Cash settlement services for clients. Cash settlement services for bank clients

Servicing all types of bank accounts in rubles and foreign currencies. Internet banking services. International payments, currency control. Letters of credit in rubles, bank guarantees.

A full range of settlement and cash services. Opening and maintaining accounts in rubles and foreign currencies, settlements under letters of credit and collection, receiving and issuing cash Money, registration of transaction passports for export and import contracts, carrying out conversion operations.

Settlement and cash services– this is a list of services that allow the bank to ensure settlement transactions on the client’s account.

Advantages of registering settlement and cash services at J&T Bank:

  • Personal approach to our clients;
  • Personal consultant when opening an account;
  • Confidentiality guaranteed.

Tariffs for settlement and cash services

Required documents for opening an account

    Current accounts are opened for companies and entrepreneurs registered in Russian Federation, as well as non-resident firms. The account opening procedure takes no more than 3 banking days from the date of submission of the package of documents.

    For resident legal entities

    List of documents for opening an account for a resident legal entity
    Application for opening an account

    For individual entrepreneurs

    List of documents for opening an account for an individual entrepreneur
    Agreement for opening a current account in rubles
    Agreement on opening a current account in foreign currency
    Application for opening an account
    Application for opening an additional account

    For non-resident legal entities

    List of documents for opening an account for a non-resident legal entity
    Agreement for opening a current account in rubles
    Agreement on opening a current account in foreign currency
    Application for opening an account
    Application for opening an additional account

How to arrange cash settlement services? How to open an account?

In order to receive a current account, you need to contact the J&T Bank office, bringing with you all the necessary list of documents, as well as a completed application for opening.

After checking and considering the application, the bank’s specialists will draw up an appropriate agreement, which will indicate tariffs for services, details, as well as a list of services that the client plans to use for the duration of the agreement.

For more detailed information, please call:

Irina Novikova: +7 495 662 45 45 – ext. 024

Cash settlement services at SOYUZ Bank meet the highest standards - speed, quality, reliability and convenience for clients who are offered the widest range of cash transactions, all types of documentary payments accepted in international banking practice (documentary letters of credit and collection, foreign trade guarantees) .

The rates and tariffs are determined based on the usual banking practice of performing relevant transactions.

The fee for servicing the client's account is charged by SOYUZ Bank on a monthly basis, starting from the month in which the corresponding account was opened. If there are no transactions on the account within one month, no fee will be charged for cash management services. Transaction fees are charged daily on the day of the transaction.

Tariffs indicated in foreign currency, are charged in foreign currency or in ruble equivalent, calculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day the service is provided, at the discretion of SOYUZ Bank.

If the client refuses this order, the paid commission amount is not refundable.

The bank has the right to offer the client a range of banking services with the determination of a different cost and execution of an additional agreement to the bank account agreement or other agreement.

The Bank has the right to make, as necessary, changes to the specified tariffs with notification of this to clients no later than the deadlines determined by the bank account agreement and other agreements concluded between SOYUZ Bank and the client.

Operational service time legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

1. Time for operational servicing of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (the time during which payment documents are accepted for transactions on the current date) of legal entities (except for credit organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for payment documents presented on paper:

    From 9:30 a.m. until 13 o'clock 00 min. local time for external payments, from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. 00 min. for domestic payments.

    On Friday and before holidays - from 9:30 a.m. until 13 o'clock 00 min local time for external payments, from 9:30 am. until 16 o'clock 00 min. local time for domestic payments.

    Payment documents are not accepted on weekends and holidays.

2. Time for operational servicing of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (the time during which payment documents are accepted via the RBS (Remote Banking) system for conducting transactions on the current date) legal entities (except for credit organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for payment documents:

    From Monday to Thursday (except weekends, holidays and pre-holidays): from 9:30 a.m. until 16 o'clock 30 minutes local time for external payments, from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. 00 min. local time for domestic payments.

    On Friday and pre-holiday days: from 9:30 a.m. until 15:00 30 min. local time for external payments, from 9:30 a.m. until 16 o'clock 00 min. local time for domestic payments.

    Payment documents are not accepted on weekends and holidays.

3. Cash service time for BANK clients - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

    From Monday to Thursday (except weekends, holidays and pre-holidays): from 9:30 a.m. until 16 o'clock 00 min. by local time. On Friday and pre-holidays: from 9:30 a.m. until 15:00 00 min. by local time.

    There is no cash service on weekends and holidays.

Tariffs of SOYUZ Bank (JSC) for settlement and cash services, effective from October 21, 2019

Information for clients on opening, maintaining and closing accounts, lists and standard forms of documents

Lists of documents for opening accounts

Documents for opening, maintaining and closing accounts

  • Rules for opening and maintaining bank accounts for clients - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs at SOYUZ Bank
  • Offer-Application for opening a trust account
  • Rules for opening and maintaining trust accounts
  • Offer-Application for opening a special bank account for the supplier
  • Rules for opening and maintaining special supplier bank accounts
  • Offer-Application for opening a special bank account of a paying agent
  • Rules for opening and maintaining special bank accounts of a paying agent
  • Offer-Application for opening a special bank account for the debtor, intended for crediting funds received from the sale of the pledged item, and for satisfying the claims of creditors at the expense of such funds

Last update: 01/21/2020

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine “site”! In this article we will talk about cash management services for legal and individuals, why this is necessary and how to choose a bank with low (good) tariffs for cash settlement services.

Due to the growing popularity non-cash payments And obligation to work with a current account, RKO becomes an integral part of our lives and is necessary for absolutely everyone, from the ordinary pensioner before entrepreneur or, especially, a large company.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is cash management services?
  • What advantages and functions does it have?
  • What is the difference between cash settlement services for individuals and legal entities;
  • By what criteria and comparative characteristics select a bank.

Of course, entrusting your current account to a bank is a responsible decision and requires the most serious approach, because the company’s costs and security depend on it monetary transactions and, accordingly, its profitability.

So how do you decide on the choice of a partner bank and what to pay attention to? Read about this and more right now!

What is cash settlement services, what function does settlement and cash services perform for legal entities (LLC, individual entrepreneurs, etc.) and ordinary citizens, how to choose a bank with the best tariffs for cash settlement services - you will learn about all this by reading the article to the end

1. Cash settlement services (CSS) - what is it and who needs it 🗒

RKO (settlement and cash services) is a system of banking services that allows you to service accounts of individuals and legal entities and carry out transactions for transferring funds in various currencies.

To use such opportunities, a potential client must provide the bank with certain documents, enter into an appropriate agreement with the bank and comply with the requirements of existing legislation and internal bank regulations.

All legal subtleties of RKO are determined by the Law “ About banks and banking ", Civil Code of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts TSB RF(for example, such provisions as “on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation”, “on the procedure for conducting cash transactions in credit institutions” and others)

Is it possible to do without cash management services?

Both individuals and organizations today need to use non-cash money circulation, in one form or another.

Accordingly, we can do without RKO impossible when conducting any non-cash transactions, withdrawal or deposit of cash into an account (including payment, money transaction etc.), maintaining accounts in various currencies and receiving statements of transactions performed on the current account.

2. Settlement and cash services for legal entities - a mechanism for servicing bank clients 🖇

With cash settlement services for legal entities, the credit institution conducts all operations on their current accounts. Among which, listing salaries, pensions, scholarships and other payments. Transactions can be carried out both in rubles and in other foreign currencies. We wrote in more detail about this in one of our previous materials.

Fundamental services in this area can usually be classified as:

  • calculations without in cash;
  • cash payments;
  • preparation of account statements.

When carrying out work on accounts and cash transactions, banks use special forms, the most commonly used of which are:

  1. payment order (when using a current account for payment), it is also called “form 0401060”;
  2. form for depositing cash into a bank account;
  3. checks issued when cash is withdrawn from an account.

Having signed an agreement on cash settlement services, the company has the right get a checkbook, which serves as a tool for cashing out money to use it to pay employees and other needs of the company.

