed?

A loan is considered closed only when the borrower has paid all his debt in full and has written an application to close the loan account and turn off various services. According to the rules, the bank must automatically close loan accounts, subject to the full fulfillment of the client's obligations and issue a certificate of no debt.

Practice shows the opposite: certificates are issued according to a complex mechanism, and accounts remain valid until the client independently writes an application for their closure.

The process of closing a loan.

The procedure for repaying a loan and closing an account is as follows:

  • The client makes the last payment (or repays the loan ahead of schedule).
    Read also:
  • The next day, after the date of debiting the payment, the client comes to the bank branch and writes an application for closing the credit account and issuing a certificate of full repayment of the debt. The certificate must indicate that the creditor has no material claims against the client, as of the date XX.XX.XXXX the client has fully fulfilled its obligations to the bank, and the credit account will be closed on this basis.
  • A bank employee checks the status of the account for debts, disables the services that were connected to the account (for example, SMS notification of money crediting, account maintenance, etc.) and issues the necessary certificate. If additional services are not disabled, then after a while the bank may present an invoice to the client for a round sum. The result is deplorable - a damaged credit history, even with a regularly paid loan.

It is worth knowing about such nuances:

  • A certificate of no debt can be issued only after a certain period, for example, three days after the account is closed (some banks set this period at 30 or 45 days).
  • It is better for the client to demand that it bear the seal of a banking institution with the signatures of authorized persons. Some banks make the issuance of such a certificate paid, for example, in VTB 24 it will cost 300 rubles.
  • A credit card, which banks often issue to a loan account, is also better to hand over and write an application for its closure.

Consequences of an improperly closed loan

  • Even a repaid loan will be considered valid, which will negatively affect the decision to issue a new loan.
  • Another bank, upon request to the CBI, may see that the client has several open contracts. He will not find out what is the matter and will simply refuse to provide a loan.
  • A situation may arise when the payment was not received on time due to a technical failure. Requesting a certificate of full debt repayment can quickly solve this problem and avoid fines and penalties.

If you think that you closed the loan correctly, then it is important to check your credit history. It should be clean and you should not have loans. You can order a credit report below

Find out if the bank has spoiled the Credit history (CI)?

Features of the application for closing the loan.

  • Such an application is filled in personally by the client of the bank at the branch. If bank employees convince that a verbal order is enough, then you should not believe it.
  • An application for closing a loan account can have a standard form, where the client fills in his personal data, or is printed out by a specialist of their program, where all the necessary fields are already automatically filled in, including the loan agreement number, account number and the reason for closing (the reason is the full repayment of the loan).
  • It is enough for the client to check the correctness of filling and confirm this with a signature and date.
  • The employee stamps and signs the signed application.
  • One copy remains in the bank, the other copy (or a certified copy of the first one) must be taken by the client.
  • Usually the very next day, when the account is closed, you can come for a certificate of full repayment.

Mortgage closing

If we consider a mortgage with equity participation, then in addition to closing credit accounts, there are a number of procedures related to obtaining ownership of an apartment.
The fact is that until the full payment of the mortgage, your apartment belongs to the bank. He has a mortgage on your apartment. Also, an encumbranced equity participation agreement was registered in the registration chamber. This means that you will not be able to sell the apartment before paying off the loan with the consent of the bank.
Let's write down the steps that you need to take to close the mortgage agreement.

  1. Pay off the bank - fully pay off or pay off the mortgage ahead of schedule
  2. Write an application and close the current account from which the loan was paid
  3. Obtain from the bank the documents required to obtain a mortgage. This is usually a certificate of full early repayment of the loan.
  4. Apply with these documents to the mortgage department (for example, in the case of VTB24) and request a mortgage. You can write a letter and attach copies of documents.
  5. After the mortgage is ready, get the mortgage and apply to the registration chamber. Also, they may require a certificate of full repayment, a copy of the loan agreement, a past certificate with an encumbrance. It is better to clarify what documents are needed at the registration chamber.
  6. In the registration chamber, remove the encumbrance and obtain a certificate of ownership without encumbrance.

