The best earnings on bitcoins. How to earn bitcoins without investments: simple and affordable ways

The question posed in the title of this article interests many users. This is evidenced by at least the huge number of relevant queries in search engines. But why without investment? What reasons encourage people to look for “free” ways to earn money except, of course, the ineradicable love of our people for “freebies” (sorry for the unliterary expression)?

One of the main reasons is the lack of user trust in BTC in particular and in digital money as a phenomenon in general. Many people are interested in this question, no doubt. A decent percentage of these “many” most likely admit the promise of crypto, but with a number of reservations. Therefore, they are in no hurry to invest their hard-earned money, looking for options that allow them to do without it.

And such options exist. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get rich this way; the earnings aren’t great. But you can save some money and invest it in more effective schemes. However, it’s your business how to spend your money, and our job is to tell you where and how you can earn it.

You can get digital coins without spending a penny on many special sites. Finding them is not a problem, the problem is different - not every such resource can be classified as bona fide. There are fraudulent schemes that can discourage people from earning crypto for a long time and undermine the user’s faith in the possibility of honest, stable earnings online. So that you do not have to bear such heavy moral costs, we will give examples of a number of resources that you can trust, since their honesty and integrity are confirmed by years of diligent work and positive user reviews. Among them:

  1. is one of the very first platforms called BTC faucets. You can collect a “harvest” of Bitcoins here once every 60 minutes. You don’t have to do anything excessive for this; the task is to enter a captcha. There is an opportunity to increase the amount earned. To do this, it is enough to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the so-called multiplier. In essence, this is the same lottery, where, having played with their savings, a project participant gets a chance to increase them several times. Every Sunday, users’ money is automatically withdrawn from the service, but this operation can be carried out at other times upon request. The affiliate program has good conditions - referral fees amount to 50% of the earnings of attracted participants.
  2. is a unique faucet that you only need to visit once a day. When visiting, you must enter the captcha and reset the counter. Until the next appearance, Bitcoins will slowly “drip” into your account. Then you log in again, enter the captcha, withdraw your earnings, reset the counter, and everything starts all over again. The affiliate program will add 50% of the earnings of each referral to your profit.
  3. – distribution of “free elephants” hourly. For tormenting yourself with entering the captcha, you will be rewarded from 100 to 3000 satoshi each time (depending on your luck). Initially, the affiliate program offers half of the earnings of referrals (50%), but these earnings can be increased to 60% if you make every effort and recruit more partners.
  4. – to cooperate with this faucet you must register. The procedure is standard and will not cause any difficulties. Here you will have to enter the captcha 3 times an hour (an interval of 20 minutes), and each such “feat” of work will replenish your account with an amount from 150 to 500 satoshi. There is a set of bonuses, each of which is fraught with a pleasant surprise - a reduction in the time period before receiving the next reward, an increase in profits by a certain percentage, etc. Affiliate program - 50%.
  5. – the site pays for users to view advertising materials. There are a lot of advertisements, they are updated daily, so you can “enjoy” them to the fullest, and you’ll even get satoshis for it. The project has an impressive audience, so if you wish, you can advertise any of your ideas here. There is a referral program.
  6. is not the worst portal that pays to view ads. Satoshi are withdrawn to a BTC wallet, the details of which you provide during registration. The work takes a minimum of time, and the pay is very decent. The site has been operating for a long time and has proven itself well.
  7. – be patient and enter the captcha every 15 minutes, even around the clock. Every input will not go without reward. Unique bonuses - if you visit the resource at least once a day, the amount of your savings will increase by 5%. The terms of the affiliate program are standard - each referral will bring you 50% of their earnings.
  8. is almost a complete analogue of the Freebitco faucet. The same multiplier is available, but there is also another lottery. Satoshi collection is hourly. Referral conditions – 50% additional income.
  9. – the portal presents videos from YouTube, the viewing of which is paid in Bit. These units are converted into BTC and sent to your personal wallet. It is necessary to note an interesting detail - here anyone can try to promote their own video for a relatively small fee (in any case, on other resources it will cost you more). This opportunity could not escape the attention of users, and they flocked to the portal. There is also an affiliate program.

Here, in fact, are a number of resources with which we recommend starting your journey through the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies. Why from them? Because they are verified and here you are unlikely to encounter non-payments and fraud. We do not promise big profits. There are, of course, more profitable ways to obtain BTC, but they require certain knowledge and, as a rule, cash injections, which means they are associated with higher risks.

In addition to the examples given above, there are a number of other ways that allow you to receive crypto without investing your own savings in the process. Perhaps they are not as publicly available as those we have already described, but they may be suitable for someone:

  1. Work for digital money. You don’t have to invest money here; you have to invest your knowledge and skills. This is one of the conditionally “free” methods, since you will pay with your own labor.

First, of course, you need to find a job that would pay in bitcoins. Previously, this was difficult to do, but over time, the number of employers who pay employees with cryptocurrency has begun to grow. It is better to look for such offers on special services like Reddit, where there are thematic subreddits.

There you may encounter orders to perform this or that work (for example, developing a company logo), for which you will be paid in Bitcoins. In fact, the work can be anything, the main thing for you is the principle of payment in BTC.

There are also special sites offering work for crypto. Of course, you need to go and check out the offers on such a resource. But you must not let your guard down, as quite dubious things are often found there. Therefore, we do not recommend that you click on all the links in a row.