Banks can offer not only basic, but also additional services, for example, collection, remote access to working with a current account (this system is called “ Bank-Client »).

But, if basic services are provided free of charge or on conditions minimum wage, then the accompanying ones are for a fee, because a bank is, first of all, a commercial organization.

3. The main purpose of settlement and cash services for individuals 💰

An individual's current account is used for depositing payments, making non-cash payments, online banking transactions and other non-commercial purposes.

In most banks, this service is provided free of charge, but there is also a commission for making transactions, such as cashing out money, processing payment documents, wire transfers, etc.

To open an account, a settlement agreement is signed between an individual and the bank.

4. How to choose a bank for cash settlement services - TOP 3 tips from experts 📋

The choice of a partner bank should be approached as seriously as possible. Before doing this, you need to study the offers of various banks and decide based on the criteria that are important for a particular organization.

Tip 1. Determine the reliability of the bank

Bank reliability – this is a comprehensive view not only of its capabilities, but also the identification of advantages and weaknesses. Before concluding a service agreement, it is necessary to assess the possible risks of such cooperation and compare them with the level of utility.

Exist different ways obtaining ideas about the work of a credit institution, as well as a criterion for assessing its reliability, for example:

  • Open sources of media and Internet resources. Here you can find not only general information, but also reviews real clients . For this, in addition to the websites of the banks themselves, there are specialized sources (such as the information portal, Expert RA credit ratings and others);
  • Make sure that It is possible to withdraw and transfer funds on the day of application;
  • Monitoring the stability of the bank's work. For example, delays in transferring funds should alert you;
  • Availability and geographical location of bank branches. Their presence in different regions allows you to avoid unnecessary time and money spent working between several different systems;
  • Range of services . It is important that the bank meets all the requirements of the organization and can provide all the services it needs;
  • Deadline for issuing a transaction passport, currency requirements to the preparation of documentation, currency exchange conditions, etc.;
  • Tariffs for cash settlement services for clients. When comparing banks according to this indicator, it is important to evaluate the size of the commission for maintaining an account, the possibility of working remotely and connecting this service, transfers of funds, depositing and withdrawing cash (for issuing wages and other needs of the organization);
  • Quality And, Firstly, efficiency of cash settlement bank and resolving controversial issues.
  • Availability and terms of provision of related services, such as lending, guarantee services, for example, during tender work.
  • The relevance of conducting “salary projects”in the bank(how profitable and convenient it will be, how widely represented is the ATM network and other questions)

Tip 2. Compare work schedules of potential partners

In cases where a number of banks meet the criteria for an organization to select a partner for cooperation in cash settlement services, an additional item may become bank work schedule.

This is especially worth paying attention to for companies that work with companies or divisions that have a time difference.

Tip 3. To save on banking costs, enter payment days into the company

If the company introduces payment days (from one to three per week), when all bills that have accumulated during this period of time will be paid, depending on the priority, then it will be possible to save a lot on the costs associated with paying each payment order.

Review of popular banks with tariffs for cash settlement services

5. We choose a bank with favorable tariffs for settlement and cash services - TOP-5 RKO banks for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities 🏦

As already mentioned, choosing a bank that you can trust to maintain your current account is a very important step, which depends on various factors. Besides keeping score, replenishment And cash withdrawals, operations on non-cash transfers and payments, you can also get additional services from banks.

1) Sberbank

On the market financial services, Sberbank rightfully occupies a leading position in terms of coverage of needs as physical, so legal persons.

RKO bank is good for individual entrepreneurs and large corporations, since Sberbank can offer many favorable RKO tariffs and additional services. You can open a current account in this bank without even visiting a branch, remotely using the website, and it will be ready to accept payments.

The necessary documents can be submitted to the bank within 30 calendar days after opening such an account. The second and subsequent accounts can be opened using only the “ Sberbank Business Online ", for which there is also a mobile application, which is very convenient. There are also packaged service offerings for business accounts.

Sberbank has the country's largest network of offices and ATMs, provides round-the-clock support with an advisory center, works with foreign currencies, conducts salary projects", provides acquiring services, offers special conditions for deposits and lending for its clients and benefit programs. It is also possible to purchase equipment for business on lease. we wrote in our last article.

2) Tinkoff

A relatively young but rapidly growing bank. Legal entities are offered two tariffs: “ Simple" And " Advanced", with fairly low service tariffs. The Bank carries out various promotions to attract new customers, which makes servicing it quite profitable.

Related services are provided, such as Internet banking, SMS alert system, business lending, and others. It is also possible to open an account online through the website. At the end of the year, Tinkoff Bank clients receive a percentage of the balance amount credited to their account.

3) Bank Otkritie

Otkritie Bank offers its clients a full range of settlement and cash services. There is the possibility of online account reservation for its subsequent opening, a remote account management system, an advisory center, currency control, collection, additional lending services, insurance and other things.

The bank also offers HR consulting training programs aimed at improving the performance of employees and managers.

4) Alfabank

Cash settlement services for Alfa Bank clients are provided in both Russian and foreign currencies without restrictions on the number of accounts opened. All account transactions, including currency conversion services, can be carried out through the online client.

Alfa Bank has an extensive network of branches and provides settlement services throughout the country. You can enter into an additional agreement with the bank and receive a percentage of the balance of funds in the account. The bank provides additional services.

5) SKB-Bank

At SKB-Bank it is possible to reserve a current account online and conduct all account transactions remotely. The bank has an extensive network of branches and ATMs, extended operating hours ( 21 o'clock).

For legal entities and entrepreneurs, SKB can offer favorable rates, a wide variety of additional services, for example, preferential lending to employees and a “salary project”, as well as free registration banking Visa cards Business and even a free advertising campaign and discounts in the Affiliate program.

Tariffs for settlement and cash services in banks

This table shows the tariffs for cash settlement services of banks located in Moscow. In other regions, tariffs may differ, depending on the procedure for setting them by the bank.

Comparative table of the main tariffs of cash settlement services of banks
Bank Opening an account, rub. Service fee External bank transfer Depositing funds Withdrawals Bank-client
Sberbank from 3 000from 1 600electronically from 32-52 rubles/payment, on paper from 300-350 rubles/paymentfrom 0.3-0.36% of the amountfrom 0.6% (min. 150 rub.) per salary; from 1.4% (min. 150 rub.) for other needsfor free*; from 960 rub.
Tinkoff for freefirst 3 months (for individual entrepreneurs – 6 months from the date of registration) – free, then from 490 rubles.the first 3-10 are free, then from 29-49 rubles/paymentfree or from 1% of the amountfree up to 100,000 rubles, over – from 1.5-10% (min. 99 rubles)for free
Opening from 1 300from 750-1700from 0.5-1% (min. 27-30 rub.)from 0.16% (min. 50 rub.)from 0.4% for salary, 1-10% for other needsfrom 1,250 rub.
Alfa Bank from 3 300from 2 20 – 6 900online from 30 rubles/payment or from 0.1% on paper mediafrom 0.28-0.35% (min. 300 rub.)from 0.5% (min. 300 rub.) for salary from 2.5-11% (min. 400 rub.) for other purposesfrom 990-2200 rub.
SKB-Bank from 0-1000from 990-1 490from 29 rub.from 0-0.7%from 1.3% on salary; from 1.6-11% for other needsfor free

*For clients who have a current account with this Bank.

From the data presented in the table, we can conclude that the most favorable conditions are currently provided by Bank Tinkoff, which does not charge for most standard services, however, do not forget that these are not the only indicators and a more in-depth analysis is required for a complete picture.

6. What documents are needed to open cash settlement services (individuals and legal entities) 🗒

To open a bank account, you will need to provide a standard package of documents.

Documents for opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur:

  • Passport;

Documents for opening a current account for legal entities (LLC, JSC, PJSC, etc.)

