Belarusbank - VISA bank cards. Virtual card Visa Classic Virtual card of Belarusian bank

03:15 06.12.2016

You cannot withdraw money from an ATM or pay in a supermarket from a virtual card. It is designed for online shopping.

You can also use such a card when replenishing your phone balance, paying for utility bills, booking airline tickets and hotel rooms, and so on.

It does not have a physical carrier, it is simply impossible to steal or lose it, unlike the usual one. This is especially useful for everyone who often makes purchases abroad.

When issuing a virtual card, the client receives only its details. To make payments, it is enough to have its number, expiration date, first and last name of the user, as well as the CVV2 code (similar to a pin code).

However, keeping all the money on such a card is not worth it. Experts advise to credit it with only those funds that are planned to be spent on the Internet and make purchases only on the websites of well-known companies that have already proven themselves in the virtual settlement market.

The mechanism for obtaining a virtual card is simple. Most often you need to go to the bank's website and fill out an online application. Moreover, in order to start using the product, sometimes you don’t even need to visit the bank: a virtual card can be activated immediately, because only its details are required to pay for goods and services on the Internet. Most often, such a card is opened in any currency - Belarusian or Russian rubles, dollars or euros.

Today, 6 banks in the country offer virtual cards. Each of them has its own service requirements.

Bank Title (card type) Term Price Peculiarities Replenishment
Alfa BankVirtual card eCard, MasterCard 1 yearFor freeRegistration through the Alfa-Click Internet Bank. For free
Belagroprombank "Unreal card", Visa Classic 1 year3 rub.Registration through Internet banking. Free replenishment through Internet banking, Mobile Internet banking and bank devices
Belinvestbankvirtual card,
Visa Classic
1 year3 rub.Registration through Internet banking. Interest on the account - 0.01% per annum Commission 25 kop. or $0.5 (depending on card currency)
BPS-SberbankVisa Virtuon, Visa Virtuon from 1 year to 5 years4 rub. (per year of service) The application can be left on the website or in any branch of the bank. You need to pick up the card at the bank. Can be issued for physical or electr. carrier. Interest on the account - 0.01% per annum. For free
ParitetbankVisa Virtuon, Visa Virtuon 1 year3 rub.The client is given only the details of the card on hard copy. The card must be obtained from the bank. Production time - from 3 to 10 days. Interest on the account - 0.01% per annum. At the bank office by the client's account number, no commission
PriorbankVisa Internet (Virtuon), Visa Internet (Virtuon) 1 year2.5 rubles when ordering through the site, 5 rubles. - at a bank branch. Order - on the website or in a bank, a card for physical. the carrier must be obtained from the bank For free

For example, in Belinvestbank You can only issue a card using Internet banking (mobile banking). There is also a limit on the amount expense transactions: per day - no more than 3 thousand rubles, per week - no more than 5 thousand rubles. Commission for replenishment - 25 kopecks. or $0.5 (depending on the currency of the card).

Alfa Bank to receive a virtual card "ёCard" also offers to use Internet banking. What is important, obtaining such a card, unlike other banks, is free. Before the expiration date, funds can be transferred to another "eCard" without commission or plastic card with a commission of 1% + 1 dollar (if the transfer currency is dollars), or 1% + 0.8 euros (if the transfer currency is euro), or 1% + 40 rubles. (if the transfer currency is Russian rubles).

"Unreal Map" by Belagraprombank can be replenished free of charge via Internet banking, Mobile Internet banking or self-service devices with an instant transfer from another card issued by Belagroprombank. Registration fee - 3 rubles.

Visa Virtuon from BPS-Sberbank can be issued for a period of 1 to 5 years (in other banks - for a year). The fee for each year of service is 4 rubles. An application for issuing a card can be issued either online or at any branch of the bank upon presentation of an identity document.

Visa Virtuon cards from Paritybank serviced at all cash desks banking institution, as well as on all Internet sites bearing the Visa logo. You can top up the card at any bank office using the customer's account number. The account is opened in Belarusian rubles or US dollars.

