Beware of scammers who promise to return money from brokers. How to get money back from a scam broker Refund money from a broker

Modern brokerage companies that actively provide financial services to their clients do not always act fairly towards those who work for them. How? No, it is impossible to say that the entire Forex market is a banal “scam” of numerous specialists, since most companies really work and provide opportunities for everyone, without exception, to earn money.

However, some projects try to deceive their clients by accepting deposits that cannot be returned in the future.

For example: there is a company that offers PAMM account services. The trader chooses a manager and invests money in him. Then, after a month or more, the time comes to withdraw your interest received, but during the withdrawal process the broker constantly delays or postpones the payment. What's the point? In this case, 90% of outcomes end with the broker simply not having any funds to give the client his money. Why? As soon as the funds arrive in the company’s accounts, it begins to “scroll” them, and appropriates some of them for itself in the hope that competent managers will be able to promote their project. At one point, a situation arises where the manager earns money, but the company does not have any transfer options. It does not have any internal reserves, so payments are constantly delayed.

And, unfortunately, there are a lot of such situations. Not all brokers work honestly, this must be understood.

What to do if the broker does not withdraw money?

  1. Constantly write to the broker, constantly demand the return of your funds, and do this in all possible ways at once. In this case, it is possible to write by email, call the company manager, or contact via online chat in your personal account. That is, there should be many options for communicating with a broker, each one can be acceptable. If requests come once a week or once a month, the company will respond to you as well;
  2. What to do if letters don't help? Naturally, try to solve the problem within the legal framework. In this case, it is necessary to try to scare the broker with legal norms. If this does not help, you need to contact the company regulator. Who is this? This is the institution that controls the safety of work and the security of all clients’ finances. Usually, the regulator immediately resolves these types of issues. Why? Has power over the broker. However, there are situations when an application to the regulator may become effective after a certain period of time. And the only thing that such companies can really provide is broker verification, which will also take a long time. The regulator can resolve the dispute as a whole. There is another option: he will pay compensation to the client, since he independently recommended the project for work. It is necessary to contact the regulator in any case, since a third party intervenes here, it can create real “pressure”, which in any case can give a result (at least minimal);
  3. Threats are all empty phrases. As soon as the client begins to work within the legal framework, the conflict begins to take on its own “colors”. There is another option: we write to the broker that the entire history of messages regarding unpaid funds will be posted on the maximum possible number of Internet resources that are related to the activities of the Forex market. Why is that? The company does not need extra “black” fame, in this case it is possible to really scare the broker, but... Not everyone falls for it, not everyone immediately solves the client’s problem, lowering the probability of payment as a whole;
  4. Partner help. Each broker has its own partner. If the broker refuses to make a payment, there is an option to contact the partner. For what? Normal relationships today among many companies, they all act on each other. Why? They are all competitors. Everyone who finds out about their partner’s troubles is one step ahead. As soon as a broker finds out that his client has contacted a partner, he may simply be scared. A partner is not just one client. This is a fully functioning financial structure that can make anyone famous online. Then why does a broker need such problems? Why ruin your reputation?

If even this does not help the client, you just need to abandon the work, you just need to try to find alternative cooperation schemes with another company that actually pays. It is necessary to understand that not every broker is a banal “scam”. The Forex market is a very high-quality tool for making money; you should not remove it from all accounts; you should not give up if one company has not met all the requirements.

Unfortunately, it is very, very difficult to get your money back. But the above are the methods that can really affect the broker. Only in this way is it possible to get your money back, which may have been earned through very difficult work.

Do you want your money back?

This article was originally written 2 years ago, and talked about self-refunding. A lot has changed during this time! Therefore, I give the floor to a professional lawyer (short video), whose company actually does the almost impossible: it helps to return what people no longer hoped to return. Below is the original text of the article.

Have you been scammed by a fraudulent broker? In 80% of cases, all money can be returned!

Watch the video where a practicing lawyer, who once lost a large sum on Forex, found a way out! With his colleagues, he founded a company to recover funds from people deceived by unlicensed fraudulent companies. If you lost money on binary options due to the actions of a “broker” - watch the video and fill out the form below. The guys are helping!

Don't delay: Start the process of getting YOUR money back! Act QUICKLY before the scammer has time to withdraw your money - this way the chances of getting the full amount back increase MANY TIMES!