  • OGRN;
  • Charter;
  • Order on the appointment of the Director;
  • and other constituent documents of the legal entity.

7. Package cash settlement services for bank clients - review of the TOP 3 popular services 💸

In order to reduce the costs of necessary settlement and cash services, most credit institutions provide clients (entrepreneurs) with the opportunity to connect to a packaged set of services. This is necessary when using RKO regularly and requires significant financial investments from the company.

Such proposals can be divided into 2 (two) categories:

  1. payment for the connection of the package makes it possible to carry out some frequently used operations free of charge;
  2. preferential tariffs for basic cash settlement operations.

It is necessary to take into account the cost of the package itself to make sure that its connection will really reduce costs and protect you from unnecessary financial losses.

1) Service “Bank cards for legal entities”

For more convenient business and financial transactions, bank cards of a special business category can be issued. Such cards are linked to the organization's current account and are used only for the company's needs, which is very convenient, for example, for clients who often make transactions on the account while on business trips.

In addition to the main card, it is possible to issue additional cards that are linked to the same account, which is convenient for use by several employees at once. In addition, tariffs for servicing by card are usually lower than through an operator.

However, when calculating the benefits of using the card, tariffs must be taken into account for its issue and further servicing, which differ radically depending on the issuing bank.

2) “Self-collection” service

Self-collection is a service also designed to reduce the costs of businessmen for cash settlement services and allows you to deposit proceeds into a current account through ATM or terminal self-service. This allows the entrepreneur to get rid of unnecessary problems and cash costs associated with the collection and storage of cash.

For some operations there may be restrictions are imposed, which are related to the capabilities of the self-service terminal used.

Typically, rates for depositing cash this way are lower than through a cash desk, however, you must remember that the bank sets minimum amounts commission and ensure that such collection is profitable.

3) Internet banking

One of the most important components of settlement and cash services today is the ability to work with accounts remotely, namely all kinds of bank clients . Most of the most necessary banking operations can be performed this way, as well as receiving payment documents and monitoring the status of the account.

Typically, this service refers to basic services RKO is inseparably present in every bank serving legal entities. The client has the right to refuse to use Internet banking, but can also easily activate it at any time.

Typically, a fee is charged for using remote access capabilities, but many banks are willing to provide the basic capabilities of this service free of charge.

Among the useful features of this service, one can directly note making payments from a current account and transfers to other persons . Work with documentation is also carried out, it is possible to obtain information about all actions with the account and its status in real time.

Online account transactions have enough high degree protection and bank guarantees, so entrepreneurs do not have to worry about the safety of funds, but have the right to connect additional services protection for a fee.

8. Advantages of settlement and cash services for entrepreneurs 💎

RKO is a comprehensive service necessary for running almost any business.

The positive aspects of cash settlement services for entrepreneurs are:

  • personal approach and specially selected tariff packages on the most favorable terms.
  • service by a personal manager;
  • real-time calculations.

This has a beneficial effect on the speed and smooth functioning of the organization. Most payments these days are made non-cash, and their fast and high-quality execution directly affects the company’s profit.

The more services a bank can offer, the more attractive it is for entrepreneurs.

Today, RKO boasts a wide range of:

  • opening and maintaining a current account;
  • transfers, both within the bank and to other banks, to the accounts of legal entities or individuals and various payments;
  • depositing cash into an account;
  • online banking, mobile applications and SMS notification system;
  • any currency transactions, including their purchase, sale and exchange.
  • the ability to make payments using a scanned copy of the invoice;
  • constant availability of online monetary transactions for clients within the bank;
  • individual approach, depending on the specifics of the client’s organization. For example, if a company often works in the international market, the cost and speed of obtaining a transaction passport will be of great importance.

When a company primarily works with cash, the most important point of cooperation on cash settlement services for it will be the minimum commission for depositing funds into a current account. And for beginning businessmen, the first place will be the commission for opening and maintaining an account.

9. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about RKO 💬

Let's try to answer in detail the questions that come to the editor of the site.

Question 1. Are cash register customer service and cash register maintenance the same thing?

Cash service- this is the making of settlements and other financial transactions on the accounts of individuals and legal entities.

RKO is a banking services system that allows you to service accounts physical And legal persons, carry out transactions of debiting and crediting funds in national and foreign currencies.

To use such services, the bank client must provide Required documents, conclude an appropriate agreement with the bank and meet the requirements of current legislation and internal bank regulations.

Cash service is the bank's service to its customers. This service has nothing in common with cash register maintenance, in which the object is the cash register itself, and the service is provided by the technical staff of the bank or outside organization for equipment maintenance.

Question 2. How to choose the best bank for small businesses using cash settlement services?

More than 600 Russian banks are ready to offer their services to small businesses, having fundamentally different conditions for their provision and tariffs. In order not to get confused in all this diversity, it is important to determine for your company the most important cash and cash management operations that are being carried out or planned in the next six months.

Among the criteria for choosing a partner bank are the following:

  1. The main currency with which the company operates. Does the bank work with it, what conditions does it provide for transfers, currency exchange, is there a service? exchange control(for those who import and export goods and services and often pay with foreign partners), as well as the availability of an online currency exchange service at any time, which will help protect your accounts from financial losses.
  2. Availability and amount of commission for maintaining a current account, connection to the online banking system, cost of transfers. It will be more convenient for beginning entrepreneurs if for some time (usually three to six months) after opening an account, no commission will be charged for its maintenance in the event of no transactions on the account.
  3. Cash transactions. Issuing cash and depositing it into an account is subject to an additional commission, which must be taken into account when calculating the profitability of the tariff.

Having decided on the main operations and having studied the offers of various banks, you need to calculate the approximate costs of RKO which will be required monthly. It is important not to forget one-time commissions, which are charged at a time when opening an account, connecting to a remote control system, issuing an electronic key, and so on.

In addition to the cost of service, other issues should influence the choice of bank, such as:

  • How quickly does it take to open an account (is there an online reservation option)? If you can open an account online, you can immediately receive details with which you can work, and bring the documents to the bank later.
  • What is the bank's credit rating? Due to the increased revocation of licenses from banks in recent years, this indicator is especially relevant. After all, even short-term downtime due to the freezing of accounts can lead to loss of profit and other financial difficulties.
  • E Are there bank branches in the city where the company operates? The lack of branches may lead to difficulties associated with the speed of decision-making and transactions.

10. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

So, do without cash management services these days impossible, however, the advantages of using such a service are obvious. Cashless payments make our life easier and more convenient.

Despite the fact that RKO entails additional expenses, it significantly saves our time. Any transactions with your current account can be performed online and even through mobile phone.

It is also possible to open an account using online resources, without visiting a bank branch. In a competitive environment, banks are doing everything possible to attract as many customers as possible.

Now we know how to correctly evaluate a bank regarding the profitability of cooperation with it on cash settlement services, and having data on the five main banks we can easily navigate the modern market and make the right choice.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about cash management services for legal entities:

And also a video about cash settlement services at Alfa-Bank - an overview of tariffs and benefits of cash settlement services:

We wish you to successfully find your financial partner, cooperation with whom will not only give you confidence and reliability, but will also have a positive impact on the activities of your organization as a whole.

Dear readers of the magazine “”, we will be grateful if you share your comments, experiences and wishes on the topic of publication in the comments below.

The main activity of any bank is settlement and cash services for individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The range of services includes the following procedures with financial flows:

  • registration;
  • storage;
  • moving;
  • recalculation;
  • collection;
  • accounting

An agreement is concluded with the client, after which an account is opened, through which financial transactions will be carried out in the future. Depending on the type of currency and the specifics of business activity, the number open accounts may vary.

Various packages are offered to legal entities and individuals banking products. Some of the services may be provided free of charge. Tariffs for paid services are strictly regulated by state legislation, the requirements of which are mandatory for all commercial banks.

