Settlement services for legal entities in banks. Settlement and cash services for clients of a commercial bank (RKO)

Settlement- cash service clients commercial bank(RKO)

Settlement and cash services- a traditional and standardized type of banking services. Cash settlements are an integral part of the activities of any bank. The relations of banks with clients regarding settlement operations are built on a contractual basis, therefore, when opening a current (settlement) account, the bank concludes a current bank account agreement with the client (a contract for settlement and cash services).

Settlement and cash services for clients include opening and maintaining bank accounts for clients, including:

  • - crediting received in the name of the account holder Money;
  • - transfer of funds from the account to other persons and banks;
  • - receiving and issuing cash;
  • - other actions provided for by law and carried out on the relevant bank accounts.

The client pays the bank remuneration for the operations of settlement and cash services provided to him in accordance with the tariffs approved by the bank. The fee for each operation is set separately.

In settlement and cash services, banks act as financial intermediaries between economic agents.

Settlement and cash operations make it possible to concentrate significant and relatively cheap resources in banks, to establish business relations with clients, which, as a rule, develop into various forms of cooperation: lending, leasing, etc.; In addition, when making settlement and cash transactions banks charge fees. Therefore, any bank is interested in attracting new customers for settlement and cash services. At the same time, the client is also interested in choosing a bank that best meets his requirements: having acceptable rates, making payments on time, working with modern technologies.

The main principles of the organization of settlement and cash services for customers are:

  • - opening of customer accounts in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Belarus;
  • - maintenance of customer accounts in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Belarus;
  • - strict documenting and reflection in the accounting of each transaction;
  • - ensuring the safety of funds and other valuables belonging to the client and located in the bank;
  • - ensuring bank secrecy on transactions and customer accounts;
  • - implementation of internal control corresponding to the nature and scale of the operations.

When making settlements using electronic settlement documents, a signature verification public key card is presented, certified by the signature (s) and seal of the owner (owners) of the signature private key.

Entries in personal accounts are made by the responsible executor only on the basis of properly executed settlement and cash documents(paper or electronic).

Information on operations carried out during the day is issued on paper in the form of statements and is subject to issuance to the client. The procedure and frequency of issuing account statements and their appendices for clients are negotiated between the bank and the client in the current (settlement) bank account agreement. Account statements intended for issuance to customers are certified by bank stamps.

For most banks, the demand for settlement and cash services from outside legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is practically guaranteed. But, given that RKO is included in the standard set of banking services, competition in this segment is becoming more and more serious. However, since the parameters of cash settlement services are predetermined by the clearing system and current legislation, the quality of the services provided becomes an increasingly fundamental factor influencing the interest in the cash settlement services products of a particular bank on the part of customers.

RKO today, as well as 10 years ago, in terms of functionality is approximately the same in all banks. Therefore, it is rather difficult to stand out from the crowd, to go beyond variations in the cost of services and individual parameters (for example, the deadline for execution and crediting of payments).

And yet there is room for movement. After all, despite the fact that customers are “divided” between banks, flexible cash settlement is one of the competitive advantage, enabling the bank to provide the client with a more beautiful "wrapper" for their products.

Calculations by payment orders are shown in fig. 1.

  • 1) shipment, forwarding of shipping documents;
  • 2) payment order;
  • 3) transfer of funds;
  • 2) crediting funds to the beneficiary's account.

Figure 1 - Workflow scheme for settlements using payment orders

The main trend in corporate banking is the emphasis on the most complete partnerships.

Changes in cash registers - the usual methods of service are transformed into high-tech electronic forms that allow the client to manage his account from anywhere. Now the qualitative development of cash settlement services is associated with the expansion of the use of high technologies, complex forms of payment, as well as with the development of non-price methods of competition. The introduction of new technologies and modern banking equipment allows optimizing, simplifying and speeding up the procedure for both settlement and cash transactions.

The workflow scheme for payment requests-orders is shown in Figure 2.

1 - shipment of products (provision of services, performance of work); forwarding payment requests-orders to the buyer; 2 - presentation of accepted payment requests-orders to the servicing bank for payment; 3 - payment of a payment request-order (debiting funds from the payer's account); 4 - transfer of payment to the supplier's bank; 5 - crediting funds to the supplier's account; 6 - notification of the supplier about the receipt of funds.

Figure 2 - Scheme of workflow for settlements by payment requests-orders

When choosing a bank, the client pays attention not only to the cost of services, service, but also to the image of the bank. An important factor is the speed of paperwork, settlements and the reliability of the bank.

Thus, settlement and cash services generally become inseparable from lending. And customers especially do not protest. If an enterprise intends to borrow frequently and has relations with the credit department of a certain bank, then a current account is also opened there - due to this, all issues on loans are resolved much more quickly.

If we rank the factors that are most important for customers by CSC, then the speed of service can be put in the first place. In second place is the bank's ability to provide non-standard additional services. Further, the proximity of the bank, which, however, does not matter for large corporate clients.

