Ways to improve lending to individuals. Improving the efficiency of lending to individuals

Short description

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the procedure for lending to individuals on the example of the Limited Liability Company "RUSFINANS BANK", to develop proposals for its improvement.
Based on the goal of the thesis work, the following tasks are defined:
- to study the theoretical foundations of the analysis of commercial bank operations with individuals;
- to analyze the operations of a commercial bank with individuals in RUSFINANS BANK LLC;
- suggest ways to improve lending to individuals in LLC RUSFINANS BANK.

1.1 Essence, meaning and types of loans from commercial banks to individuals 5
1.2 Regulations governing lending to individuals in a commercial bank 12
1.3 Analysis of the organization of lending to individuals in a commercial bank 19
2.1 Organizational, legal and economic characteristics of the bank 31
2.2 Analysis of the organization of lending to individuals in the bank 38
2.3 Analysis of credit transactions with individuals in the bank 45
3.1 Measures to expand the customer base 58
3.2 Calculating the effectiveness of proposed interventions 62

Attached files: 1 file

Table 11 - Forecast of the loan portfolio of LLC "RUSFINANS BANK" for the year, thousand rubles

Types of loans

Actual year 2007

Forecast year 2008

Deviation 2008 to 2007

Growth rate 2008 to 2007,%

thousand rubles

thousand rubles

Car loans

Consumer loans

including Revolving credit cards

Direct sales incl.

loyal customers

disloyal customers

consumer lending, which guarantees an increase in the bank's income from lending operations and an increase in profits for 2008.

3.2 Calculation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures

In modern conditions, there is a growing need for banks in more precise planning in the electronic services market in general and the card business in particular. Consequently, banks planning to seriously work in this market need, firstly, to form their own policy in this area, and secondly, to take care of organizational and other mechanisms for implementing this policy.

Working with bank cards requires at least medium-term planning (at least 1-2 years). And it requires the bank to take an extremely responsible approach to such work, at least for the following reasons:

Once having started working with cards, the bank will no longer be able to “turn back” without major damage to its reputation and to its financial position. This places a special responsibility on its leaders;

The equipment required for card processing is quite expensive.

When working with cards, the bank must pay attention to the so-called operational risks caused by numerous reasons of a "technical" and "personal" nature.

Finally, it should be assumed that the card program should develop gradually, ascending the steps of varying complexity and scale. These steps can be:

– maintenance of cards of other banks and payment systems. The Bank in its branches and exchange offices issues cash to cardholders issued by other banks or payment systems. This does not require almost any capital investment from the bank and the participation of card business specialists. On the other hand, the bank may receive some income deducted to it by the card-issuing bank or a member of the payment system that processes these transactions. The vast majority of Russian banks that announce that they serve international cards operate at this level.

– distribution of cards of other banks. In this case, the bank enters into an agency agreement with the issuer, according to which it issues “foreign” cards to its customers, conducts all settlements with customers and receives some income from the issuer for this. This stage of work does not require special investments. The bank's expenses appear only in connection with the appearance of customers, at the expense of which they are immediately compensated. This stage is suitable for small and medium-sized banks, which find it difficult to quickly recruit several thousand cardholders, through the service of which the bank could recoup a higher-level card program in a reasonable time. A significant number of banks also operate at this stage, distributing international cards of foreign and Russian issuers.

– issuance of cards of payment systems. Usually, this means international Visa / Eurocard / MasterCard cards, however, Russia also has its own payment systems, participation in which will cost the bank much cheaper than international ones. Work at this stage already requires the bank to have highly qualified card specialists (card implementation and program planning).

– full membership in the payment system. This implies not only the issuance of cards of some payment system, but also work aimed at maintaining and developing the commercial network of this system (signing agreements with card service points). This stage requires not only the presence of card specialists in the bank, but also the introduction of specialization within the card department. Work at this stage requires even more initial investment and is even more dependent on the competent and efficient implementation of the business.

– active work as part of the payment system. The bank not only confidently implements a large-scale card program, but also serves second-tier banks, that is, it authorizes, receives and processes information about their card transactions and makes settlements with the payment system on their behalf. Not every bank is able to cope with such tasks, including due to even higher requirements for qualifications of personnel and the volume of capital investments.

- creating your own payment system. This is the highest level of work with cards.

From the point of view of the issuing bank that issues cards into circulation, the most serious issue is the profitability of the services provided. For example, most credit card transactions take several years to become profitable.

We expect that the use of revolving credit cards in the work of RUSFINANCE BANK LLC will give significant results from the first year of the introduction of a new banking product.

Based on the forecast data, tables 12 and 13 were constructed, according to which the following conclusions can be drawn.

Obviously, with the introduction of a new loan product in the process of lending to individuals, the main quantitative indicators of RUSFINANS BANK LLC will increase.

So, for example, speaking of net interest and similar income, it can be noted that this position in the forecast year will give us an increase of 135.% from 2,633,823 thousand rubles in the actual year to 3,565,765 thousand rubles in the forecast year. This is due primarily to the fact that the introduction of a new credit product, namely revolving credit cards with interest

Table 12 - Projected profitability of LLC "RUSFINANS BANK" operations for 2008, thousand rubles


Actual year 2007

Forecast year 2008

Growth rates 2008 By 2007,%

Net interest and similar income

Net income from operations with securities

Net income from foreign exchange operations

Net income from operations with precious metals and other financial instruments

Net income from foreign currency revaluation

Fee and commission income

Commission expenses

Net income from one-time operations

Other net operating income

Administrative and management expenses

Provisions for possible losses

Profit before tax

Accrued taxes (including income tax)

Profit (loss) for the reporting period

4-5 percentage points higher than other consumer loans will give

bank to increase interest income by 135.4% in the forecast year.

Fee and commission income will also grow in the forecast year by 157%, which will amount to 3,285,675 thousand rubles in the forecast year against 2,093,231 thousand rubles in the reporting year. Undoubtedly, the bank will also receive commission income from other types of lending that the bank's customers have loved before, however, a significant part of commission income is due to the introduction of revolving credit cards as a new credit product.

It is also necessary to note the growth in the forecast year of such an item as reserves for possible losses, they will grow by 168.3% and in the forecast year will amount to 2,987,675 thousand rubles.

Speaking about the profit before taxation of RUSFINANCE BANK LLC, according to Table 12, it will be equal to 1,267,882 thousand rubles, which will be almost 2.5 times more than the figures for the actual year.

Profit at the end of the forecast year will amount to 418,402 thousand rubles against 186,924 thousand rubles in the actual year. It will increase by 2.2 times.

Table 13 - Forecasted structure of loan debt of RUSFINANS BANK LLC for 2008, %

Based on the data in Table 13 and speaking about the predicted structure of the loan portfolio of LLC "RUSFINANS BANK" in the forecast year, it is obvious that the total loan debt of the bank will grow at a fairly high rate (by 150.6% in the forecast year compared to the actual year) and will reach in the forecast year 67,716,626 thousand rubles compared to 44,960,781 thousand rubles in the actual year. Speaking about the share of overdue debt, we can say that it is also growing, but growing at a much slower pace. Its growth rate was 123.5% in the forecast year compared to the actual year.

Also, positive developments include the fact that in the forecast year the share of overdue loans in the total volume of loans decreased significantly from 2.35% in the actual year to 1.93% in the forecast year and amounted to 1,304,884 thousand rubles.


Summarizing the part of the work related to the theoretical foundations of the analysis of commercial bank operations with individuals, the following should be noted. The crisis phenomena currently experienced by the Russian economy as a whole and the financial system in particular, of course, had a negative impact on lending to individuals of all Russian commercial banks. The epicenter of the financial crisis was the largest, so-called systemically important banks. Most of these banks are actually insolvent. And this cannot but have a negative impact on the financial condition of those banks that, through a prudent and prudent financial policy based on the principle of a diversified approach to all active operations, do not stop lending to the population.

The development of credit relations between banks and the population is not only an economic issue, but also a political and social one. In addition to the necessary economic and political stabilization, the development by commercial banks of a socially oriented policy in relations with the population, it also requires the modernization of the forms and methods of lending, the improvement of the interest rate policy and the conditions for granting and repaying loans, using the experience of foreign countries with a market economy. Using the experience of other countries in the field of lending to individuals can go in such areas as:

Improvement of existing and introduction of new types of loans;

Improving the quality of public services;

Differentiation of the provision of loans depending on the type of loan, term of use, income level of the borrower, and so on;

Unification of the procedure for issuing loans and their use.