In the process of creating an agreement, the parties can make certain requirements and additions to the terms. Failure to comply with the rules of the agreement is punishable by penalties in the form of a fine, the amount of which is also controlled legislative bodies. The main responsibility of a financial organization is to ensure the prompt and uninterrupted movement of client funds with a high level of security during all procedures.

Legal regulation of settlement and cash services

Maintaining a foreign or ruble account includes a large list of operations. Legal regulation in the field of banking, it allows the population to safely store, use and place their own savings or profits from operational commercial activities, as well as receive interest on deposits.

The work of banks in the field of cash settlement services is controlled by the following standards:

  • federal legislation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The main regulatory mechanism is the agreement concluded between the parties. Use services banking organization Any commercial company can. Individual entrepreneurs independently choose financial institution to receive RKO.

Opening an account is necessary measure to access the main package banking services, which allows you to create a competent approach to conducting operational commercial activities. State legislation regulates the following obligations to the client:

  • storage of funds;
  • crediting of received amounts;
  • transferring money to the accounts of other citizens.

The contract may specify specific features, rights and obligations of the parties.

Settlement and cash services for legal entities

RKO for legal entities is a range of services aimed at meeting the needs of enterprises and organizations. This area of ​​activity ensures prompt and uninterrupted cash flow.

An important feature of cash settlement services for legal entities is access to foreign exchange transactions, which can be carried out with three accounts:

  • transit;
  • current;
  • an account for purchasing currency on the national market.

Foreign exchange services include:

  • purchase and sale (on behalf of the organization);
  • sale of currency received from the operational activities of the enterprise (a specific part, the size of which is regulated by state legislation);
  • conversions;
  • regulation of export and import transactions.

An important part of the work in this area is conducting cash transactions. The financial organization provides not only basic (reception, issuance, accounting), but also additional services (recalculation, collection, acquiring on the Internet).

Settlement and cash services for individuals

Working with individuals is a separate area of ​​activity for banks. The prospects of this direction lie in a fairly large audience of clients. The following services are provided to the population:

  • closing and opening an account;
  • accrual of interest on the cash balance (conditions are described in the terms of the agreement);
  • issuing cash at the cash desk of the service branch;
  • issuance of interest on deposits;
  • making money transfers;
  • translation on behalf of;
  • carrying out transactions by proxy;
  • creation and issuance of certificates on transactions performed;
  • accepting funds to pay for housing and communal services, taxes, insurance and fines.

Citizens are provided with a number of additional services that can be aimed at financial control and automation of payments to an individual. The contract specifies special rules and requirements at the request of the client.

Having a bank account allows an individual to:

  • receive a salary, pension or scholarship;
  • make payments for goods and services on the Internet;
  • withdraw cash from an ATM if available plastic card;
  • make payments to meet business needs;
  • contribute funds to local and state funds.

Modern Internet services play an important role in the functioning of the system for providing cash services to the population.

Cash settlement services for non-cash transactions

The RCL for non-cash transactions includes:

  • fast and safe execution of orders;
  • notification about withdrawal and receipt of funds;
  • creating account statements.

Each individual entrepreneur has the right to independently choose a range of services that will best satisfy the needs of commercial activity. Economic relations between a client and a financial organization are based on the creation of certain instructions and their timely execution.

Today, it is possible to create orders in real and virtual space. The latter method is more economical and comfortable, as it does not require personal presence in the department. Internet banking allows you to create orders and requests online, which significantly reduces the time for conducting transactions.

Settlement and cash services for foreign exchange transactions

Many companies have to interact with foreign partners in the process of realizing commercial goals. This state of affairs forces the constant use of euros or US dollars to regulate economic relations.

It is necessary to open three accounts at once when concluding an agreement with a financial organization in order to legally use the currency of another country. The current legal entity can transfer funds for further use and profit. The transit account is used to control and allocate the company's revenue. The third account is necessary to account for the foreign currency that was purchased on the national market.

According to the agreement, the bank can sell or purchase currency on the basis of a created order from a legal entity. In this case, each client undertakes to sell on the market part of the currency that was earned from international business activities. The financial institution assumes responsibility for conducting conversion operations. Larger role in the structure foreign exchange transactions plays out the use of funds in the process of implementing import and export transactions.


Using the acquiring service, the client can completely get rid of cash. In retail outlets where special terminals are installed, it is possible to pay for goods, works and services using a bank account. credit card. This service is provided only by large financial institutions that have sufficient solvency to:

  • installation of special equipment;
  • regulating the legal features of activities in this area;
  • behavior of procedures for the use of plastic cards at retail outlets.

Acquiring operates not only in real, but also in virtual space. Citizens who have a plastic card from the acquiring bank can make payments online, receive reports on purchases made and fill out special forms for transactions. Internet acquiring involves the following procedure for conducting a financial transaction:

  • the company draws up an agreement with the bank;
  • the organization’s website contains information about the possibility of using a certain type of plastic card;
  • the client fills out a form to complete the transaction;
  • the bank monitors requests and satisfies them if the necessary conditions are met;
  • An application for shipment of goods is submitted.

In this case, the bank takes responsibility for verifying and tracking requests.

Internet acquiring

Internet acquiring is available to those enterprises whose activities meet the requirements of international payment systems. The following conditions are required to sign the contract:

  • evidence of authorized commercial activities;
  • type of business permitted on the Internet;
  • the presence of a properly designed virtual trading area.

The service is provided only to the websites of those companies that contain the necessary information about the goods and services sold.

An important role in the process of providing this service is played by processing centers that coordinate settlements on the Internet. All payments are processed automatically to ensure the functioning of e-commerce as a whole. Some banks have their own processing centers, but others financial institutions you have to resort to support from third-party partners.

Cash transactions

The main financial instrument when performing cash transactions is a checkbook, which is distinguished by its versatility and ease of use. It gives an opportunity individual entrepreneur produce:

  • issuance of wages;
  • payment for production and economic needs;
  • settlements with suppliers of raw materials and goods.

Another equally important tool is corporate card. Access to receiving it opens after creating a special account with a credit institution. Signing the agreement imposes the following obligations on the bank:

  • maintaining a register of financial transactions;
  • creation and issuance of statements;
  • informing the client about charges and balances.

The legal entity deposits cash at the cash desk, after which the employee issues a receipt order in a standardized form. After this, the money is credited, and the authorized employee draws up a report on the procedure performed.

For large companies, it is important to control cash. To meet this need, a collection procedure is used, which is available only after opening an account and signing an additional agreement.

State legislation strictly regulates the activities of the credit sector of the economy, and therefore establishes certain requirements for pricing in the field of banking services.

Settlement and cash services in Russian banks

In Russian banks, cash settlement services are provided on a paid basis. However, along with creating prices for services, credit institutions can work on developing a special package of free additional services. For example, Internet banking is freely available to all Russian citizens who have signed an agreement with a credit institution.

RKO in Russia is provided to individuals and legal entities. For each group of clients, the package of banking products may have significant differences.

All commercial banks operate only within the framework of the rules and regulations of the current state legislation. Depending on solvency, credit institutions can constantly expand the range of their products in order to maximally satisfy the needs of the population.

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BanTo- a legal entity created in a certain organizational and legal form and having the exclusive right to carry out, in accordance with the procedure established by law, activities on its own behalf to attract funds for deposits, placement of these funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency, openness and maintaining bank accounts for individuals and legal entities.

Any economy is based on objective economic laws, one of which is the law money circulation. The circulation of money occurs under the influence financial institutions, and above all banks, which create the basis for money circulation and are associated with all industries and sectors of the economy.

Banks provide financing for all areas of entrepreneurship, production and non-production areas, management and fill the federal and territorial budgets with the necessary funds.

Subject course work"Organization of settlement and cash servicesia bank clients". Cash and settlement services for clients is one of the most important areas of work commercial bank, because the payment system is one of the basic structures modern economy. The flow of funds passing through bank accounts between business entities requires special attention and strict order. Considering the pace of development of banking services, it should be assumed that in the near future there will be an increase in non-cash transactions in settlements of individuals and legal entities. Therefore, the study of this process is of great importance for banking. The relevance of this topic is dictated by the entire development of the banking services sector.

