Reducing the credit limit on a credit card. How to increase the limit of a Sberbank credit card

The terms and expressions used by banks that are used when issuing credit cards are incomprehensible or unfamiliar to some people, and sometimes even mysterious. But everyone wants to understand this, so the material contains most of the terms and expressions associated with credit cards. This will help guide those who decide to use a bank credit card for the first time.

And this is what came out of it:

Credit card

A credit card is a type of banking plastic card, which is tied to personal account bank for which the bank opens the client credit line without registration of pledges and guarantees. Getting a credit card is harder than debit card, since the issuance of a credit card means a loan. The client has to fill out a questionnaire, according to which the bank determines the solvency of the credit card applicant.

Usually a credit card commercial bank issued to receive consumer credit for any urgent needs of the client. This is the simplest option for obtaining a loan and the initial amount for such a loan, as a rule, is not very large.

Some banks practice issuing a credit card as part of an agreement for a target customer credit, for example, when applying for a loan for the purchase of household appliances. IN loan agreement the conditions for issuing a credit card and the entire mechanism for its transfer to the client are stipulated, for example, after the full repayment of the first loan. Often there are situations when a person, receiving a credit card by mail, is indignant, believing that the bank simply imposes a card on him, and he allegedly did not ask for it at all. And in order not to get into such an awkward situation, carefully read all the conditions of any loan agreements you sign.

Credit line

A credit line is a legally executed obligation of the bank to the borrower to provide him with loans within a certain period within a certain period. The term of the credit line is tied to the term for which the credit card is issued, which is generally 1 to 3 years. A certain limit on the size of the credit line is set in the form of a credit limit.

Credit lines can be revolving or non-revolving. When lending through credit cards, revolving credit lines are mainly used.

Credit limit (credit limit)

The credit limit (credit limit) is maximum size credit set by the bank for each client individually, but it cannot exceed the total credit limit established by the tariff plans (conditions) of the bank for each particular type of credit card.

The individual lending limit (credit limit) is determined by the bank for each borrower based on the individual solvency of the client and the conditions of the bank. The size of the established credit limit is reported to the client after the issuance of the credit card, and can be changed by the bank unilaterally.

Changes in the lending limit are made in the following cases: - upwards, at the request of the client due to an increase in his average monthly income or at the initiative of the bank, if the initial lending limit was set less than the calculated amount; - downward, if the client violates the procedure and amount of repayment of the loan. The bank sends information about changing the credit limit to the client by postal, telephone or other communication.

So, the credit limit is the amount within which the client can use the bank's funds to make purchases and withdraw cash using a credit card. During the validity period of the card, the client can repeatedly use the loan within the available balance of the credit limit - mastering the loan, then repaying it and mastering it again.

Remaining credit limit

The rest of the limit is the amount Money, within which the client can carry out debit transactions at the expense of the credit card bank loan and for the first time it appears at the moment of credit card activation.

The balance of the credit limit is the positive difference between the amount of the credit limit set by the bank and the actual debt on the loan (within the amount under the agreement).

The available balance of the credit limit is the amount that the customer can still use with the credit card and is the difference between the credit limit and the amount already current debt Bank. The available balance of the credit limit arises after partial use of the credit, after full or partial repayment loan ahead of schedule, after paying the minimum required payment, etc.

What is "PIN - code" or abbreviated "PIN"?

PIN code is personal an identification number, consisting of a number of numbers or letters determined by the bank. It is transmitted by the issuing bank to the holder of the payment card and is a secret code (password). As a rule, a personal identification number contains from 4 to 12 characters.

It is issued to the client in a sealed and darkened envelope at the time of receipt of a bank card (credit or debit).
Personal Identification Number (PIN) is the secret code of your card, so it must be kept secret. It must not be stored with the card, it must not be disclosed to third parties, including relatives, acquaintances, employees of a credit institution, cashiers and persons advising you at the time of the transaction through an ATM using a bank card.

What is the PIN code for? It is needed to identify (verify) the cardholder, it is akin to your electronic signature. With the help of a PIN code, the client gains access to his account. The PIN code is entered when withdrawing cash from ATMs, at cash points, at retail outlets to pay for goods and services, when non-cash payment goods and services through the Internet.