Thus, it is necessary to close any loan correctly. It is worth taking this matter as seriously as when the loan was issued. This will help to avoid a bad credit history, and in case of claims from the bank, it will be possible to present the issued certificates and prove one's case.

  • Get documentary evidence of account closure
  • Make sure the deposit is yours again
  • Additional banking services can also be part of the debt
  • Get rid of unwanted credit
  • Trust but check. credit history bureau
  • Treat documents with respect!

Have you received a letter indicating the debt on a loan that you thought was paid off a long time ago? Or have you been denied a mortgage because you owe another bank “thirty-three kopecks” for a phone that you took back in your student years, and which has long been gone? Everyone can find themselves in such a situation, because after paying the last payment on the loan, we believe that it is closed, but this is not always the case...

In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, closing a loan, you need to take measures that will help secure your future.

Get documentary evidence of account closure

After making the last payment on a loan or credit card, contact the bank's specialists with a written application for the provision of a document on the complete closure of the account. Be sure to ask the bank employee for a certified copy of the application indicating the number of the incoming documentation and the date of acceptance.

Within 30 days, the bank is obliged to issue a document confirming that it has no claims against you.

Each bank has its own form of such a document, but it must contain information about the borrower, that is, your last name, first name, patronymic and passport data, as well as the signature of the responsible representative of the bank and a blue seal. For the issuance of such a certificate will have to pay about 300 rubles.

Please note: preparing a certificate will take time - from a week to two months.

Make sure the deposit is yours again

If the loan was issued on security, then after paying off the debt, the bank must also remove the encumbrance on the object of pledge. Such an operation is often carried out at the wrong time or is not carried out at all! In this case, you will not be able to fully dispose of this property. Therefore, be sure to make sure that the encumbrance is removed.

If the object of pledge was real estate, you must contact the territorial body of Rosreestr, where you will be given an extract from the USRN, which will indicate the presence or absence of an encumbrance. The cost of such an extract is 250 rubles.

You can also use the free service on the Rosreestr website, but it is necessary to make allowances for the possible inaccuracy of data entering the site, so a personal appeal is more expensive, but more reliable.

If the object of the pledge was a car, you must contact the territorial department of the traffic police, where you should be issued a certificate confirming the absence of an encumbrance on your car.

Additional banking services can also be part of the debt

Pitfalls can be additional banking services linked to a credit card and account: annual subscription fee for using the card, SMS notification, account maintenance, and so on. Such services can be issued through additional agreements, which means they will not be closed without additional statements.

If you do not turn off all banking services in time, then later the bank may sue for debt repayment. The accrued amounts will be increased many times due to the accrual of fines, penalties and forfeits.

Get rid of unwanted credit

Refuse to reissue a credit card. When closing an account, hand over a valid credit card along with an application to a bank employee who must destroy it in your presence.

Find out if you owe something else?

After receiving a document on the complete closure of the account, you need to find out if additional accounts have been opened in your name. For example, some banks open a separate account for interest payments. It is also necessary to write an application for their closure.

Trust but check. credit history bureau

For complete certainty, you can write an application to the credit bureau and make sure that you do not have debts on loans, and there are no accounts opened in your name. Once a year, you can apply to any credit bureau free of charge with an application to provide your credit history, and a number of banks themselves provide such a service, including in electronic form.

You can also find out about your debts on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (all methods of obtaining information are detailed there).

A credit history contains data about the person to whom it refers: about the amounts and terms of fulfillment of obligations on loans and the organizations in which they were taken. The information is stored in the credit history bureau for 10 years from the date of the last change of the information contained in it.

Treat documents with respect!

The main thing is not to trust the verbal statements of bank employees that all accounts are closed and there are no debts. It is always necessary to back up all actions documented.

Remember that it is necessary to keep all the listed documents for at least three years, this is the statute of limitations for credit debts.

Most of all our problems are the result of our own inattention to important details. Following the simple tips above, each of us will be able to fully enjoy a new purchase on credit, without regretting that we were not able to correctly repay the previous loan on time.

