The main forms of economic activity microeconomics. Characteristics of microeconomics as a science

We have examined in detail two parts of the system of economic relations:
a) socially economic relations based on property and
b) organizational and economic relations.

Now, in the future, the main forms of economic activity will be analyzed (disassembled):
macroeconomics and world economy.

All these forms of management have their own characteristics of the types of economic relations we have considered: a) property, b) cooperation and division of labor, c) forms of economic organization and d) economic management. In this regard, it is important to understand the distinctive features of microeconomics, macroeconomics and the world economy, as well as their characteristic features of economic relations. These forms of economic activity differ primarily in their scale. Microeconomics- this is managing in small forms (within households and small enterprises), macroeconomics- creative activity within the borders of the country, and the world economy covers economic relationships on a global scale.

Microeconomics consists of two forms of activity - households and relatively small businesses.

What is considered a household World statistics (a science that studies quantitative indicators development of society) considers that a household is a set of persons who live in the same dwelling or part of it. They can be both connected by kinship relations, and not connected, jointly provide themselves with food and everything necessary for life. That is, household members wholly or partly pool and spend their funds. A household can also consist of one person living independently. Household is a common household run by a group of people living together.
Rice. 4.1. Structure of actual household final consumption in Russia in 2003

As can be seen from the diagram shown in Fig. 4.1, the actual consumption of households in Russia ultimately consisted of the following parts:
purchases of goods and payment for services (77.6%),
social payments from state and municipal budgets and charitable funds (15.8%),
receipts of goods and services in kind (6.6%).

A household is not just a consumer association of people. It is also engaged in economic activities that generate a variety of incomes.

These activities include:
1) receiving income from the sale of factors of production (for example, labor) and from property (rental payments for housing and land, interest on depositing money in a bank, income from shares, etc.);
2) housekeeping (work in the back room) agriculture, purchase of consumer goods and services, home cooking and other products, consumption of material and spiritual goods);
3) education of the younger generation;
4) "external" economic relations (paying taxes to the state, receiving social payments from the state, economic relations with foreign countries, including receiving money transfers, parcels, etc.).

What are the features of small enterprises (modern)

In the XIX-XX centuries. significantly increased the number of relatively small enterprises that were in common shared ownership (partnerships, cooperatives, joint-stock companies). This strengthened the economic position of small entrepreneurs.

The most important reasons for the sustainability of microeconomic farms are:
their flexibility - quick adaptation to changes in consumer demands;
the need to service small volumes of market transactions. Examples are the sale of clothes, shoes, taking into account the non-standard needs of buyers; repair work (they are carried out by watch, shoe, car repair companies); provision of personal services (family doctor, lawyer, hairdresser); ultra-expensive stores for people with very high incomes (luxury yachts, high-quality sports cars, etc.);
highly specialized production of components for large assembly plants; sales of products of large companies (TVs, refrigerators, washing machines);
the use of modern microprocessor technology, which gives a great economic effect in small enterprises.

In highly developed countries, small businesses play a very important role in the economy: they create about 1/2 of the entire national product of the country. The state provides financial (monetary) assistance to small businesses, reduces taxes.

Features of microeconomics

Microeconomics(from Greek. micros- small + economy) - part national economy, which differs from other sectors of production by its small size. Character traits microeconomics are listed in Table. 1.

Table 1

Characteristic features of microeconomics

Here is a brief explanation of the table. 1.

  • Microeconomics uses the following types property: a) private ownership of property; b) general fractional ownership(with the definition of the share of each owner of the property) and c) common joint ownership (without definition of such shares).
  • Usually, in microeconomics, products are produced on the basis of a narrow specialization (one type of product is manufactured or some type of service is performed, for example, in a hairdresser).
  • Entrepreneurial activity in micro-farms is associated with the production of goods, as well as their sale and purchase on the market.
  • Microfarm management is the responsibility of the owners of private or common property.

Microeconomics could not arise and develop widely in a social system based on non-economic coercion of people to work. Such an economy has its historical roots. In Europe, it was formed in the XV-XVI centuries. Then capitalism came to replace feudalism with its serfdom. The latter approved civil liberties and a new economic basis societies: private property citizens to the means of production and free enterprise.

Microeconomics in Russia has taken a completely different and rather contradictory turn. In this regard, it is important to clarify the following problem of a theoretical and practical nature.

V Problem 2.1. When and how was microeconomics formed in our country?

Table 1 clearly shows the fundamental transformation of property relations in Russia. 2.

table 2

% to the end

However, the process of formation of microeconomics in Russia has not been fully completed. This is evidenced by the following comparative data. In Western countries, small and medium-sized enterprises account for 70% of all enterprises, while in our country - 20%. It is noteworthy, for example, that there were 4 million small businesses with fewer than 20 employees in Italy and 6 million in the United States.

In 2010, in our country there were 17 thousand medium-sized, 228 thousand small companies (associations of individuals and legal entities), more than 1 million microenterprises, 4 million individual entrepreneurs and farmers. According to Russian legislation established in different industries limit levels small enterprises: from 30 to 100 people.

