Theoretical judgments about banks and banking activities in the macroeconomic environment. Financial system Legal regulation of financial activities in the Russian Federation

The concept of a bank comes from the Italian language, and in translation means a bench, a table. Banchieri - the so-called money changers and usurers in medieval Italy.

Bank- This financial institution, which performs various types of operations with money and securities. Banks are financial institutions that provide Financial services government, individuals and legal entities. Bank Properties:

  • making a profit;
  • implementation of banking operations;
  • opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • activity on the basis of a state license;
  • lack of rights to carry out trade, production or insurance activities.

Bank types not numerous: central banks and commercial ones. Central banks- regulate the banking system at the state level, including the issuance national currency. Commercial banks conduct business activities in the banking system.

Commercial banks are of three types:

  • investment banks (investments, securities);
  • savings banks (deposits, deposits);
  • universal (all kinds banking).

Functions of banks.

  1. Keeping the client's money: the first historically, and still one of the main functions of the bank.
  2. Transfer of money from one client to another by bank transfer (by changing the relevant records).
  3. Loans(loans have a stimulating effect on the production sector of the economy and on entrepreneurship; in addition, another positive aspect of this function is the creation of additional money supply).
  4. In the resources of banks, attracted and borrowed capital prevails over its own, which entails increased responsibility to depositors and creditors.
  5. Simultaneous work with clients from different fields of activity, including with opponents (competitors).

Bank resources consist of equity and borrowed funds. Equity- this is a reserve fund of the bank, a means of protection in case of loss of liquidity by the bank and the need to return deposits. Equity capital consists of:

  • authorized capital ( minimum size bank property)
  • funds at the expense of profit;
  • additional capital (income on the sale of securities, on exchange rate differences and the difference in the revaluation of fixed assets).

Raising funds in the resources of the bank is:

  • deposits of individuals and legal entities;
  • interbank loans;
  • bank bills and bonds.

Banking system.

Banking system is a complex of all types of national banks and credit institutions. Structure of the banking system consists of two levels.

At the top level, the central or issuing bank, which regulates the activities of the entire system. On the lower level commercial banks(universal and specialized - investment, savings, mortgage, credit, etc.).

The main elements in the infrastructure of the banking system:

  • legislative norms;
  • rules for performing transactions;
  • accounting, reporting and database processing;
  • the structure of the management apparatus (management).

The banking infrastructure is something without which the banking system cannot develop normally; it represents for banks the same regulator of behavior as for a person - moral and legal norms.

Speaking about banks and the system of banks, one cannot fail to mention the concept bank secrecy- a kind of bank code of honor. In some countries, all bank employees are prohibited from distributing information about customers, their accounts and movements of funds.


1.Choose correct judgments about banking entities and write down numbers, under which they are listed.

1) Commercial banks can be engaged in the production of material values.

2) The Central Bank can accept deposits and issue loans.

3) The Central Bank may establish certain financial standards that all credit institutions must comply with.

4) Commercial banks can engage in trade and property insurance.

5) Commercial banks can engage in lending to enterprises, the state and the population.

2. Establish a correspondence between the measures of state regulation of the economy and its methods: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

3. A financial adviser explains to his client the difference between preferred shares and shares. ordinary. What rights conferred by preferred shares should the consultant highlight? Choose the correct positions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) These shares give the right to participate in the management of the company.

2) These shares give the right to receive a fixed dividend.

3) The amount of the dividend on these shares and the liquidation value are determined in a firm sum of money or as a percentage of face value preference shares.

4) These shares give a priority right to receive a part of the property of the company in the event of its bankruptcy.

4) Large enterprises open their deposit accounts with the Central Bank.

D) freedom of enterprise

D) cyclical development of the economy

1) Market

2) command

6. The government of state T managed to reduce the state budget deficit by reducing spending on content of the state apparatus. What other expenditure items can be contained in the state budget?