Summarizing the part of the work related to the analysis of the operations of a commercial bank with individuals in RUSFINANS BANK LLC, the following provisions can be formulated. Lending operations in the credit organization LLC "RUSFINANCE BANK" are carried out in strict compliance with the classical principles of lending: urgency, payment, repayment, security. The conditions, procedure for issuing and repaying a loan are regulated in a loan agreement concluded between the Bank and the borrower, an integral part of which, in some cases, is a surety agreement and/or a pledge agreement.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Federal State Educational
institution of higher professional education
"Novosibirsk State Agrarian
Faculty of Economics



Head department ___________________ (full name)


"____" _________ 20__

Graduate work


5th year student gr. 4507 A.O. Chernov

Specialty 080105 "Finance and Credit"

Specialization "Financial Management"


Candidate of Economic Sciences, S.A. Timokhin

Lecturer in the Department of Finance

Novosibirsk - 2011


The diploma work contains 72 pages of the main text, consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 47 titles, contains 12 tables, 14 figures, 6 applications.


Object of observation: Open Joint Stock Company "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch.

The purpose of the observation: analysis of the technology of lending to individuals in the Bank of Moscow OJSC Novosibirsk branch and improvement of the lending process in modern conditions.

Subject of observation: lending to individuals on the example of OJSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch.

The first chapter describes the theoretical foundations of lending to individuals, describes the methods for their assessment.

The second chapter discusses the economic characteristics and the main methods used in the OJSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch.

The third chapter discusses a new methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers, the problems and main directions for improving lending to individuals in the Bank of Moscow.

The main problem of the bank is the problem of assessing the real possibilities of guarantors .

The bank proposes to use a more efficient methodology for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals - the "tree".



1.1 The concept, essence of lending to individuals. ……………………..………..6

1.2 Information base for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals.……..14

1.3 Methods for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals………………..….…..19

    LENDING SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUALS IN JSC "BANK OF MOSCOW" NOVOSIBIRSK BRANCH ............................................…………………………………...… 27

2.1 Brief economic characteristics of OJSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch………………………………………………………………...…………….. ….27

2.2 Analysis of the methods of granting loans and credit products in the Bank of Moscow OJSC…………………………………………………………………….…....38

2.3 Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals in OJSC "Bank of Moscow"………... 49

    IMPROVEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF LENDING TO INDIVIDUALS IN JSC “BANK OF MOSCOW” ...…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..53

    1. The main directions for improving the assessment of creditworthiness .............................53

3.2 Application of a two-level assessment of the creditworthiness of an individual on the example of a client of OJSC “Bank of Moscow”………………………………………………………..57

3.3 Measures to improve the lending process in the Bank of Moscow OJSC, evaluation of their effectiveness………………………………………………………....….63


LIST OF USED SOURCES………………………………..…...69



In the context of the transitional period in Russia, a radical economic reform opened a new stage in the development of banking. Of particular relevance in market conditions are issues related to the problems and prospects of banking services to the population, their practical implementation.

The relevance of the thesis is due to the rapid development of the consumer lending market, the constant liberalization of the issuance of loans, the need to reduce credit risks, the lack of a clear understanding among the population of the lending mechanism and a special regulatory regulatory framework.

The thesis was based on laws, instructions and other legal acts, internal regulations and instructions of a commercial bank, as well as economic literature by domestic and foreign authors, revealing the principles and methods for studying the creditworthiness of borrowers, financial statements of the Bank of Moscow.

Lending by banks to the population allows not only the rational use of temporarily free funds of depositors, but is also of great social importance, as it helps to meet the vital needs of the population in housing, various goods and services.

The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the technology of lending to individuals in the JSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch and improve the lending process in modern conditions.

Based on the goal, the tasks of the work were formulated:

    study of the theoretical aspects of the process of lending to individuals by a commercial bank.

    analysis of lending to individuals on the example of a particular bank JSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch.

    analysis of methods for determining the creditworthiness of a client

    development of measures to improve lending to individuals in OJSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch.

The object of research in the thesis is the process of lending in JSC "Bank of Moscow" Novosibirsk branch.

The subject of the study is lending to individuals.

In the process of work, general scientific methods and techniques were used: analysis and synthesis, methods of classification, grouping and comparison, statistical analysis, etc.

The basis for writing this work was laws, instructions and other legal acts, as well as statistical and other information sources, reporting materials of the Bank of Moscow OJSC Novosibirsk branch, economic literature of domestic and foreign authors, revealing the principles and methods of studying the creditworthiness of borrowers. Sufficient information on this topic is presented in periodicals such as "Banking", "Money and Credit", "Banking Journal".

Among the economists who have made a significant contribution to the development and improvement of the theory of consumer lending in the country, one can note I. Adadurova, N. Bunge, Vlasov V.I. Gerasimov B.I., Lauta Yu.S., Gerasimova E.B., Krivtsova A.N., Sazonov A.K., Olshany A.I., Semyunity O.G.

The practical significance lies in the fact that research in the field of collateral will increase lending and will encourage borrowers to return the funds received.

The diploma work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, the material of the work is illustrated with figures and tables. It also contains a number of applications that allow you to visualize the lending process. At the end of the work, a list of used literature is given, including the Laws of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.


      The concept, essence of lending to individuals

Credit is the provision of funds by a lender to a borrower on the basis of compliance with the basic principles of lending.

Credit - economic relations that arise between the lender and the borrower regarding the movement of the loaned value, transferred for temporary use on the terms of payment and its return on time.

In Russia, credit operations of banks began to develop seriously only from the seventies of the 19th century. Their development was associated with the foundation in 1860 of the State Bank.

The main function of banks in pre-reform Russia was to provide loans to landlords.

The real economic recovery in Russia began after 1900. In this regard, the reform of P. A. Stolypin deserves special attention. Its important component is the credit to the peasant. In the period from 1894 to 1900, the average rate of interest on accounting and lending operations was at the level of 7.17%.

Until 1987, lending to the population in our country was carried out, firstly, through the State Bank system and, secondly, through trade organizations when buying goods.

Lending to the population in Russia in modern conditions is carried out mainly by savings and mortgage banks. At the same time, many commercial banks, especially in the regions, are not engaged in lending to individuals, since their loan amounts are insignificant compared to the size of loans to legal entities and, as a result, their income is low.

The Bank exercises control over the intended use of loans and over the proper safety of collateral. Control is carried out on the basis of documents provided by the borrower, as well as through on-site inspections. The borrower pays interest to the bank for using the loan. Interest is paid monthly simultaneously with the repayment of the loan, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the loan agreement was concluded.

The principles of lending include: urgency of return, differentiation, security and payment.

Repayment is the feature that distinguishes credit as an economic category from other economic categories of commodity-money relations. Without repayment, credit cannot exist. Repayment is an integral feature of the loan, its attribute.

The urgency of lending is a necessary form of achieving loan repayment. The principle of urgency means that the loan must not only be returned, but returned within a strictly defined period, i.e. the factor of time finds concrete expression in it. And, therefore, urgency is the temporary certainty of the repayment of the loan.

The differentiation of lending means that commercial banks should not unequivocally approach the issue of issuing a loan to their clients applying for it. Credit should be granted only to those who are able to repay it in a timely manner. Therefore, the differentiation of lending should be carried out on the basis of creditworthiness indicators, which is understood as the financial condition of the enterprise, which gives confidence in the ability and willingness of the borrower to repay the loan within the period stipulated by the contract.

The principle of credit security means that loans can be issued against certain types of credit security. In world banking practice, the types of credit collateral, in addition to material assets issued by a pledge obligation, are guarantees and sureties of solvent legal entities and individuals, respectively, as well as insurance policies issued by borrowers in an insurance company for the risk of non-repayment of a bank loan. Moreover, not only one, but all of the listed forms of legal obligations can simultaneously serve as collateral for a loan issued by a bank.

The principle of payment for a loan means that each enterprise-borrower must pay a certain fee to the bank for the temporary use of its funds. The implementation of this principle in practice is carried out through the mechanism of bank interest. The bank interest rate is a kind of "price" of a loan. The payment of the loan is designed to have a stimulating effect on the economic (commercial) calculation of enterprises, encouraging them to increase their own resources and economically spend borrowed funds.