Some banks practice imposing their loans by sending a potential borrower a credit card and a PIN code via mail in two simple envelopes. In one - a PIN code, in the other a credit card. With this method of transfer, the risk of fraud in the form of withdrawals before the transfer of the credit card and PIN to the client is very high. When choosing a bank for issuing a credit card, this important point must be taken into account. The temptation to activate the card and take the offered loan (cash) is always very strong, which is what this service is based on. But "free cheese is only in a mousetrap," so you should keep in mind that such loans have a very high interest rate.

What is card activation?

Activation is a cancellation procedure established by the Bank when issuing a credit card, technical restrictions on the client's transactions using the card. A technical restriction is understood as the unconditional provision of negative authorization responses to transactions using a credit card, regardless of the state of the available balance of the credit limit on the card, or any other conditions. Credit card activation is carried out by the client.

How to activate the card? For security reasons, the credit card is inactive at the time of receipt, i.e. before the client can use the credit limit, the credit card must be activated. To do this, you just need to perform any operation using a PIN code.

It is most convenient to activate the card through an ATM. To activate the card, you need to insert it into an ATM, enter a PIN code and perform any operation, for example, “Request balance”, “Cash withdrawal”. After that, the credit card will become active and you will be able to use the credit limit. You can also activate your credit card at ATMs of other banks.

The card can also be activated by contacting the 24-hour service of the bank's card center using the phone numbers reported to the client, or at any bank cash desk, whose employee activates your credit card through a terminal with a PIN code input module.

What is Authorization?

A credit card authorization is an encoded request from a clearing house or credit card issuer that authorizes a transaction or payment on request from a given credit card.

This procedure for confirmation by the Bank of the Client's right to make transactions using the card consists of two operations in one:

  • an electronic request to use a credit card for a transaction (to pay for goods through a terminal or to withdraw cash from an ATM).

  • obtaining permission - to pay for goods or withdraw cash from an ATM.
Based on the results of an electronic request, the Bank can provide the following answers:
  1. Positive response - confirmation by the Bank of the relevant right of the Client to use the requested amount, and granting permission to conduct the Operation;

  2. Negative answer - the Bank does not confirm the relevant right of the Client and does not provide permission to conduct the operation.
A refusal to authorize a card may be issued in the following cases:
  • There is no connection with the issuing bank. You can try to make a payment later, perhaps the connection will be restored.

  • There is no credit limit balance available.

  • You entered the wrong PIN for your credit card at an ATM.

  • Etc.

Minimum required credit card payment

The minimum mandatory payment is the amount of funds transferred by the client to repay the loan. Payment of the minimum mandatory payment confirms the client's right to further use of the credit card. The amount of the minimum payment and the deadline for its payment are indicated in the invoice, which is sent monthly by the bank to the address specified in the agreement.

The amount of the minimum mandatory payment includes:

  1. the minimum part of the loan, set in accordance with the tariff plans of the bank for credit cards. Thus, in a number of banks, the minimum part of the loan is up to 5% of credit limit set to the client by credit card. If the client is going to repay the loan faster, then it is necessary to increase the payment amount;

  2. the amount of interest accrued on the actual loan amount for the past billing period (month);

  3. the amount of all commissions and other payments due in the past billing period, in accordance with tariff plan credit card. All tariffs for commissions and other payments must be specified in the loan agreement;

  4. the amount of penalties and forfeits, if there are delays in repayment of the minimum mandatory payments for previous billing periods or other violations of the lending procedure stipulated by the agreement;
The minimum payment is calculated monthly on the Settlement Day.

If the client has made another payment in the amount of the minimum payment or in an amount less than the minimum mandatory payment, then the bank will first of all pay off penalties and penalties from the amount received, then interest and commissions. And the loan itself is repaid last. on a residual basis. And delays in payments can lead to an increase in the amount of fines and penalties and punishment in the form of a reduction in the lending limit or even suspension of further lending.

Can I pay more than the Minimum Payment? You can't, but you have to pay more than the minimum payment. You can deposit any amount of your choice up to 100% of the used credit. In this case, the amount of repayment of the loan itself will increase. Yes, and the available credit limit will be restored by the amount of the principal debt paid.

In addition, do not forget to officially, by registered mail, notify the bank of all changes in the details of the borrower under the agreement (change of registration or residential address, changes in full name, phone number, etc.) during the entire lending period. This will help to avoid problems with the delivery of invoices for payment, problems with the loss of a credit card, etc.

What is a questionnaire?

The Questionnaire is a document filled out and signed by the client, which contains all the data required by the bank about the client. According to the rules of individual banks, the questionnaire can be considered as an independent document. The loan application is one of the documents on the basis of which the bank makes a decision on setting a lending limit. Before making a decision, the bank analyzes and checks the questionnaire data.