3) public debt service

3. Rising resource prices generate supply-side inflation.

4. One of the causes of inflation is increased competition between producers.

5. The consequences of inflation include the growth of real wages of workers. Answer:

8. Establish a correspondence between the types of costs and specific examples of costs: for each position, given in the first column, select the appropriate item from the second column


A) the cost of raw materials and materials 1) fixed

B) rent for premises 2) variables

B) utility bills

D) employee salaries

D) insurance payments Answer _______________

9. Nadezhda is 40 years old, she is a housewife. A woman maintains order in the house, takes care of her husband working on large enterprise. To what categories of the population can Nadezhda be attributed? Select the required positions from the proposed list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) able-bodied

2) part-time

3) not included in the labor force

4) desperate to find a job

5) temporarily unemployed

6) Busy Answer:

10. Select the correct judgments about taxation and write down numbers,under which they are listed.

1) Proportional taxation means that the tax depends on the amount of income.

2) When proportional taxation high incomes are charged a higher percentage than low incomes.

3) Under a progressive system, as income increases, the tax rate increases.

4) The consumer is interested in maintaining market competition.

5) In a market economy, it is beneficial for the consumer to increase taxes on the producer.

14. Select the correct judgments about economic growth and write down numbers,under which they are listed.

1) GDP growth always indicates economic growth in the country.

2) Availability natural resources higher quality is both a condition and an indicator of extensive economic growth.

3) The need to attract additional workers indicates extensive economic growth.

4) Scientific organization of labor is an indicator of intensive economic growth.

5) Intensive economic growth can be judged by the improvement of the professional skills of workers.

15.Find examples of the functioning of the capital market in the list below. Write down the numbers below by which they are indicated

1) Based on the volume of customer orders, the automotive market should remain stable.

2) Patients are willing to pay a high price to get better quality medical care.

3) Under conditions financial crisis there was a decrease in the price of shares of large companies.

4) In a fairly short period of time, a modern market of educational services has developed.

5) Five banks were banned from selling bonds in euros and issuing shares in favor of European investors.

6) The decline in the traditional telephone market is offset by revenues from mobile and data services.

16. Bought a preferred share of one of the industrial companies. What rights does he acquires by becoming the owner of this share? Write down the numbers under which these rights are indicated.

1) to receive a fixed dividend, regardless of the vote of shareholders

2) to receive the amount of debt, certified by a security, within the specified period

3) to receive part of the proceeds after dividends on ordinary shares are paid

4) to receive a part of the profit, depending on its value

5) to manage a joint-stock company through participation in a meeting of shareholders

6) to receive a certain part of the property in the event of liquidation of the company before it is divided among the owners of ordinary shares Answer:

17. Japan, where land is a rather scarce resource, but there is a highly skilled worker power, manufactures and supplies video cameras, automobiles and electronics to the world market. In recent years The global market is increasingly feeling the impact of the growing electronics industry in Korea and the United States. What phenomena does this situation illustrate? Write down the numbers under which these phenomena are indicated.

1) inflation

2) competition

3) monopolization

4) specialization

4) public investment

5) income from the activities of private enterprises

6) income from the issue of money

21. Select the correct judgments about the economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) B market economy coordination of relationships between firms is carried out through voluntary agreements between sellers and buyers based on the mechanism of supply and demand.

2) The coordination of relationships between firms requires certain costs associated with the implementation of market transactions, in particular the cost of finding information about suppliers and buyers, goods, prices, etc.

3) In conditions of perfect competition, the firm is not able to influence the price and can only choose the volume of production.

4) The firm has access to complete and reliable information regarding the situation in the markets for goods and factors of production.

5) All actions of the firm as economic entity are rational.




A) occurs when there is a decline in production

B) covers all areas of production

C) is caused by changes in the structure of demand and production technology

D) can lead to severe social upheaval

D) can lead to severe social upheaval

D) leads to the need for the emergence of new professions

1) cyclic

2) structural

26. Select from the list of functions that are unique to the Central Bank. .

1) making settlements and payments on the farm

2) credit mediation

3) accumulation and mobilization of money capital

5) maintaining the stability of the ruble exchange rate

6) the implementation of money emission

27.Choose correct judgments about the state in a market economy.

1) The state in a market economy should not care about creating conditions for economic growth.

2) One of the functions of the state in a market economy is the creation of its legal framework.

3) Economic functions states in a market economy are determined by the needs of its normal functioning, ensuring competition and private entrepreneurship.

4) In countries with a market economy, there is no state property.

5) One of the functions of the state in market conditions is to compensate for negative external effects.

28. Match the view economic system and its features:


A) production is determined by customs 1) market

B) primitive technologies 2) traditional

B) the main goal is to make a profit

D) free pricing

D) commodity production

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

29. What taxes does the company pay? Find the required items in the list below and write down the numbers under which these taxes are indicated.