To the features of Visa Internet (Virtuon) from Priorbank we can attribute the fact that when applying for it online, you need to pay 2.5 rubles, and if the client comes to the bank - as much as 5 rubles. In addition, the account on this card is kept in dollars, but the payment can be made in any currency.


The virtual card of Belarusbank is an international Visa card Classic, which is issued instantly without visiting a bank institution with subsequent access to all banking operations in remote banking systems (registration of Internet deposits, Internet loans, transfers Money etc.), and is also used as a means of payment on the Internet.

The card can be issued to a new current (settlement) account or to an existing account. A virtual card can be issued to an account in Belarusian rubles, US dollars, euros and Russian rubles.

Benefits of a virtual card

  • issuance and maintenance of the card is carried out without charging a fee;
  • a bank account is opened in seconds;
  • making transactions on any Internet sites (using the 3D-Secure password);
  • SMS-notification about debit and credit transactions without charging remuneration during the first 3 months;
  • simple card replenishment:

    in cash in the bank's institutions and in the bank's information kiosks with the cash-in function;

    by non-cash transfer of funds to the account using a virtual card in the bank's remote service system (, the bank's corporate website, using the services, Autopayment).

Detailed information about the virtual card

  • international card with an account in one of four currencies (BYN/USD/EUR/RUB)
  • the card can be issued to a new or existing account;
  • account currency - BYN/USD/EUR/RUB;
  • validity period - 2 years;

Information on the list and amounts of remuneration and fees for operations with virtual cards



the name of the operation

Amount of remuneration

Crediting non-cash funds to the accounts of individuals:

received from organizations of developers, as well as developers - legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who have signed contracts for the creation of facilities shared construction with equity holders in Belarusian rubles

0.2% of the amount

transferred from abroad using the card or its details, including through money transfers Visa Direct, Mastercard MoneySend in foreign currency

1% of the amount

in other cases:

in Belarusian rubles

3% of the amount

in foreign currency 2

1.5% of the amount

1 Remuneration in accordance with paragraphs. 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 of this list is charged if the agreement between the bank and the payer is not concluded.

The subparagraph does not apply when crediting funds:

for transfers made in accordance with paragraphs. 4.4-4.5, 7.1 of this list;

when returning funds for transactions using the details of a virtual card, as a result of which funds were transferred to the wrong recipient or in the wrong amount;

on unsuccessfully completed transactions using virtual card details;

received from charitable accounts;

on the obligations of the bank;

within the framework of the commission agreement for brokerage services in the market valuable papers concluded with the bank;

to an account in Belarusian rubles, the source of which is loans from JSC "JSSB Belarusbank";

non-state pensions and other non-state social payments;

amounts of alimony in case of payment of remuneration legal entity(individual entrepreneur).

2 The remuneration is collected in Belarusian rubles by purchasing by the bank 1.5% of the amount foreign exchange, received for crediting to the accounts of individuals, at the rate established National Bank Republic of Belarus on the day of the operation.



the name of the operation

Amount of remuneration

Account in Belarusian rubles

Account in US dollars, euro

Account in Russian rubles

Monthly fee for using the SMS-notification service for one virtual card (for each phone number)

SMS-notification about debit or credit transactions (at the choice of the client)

1.50 Bel. rub.

SMS-notification about debit and credit transactions

2.00 Bel. rub.

Providing through the Internet banking system a mini-statement on transactions made using the details of a virtual card (contains the last 10 transactions for the last 7 days)

0.35 Bel. rub.

0.2 currency units

12 ros. rub.

