How to keep up with taking orders in the city of Taxi Money? Taxi Money - Reviews of the game with withdrawal of funds Elite orders in taxi money.

My article today will be very interesting, now I’ll explain why. Firstly, it will talk about working in the city and how and how much you can earn there. Secondly, I’ll tell you exactly when orders appear in the city for execution, and which orders are most profitable to take on.

Well, well, I think we can get started.

Working in the city of Taxi-Money, for many, may seem like an unprofitable business, and generally a waste of time. Because many people think that having bought a license, they simply will not be able to get it back. But this is not true at all.

First of all, you won’t be able to work in the city without a license, i.e. a license is needed to operate one taxi from a garage. For those who don’t know yet, a license costs 200 rubles. From scratch, i.e. from the 1st level of a taxi driver in the city, the license is issued in 21 days, according to my experience. Since I am writing this article for beginners, it is clear that everyone will start from the 1st level of taxi driver. Well, if we take into account that the license is purchased for a period of 3 months, then we can say that on one license alone you can earn 3-4 times more than what will be spent on its purchase. In numbers, this will come out to about plus 600-800 rubles.

Please note that all my calculations were carried out taking into account working in the city by taxi of the 4th level. If you get a job driving a taxi at levels 5-8, your earnings will be many times higher. Well, if you work as a taxi driver from level 1-3, then your earnings will be less. Which in principle is quite logical, then you will understand everything yourself.

But I’ll say right away that it’s easier to get a job in the city if you have taxis from level 4 to 8 available. Small levels are not very appreciated in the city. Because very cheap orders are allocated for them, and each company strives to earn as much as possible.

Before I start explaining how to work in the city for Taxi-Money, I will first tell you what advantages you can get by getting a job in the city:

  1. Add ;
  2. Increase your passenger account. For those who do not attract referrals, this is the best solution to increase it.

How to work in the city on Taxi-Money?

1. In order to arrange your taxi to work in the city, you need a license. It can be purchased directly in the city itself, in the “My Profile” section. This section will have a “Licenses” tab, and that’s where you can buy a license:

Important: those who decide to hire not one taxi, but several, need to know that the price of the license will increase. Those. the price of each subsequent license will cost 50 rubles more. Well, for example, the first license costs 200 rubles, the second 250, the third 300, which you can actually see in the above screenshot.

The license renewal price will also depend on the number of licenses you purchased. In my case, 3 licenses were purchased, and the renewal price is therefore 300 rubles.

2. After purchasing a license, you need to add your resume to the labor exchange:

3. Fill out your resume as attractively as possible, for example, like this:

Then press " Publish your resume«.

Please note that the resume is published for 2 days. Those. If you don’t triple your work in these 2 days, you will need to add it again.

4. Afterwards, there at the labor exchange, you will need to go to the “All vacancies” section:

In this section you will see a list of companies that require workers, and you can apply for their vacancies. All companies have their own recruitment criteria and requirements for taxi drivers, and you can familiarize yourself with them from the description:

5. So all you have to do is familiarize yourself with the companies’ conditions, and if you see that you meet them, then feel free to click “ Apply for job". But you shouldn’t apply to just one vacancy, it’s better to apply to several at once, this way you will increase your chances of getting any vacancy, which means you’ll start earning money in the city faster.

So, let's say you've been hired, now you need to know how to fill orders.

I work for a level 4 taxi, so I will give an example of fulfilling orders on it. And in fact, the process of working on any other machine is indistinguishable except for the price of orders.

You can always get acquainted with the average price and available number of orders in the city, in the city section - “Work":


Work orders appear every half hour, or more precisely at 00:00, 00:30, 01:00, etc. So you will need to wait for them exactly at this time. But now there are so many orders that there is no time to fulfill them, so there is no need to wait for them to appear. But if you want to grab a more expensive order, then it’s still better to wait every 30 minutes, and then you can take the most expensive order. For my level 4 machine, the most expensive order was 5 Rubles. Well, in general, the average price is 3+ rubles.

Well, well, it's time to start working on orders.

1. To do this, you will need to select the “Take an order” tab in the “Work” section:

2. There you will see your taxi, which you can start working with. To get started, click the “Take order” button. After which a list of orders will open that you can work on.