The cumulative application in practice of all the principles of bank lending makes it possible to comply with both macroeconomic interests and the interests at the micro level of both subjects of a credit transaction - the bank and the borrower (Fig. 1).

In the economic literature, risk is defined as the cost expression of a probabilistic event leading to losses.

Credit risk is the main banking risk, the management of which is a key factor in determining the effectiveness of the bank's activities. Typically, banks form a significant part of their income through lending activities, so the assessment of potential profit in relation to the probability of default on loans to customers is of particular relevance.

There are many ways to interpret credit risk. Let's dwell on some: the danger of non-payment by the borrower of the principal and interest due to the creditor (bank); loan default risk - the possibility that the borrower will not fulfill its obligations; potential change in net income and market value of shares as a result of loan default; a possible drop in the bank's profits and even the loss of part of the share capital as a result of the inability of the borrower to repay and service the debt (pay interest).

Credit risk affects the fundamental interests of both lenders and borrowers.

There are a number of factors to consider when conducting lending operations and organizing risk management. Usually, all factors are divided into two large groups: external (at the macro- and meso-level) and internal (at the level of a particular borrower). Further, depending on the nature of the impact of factors on the results of economic activity, it is customary to single out the factors of direct and indirect impact. An important feature in grouping factors that affect the amount of bank credit risk is the level of risk analysis. There are two levels: the level of a particular loan transaction and the level of the bank's loan portfolio as a whole. According to the first sign, bank credit risk factors are divided into the following types:

  • - factors of individual credit risks in lending to individuals - these include the state of the economic situation, the financial situation of the borrower, the borrower's credit history, the quality of the loan, the social status of the borrower, the terms of the loan agreement, the personal factor;
  • - factors of individual credit risks when lending to legal entities - these include the state of the economic situation, the borrower's financial situation, the borrower's credit history, the quality of loan collateral, the quality of the borrower's management, the terms of the loan agreement, and the personal factor.

According to the second feature, factors of the total credit risk of the bank (loan portfolio) are distinguished. These include the state of the economic situation, the monetary policy of the central bank, the credit policy of the analyzed bank, and the personal factor.

Given the specifics of banking credit risk and the peculiarities of the current development of the Republic of Belarus, it is advisable to start the analysis of credit risk with factors related to the creditworthiness of the borrower. Creditworthiness is the willingness and ability of a borrower to enter into a credit relationship with a bank and act in accordance with the basic principles of bank lending.

The reputation of the borrower, the ability to generate income, the security of the loan, the general economic conditions are considered as factors that determine the credit rating, i.e. credit risk.

Credit risk is defined primarily as the risk associated with the management of financial resources.

There are cumulative and individual types of credit risk. Aggregate credit risk, at the level of the bank's loan portfolio, implies an assessment by the bank of the entire volume of loans issued from the standpoint of the quality of the entire loan portfolio. The bank, forming a portfolio, seeks to maximize the expected profitability of its lending operations at an acceptable level of risk for them. A portfolio that meets these requirements is called an efficient portfolio. The formation of an effective portfolio requires an analysis of the total credit risk, which is carried out on the basis of the calculation of a number of indicators characterizing the size of non-payments for various categories of loans. Individual credit risk at the level of each specific loan characterizes the amount of risk inherent in an individual borrower. The analysis of individual risk requires the creation of various methods for calculating it, taking into account the influence of commercial, political, social and other external factors.

Depending on the scope of occurrence, credit risk is divided into the risk of the borrower arising in the field of activity of the bank's client, the risk of the loan product associated with the fractionation of the bank itself, and the risk of changes in the external environment of the bank and the borrower.

Of particular note are the risks of illegal manipulations with loans, the need to account for which is constantly growing. It is known that dishonest performance of their duties by some credit officers can cause both moral and material damage to the bank.

The risk of credit availability is characterized by the lender's lack of funds to issue a loan or the bank's unwillingness to meet the lending needs of all borrowers who applied to it.

The risk of prepayment on the loan is associated with the early repayment of the loan, as a result of which the bank may be forced to reinvest the returned amount at a lower market rate, which will lead to a lower return on investment than expected.

To create an effective credit risk management system, it is necessary to establish a planning (forecasting) system, including the boundary indicators of the share in the loan portfolio of problem loans.

Forecasting losses on the loan portfolio of individuals is carried out in order to:

  • - forecasting the amount of losses on the loan portfolio of individuals as part of the bank's business planning processes;
  • -adjustment of the target indicators of the work of the department for work with problem debts of individuals;
  • - timely detection of negative trends in the loan portfolio of individuals;
  • -use of forecasting results in pricing of credit products sold to individuals.

To take into account all possible risks associated with problem loans (and, as a result, a decrease in bank income), it is proposed to use the following boundary indicators:

NPL, % - the share of loans with overdue debts for more than 90 days, including those written off at a loss.

FPD, % - the share of loans issued in the reporting month and delinquent immediately after issuance in the next month. The loan is included in the calculation, even if the client partially repaid the payments, but remained in arrears all this time.

SPD, TPD, % - the share of loans issued in the reporting month and having defaults on the first two or three payments. The loan is included in the calculation, even if the client partially repaid the payments, but remained in arrears all this time.

GD, % - Gross Default - characterizes the growth of loans that became overdue for more than 90 days in the reporting month.

IFRS reserves - the level of the formed reserve in accordance with IFRS.

Depending on the degree of risk, there are three levels of risk: high, medium, low. If it is necessary to more accurately determine the degree of risk, each level can be detailed into several sublevels.

Depending on the degree of risk management, there are localized (identified and controlled) risks, the existence of which came to the attention of bank specialists, and non-localized risks, that is, those that are underestimated and the ability to manage which is significantly limited.

The above classification of bank credit risk not only touches upon the most important issues related to its content, but also takes into account some general aspects of its management.

Credit risk management in the most general sense is understood as an independent type of professional activity aimed at preventing the realization of credit risk or eliminating its consequences through the rational use of material and labor banking resources.

Risk management has certain opportunities to influence credit risk. They consist of "methods" and "tools" for managing credit risk.

Credit risk management methods include:

  • -reducing the degree of risk, that is, reducing the possible damage (volume of losses);
  • -probability of occurrence: retention of credit risk - the risk remains the responsibility of the creditor;
  • - transfer of risk - means that the creditor transfers responsibility for the risk or part of it to someone else, for example, an insurance company or partners in the transaction;
  • -avoidance of credit risk - means a simple refusal of a transaction associated with risk.

Within each method, there are tools, that is, specific tools that are used to directly affect credit risk. The main tools for regulating credit risk:

  • - limiting - this is the establishment of a limit, that is, the maximum amount of lending; used by banks to reduce possible damage in the event of a credit risk;
  • -diversification is the distribution of credit risk depending on the sectoral affiliation of borrowers, their level of creditworthiness, and so on; the acquisition of additional information (more complete information allows you to make an accurate forecast and reduce risk, which makes information a commodity, and very valuable);
  • -self-insurance - is the creation of monetary insurance funds directly on the bank's balance sheet; the main task of self-insurance is to promptly overcome temporary difficulties in activities;
  • -insurance - protection of the property interests of economic entities and citizens in the event of certain events at the expense of monetary funds formed from insurance premiums paid by them;
  • - hedging - opening a compensating position (or concluding a balancing transaction), involves the complete exclusion of profit or loss on a compensated position, in other words, it is credit risk insurance using derivative financial instruments that allow separating credit risk, and therefore managing it, from the asset itself. Credit risk in this case is transferred to another entity for a fee, that is, it becomes an object of trade. Credit risk hedging is carried out by carrying out off-balance sheet operations with derivative financial instruments - options and swaps;
  • - securitization - the process of transforming credit assets into securities;
  • - transfer of part of the risk to other participants in the transaction - syndicated lending, in which two or more banks participate as a creditor;
  • - receipt of guarantees/sureties;
  • - other methods.

Credit risk management is one of the important areas of modern management associated with the specific activities of bank managers in conditions of uncertainty, a difficult choice of alternative management decisions, constantly changing socio-economic and political environment, which are extremely unpredictable.

Under these conditions, an economic entity that is unable to make risky decisions dooms itself to stagnation, loss of competitiveness and, ultimately, loss of business.

Credit risk management is one of the most important elements of credit management.