Cashless payment according to the details specified by the virtual card holder in the Internet banking system using the M-banking service

0.75 Bel. rub. for each payment

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles:

using the details of a virtual card from the account of one individual to the account to which the card (virtual card) of the bank of another individual is issued, in the Internet banking system, on the corporate website of the bank, using the services of M-banking, Autopayment

1.5% of the amount

without using a virtual card to the account to which a personal debit card (virtual card) of the bank has been issued, at the bank's information kiosks with the function of accepting cash (cash-in)

2.0% of the amount

using the details of the bank's virtual card to the account to which the card of another bank is issued, in the Internet banking system, on the bank's corporate website, using the M-banking service

2.5% of the amount

1 If during the reporting month no SMS messages were sent on transactions made on the account to which the debit card was issued, the remuneration for the specified period is not charged.

2 The remuneration is not applied to virtual cards during the month in which the application for activation of the "SMS-notification" service was processed in the corresponding software module of the bank, and 3 subsequent months.

3 The remuneration is not applied when making money transfer transactions (transfers) using the AIS "Settlement" (ERIP).


1 The remuneration is not applied when making money transfer transactions (transfers) using the AIS "Settlement" (ERIP).


the name of the operation

Account in Belarusian rubles

Account in US dollars, euro

Account in Russian rubles

Submission of an account statement in a bank institution (except for a statement for the current and (or) previous month) on paper

4.50 Bel. rub.

Finding out in payment system correct debiting of funds from the account, except for cases of fraudulent transactions

68.00 Bel. rub. in one operation

Registration and issuance of a certificate at the request of an individual:

about accounts, the amount of funds on the accounts, in English

21.00 Bel. rub. for 1 reference


15.00 Bel. rub. for 1 reference

Registration of copies of documents certified by the bank at the request of clients (except for light copies required by the bank in accordance with the requirements of the bank's local regulatory legal acts) for operations with accounts of individuals

8.00 Bel. rub.
per 1 document (including VAT)

1 No fee is charged when drawing up an extract for obtaining a bank loan (including an overdraft loan).

2 Remuneration is charged in case of unreasonable appeal of the operation by the client after consideration of his application.

3 Does not apply when issuing certificates for service payment transactions made via SMS-banking.


The Bank has the right to change the list and amounts of remuneration and fees for operations with virtual cards. The Bank informs about these changes on the corporate website .


the name of the operation

Account in Belarusian rubles

Account in US dollars, euro

Account in Russian rubles

Interest accrual on the amount of funds held on the client's account, % per annum

Penalty for violation of card use rules (in addition to compensation for damages), base amount

The procedure for issuing a virtual card

The card is issued in the Internet banking system without visiting the bank at a convenient time for you

For existing users of Internet banking, the card is issued as follows:

"Login" - "Accounts" - "Card Accounts" - "Card Applications/Additional Services" - "Virtual Card"

If you do not have an account in Internet banking, you must perform the following steps:

"Logging in via MSI" - "MSI Authentication"

The Internet is taking over our lives every day. Already many things are moving into the world of virtual reality. A huge number of large Internet resources have been created, where you can make a purchase of the desired thing easily and without visiting shopping centers. And the cards also decided to go to the world of the Internet.

However, if necessary, the bank may issue a card on which the basic details will be written so that you do not store them somewhere in a notebook. It differs from the usual one in that it cannot be paid in a store or withdraw money from an ATM. It lacks a magnetic stripe, chip and other attributes.

Details and data that are indicated on virtual cards:

  • Your card number;
  • Validity periods;
  • Security code CVV2/CVC2.

What are the main characteristics of virtual cards in Belarus?

A virtual bank card in many variants refers to the Master Card or Visa payment systems, which allows you to make international payments. You can safely order goods from Chinese sites or foreign Internet resources. The validity of the card is approximately from 1 month to 2 years (if there is a plastic carrier). Also, you will always have the opportunity to replenish your account if you do not have enough funds for the next new purchase.

Virtual cards are versatile and very convenient way payment for goods and services. There are no restrictions: make online purchases in all countries of the world. This is the main advantage over various Internet wallets, since they mainly operate within the same country.