The workflow scheme for settlements with payment requests is shown in fig. 2.3

  • 2 8 5
  • 1 - shipment of products (provision of services, performance of work); 2 - submission of settlement documents for collection; 3 - verification and forwarding of settlement documents (payment requests) to the buyer's bank; 4 - payment of payment requests by debiting funds from a current account or issuing a loan; 5 - a message to the payer about the debiting of funds from his current account (issuance of a loan); 6 - transfer of payment to the supplier; 7 - crediting funds to the supplier's account; 8 - notification of the supplier about the receipt of funds.

Figure 3 - Scheme of workflow for settlements with payment requests

According to experts, a very important parameter is the bank's reputation as a provider of quality and convenient services. The second major advantage is the presence of an extensive branch network. This makes it possible to attract both large clients with a wide branch network, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, for which it is very important that the bank they are served with, or its branch and ATM, are in close proximity. It is always easier for a bank with a wide regional network to find a common language with a company that has many branches. Although, in the understanding of some bankers, with the current level of settlements, the branch network is becoming an increasingly less significant factor.

Among other important factors in choosing a bank for cash settlement services, experts point out: flexible tariff plans, a wide product line, comfort and coziness in offices, an individual approach to each client, standardization of cash registers for clients throughout the network, recommendations from partners, non-standard methods of working with a client, professionalism of managers, friendliness of staff, saving the client's time.

Calculations by checks are shown in fig. 4

1 - application and payment order; 2 - check; 3 - goods / check; 4 - presentation of a check for collection; 5 - forwarding registers and checks; 6 - money transfer; 7 - crediting funds to the recipient's account.

Figure 4 - Scheme of document flow when using a check form of payment

Bank plastic cards are becoming increasingly popular. A bank plastic card is a personalized means of making payments for goods and services, performing deposit transactions, receiving cash, and providing cashless payments between individuals and legal entities (business entities).

There are many features by which cards can be classified.

  • 1) By type of payments: credit cards; debit cards.
  • 2) According to the information carrier, plastic cards are divided into cards with a magnetic strip (magnetic) and cards with a chip (smart cards).
  • 3) By the nature of use, they distinguish: individual cards; family cards; corporate cards.
  • 4) According to the method of recording information on the card: graphic recording; bar coding; magnetic stripe encoding; chip; laser recording.
  • 5) By territorial affiliation: international, operating in most countries; national, operating within the state; local, used in part of the territory of the state; cards valid in one specific institution.

Bank debit cards (bank debit cards) operate on the principle of "buy today - pay today" ("buy now - pay now"). The client's account must contain an amount sufficient to make a purchase (pay for services, receive cash). The amounts of transactions made by the client using the card are debited directly from the client's card account. If the transaction amount exceeds the account balance, the transaction is not performed. Today, the so-called combined cards are also being developed. These are debit cards, which in some cases allow payment for goods and services, the cost of which is higher than the balance on the card account, at the expense of short term loan(overdraft) provided by the bank to the owner of the card account.

Bank credit cards ( bank credit cards) operate on the principle of "buy today - pay later" ("buy now - pay later"). A credit card assumes a zero initial balance on the client's card account. At the same time, the cardholder can use it to receive goods in a trade and service enterprise (PTS) or cash. In this case, all operations with the card are paid by the bank, and the cardholder is obliged to subsequently repay his debt to the bank. Charge cards are so-called settlement cards. The loan on these cards must be repaid by the end of the collection period, usually within one month.

The guarantor of the fulfillment of payment obligations arising in the process of servicing plastic cards, is the issuing bank that issued them. Therefore, the cards remain the property of the bank throughout the entire validity period, and customers (cardholders) receive them only for use.

Settlement and cash services is a set of services that the bank provides to its customers. This range of services includes maintenance of the client's current account (non-cash payments within the balance of the client's account), withdrawal of funds, Internet banking, purchase / sale of foreign currency, acceptance of payments from third parties for goods and services, receipt of cash receipts at the cash desk bank, collection of proceeds, bank guarantee and much more.

A specific list of services within the framework of cash settlement services (CSS) is fixed in a bilateral agreement.
RKO is provided by banks to both legal entities and individuals.

The list of services for individuals is much smaller. Usually this is replenishment / withdrawal of funds, non-cash payments, Internet banking. Most banks charge individuals for a specific service provided (either a percentage for withdrawing funds, or the cost of a payment order, or a commission for non-cash replenishment of a client's account, etc.).
However, there are banks (PJSC "UkrSibbank" - package offer "All inclusive") that charge a monthly fee for the provided package of services (current account + plastic card + Internet banking), regardless of whether the client performed any transactions for the current month or not.