And another opportunity is to offer your own employer (if you already have a job) to pay for your work in digital currency. Of course, not everyone will perceive such a requirement adequately, but it is also impossible to exclude a positive outcome from this step.

  1. You may be given a tip in cryptocurrency. Yes, imagine, this direction has recently begun to slowly develop. Appropriate services like ChangeTip are appearing, allowing you to reward someone with a tip or receive an incentive left for you on social networks without any problems.

The scheme looks something like this: you want to mark a tweet you like with a small reward and send a tip to the author using the above resource. To do this, indicate the amount in your response and insert @changetip, after which the specified amount will be automatically withdrawn from your account and transferred to the recipient.

But, firstly, you still need to earn a tip, that is, prove yourself in such a way that someone would want to leave you one. And, secondly, such pleasant surprises happen quite rarely, and the tip amounts certainly cannot be called large.

  1. Try to get dividends from your savings. Let's say you have somehow accumulated a certain amount of BTC and are not averse to increasing them without investing in dubious enterprises. In this case, you can try to make money by borrowing in cryptocurrency. True, this is a very big risk that falls entirely on you. After all, sent Bitcoins cannot be returned in any way, that is, you must completely trust the person to whom you are transferring your Bitcoins as a loan.

P2P platforms are used for such operations. If you manage your business correctly and carefully, you will likely make a good profit.

And if you have certain knowledge, you can try to make money on market speculation. It is a risky business, requiring constant attention to the market situation, but, without a doubt, profitable.

  1. Mining is unlikely. This is not to say that Bitcoin mining has completely disappeared from the scene, but solo mining is no longer relevant. If you try, do so as part of a pool or using a cloud service. But the main income in this area has long become the privilege of large players.

We have presented you with several areas in which you need to work to get Bitcoin without investment. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice is yours. The main thing is to choose several reliable and profitable services, and the rest will depend only on your perseverance and hard work. Good luck!

Greetings, friends! Almost every one of us has heard something about bitcoins, but not everyone fully understands what it is and how you can make money on it. Therefore, in today’s article I will try to tell you in simple words and in more detail about how to make money on bitcoins .

On the Internet you can find many articles on the topic of making money on bitcoins, but most of them contain only general information, while there is very little practical information that really allows you to earn money online.

In this article we will talk about specific methods. We will cover both advanced and simple ways earning bitcoins without investments from scratch, which is suitable even for beginners!

The methods listed in this article will allow you to quickly earn your first bitcoins in the near future!

About 25 other interesting ways to make money on the Internet from 50 to 10,000 rubles in a day read!👈 I recommend it to everyone!

❗️ Today you will learn both simple and advanced ways to mine bitcoins! 😀

Also in this article you will find step-by-step instructions for making money on bitcoins, which describes in detail what you need to do to earn bitcoins!

At the same time, we will most impartially and truthfully consider all options for earning bitcoins!

So today you will learn:

  • How to earn bitcoins without investments in 2019?
  • List of sites where you can earn bitcoins.
  • How to earn bitcoins on your phone?
  • Is it possible to earn bitcoins for free?

If you are ready to learn about all this and more, sit back and continue reading the article!

1. Bitcoins - what is it and how to make money on them?

Let's take a quick look at what bitcoins are and what ways to earn them.

Bitcoins is a digital electronic currency that is not controlled by anyone. But in general it is the same money as rubles. For bitcoins, as well as for rubles, you can buy almost anything you want!

The essence of Bitcoin is that it has there is no single owner and center- and all operations associated with it (purchase/sale/transfers...) are serviced thanks to the power of millions of different computers around the world.

Initially, there is no commission for transactions with Bitcoin; miners only receive remuneration for their work - mining cryptocurrency. That is, they, at the expense of their computers (power), ensure the completion of these same operations with bitcoins.

Therefore, such a type of income as mining- everyone can make money on it! This requires at least a computer and the Internet (read more below!?).

The Bitcoin exchange rate depends on its popularity: the more people use it, the higher the rate will be. And you can make money from this - we’ll also talk about this in this article!

By the way, for those who don’t know, the smaller part of bitcoins (0.00000001 part of a bitcoin) is called satoshi.

But let's talk about everything in order! And yet, how to start earning bitcoins?

So, there are several main ways to earn bitcoins:

  1. Bitcoin faucets (easy way);
  2. phone applications (easy way);
  3. mining: regular and cloud;
  4. bitcoin arbitrage;
  5. trading on the bitcoin exchange (due to changes in the exchange rate).

I propose to start with the simplest ways to earn bitcoins and gradually move on to more complex, but at the same time more profitable!

2. Earning money on Bitcoin faucets - TOP 5 excellent sites for easy and fast earnings

And below, based on reviews on the Internet, I have selected the 3 most adequate applications for earning bitcoins.

Application #1: IQ Bit

The application is not the most popular, but it is reliable and, according to reviews on Google Play, it received 4.6 out of 5 points.

For completing tasks (mainly for watching videos) you will receive “bits”, which can then be exchanged for bitcoins and withdrawn.

☝️ How much can you earn?
Every 3-4 minutes you can earn about 100 bits. In 1 hour, earnings on average will be 1500 bits!

The minimum withdrawal amount is not too high compared to other applications - 40,000 bits. And rewards ranging from 400 to 1100 rubles are often awarded.