The functioning of commercial banks is inevitably associated with various risks. These include, first of all, the so-called professional risks. Such risks, among which, for example, inflation, interest, currency, are an integral part of banking activity, inherent in it. They are usually not subject to insurance, since one of the tasks of banks is to respond in a timely manner to such risks, taking them into account in their work. At the same time, the margin received by banks for certain operations is, among other things, a payment for professional risk. At the same time, in certain cases, insurance may also be useful in organizing insurance protection against certain professional banking risks.

A number of types of insurance are widely known to help guarantee the return of loans issued by the bank. Such types are, in particular, insurance of property provided to the bank as security for the return of the issued loan (collateral insurance), and insurance in the event of the death of the borrower.

Another group of banking risks are risks external to the functions performed by banks. The ability of banks to influence them is often very limited. Among such risks are fires, malicious actions of personnel, third parties, computer fraud, etc. Protection against such risks can be carried out with the help of insurance.

The contract of banking insurance is most often based on general obligations for the insurance coverage of banks. The conditions of such insurance provide for the provision of insurance protection to policyholders against the following insurance risks:

  • - illegal or fraudulent actions of bank employees in order to obtain personal gain;
  • - loss or damage to valuables located in the premises of the bank;
  • - loss of cash and other valuables during transportation;
  • - losses incurred by the bank in connection with the implementation of transactions based on forged documents;
  • - losses caused by the loss, theft or forgery of securities documents;
  • - losses incurred by the bank in connection with the acceptance of counterfeit currency;
  • - damage caused to the property of the bank office as a result of malicious actions of third parties.

However, in the Republic of Belarus, along with insurance of the risk of non-repayment of a loan and deposit insurance, insurance of property interests associated with banking risks is also being developed. These include property insurance secured by a loan. To protect against credit risks, banks of the Republic of Belarus most often use such a guarantee method as collateral. The object of pledge, as a rule, is equipment, machinery, vehicles, real estate, etc. But the pledged property can be destroyed or damaged as a result of various natural disasters and accidents, and the bank will lose the security of the borrower's performance of its obligations. Therefore, when concluding financial - credit transactions, banks require the borrower to insure the pledged property at his own expense. The Bank may also be a beneficiary under an insurance contract, i.e. the insurance compensation is received directly by the bank in repayment of the loan. The mechanism of this type of insurance is identical to property insurance of legal entities.

In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the operational risks associated with the commission of crimes and which cause damage to the bank due to illegal and erroneous actions of the bank's staff and third parties. Undoubtedly, the banking system of Belarus at this stage of its development is faced with the task of automating business processes, which will significantly speed up and secure the activities of Belarusian banks. But it must be remembered that automation of work is impossible only due to technology. A person must manage high automated technologies, and therefore the role of the human factor in the development of the entire automation system of the banking sector of Belarus is increasing.

Outside of our country, the automation of banks began much earlier, therefore, specialists thought about the problem of controlling and insuring operational risks much earlier. Studies show that about 70% of all financial crimes in the banking sector are related to the actions of the banks' own employees. In view of this, the experience of foreign countries, in which the policy has been applied for quite a long period of time, will become extremely necessary for the banking system of Belarus. VVV(Bankers Blanket Bond) - a comprehensive program of insurance against crime and professional liability of financial institutions. In the US, for example, BBB insurance is mandatory for those banks that work with individuals. In Russia, such a policy has at most a few dozen banks. As for Belarus, in February 2010 BRUSP "Belgosstrakh" was the first in the republic to offer an exclusive insurance product - "Voluntary Insurance of Bank Risks", an agreement on which was concluded with CJSC "Alfa-Bank" (Belarus).

Under this agreement, Belgosstrakh covers losses resulting from:

  • - malicious and illegal actions of bank employees aimed at generating income or causing damage to the bank;
  • - transactions with counterfeit securities, payment documents, bank notes, documents containing a fake signature;
  • - blackmailing bank employees;
  • - unauthorized entry, modification, deletion or theft of information from the bank's computer systems;
  • - execution of falsified orders transmitted by electronic or facsimile messages;
  • - Actions of computer viruses.

At the beginning of this year, the first step towards the development of comprehensive banking insurance was taken, which, we hope, will serve as a starting point for the development of the insurance services market in the field of banking risks in the Republic of Belarus.

One of the methods to reduce losses on loan defaults by individuals, used in the West, is the method of scoring the borrower's creditworthiness in retail lending, or the so-called credit scoring.

A scoring system for assessing creditworthiness is, first of all, one or another type of mathematical model that allows assigning to a specific potential borrower, each of which is described by a number of parameters, a certain value designed to assess the borrower's credit quality.

Credit scoring, as a procedure for scoring the creditworthiness of loan applicants, appeared a long time ago. It looks quite simple: the applicant reports information about himself (age, profession, work experience, income, possession of property, etc.), and the bank loan officer calculates the corresponding points according to a special table. Each indicator value has its own score. For example, the age of the applicant is from 35 to 42 years old - 83 points in his favor, income from 4,000,000 rubles. up to 7,000,000 rubles per month - another 76 points, etc. Depending on the number of points scored, a decision is made on the possibility of issuing a loan. The procedure can be simplified if the loan applicant opens the required page on the bank's Internet site and, without leaving home, diagnoses his creditworthiness. After filling out the table, he either receives an invitation to the bank for a loan, or is convinced that he still has few points for this. Simple and convenient. There is no queue for admission to the bank, saving time for both the borrower and the lender.

Bank lending to individuals today is becoming a mass phenomenon. The current economic situation is pushing banks to expand their loan offer. Along with lowering the interest rate, the ease of processing and the speed of granting a loan are becoming factors in the competitive struggle of banks for customers.

In the competition for a place under the sun in the retail lending market, banks loosen the requirements for loan security, simplify the procedures for checking the creditworthiness of loan applicants. The bet is made on speed and mass character. And the possible and inevitable losses due to defaults have a counterbalance guaranteed by the law of large numbers: the mass borrower is generally creditworthy. Credit scoring will reduce the amount of losses due to defaults.

Scoring cards are developed based on the processing of a large amount of statistical information. Modern industrial-scale credit scoring systems make it possible to implement the system in 2-3 months, leaving a wide range of settings to take into account the individual characteristics of credit products and the bank's client base to the bank itself.

A banking credit scoring system is not limited to the purchase or development of one or more scoring tables and should be considered, first of all, as a tool environment that allows developing different credit scoring models for different credit products and different task settings.

The effectiveness of the scoring system can be assessed using the indicators of profitability and profitability of the loan portfolio. The percentage of non-return is, in principle, a secondary indicator in such conditions, since the main task of the bank is to ensure a given profitability with a fixed level of risk.

The scoring system allows you to dramatically increase the volume of sales of bank loan products by:

    reducing the time for making a decision on granting a loan;

    increasing the number and speed of processing applications by minimizing the document flow when issuing a loan to private clients, as the most important way to ensure the profitability of lending;

    effective assessment and constant monitoring of the level of risks of a particular borrower;

    reducing the influence of subjective factors when making a decision to grant a loan;

    ensuring objectivity in the assessment of applications by loan officers in all branches and departments of the bank;

    assessment and risk management of the portfolio of loans to individuals of the bank as a whole, including its branches;

    accounting, when determining the parameters of new loans, the level of profitability and risk of the loan portfolio;

    implementation of a unified approach in evaluating borrowers for various types of bank credit products (express loans, credit cards, consumer loans, car loans, mortgage loans);

    adaptation of loan parameters to the capabilities of a particular borrower (customization of a loan product);

    a sharp expansion, due to the customization of loan products, the composition and number of credited persons;

    reduction in the number of bank personnel, savings through the use of lower-skilled personnel;

    control of all steps of consideration of the application;

13) the ability to make adjustments to the assessment methodology centrally and immediately put them into effect in all branches of the bank.

Let us consider in more detail the effectiveness of the scoring system.

For banks, both when developing their own scoring systems and when purchasing systems offered on the market, it is fundamentally important to evaluate the effectiveness of the scoring system. The methodology of its construction determines the probability of errors, which ultimately determines the effectiveness of the system. More accurately, the effectiveness of the scoring system can be assessed from the standpoint of the probability of errors of the first and second kind:

error of the first kind: a creditworthy borrower is qualified by the scoring system as insolvent;

error of the second kind: an insolvent borrower is qualified by the scoring system as creditworthy.