When making the next payment on the loan, you do not forget to take a receipt or a check with a mark on depositing funds into the account. These receipts must be carefully stored for at least 3 years after the loan is completely closed, in order to successfully defend your rights in case of claims from the bank. These common truths are known to every borrower, and endless stories of acquaintances or Internet stories about complex schemes for resuming loans that have already been closed do not let them be forgotten.

Having made the last loan payment, out of habit, we put this, the last, receipt to the next one and enjoy the feeling of freedom (especially if the loan is repaid ahead of schedule). But this is not enough - this does not mean that after three years you will not receive a notice of outstanding obligations,. To avoid exhausting (and sometimes hopeless) litigation with a financial institution, you need to know a few simple rules on how to properly close a bank loan.

What applications need to be written to close the loan?

So, regardless of whether:

  • whether you are closing a loan, credit or credit card at a branch of a bank/microfinance organization (MFI);
  • whether you close the loan through your personal account on the bank/MFO website;
  • whether you close a loan through an ATM, mini-office, transfer from another bank or through the mail.

It is necessary to visit the office where the loan was issued or the head office you still have to. Take all receipts with you (if you have saved them, which is very desirable), and if there is reason to believe that they can be taken under the pretext of “make copies” and not returned, copy them in advance.

At the office write statements:

  • About issuance. This is the main document confirming that your relationship with the bank on this loan has been completed, and there are no claims against you from the bank. The certificate gives a guarantee that within (3 years) the bank will not charge interest, fines and penalties on a penny debt left due to carelessness or oversight. For the correct closing of a loan (microcredit), see in detail.
  • On the issuance of a statement on the movement of funds in the account (for reconciliation). It is a table with dates and amounts of repayment for the entire period of using the loan. Help is highly desirable, but not required.
  • On closing a card account (closing a card). Such actions are designed to protect you from additional costs in the future: for not disconnected, for annual maintenance of a card or account, and others. The card is destroyed in your presence - it is cut with scissors. If there is money left on the account, you can pick it up at the cash desk or transfer it to another valid card. A certificate of closing an account must be obtained when closing a credit card (this also applies to a debit card, since a service can be connected to it). You can read more about the actions when closing a bank card (this is not done in one day).

Having received the papers, you can “breathe easy” - now the loan payments are completed correctly. It is necessary to keep all documents (agreement, payment schedule, receipts, certificate of no debt, account statement, account closing certificate) for three years.

After this period, even if there is a debt on your part, no court will force you to pay it off. The thing is that after three years the statute of limitations ends and any claims against you after this period will be illegal!

To personally make sure that everything is in order with you, it is enough to periodically check yours (in accordance with the law, once a year this can be done for free). Data from your credit history will be available to you in a quality that will immediately make it clear which loans and when you repaid, and whether you have outstanding loans or delinquencies.

Why is it necessary to do this?

It seems that your bank is reliable and will not throw any “surprises”? You are wrong. In addition to insurance against elementary fraud, closing the loan correctly, you:

  • keep your credit history in good shape. A debt of even one ruble, left due to an oversight or an error in calculations, can cost you dearly. In addition to accrued interest and penalties on this unfortunate ruble (and already a sensitive amount will accumulate in three years), credit history is under attack, as well as successful trouble-free lending in the future.
  • insure yourself against miscalculations. One manager put a comma in the wrong place, but the cashier did not notice. The controller wanted to sleep and therefore also missed. And after a while, another bank employee discovered a debt (of course, in favor of the bank), and now you receive a letter of demand in the mail. You will have to pick up the documents again, stand in line first to the credit manager, then to the senior manager, then somewhere else. Prove you're right. Extra minutes, hours, days...

The golden rule is that credit cards and accounts should be destroyed and closed without regret. And use other cards in everyday life - debit and others that are not open for credit. Do not confuse daily payments with credit, let them not be intertwined. Otherwise, you will not have time to look back, as life on credit will become a habit, and there it is not far.