To accelerate the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the Russian government has outlined and is implementing a number of urgent measures.

First, the government introduced a ban on unreasonable interference of officials at all levels in entrepreneurial activity. Such interference and frequent inspections of enterprises were often carried out by employees of municipalities for selfish purposes.

Secondly, the privatization of state property has continued. It's about redemption activation real estate leased by entrepreneurs. It has been noticed that municipal authorities, instead of opening the way for entrepreneurs, rent out their property for the sake of income. The government extends the period of preferential privatization of real estate (with the exception of part of the taxation). Almost a million small and medium-sized entrepreneurs have been given the right to buy out leased premises for preferential terms before July 1, 2013

Thirdly, now small businesses are more widely involved in repair programs apartment buildings and resettlement of emergency housing.

In early 2010, the government allocated 13 billion rubles. to assist in the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Money as a category commodity production. It studies the activities of a particular company: what is the volume of production, what is the price of the product, the number of workers, income and expenses, etc. Therefore, economic activity belongs to microeconomics as individuals family or individual and legal entities firms. The behavior of an economic entity is the process of developing the adoption and implementation of a decision on how to act in a market environment, i.e.

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Features of the subject of microeconomics

The subject of the study of microeconomics is the patterns of behavior and decision-making of primary economic units - households and firms, as well as the features of the formation of higher-order structures - markets for individual goods and industries as a result of their interaction. In other words, microeconomics studies the economic behavior of producers, consumers, owners of production and financial resources, as well as the functioning of various types of market structures and individual industries.

Microeconomics studies individual economic units and forms a view of the entire economy in terms of these units.

Microeconomics is the science of decision making that studies the behavior of individual economic actors. Her main problems:

1) prices and volumes of production and consumption of specific goods;

2) the state of individual markets;

3) distribution of resources between alternative goals.

Microeconomics studies relative prices, that is, the ratio of prices of individual goods, while macroeconomics studies the absolute level of prices.

The immediate subject of microeconomics is the economic relations associated with efficient use limited resources, decision-making by individual subjects of the economy in terms of economic choice.

Let us clarify the above definitions of the subject of microeconomics.

First. Under the conditions of the law of scarcity of resources, microeconomics formulates the basic principles of rational behavior of all types of economic entities, including enterprises, firms, households, etc., and studies the mechanism for making optimal management decisions.

Second. Microeconomics reveals the content of economic and social efficiency, develops criteria and relevant indicators that are used in assessing the final results of management.

Third. Modern microeconomics can be represented as a set of theories, including theories of production, theories of the firm, theories of pricing, theories of the development of market relations and antitrust regulation and, finally, the theory of production costs, income and profit.

These theories and other concepts, brought into a strict system, act as the most important components of modern microeconomic analysis.

Fourth. Microeconomics studies the economic relations that arise in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption wealth at the level of business entities. Revealing the content of these relations, modern microeconomics explores the relationship of appropriation and ownership, the formation and development of the economic interests of economic entities.

microeconomics science analysis

The object of microeconomics. The problem of choice as the main object of microeconomic analysis

The object of microeconomics is the economic activity of people and the resulting general economic problems solved in accordance with existing institutions and their systems.

In microeconomics, the study of the following issues is of particular importance:

1) the economic behavior of people, fixed in adequate institutions and social structures. As the key institutions are the market, property and the state;

2) adoption by economic entities of decisions and implementation of appropriate economic actions by them;

3) the problem of choosing one of alternatives resource use;

4) it touches upon the question of the rarity of goods and their limitations.

The main task of the economic subjects of microeconomics is to make an economic choice due to limited resources. In any society, limited resources force choices to be made in order to address the following questions:

1. What to produce and in what volume.

The manufacturer always has the possibility of alternative production. To select an acceptable production option, it is necessary to study the needs of the consumer, the satisfaction of which is the ultimate goal of any production.

2. How to produce the selected types of goods.

The manufacturer must decide what resources and how much to involve in manufacturing process. Exploring the theory of production, microeconomics helps to find out the mechanism for the distribution of resources between enterprises and industries.

3. For whom to produce, who will receive the manufactured products.

4. How much resources to use for current consumption and how much - for the future.

The last two questions are related to the study of income and their distribution to current and prospective consumption. Resources may be used for immediate consumption, or some of the resources may be used to meet future consumption. A decision must be made on how much of the income to keep to finance investment in the economy, to increase production capacity, for the accumulation of savings in the family.

Thus, the main problem that microeconomics deals with is the problem of choice under conditions market economy. All subjects of the economy face it. It is known that in the economy the problem of choice arises primarily due to limited resources and boundless needs. In a market economy, it becomes very complex and capacious in its content already by virtue of the existence economic freedom the subjects of the economy.