It is obvious that errors of the second kind are the most fatal in terms of credit risk, and errors of the first kind characterize the missed market opportunities for lending to individuals. The ratio of these errors may be different for different scoring systems. When making a decision to purchase or implement a scoring system (regardless of the depth and non-standard theoretical substantiations of the methods on which it is based), it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the latter. This is usually done in two steps:

    On the training sample, the scoring system is adjusted. It should be noted that when forming a training sample, the ratio of the number of repaid on time and problem loans should correspond to the actual ratio for the last period (a year or half a year).

    On the control sample (the data of this sample were not used when setting up the scoring system), errors of the first and second kind are evaluated.

Based on the results of the second stage, a decision is made on the acceptability of the scoring system for implementation based on the requirements established by the bank for the levels of errors of the first and second kind. Here there are situations when it is necessary to compare the current level of overdue debts with the potential opportunities provided by the scoring system. The main purpose of introducing scoring is to reduce credit risks. The scheme for using the scoring system is as follows: according to the criteria existing in the bank (excluding the scoring system), borrowers are pre-selected (the first step in the selection procedure). Then the borrower is evaluated by the scoring system (the second step of the selection procedure). Based on the results of both steps of the selection procedure, the level of overdue debt in the selected set of potential borrowers recognized as creditworthy, it is possible to calculate the reduction in the share of problem loans in the portfolio. When making decisions, it is necessary to evaluate the percentage of refusal to provide a loan from the number of applicants who passed the first step of the procedure and weigh the acceptable distribution structure and the levels of errors of the first and second types. In the general case, for the most approximate estimates, a linear utility function of the form can be used:

U = S * (e0 - e2 * e0) - M * e 1 * d, (3.1)

where S - the volume of the loan portfolio;

e0 - the level of overdue debt on the portfolio before the introduction of the scoring system;

e1 is the level of errors of the first kind;

e2 - the level of errors of the second kind;

M - the number of loans in the portfolio;

d - the amount of income from one loan repaid on time (average for the portfolio).

The meaning of the U function is to evaluate in monetary terms the balance of income (due to a decrease in the share of overdue debts) and losses (due to the refusal of creditworthy borrowers) from the introduction of a scoring system. The value of the function U should also be analyzed together with consideration of prices (development costs) and costs of implementing and updating the scoring system. The specific type and structure of the utility function will be chosen by each bank, taking into account its own market strategy and credit policy.

The cost of acquiring and updating the scoring system will amount to about 150 million rubles. The cost of developing new software for the implementation of the scoring system in the bank will amount to 50 million rubles.

Let us calculate the effect of the introduction of the scoring system on the example of Belarusbank, based on the fact that errors of the first kind will be 6%, and errors of the first kind - 4%, annual profit from retail lending - 14.2 billion rubles, profit from one client - 2.156 million rubles, the total number of loans in the portfolio - 41,673. We use formula (3.1) for calculation:

U = 408,400,000,000 rubles (0.012 - 0.0006) - 41,673 0.04 2,156,000 rubles = 1,061,880,480 rubles.

Thus, the net profit will amount to 861 million rubles. (1,061 million rubles -200 million rubles). Therefore, we can conclude that the profit from retail lending increased by 6.07% (861,880,480 rubles / 14,200,000,000 rubles 100).

Speaking about the prospects for the development and implementation of scoring systems, it must be stated that this area of ​​activity will develop in parallel with the development of the credit history bureau system and scoring systems will be used in all types of retail lending as operations that carry credit risk.

3.1.1 Developing a credit risk management process

Lending is one of the most significant areas in banking. If today there are still credit institutions that do not issue plastic cards or do not deal with securities, then it is probably impossible to find a commercial bank that does not issue loans to its customers /74/.

New players are constantly entering the significantly expanded Russian market of consumer and mortgage lending, and banks need to create favorable conditions for their customers in order to remain competitive. At the same time, one of the main problems in Russia is the lack of state guarantees for loan repayment, i.e., the state taking on a significant part of the risks, and therefore banks often overestimate the cost of a loan. An accurate assessment of borrowers helps to reduce credit risk, and hence the interest on the loan, which attracts additional customers /21, p.38/.

The main parameters for managing the bank's loan portfolio are profitability and risk levels, and their ratio determines the effectiveness of the bank's lending activities.

The main goal of the bank's loan portfolio management process is to ensure maximum profitability, subject to a certain level of risk.

The reasons for the emergence and increase of credit risks include:

Lack of proper oversight by the regulatory body;

Wrong or unqualified decisions made by the bank's management;

· unformed reserves to cover losses on loans;

Lack of internal control function;

· Lack of management experience coupled with new operating environment conditions;

· Lack of an appropriate legislative framework for the purposes of banking supervision;

· re-granting loans to clients with financial difficulties;

Lending for the sake of security.

Proper credit risk management is one of the ways to improve the efficiency of the credit process. Risk management includes forecasting risks and developing measures to prevent or minimize the associated losses. The main task of Sberbank in credit risk management is risk analysis, setting risk limits and further ensuring compliance with established limits.

Sberbank manages credit risk subject to compliance with internal regulations and procedures. The Bank takes on credit risk, which is the risk that a counterparty will not be able to repay all or part of the debt when due. Sberbank constantly monitors credit risks and risk limits. Credit risk limits are updated and revised on a regular basis.

Sberbank's lending policy is aimed at improving the quality and profitability of the loan portfolio, minimizing and diversifying credit risks. To minimize credit risks at the branch level, Sberbank's Loan and Investment Committee sets lending limits for territorial banks. Territorial banks, in turn, distribute these limits among their accountable branches and structural internal divisions.

When issuing loans, Sberbank requires the provision of collateral and guarantees. Loans can be secured by real estate, securities, precious metals, personal property. Sberbank accepts guarantees from individuals. Several types of collateral may be accepted simultaneously to limit credit risk.

To manage credit risk, Sberbank subdivides its counterparties into credit risk groups that reflect the probability of default by these counterparties. Risk limits are set for counterparties assigned to any credit risk group.

The volume of a loan granted to an individual is limited by his solvency, which is calculated individually for each client using reducing coefficients to the amount of his income, as well as taking into account the amount of his debt on previously received loans and provided guarantees. The amount of credit provided to a private client also depends on the amount of collateral issued.

In my opinion, an important link in effective risk management is their forecast. To make such a forecast, statistical information about borrowers is needed. As a rule, there is always little statistical information about the behavior of specific borrowers. As a criterion for the effectiveness of a credit instrument, one can take the ratio of efficiency to cost in the form of the ratio of the profit of a credit instrument to the total costs of obtaining it.

Consider various options for the availability of information about the borrower and methods for its processing and use using probability theory:

a) the borrower took loans many times and always repaid them in full and on time. At first glance, no risks in this case should be expected. However, it is not. It is known from mathematical statistics that the absence of violations of the loan agreement by the borrower does not make it difficult, but facilitates the assessment of the probability of non-repayment of the loan. So, for example, the average value of the probability of loan default by the borrower in this case is found by the formulas:

where Q is the probability of loan default,

n - the number of previously issued loans,

P is the probability of loan repayment.

b) the borrower takes out a loan for the first time (n = 1), i.e. there is no statistical information to evaluate his behavior in the future. In this case, the probability of repayment of the loan is equal to the probability of its non-repayment and is equal to 0.5.

c) the borrower is well known to the lender, as he took loans many times and did not always or did not return them on time. Although Sberbank in this case prefers to refuse a borrower with a negative credit history, we will still consider this case.

If there were more than three violations of the terms of the contract, then a mathematical and statistical model can be quite easily built, with the help of which it is possible to predict the financial losses of the creditor during the implementation of the contract and make management decisions based on such forecasts.

The average value of the probability of loan default by the borrower can be found by the formula:

provided t? n, (17)

where m is the number of loan agreements, the terms of which were violated by the borrower,

n is the total number of previously issued loans.

By applying the proposed formulas in practice, together with existing risk management methods (providing collateral for loans, setting credit risk limits), Sberbank can better assess the borrower and minimize the risk of loan default. Which, in turn, is an indicator of a decrease in overdue debts of Sberbank.

In addition, the reduction of credit risk, in my opinion, may be affected by cooperation with credit bureaus and insurance companies.

Cooperation with credit bureaus will allow Sberbank to:

· reduce the cost of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers;

improve the quality of risk management;

reduce the share of problem loans;

· reduce the cost of creating reserves.