CspruceI consider it my job: correctly present the material on this topic, express your thoughts clearly and clearly, and fully reveal the essence of cash settlement and customer service.



Cash and settlement services for clients- is a set of banking operations that satisfy specific customer needs and are aimed at making a profit.

Servicing legal entities, i.e. enterprises, organizations and institutions. Cash settlement operations are carried out on behalf of legal entities. Cash services for bank clients and all payments are made by debiting or crediting funds to their bank accounts. For storage own funds enterprises and organizations and their settlements, settlement and current accounts are opened in the bank. Issue and use borrowed money are registered on loan accounts of legal entities.

A commercial bank is interested in attracting legal entities for settlement and cash services. This is due to the fact that the money in the bank account represents attracted funds from a commercial bank, in accordance with the volume of which its business activities are built.

Along with settlement and cash services commercial Bank can offer a wide range of operations in which a legal entity is interested: trust management of property and portfolio valuable papers, consulting services, lending, etc.

Opening, re-registering and closing an account is one of the operations in cash settlement services for legal entities.

Legal entities have the right to open other bank accounts to perform a limited range of operations. Clients independently choose banks for settlement and cash services. Regulatory acts oblige clients to keep both their own and borrowed funds in banks.

ZConcluding an agreement to open a bank account:

The agreement is concluded in simple written form. As a rule, the bank and the client enter into a single bank account agreement, although current legislation allows the possibility of concluding such an agreement through an offer (submission of an application and other documents to open a bank account) and acceptance (permissive signature from the head of the bank).

The bank does not have the right to refuse a client to open a bank account, except in cases where such a refusal is caused by the bank’s inability to accept banking services or refusal is permitted by law and other legal acts.

For discoveriesaccounts legal entity must be presented the following documents:Documents provided client to the bank, are checked for completeness of documentation, legality and availability of necessary information for opening and maintaining an account. This work is performed either by the head of the department of cash settlement services for legal entities and budgets or by an employee of the department who is responsible for opening customer accounts.

· The application for opening an account must be written in the client’s hand and signed by the head and chief accountant of the legal entity.

· Certificate of state registration may be presented in the form of a copy certified by a notary, a higher organization or body that registered the constituent documents.

· Constituent documents are presented depending on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity. Copies of constituent documents must be certified by a notary or the body registering the legal entity.

· Certificate of registration in tax authority presented to the bank in the original. In this case, the bank makes a photocopy of the original Certificate. The copy is certified by the employee who receives documents from the client to open an account.

· A card with sample signatures and a seal imprint of the form is submitted to the bank in two copies, one of which must be certified by a higher organization or notarized.

After opening an account, cards endorsed by the chief accountant or his deputy, indicating the order and frequency of account statements, are handed over to the relevant bank employees.

When drawing up a form card, it indicates the persons who have the right of first and second signature. A sample signature of the manager must be included in the card, with the exception of the sample signature of heads of ministries, departments, and heads of regional administrations.

The right of first signature belongs to the head of the enterprise, organization or institution for which the account is opened, as well as to officials authorized by the head to dispose of the account. The right of first signature cannot be granted to the chief accountant and other persons having the right of second signature.

The right of the second signature belongs to the chief accountant. If the enterprise, instead of the position of chief accountant, has a position with a different name (head of the financial department, financial and accounting department), then the client must make a note about this on the card.

The form card must include a sample of the seal assigned to the legal entity or its separate structural divisions. The use of seals intended for special purposes, for example, “for packages”, “for passes” is not allowed.

For accounts of joint ventures, international associations and organizations, the card is certified only by a notary.

After checking the documents submitted by an individual, a bank account agreement is concluded with him, and a copy of the identity document is made in his presence. Documents for opening an account are kept in the client's legal file.

We emphasize that the moment of concluding the contract and the moment of opening the account must coincide, we mean the minimum technically necessary time gap. In this regard, it seems erroneous to assert that it is possible to conclude an agreement in the absence of all the documents required from the client. It should also be taken into account that the type of account to be opened, defined in the agreement, depends on the legal status of the client, the nature of his activities, goals, etc., information about which is contained in the required documents. The procedure for concluding a bank account agreement is subject to the rules on public contracts. The bank does not have the right to give preference to one person over another with regard to concluding a public agreement, except in cases provided for by law and other legal acts, it is obliged to conclude an agreement on the same conditions for all citizens.

The bank may terminate the agreement on settlement and cash services in the event of:

· Failure to comply with requirements minimum size account balance;

· Within a month from the date of warning the bank client about this;

· If there are no transactions on the account during the year.

The bank closes the account of a legal entity on the basis of the relevant court decision. Termination of contractual relations is carried out in two stages:

1) Termination of the contract;

2) Closing the account.

Within seven days after termination of the contract, the balance on the account must either be issued to the client or transferred to another account.

At account re-registration in connection with reorganization (merger, accession), the same documents are provided to the bank as when opening an account. When changing the name or subordination, it is necessary, no later than a month from the date of renaming or changing subordination, to submit an application from the account owner about the relevant changes and a copy of this decision.

At account closure can be carried out by decision of the account owner, owner of the property of the enterprise, bank, arbitration court. At the client's initiative, the bank account agreement may be terminated at any time and without any conditions. To close an account, the client submits an application to the bank, which must contain confirmation of the balance of funds in the account on the day of closure and an instruction to transfer the balance of funds. If there is a balance of funds in the account, the bank draws up a memorial order to close the account. Transfer of the balance of funds can also be made on the basis of a payment order submitted by the client.


Settlement and cashoperations are the first and main banking operations.

Commercial banks perform a large volume of settlement and cash transactions. Important indicators A positive activity of a commercial bank is uninterrupted cash services to customers.

Cash services for customers include the following operations:

- accepting client’s cash for crediting to a bank account;

- accepting cash at any branch of Sberbank of Russia for crediting to the client’s main account;

- issuance of cash by the bank to the client;

- delivery of wages to clients by the bank's collection service;

- exchange of cash, exchange of banknotes for coins;

- exchange old banknotes and a defective coin from the Bank of Russia;

- acceptance of banknotes, the authenticity of which is in doubt, for sending for examination

To provide settlement and cash services to individuals, as well as to carry out transactions with cash and other valuables, credit organizations create equipped and technically fortified premises in buildings. Premises for transactions with valuables include:

· Vaults for valuables of a credit institution, meeting the requirements of the current state standards;

· Operating cash desks;

· Recount cash desks;

· Premises for receiving and issuing valuables to collectors;

· Client premises.

Accepting cash at the cash desk:

The main form of receipt of cash to the bank is the deposit of it directly by the clients themselves to the bank's cash desk on the basis of an announcement for cash deposits during the operating day (to the day cash desk) and after its end (to the evening cash desk). If the amount actually deposited at the bank's cash desk corresponds to the amount indicated in the receipt document, the cashier signs all three of its components (announcement, receipt, order), puts a stamp on the receipt and hands it to the client - the depositor of money. He leaves an advertisement in cash documents bank, and the order for the advertisement is transferred to the operator for crediting the cash deposited by the client to his current account.

Cash receipts into the bank are also carried out through the cash collection machine. The bank can collect and deliver its funds and valuables. Most banks that do not have their own collection service use the services of the Russian Collection Association.

Cash withdrawal:

Cash is issued to enterprises and organizations using cash checks. The latter are strict reporting forms and are issued to the client in the form of check books. To receive cash from his current account, the owner of the checkbook must fill out a cash check, indicating in it the name of the recipient of the money, the account number from which they will be withdrawn, their amount in figures and words, the intended purpose (on the back of the check), and put the signatures of the first officials faces and seal. The bank's operational employee checks the correctness of filling out the check, the availability of funds in the client's current account, and then, cutting off the control stamp from the check, transfers it to the recipient of the money for subsequent delivery to the bank cashier, and the check itself - directly to the bank's cash desk.