“But after all, there is such competition among banks, and they are working on the quality of service, why spoil the reputation and lose customers by improperly closing their loans? “- anyone will ask and they will be right. But the reality is that you need to take care of yourself and your finances yourself. Remember this. Spend some time on paperwork to complete your loan correctly - this habit will come in handy in the future.

Many of our citizens apply for a variety of bank loans. At the same time, they do not know how profitable and painlessly you can save on overpayment. Which repayment plan should you choose? Can I get my insurance money back?

Let's consider all the questions in more detail.

How to pay off a loan economically, the most profitable schemes

To date, the most profitable loan repayment schemes are considered to be:

  • differentiated scheme;
  • annuity option.

If we talk about the first option, then it means by itself slight reduction in monthly payments. In simple words, initially it is necessary to pay contributions in large amounts, but in subsequent months the amount decreases.

This scheme is beneficial when applying for mortgage lending or buying a car.

You can calculate the approximate amount using the formula:

interest rate + fixed part = payment.

In this formula, the fixed part is the repayment of the main body of the loan. The percentages themselves are defined as follows:


Consider an example: the client received a loan in the amount of 1 million rubles. .The loan period is 20 years and the interest rate is 12%.

Thus, the total amount should be divided by 240 months (20 years), and the monthly fixed amount of 4 thousand 166 rubles is obtained. However, keep in mind that the interest rate will vary. For example, for the first 10 years, when paying 50% of the principal amount of the loan, the amount is calculated:

((0.5 million x 12%) / 1 year) / 100% = 5 thousand rubles. Thus, the total amount of the monthly payment is 9 thousand 166 rubles.

This scheme is perfect for people who:

  • receive unstable wages;
  • have a desire to significantly reduce the amount of overpayment;
  • makes loans for a long period.

If we talk about the annuity option, then it is used by those citizens who apply for user loans.

With such a scheme, calculation of the total cost of the loan in addition to a one-time commission fee. The entire amount is divided by the crediting period. On a monthly basis, the borrower will be required to pay fixed payment.

This option is beneficial in that there are no problems with the size of the monthly payment. The borrower knows when and how much he needs to pay.

This scheme is great for those categories of borrowers who:

  • have a stable salary;
  • cannot financially contribute more than the amount due;
  • makes loans for a short period.

How to pay off a loan early

The possibility of profitable repayment of loans ahead of schedule largely depends on factors such as:

  • the presence or absence of penalties for early repayment of the loan. In simple words, is such an opportunity allowed by the bank;
  • Does the agreement include a monthly payment plan?

Analysis of the loan agreement

Before the borrower, when funds appear, go to the bank to repay his loan early, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • with short-term lending periods, the possibility of early repayment of the loan, as a rule, is absent;
  • the agreement may provide for a restriction on early payment of the loan in the first 6 months of its use;
  • the agreement may include a restriction on the minimum amount of payment for early closing of the loan.

If the contract does not provide for any restrictions, it is possible to consider the issue of early termination of credit obligations (prematurely repay the loan).

What is the procedure for early payment of a loan?

Any of the borrowers has the full right during the term of the loan agreement repay it in full or in part. But, it must be remembered that, despite the absence of restrictions in the contract, the borrower must contact the bank employee and inform him. You must notify of your desire no later than 30 calendar days before the day when the payment for early repayment of the loan is made.

Moreover, when contacting a bank employee, the latter will ask you to draw up an application for the right to early repay the loan. This document is drawn up in the presence of a bank employee according to the model established by them.

How to close a bank loan

It must be remembered that repaying a loan at a bank, for example, at Sberbank, does not mean at all that the loan is completely closed and the bankers have no claims against the borrower.

Consider the procedure for closing a loan using the example of Sberbank. This scheme is suitable for all other banking institutions.

So the algorithm is as follows:

  1. 1 step. Initially, you need to ask the bank staff for a certificate that confirms the closing of the loan and the absence of claims. It is worth noting that some banks refuse to provide it, and therefore it is necessary to argue your request with article 15.26, which includes penalties for bank employees who refuse to issue this document. The penalty is imposed in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.
  2. 2 step. Complete closure of bank accounts. This implies that accompanying accounts could be opened when applying for a loan. If the manager declares their presence, you must ask him to close them. You may even need to write an application - it is drawn up in the presence of a bank manager.
  3. Final step. Mortgaged property. After the loan is fully repaid, it is necessary to remove restrictions on. This should be done automatically by bankers, but being informed means calm. If the encumbrance is not removed, it is necessary to demand the removal of this restriction.