1) income tax

3) personal income tax

30. Establish a correspondence between the manifestations of development and the paths of economic growth.

31. In order not to yield the market to Japanese manufacturers, the American automobile companies General Motor, Ford and Chrysler began to work hard to improve the quality of their cars. What economic phenomena can be illustrated by this situation?

1) factors of production

2) competition

3) monopolization

4) specialization

5) inflation

6) stagnation

32. Choose correct judgments about the role of the state in market conditions and write down the numbers.

1) One of the functions of the state in market conditions is the fight against the monopolization of the economy.

2) The state in a market economy is called upon to support vulnerable segments of the population.

3) The most important function of the state is the creation of public goods.

4) The state in market conditions regulates the prices of essential goods.

5) The process of privatization means the transfer private property into the hands of the state.

33. Establish a correspondence between the types of labor markets and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) labor supply increases in co - 1) competitive

demand 2) monopolized

B) the firm of large employers dictates the salary

B) there are several large companies operating in the labor market

D) workers of the same profession independently offer their labor power

34. The owner of a barbershop paid interest on a loan taken from a bank. What additional Does it have to bear fixed costs in the short run? Select fixed costs from the list below and write down numbers, under which they are listed.

2) the cost of buying hair dryers

3) salaries for hairdressers

5) expenses for the purchase of hair care products

6) payment of insurance premiums ANSWER _____________

35. Choose the correct judgments about factors of production and factor income

1) The organizational and legal form of the enterprise belongs to the factors of production.

2) Income from capital is rent.

3) Entrepreneurial ability is one of the factors of production.

4) The value of labor as a factor of production in modern conditions is declining.

5) Capital as a factor of production includes machinery and equipment. Answer ___________

36. is the owner of the dacha. Every year he pays tax on this property object. What else, besides the property tax, refers to direct taxes? Select the items you want from the following below the list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) inheritance tax

2) excise tax

3) personal income tax

4) customs duty

5) income tax

6) sales tax Answer:

37. Select the correct judgments about the conditions for the emergence of a market economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The regularity of the exchange.

38. Establish a correspondence between the types of budget items and their specific expression: for each position, given in the first column, select the appropriate item from the second column.


A) excise duties 1) expenditure items

5) money issue

40. Establish a correspondence between the types of markets and their features:

41. Students of a socio-economic profile conduct a seminar “Joint-stock companies in modern economy". One of the speeches concerns the status ordinary share. Which of the following should be noted in this presentation? write down numbers, under which the correct positions are indicated.

1) gives the right to participate in the management of the company

2) gives the right to receive a fixed dividend

3) gives a priority right to receive the property of the company in case of its bankruptcy

4) gives the right to an unconditional return of its face value upon maturity

5) gives the right to receive non-fixed dividends in case of relevant decisions

6) is an equity security

42. Choose the right judgments about the nature of market relations and types markets and write downnumbersunder which they are listed.

1) Producer competition improves the quality of goods.

2) Monopolization of the market leads to lower prices for goods and services.

3) The market of free competition is distinguished by easy entry for enterprises and difficult exit.

4) Market competition consumer competition.

5) In an oligopoly, price control is possible with collusion.

43. Establish a correspondence between the phases of the business cycle and the examples given:

A) the first car of the new model rolled off the factory assembly line

B) in difficult war years, people brought clothes and dishes to the markets in order to buy some food

B) sowing works are being completed in the farms of the region

D) a new enterprise for the production of household chemicals was launched

E) part of the grain of the new crop was sent to the state reserve fund

44. Select the correct judgments about consumer savings.

1) The growth of consumer savings is facilitated by an increase in its income.

2) The absence of a shortage of goods helps to increase savings.

4) The growth of savings is facilitated by an increase income tax.

5) An increase in consumer spending leads to an increase in savings.

45. Establish a correspondence between the functions and the banks that carry them out.


A) carry out lending juris - 1) central banks

2) commercial banks

B) carry out the state monetary policy

D) regulate the activities of credit institutions

D) carry out lending to individuals

46. ​​Two automakers teamed up to create a new supercar. Which of the following applies to the fixed capital of this production association?