At the same time, if you have any questions, you can write to the support service - here they are quite loyal to users.

In addition, bits can not be exchanged for bitcoins, but you can immediately withdraw them to your Qiwi wallet, Yandex money, Paypal or Steam.

Application #2: BitMaker Free Bitcoin/Ethereum

Bitcoin Crane also has its own affiliate program , which can additionally bring good income.

Apparently, the application pays, although on the Internet you can find reviews from some users who still write that the application sometimes resets the balance and does not pay out satoshi.

4. How to earn bitcoins using a computer on a machine (mining)

Description: To mine bitcoins, computers are required, and the more powerful they are, the better! They, in turn, solve cryptographic problems, for which bitcoins are awarded! In this way, you can earn income completely automatically, i.e. passively!

❗️ You can earn money this way hundreds and thousands of rubles per day! And this is not the limit! Some large miners earn By 10,000 - 50,000 rubles daily!

Attachments: in most cases, at least the minimum is required! Although there are exceptions!

Method 1: Standard mining

Many people have a question: how does a video card earn bitcoins?

But the fact is that it is mainly she who performs the computational operations that are necessary for the existence of bitcoins.

And since no one will provide their computer power “just like that,” that’s why a monetary reward from cryptocurrency is awarded for this service!

❗️ It used to be possible to earn good Bitcoins directly from your home computers.

Now super-powerful computers are appearing, so you won’t be able to make big money on weak video cards. But still earn small amounts really everyone who has a computer! 🙂

- An easy way for beginners

— Advanced method

A more profitable way is to organize a bitcoin mining farm yourself, i.e. a whole network of interconnected computers.

Whole farms and even "factories" Bitcoin mining sites have been created recently. They have modern and ultra-powerful processors that perform calculations around the clock.

To organize a farm you will need:

  • modern powerful video cards and processors;
  • power and cooling systems.

Once the farm is ready, you will need to install special programs for mining. Some of the most popular are: 50minerPhoenix , BFG Miner, Diablo Miner, CG Miner... Although more and more new programs appear every year, so do more powerful video cards.

But as you understand, this type of income requires significant investments. They can amount to either tens of thousands of rubles or hundreds of thousands! And how much you can earn will depend on the amount of investment in general!

This is what mining farms look like:

Bitcoin mining farms - an example

Real example!
Huge amounts of money are invested in large mining farms - hundreds and even millions of dollars! For example, about 300 000$ !

These farms pay for themselves within about 1 year - everything depends mainly on the power of the video cards.

For example, if you invest 100,000 rubles into equipment , then you can mine approximately by200-400 rubles daily! But it's important to note that income can change dramatically over time!

It is also advisable to register in the miners community (for example, F2Pool, BitFuryPool, AntPool...) to mine bitcoins together with other “miners”.

This is beneficial for both you and other miners, because the greater the total computing power of the pool (community), the higher the likelihood of extracting new bitcoins, and therefore earning more!

But you need to understand that mining also has its own risks:

  • Firstly , it is not known exactly when the purchased equipment will pay for itself and begin to make a profit - competition in this business is growing greatly!
  • Secondly, with the development of modern technologies, purchased equipment becomes outdated every year, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to sell it in 1-2 years for at least 90% from its original cost. This also needs to be taken into account!
  • Third, the Bitcoin exchange rate also directly affects the earnings of miners!

Despite this, many miners have successfully earned money and continue to earn money! In this matter, experience is primarily important! 🙂

Method 2: Cloud Mining

Cloud mining is a simpler and more promising option for mining cryptocurrency compared to standard mining!

It consists in the fact that you rent " computing power ", i.e. computers from large specialized companies.

❗️ That is, you will not need to spend a lot of money on purchasing special equipment for mining - all you need to do is pay a small amount of money for their rent!

According to some reviews over the past year, the profitability of cloud mining, depending on case by case, was approximately 60-80% . That is, if you invested 50,000 rubles, then in a year your income would be approximately 85 thousand, of which 35 thousand- this is profit!

In addition, it is profitable to use cloud mining for this reason - the chance of mining bitcoins due to the enormous power of the servers of these companies is much higher than if you mine them separately.

Such companies subsequently distribute the earned bitcoins in proportion to the purchased capacity among all “tenants.”

Watch a short video that briefly and simply explains what cloud mining is:

For those who don’t know: purchased power is measured in hashes. It is best to rent Gigahashi or Terahashi.

For example, here is one of the companies with a good rating for renting capacity for earning bitcoins - Hashflare(website:

But cloud mining also has its downsides. The main one is the development of fraud. A large number of cloud mining “companies” are appearing, taking money from users and hiding in an unknown direction!

Therefore, it is always necessary to read reviews about them before investing your money in cloud mining companies.

And one more piece of advice - it’s best to withdraw mined bitcoins as often as possible - at least 1 time per month!

It is important!
In general, cloud mining, like regular mining, involves investments. However, in both cases there are also risks that these investments in the future will not only not bring profit, but will also turn out to be unprofitable.

In fact, there is no guarantee that you will make money! Although on the other hand, you can only earn money by taking risks!

5. Earnings from exchanging bitcoins (arbitrage)

There is another interesting way to earn bitcoins, which I recently learned about - arbitrage!

Its essence is that there is no single price for bitcoins. Each exchange sets its own Bitcoin exchange rates, which can vary significantly.