The availability of reliable and complete information will allow Sberbank to issue loans to reliable borrowers with a higher loan-to-collateral ratio and lower requirements for the amount of collateral and guarantees, as well as to more intelligently use the above formulas for assessing loan defaults by borrowers.

As an example, let's imagine that interaction with credit bureaus is beneficial for Sberbank.

The borrower applies to Sberbank for a loan. Sberbank, in turn, applies to the credit bureau in order to obtain information about this individual, about the amount and timing of the fulfillment of obligations previously undertaken by him. But Sberbank can do this only with the consent of the borrower. The credit history bureau - in full accordance with the current legislation - makes a request on behalf of Sberbank to the borrower's bureau. Within a few minutes, information about the borrower is sent to the loan officer.

This way is convenient both for the lender and for the borrower himself, as it allows minimizing the risk of receiving inaccurate information about the borrower and loss of time for issuing a loan.

In turn, the cooperation of Sberbank with the insurance company protects the bank from crimes and illegal or erroneous actions of personnel and third parties that damage the bank, as well as some other risks associated with the occurrence of overdue and bad debts - for reasons such as force majeure and circumstances of the borrower, as well as fraud. Currently, Sberbank cooperates with the Military Insurance Company (VSK), which offers the following products for sale through Sberbank:

Figure 3.1.16 - Credit insurance of individuals /2, p.59/

Registration of VSK insurance certificates in Sberbank takes a long period of time, associated with the need for the borrower to contact the insurance company directly. While this process can be optimized by creating a single information network between the insurance company and Sberbank. For example, if the borrower wants to insure, the loan officer fills out an interactive insurance form and sends it to the insurance company. At present, at least seven days are spent on insurance operations at Sberbank. If you use a single information network, then the entire insurance process will take one day. This approach to organizing insurance is beneficial for both Sberbank and the borrower: Sberbank - will create favorable conditions for its customers and attract new ones, due to the highest quality service; borrower - will spend less time on insurance when obtaining a loan.

There is another important factor pointing to the significant potential for cooperation between Sberbank and insurers. They can not only work on insurance programs, but also develop joint marketing. This is called bancassurance or assurbanking - comprehensive customer service, offering joint insurance and banking programs and products, combining sales networks of insurers and banks. If this direction is actively developed, the problems with the exchange of information on risks and with the demand for insurance services from Sberbank will gradually be solved. Not only collateral will be insured, but also operational risks (fraud, employee errors, failures in information technology), liability of top managers and specialists, property complexes. Full-fledged insurance coverage is necessary for Sberbank, because it is an essential part of an effective risk management system.

These proposals will increase the profitability of the loan portfolio, reduce credit risks, improve the financial condition and reliability of Sberbank.

In September 2009, Sberbank launched the Credit Insurance project, within the framework of which the technology of voluntary life and health insurance for borrowers and collateral insurance was developed. Now, when applying for an Emergency Loan, Auto Loan or Trust Loan, the client can join the life and health insurance program. In the event of an insured event, the insurance company will pay the bank the full debt of the client under the loan agreement. The "Credit insurance" service is available for clients not older than 60 years old /for women/ or 65 years old /for men/. In the event of an insured event, the client or his representative must submit the relevant documents to the bank.

3.1.2 Development of requirements and obligations in the relationship of the bank with customers

When concluding a loan agreement, two parties participate in the transaction - the lender (bank) and the borrower (bank client). In order for both parties to be interested in concluding a transaction, it is necessary that both the bank and the client fulfill certain requirements.

Currently, a law “On consumer credit” is being developed, which will regulate the relationship of the bank with customers. With its adoption, the chaotically developing Russian credit market will be settled.

After the entry of the law on the protection of their rights, Russian banks, and not the population, will have to think, since the law protects the rights of the borrower. This is the main advantage and the main drawback of the adopted law. The law so fully regulates all bank operations when issuing a loan that banks simply cannot deceive, mislead or deliberately keep silent about all the hidden features of their offer.

If the law in its current form is adopted and enters into force, then the population will know absolutely everything about a potential loan before receiving a consumer loan. The bill obliges banks to provide the client with a calculation of the amount of payments on the loan, a payment schedule, the procedure for calculating penalties and the amount of fines and penalties before concluding an agreement. The bank is obliged to tell about the procedure and terms for considering the application (the period should not exceed 14 days, and the bank does not have the right to take money for considering the application), about the consumer's right to refuse a loan, about the conditions for early repayment of the loan, about ways to repay the debt. At the same time, absolutely all additional fees on the loan, including those under insurance contracts, should be included in the calculation of payments, if the insurer is selected only from authorized companies. The calculation of payments will not include only notary and registration fees, as well as the cost of an independent property valuation. If information about all additional fees on the loan is not communicated to the borrower before the conclusion of the contract, the bank will be obliged to deduct them from the amount required to be returned.

Information about loan payments should be provided in a standardized form, which will be specially established by some "executive authority authorized by the government of the Russian Federation." It will also develop a unified methodology for calculating payments. The same body will oversee compliance with laws and regulations in the field of consumer lending.

After granting a loan, the bank will be obliged to inform the borrower on a monthly basis and free of charge about the amount of debt, the terms and amounts of payments, and the lending limit.

Also, the bill clearly spells out the rights of consumers to early repayment of the loan. If three months have passed since the loan was granted, the borrower has the right to early repayment. And in general, he can refuse the loan within 45 days from the date of signing the loan agreement. Moreover, if the bank did not inform him of this possibility, the person has the right to refuse the loan within a month.

This law will have to describe and establish the legal framework for all aspects of consumer lending. However, the text of the law requires a more detailed description of some provisions, namely: the procedure for assessing the borrower's creditworthiness is not described in sufficient detail; the rights and obligations of the consumer in obtaining and using a consumer loan, as well as guarantors; the rights and obligations of the organization providing the loan; it does not describe the possible sanctions applied by the lender in case of violation by the consumer of the terms of the loan agreement, and there is not a word about the responsibility of the borrower for non-repayment of the loan.

Also, the bill "On Consumer Credit" needs to be finalized in terms of the proposed mechanisms for its implementation. For example, in relation to debt collection. That is, bankers, as before, are invited to resolve all disputes in court. As a rule, it is very difficult to achieve repayment of a loan in court. In particular, it is necessary to reduce the terms for making court decisions by allowing a trial in absentia at the first non-appearance of the defendant, and to legally regulate the amount of fines.

Thus, in Russia, the relationship between banks and customers will soon be regulated by law. This will undoubtedly affect the efficiency of the lending process. Borrowers will be protected by law from fraud (obtaining incomplete information about loans) by banks. Consequently, the number of individuals wishing to take out a loan will increase. What will affect the increase in urgent loan debt of banks and increase the efficiency of the credit process.

3.1.3 Solving the problem of indebtedness on credit obligations

The draft law "On consumer credit" does not indicate what responsibility the borrower bears for non-repayment of the loan. The question of how to solve this problem remains open. The following can be made as suggestions for collecting debt from Sberbank borrowers.

1. If the client violates the terms of repayment of loan obligations, Sberbank must take all measures to contact the debtor (his authorized representative) to find out the reasons for non-compliance with the debt repayment schedule, and then, through negotiations with the client, try to find the best solutions for both parties Problems.

2. Taking into account the reputation of the borrower, his ability to continue repayments on the loan, his planned financial and property receipts, his credit history, and also based on the amount of debt, the size and nature of the security of the borrower's obligation, the creditor may decide to restructure the debt (grant a deferment or installment plan payments) or, in accordance with the procedures established by law, choose any method of forced collection of the debt permitted by law (initiate the procedure for foreclosure on the subject of pledge, apply to the guarantor or guarantor with a request to make payment, apply the retention of property, file a claim with the judicial authority and etc.)

These measures are necessary for the financial stability of Sberbank and are aimed at protecting the legal rights of its founders (shareholders), investors, and other creditors of Sberbank (depositors, holders of securities, banks, etc.).

3. In case of reaching a compromise on debt restructuring, providing installments or deferred payments, the parties draw up a plan for debt repayment. At the same time, Sberbank, as a creditor whose rights have been violated, has the right to demand from an insolvent or dishonest borrower additional guarantees for the fulfillment of its obligations and an increase in the amount of security in connection with the application of sanctions for late payments on the debt.