2) equipment

3) semi-finished products

4) fuel

6) financial investments

47. Select the correct judgments about the factors contributing to the efficiency of production in market conditions, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The efficiency of production in market conditions is affected by the use of the benefits of the international division of labor.

2) Factors contributing to the efficiency of production in a market environment include the introduction of new taxes.

3) Increasing the efficiency of production in a market economy is determined by state regulation of production costs.

4) Investment policy- one of the factors contributing to the efficiency of production in market conditions.

5) Production efficiency in market conditions is determined by general trends in the development of the economy.

48. Establish a correspondence between the features of wages and its types


A) accrued to employees for reflection - 1) nominal

nerd time 2) real

B) is expressed in material goods and services

B) depends on the prices of the purchased goods

D) accrued to employees for overtime work

D) is accrued to employees for a certain quantity and quality of work performed

49. Canada and Australia have a lot of land, and the population is dispersed over large areas. In connection with these conditions, firms have arisen here that grow and supply wheat, fodder crops and cattle to the world market. They care about concluding the most profitable deals. What processes taking place in these countries is evidenced by the given example? Write down the numbers under which these processes are indicated.

1) inflation

2) specializations

3) monopolization

4) competition

50. Select the correct judgments about the conditions for the emergence of a market economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The regularity of the exchange.

2) Transition to parliamentary democracy.

3) Spread of the scientific worldview.

4) Deepening public division labor.

5) The emergence of the rule of law.

51. Establish a correspondence between the types of budget items and their specific expression: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



C) excise duties 1) expenditure items

4) pass state registration

5) make a deposit

6) choose the organizational and legal form of the enterprise


"Banking system"

Tasks for training

1 Which of the following examples is a consumer loan?

1) The Ivanovs took out a bank loan to pay for their summer holidays.

2) The Petrovs took out a loan to buy a country house on bail

future building.

3) Due to the state budget deficit, the government resorted to

to borrowing in foreign markets.

4) Individual entrepreneur Lisitsyn took a loan to open

new outlets.

2 Which of the following applies to the functions of the Central Bank?

1) issue of shares and other securities

3) implementation of currency exchange operations for citizens

4) lending to individual entrepreneurs

3 If, in a downturn in the economy, there is a reduction in the output of GDP, investment and employment, then the Central Bank should

1) raise the discount rate

2) lower the discount rate

3) increase the bank reserve ratio

4) increase the purchase of securities

4 Are the following statements about the Central Bank of Russia correct? A. The Central Bank of Russia is economically independent.

B. The Central Bank of Russia has the exclusive right to issue money.

5 Are the following statements about the Central Bank correct?

A. The Central Bank issues and revokes banking licenses for private banks.

B. The central bank controls the money supply and issues money.

6 The required reserve ratio in Russia is set

1) each commercial bank on one's own

2) Central Bank of Russia

3) Government of the Russian Federation

4) Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

7 Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the functions of the Central Bank.

1) determination of the refinancing rate

2) issuance of consumer loans

3) money issue

4) setting foreign exchange rates

5) federal property management

6) supervision of the activities of credit institutions

8 Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are connected with the activities of the Central Bank.

1) emission, 2) nationalization, 3) discount rate of interest, 4) depreciation, 5) reserve rate, 6) licensing.

Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Answer: ___________________________.

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1) managers salary

2) division of labor

3) room rental fee

4) attracting loans

10 Which of the following is a source of business financing?

1) managers salary

2) investor funds

3) room rental fee

4) payment of interest on previously taken loans

11 Which of the following is true about the functions central bank?

1) household lending

2) issue of money

3) company settlements

4) attracting citizens' savings to accounts

A. The central bank keeps a reserve fund of other lending institutions. B. Commercial banks conduct cash payments and settlements of firms and individuals.

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13 Are the following statements about the banking system correct?

A. Commercial banks act as intermediaries in payments between economic entities, in transactions with securities.

B. The Central Bank provides loans to individuals and organizations.

14 Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the types of non-cash money.

Find two terms that “drop out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Answer: ___________________________.

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15 Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“The London Stock Exchange, officially known as the International Stock Exchange of Great Britain and Ireland, is the largest in Europe. In the quotation list of the London stock exchange present more

______(A) than any of three largest world exchanges. London is an important international ______(B), playing a key role in currency trading, international ______(C) and bond trading.