Having performed such simple actions, we can say with confidence that the loan is completely closed and now you should not worry.

How to pay off a loan faster if there is no money

If the borrower, but has a desire to repay the loan as soon as possible, there are several options:

  1. Reach out to relatives or friends. This option involves borrowing a certain amount from your relatives or familiar funds that will help you quickly repay the loan. Agree, it is easier for “ours” to repay a debt than to deal with collectors.
  2. Get an extra job. Here, as they say, it all depends on the region of residence or on the very desire of the borrower. You can find an evening part-time job that will allow you to quickly pay off the loan or try your luck on freelance sites.
  3. Savings or tax deduction. This option implies the use of your deposit (if you have one, of course). If there are no personal deposits, you can contact the tax office at your place of residence and apply for a tax deduction. As a rule, this will be an amount, approximately 13% of the amount of interest (the loan itself). After receiving the deduction, you can use these funds to pay off the loan.

The loan is paid off, is it possible to return the insurance

In the event that the loan is fully repaid, when trying to return insurance funds, one of several options may occur:

  • 1 option. The insurance company may partially reimburse the funds if more than 6 months have already passed since the signing of the contract. As a rule, the insurance company refuses to pay out funds, arguing that this is due to the high costs of administrative support. If the amount of the refund is more than 100 thousand, you can request a printout of the costs of the insurers.
  • Option 2. You can fully return the insurance funds only in situations where the loan is repaid within the first 2 months from the date of registration of the insurance policy.

In any of the options, you must contact the insurance company with the following list of documents:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • a certificate from the bank on the full closure of the loan.

When does an insurance company pay out a loan?

Insurers can pay the loan instead of the borrower only in those situations that are specified exclusively in the insurance policy agreement.

There are several types of insurance, namely:

  • life insurance and healthier borrower;
  • insurance for the safety of property (collateral).

If we talk about the first type of insurance, then this means, for example:

  • the death of the borrower;
  • establishing the fact of the onset of disability (serious illness, possible disability, and so on).

The second option implies the presence of any damage to the collateral that the borrower himself did not specifically inflict:

  • natural disasters;
  • fire;
  • flood and so on.

It is worth paying attention that all the conditions under which the insurance company repays loans on its own are specified in each specific contract. For this reason, we can say that the conditions are different everywhere and you need to thoroughly study the contracts before signing them.

How to pay off an annuity loan correctly and profitably

With an annuity scheme, the best solution would be to try minimizing the monthly payment and at the same time, without modifying the crediting period.

In simple words, every month the borrower will pay a reduced payment, and postpone the difference from the previous amount.

Eg: The loan is for 20 years. For the first 10 years, the borrower will pay not 10,000 rubles, but 7,000. But after 10 years, the loan will need to be repaid at 13,000 rubles.

However, there is a nuance, for 10 years it is possible, with monthly deposits, to accumulate an amount that is enough to repay the loan early and thereby save money.

Collection by the guarantor of the paid loan from other guarantors

One of the guarantors has the right to recover in court from the second guarantor a certain amount of the loan, only if subsidiary liability is not established.

Article 325 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation clearly regulates this issue: the fulfillment of subsidiary liability in full releases the remaining guarantors from the fulfillment of creditors' claims.

Moreover, according to Article 365 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the guarantors who paid off the debt of the main borrower at their own expense are fully vested with the powers of the creditor in relation to the second guarantor.

This means that he, in a judicial proceeding, has every right to recover not only part of the money, but also to demand a penalty for failure to fulfill his obligations as a guarantor.

Who has to pay the loan after the death of the borrower

In that case, his debt passes to the immediate heirs. But the heirs have every right to avoid such troubles. This is possible only if they do not claim the inheritance.