4. In case of reaching a compromise on debt restructuring, providing installments or deferred payments, the parties draw up a plan for repaying the debt. (his authorized representative):

About the full amount of debt (indicating the balance of the principal debt and accrued interest for using the loan), as well as the amount of sanctions applied;

On the establishment of a higher interest rate for the use of a loan, on the application of sanctions for delay, if this is permissible by law or contract. At the same time, the creditor must indicate in writing what violation of the law and the terms of the contract was committed by the debtor, and provide a justification for the application of increased rates and sanctions, making reference to the relevant provisions of the law and the contract. It is also necessary to indicate the date of application of these sanctions;

On the need to compensate the creditor for his costs due to the late payment, as well as the costs of the creditor and third parties for foreclosure on the subject of pledge, for the enforcement of debt, if this is provided for by law or the contract.

Sberbank, being a creditor, should not seek enrichment at the expense of an insolvent debtor. The purpose of debt collection procedures is only compensation for the financial losses of the creditor, which must be carried out in the manner and on the grounds established by law or the contract.

The modern Russian practice of lending to individuals by banks needs to be improved. The development of credit relations between the population and banks is not only an economic issue, but also a political and social one. In addition to the necessary economic and political stability, the development by commercial banks of a socially oriented credit policy in relations with the population, it also requires the modernization of forms and methods of lending, the improvement of loans, and the use of the experience of foreign countries with a market economy.

Lending to individuals is a rather risky operation, and an increase in the share of such loans in the portfolio increases the bank's credit risk. One of the main measures to prevent possible losses is a correct assessment of the borrower's ability to fulfill its obligations. Equally important is the problem of proper organization of the credit assessment procedure...

  • -developed infrastructure (customers should be able to make non-cash payments in a large number of shops, restaurants, pay for communication services with a card);
  • - a variety of access channels for obtaining the necessary information and services, providing customers with the possibility of remote round-the-clock information service (making the service convenient for customers, providing new types of services, banks need to strive to fulfill the main condition under which retail lending can be profitable - scale);
  • - sufficient equipment with technical means (for example, in Russia with a population of almost 150 million people, only 9.5 thousand ATMs are installed, and in Canada, where 33 million people live, 30 thousand ATMs operate);
  • - a unified approach to the management of all financial flows of the bank, the integration of the retail business into the general policy of the bank in order to obtain the greatest efficiency of the services provided;
  • - reducing costs and risks, improving the efficiency and quality of public services, reducing operating costs, as well as the timing of consideration of applications and issuance of loans.

Also, one of the most important problems in recent years is the competition of banks with trade organizations. The latter provide loans to almost everyone who applied for them. To do this, you need to submit to the store only a passport and a certificate of income from work for the last 6 months. Sometimes they don’t even require certificates, but only require the number of the pension insurance certificate or TIN. That is, the number of documents is sharply limited compared to the required bank, and the buyer does not need to spend time collecting all kinds of certificates and documents, insuring lending objects and his own life and health. In addition, an important problem is the amount of interest at which a trade organization issues loans. It ranges from 0 to 29 percent per year in different stores, depending on the bank with which the store works. So O.V.K. charges 29 percent per annum. But, as a rule, the interest rate is 10 percent per year. In addition, a deferred payment for the payment of debt and interest for 1-2 months is provided. Sometimes the store includes the interest charged in the price of the goods in advance, and then the sale of the goods on credit looks like an installment payment for the goods, which also interests the buyer. Another positive point for the client is the absence of collateral for loans provided by trade organizations, while banks require a guarantee or collateral 2-4 times the amount of the loan and accrued interest.

If the buyer takes a loan from the store to buy a TV worth 12 thousand rubles. for 6 months, then the interest on the loan will be 600 rubles. Having paid an initial contribution from the amount of 12,600 rubles. at a rate of 10%, the monthly payment for the remaining 5 months will be 2280 rubles. per month. Moreover, it takes 15 minutes to process a loan in a trading organization.

If a person goes to the bank, they must pay at least 30% of the value of the thing, which is 3600 rubles. Interest on the remaining amount of 8400 rubles. will amount to 798 rubles for 6 months. In addition, you need to collect a lot of documents, bring guarantors and wait up to a week to get permission for a loan, or you may not get it. In addition, the bank may require a deposit in the amount of several tens of thousands of rubles. It is hard to imagine that at home an ordinary buyer can cost 20, 30 or even more thousand rubles, and what can be provided as a pledge.

Also, in the loan agreement, a tariff for servicing a loan account can be set - up to 3%, and a minimum of 250 rubles, which makes the loan even more expensive. Thus, the bank loses to trade organizations, both in the amount of interest and in the speed of granting loans. Therefore, the bank needs to simplify the process of issuing loans. lending individual commercial

When studying the documents that must be submitted to the bank, it turned out that some documents duplicate each other. A passport is provided to the bank, from which a photocopy is taken by a bank employee. But in addition to the identity card, the borrower, guarantor, mortgagor must submit a certificate of registration at the place of residence. That is, despite the fact that there is a registration mark in the passport, a certificate of the same is also needed. The bank must require a certificate from the place of residence if it does not match the place of registration.

When using property collateral as collateral for repayment of a loan, the borrower must submit when pledging real estate:

  • - documents confirming the ownership of an apartment, a room: a certificate of ownership of a dwelling, a transfer agreement, a sale and purchase agreement, an exchange agreement, a donation agreement;
  • - a certificate of the value of the object from the MUPTI or another body that maintains the technical accounting of real estate objects;
  • - a copy of the financial and personal account;
  • - extract from the house book;

The house book indicates registration at the place of residence, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, its number, i.e. here the data on registration at the place of residence, area of ​​real estate and other data that the bank has already received from the above documents will be repeated.

In the case of a loan secured by an apartment or room being purchased or being built under an investment agreement, the loan agreement must provide for the borrower's obligation to submit the necessary documents to the bank for concluding a mortgage agreement, including an insurance policy: for real estate and for himself.

Sometimes, due to the complexity of the provided package of documents, a mortgage loan can be issued up to 4 weeks. One of the disadvantages is also the conclusion and provision of a marriage contract. It is necessary to reduce the indicated terms for submission of documents for concluding a mortgage agreement by at least 2 times.

The creditworthiness of the client in the world banking practice appears as one of the main objects of assessment in determining the feasibility and forms of credit relations. The ability to repay a debt is associated with the moral qualities of the client, his art and occupation, the degree of capital investment in real estate, the ability to earn funds to repay loans and other obligations.

The list of elements of the borrower's creditworthiness and indicators characterizing them may be wider or shorter depending on the goals of the analysis, types of loans, loan terms, the state of the bank's credit relations with the borrower. The optimal or acceptable values ​​of such indicators should be differentiated depending on the activities of the borrower, the specific terms of the transaction, etc.

To date, there are several basic methods for assessing the creditworthiness of customers. The systems differ from each other in the number of indicators that are used as components of the overall assessment of the borrower, as well as different approaches to the characteristics and priority of each of them. One of the ways to assess the creditworthiness of individuals is scoring.

Customer characteristics are evaluated in points, the points are summed up, the resulting rating is compared with a threshold value. The critical rating value should be determined on the basis of statistical data and periodically reviewed to balance the two types of risk (granting a loan to an insolvent client and refusing to issue a creditworthy client). In addition to the “cut-off limit”, other intervals of the obtained scores can be developed, for example, a range of values ​​is established at which additional analysis is required, or for each interval with acceptable score values, the maximum possible loan amount, conditions for its security and interest rate are determined.

The most important factors taken into account in this model are: age, marital status, number of dependents, residential property, income, bank accounts, duration of employment in general and in this job, duration of residence in the area, recommendations from other financial institutions.

In addition, a distinctive feature of the scoring method is that it should not be applied according to a template, but developed independently by each bank based on the characteristics inherent in it and its clientele, take into account the traditions of the country, changes in socio-economic conditions that affect people's behavior. Before widely introducing scoring, each bank analyzes the effectiveness of the current model and, if necessary, modifies the set of characteristics of the borrower and the scale of their numerical assessments.

The author of the methodology, David Duran, noted that the formula he derived can help assess the reliability of an ordinary borrower, but in extraordinary cases one cannot rely on its forecast. He identified a group of factors that make it possible to determine the degree of credit risk when obtaining a consumer loan.