What is a grace period for loans?

Grace (interest-free) loan period is a period of time during which you can make purchases, pay for services using your credit card and not pay interest, subject to timely repayment of all debt on the loan.

Grace (interest-free) lending period, which is established by banks, involves additional attraction of customers for lending. In most cases, it is set by banks for a period of 30 to 50 days.

The grace period of crediting consists of the billing period + the payment period. Calculation grace period can be seen with an example. So, if the credit card is activated, for example, on June 5, then from June 5 to July 4 there will be a billing period (the period for disbursing the loan), and from July 5 to July 24 inclusive, there will be a payment period (the period of settlements with the bank for the loan). In order for the bank to apply the grace period for lending, it is necessary to pay all the debt on the loan by July 24.

Reading 4 min. Views 125 Published on 07/19/2018

When issuing a credit card, the bank sets an available limit for each client borrowed money. The calculation is made individually, taking into account the income of the borrower and his solvency. Usually, clients at this stage, and even with the further use of a credit card, want to increase the amount of available funds. But there are those who are interested in how to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card, especially after several months of using it. Is there such a possibility? Let's figure it out.

Reasons why there is a need to reduce the loan

Most often, the need to reduce the credit limit arises for people who understand that they are not able to control their expenses. Access to a large amount on a credit card provokes them to spend extra money, which increases the debt. However, there is another type of client who is used to controlling their finances. They rely on a strictly defined loan amount, repay it on time, and if necessary, use their own savings or more profitable loan products if they need to spend large amounts. Such borrowers are very annoyed by the increase in the credit card limit at the initiative of the bank, and they seek to return it to its previous limits.

There are also two important factors that speak in favor of reducing the amount of borrowed funds:

  • economy of service - some banks minimum payment on the card is calculated on the basis of the size of the limit, and not the amount of the principal debt;
  • security - if the card falls into the hands of strangers, no one puts them to withdraw the entire available amount from it.

These considerations also make you think about whether it is possible to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank credit card. Fortunately, Sber provides its customers with such an opportunity.

Limit reduction types

A decrease in the amount of funds available on a credit card can occur both at the request of its owner and at the initiative of the bank. Let's consider both options.

On the initiative of Sberbank

Sberbank regularly reviews the cases of its credit card holders. Based on the data on their use of the credit account, bank employees make a decision to change the limit. It can be either increased or decreased, depending on the financial behavior of the borrower.

Important! The questionnaires are reviewed once every 6 months.

For what reasons can the credit limit be reduced?

  1. Unscrupulous payments of the principal debt.
  2. Contribution by the borrower only minimum payments for a long time.
  3. Small amount of spending on the card.

Oddly enough, it is not at all necessary to allow delays and spoil the credit history for the bank to recognize the borrower as worthy of lowering the limit. If a client uses a credit card quite rarely, repays the debt on time and does not go beyond the grace period, the amount of available funds for him will most likely be reduced. The bank will understand that the borrower simply does not need the allocated amount, which means that it is more profitable to direct it to other purposes.

At the request of the borrower

The owner of a credit card can independently declare a reduction in the limit on it. It can be done:

  • upon receipt of information about the increase in the volume of the credit account;
  • at any time during the use of the card.

In the first case, after reviewing the questionnaires, Sber will send an SMS to the client with a notification about the increase in the limit. Also, the message will contain a code that must be sent to the service number in order to deactivate this offer and return to the previous volumes of the credit account.

The second option requires a mandatory personal visit to the bank branch. Any of them will do, not necessarily the one in which the card was issued.

Loan reduction procedure (what should the borrower do)

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card at the initiative of its owner? Let’s be clear: this cannot be done remotely. There are no corresponding tools in the web office or in the mobile services of Sber. A personal visit to the bank is required.

At the branch, you will need to provide the employee of the relevant department with your passport, as well as, preferably, an agreement for servicing the card. After that, the client voices his requirements and writes a request to reduce the limit to the level he needs.

Important! The application does not need to indicate the reasons for such a decision. None additional documents Income information is also not required. It is enough just to state your desire to reduce the account.

The application is processed by the bank within 10 days. As a result, the borrower will receive an SMS with a notification of a change in the amount of the loan account.