RKO for legal entities

The list of services for legal entities is much longer, because the lion's share of the bank's income from cash settlement services is formed precisely at the expense of servicing legal entities. Very strong competition in this segment forces banks, in order to attract new customers, to provide preferential, so to speak, "trial" period of service for new customers. Usually this period is 3-6 months. During this period, the bank opens an account for a formal fee, connects Internet banking services, and sets a lower commission for buying / selling foreign currency.

All this is done in order to "bind" the client to the level of service, to create a loyal client, who will then cooperate on standard terms.

If you decide to take advantage of such an offer from the bank, our advice to you is to fix for yourself from what period your service begins under standard conditions and how many times its cost will increase compared to grace period. In addition, in the cash settlement agreement, be sure to read the procedure for informing you, as a client, about changes in the conditions of settlement and cash services.

To date, banks usually do not "stress themselves" with an "individual approach to the client" - an announcement on the website or in a bank branch is considered sufficient to familiarize the client with the changes. So be careful in this matter, so that the new cost of RKO services does not become unexpected news for you.

The average cost of cash settlement today, subject to using a current account, Internet banking, withdrawing funds and making up to 50 non-cash payments, is 150-200 UAH. per month. Legal entities pay for cash settlement for each month, subject to the operation. If the client did not carry out transactions on the current account, then the bank will not charge a monthly fee. But if at least one transaction is made by the client, he will be forced to pay a monthly fee for the whole month.

Some banks (PJSC "FIDOBANK", PJSC "FUIB") are ready to meet their clients and establish individual, more loyal, terms of service within the framework of cash settlements. We advise you to find out about this possibility in your bank.

What is a bank file 1 and 2?

The concept of a bank file is inextricably linked with the concept of RKO.
The bank card file is the client's settlement documents, which are characterized as not fulfilled and are controlled by the bank in which the client has a current account.
There are several reasons why the payer's payment documents get into the bank's file cabinet:

  • lack of own funds for the execution of payment orders;
  • waiting for the payer's acceptance for execution;
  • waiting for the payment without acceptance in accordance with the law.

The bank distinguishes between Card file No. 1 and Card file No. 2.
To Card Index No. 1 there are documents for which permission is required (as an example, the decision of the authorized bodies that the client account is completely or partially arrested, etc.).

File cabinet number 2 is used when there are not enough funds on the client account in order to payment document executed immediately. This is the first reason for getting into the card index according to the above list.

In the future, the implementation of this document is carried out as funds are received on the client's account. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that new payment documents created by the client will not be executed by the bank until the file cabinet is closed. However, payment orders in the card file can be partially paid, unlike ordinary ones.

Greetings readers "site"! Today we will talk about cash settlement services (CSS), since cashless payments are an integral part of modern market relations.

After reading the article, you will learn:

  1. What is settlement and cash services;
  2. How cash settlement services work for individuals and legal entities (IP, LLC, etc.);
  3. How to open a cash register in a bank and what documents will be needed.

We will try to fully describe the functionality and features of this service, as well as consider the tariffs for cash settlement services and what to look for when choosing a bank.

About what is settlement and cash services (RKO) of legal entities, what are the current rates for settlement and cash services for customers and what to look for when choosing a bank for RKO - read further in our article

RKO(Settlement and cash services) - is a set of banking services for servicing accounts of individuals and legal entities, including operations in foreign currency.

To be able to use this service, an individual or legal entity must submit a certain package of documents to the bank, as well as draw up an agreement with it, and at the same time meet all banking and legal requirements.

The regulatory framework of the RSC includes the Federal Law “On Banks and banking», Civil Code and regulations of the Central Bank of Russia.

Based on the fact that at present almost all market participants use non-cash payments, follows the conclusion that RKO for an entrepreneur is a prime necessity, because without it there is no possibility carry out non-cash transactions .

2. Settlement and cash services for legal entities: features and forms of documents

Serving legal entities, the bank conducts all their operations on current accounts, including payments of pensions, wages and others. These operations are carried out not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency. Read more in the article - "what it is for, as well as the pros and cons of r / s"

The main services provided by RKO can be divided into the following groups:

  • cashless transactions;
  • cash payments;
  • provision of account statements.

Note that banks use special forms of documents when working with customer accounts in cash and settlement services, including:

  • form 0401060, which is a payment order;
  • a form for replenishing a bank account in cash;
  • checks confirming the withdrawal of funds from the account.

After signing the contract for settlement and cash services for legal entities, the organization is provided checkbook , which serves to cash out funds for the needs of the company.

In addition, with cash settlement services, in addition to the basic set of services, the bank can offer a number of additional ones, such as remote access to current account or collection .

However, it is worth remembering that additional services are provided to the client for an additional fee, unlike the main package.

3. RKO (settlement and cash services) of individuals

An individual also signs a cash settlement agreement with the bank, and an account is opened for him in this bank. This account can be used for transfer of funds And non-cash payments, and for transactions in the Internet bank.

Typically, this service is provided free of charge . However, for the implementation of a number of transactions, For example , cashing out or non-cash transfers, the bank may charge a commission for settlement and cash services of individuals.