The following parameters and characteristics of the client can also act as credit scoring coefficients: the client’s participation in financing the transaction (the larger the share of funds contributed by the client, the better his rating), the purpose of the loan, marital status (preference is given to a family with fewer than three children), health status, education, career development, net annual income, average bank balance, loan term (long-term loans are more risky and therefore lower the score, the loan term depends on the purpose of obtaining it). It should also be taken into account that frequent moving and changing jobs give rise to doubts about the sustainability and stability of the borrower's position.

The experience of foreign banks shows that an applicant for a consumer loan receives higher scores for the accurate repayment of previously used loans, stability of income (and, above all, wages), the duration of work in one place and the period of residence at a given address, and the presence of their own housing. When evaluating the scope of employment, preference is given to public service. The critical value of the rating should be constantly reviewed by the bank in accordance with the results of its work, so that the changed conditions do not lead to the “cut-off limit” being too high and the bank incurring losses, but not in the form of missing money, but in the form of lost money. the benefits of not extending credit to sound borrowers whose scoring does not accurately reflect their true creditworthiness.

There is another credit scoring system for assessing the creditworthiness of individual borrowers, the advantage of which is that it allows you to take into account many factors at the same time. On the other hand, the valuation method is more adapted to a quick response to changes in the economic environment in the present or future. An experienced specialist should be able to quickly take into account changes in the outside world when predicting the future creditworthiness of the borrower. The credit scoring method in such cases, as a rule, is less effective, its disadvantage is that it is based on statistical data of past periods that have lost their relevance and veracity due to the changes that have occurred.

By creating the conditions for express analysis, the scoring method allows, in the presence of a potential borrower who has applied to the bank and filled out a special questionnaire, to give an answer about the possibility of issuing a loan within a few minutes, taking into account the information promptly received from the credit bureau. Recognizing the undoubted advantages of the scoring method, foreign banks invest great efforts in its development, sparing no money and time.

In practice, a rational combination of the evaluation method and credit scoring is used. The method of credit scoring determines obviously unreliable and obviously reliable borrowers. Those individuals whose score fell between these two criterion values ​​are subjected to additional analysis using more information and evaluation methods of analysis.

The system of scoring the creditworthiness of individuals is beginning to be developed in Russian banks. Being high-tech, this method is used in banks that implement large consumer lending programs using plastic cards. Currently, about 20 banks offer credit cards. However, scoring is mainly used to strengthen partnerships between credit and trade organizations in the form when a bank employee, being directly in the store, accepts completed questionnaires from those wishing to buy goods on credit containing the necessary information about customers (personal data; data of an identity document; address of registration at the place of residence; address of actual residence; social status; marital status; number of children and dependents; amount of personal and family income; type of property; information about education and place of work, etc.).

As for the possibility of a deep adaptation of the credit scoring system to Russian conditions, this will require the creation of a number of socio-economic prerequisites: an increase in living standards, an expansion of the “middle class” (at least 25-30% of all economically active members of society), the development of a mortgage lending, etc. As the experience of other countries shows, only a stable, progressive development of business based on the equality of all forms of ownership can ultimately create active prerequisites for the development of lending in Russia.

The expansion of credit scoring (especially in the issuance of credit cards) could be greatly facilitated by increasing the resistance to “transparency” of personal income, accelerating the establishment of a credit reference bureau, training in skills and sharing experience in automated analysis of loan applications.

The focus of economic work related to scoring should be systematic testing of the effectiveness of the current scoring model to adjust the rating scale, which should be made as bad loans are identified, economic conditions and family lifestyles change. The result of the next review of the effectiveness of the selection of borrowers may be a decision to shift the focus from one estimated indicator to another, which at present is more significant for determining creditworthiness. And vice versa - individual performance indicators should be lowered in points or excluded from the current model altogether. It may also be necessary to update the internal grading of scores for one or more indicators that characterize the quality of loan applications. One more important direction in the analysis should be noted: the bank can experiment with a critical amount of evaluation points to reduce or increase consumer lending, depending on the ratio of "bad" and "good" loans. If the dynamics of this ratio improves, a bank that wants to expand its customer base and receive additional income can deliberately increase credit risk by lowering the critical amount of "passing" scores for credit applications.

Improving the scoring system for selecting borrowers with a balanced use of foreign experience should improve the quality of services provided by banks to the population and help increase consumer lending, stimulating demand for goods and expanding their production.

The most important condition for the development of bank consumer credit in Russia is the activation of the state policy in the field of regulating the monetary incomes of the population, which, in particular, involves the transition throughout our country to such a progressive form of payment for hired personnel as the minimum wage for one hour of working time. The need for this is motivated by the following: the average level of total monetary income of the main strata of Russian society remains low. At the beginning of the XXI century. the real money incomes of many Russians were much lower than the corresponding incomes of residents of countries - members of the European Community (EU), the United States and even many third world countries. In today's Russia, the calculated nominal hourly wage is only $0.4, while in the US this figure ranges from $7 to $11 per hour. According to UN experts, the minimum wage below $3 per hour is unacceptable, as it leads to the destruction of the labor potential of the national economy. Given the above circumstances, it would be necessary to include in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation amendments providing for an increase in the minimum wage for employees.

A certain part of the deductible salary is still paid in our country to many employees in hidden cash rubles or US dollars, i.e. “in envelopes” in “black cash”, or according to the so-called gray schemes, which does not allow Russian banks to see the real money incomes of individuals as potential borrowers. A significant part of the Russian population lives below the poverty line. According to the calculations of specialists from the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of the Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the proportion of poor people in Russia is about 35%. According to independent experts, the simplest calculations show that the total number of poor Russians is about 100 million people, or more than 70%, and not 34%, according to official Russian statistics. "Simply rich" Russians now account for about 5% in the country. The middle class in modern Russia is still very thin and is only being formed. Of course, certain adjustments should be made here for the monetary incomes of Russians from the "shadow" economy, which are not fully taken into account by official Russian statistics.

Further improvement of the organization of lending to individuals requires the solution of a number of problems. Consumer loans are currently issued not only by banks, but also by enterprises and organizations that do not have credit functions. In addition, lending to the consumer needs of the population by many organizations hinder the solution of many issues. It is difficult to study the prospects for the further development of consumer loans, to agree on the conditions for using them. The issuance and repayment of loans are linked to indicators of the balance of cash income and expenditures of the population.

In this regard, it seems appropriate to significantly expand the list of types of loans provided to clients for education, for organizing their own business, as well as provide various services, including informing clients about programs to stimulate investment and entrepreneurship.

It is necessary to soon adopt amendments to the legislation that will facilitate the work with real estate, collateral.

Domestic banks should intensify their lending activities in relation to the population, expanding the range of loans provided to them for various purposes. First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of consumer loans and loans that stimulate individual labor and private entrepreneurial activity of the population.

Currently, many citizens are in need of long-term loans for the purchase of agricultural machinery, vehicles, equipment, materials for housing construction. Here, the market economy offers a wide use of mortgage credit - long-term loans provided by banks secured (mortgage) of real estate, primarily land.

In recent decades, such a progressive form of banking services for corporate and private clients as Internet banking, which is usually understood as the provision of relevant services by banks to legal entities and individuals via the Internet using a special software and hardware complex, has become increasingly widespread.

Modern Internet banking provides customers with the opportunity to quickly and without any participation of bank personnel to receive a loan in the form of a deferred payment for purchased goods and services through the use of credit cards in non-cash retail payments. Many American Internet banks are already issuing consumer auto loans and home mortgage loans to private clients, and lending to homeowners secured by their real estate.

In Russia, the market for Internet banking services is at the initial stage of development. A small proportion of Russian banks offer their customers various forms of remote service via the Internet.

JSC "Avangard" in the process of improving lending to individuals should:

  • - Raising awareness of new types of loans;
  • - observance by banks of an individual approach in lending and taking into account the interests of each borrower;
  • - conducting marketing research of banks in order to identify the needs of the population in new types of loans;
  • - study foreign experience in lending to bank customers and constantly analyze Russian practice in this area.

During a period of decline in customer activity, various promotions should be carried out to attract customers. For example, to reduce the percentage for servicing a loan account, to develop effective promotional activities, since not all types of loans are in demand equally.

It is necessary to focus on the training of employees of credit departments of inspectors, taking into account the fact that the bank serves different clients, to find approaches to a potential borrower as quickly as possible, and also to draw the right conclusions about the client's solvency, thereby reducing the risk of loan default and not scare the borrower away with your questions.