And there are a huge number of exchanges on the Internet that allow you to sell/buy bitcoins.

So how can you make money on arbitrage?

  1. To make money on arbitrage, firstly, you will need to register on 3-10 major exchanges for bitcoin exchange.
  2. Next, you will need to periodically monitor the purchase/sale price on these exchanges. By the way, this is easy to do with the help of special sites that compare rates online (for example, the service).
  3. If you notice that the price on one exchange is noticeably higher, and on another lower, then on one exchange we buy at a low rate, and on the other we sell at a high rate.

Examples of different rates for buying/selling bitcoins on exchanges

To make it completely clear, I’ll give an example!

⭐️ An example of making money on arbitrage!
For example, you noticed that on the Bitfinex exchange it is possible to buy bitcoins at a rate of $5,782, while at the same time on the LiveCoin exchange bitcoins can be sold for $5,847.

First, you buy bitcoins for $5,782, and then we sell the purchased bitcoins on a second exchange for $5,847. In this case the difference was $65 for 1 bitcoin!

As you can see, you can make money on arbitrage, but to make normal money from the difference in rates, more or less serious investments are required!

In addition, there are 3 important nuances that you need to know about:

  • When exchanging, do not forget take into account the commission , which is charged for topping up bitcoins on some exchanges!
  • Bitcoin rate can change greatly almost every second, which can either significantly increase your profit or seriously reduce it.
  • Consider bitcoin volume , which is available at the time of exchange on exchanges - it may simply not be enough!

5. Earnings from changes in Bitcoin exchange rate (investing)

Here we come to one of the most profitable ways to earn bitcoins. This is where the really big money is made. At the same time, you can earn practically no limits !

The only caveat is that this requires investment. It is usually possible to trade Bitcoins from 10$.

There are main 3 options earnings from changes in Bitcoin exchange rate:

  • just invest money in bitcoins for a long period;
  • trade yourself on short-term periods;
  • entrust money to traders for management.

You can trade Bitcoins entirely online, for example with the help of a well-known and reliable broker Alpari( By the way, there are many managers here who will help you increase your money.

However, do not forget that there is always a chance of losing money, so take risks wisely and only with free funds. Cryptocurrencies are one of the most unstable and risky instruments: even in 1 day they can bring both large profits and huge losses.

— Investing in bitcoins for long periods

The number of bitcoins is limited (there will be no more than 21 million in total) - this is what makes bitcoins so valuable.

Therefore, you can invest in Bitcoin on a long-term basis (for 3 months or more), so far the trend is positive and most likely (in my opinion!) Bitcoin will still grow in the near future.

If you had invested in Bitcoin just 3 months ago, you would now have earned more than 100% . For example, if you invested 100,000 rubles, you would receive more than 200 thousand rubles.

Of course, those who bought it when it cost 1-2 dollars made good money on the growth of the cryptocurrency. In this case the profit was thousand percent !

In this case, a great buying strategy is to buy on pullbacks, that is, when Bitcoin is undervalued and has fallen a little, but the overall upward trend should continue! In other words, you should strive to buy a “product” that is in demand at a good “discount”!

Below in the picture I depicted red arrows approximate places where you could buy bitcoins!

Bitcoin rate growth chart (click to enlarge)

— Independent short-term trading

In the first case, it is still advisable for you to have experience in trading in financial markets, since without it you will most likely not only not earn money, but also lose your initial capital. I tested it myself!🙂

If you decide to trade on the stock exchange yourself, be sure to decide on a trading strategy. You can find a huge number of them on the Internet.

For me, one of the effective strategies is Price Action, in particular trade in daily pin bars (You can also read about it on the Internet).

You bought 1 bitcoin at a rate of $5,450, 3 days later you sold it for $5,950. As a result, your profit per trade was 500 dollars !

Also, for the example below, I have indicated with arrows pin bars for buying Bitcoin that could bring good profits:

Opportunities for buying Bitcoin in the short term

— We invest money in management for traders

There is a slightly different way: if you have money, but do not know how to trade, then you can entrust your money to a professional manager who has been successfully trading bitcoins for many years.

They will only receive a small percentage of the profits (usually 10-30% ), and in case of losses they receive nothing. Therefore, managers are directly interested in bringing you profit.

There are also so-called PAMM portfolios, which combine several reliable managers and more income. Managers, for example, can be found on the same website - Alpari!

❗️ In a month, with proper investment in managers, you can earn as much as 5-20% , and by 100-300% depending on the case.

But as always, do not forget about the risk (the higher the potential profit, the higher the risk) and do not invest all your money in one manager!

7. Step-by-step instructions for earning bitcoins - 3 simple steps

For those who still don’t know where to start, I have prepared a short step-by-step guide to making money on Bitcoins.

Step 1: Register a Bitcoin wallet

The first thing you need to do before you start earning bitcoins is to register bitcoin wallet ! In any case, you will need it to receive payments.

There are a lot of options for opening a wallet:

  • you can install programs on your computer ( ArcBit, Bitcoin Core, Bit Go…)
  • or download applications to your smartphone ( Bitcoin Wallet, Electrum, Simple Bitcoin…)
  • or simply register on websites ( Bit Go, Coin.Space…).

You can easily choose any suitable method of registering a wallet on the official Bitcoin website ( There are all links to programs, applications and sites, as well as detailed descriptions of them.

Ways to open a Bitcoin wallet

As a result, you will receive a special secret key with which you will have access to your funds.