So, reducing the amount of the credit limit at Sberbank is quite simple. To do this, you just need to write a statement in his department. If the limit was increased at the initiative of Sberbank, the client can always refuse this increase by sending the appropriate command to the bank's service number.

A loan is when you take someone else's money and give your own. This statement is familiar to many people who have loans for bank cards and they can’t close them in any way, constantly spending “other people’s” money. This raises the relevance of discussing the issue of how to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card. Does not know? Below we will describe the possible options for reducing it on a credit card.

Sberbank issues credit cards with a grace period of up to 50 euros. With constant repayment and no debts, the bank automatically increases the loan amount.

This is what the grace period looks like in Sberbank

Why do many customers avoid such a service? Everything is very simple, there are three main reasons why you need to reduce "other people's money" on a credit card.

  1. mentality or as it is also called the human factor. Most people tend to spend money on improving their lives. As soon as an ordinary person has the opportunity to receive a large amount of money, it is impossible to resist such a temptation. A strong seducer is the fact of interest-free use of money for a certain period of time. Many clients of Sberbank are “led” to this, and when it comes time to give money away, they are not always available. What pulls a "lump" of interest, penalties and fines.
  2. Savings on interest. After removal bank money the client is charged interest. Although on average about 3% is taken per month for the time of using the funds, in terms of the annual amount (3 * 12 = 36) it turns out 36%, which is much higher than when applying for a consumer loan.
  3. Safety. If a person does not need bank money at the moment, then for security reasons it is better to reduce the loan on the card. Since if it is lost, attackers can withdraw bank funds, and the client will have to pay off the debt from “his pocket”.

According to the latest innovations, banks should not increase the credit limit on the card without the consent of the client. The maximum credit limit on the card is negotiated in the contract for servicing the electronic resource.

What are the maximum limits on a Sberbank credit card

Usually, clients, when applying for a credit line on a valid card, do not always get to read the service agreement, in which the bank often indicates the maximum possible loan amount for plastic. This becomes a legal basis for the bank to increase bank funds on the card without the consent of the client.

Sberbank issues up to 600 thousand rubles of a credit limit on its cards

Today, Sberbank "gives" its customers such limits for credit Visa cards and MasterCard:

  • for cards with instant issuance - up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • for the Classic and Standard class - 300-600 thousand rubles;
  • for the Gold class - 600 thousand rubles.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card

Typically, customers rarely resort to a credit card loan reduction service on their own, but if necessary, such actions can be used in one of two ways.

  1. Limit payments.
  2. To write an application.

How to lower the limit by limiting payments on a Sberbank credit card

Let's figure out how to lower the limit by limiting your payments on a Sberbank credit card. Access to bank funds you can limit yourself. To do this, you need to set a limit on daily or monthly spending. This can be done through:

  • writing an application to limit spending per day or per month at a bank branch;
  • setting limits online in personal account.

It should be understood that the spending limit does not reduce the amount of credit, but only does not allow you to remove more than the specified limit. The opportunity to receive a limit increase in the future remains.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card by writing an application

According to the instructions of Sberbank, the client has the right to write an application for setting a minimum limit at the branch where he received the plastic. In other words, a person needs to contact the branch where the card was issued and write an application there to reduce the limit on the use of funds on a credit card. In the absence of debts for the body and interest, Sberbank approves the application.

On average, the bank needs several working days to consider the application. Rarely, this procedure is delayed for a week. The client is notified about the reduction of the SMS limit. Also this information becomes available in the personal account of Sberbank online.

An application for reducing the credit limit must be written at the branch that issued the plastic card

Very often, bank employees claim that it is impossible to reduce the credit limit to a certain level. In such cases, contact the head of the department, or call hotline to the head office of the bank.

Code Sberbank can independently reduce the limit on a credit card

The Bank independently decides to reduce the limit on credit obligations in the following situations:

  1. The client systematically does not repay the debt and this is reflected in the credit history.
  2. The fact of delay and non-payment of penalties is constantly present.
  3. The borrower hides from the bank and does not pay his obligations.

Such situations lead to the fact that Sberbank automatically reduces or completely closes the limit without the knowledge of the borrower.

It should be noted that the above actions are recorded in the credit history, which they manage to “spoil” it very much.

Since Russia has a common register of credit histories of all customers banking organizations, then after credit history becomes unfavorable, the ability to get a loan in any bank is reduced to zero.