You can only choose one, and each order has its own price and time to work on it. I take orders no cheaper than 3 rubles. Well, you decide for yourself which ones would be best for you to do. When you have decided on the price and operating time, click on the “Take order” button for the order you like.

3. After clicking this button, the order will be considered accepted, which you will be notified about by the corresponding window:

If, of course, he is ahead of you, no one will take him.

5. After completing the order, do not forget to hand over the money, because... Without completing this, you will not be able to take on other orders:

6. After depositing the money, the taxi goes on vacation:

My machine rested for 10 minutes at level 1. Rest time depends on the level of taxi and your level in the city.

Well, that's all, you now know how to work in the city. You just have to repeat this whole process over and over again.

But you still need to remember this:

Each company sets its own payment deadlines. You can familiarize yourself with these nuances in the city section - “My profile" - “My account":

And yet, your salary is paid as a percentage of the orders you complete. Look, for example, the company has set your salary at 50%, which means that if you earn 100 rubles on orders, you will have to be paid a salary of 50 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that if you know when orders appear and how to work in the city, then you don’t have to be online all day long; it will be enough to visit your account once every 1-2 hours. Because the average order fulfillment time is 1.2-1.3 hours + rest time 10 minutes. It turns out that fulfilling an order takes on average 2 hours, which means you will need to log in once every 2 hours.

But if you have a high level in the city, and you choose not very expensive orders, then you can complete orders faster, about one per hour.

Well, in conclusion, I’ll give an example of my latest payments so that you know whether it’s worth investing in the game at all and whether it pays:

Expensive orders, in the Taxi Money game, are called the maximum possible cost of a trip at a particular taxi level. For example, for a new Hyundai Solaris car, the best order is 50 kopecks, you can’t find it higher. Today we will learn to take only expensive orders.

You can catch a fat order not only by fulfilling work orders. This can be done even if you are doing a hack job.
The main rule is not to oversleep the release time! New orders appear every 20 minutes, namely: 3, 23 and 43 minutes. every hour (distortion is possible).

How not to miss the time when orders appear?

An alert will help us not to miss the time of the release; the game does not provide such a function, so we download the alarm clock from the Internet ( Free Alarm Clock). After submitting the next order, we set in the program the earliest possible time for new orders to appear. Let's say a minute early to have time to get ready. Now you can go about your business, you won’t miss an ejection.

Where are the expensive orders located?

Some people catch expensive orders on the second page, while others do it well on the first page. The most important thing is not to always look for the fattest order, it’s okay if the error is 1-2 kopecks, otherwise you may simply not have time to find the right order.

At night, you don’t have to set the alarm clock, since a lot of people are resting and there is a high probability of finding an expensive order on some page. During the day, it also happens that you seem to come in when you need to, but didn’t have time... You shouldn’t despair, wait for the next release, but taking an order that is not of your level or cheap is extremely unprofitable.

Why take expensive orders?

New cars need to be improved to earn more money. This can be done using abilities or tuning. In both the first and second cases there are improvements that affect the cost of the order. You can achieve more effect from the upgrade if you take only the best orders.

Dear taxi drivers, we have finally made the long-awaited update to the project!

In this post we will talk about the main changes in the project!

We will be glad to listen to sound criticism!

Major changes you should know about!

  1. The salary account has disappeared.
    All funds from this account have been transferred to Passenger, from where you can transfer funds anywhere.
    Salaries are now transferred directly to the passenger account.
  2. The old fleet of vehicles can only be purchased by those who registered before the update and only within 7 days from the date of update
  3. The new vehicle fleet does not have passive income, but the cost of orders has significantly increased for it. You can also rent out a car and also receive passive income from the work of another user.
  4. All funds from the purchase account have been transferred to a separate account called “old purchase account”, from this account you can continue to buy an old car.
  5. Maintenance is no longer carried out for older cars.
    Only new types of cars can now undergo technical inspection.
  6. New types of cars can be arranged in companies that will install an Extended Garage.
    Old cars can be arranged exactly the same as before the update.
  7. New abilities, new upgrades can only be installed on new cars.
  8. A gas tank has appeared, which is consumed when completing orders. The more expensive the order, the higher the gas consumption.
  9. For older cars, gasoline is refilled from the old purchase account.
  10. For old cars that have not yet undergone maintenance, there is a promotion - sale for 110% of the cost


  1. Licenses are now attached to cars
  2. At the time of the update, all cars that were installed in the companies receive a license with the maximum expiration date of those that the user had at the time of the update.
    That is, if your newest license expires in April, then all your new licenses will expire in April.
  3. You can remove a license from any car at any time.