❗️ Important:
Save your key in safe place ! If you lose it, it will be either impossible or very difficult to restore it.

In addition, if your private key gets into the hands of unauthorized persons, they will be able to use your bitcoins!

Step 2: Choose a suitable earning option

After you have opened your Bitcoin wallet, you should decide on how to earn money.

To easily earn money without investments, you can use Bitcoin faucets, apps on your phone and/or just try mine bitcoins using your computer by installing the program Kryptex (

For example, on a simple computer with Kryptex it is possible to earn even the same 400-1200 rubles per month from mining. Not much, but it’s still nice to get them practically for nothing.

More effective ways to earn bitcoins require investment in most cases. If you have them, then you can:

  • organize a mini-farm for cryptocurrency mining at home;
  • just invest in cloud mining;
  • try to make money on arbitrage;
  • or invest money in bitcoins.

And depending on the chosen method, you will need to register on certain sites and start earning money.

Step 3: Withdraw bitcoins and exchange them

After you have earned your first bitcoins/satoshis, all that remains is to withdraw them to your wallet or card.

Still, you can not exchange bitcoins, but wait until their rate grows further. But there is also a danger here, since the Bitcoin rate may not rise, but fall.

Therefore, the best solution would be to withdraw either the entire amount at once or at least 50%.

I briefly described how to do this below!👇

8. How to withdraw/exchange bitcoins - 3 easy ways

Feedback on making money mining bitcoins

11. Conclusion

So we looked in detail at all the main ways to earn bitcoins! I really hope that now you have a complete picture of how you can earn bitcoins.

Of course, you won’t be able to earn much using the first 2 methods: Bitcoin faucets and applications. This income is usually enough to small expenses (for example, to top up your phone balance, Internet...).

Other methods can bring serious income with the right approach.

In addition, do not forget that bitcoins are not the only way to make money on the Internet. There are many others - you can read about them on our website!

And don’t believe people who promise you to earn a lot of money without making any effort on your part. These are scammers!

They only make money by selling various useless courses, programs, etc. Unfortunately, there are plenty of scammers on the Internet!

The main thing is to act, try and believe in yourself - and you will succeed!

I wish you success, good luck and good earnings!👍👍👍

⭐️ Friends, I tried very hard to write a detailed and useful article for you! If you liked it, share it on social networks - I will be very grateful!

And also don’t forget to rate the article, leave your opinion and share your experience in the comments to this article!

Hello friends!. Today I want to start a topic that you have probably been waiting for - earning bitcoins without investment.

What does Wikipedia say about Bitcoin?

Bitcoin or Bitcoin (English Bitcoin, from bit - “bit” and coin - “coin”) is a peer-to-peer payment system that uses the same unit of account and the same data transfer protocol. Cryptographic methods are used to ensure the functioning and protection of the system. All information about transactions between system addresses is available in open form.

Bitcoins can be used to exchange for goods or services from merchants who agree to accept them. Through an online service for exchanging digital currencies, other payment systems or exchange offices, exchanges for regular currencies take place.

One of the main features of the system is complete decentralization: there is no central administrator or any analogue. A necessary and sufficient element of this payment system is the basic client program (open source). Client programs running on many computers are connected to each other into a one-time network, each node of which is equal and self-sufficient.

About Bitcoins in simple words

Bitcoin (Bitcoin) is a virtual currency or cryptocurrency that was created relatively recently - in 2009. The Bitcoin rate is constantly changing, and at the very beginning it was equal to $600. Therefore, many people want to receive this currency.

In fact earning bitcoins– this is earnings that are available to all users on the Internet. Today there are a lot of sites that give away bitcoins. These sites received an interesting name - “Cranes”.

To start earning bitcoins on the Internet, you need to go to one of these “Faucets” and enter . For entering the captcha you will be credited with 1 satoshi.

Satoshi is a currency of lower value after Bitcoin. Satoshi rate 100000000*1. That is, 1 Bitcoin is 100000000 Satoshi. Satoshi, as a rule, is displayed electronically, called Blockchain. You can store and accumulate them there, and you can also withdraw them to your Webmoney wallet. Earning bitcoins does not take much time, so this earnings are suitable for every Internet user. You just need to visit regularly and receive satoshi. And all this is free.

Why are we talking about free bitcoins? And all because the main ways to earn bitcoins are methods that require the purchase of special equipment, which is expensive and no longer fits the query “”. Therefore, I want to tell you exactly about those methods where no purchases or investments are required. Everything will be completely free.

Earning bitcoins without investment

As we mentioned before, Bitcoin is a very tempting currency. Firstly, this is a very promising cryptocurrency. Many argue, and rightly so, that Bitcoin will soon cost several times more than the current $745 per Bitcoin. It is clear that this is a very attractive and, most importantly, profitable investment. Currently, the Bitcoin rate is just under $750. Those who managed to sell bitcoins at the maximum rate are now in chocolate.

Secondly, we offer you options with which you will not have to invest even a ruble in this product. This method is called "".

By the way, you can earn bitcoins on the machine. This is quite real!

In order to start earning bitcoins, you need to register on the site and create a wallet, and then you can safely start earning bitcoins.

What is the essence of earning bitcoins?

The essence of earning bitcoins is to register on the sites that we will offer below, enter your bitcoin wallet address on them and earn money.

