If you received an SMS message from the bailiffs. SMS from bailiffs Sberbank warns bailiffs about fraud

1. From the MS, by letter, a copy of the application for the issuance of court order from
June 24, 2019
Collector of the IFTS for the Vsevolozhsk district, to collect from me the transport tax debt amount + penalties ?!
I contacted the MS and found out the transport tax arrears for 2017, which was paid in September 2018.
Day at own expense, in order to deliver copies of receipts for the payment of transport tax for 2017 MS. After looking at the receipts, MS informed me that there were no further claims against me.
And already on 09.07.19, an SMS came from the bank about the recovery of an amount three times larger by the bailiff than in the first case.
At the same time, I did not receive any letters or notifications from either the MS or the joint venture,
And again, back taxes, what taxes? For what period? Should and all.
On July 18, 2019, part of the amount was recovered from pension card by the same bailiff
On August 19, 2019, part of the amount was recovered from the pension card by the same bailiff

On October 26, 2019, I received a court letter in the mail. On the postage stamp on 10/22/19.
On the stamp at the point of receipt on October 24, 2019. A court order dated October 17, 2019
Within 20 days from the date of sending a copy of the court order, I must prove that
What transport tax for 2016 and again for 2017 I PAID!
I am a law-abiding person and I have paid all taxes, I have receipts for 10 years.
How long is the truth, brother.

Law Firm STANLEY Business Assistance Center, 11927 responses, 5026 reviews, online since 08/01/2013
1.1. You should have appealed the court order and demand tax office, to which there is a link in the court order, then it would be possible to stop the collection. And so the inspector of one department looked, did not transfer to another department, etc.

2. I used the PrivatBank credit card, after the closure of this bank, my account was redirected to Binbank credit cards"(which PrivatBank did not warn me about), I did not replenish the card, and BinBank sued me. The court ruled on October 7, 2015 to recover 155,541 rubles 77 kopecks from me (principal debt + interest), also granted my request for installments until October 7, 2017, determination dated March 21, 2016. I paid the amount of 155541.77 in full with the bailiff on December 12, 2016. This year (2019) I applied for a mortgage, and I it was refused, as I found out, due to the fact that I have a debt in the Otkritie bank, although I did not take loans from this bank.
On March 27, 2019, I wrote a claim to the Otkritie bank with a request to close the account, since all the requirements were fulfilled by the court. The bank employee informed me that within 30 days my application would be considered and the manager would contact me. After 30 days, no one contacted me, I went to the bank, and they told me that the application was closed, since 30 days had passed.
On 04/30/19 I wrote a second application for recalculation and closing of the card, I attached a copy of the court decision and payment receipts to the application. To this application, I received an SMS with a refusal that the account cannot be closed due to the existing debt.
On May 7, 2019, I asked the bank for an account statement, to which the employee informed me that at the moment she could not provide me with an statement, since I had to make a request to Main office to Moscow, and they can send me an extract by mail, and that I need to write a statement with a postal address and a request to provide a detailed calculation of the debt, which I did. After 2 months, I still did not receive a response, and went to the bank to find out. There, the girl printed out the answer of the bank’s main office to me that a detailed calculation is provided only by hand, I asked me to do it, to which they answered that “we can’t, as this is done by the central office”, conferred for a long time and offered to write a new claim for recalculation debt (I already wrote one), it turns out it's walking in a circle. They just printed out an account statement for me, and the one in which it is indicated that the balance on 07/03/2019 was 97,705.16 rubles, this amount came up in the form of interest.
Is this accrual legal, and is it worth going to court?

Lawyer Murakhtin A. V., 409 responses, 179 reviews, online since 11/19/2017
2.1. Yes. In this case, it is necessary to apply to the court with a statement of claim, having previously collected all the evidence. You can also claim a refund. moral damage.

3. The husband took out a loan and did not make a payment for two months.
I received an SMS from the bank.
Name, a court order has been issued in your case. The date of inventory of the property at your registration address is 10/21/2019. Please be at home at 18:00. If you are not present, then in accordance with Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, the bailiffs will open the apartment in order to inspect and search for the debtor or pay the debt ...