New orders appearing

  1. Orders will now appear once an hour, but in large quantities at once.


  1. You can rent/rent cars no more than you can buy licenses.
  2. To rent a car you must pay a deposit of 10% of the cost of the car. The deposit is returned after the end of the rental.
  3. Both rental participants can install upgrades, pump up abilities, undergo maintenance, buy a license, change the color of the car and fill up with gasoline. Participants independently agree who fills the gas, who undergoes maintenance, etc.
    Everything is just like in real life!

Leveling up the player

  1. There are now 40 levels available to upgrade.
    At level 40, 16 licenses will be available.
  2. To access some taxi abilities, you must first level up the player.
  3. An XP (experience) indicator has appeared, which is responsible for obtaining new levels.
  4. Experience increases when delivering orders and during robberies.
  5. User level will be recalculated using a new formula

Player characteristics

  1. For each new level the user receives 2 stat points.
  2. Points can be distributed between 4 characteristics: SKILL, AGILITY, ENDURANCE, LUCK.
  3. Each characteristic increases the main indicators in the game.
  4. After the update, stat points will be recalculated according to the player's level automatically


  1. A luck indicator has appeared for the player and the taxi.
  2. Luck affects the chance of receiving a special order of a positive nature.
  3. Luck reduces the chance of running into a “bad” order
  4. In the future, Luck will influence other aspects of the game

Taxi pumping

  1. Cars are now also upgradeable!
  2. The car has its own experience indicator (XP), which is also pumped up by submitting orders.
  3. New taxi tiers increase the price of all orders carried out by this vehicle.
  4. New levels provide access to higher level abilities.


  1. New taxis can upgrade 8 new abilities, which significantly increase earnings or speed up the process.
  2. Using abilities requires energy, which is consumed by abilities.
  3. Energy is restored automatically

New upgrades

  1. We have added 8 new upgrades that can significantly increase your taxi income, up to 50% just from upgrades!
  2. Upgrades can be improved, up to the third level
  3. As the vehicle level increases, slots for installing upgrades open up. The maximum number of slots is 4 pieces.
  4. You can't remove the upgrade! Choose upgrades wisely!

Technical inspection

  1. Now the inspection can be completed instantly. Try to bribe the inspector, and if you are lucky (50% chance), the TO will be completed instantly.
    And if not, you will have to pay a fine (50% of the bribe, the bribe is not returned).
  2. Information about the duration and cost of maintenance is now available even before the maintenance occurs.
  3. For new cars, the maintenance period is 150 days, or 400% of income

Making it easier for beginners to start playing

  1. Now it is not necessary to create a resume, it will be created automatically the first time you apply for a vacancy
  2. Companies can now set up “Auto-device”, and users will be automatically applied for such vacancies upon response (if they meet the parameters)
  3. You can get a job without a license, but be careful - the police don’t sleep!

In-game store

  1. A store of goods has appeared that can give various bonuses!
  2. For example, “Teleport” can instantly complete the order, and the energy drink will complete the rest!
  3. There is a wide selection available in the store, choose something for yourself!

Passenger robbery

  1. With the help of brass knuckles, you can rob a passenger in the amount of 100% - 300% of the cost of orders.
  2. Be careful, the police can impose a fine of three times the amount stolen within 4 hours after the robbery. The fine will be three times the amount of the loot. The chance that you will be caught by the police is currently 10%

Robbery of another player

  1. Using a revolver you can rob a random taxi driver in the City!
  2. A completely random taxi driver is selected and the entire amount of his order goes to you!
  3. The robbed man himself is left with one kopeck and continues to take his client away.
  4. Funds from the robbery go to different accounts: if a hack is caught - to the account for withdrawal, if a regular or elite order - directly to the Passenger account.
  5. If the robbed person is offended, he can act in two ways:
    Buy a call to the police: there is a 75% chance of getting the loot back, and the thief will be fined (x3 of the amount of the robbery).
    Buy a report form and complain about the player - then he will receive fines for all robberies in the last 24 hours.