In addition to the lotteries in which you will participate, there are wonderful affiliate programs (affiliate programs) on the above sites. From each invited referral you can receive a bonus in the amount of 25-50% of his income - this is even more profitable.

Disadvantages of Bitcoin

It is clear that we cannot ignore the shortcomings of Bitcoin. Here are some of the main disadvantages:

  • Bitcoin has no central regulator. That is, all operations with bitcoins that are carried out cannot be canceled, since there is not a single center that would be responsible for this.
  • Bitcoins are difficult to use - this is a fact, because this system is very confusing, especially for people who are far from the Internet. Therefore, this slows down the development of Bitcoin as a currency.
  • Bitcoin risks becoming a banned currency.

TOP 10 best sites for earning bitcoins is the oldest of all existing Bitcoin faucets. This service allows you to earn bitcoins every 60 minutes. To do this, you just need to enter the captcha. This resource has a kind of lottery where you can play with the money you earn and lose, or win even more. You can withdraw funds at any time.

- This is the third place on our list. To receive bitcoins, you need to log into this service once a day. Captcha entry is also used for this. Bitcoin after water is automatically accumulated in your account. Standard affiliate – 50%.

– this service differs from previous topics; bitcoins are awarded not for entering a captcha, but for viewing an advertisement. New advertisements appear on this service every day. This service has a fairly large audience. What’s also attractive is that here you can easily advertise your project.

— perhaps this faucet deserves to be in the top ten. Bitcoins are distributed twice here in an hour! The minimum amount for withdrawal is 10 thousand satoshi.

is again a service that pays bitcoins for viewing advertisements. When registering, you indicate your account number and receive bitcoins to it. The advantage of this service is that it does not take much time, and the pay is very decent.– on this service you can enter a captcha every 20 minutes. Of course, this speeds up your bitcoin earnings, while earning 100-500 satoshi. The service has a lot of bonuses that help increase income.

From the author: It sounds like an annoying Instagram ad, but you can get Bitcoin without spending a penny. You still don’t know how to earn Bitcoins without investments? Then you've come to the right place. Now you will find out everything.


Previously, no one could have thought that people would start chasing some codes on the Internet. But what happened was that they became payment systems. At the same time, quite effective. They have many advantages over centralized payment options for goods and services.

This led to a new so-called Bitcoin fever. When it had a powerful pump, many people bought Bitcoin simply because it was mainstream. So, you could hitch a ride with some farmer and find out that he bought a few coins for fun.

But this trend could not affect the increase in earnings of ordinary citizens. Many also want to see this treasured coin in their crypto wallet, but do not have the financial means. Smart and creative people immediately took advantage of this and provided many options for earning money without the cost.

Cloud mining

Cloudmining is the rental of computing power for cryptocurrency mining. Essentially, you are not mining because all technical issues remain with the supplier. You just sign a kind of agreement from which you plan to make a profit in the future.

Naturally, no one will engage in such activities for free. After all, mining is very demanding and requires huge investments. However, many platforms offer bonus gigahashes for registration. The bonus is small, but it already allows you to get started.

Moreover, some of these sites allow for the production of facilities themselves. Let's say when you created an account you were given 1 GH/s. You use it to increase the same GH/s. After some time there will be 5, 10 or more hashes. That is, Bitcoin mining will be much faster. What expenses will you make? Only payment for Internet traffic.

How to start? After registration you will receive bonus power. Find Bitcoin mining on the service and use your bonus. Some services (for example, Futumine) start mining automatically.

What's the benefit? The Bitcoin network is loaded, so a meager bonus will be ineffective. The average daily profit does not exceed 1000 satoshi. Considering that mining occurs even when the computer is offline, you can simply turn it on and forget about the service for several months. This way you can save up a little and withdraw funds for more active work with cryptocurrency.

It is worth noting that any of these services offers to purchase additional capacity. In theory this can be done. But first you need to familiarize yourself with customer reviews and the general reputation of the site on the Internet. Very often SCAMs appear among them.


Special services that pay satoshi for entering captcha. The Internet is full, so there will be plenty to choose from. Moreover, you can use 30–40 sites at once. The captcha entry period ranges from 5–60 minutes. Some services allow you to enter only once a day, however, the reward there is much greater.

How to start? First you need to create a Bitcoin wallet, since this is the first thing the faucet will require from you. After that, go to the site (Freebitcoin, Moonbitcoin, We Love Bitcoin and others), indicate your address and complete the captcha.

There are two types of faucets: accumulative and instant payout. The first ones require you to collect a certain amount in your internal account (on average 100 thousand satoshi) before you can withdraw it. The latter, accordingly, allow you to withdraw funds immediately.

Some of the second type of faucets automatically send a reward for entering a captcha to the specified address. Typically such sites operate through Coinpot. We can't say that this is good or bad. One way or another, you will need to withdraw funds from these wallets to the main address.

  1. Bitcoin News Crane. The faucet is exclusively for phones. However, this is even better, because your smartphone is always at hand. In addition to entering captcha, you can also receive rewards for completing small tasks and even reading news.
  2. Freebitcoin. It is considered the most popular and profitable faucet. If fortune smiles, you can earn 0.018 BTC from one captcha. It also provides a lot of opportunities to increase profits (50% bonus from referrals, lotteries, doubling capital).
  3. Cryptomininggame. A kind of faucet with a period of 10 minutes. The minimum income is 100 satoshi.