The card is very easy to issue and receive. All you need to do is fill out an application online or call. You do not have to waste time waiting in line at the bank, just a couple of actions with your smartphone or laptop.

Virtual cards are a very secure means of payment. If you are afraid that someone can intercept your data and steal money, you can open an account with the optimal amount of money you need to make one purchase. Also, since there is no carrier, you will no longer lose all your funds and forget the card at ATMs.

Disadvantages of Virtual Cards

The disadvantages of such cards include the impossibility of paying for goods in the store, as well as withdrawing cash from an ATM. However, these functions perfectly perform the usual plastic cards. Also, most banks impose a number of restrictions on the validity period and payment limits.

If you plan to make online purchases via the Internet, then virtual cards are the most the best option. Their release also costs several times cheaper than conventional ones.

Currently, two types of virtual cards are issued in Minsk: VISA Virtuon and MasterCard Virtual.

On our website you can also find basic information about the possibility of ordering settlement, credit and.

07:36 30.05.2018

Virtual cards, which are offered to their customers by many banking institutions of the country, are a real protection against scammers who have recently been attacking ATMs in Belarus, stealing customer PIN codes and withdrawing money from their card accounts.

Virtual cards will be especially useful for those Belarusians who often make purchases abroad. The fact is that such a card does not have a physical carrier, and it is simply impossible to steal or lose it, unlike a regular bank card.

Recall that when issuing a virtual card, the client receives only its details. To make payments, it is enough to have a virtual card number, its expiration date, the user's first and last name, as well as the CVV2 code (similar to a pin code).

Experts advise to credit to such a card only those funds that are planned to be spent on the Internet and make purchases only on the websites of well-known companies that have already proven themselves in the virtual settlements market. We add that such a card can be used not only for purchases on the Web, but also when replenishing the balance of the phone, booking airline tickets and hotel rooms.

Today, 9 banks in the country offer virtual cards for their customers. Each of them has its own characteristics for servicing these cards.

For example, in Belinvestbank such a card is called Visa Virtuon. It can be issued only in the Internet banking system (Mobile banking). It also sets a limit on the amount of debit transactions: per day - no more than 3 thousand rubles, per week - no more than 5 thousand rubles. Account currency - Belarusian rubles, dollars, euros.

Commission for replenishment - 25 kopecks. or 0.5 dollars (depending on the currency of the card).

IN Bank BelVEB You can issue 2 virtual cards at once: MasterCard Standard and MasterCard Standard Credit. The main difference: the first can be issued in Belarusian rubles, dollars or euros, the other - only in Belarusian rubles.

Card service period - 2 years. A virtual international MasterCard Standard card is issued without visiting the bank's office using the "Internet-Bank" service. The card can be issued together with the opening of a new current (settlement) account or to an existing one, to which the bank's payment cards on a physical medium are not opened.

Alfa Bank to receive a virtual card "ёCard" also offers to use Internet banking or a mobile application. What is important, obtaining such a card, unlike some other banks, is free. Before the expiration of the card, funds can be transferred to another "ёCard" without commission. In addition, you can top up your eCard from any other Alfa-Bank card through the Alfa-Click Internet Bank or the INSYNC.BY application at reduced rates, as well as from a card of other banks through the card-to-card transfer service.

The security of online purchases is ensured by 3D-Secure technology, and card details are available only in the Alfa-Click Internet bank and the INSYNC.BY mobile application. You can get a card individuals who have reached the age of 18 and have at least one other "physical" Alfa-Bank card.

Note that one person can open no more than 9 virtual eCard cards (3 cards for each type of currency - Russian rubles, dollars, euros).

Another feature of "eCard" is that since they are issued on the processing of the Russian Alfa-Bank, they can be added to Samsung Pay and Apple Pay payment services, and then pay with a phone or smart watch.

"Unreal Map" by Belagroprombank can be replenished for free using the service instant translation from card to card through remote channels banking services Belagroprombank ( Internet banking, mobile applications kiosks and ATMs). Registration fee - 3 rubles, term - 1 year. Account currency - Belarusian rubles, US dollars, euros, Russian rubles.