4. How to choose a bank for settlement and cash services - 3 selection criteria

First of all, in order to choose a bank for settlement and cash services, you need to carefully study all the offers from different banks and choose the most suitable one for a particular company or individual.

4.1 Degree of reliability

The reliability of the bank involves identifying its strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities. It is also advisable to compare all the risks and benefits of cooperation with this particular bank.

There are several ways to study the work of a credit institution and determine the degree of its reliability:

  • Open access to the media and the Internet. In addition to general information, you can find reviews of real people about the work of the bank. Pay attention not only to the websites of the banks themselves, but also to specialized information portals (Expert RA, RBC, etc.).
  • It is important that the withdrawal and transfer of funds be possible on the day of the application;
  • Monitor the stability of the work of a credit institution so that there is no delay in the transaction of funds;
  • A big plus will be a wide network of bank branches, both in your region and in others. This allows you to reduce the possible costs of time and money.
  • The range of services provided should meet the requirements of your organization;
  • Study the duration of registration of the transaction passport, the conditions for conducting a currency transaction, and so on;
  • Study the tariffs for settlement and cash services - the size of the commission for various operations, the possibility of remote work with the account, transactions for transferring funds, as well as depositing and withdrawing cash are estimated;
  • The quality and speed of the work of cash settlement services in this bank and the mechanism for resolving disputes;
  • Possibility of providing additional package services;
  • Conditions and the possibility of conducting "salary projects" in this bank.

4.2 Mode of operation

This criterion can be evaluated if several banks meet your requirements. In addition, this point is especially important if the organization works with counterparties with a time difference.

4.3 Payment days

These are certain days (1-3 times a week) when the company will pay all accumulated bills for this period respecting their priority.

5. The best banks and rates for cash settlement

The choice of a bank for the implementation of settlement and cash services for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities is a very important stage, which is influenced by various factors. Read more in the article - "Where", it also describes the nuances and features of opening a current account.

This section lists the best banks that provide cash and settlement services to customers.

5.1 Sberbank

Sberbank is in a leading position in the market today, because provides a wide range of services for both individuals and legal entities. Sberbank offers favorable rates for cash and settlement services. In addition, the undoubted advantage is the ability to remotely open a current account.

Within 30 calendar days after this procedure, a package of relevant documents must be submitted to the bank. In the future, accounts can be opened using the Sberbank Business Online system, which has its own application for mobile devices. There are also special service packages for business accounts.

This bank has deployed the largest network of branches, terminals and ATMs, has a round-the-clock support line, works with currency, carries out salary projects, allows companies to purchase equipment on lease, offers preferential terms in a number of services.

5.2 Tinkoff

This is a relatively new but fast growing bank. It offers its clients (legal entities) two tariffs - "Simple" and "Advanced", which are serviced at a relatively low cost. In addition, the bank holds a number of promotions that help attract customers, thanks to which the terms of service are very favorable.

As in Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank there is Internet banking, SMS alerts, lending and other services, acquiring (, and). This bank also has the ability to remotely open an account through the website. And at the end of the year, customers are charged a certain percentage on the amount of the account balance.

5.3 Discovery

This bank provides a wide range of services to its clients in cash settlement. It involves online reservation of an account to open it, remote account management, hotline support, control in the field currency transactions and other additional services.

The bank also helps to improve the efficiency of employees' work through HR consulting training programs.

5.4 Alfabank

Alfa-Bank provides services for conducting cash settlement services in Russian and foreign currencies, without limiting the number of possible accounts. It has a convenient and accessible online client, with which you can perform all operations on accounts. There is a fairly extensive network additional offices and ATMs throughout the country.

The Bank provides various additional services, as well as, by means of an additional agreement, accrues interest on the balance of the account.

5.5 SKB-Bank

The main advantage of SKB-Bank is an extended operating day (21 hours). The Bank provides an opportunity to reserve a current account online and conduct all operations remotely, has a developed network of ATMs and branches.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can count on a wide range of additional services and favorable rates, such as providing loans to company employees for preferential terms etc.

Comparative table (tariffs for legal entities for settlement and cash services)

This table contains data for Moscow divisions, so there may be other indicators in the regions.