What's the benefit? The average profit from one faucet per hour is 100 satoshi. However, this is based on the use of 10+ services. After all, one can give 500, and the second only 5-10. If you work hard 4–5 hours a day, you can earn up to 500 rubles. It seems like a good monthly income without expenses. But this will get boring very quickly.

Almost all faucets allow you to increase your reward. So, some of them practice bonuses for daily visits to the site. Almost every faucet provides the use of an affiliate program. So, for each captcha entered by your referral, you can receive up to 50% of his reward.

However, even such goodies will not bring you millions. Taps are good for making money on beer and cigarettes. Someone manages to make start-up capital for themselves. However, this cannot be called full-fledged income.


They make working with faucets about 100 times easier. This is the service where most of the network’s faucets are collected. Thanks to it, you can collect rewards from all your sites while on one page. This saves a lot of time and patience.

A huge disadvantage is the additional commission of the rotator for providing services. Developers have to monitor all the faucets of the network (or create a bot for this), as well as maintain the functionality of the site. Why not collect a small tribute from users?

Of course, you don't have to make any investment. However, it is not very pleasant to spend money on a minimum commission when the profit is already small.

Click-click - Bitcoin

For a very long time there have been sites on the Internet that pay for mouse clicks. So, you can get 1-2 cents for clicking on links or advertising banners. The development of cryptocurrencies has stimulated the emergence of similar platforms, only now they pay in Satoshi.

How to start? The operating principle is similar to the use of cranes. You need to register on the service, indicate your wallet address and you can start earning money. Select a banner and click on it. Completion is checked and rewards are credited automatically.

What's the benefit? How much do you think people are willing to pay for simple clicks? The average reward for 20 clicks is 100 satoshi. This is very little, but you can make a thousand clicks a day. If you are good at programming, you can write a click bot. However, this method will not make you millions either.

Entertainment and earnings

Who would have thought that games would bring money not only to developers, but also to users? But e-sports have appeared, which pay at a high level. So, for example, the prize fund of the world championship of one of the most popular games Dota 2 has already exceeded 20 million dollars.

So far, no one is paying huge amounts of Bitcoin for games, but several applications have already been developed for Android and iOS. Each of them has its own analogue, or foundation. Therefore, for many such games will be very simple.

  1. Bitcoin Flapper, aka Flappy Bird. The task is to control the bird so that it does not collide with obstacles. Each hurdle passed is worth one point. The reward depends on the distance traveled. Believe me, this game requires nerves of steel.
  2. Bitcoin Crush, formerly known as Candy Crush Saga. A very simple game that will require some math skills on your part. You need to create a line of 3 or more identical coins. After completing all levels you will receive 2000 satoshi.
  3. Sarutobi. There was once a massive boom in the Yeti Sports game. It was necessary to throw the Bigfoot as far as possible. The analogue for earning Bitcoins differs only in that you need to throw a monkey. It is strange that Green Peace does not respond to such games.
  4. Blockchain game. A great game to kill time on your way to work. You need to build a vertical tower of blocks. Each level requires a certain number of blocks. When you move to a new level, the reward increases.
  5. Golden Tea. Suitable for all garden lovers, as well as former Funny Farm players. In this game you need to plant tea bushes and monitor their growth. For each of them you will receive 50–60 satoshi.

This method can bring good profits, since all these games are familiar to many. Moreover, they bring pleasure not only from earning money, but also from entertainment. Therefore, they will not be able to get bored so quickly.

Free hiring for Bitcoin

Freelancing is gaining popularity online. This is not surprising, since it has many advantages:

  • no contracts;
  • a large number of both employers and performers;
  • free schedule;
  • and others.

Most office work, such as translation of texts, writing articles, web design or website creation, is already entrusted to freelancers. Of course, there is no guarantee of their professionalism, but payment is still made based on the work completed.

Again, the peak of popularity of cryptocurrencies led to the fact that freelancers began to be paid in Bitcoins. So, if you write posts on Bitcoin Talk around the clock, you can earn 0.1 BTC per day. Can this already be called a good profit?

You can do anything from writing comments to writing scripts. Some of the most popular freelance exchanges of this kind are XBT Freelancer and CryptoGrind. The principle of operation is simple: register, find a task that you can complete, leave your request and wait for the customer’s response.

Accessible even to a child

There are many social projects that are also willing to pay a small amount for participation. All you need to do is take a survey or complete a small task like watching a video. The average reward for one task is up to 10,000 satoshi. There is nothing difficult, so even a child can do this.

Selling things

Look around your garage or storage room. How many unnecessary things are there? In fact, you just don't need them. But if such things are still usable, then why not sell them to someone?

Organize a garage sale, or place advertisements on Internet resources. At the same time, do not forget to indicate that you want to receive payment in Bitcoin. You can immediately indicate the cost of the product in this cryptocurrency in the comments.

A little advice: do not indicate your wallet address anywhere. It is better to provide it to the buyer when he is ready to purchase the product. This way you minimize the risk that someone will find out that the wallet is linked to a specific person.


The undoubted advantage of all these methods is the cost-free option. Almost no one ever refuses free cheese. Moreover, there seem to be no mousetraps here. After all, millions of people around the world already make money in this way.

There is no time reference. Moreover, you do not owe anything to anyone. An exception is freelancing, but even that is easy to refuse. The only negative is the loss of earnings. However, there will be no sanctions.