After the ______(G) held in 1986, nicknamed the "big push", the London Stock Exchange has undergone dramatic changes. Was created electronic system information "Automated Stock Quotes", and trading, during which ______ (D) directly communicated with each other, is a thing of the past. Banks and other large financial institutions have equipped their own trading premises. Transactions increasingly began to take place between individual investors and "market makers" - firms owning significant ______(E)".

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1) bank lending

2) issue of national currency

3) brokers

4) foreign companies

5) reorganization

6) social transfers

7) shareholdings

8) Finance center

9) government

The table below lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Answer: A B C D E F

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Banking system grade 10

2 Are the following statements about the central bank correct?

A. The Central Bank heads the commercial banks and directs their activities.

B. The central bank controls the money supply and issues money.


only A is correct


only B is correct


both statements are correct


both statements are wrong

3 Are the following statements about the banking system correct?

The central bank lends to commercial banks.

Commercial banks work with the savings of citizens and the capital of firms.


only A is correct


only B is correct


both statements are correct


both statements are wrong

4 central bank


accepts deposits from citizens


issues mortgage loans


issues money


approves laws governing economic activity

5 The central bank, unlike commercial banks,


carries out financial transactions


issues money


participates in bidding for currency exchange


works with deposits of citizens and firms

6 Are the following statements about financial institutions correct?

Financial institutions include banks and insurance companies.

Through financial institutions in a market economy, funds are allocated for maintaining economic activity.


only A is correct


only B is correct


both statements are correct


both statements are wrong

7 The growth of consumer savings is primarily facilitated by


improving the quality of goods and services


income increase


no shortage of goods


income tax increase

8 Central Bank of the Russian Federation


accepts citizens' savings into accounts


provides loans to individuals and businesses


licenses commercial banks


claims the state budget

9 In which of the following situations are we talking about mortgage loan?


Citizen M. took a bank loan to buy a mink coat.


Citizen N. issued a loan to purchase an apartment.


The trading network received a loan from a commercial bank for the purchase of goods.


A state-owned enterprise received a loan for the purchase of equipment.

10 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the concept of "central bank".

1) Issue of money; 2) licensing of financial organizations; 3) establishing discount rate; 4) adoption of the state budget; 5) opening deposits; 6) providing government accounts.

Find two terms that “fall out” of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table

12 central bank


attracts household savings to deposits


issues money


issues consumer loans


finances commercial firms

13 Bank Z is located in the business district of the nation's capital. What evidence can be used to establish that Z

numbers 1)

The bank issues money.


The Bank provides loans to individuals.


The bank attracts funds from citizens and companies for deposits.


The Bank licenses the activities of financial organizations.


The bank sets the discount rate.


The bank services the settlements of firms.

14 Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them,

1) storage of the gold and foreign exchange reserve of the state ; 2) buying and selling currency ; 3) sale of travelers checks ; 4) servicing company accounts ; 5) monopoly issue of money ; 6) .

15 Country Z has a two-tier banking system functioning central and commercial banks. Find the functions of a central bank in the list below. write downnumbers under which they are listed.




opening deposits and accounts for individuals


monopoly issue of money


determination of the key (discount) interest rate


receiving utility bills

numbers under which they are listed. 1)

loan interest




deposit interest




transport tax


communal payments




monopoly issue of money


lending to the population


storage of gold and foreign exchange reserves of the state


licensing of financial organizations


making payments between firms


central bank


commercial banks

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

18 office financial organization N is located in the suburbs of the state capital. What evidence can be used to establish that N

numbers under which these signs are indicated. 1)

The organization keeps the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the country.


The organization forms investment portfolios firms.


The organization serves the accounts of firms.


The organization makes transfers of funds.


The organization sets the key (discount) interest rate.


The organization monopoly issues money.

19 Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them,
with the exception of two, belong to the field of activity of commercial banks.

1) opening and maintenance of bank cards ; 2) buying and selling currency ; 3) accepting funds from citizens on deposit ; 4) servicing company accounts ; 5) setting a key (discount) rate ; 6) issue of money .

Find two functions that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

20 Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the field of activity of commercial banks.

1) establishment of a key (discount) interest rate ; 2) buying and selling currency ; 3) sale of travelers checks ; 4) servicing company accounts ; 5) issue of money ; 6) opening and maintenance of deposits of citizens .