The bank's work with cash to serve clients - individuals, as well as employees of the bank itself, is carried out according to incoming and outgoing cash orders, respectively, for receiving and issuing cash.

Carrying out currency exchange transactions with the participation of individuals:

Currency exchange transactions involving individuals involving settlements in cash are carried out at bank exchange offices. Currency exchange transactions involving individuals, involving settlements in non-cash form, are held only at the box office.

The rate of purchase, sale, conversion of foreign currency is established before the start of the working day exchange office or cash desk on the basis of a bank order certified by a signature, which indicates the date and time of establishment, the name of the currencies with which the bank carries out foreign exchange transactions. During the working day authorized banks has the right to change the established exchange rates. The exchange rate is set based on supply and demand in the foreign exchange market.

Cash foreign currency is accepted at the department's cash desk after checking in accordance with currency legislation, the legality of accepting a payment from an individual in cash foreign currency in favor of the beneficiary (endorsement of the application for the contribution of cash foreign currency) by the responsible executive of the department entrusted with this function.

Acceptance of cash foreign currency at the branch's cash desk is carried out on the basis of an incoming currency order, issued in accordance with the requirements, and a payment order from an individual.

Accepted within banking day cash foreign currency is generated and packaged in accordance with the established procedure.

At the end of the banking day, all foreign currency is transferred to the cash register manager against signature, in a checklist of accepted and issued valuables, along with registers of purchased foreign currency, payment documents in foreign currency, incoming currency orders and a reporting certificate on cash turnover for the day and balances of valuables. The cash register manager checks the amount of foreign currency accepted by him with the incoming currency orders, the reporting certificate, and signs it.


A significant drawback of the current cash service system in the country is its low efficiency, which requires the client to appear at the bank, as well as the inability to receive cash after the end of the operating day.

An important and rapidly growing component modern systems electronic banking services is the use automatic cashiers, which are installed either inside or outside the bank premises. They provide round-the-clock operations for accepting cash, registered as accepting deposits, issuing money in cash and withdrawing the corresponding amount from the account, as well as transferring money from account to account. Cashier machine is a complex electronic-mechanical machine, the key elements of which, along with the system for input, processing and output of information, are: a plastic card, an account holder identification system, a cash acceptor and a cash dispenser.

Credit card is a payment document, issued by a bank to its depositors to pay for goods and services purchased by them. They represent plastic card indicating the name of the owner, the number or code assigned to him, contains a sample of his signature and an indication of the validity period. Modern credit cards are issued with a molded microprocessor and have a large memory capacity. Credit cards are used in the Russian Federation for servicing, such as foreign citizens, and Russian.

Debit cards- this is a payment and settlement document issued by banks to their depositors to pay for goods, services purchased by them or to receive cash from automatic teller machines (ATMs). Payment by debit cards is made by direct debiting from the payer's account from the amount encoded on the magnetic strip of the card. Therefore, debit cards do not allow their owners to pay for purchases if there is no money in their bank account.

The introduction by a commercial bank of such a system for performing operations ensures a transition to a qualitatively more high level cash register customer service.

Organization of work with cash when using ATMs is done as follows.

To reinforce the ATM and withdraw cash from it, by written order of the head of the credit institution, responsible employees of the credit institution are appointed, one of whom is a cash or collection officer. ATM keys are assigned to specified employees.

Reinforcement of the ATM with cash is carried out as necessary on the basis of a written request from the cashier responsible for servicing the ATM, or the head of a department of a credit institution that uses software to control the supply of cash to the ATM. The cashier or collection worker recalculates the accepted amount of money page by page, puts it into cassettes and locks the cassettes with a key.

The cashier or collection employee may be given pre-prepared cassettes with cash to load the ATM. The preparation of cash, its insertion into cassettes and the closing of cassettes is carried out by the cash register manager or a specially designated cash employee. When accepting cassettes for loading an ATM, cash collectors check the integrity of the cassette and the presence of details on the label.

The cash register manager receives cash withdrawn from the ATM from the cash register or collection employee, reconciles the balance of money withdrawn from the cassettes with the printout data and signs the cash receipt order.



Western Ural Bank and Sberbank of Russia OJSC is the leader banking system Russia, its basis is stability and reliability. The Bank's presence in all sectors of the banking services market makes it an alternative to any other bank in Russia, and ensures the functioning of the country's banking system in any conditions.

West Ural Bank OJSC “Sberbank of Russia” is a bank of national scale, the face of the Russian banking system on the international market. The bank ensures the formation economic policy and influences macroeconomic processes in the country, implements cost-effective government programs development. The Bank's significant branch network and the use of advanced technologies are designed to ensure the Bank's accessibility anywhere in the country.

In addition, the West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia is a universal commercial bank. The Bank strives to satisfy the needs of all clients in a wide range of high-quality banking services. The bank is called upon to effectively place attracted funds from individuals and legal entities in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders.

West Ural Bank OJSC “Sberbank of Russia” is a socially significant bank. Being the only banking institution providing services throughout Russia, the Bank is actively involved in the implementation of social programs, provides support for the development of national science and culture. Wide branch network of the Bank, payment system of the Western Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, flexible credit policy and qualified personnel are aimed at the development and prosperity of clients’ businesses.

The share accounts for over 25% of assets and 15% of capital.

West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia provides banking services in all 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, having a unique branch network, which consists of 17 territorial banks and has more than 18,400 divisions. In addition, the Bank provides services through remote service channels - one of the world's largest networks of ATMs and self-service terminals (about 83 thousand devices). Sberbank is also actively developing its applications " Mobile bank" and "Sberbank Online" with an impressive customer base of more than 12.9 million and 7.6 million active users, respectively.

The bank is the absolute leader among Russian banks in terms of the size of the balance sheet currency, the volume of attracting funds from the population and legal entities, the volume of investments in the Russian economy, the volume of transactions on stock and money markets. The bank services over 234 million individual accounts and about 1.5 million legal accounts.

Any commercial bank, and at its core is the Western Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia, has its own accounting policy. Under accounting policy organization is understood as a set of ways of conducting accounting- primary observation, cost measurement, facts of activity.

Source documents:

1) Receipt cash documents

Legal entities - announcement for cash contribution

Individuals - cash receipt order

2) Expenditure cash documents

Legal entities - cash checks

Individuals - expense cash order

3) Cash journal for receipts and expenses

4) Memorial orders

5) Certificates and other documents

6) Book of cash and other valuables

7) Book of accounting of accepted and issued money

Characteristics of accounts for the management of settlement and cash services for clients.

Account 20202 “Cash desk of credit institutions”

Account 20207 “Cash in operating cash desks located outside the premises of credit institutions"

Account 20208 “Cash in ATMs”

Account 20209 “Cash in transit”

Accounting entries:

Cash was deposited at the bank's cash desk to be credited to the client's current account

The bank's cash desk received forms of check books and other valuables

A checkbook was issued from the bank's cash desk at the client's request.

The amount of funds issued to him from the bank's cash desk is debited from the client's current account

Cash received from the RCC to the bank's cash desk

The bank received an extract from the RCC on the withdrawal of the amount of cash support from its account. Accounts

Cash was issued from the bank's cash desk to collectors for delivery to the RCC

Cash was transferred from the bank's cash desk to reinforce the branch

Cash is dispensed from the bank's cash desk to the ATM

The branch's cash desk received cash from the bank's cash desk


1 Level "Legislative"

1.)Federal law dated December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control.”

Chapter 2. Currency regulation(The currency regulation authorities in the Russian Federation are central bank Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.)

Chapter 4. Currency control (Currency control in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, currency control authorities and agents in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws.)

2.) Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Resolution of August 21, 2007 No. 26/195-5. On instructions, on the procedure for opening and maintaining accounts, accounting, reporting and transferring funds.