Fines for players

  1. Now, if you have unpaid fines, withdrawals will be blocked until they are fully paid.
  2. Fines received before the update are paid from the old purchase account.

We hope you enjoy this update!

is an economic game with money withdrawal, the creators of which promise real earnings to all participants. The project has existed for a long time and has managed to collect a lot of mixed reviews. Someone assures that they receive a stable income using a virtual taxi. Someone nervously declares that this is a scam, and only its creators make money from it. The site’s editors will have to take a balanced approach to all statements and find out: what is good about the investment project, what needs to be done to generate income, and in what time frame the investment will pay off (if it pays off at all).

Taxi Money is an economic game with withdrawal of funds

You can find a project not just by one, but by several addresses at once. It is mainly scammers who are guilty of changing the domain name and creating many clones of the resource. The creators of projects with a dubious reputation thus avoid negative reviews. Plus, the exact copy attracts no less participants than the original. You can find the game at the following addresses:


Having familiarized ourselves with the rules of participation, we understand that the creators of the economic game have cleverly settled within the framework of their own virtual world. They offer users to invest in the purchase of inventory and “recoup” the investment by completing various orders. Those participants who decide to earn money as a “private driver” must purchase a car that will generate income for each trip made. The player is offered several types of transport to choose from:

  • Chevrolet Spark - 199 rubles, orders up to level 1, income up to 44 rubles per month.
  • Volkswagen Golf - 479 rubles, orders up to level 2, income up to 114 rubles per month.
  • Mazda 3 - 1,290 rubles, orders up to level 3, income up to 317 rubles per month.
  • Volvo S60 - 4,990 rubles, orders up to level 4, income up to 1,276 rubles per month.
  • Mercedes C - 11,990 rubles, orders up to level 5, income up to 3,520 rubles per month.
  • Lexus LS - 24,900 rubles, orders up to level 6, income up to 7,480 rubles per month.
  • Nissan GT-R - 49,900 rubles, orders up to level 7, income up to 15,840 rubles per month.
  • Lamborghini Aventador - 79,900 rubles, orders up to level 8, income up to 25,960 rubles per month.

In addition to the vehicle, the game user will have to purchase a license for transportation, costing 200 rubles. It turns out that by buying the cheapest car for 199 rubles, and by paying for the right to use it, the player invests almost 400 rubles. It will be possible to gain profit only after 10 months.

Earnings in the game Taxi Money

For those who plan to earn more and faster, the creators of the game offer to attract referrals. Each invited participant will bring a certain income to the player. It is important to understand here that attracting traffic requires certain knowledge and experience. If the user does not know the secrets of advertising marketing, does not have his own client base or a promoted group on social networks, then he will not be able to master this type of passive income.

There is also the opportunity to earn money on the local securities exchange. The player invests in the purchase of shares and receives income in the form of dividends or through speculation (wait until the sale price exceeds the purchase price). You can invest any amount; there is no guarantee of profit.

As part of the economic game, there is an opportunity to earn money without investment. The user is offered 3 ways: viewing sites, completing tasks, reading letters. But! Payment for basic actions is so low that it will be possible to save 100 rubles only after 10-15 days of hard work.

Taxi Money - our reviews of the game

Reviews from our editors about the economic game are negative. Earning money from a private virtual cab service requires investment, takes a lot of time and has no guarantee of stability. Of course, there are statistics from the creators, but it is difficult to trust the published information. Plus, the site’s editors have information that the project’s service imposes sanctions on participants, unjustifiably accusing them of using bots. Proving innocence takes time and nerves. As a result, the player loses income, the period of use of the license is shortened, and the status in the game is lowered.

earnings in the game Taxi Money

Compliance of the content with what is stated on the site NO
Novelty of the material2 out of 10
Video tutorial NO
Text guide Yes
Feedback Yes
Accessibility for beginners Yes
Feedback with the author after purchase NO
Affordable price Yes
Possibility of real earnings NO
Return Guarantee NO


We strongly RECOMMEND using it only to earn money on the Internet! Also don't forget to share this disclosure. in social networks, to PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES from this scam!

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How the game balance is replenished.
First, decide with which car to start your unique and inimitable journey in a mani taxi. All cars are completely different in price and the features they contain - a Rickshaw is the cheapest, only 49 rubles, and a level 7 car costs 99,900 rubles, but according to the experience of players living on the project, you can save up for it if you have a sufficient fleet of simple vehicles cars, or your own auto company.