Summing up the above, we note that everyone can reduce the limit on a credit card, and this procedure is quick and “painless”. However, there are situations in life when money is needed "already, and now." Then the credit card comes to "revenue". Therefore, think carefully about your decision to reduce the limit. loan funds, because "Plan B" will certainly be needed in case of any financial difficulties.

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On many banking forums, you can see customer complaints that the bank periodically raises the credit limit on the card without their permission. It would seem that there is nothing to be indignant about - shoot exactly as much as you need, and no problems. But not everything is so simple.

First, there are people who cannot resist the temptation to spend all the money on a credit card.

Secondly, in some banks, the minimum payment is calculated as a percentage of the limit, and not of the main debt (for example, OTP Bank). As a result, a person has to pay a much larger amount every month than he expected.

Thirdly, security plays a significant role - in case of data theft from plastic or the card itself, fraudsters will be able to remove the entire limit from it.

So can you refuse?

On the same forums, you can read that when turning to bank representatives with a request to reduce the available limit, many borrowers are refused. Bank employees explain to them that such an operation is simply impossible.

In fact, in most cases, loan officers are cunning, because if the limit can be increased, then it can be reduced. Another issue is that they do not always know exactly how to do this, so it is easier for them to "kick off" the client than to waste time and find out the nuances of such an operation.

How to reduce the limit on the card?

As a rule, there is only one way in all banks - the borrower must come to the branch that issued the card and write an application to reduce the limit (or prohibit its further increase). In this case, it is worth considering 2 points:

1) You will have to pay off the debt (if any) up to the desired amount of the limit.

2) In some banks, it will no longer be possible to increase the limit in the future.

If credit organisation still refuses to lower the limit, there is another way - to independently set limits on daily or monthly expenses. In this case, you will not be able to spend more in a day or a month than you allowed yourself. The scammers can't do it either.

In addition, for security reasons, you can set a ban on certain operations. For example, if you never pay with a card on the Internet, you can put a limit on online transactions, if you do not withdraw money from an ATM - on cash withdrawal transactions, etc.

Ways to change the credit limit on Sberbank cards: at the initiative of the client and / or the bank.

Consider an example: Anatoly has been working in a large company for more than 10 years, he has a good income and an excellent credit history. Most likely, he will be able to count on the maximum spending limit on the card. And if for some reason Anatoly is not satisfied with the approved amount, he can ask the bank to change the limit up or down.

Limit increase

At the initiative of the Bank:
If you regularly pay the debt on a valid card, repaying everything on time, then Sberbank may decide to increase your limit, informing you at least 30 days in advance via SMS or via Internet banking. If you do not inform the Bank of your disagreement, credit limit increase automatic, about which you will receive the appropriate notification.

At the initiative of the Client:
There are cases when the money provided on credit is not enough, and the Bank does not increase the limit, then there is an opportunity independently request the right amount . For this you need:

  • Contact the branch of the bank where the account is maintained, write an application.
  • Provide documents evidencing an increase in income (for example, a 2NDFL certificate for the last six months).
Sberbank will inform about its decision within a month, by the phone number indicated in the application.

Reducing the limit

At the initiative of the Bank:
About changing the limit down. Sberbank informs its customers 30 calendar days in advance. If the cardholder is against, the limit remains the same. Disagreement can be reported a month before the planned date of the change by SMS, calling the hotline, contacting the bank office.

According to the conditions for issuing and servicing overdraft cards, Sberbank has the right to reduce the limit in three cases:

  • The cardholder has never used the credit limit after six months.
  • The bank became aware of circumstances indicating that the debt would not be returned on time.
  • The client violated the terms of payment of the debt, allowed a delay in payment.
At the initiative of the Client:

Sometimes, the limit set on the card acts magically on us, we feel that we are able to buy things right away, without putting off for them for many months. But after the expiration of the grace period, we are faced with an unbearable amount of the monthly payment, forcing us to shrink and save. Many, in order to avoid the temptation to spend money, set themselves a credit limit less than approved. The client can reduce the limit at the time of issuing the card, as well as when submitting an application in the form of a bank.

The credit limit cannot be changed to an amount less than the actual debt.
For example, if you have a card with a limit of 40 thousand rubles, the amount of debt is 30 thousand rubles, and you want 20 thousand rubles, then the amount after reducing the limit will be equal to the amount of debt, that is, the card limit will become thirty thousand rubles.

We found out that you can change the credit card limit on your own, you just need to notify the Bank about it. Also, the loan amount can be changed at the initiative of Sberbank, this operation can be disputed within 30 days.