2 Level"Normative"

1.) Central Bank of the Russian Federation N 298-P Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

N 173n December 13, 2006 Regulations on the peculiarities of settlement and cash services of territorial bodies Federal Treasury, Financial authorities of the subjects.

Chapter 1. Features of settlement services of Federal authorities

treasury and financial authorities (payers which are organizations, i.e. legal entities whose personal accounts are opened with the Federal Treasury or financial authorities, are filled out for each organization in accordance with the rules.)

Chapter 2. Features of cash services of the Federal Treasury and financial authorities (Accounting for funds intended for issuing cash to organizations whose personal accounts are opened with the Federal Treasury or financial authorities, as well as amounts accepted from specified organizations cash is carried out in bank accounts of the Federal Treasury and financial authorities.)

2.) Central Bank of the Russian Federation April 24, 2008. "Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation" (approved by the Bank of Russia on April 24, 2008 N 318-P) (as amended on February 7, 2012) (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 05/26/2008 N 11751) (with amendments and additions coming into force from 01/01/2013)

(Determines the procedure for conducting cash transactions with the currency of the Russian Federation in the form of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia (hereinafter - cash) when carrying out banking operations and other transactions, the procedure for working with banknotes of the Bank of Russia that raise doubts about solvency (hereinafter - dubious banknotes of the Bank of Russia ), insolvent banknotes of the Bank of Russia that do not have signs of counterfeiting (hereinafter referred to as insolvent banknotes of the Bank of Russia), banknotes of the Bank of Russia, the presence of signs of counterfeiting of which does not raise doubts among the cashier of a credit institution (hereinafter referred to as banknotes of the Bank of Russia that have signs of counterfeiting) , and also establishes rules for the storage, transportation and collection of cash in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3.) Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation (approved by the Bank of Russia No. 373-P)

(The provision applies to legal entities maintaining accounting records in accordance with the requirements established by bodies that are granted the right to regulate accounting (with the exception of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), as well as to legal entities that have switched to a simplified taxation system (hereinafter referred to as legal entities), on individuals carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Chapter 2. Organization for conducting cash transactions

Chapter 3. Procedure for accepting cash

Chapter 4. Procedure for issuing cash

Chapter 5. Procedure for maintaining a cash book

Chapter 6. Ensuring the order of conducting cash transactions.

Level 3 “Methodological”

1.) Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts.”

Chapter 1. General provisions:

· Specified documents required to open an account

· Rules for opening a bank account

2.) Letter of the Bank of Russia dated 06/04/1996 No. 25-1-601 “On methodological recommendations for checking cash transactions” (Checking cash transactions in a commercial bank, explains the actions of cash services, monitoring for violations of the procedure for conducting cash transactions.

4 Level "Business entity level»

1.) Charter of the West Ural Bank of Sberbank OJSC dated July 24, 2013. Approved annually general meeting shareholders minutes No. 26 dated May 31, 2013. (Open Joint-Stock Company“Sberbank of Russia”, hereinafter referred to as the Bank, is a credit institution. The bank was created with the name Open Joint Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia”, OJSC “Sberbank of Russia”);

Chapter 2. “Banking operations and other transactions” (The Bank carries out the following Bank operations);

Chapter 3. " Authorized capital bank" (The authorized capital of the bank is formed in the amount of 67,760,844,000 rubles. The authorized capital of the Bank is equal to the total amount nominal value shares of the Bank acquired by shareholders);

Chapter 7. “Ensuring the interests of clients” (The Bank pays insurance premiums to the Fund compulsory insurance deposits of individuals);

Chapter 8. “Accounting and Reporting” (The Bank maintains accounting records and provides financial statements in the manner established by federal law and other regulatory legal acts).


West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia is the leader of the banking system, which occupies one of the leading places in the championship. The bank is working to improve its payment system and offers a variety of banking services. Cash settlement services are based on conducting transactions on a client account and performing other related procedures.

The analysis of my work consists of disclosing data (in tables, diagrams) on settlement and cash services in the West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia for the periods from 2010-2012.

The first thing I would like to reveal is OPENING BANK ACCOUNTS

Diagram 1. Number of accounts opened in the Western Ural Bank of OJSC Sberbank of Russia

The diagram represents data on the number of accounts opened in the Bank. It is clearly seen that significant changes have occurred, upward. In the reporting period as of November 1 of current years, the changes are more significant.

Diagram 2. Share of current accounts in deposits (%)

The diagram shows changes in the percentage of current accounts that are opened with the Bank; it can be concluded that every year the share of current accounts with the Bank increases. On reporting period 2010 accounted for 13.6%, the increase occurred by 1.3%, i.e. 2011 was 14.9%, the dynamics between 2011 and 2012 was 1.2%, i.e. for 2012 the share of accounts was 16.1%.

The increase in the share of time deposits became possible due to the growth of Sberbank’s share in the highly competitive market for salary and pension services. The efforts we make to expand remote service channels, including the continuous improvement of Internet and mobile banking, also played an important role in the process of attracting funds to current accounts.

Diagram 3. Share of the West Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Every year there is a surge in customer activity, as is clearly seen in this diagram, the increase in the number of bank customer activity occurs in approximate calculations by 4-5 thousand per year: 2010-309 thousand; 2011-313 thousand; 2012-317 thousand.

As already mentioned, the West Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is making improvements in the field of customer service, working with clients in the field of Internet services, more convenient servicing. With the introduction of Internet services, the Bank is attracting more and more clients. The next paragraph presents reports on customer service in the field of Internet services, i.e. the use of programs (services) such as “Autopayment”, “Mobile Bank”.

Diagram 4. Number of users of the “Autopayment” service (2012-2013)

Diagram 5. Active users of Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online.

The audience of the recently launched automatic bill payment service “Autopayment” has grown significantly: for example, the number of clients using it to automatically pay for cellular services increased by 6 million people in 2012. The same words to the above conclusion about the “Autopayment” program can be attributed to “ Mobile bank", and "Sberbank - Online". Thus, the introduction of new technologies significantly increases the number of clients who use the Bank’s services. The West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia, every year, acquires as many clients as possible in the service sector. Today, special attention is paid to non-cash payments, but still cash services remain in active use.

So, the above analysis of the organization of calculations allows us to draw a conclusion about the development of almost all sectors of the economy. But this growth was more noticeable in banking programs. In 2010, there was an increase in commission income, which is associated with an expansion of the range of services provided and an increase in the client base. Specific gravity average daily balances in the service sector, among entrepreneurs and others, has a positive trend. The structure of non-cash payments in terms of the forms of payment used is characterized by the predominance of payment orders in relation to other payment instruments. In general, the organization of settlement and cash services at the analyzed bank deserves a positive assessment.

Conclusions on the chapter: West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank of Russia is a universal commercial bank with a wide range of services to corporative clients and individuals. One of the main activities of the Bank is working with corporate clients. Payment acceptance is constantly changing, which depends on many indicators. Receipts of payments from individuals are seasonal, the first position is occupied by tax payments - from 11 to 17%., in the second position are payments from cellular communication operators (MTS, VELCOM). Next come other payments accordingly. Analysis of the organization of settlements with legal entities allows us to draw a conclusion about the development of almost all sectors of the economy. In 2010, there was an increase in commission income, which is associated with an expansion of the range of services provided and an increase in the client base.


Cash settlement operations of clients of the West Ural Bank of Sberbank OJSC involve maintaining accounts of individuals and legal entities and making payments on their behalf. Carrying out settlements and payments for clients and for the banks themselves are traditionally and quite rightly considered to be the main and even the most important basic banking operations, that is, those that state the very essence of the bank’s operations as a credit institution.

Banking transactions within the framework of settlement and cash services are carried out in cash. All banking operations can be conditionally divided into three blocks: auxiliary - types of work of an organizational, technical, administrative, informational nature, ensuring the start, maintenance and termination of payment transactions themselves; the main one is the actual payment transactions; additional - additional bank services accompanying payment transactions themselves.