Buy safes - you will put profits from orders there. Next - if you plan to make money in someone else's company, this has its own benefits - you need to buy a license, it costs 200 rubles, but you will quickly recoup this price. You can take out a loan for development, but it is better to save your own money.

When buying cars, you will get something like this:
Level 1 car (not Rickshaw):
Car cost: 149 rub. + license 200 rub. + safe: free. + car improvements: not necessary. = 349 rub.
costs are minimal if you plan to work for a company. You can earn: 43 rubles per month - passive income from the machine, + completed orders - your salary. Payback approximately +30%.

Level 2 machine
Car cost: 449 rub. + safe 10 rub. + license 200 rub. + no improvement needed = 659 rub. This option is more profitable. The passive income of this machine is 150 rubles. per month. Especially if you don’t want to buy a license, but are planning to work for yourself for now.

In order to simply taxi and earn money, it is optimal to have a level 2 car, usually orders that will appear on time - for this car you can find from 1 ruble, and the company mainly hires to work with a car of this particular level.
Cars can be upgraded or, on the contrary, disposed of, sold and purchased new ones, paying the difference.
All Taxi Money players have levels that allow them to: reduce rest time, and give a small increase to the speed of order fulfillment. There are 20 levels in total.
The first player level will allow you to have only 1 license to work in the company. If you have a second car, you can send it to regular hack orders + it passively brings in a small income. The 2nd player level will give you the opportunity to have 2 licenses and start driving two cars. There is a rule: for 1 car - 1 license.

To make money in the CITY, you need to create a short resume. You can write it like this: I know all the streets of the city, I work like a bull, I have no fines. And indicate the percentage of your salary that you want to receive from each order - usually they write 50-60%. If you work well, the owner of the company himself will assign you bonuses, such as 80%. It is advisable to choose a taxi company with a maximum level of 10, this will give you a chance to fulfill elite orders, which will come in handy when there are few orders.

How to take orders from Taxi Money.
When the time has come to take the order, instantly go to the very last page (there you will find amounts from 1 ruble for level 2 cars, this is a lot), quickly press the button to take the order, otherwise another person may take it. If you don’t have time, look for a second one, with a lower payment. You shouldn’t take hack orders, you’ll earn money, but you won’t be able to withdraw without money in your passenger account, only if you transfer it to your purchases account. And company owners do not welcome this. By the way, if you are in doubt or have questions, ask them in the company chat, they will help you.

There are never many orders, so you need to know that they are updated every five minutes, and in multiples of 5: at 00:00, 00:05 min, 00:10 min, 00:15 min, etc. When the time comes, refresh the page and run to take your order. Larger orders and taxis are completed faster than cheap orders. For example, taking an order for 1 ruble 12 kopecks will take you 1 hour 15 minutes, and an order for 39 kopecks will take you 1 hour 40 minutes... It’s strange, but it’s true.
Each order taken and delivered is accompanied by a sound. When depositing money, the machine rests for some time, 5-7 minutes, depending on the amount of the order and the level of the player.
Do not transfer the salary received from the company to purchases unnecessarily, and do not withdraw it - transfer money to the passenger taxi account. PS is a certain level of how much money the game will allow you to withdraw, these are a kind of payment points, so you need to save them.
A purchase account (generated from shoddy orders) will allow you to: take cars, make improvements, buy licenses. Withdrawal account - withdraw money to an electronic wallet, in the amount = the amount of PS.

How to top up your passenger account at Taxi Mani?
You can transfer your earnings to your Taxi Mani passenger account, and you can also get 40% from replenishing your balance and from replenishing referrals. I know those who have several hundred and thousand referrals, and their passenger balance reaches 70,000 rubles; such people have usually been in the project for a long time, from a year and a half or more. You can make money from racing, but it's a simple roulette, 50/50.

In addition, if you open your own company, the profits from it can be deposited into the passenger account.
Another tip: when there is enough money in the account for withdrawal, but not in the passenger account, don’t wait, but use it for your own development: buy cars, or open your own company - it’s not cheap, 8,900 rubles, but it’s possible to accumulate it , further profits will pay for everything. Taxi Mani - positive reviews!

Finally, I wish you good luck and stable earnings.