In simple words, the loan is paid by the one who inherited from a deceased borrower. If there are none, the remaining amount of the debt is paid by the insurance company.

If the borrower does not pay the loan, should relatives pay?

Relatives of an unscrupulous borrower will have to pay his loan only if one of them is a guarantor, otherwise they have nothing to do with the debts of the borrower.

In case of bad faith of the borrower, the funds will be paid by the guarantors.

Liability for non-payment of the loan: what will happen if you do not pay at all

If the borrower refuses to repay the loan, or cannot do it due to financial problems, the bank may charge penalties or impose a penalty.

You can learn more about interest from your contract, in which everything is indicated (each loan prescribes its own terms of punishment).

The worst option is to go to court and bank. The purpose of the withdrawal is considered to be their sale at auction and reimbursement of the loan amount at this expense.

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About the rules of early repayment - in the program "Morning with the Province"

When the opportunity arises, credit borrowers try to get rid of the debt burden as early as possible. Or at least weaken it. But how is the early repayment of the loan? Legislatively, this procedure is regulated by two acts. These are federal laws No. 284 of 10/19/2011 and No. 353 of 12/21/2013. As well as articles No. 809 and No. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. First of all, it should be said that it is possible to repay credit debt earlier than the term specified in the agreement for those customers who took a cash loan not for business purposes. That is, it is a consumer loan, mortgage, car loan, but in no way a loan for opening and / or developing a business.

Frequently asked questions about early loan payments

Early payment with legal entities is negotiated in a strictly individual, special manner. In principle, now many banks are only happy when the client repays the debt ahead of schedule. Previously, financial institutions did not welcome such actions and even charged fines. Federal Law No. 284 legislated the right of bank customers to pay the loan in advance. Until the loan is closed. In addition, the current crisis has put short-term loans in first place. Organizations in an unpredictable economic environment seek to get what they need from the borrower as soon as possible - and that's it.

Therefore, Sberbank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank and others are doing their best to accommodate such borrowers. However, this does not mean that the borrower can no longer face bank pressure when trying to pay off early. Some bank will establish a six-month moratorium on early payments. The other will take a commission for recalculating the remainder. But in this situation, the law is on the side of the borrower - this should be remembered. What are the most frequently asked questions about early loan repayment? So:

  1. Can a bank prohibit the leveling of credit debt before the full repayment period, which is prescribed in the contract? No, he can not. Any client has the right to express a desire for preventive payment of the loan at any time and implement it. The amount of such advance payment in case of early repayment of a loan or part of a loan is also completely determined by the borrower. The only exception is . If the borrower violates his payment obligations, his money will immediately go towards paying for missed installments and penalty interest. And only then the remaining funds can be used to repay the loan in advance.
  2. Is the service of full loan repayment before the main term free of charge? The main conditions for early repayment of the loan are common to all public and private banks. A financial institution does not have the right to charge any additional interest or commissions for early settlement of a loan. Quite often, a clause is immediately indicated in a bank agreement, which stipulates the client’s ability to deposit any amount in order to quickly pay off the bank.
  3. The client has the right to pay for the loan in part or in full ahead of schedule, regardless of the amount of the loan to be repaid and how much time is left until the loan is closed, specified in the agreement. If we are talking about partial early repayment, then the bank must make some recalculation of credit debt.

Rules and restrictions

Although the client is relatively free in terms of early repayment of the debt, there are still some restrictions here:

  • if the borrower decides to deposit a certain amount in advance, the bank should be notified about this - preferably in a written application, but you can leave a request in the Internet office or make a call to the call center;
  • and this must be done 30 days before the date of making the unscheduled contribution. Although the rules for early repayment of the loan are flexible, and in accordance with paragraph 2 of article No. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and part 4 of article 11 of Federal Law No. 353, the warning period can be arbitrarily reduced. It is not uncommon for the loan agreement to specifically specify the period from the moment of application to the moment of early closing of the debt, which the client must comply with;
  • It is more convenient for the banking system, and for most borrowers, for the preventive repayment payment to be made along with the regular monthly payment, on the same day and hour (according to Part 5 of Article 11 of Federal Law No. 353). However, if necessary, the payment date can be postponed to any time convenient for the borrower.