Name of the bank Tariff for opening an account, rub. Maintenance cost External bank transfer Refill Cash out Provision of "Bank-client" service
Sberbank At least 3000 At least 1,600 online from 32-52 rubles/payment, through the cashier from 300-350 rubles/payment from 0.3-0.36% of the total amount from 0.6% (not less than 150 rubles) on salary; from 1.4% (not less than 150 rubles) for other for free*; from 960 rub.
Bank opening Minimum 1300 750-1700 rub. from 0.5-1% (min. 27-30 rubles) from 0.16% (min. 50 rubles) from 0.4% for salary, 1-10% for other Minimum 1250 r.
Tinkoff Bank No fee The first quarter (for individual entrepreneurs - six months from the date of registration) - no fee is charged, then from 490 rubles. first 3-10 months no fee, then 29-49 RUB/payment no charge or min. 1% of the amount No fee is charged up to 100,000 rubles, more - from 1.5-10% (from 99 rubles) No fee
SKB-Bank 0-1000 from 990-1490 from 29 rub from 0-0.7% from 1.3% on salary; from 1.6-11% for others. No fee
Alfa Bank minimum 3300 from 220 - 6900 online from 30 rubles / payment or from 0.1% through the cashier from 0.28-0.35% (min. 300 rubles) from 0.5% (min. 300 rubles) for salary from 2.5-11% (min. 400 rubles) for other from 990-2200 rubles

*For persons with an open current account in this Bank.

** For up-to-date information, check the official websites of banks.

Thus, we can conclude that at present the most favorable conditions for cash settlement services are provided Tinkoff Bank, which most of the standard services provide free of charge.

However, this is a superficial analysis that needs to be supplemented with other indicators for a complete picture of the bank.

6. A package of documents for the organization of settlement and cash services

To open a bank account, individual entrepreneur (IP) must provide the following documents:

  • Passport.

Legal entities are required to provide a slightly different package of documents:

  • Articles of association;
  • OGRN;
  • and other constituent documents of the legal entity.

7. Overview of services included in the CSC

With the regular use of cash registers, significant costs are inevitable for the company, so most banks offer their customers service packages to reduce these costs.

  1. free carrying out of the most demanded operations by paying for the entire package;
  2. preferential terms for the tariffs of the basic set of services for cash and settlement services.

However, it is worth considering the full cost of the package and analyzing the real benefits of connecting it.

7.1 Bank cards for legal entities

Such cards are issued to simplify business and financial transactions. These cards are linked to the company's main current account and are designed to be used in accordance with its needs. It is necessary, for example, traveling nature of work.

In addition, it is possible to issue additional cards to the same account, which allows the use multi-employee accounts . What is important, the tariffs for card services are often lower.

But do not forget about the tariffs for issuing and servicing the card itself, which can differ dramatically depending on the bank. And be sure to calculate the possible benefits.

7.2 Self-collection

A service such as self-collection, which allows you to deposit money into an account, can significantly reduce the costs of an entrepreneur. through an ATM or terminal .

However, some transactions may be limited by the capabilities of the terminal or ATM. Fees for depositing funds on your own are usually lower than through the cashier, but do not forget about minimum amounts commissions, established by the bank and calculate the benefit.

7.3 Internet banking

One of the most important elements of RKO is is the presence of a bank-client . This implies the possibility of remote majority banking operations, getting everything Required documents and tracking the status of the account.

Basically, this service is already included in the basic RKO package, but the client can refuse it and reactivate it if necessary. This service is provided depending on the bank. for a fee or for free .

A positive feature of Internet banking is making payments from a current account and all kinds of transfers. In addition, it is possible to work with documents, receive up-to-date information on the account.

With regard to security and bank guarantees online transactions, then here banks guarantee full security of all cash transactions . In addition, the client can use additional protection services for a separate fee.

8. Advantages of RSC

It must be remembered that RKO is a system of services necessary for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

Benefits of RKO for Entrepreneurs:

  • personalized and specially selected tariffs on good terms;
  • service is carried out by a personal manager;
  • All calculations are done in real time.
  • All this has a positive impact on the work of the enterprise as a whole, as well as the speed of implementation. cash transactions reflected in the profit.

The greater the range of services offered by the bank, the more popular it is with customers.

Today, RKO includes the following services:

  • opening and maintaining a current account;
  • various transfers and payments;
  • depositing cash into the account;
  • Internet banking, notification system, mobile applications;
  • currency operations;
  • making payments using a copy of the invoice;
  • round-the-clock access to remote transactions within the bank;
  • personal approach to each client.

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question 1. What is the difference between cash services and maintenance of cash registers?

Cash service is the implementation of settlements and other financial transactions on the accounts of individuals and legal entities.

RKO is a complex of banking services servicing the accounts of individuals and legal entities, including transactions in Russian and foreign currencies.

In order to have the right to use such services, it is necessary to provide the bank with the relevant documents and draw up an agreement, meet all the requirements of the bank and the law.

Cash service is the service of customer accounts, it has nothing to do with the service of technical means, such as cash registers or cars.

Question 2. What are the criteria for choosing the best bank for the implementation of cash settlement for small businesses?

The number of Russian banks that offer their services to small businesses is more than 600. All of them offer different tariffs, services and conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to first determine the most important operations that are performed or will be performed by the enterprise in the near future.

Here are the main criteria for choosing a credit institution:

  1. The currency in which the firm conducts its operations. Does this particular bank conduct transactions with this currency, under what conditions, does it provide currency control(for export and import of goods and services), remote possibility of currency exchange at any time.
  2. Commission for account maintenance, for Internet banking, the cost of transfers. For small businesses, it is more profitable that the first time after opening an account, in the absence of operations on it, no commission is charged.
  3. Operations with cash. It is worth noting that a commission may be charged for withdrawing and depositing cash into the account, which must be taken into account when choosing a bank and tariff.