The card allows you to freely and safely make payments on the Internet, including using 3D-Secure technology (Verified by VISA and Mastercard SecureCode), which can be connected both in the Internet banking system and in Belagroprombank mobile applications. An application for a card can be left on the official website of the Bank.

It offers cards of two payment systems at once: MasterCard Virtual and Visa Virtuon, valid for 1 to 5 years. At the same time, they can be issued in four currencies: BYN, USD, EUR, RUB.

The key point for cardholders is that the bank will not charge you a penny for registration and use. An application for issuance can be issued either online or at any branch of the bank upon presentation of an identity document. Card transactions in the terminal network are not provided, and there is no possibility of setting an overdraft on the account. But there is a free replenishment at information kiosks, cash desks of the Bank, using P2P transfers within one holder.

Visa Virtuon and MasterCard Virtual cardholders have access to all the features of the Sberbank Online and Mobile Bank Internet banking systems, as well as SMS banking and SMS notification services.

Visa Virtuon cards from Paritybank are serviced at all cash desks of a banking institution, as well as on all Internet sites bearing the Visa logo. You can top up the card at any bank office using the customer's account number.

The card is issued with a validity period of 1 year, with the opening of a client account in Belarusian rubles or dollars. The cost of the issue is 3 rubles, the positive balance of funds on the client's account provides for the accrual of interest in the amount of 0.01% per annum. Card production time - from 3 to 10 days.

To the features of Visa Internet (Virtuon) from Priorbank we can attribute the fact that when applying for it online, you need to pay 2.5 rubles, and if the client comes to the bank, then as much as 5 rubles. In addition, the account on this card is maintained in dollars, but the calculation can be made in any currency.

An Internet card from Priorbank is accepted in all trade and service companies that accept Visa cards and do not require the provision of real plastic.

MTBank offers to issue an ICS Card, add any virtual bank cards (PayOkay, Autocard, Halva+, etc.) to it in a mobile application and take advantage of the following bonuses: interest-free installments, cashback for any purchases, bonus points for purchases, favorable exchange rates abroad , insurance for traveling abroad as a gift, increased cashback when paying for fuel and car services, Tax Free refund with a 5% bonus on the card, as well as free online replenishment from a card of any bank.

The card is issued for a period of 3 years, the issuance of the ICS Card is free. Issue and maintenance of the 1st virtual card - 19.90 rubles. The 2nd card is issued with a 50% discount, the 3rd - with an 80% discount, and the 4th and subsequent cards are issued with a free first year of service.

Virtual card from BTA Bank issued for a period of 3 years. The issue fee is 1 ruble or 0.5 dollar/euro.

An important feature: for all Visa Virtuon cards of BTA Bank, a daily limit is set on the number and amount of transactions. In Belarusian rubles - 2 thousand rubles, in dollars - 3 thousand dollars, in euros - 3 thousand euros. The limit is also provided for the number of transactions - no more than 15 per day.

Visa Virtuon card can be replenished in the following ways: in cash at BTA Bank cash points, by replenishing the current (settlement) account using a card or by transferring funds from card to card in the BTA.BY Internet banking system.

the site has prepared a comparative table for those virtual cards that the country's banks offer today.

Title (card type)



Alfa Bank

For free

Free from eCard card, from Alfa-Bank card - bank cards - 1% of the amount + 1 dollar / 0.8 euro / 40 Russian rubles

Bank BelVEB

For free. The fee is charged only for opening a current account (8 rubles)

For free

in bank branches, retail business centers, banking service centers, cash settlement centers, exchange offices.

If the account is opened in the Internet banking service, then replenishment through the ERIP system is also made free of charge.


Free replenishment from a Belagroprombank client card through remote banking channels (Internet banking, mobile applications, info kiosks and ATMs)