Changing credit conditions and case study

You should not mix regular and unscheduled loan installments. When a person who has taken a loan decides to deposit some amount in excess of the prescribed amount, then on the day of the regular payment, money must be paid for this same monthly payment, taking into account annual interest. After the funds are transferred to the bank, a situation will arise when:

  • the amount of payments made monthly will decrease, and the loan period will not change;
  • the time until the complete closing of the bank loan will be reduced, and the monthly installments will remain the same.

That is, it will be necessary to recalculate the loan in case of early repayment. Usually, the client of the bank chooses the most suitable option for himself. Nevertheless, the bank, for its part, may insist on some option. So, if the periodic loan installments under the agreement are annuity (uniform), then the bank tends to reduce the amount of monthly payments. If the payments under the agreement are differentiated (gradually decrease as they are repaid), then the bank may begin to insist on reducing the lending time. It is worth giving a simple example. The borrower takes 100 thousand rubles for one year. In a year, the total amount that he must return to the bank will be 120 thousand rubles, that is, taking into account interest - 20 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the monthly fee will be equal to 10 thousand rubles. Approximately 8,350 rubles will come out on account of leveling the loan body and 1,650 rubles - this is 1/12 of the annual interest (error up to 100 rubles). Let there be a situation of partial early repayment.

For the first two months, the borrower pays according to the schedule, and for the third month he decides to deposit an additional 30,000 rubles. Therefore, in the third month, 40 thousand rubles will be paid (together with the monthly payment). Plus 20 thousand rubles for the previous two months. In total, after partially early repayment, the client will still owe the bank another 60 thousand rubles (120 thousand - 60 thousand). If the borrower did not contribute anything additionally, then he would have to pay another 9 months at 10 thousand rubles. Now it remains to pay 60 thousand rubles, which, with unchanged payments, will close the loan in 6 months. Or divide 60 thousand rubles by 9 months, and with the same loan term, you will have to pay monthly not 10 thousand rubles, but 6,666 rubles.

It should be noted that here the calculation was carried out at ANNUAL percentages. That is, the amount that the borrower owes the bank in any case for taking the loan was calculated in advance. Or it could be that the client took the same 100 thousand rubles and also for a year, but interest is accrued by months from the monthly payment. For example, 20% of 8,333 rubles (100 thousand rubles divided by 12 months). In total, the loan will be repaid again at 10,000 rubles per month. But in case of early repayment, the deposited amount will be deducted only from the loan body (100 thousand rubles). Therefore, in such conditions, you can save a lot on interest. By the way, this is why other banks oppose early repayments. And they can even add such a zealous client to the “grey list”.

An attentive reader will notice that when calculating in some figures there will be a discrepancy of one or two hundred rubles. Numbers have been rounded here for convenience and clarity. Indeed, as a rule, during recalculations and early payments, uneven numbers “with a penny” are obtained. For example, the amount of the main regular contribution is 10,552 rubles and 50 kopecks. And the client has 30 thousand rubles in his hands. So, it is better to indicate that the amount of early repayment is not 19,500 rubles, but 19,400 rubles. Since the bank will first of all withdraw money on account of the monthly installment, and only then - on account of preventive repayment. And if the figure turns out to be less than the one indicated by the borrower in the application, then this money will simply go to the bank account linked to the loan.

And they will be removed from there according to the usual schedule. The same thing can happen if a bank customer simply deposits money into his credit account without any notice to employees of his intention to pay the institution earlier. A similar situation will develop if the borrower is late to transfer additional funds to the bank. Money for early repayment of a loan in a bank is best deposited on the eve of the date on which the regular monthly loan payment occurs. It should be borne in mind that with the simple withdrawal of the borrower's financial resources to his credit account, their return is a very long and tedious procedure, which often does not even make sense to start. Therefore, accuracy and punctuality must be observed.

Early closing of the loan by 100% and final instruction