After you have determined all the operations you need and have studied the products of credit institutions, you need to calculate the preliminary monthly expenses for cash settlement services. Here you need to remember both about the main fees and one-time, one-time commissions.

In addition, when choosing a bank, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. The speed of opening an account and the possibility of reservation through a bank-client.
  2. bank credit rating. Recently, there have been many cases of revocation of licenses from banks, so carefully study this issue, because. even a temporary stoppage of work can significantly reduce profits.
  3. The presence of bank branches in the city where the company operates. Their absence can negatively affect the work of the organization as a whole.

10. Conclusion + video material on the topic

Without RKO it is impossible to conduct entrepreneurial activity in full. This type of service requires certain costs, but at the same time, there is time savings due to the implementation of operations through Internet banking.

In order to attract more customers, banks carry out additional promotions and offer their services on preferential terms.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video material - "How to choose a bank for settlement and cash services for legal entities":

We wish the readers of the site "" to find their bank with the most favorable rates for settlement and cash services, which brings satisfaction from cooperation and assistance in achieving their goals.

Share your experience, wishes and feedback on the topic of the article in the comments!

Author of the financial magazine "", former head of a well-known SMM agency. Currently a coach, Internet entrepreneur and marketer, investor. I tell you how to effectively manage personal finances, how to increase them profitably and earn more.

On the pages of the site you will find a lot of useful information.

The main activity of any bank is settlement and cash services for individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The range of services includes the following procedures with financial flows:

  • registration;
  • storage;
  • moving;
  • recalculation;
  • collection;
  • accounting.

An agreement is concluded with the client, after which an account is opened, through which financial transactions will be carried out in the future. Depending on the type of currency and the specifics of entrepreneurial activity, the amount open accounts may differ.

Legal entities and individuals are offered various packages of banking products. Some of the services may be provided free of charge. Tariffs for paid services are strictly regulated by state legislation, the requirements of which are mandatory for all commercial banks.

In the process of creating an agreement, the parties may make certain requirements and additions to the conditions. Failure to comply with the rules of the agreement is punishable by fines, the amount of which is also controlled legislatures. The main responsibility of a financial institution is to ensure the prompt and uninterrupted movement of client funds with high level safety of all procedures.

Legal regulation of settlement and cash services

Maintaining a foreign or ruble account includes a large list of transactions. Legal regulation in the field of banking allows the public to safely store, use and place their own savings or profits from operational commercial activities, as well as receive interest on deposits.

The work of banks in the field of cash and settlement services is controlled by the following rules:

  • federal legislation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The main regulatory mechanism is the contract concluded between the parties. Use Services banking organization any commercial company can. Individual entrepreneurs independently choose a financial institution to receive cash settlement.

Opening an account is necessary measure to access the main package banking services, which allows you to create a competent approach to the conduct of operational commercial activities. State law regulates the following obligations to the client:

  • storage of funds;
  • crediting the received amounts;
  • transferring money to the accounts of other citizens.

The contract may contain specific features, rights and obligations of the parties.

Settlement and cash services for legal entities

RSC for legal entities is a set of services aimed at meeting the needs of enterprises and organizations. This area of ​​activity ensures the prompt and uninterrupted movement of cash flows.

An important feature of cash and settlement services for legal entities is access to foreign exchange transactions that can be performed if there are three accounts:

  • transit;
  • current;
  • account for buying currency on the national market.

Currency service includes:

  • purchase and sale (on behalf of the organization);
  • sale of currency received from the operational activities of the enterprise (a specific part, the amount of which is regulated by state legislation);
  • conversions;
  • regulation of export and import transactions.

An important part of the work in this area is the conduct of cash transactions. A financial institution provides not only basic (reception, issuance, accounting), but also additional services (recalculation, collection, acquiring on the Internet).

Settlement and cash services for individuals

Work with individuals is a separate area of ​​activity for banks. The prospect of this direction lies in a fairly large audience of customers. The following services are provided to the public:

  • closing and opening an account;
  • accrual of interest on the balance of funds (conditions are described in the terms of the agreement);
  • issuance of cash at the cash desk of the service department;
  • issuance of interest on deposits;
  • making money transfers;
  • translation on behalf;
  • carrying out operations under a power of attorney;
  • creation and issuance of certificates on performed operations;
  • accepting funds to pay for housing and communal services, taxes, insurance and fines.

Citizens are provided with a number of additional services that can be aimed at financial control and automation of payments to an individual. The contract prescribes special rules and requirements at the request of the client.

Having a bank account allows an individual to:

  • receive wages, pension or scholarship;
  • pay for goods and services on the Internet;
  • withdraw cash from an ATM if available plastic card;
  • make payments to meet business needs;
  • contribute money to local and state funds.