Earning money without investment always attracts. At the same time, there is no competition. Everyone works individually and receives a reward, regardless of the actions of others. No punishments, penalties, etc. Unless you spend a little on commission when you withdraw your profits.


The Internet is crawling with scammers. Especially when it comes to services that provide free earnings. They know how to promote themselves, so there is a very high probability of stumbling upon such a site.

Always check any website or app for positive and negative reviews. Try to find platform usage statistics. Such measures will help you avoid theft of data or even money from your card.

Also, a huge disadvantage is low profit. You will not be able to make capital for yourself using such sites. You will have to regard this only as additional income for pocket expenses.

Most of these sites are very monotonous. They get boring quickly. Sometimes you may not have time to earn the amount for withdrawal. It will remain in the service’s internal wallet. Essentially, it will still be the developers' money, which means they won't lose anything. Moreover, they will receive positive usage statistics.

Bottom line

Earning BTC without investments is very real. There are a huge number of ways to get Bitcoin without spending money. Moreover, each of them is variable in execution. Of course, you won’t earn much, but you will kill time well and you will always have money for small expenses.

If you are sure that you will not lose interest in a particular service after an hour, then you can try to earn money in any of the ways. Or use them all together. You will spend a little time, and your profits will increase. The main thing is to be attentive to the service itself, so as not to stumble upon SCAM.

What are you waiting for? Get started now. If you know any unusual options, please let us know in the comments. Good luck, and see you soon!

The Internet allows every modern person to keep up with the times, including making money anywhere and at any time. The Internet opens up new horizons for people and gives them the opportunity to develop in a wide variety of directions. On the other hand, the Internet is the natural habitat of bitcoins - digital coins that do not have a physical shell and function online.

Today, many people are interested in the topic of making money on Bitcoins. Bitcoins can be obtained without investments - for example, by viewing advertisements on specialized sites. Of course, these are tiny amounts, unless you have to put in any serious effort to get them. And if you are serious about making money on cryptocurrency. we will tell you about other ways to obtain digital tokens.

What are bitcoins and what is the secret of making money online using this cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin(from the English bit - a unit of information “bit”, and the English coin, which means “coin”) is a new digital coin that is rapidly gaining popularity, which appeared in 2009.

The founder of this innovative cryptocurrency was Satoshi Nakamoto, and already in the first years of the existence of the Bitcoin network, its development posed a serious challenge to the entire global economy. It is worth noting that bitcoins are rising in price, and they can easily be exchanged for regular (fiat) money at the current rate.

In 2009, the rate of 1 bitcoin was $0.00076, now it has increased millions of times. The process of exchanging currency is quite simple, and you can do it at any exchange office. And now closer to the actual earning of bitcoins.

If you want to get a complete understanding of cryptocurrencies and making money on them in 40 minutes, download the free book “25 Strategies for Investing in Cryptocurrencies.”

What are Bitcoins - video

How to quickly earn bitcoins without investment

There are a huge number of different services on the Internet (so-called cryptocurrency faucets) that allow you to earn bitcoins without investment by entering a captcha (a unique number or alphabetic set that is displayed along with advertising), by viewing advertising, or by performing other simple actions. Earning bitcoins without investment attracts thousands of modern people who want to receive digital tokens and not spend a single ruble. But we need to make a reservation that there is no way to earn a whole bitcoin from cryptocurrency faucets. We're talking about earning satoshis - a tiny part of bitcoin (1 satoshi = 0.000000001 btc).

First, you need to create your wallet in the bitcoin system. This is done very simply, conveniently and quickly: there are many resources offering free online wallets. Then you need to register on one of the many BTC earnings services.

Today, some of the most popular services for earning bitcoins are:


This is not a complete list of faucets for earning Satoshi - there are quite a lot of them, and new resources appear regularly. In addition, many faucets hold lotteries, promotions and drawings that allow you to increase the amount of satoshi received. But don’t delude yourself: you won’t be able to earn more than 100 rubles a day (in terms of fiat money) using faucets.

How to earn bitcoin using cloud mining?

If you are interested in serious earnings, then first of all it is mining, or the extraction of bitcoins. To get bitcoins, you need to perform complex calculations using special devices (video cards or ASICs) and obtain blocks, and bitcoins will be paid to the miner as a reward. You can do this yourself if you set up a mining farm (for example, at home). Miners also unite into communities (pools). There is another mining method that will not require your time, but will require certain investments - cloud mining.

To make money on cloud mining, you need to register on one of the special services, such as, which will not take much of your time and effort. It’s nice to know that after registering you won’t have to download a bunch of different applications or other files. In essence, the user rents production capacity for mining and in return receives an agreed share of the profit of this service.

At the initial stage, you will need a certain amount, which can be very small - about 0.0005 BTC. The user enters into a contract (usually for a year) and after a year should receive a profit. After this, he can extend the contract or withdraw his investments. But it is important to carefully read the terms of the contract - because the complexity of mining new blocks (and, accordingly, bitcoins) increases every year. In addition, the operation of a mining farm consumes a large amount of electricity, which also has to be paid for. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the possible profit, taking into account all possible costs.

Other ways to make money on the Internet

Mining, or how to earn Bitcoin - video

We also suggest that you read the article on how to become a guru in the fashionable niche of making money on.

By earning bitcoins now, you are investing in your future!