Find two functions that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

21 Below is a list of functions. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the functions of the central bank.

1) issue of money ; 2) licensing of financial organizations ; 3) establishing key (discount) rate ; 4) adoption of the state budget ; 5) opening deposits to individuals ; 6) storage of gold and foreign exchange reserves .

Find two functions that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

22 Below is a list of functions performed by banks. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the field of activity of commercial banks.

1) deposit service ; 2) currency exchange ; 3) setting a key (discount) rate ; 4) issuance of consumer loans ; 5) monopoly issue of money ; 6) financial advice .

Find two functions that "fall out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Write in x

USE tasks on the topic "Banks"

3. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to the concept of "methods of monetary reform"

1) deflation; 2) denomination; 3) diversification; 4) differentiation; 5) devaluation; 6) revaluation. Find two terms that fall out of the row and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

9 . Bank C. Credits the development of innovations, implementation of n-t. achievements. Choose from the proposed listcharacteristics of this bank and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) savings bank 2) Central bank 3) innovative bank

4) specialized bank 5) financial institution

6) insurance company

8. Establish a correspondence between securities and the types to which they belong: for eachposition given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Securities Types of securities

A) privatization voucher 1) loan certificate

B) bill of exchange 2) certificate of ownership

B) a bond

D) share

D) savings certificate

9. Bank L represents financing and long-term lending by investing in industry, construction and other industries, as well as in securities. Select the characteristics of this bank from the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) mortgage bank 2) financial institution 3) investment bank 4) savings bank 5) specialized bank 6) insurance company

1. Write down the word missing in the table fragment.

Specialized banks

8. Establish a correspondence between the functions and levels of the banking system to which they relate: for each position given in the first column, match the corresponding position from the second column.

Functions Levels of the banking system

A) lending to enterprises 1) Central Bank

B) money issue 2) commercial banks

B) customer service

D) mobilization of free Money population

D) storage of the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves

2 . In the row below, find the concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts presented.. Write down this word (phrase).

Savings bank; mortgage bank; specialized bank; investment bank, innovation bank.

7 . Choose the correct judgments about securities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share is a certificate of a cash deposit in a bank on the return of this deposit and interest on it after a specified period.

2) A security certifying ownership of a share in the capital of an enterprise and giving the right to receive part of its profits is called a share.

3) Securities are registered and bearer.

4) The bond gives its owner the right to participate in the management of the company and receive dividends.

5) The bill gives the owner the right to demand its repayment on time.

25. What meaning do social scientists invest in the concept of the banking system? Attracting knowledge of the social science course,make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the functions of the banking system, and one sentence revealing the structure of the banking system of countries with advanced economy.

20. Read the text below,where a number of words are missing. Choose from the suggested list of words to fill in the gaps.

“Stock _________ (A) is a place where the purchase and sale of securities takes place. Her activities in developed countries is under strict control by _________ (B). From the average __________ (C) of transactions concluded on it, _____________ (D) securities (shares and __________ (D)) issued by individual __________ (E) are added.

List of terms:

  1. Course 2) contract 3) price 4) state 5) company 6) infrastructure

7) exchange 8) information 9) bond

20. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Monetary policy is the measures taken by the government through the Central Bank in the field of monetary circulation and ____________ (A), aimed at ensuring the sustainable, efficient functioning of the economy. The goal of monetary policy is to help the economy achieve a level of ______________(B) that will provide full ____________(C) and no (D). Operations on the open market are carried out by the Central Bank, which sells government securities, paying a high _________ (D) on them, attracts funds from investors to cover the budget __________ (E)”.

List of terms: 1) interest 2) deficit 3) employment 4) deposit 5) production 6) credit 7) mortgage 8) inflation 9) modernization

7. Select the correct judgments about financial institutions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The Central Bank issues money and is the main link in the financial and credit system of the country.

2) All financial institutions accept deposits.

3) pension funds specialize in lending for sales of consumer goods in installments and issuing consumer loans.

4) The central bank sets the discount rate.

5) Financial institutions provide money transfer and loan services.




25) B.S. the totality of banks, credit institutions and individual banks operating in the country economic organizations performing Bank operations. 1) B.S. regulates inflation, balance of payments, provides the economic growth. 2) In countries with developed economies, a two-tier system has developed: the Central Bank and commercial banks and financial institutions.


9) 235

1) mortgage

8) 21221

2) specialized bank

7) 235

20) 743195

20) 653812