Modern Internet services play an important role in the functioning of the system for providing RKO to the population.

Settlement and cash services for non-cash transactions

The RCL of non-cash transactions includes:

  • fast and safe execution of orders;
  • notification of withdrawal and receipt of funds;
  • creating account statements.

Each individual entrepreneur has the right to independently choose a range of services that will best meet the needs of commercial activities. Economic relations between the client and the financial institution are built on the creation of certain orders and their timely execution.

Today, it is possible to create orders in real and virtual space. The latter method is more economical and comfortable, as it does not require personal presence in the department. Internet banking allows you to create orders and requests online, which contributes to a significant reduction in the time for transactions.

Settlement and cash services for foreign exchange transactions

Many companies have to interact with foreign partners in the process of achieving commercial goals. This state of affairs forces us to constantly use euros or US dollars to regulate economic relations.

It is necessary to open three accounts at once when concluding an agreement with a financial institution in order to legally use the currency of another country. The current legal entity can credit funds for further use and profit. On the transit account, control and placement of the company's revenue is carried out. The third account is necessary to account for the foreign currency that was purchased on the national market.

According to the agreement, the bank can sell or buy currency on the basis of an order created by a legal entity. At the same time, each client undertakes to sell on the market a part of the currency that was received from international business activities. The financial institution assumes responsibility for carrying out conversion operations. An important role in the structure of foreign exchange transactions is played by the use of funds in the process of implementing transactions in imports and exports.


Using the acquiring service, the client can completely get rid of cash. In retail outlets where special terminals are installed, it is possible to pay for goods, works and services using a bank credit card. This service is provided only by large financial institutions that have sufficient solvency to:

  • installation of special equipment;
  • regulation of the legal features of activities in this area;
  • behavior of procedures for the use of plastic cards in retail outlets.

Acquiring operates not only in real, but also in virtual space. Citizens who have a plastic card of an acquiring bank can make payments online, receive reports on purchases made and fill out special forms for transactions. Internet acquiring involves the following procedure for conducting a financial transaction:

  • the company draws up an agreement with the bank;
  • the website of the organization contains data on the possibility of using a plastic card of a certain type;
  • the client fills out the form to complete the transaction;
  • the bank monitors requests and satisfies them if necessary;
  • an application for the shipment of goods is made.

In this case, the bank takes responsibility for verifying and tracking requests.

Internet acquiring

Internet acquiring is available to those enterprises whose activities meet the requirements of international payment systems. The following conditions are required for signing the contract:

  • evidence of authorized commercial activity;
  • type of entrepreneurship allowed on the Internet;
  • the presence of a properly designed virtual retail space.

The service is provided only to the websites of those companies that contain the necessary information about the goods and services sold.

An important role in the process of providing this service is played by processing centers that coordinate payments on the Internet. All payments are processed automatically to ensure the functioning of e-commerce in general. Some banks have their own processing centers, but others financial institutions have to resort to the support of third-party partners.

Operations with cash

The main financial instrument for cash transactions is a checkbook, which is distinguished by its versatility and ease of use. It enables the individual entrepreneur to produce:

  • payment of wages;
  • payment for production and economic needs;
  • settlement with suppliers of raw materials and goods.

Another equally important tool is corporate card. Access to its receipt opens after the creation of a special account with a credit institution. The signing of the agreement imposes the following obligations on the bank:

  • maintaining a register of financial transactions;
  • creation and issuance of statements;
  • informing the client about accruals and balances.

A legal entity hands over cash to the cashier, after which the employee draws up a standardized receipt order. After that, the money is credited, and an authorized employee draws up a report on the procedure.

It is important for large companies to control cash. To meet this need, the collection procedure is used, which is available only after opening an account and signing an additional agreement.

State legislation strictly regulates the activities of the credit sector of the economy, therefore, it establishes certain requirements for pricing in the field of banking services.

Settlement and cash services in Russian banks

In Russian banks, RKO is provided on a paid basis. However, along with the creation of prices for services credit organizations may work on the development of a special package of free additional services. So, for example, Internet banking is freely available to all Russian citizens who have signed an agreement with a credit institution.

RKO in Russia is provided to individuals and legal entities. For each group of clients, the package of banking products may have significant differences.

All commercial banks operate only within the framework of the rules and regulations of the current state legislation. Depending on solvency, credit institutions can constantly expand the range of their products in order to meet the needs of the population as much as possible.

Settlement service in rubles

1. Non-cash transactions on the account:
  • enrollment;
  • transfer within the Bank (including through the correspondent network of JSC CB COSMOS);
  • transfer through the correspondent network of the Bank of Russia;
  • transfer of tax and customs payments;
2. Transfer of funds for non-cash receipt "to the same day".
3. Transfer of funds against cash to be handed over "to the same day";
4. Assistance in the search for funds (requests).