Are the actions of bank employees correct? Should bailiffs immediately describe the property? Or should the order itself come first in printed form, then be arrested?

Lawyer Provorova A.Yu., 7144 responses, 2728 reviews, online since 24.09.2013
3.1. Good morning.
Well, in 2 months it is unlikely that the bank received a court order, especially since you should be notified of its presence and given 5 days for voluntary repayment or its withdrawal. So this is a fake, no one will come to you, much less break the door.

Lawyer Kugeiko A.S., 86702 responses, 38690 reviews, online since 05.12.2011
3.2. Hello,
Collectors just scare you. If a court order is issued, a copy will be mailed to you from the court.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

Lawyer Dyakonov V. V., 176 responses, 117 reviews, online since 21.08.2019
3.3. Hello. Yes, you must first obtain a court order. I believe this SMS is from the bank's security service or from collectors with whom the bank has an agreement (both of them often behave boorishly).
1. It usually takes 90 days of non-payment on a loan to get a court order. But you need to look at the contract, what date is indicated there and read the rights of the lender (bank).
2. The court order can be challenged because you must receive a notice of the court order by registered mail. The parties are not called to court.
3. You can challenge the court order by sending a statement to the court with disagreement ... with for any reason, it can be a disagreement with the amount, with penalties, with interest, etc.
According to Art. 128 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge sends a copy of the court order to the debtor, who, within ten days from the date of receipt of the order, has the right to file objections regarding its execution.
In accordance with Art. 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge cancels the court order if objections are received from the debtor regarding its execution within the prescribed period. In the ruling on the cancellation of the court order, the judge explains to the exactor that the stated requirement can be presented to them in the course of action proceedings. Copies of the court ruling on the cancellation of the court order shall be sent to the parties no later than three days after the date of its issuance.

4. Today I received such an SMS from Sberbank according to your credit debt No. ******* dated the date of fulfillment of the bank's demand for full early repayment debt has expired. The amount of the debt is 84069.59 RUB. The bank has the right to file a claim in court. PJSC Sberbank 8-800-333-31-38. Please tell me how I now understand they will go to court. And I’m going on maternity leave in a month and there will be payments, I’m worried that all the money, well, or half of it, which I also think will be written off quite a bit to pay off the debt, will it be possible to somehow agree with the bailiffs to pay some small amount every month or not?

Lawyer Smirnov M. A., 265 responses, 111 reviews, online since 04/03/2019
4.1. It is possible, through a petition.
Contact lawyers.

"How to win a lawsuit against a bank on a loan - a case for 5.6 million rubles."

How to set aside a court decision in a case on debt collection loan agreement"

The second and third articles dealt with disputes with VTB and Vostochny Bank. In the near future I will publish the case on Sberbank.

Lawyer Erkhov V.G., 21971 responses, 6819 reviews, online since 04.02.2013
19.2. Correctly execute the contract in accordance with Articles 153 and 160 and 420-422 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
If there are no provisional measures of Articles 139 and 140 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, then this is possible.

20. Valeria.
Hello. Made a repost. Please tell me. I left my husband. She took the children with her. While the children were doubtful, the husband sued for alimony. I didn't know anything about it. A month later he came and took my children from me. Alimony bailiffs are calling now. How could the court pass without my participation, I was not warned, not by letters, not by SMS that there would be a trial. Yes, and at that moment the children were doubtful. What to do?

Lawyer Abrosova I.V., 2989 responses, 2004 reviews, online since 09/12/2017
20.1. Apply to the court with a statement of claim to determine the place of residence of children with you, then with a claim for the recovery of alimony from your husband. An earlier decision on alimony can also be tried to be canceled.