First of all, there is the problem of choosing the goals of economic activity, which may be different for different economic entities. But if we talk about the goals of commodity producers, then microeconomics reduces them to maximizing profits. When a commodity producer becomes a seller, his goal is to maximize the income received from the sale of goods. The goal of the buyer is considered to be the maximization of the acquired utility, and the goal of the consumer is the maximum satisfaction of needs at the given costs for the acquisition of commodity goods.

The noted goals of various subjects of microeconomics can be achieved in various ways. So, making a profit is possible as a result of the production and sale of a variety of goods. This means that the manufacturer faces the problem of choosing a profitable product. How such a choice is made, what rules should be followed - all this is explained by microeconomics. This science also explains the behavior of consumers when choosing commodity goods in order to maximize the degree of satisfaction of their needs.

Determining the goal involves the choice of means to achieve it. In any economy, this means the choice of resources and the choice of ways, ways of using them. In a market economy, for enterprises as commodity producers, along with labor, capital, material and natural resources important value is acquired by monetary resources that can turn into any resources for both production and non-production purposes.

Microeconomics explains how the problem of alternative use of limited or scarce resources by both producers and consumers is solved.

It is well known that a person's desire to maximize consumption and minimize his participation in production characterizes him as a rational person. It is the rational person who is the object of attention of microeconomics. That is why microeconomics is also called the science of the rational behavior of subjects of a market economy.

Microeconomics believes that taking effective economic decisions It is the market that helps by sending appropriate impulses and signals to rational subjects. Competition and prices play a decisive role in this. Competition forces acceptance effective solutions and actions, and prices provide the necessary information for this. Thanks to them, producers know what, how much, how and for whom to produce, and consumers know what and how much goods to purchase at minimal cost and how to consume them (in what combination) to maximize their needs.

That is why microeconomics pays considerable attention to the functioning of the market mechanism, the laws to which it obeys, and how it determines the behavior of economic entities.

Economic theory occupies a special place in the system of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. It does not consider society as a whole, but only the sphere of its economic life, i.e. economic ties, relationships, economic behavior of people. In the broad sense of the word economic theoryit is the science of using scarce resources to produce goods and services and exchange them to meet needs; about public wealth.

The allocation of microeconomics occurred in economic theory relatively recently - in the 30s of the twentieth century. Microeconomics associated with the economic activities of individual economic entities(enterprises, firms, consumers, households, employees, entrepreneurs, traders, etc.), it helps to understand why decisions are made at the lowest level of the economy and not otherwise. Macroeconomics related to the functioning of the national economy as a whole, studies general economic processes at the level of society(production of national income, unemployment, inflation, etc.) and shows what measures the state needs to take in order for society to flourish. You can also select mesoeconomics studying the behavior of intermediate systems or industries National economy(agro-industrial, military-industrial complexes, etc.) and supermacroeconomics ( world economy), explaining the behavior of the world economy, the world economy as a whole.

Representing a part of economic theory, microeconomics has a number of its own distinguishing features, features, which give it specificity, make it a special section of economic theory. First Feature lies in the fact that microeconomics pays attention not to the study of the whole (the economy of the whole country), but to individual economic units (principle of economic atomism) 2 . Second feature microeconomics - its reliance on the initial assumption of the rationality of the actions of economic entities, i.e. the subject determines, on the one hand, the benefits of his actions, and on the other hand, the costs and compares them with each other (principle of economic rationalism). Third feature microeconomics is associated with the methods of analysis applied by it. It is important for a subject of microeconomics (a firm) to build its economic activity so that the additional (i.e. marginal) benefit exceeds the additional (marginal) costs (principle of the limiting approach).

As subject of modern microeconomics economic relations associated with the efficient use of limited resources should be recognized; decision - making by individual subjects of the economy in the conditions of economic choice 3 . chief object attention from microeconomics as a science are people as subjects (agents) of a market economy. Thus, microeconomics studies economic life, the activities of people and their relationships. Therefore, microeconomics is primarily considered the science of the behavior of economic entities. To such subjects are primarily attributed enterprises or firms And households . The household - this is one, two or more people, united by common income and property for consumer purposes.

On the one hand, households appear as sellers of some factors of production in the respective factor markets and recipients of income from their sale, and on the other hand, as buyers using their income to buy consumer goods in the respective markets. Firms are both buyers of factors from households and producers of goods needed by households. The subject of the economy is also state , but microeconomics considers it mainly as an external factor for the economy. The state ensures that the economy functions normally, that its subjects comply with the established laws and rules, taking the necessary measures against violators. The subjects of the economy can be various public associations and organizations . These are societies for the protection of consumer rights, associations for the fight against drugs, prostitution, pornography, etc. 4

With limited resources economic entities forced to make a choice in order to address the following questions 5: what to produce (what needs to satisfy); how to produce (from what resources, by what technology); for whom to produce. Modern microeconomics studies how these issues are resolved.

Thus, microeconomics- a science that studies economic processes at the level of individual economic entities and the relationship between them, individual economic processes and phenomena.