Clients' payments are carried out within the limits of the current account balance without any restrictions, except for cases provided for by law.

Settlement documents are executed by the Bank on the day they are received, if they are received by the Bank:

Documents received after the specified time will be executed by the Bank on the next banking day. It is possible to execute settlement documents of clients during non-operational hours upon a separate request.

The exchange of payment documents between the Bank and the client can be carried out electronically, on the basis of a banking service agreement concluded using the Internet-Client software and hardware complex, which makes it possible to manage the account directly from the office.

Due to the fact that JSC CB "COSMOS" is a participant in direct settlements in Moscow (and the Moscow region), settlements with Moscow counterparties of clients are carried out within one day.

Cash services in rubles:

  1. Acceptance, recalculation and crediting to the account of cash delivered by the client;
  2. Acceptance and recalculation of coins delivered by the client with crediting of funds to the account;
  3. Cash collection;
  4. Delivery of funds;
  5. Recalculation due to the presence of shortages, surpluses, counterfeit and (or) non-payment banknotes;
  6. Registration of a check book;
    • household needs, etc.;
  7. Issuance of cash on the day of the order (if funds are available at the Bank's cash desk):
  8. Issuance of coins on request.

Settlement service in foreign currency

  1. Non-cash account transactions:
    • enrollment;
    • transfer within the Bank;
    • transfer in US dollars, Euros and other currencies in favor of beneficiaries, not clients of the Bank;
    • transfer of tax and customs payments.
  2. Cancellation, return of customer payment instructions
  3. Correction, clarification of payment instructions:
    • until execution by the Bank (including execution of new instructions);
    • after execution by the Bank.
  4. Assistance in the search for funds (requests)

When opening a current account in foreign currency, a transit account is automatically opened for the client. The mode of operation of the specified bank account is determined in accordance with regulations Bank of Russia.

All payments for bank account are carried out on the basis of payment orders - settlement documents of the client and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The client's payment documents are executed by the Bank no later than the day following the day the Bank receives the relevant payment document within the operating day regime established by the Bank.

Cash service in foreign currency:

  1. Cash withdrawal:
    • in US dollars;
    • In Euro;
  2. Acceptance of cash with crediting to a foreign currency account (in cases provided for by law).
Issuing and receiving cash

In order to receive cash, the client receives (upon request) from the Bank a check book with 50 sheets. Upon receipt of cash, the client issues a check (cash) to bearer. The check is valid for 10 days from the date of issue and entitles the bank to write off the amount issued in cash from the client's current account.

When depositing funds to the current account in cash, the client writes out an announcement for a cash deposit. The document has the details of the client and the Bank; it indicates the amount in words and the purpose of the contribution signed by the contributor. The announcement consists of three parts: data of the depositor, receipt for the depositor, order - for bank transactions on accounts. On the basis of an announcement for a contribution, the Bank credits the amount of funds received to the client's current account and capitalizes it at the cash desk.

In confirmation of the amounts debited or credited to the client's current account. The bank reports to the client with an extract from the current account.

Acceptance / issuance of cash is carried out:

  • with crediting/withdrawal on the current business day - from 9:30 to 17:00 (Monday-Thursday); from 9:30 to 16:30 (Fri.)
Operating cash desk outside the cash node or currency exchange office

In order to develop your business, the Bank may open operating cash desk or a currency exchange. Working through these divisions of the Bank will greatly simplify your cash settlements with counterparties and customers. In addition, you will receive the following benefits:

  • growth in trade;
  • growth in the number of customers due to the convenience of making payments for goods and services;
  • day-to-day crediting of trading revenue;
  • the minimum fee for the collection of funds.

JSC CB COSMOS opens accounts in the shortest possible time Russian rubles and foreign currency to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation.

To open an account, the client provides documents according to the list.

An application for opening an account is made personally by the head, chief accountant of a legal entity or a third party - a representative of a legal entity on the basis of a power of attorney to open an account with JSC CB COSMOS, issued by the head and certified by the seal of the organization.
The opening of an account is carried out by the Bank within 2 days, subject to the full compliance of the documents submitted by the Client with the requirements of the Bank and the current legislation.
When concluding an agreement on bank deposit(deposit), complete list the documents set out above are not required from the Client if the Client has a current account with JSC CB COSMOS.


In the event of amendments to the constituent documents registered in in due course, the organization provides the Bank with the originals or copies of the relevant documents certified by a notary or by the body that carried out the registration (including the Certificate of amendments to the constituent documents).
If the right to sign payment documents is granted to other persons, in addition to the head and chief accountant, then the Bank is provided with orders confirming their authority to manage the account (original or notarized copy) At the same time, in such orders, except for the chief accountant, that these persons are granted the right of the first or second signature of settlement documents.
The card with samples of signatures and seal imprints is provided in the form No. 0401026 and filled in in accordance with the Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014. "On the opening and closing of bank accounts, accounts on deposits (deposits)."