The main functions of cash settlement operations are to organize work on servicing customer accounts; organization of settlements and cash circulation for settlement, current, and accounts of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership; providing advisory assistance to clients and their partners on issues within the competence of the department. All operations carried out in the cash settlement system are strictly regulated by regulations, compliance with which is an indispensable condition for the functioning of the bank.

Banking services are being improved and modernized in accordance with the development of new banking technologies. These include, first of all, Internet banking, client-bank, remote settlement center, electronic client.

The strategic priority of the client policy of the West Ural Bank of Sberbank OJSC is to build long-term partnerships with corporate clients. A feature of the strategy for settlement and cash services for corporate clients is the detailed segmentation of the client base, on the basis of which key technological and marketing approaches for working with clients have been developed.

Cash transactions The Bank includes the issuance and acceptance of cash in Russian currency and foreign currency; exchange transactions and foreign exchange transactions. Delivery and transportation of valuables is carried out by our own collection service, which provides services not only to the bank and its clients, but also to other credit and other organizations within the framework of contractual relations.

The West Ural Bank OJSC Sberbank is widely developing services to corporate clients in the field of issue, distribution and servicing bank cards: salary projects; acquiring; issuance of corporate and customs cards; calculations in the ACCORD system.

Thus, the West Ural Bank OJSC “Sberbank” performs a wide range of traditional and modern operations for settlement and cash services for corporate clients, which, in turn, is the bank’s calling card, the most important component banking work. As recommendations for their improvement, we can offer the Bank: modern concepts of marketing financial services within the framework of which to implement support for new and existing banking products and services at all stages of their life cycles; drawing up sales plans for banking products; development of requirements and methodological materials for modifying product offerings; decentralization of decision making and increasing the role of personal managers; development of settlement and information services that will make it possible to attract and retain large corporations and holding structures as clients.


1. Federal Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”.

2. Resolution of August 21, 2007 No. 26/195-5. On instructions, on the procedure for opening and maintaining accounts, accounting, reporting and transferring funds.

3. Central Bank of the Russian Federation N 298-P Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

4. N 173n December 13, 2006 Regulations on the peculiarities of settlement and cash services of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury and financial bodies of constituent entities.

5. Central Bank of the Russian Federation April 24, 2008. "Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation" (approved by the Bank of Russia on April 24, 2008 N 318-P) (as amended on February 7, 2012) (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 05/26/2008 N 11751) (with amendments and additions coming into force from 01/01/2013)

6. Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation (approved by the Bank of Russia No. 373-P)

7. Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I “On opening and closing bank accounts and deposit accounts.”

8. Letter of the Bank of Russia dated 06/04/1996 No. 25-1-601 “On methodological recommendations for checking cash operations”

9. Charter of the West Ural Bank of Sberbank OJSC dated July 24, 2013. Minutes No. 26 dated May 31, 2013 were approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders.

10. Balabanov A.I., Borovkova V.A., Borovkova V.A., Goncharuk O.V., Kramarev A.N., Murashova S.V., Pirogova O.E. [Text]: Banks and banking . - 2nd edition - Moscow, 2007.

11. Beloglazova G.N. Finance and statistics [Text] - Moscow, 2006.

12. Gamidov G.M., Banking and credit [Text]: Banks and exchanges. - Moscow, 2006.

13. Glushchenko S.V., Banking. - 2008.

14. Golubovich A.D., Bank management; organizational structures, personnel and communications Moscow 2005.

15. Zharkovskaya E.P., The financial analysis activities of a commercial bank [Text] - Edition 2. - Moscow, 2011.

16. Kapaeva T.I., Accounting in banks [Text] - Moscow, 2008.

17. Mikhailov A.G., Commercial banks: payment system // Banking [Text] - Moscow, 2008.

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19. Polushkin V.K., Analysis of foreign exchange transactions of a commercial bank [Text]: Accounting and banks. - Moscow, 2008.

20. Settlement and cash services in Sberbank of Russia [Electronic resource]: Official website of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. - Moscow, 2008.

21. Savitskaya G.V., Analysis economic activity enterprises [Text] - Moscow, 2010.

settlement cash service bank











Banking Journal


Corresponding accounts




Issued to the client for salary payment

The client deposited trading proceeds into the current account

Announcement for cash payment

Written off according to the client's payment order

Correspondent account statement

Credited to the client's current account

Interest on interbank loan credited

The issued loan is credited to the account of an individual for a period of up to 1 year

Credit agreement-instruction.

Repaid loan

An interbank loan was issued to a commercial bank for a period of up to 3 years

Correspondent account statement

Issued as a report for the purchase of inventory

Account cash warrant

Accepted deposit deposit from an individual for a period of 30 days

Receipt cash order

Interest accrued on deposits

Order of the deposit department and cash order

Interest paid on deposits

Accrued depreciation on fixed assets

Memorial Order

Materials purchased by the accountable person were capitalized

Advance report

Accrued depreciation on fixed assets transferred into operation

Memorial Order

Salary accrued

Memorial Warrant and Payroll

Salary issued

Over-limit cash balance surrendered

Correspondent account extract and cash order

Elementary balance sheet

First order account number

Second order account number

Section 1. "Capital"

Management companies of KOs created in the form of joint-stock companies

Management Companies of KOs created in the form of OJSC

Total for the account 102

Reserve fund

Total for the account 107

retained earnings

Total for the account 108

Total for section 1

Section 2. "DS and precious metals"

Total invoice 202

Total for section 2

Correspondent accounts of KOs with the Bank of Russia

Total invoice 301

Total invoice 302

Total invoice 313

Total invoice 320

Total for section 3

Commercial organizations

Total invoice 407

Demand deposits

Total invoice 423

Total invoice 455

Total for section 4

Section 6. "Property"

Depreciation of fixed assets received for rent

Total invoice 608

Intangible assets

Total invoice 609

Spare parts

Inventory and accessories

Total invoice 610

Total invoice 613

Total for section 6

Current year income

Current year expenses

Expenses for revaluation of the Central Bank

Total invoice 706

Total for section 7

Total asset

Total liabilities

Turnover balancestatement

Initial balance

Final balance

Closing Balance Sheet

First order account number

Second order account number

Section 1. "Capital"

Management companies of KOs created in the form of joint-stock companies

Management Companies of KOs created in the form of OJSC

Total for the account 102

Reserve fund

Total for the account 107

retained earnings

Total for the account 108

Total for section 1

Section 2. "DS and precious metals"

Total invoice 202

Total for section 2

Section 3. "Interbank transactions"

Correspondent accounts of KOs with the Bank of Russia

Total invoice 301

Mandatory reserves of credit institutions for accounts in Russian currency transferred to the Bank of Russia

Total invoice 302

Loans and deposits received by a CI from a CI for a period exceeding 30 days

Total invoice 313

Loans and deposits provided to credit institutions for a period exceeding 3 years

Total invoice 320

Total for section 3

Section 4. "Operations with clients"

Commercial organizations

Total invoice 407

Demand deposits

Deposits for up to 30 days

Total invoice 423

Loans provided to f/l for a period from 31 to 90 days

Total invoice 455

Accrued % on bank accounts and raised funds f/l

Obligations to pay %

Total invoice 474

Total for section 4

Section 6. "Property"

Settlements with employees regarding wages

Settlements with employees for accountable amounts

Total invoice 603

Depreciation of fixed assets

Total invoice 606

Depreciation of fixed assets received for rent

Total invoice 608

Intangible assets

Total invoice 609

Spare parts


Inventory and accessories

Total invoice 610

Deferred income from credit operations

Total invoice 613

Total for section 6

Section 7. Result of activity

Current year income

Positive assessment of funds in foreign currency

Current year expenses

Expenses for revaluation of the Central Bank

Costs of using embedded derivatives

Total invoice 706

Total for section 7

Total asset

Total liabilities

Personal accounts

Posted on

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