Lawyer Zotov S. A., 153 responses, 100 reviews, online since 09/17/2019
20.2. Hello Valeria. Your ex-spouse applied to the magistrate for the issuance of a court order for the recovery of alimony. Features of writ proceedings do not provide for calling the "debtor" to the court, and the judge considers the application received by him for the issuance of a court order solely on the basis of the factual data indicated and attached evidence in it.
You have the right to appeal the court order. To do this, it is necessary to apply with a statement addressed to the magistrate who issued the court order, with an application for its cancellation. As grounds for cancellation, indicate that you do not agree with the recovery of alimony from you, were not present at the court session and did not know about the court at all. Add to your application a petition for the restoration of the deadline for appeal, indicating in it that you learned about the existence of a court order only from a bailiff on such and such a date. You have 10 days to appeal from the date you learned of the existence of the court order. Please attach proof of this to your application. For example, this may be a Resolution on the initiation of enforcement proceedings, on which the bailiff may indicate the date of its delivery to you.

30. I would like to ask a question. Today I received an SMS notification from the bailiff service, it was written like this.

Lawyer Baydina D. Yu., 617 responses, 455 reviews, online since 20.02.2018
30.1. Check on the FSSP website for debt and on the public services website.

Lawyer Khaluyeva V. V., 1194 responses, 891 reviews, online since 04/14/2017
30.2. Good afternoon
It is possible that this is a fine under Art. 17.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Failure to comply with the legal requirements of the prosecutor, investigator, interrogating officer or official conducting proceedings on an administrative offense."
For more information, contact the bailiff and familiarize yourself with the materials of the enforcement proceedings.

came to the Urals the new kind fraud: on behalf of bailiffs, people receive SMS with a viral link. After clicking on it, the client instantly debits funds from the card that is linked to the mobile bank. Details - in the material 74.ru.

The fact of such fraud is actively discussed in social networks, for example, in one of the groups there was a photograph of a warning on behalf of Sberbank. According to the author of the photo, the ad was placed in a branch of a credit institution in Yekaterinburg, but the bank itself denies this fact.

- Do not open this message under any circumstances! Money is immediately debited from the card linked to the mobile bank, the announcement says. - Warn colleagues, acquaintances and friends.

Victims in other regions specify that the message contains a link to a site that is very similar to the portal of bailiffs. The debtor is offered to go through it to find out the details. After that, the money is deducted from the card by scammers. Cases have already been recorded in the Saratov region, Yugra, Tver region and other regions.

In Chelyabinsk, according to the city Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, no statements have yet been received from the affected citizens. Sberbank stated that they were not involved in the dissemination of information about a new type of fraud.

“However, we always warn our customers about the need to update the anti-virus application, and also urge them not to open links from messages received from unknown subscribers,” the Sberbank press service assured.

The UFSSP of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region told 74.ru that the service does not send SMS messages to debtors. At the same time, the bailiffs reminded that the bank may receive messages about debiting a certain amount from the account, but not about the seizure of property. It is necessary to check the presence of arrests and the amount of debt with the help of the Enforcement Proceedings Data Bank or directly in the departments of bailiffs.

If, nevertheless, you clicked on the link or downloaded any file, and the money was stolen from the card, you should promptly block the card, write statements to the police and the bank. Then there is the possibility of a refund. In this case, certain conditions must be met, for example, an application for a disputed write-off of funds must be submitted within three days.

- In this case of fraud, it is not clear how the money is debited. One option is for a person to enter a username and password from a card on a fake site. The bank may regard this as a violation of the terms of use and refuse to return the money. Another thing is if the virus, after going to the site, got on a mobile device and "stole" the money. Although in this case, the bank may consider that the client did not secure his device with an antivirus, - comments lawyer Alexander Shcherbinin.

“Anyone who receives an SMS on the phone, allegedly from the bailiff service about seizing property, should not open a message in any case !!! Money is immediately debited from the card linked to the bank. This is a new kind of scam. Warn colleagues, acquaintances and relatives,” such an announcement appeared the other day in a branch of Sberbank, located not far from the home of the author of these lines.

Fraudsters take advantage of the fact that car owners, for example, have long been accustomed to the fact that a fine can be paid with a few clicks on the screen of their own “mobile phone”. And the ability to pay for it with a 50% discount within 20 days has made this service even more popular with owners of banking applications. By clicking on a link in a suspicious "SMS", a person launches a malicious program on his smartphone that reads the "keys" from his mobile bank and without his knowledge completely clears the account, transferring money to the attackers.

It is characteristic that such mailings, judging by the messages of citizens in social networks, come mainly to holders of cards issued by Sberbank. This, first of all, raises the question of the safety of personal data of customer data in this credit institution. Note that the current version of malicious scam messages is noticeably more dangerous than its predecessor, which massively walked Russians last year and the first half of this year.

Then citizens received fraudulent SMS, which spoke about a particular amount of debt to (usually several thousand rubles and so many kopecks, for plausibility) and were asked to follow the attached link to verify this information. Clicking on it led to the withdrawal of the citizen's funds from his bank account in favor of unknown hackers.

The problem of this kind of SMS scam, apparently, has reached a truly serious scale, because when you enter the official website of the Federal Judicial Service of the Russian Federation, a warning of the service immediately appears on top of all windows about the excesses of scammers who send out malicious viruses on behalf of FSSP employees. Anyone can run into and inadvertently follow the lead of SMS crooks, especially a car owner - because of the “discounts on fines” that have become familiar.

If you have been robbed in this way, do not despair: there is an opportunity to return the stolen money. To do this, block the card as soon as possible and on the same day personally submit a written application for funds from your accounts to your bank office and at the same time report to the police that you have become a victim of fraud. These gestures will help get your funds back.

... A call from Siberian Tatyana (she asked not to give her last name) was heard in the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda at four o'clock in the afternoon. The seriously alarmed girl told her story.

I was at work, when suddenly an SMS comes to my phone: “Your property has been seized. FSSP". And then - a link allegedly to the site of bailiffs, - Tatyana describes the events. - But what are my debts if I took out the last loan six years ago and paid it off a long time ago? I have never been fined in my life...

Fortunately, quick-witted colleagues came to the aid of the Siberian woman - they offered to check if the girl had debts on the official website of the bailiffs. Tatyana entered her first and last name on the portal, and the answer was displayed: there are no debts.

And then we decided to check what kind of link they sent me. On a regular computer, they entered ru-fssp.ru, the amount of the debt was displayed there - more than 7 thousand rubles. And then you had to click on OK and pay the "debt" on the Internet, - says Tatyana.

Novosibirsk immediately noticed a discrepancy. Although the design is approximately the same as on the official website, everything is confused in the page address itself: after all, the link to the real bailiffs' portal is different - fssprus.ru. Yes, and the name and surname on the false site could not be entered: on any computer the same amount was displayed.

It's good that there were people next to me who told me what to do. And if such a message comes to some grandmother, and she believes him? - Tatyana worries.

Only a few hours later the fake site became unavailable. However, we reported the girl’s story to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novosibirsk Region - they asked everyone who, God forbid, encountered such crooks, to contact the police department at their place of residence and write a statement. Only in this case, law enforcement officers have the right to conduct an inspection.


Real bailiffs no longer send SMS about debts

The bailiff service has refused SMS messages that notify about debts. Therefore, they warn Novosibirsk residents about possible scammers. You can check whether you are a debtor or not only through the website r54.fssprus.ru. In addition, all services are provided free of charge.


"Save SMS Message!"

We asked for a lawyer Valeria Asanova suggest how to act correctly when receiving a similar SMS message from crooks:

1. First of all, in no case do not follow the algorithm that scammers offer you - do not follow any links. If you have the Internet, then all the information can be checked on the official website of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Novosibirsk Region - r54.fssprus.ru. If there is no Internet, then contact the bailiff department at the place of residence.

2. When you make sure that you do not have any debts, then contact the police. This is where the SMS message that came to you comes in handy - it will become material evidence. According to the Criminal Code, the actions of crooks will qualify as fraud.


But with the help of what resources offered Federal Service bailiffs, you can find out about the real amount of debt, if any:

On the Internet fssprus.ru/iss/ip

By subscribing to mail fssprus.ru/subs

By installing the program fssprus.ru/fssp_mobile