You can try to do this yourself, but experienced lawyers have most likely already returned the money to your fellow sufferers. Act quickly while you still have something to return - the scammers will not wait long and will withdraw the money, hide it offshore or cash it out. Then it will definitely be too late...

One of the biggest risks that a binary options trader has to face is the risk of broker dishonesty. If you come across a scammer, you can immediately lose all your money that you have entered into the system. In order to minimize such risks, the following advice is usually given:

The charge back procedure is not simple. You will need to prove that the organization actually deceived you. To do this, you can attach correspondence, if any, as well as screenshots of all your payments and even trading transactions. The administration of the trading system must have clear confidence that you are really right. Only in this case can you count on something.


Firstly, you will need to prove that the broker really deceived you, and you did not lose the deposit yourself. As you know, stock trading is a risky thing, and in most cases the trader himself is to blame for losses.

Secondly, remember the deception methods used by scammers mentioned above? Thanks to the charge back feature, you will be able to return only the money that you transferred earlier and cannot return. Thus, you will not receive everything and the profit you have earned. The payment system will be able to return to you exactly as much as you entrusted to the broker. If you want to get more, go to court.

Thirdly, you will have no more than 500 days to submit your application and provide all the evidence. It might seem like a lot, but the sooner you start, the better.

Finally, if an unscrupulous recipient resets his accounts and withdraws money from them, then the payment system will not be able to help you in any way.


To begin with, you will need to select a payment system. Today, this service is provided mainly by Visa and MasterCard systems, that is, the most progressive and modern ones. If you choose, for example, electronic payment systems, then they are unlikely to return anything to you.

If you receive funds that you previously transferred in foreign currency, in most cases it will be exchanged at the current rate. Whether it will be higher or lower than what it was at that time depends on your luck.

According to statistics, every third case of such requests ends in refusal. However, this can be rephrased - in 66% of cases they will help you, so contact us quickly if you have been deceived by a fraudulent broker.

And finally - if you are just starting to work with any company, do not be lazy to take screenshots and save correspondence, record all your transactions and trading operations. If you never need it, then everything is fine with you. If you need it and you don’t have anything, then it’s impossible to return something; they’re unlikely to take your word for it. The problem is that if you have already been deceived, then it is too late to start collecting evidence. In addition, a dishonest company may close your account altogether, so you will not even be able to print out your transaction history. Or he will simply erase it.

About the judicial procedure

For some reason, it is often believed that if your money was stolen in a store, then this is one thing, but if it was stolen on the Internet, then another. However, there is not much difference, and in both situations you can go to the police or to court. Including when you think that you have not been given your honestly earned money.

Of course, it is difficult to win such proceedings, and the reasons for this are as follows:

When starting cooperation with a company, you most often check the box indicating that you agree with the contract. The contract (public offer) most often states that she “is not responsible for...” More often than not, for nothing. And you signed it.

Many companies that provide brokerage services may be registered not in Russia or even in Europe, but somewhere in the Seychelles. So international arbitration will be required. And if you have a loss of hundreds of American dollars, then, of course, it’s easier to forget about it.

Many companies are generally just one-day fraudulent companies, so this requires not only a trial, but also the recovery of funds from individuals.

Despite all this, do not give up and fight to the end. And best of all, deal only with.

Fraudsters need to be taught a lesson. In law!

But if you sit and do nothing, the money will not come back to you. Take action! By filling out the form above, you will contact the specialists of the company "Unicorn - Return of Lost Investments". Do not give up! Not all is lost - most of the fraudulently swindled money, "leaked" by would-be analysts and so on, IS RETURNED. If you don't sit in your chair, but hurry up and let the lawyers make a juicy chop out of the scammers!

You have decided to trade binary options. We did everything right: we chose a broker, opened an account, made a deposit. But when it came to the point where the money needed to be returned, for various reasons, it turned out that the broker was not going to return anything.

What to do? How to get money back from a broker? This question is quite multifaceted and has many solutions, but also many nuances.

So, under what conditions is a refund from a broker possible? binary options or forex, and which ones - not? What needs to be done to get money back from the broker, even if he doesn’t really want to do it? And how to get money back from? This is discussed in our article.

There are traders who believe that they are smarter than everyone else. They open an account with a broker, make a deposit, work successfully or not successfully. And then suddenly a brilliant thought comes to their mind - let me give my money back. This is especially often encountered if the trader does not know how to trade and has spent his entire deposit on unknown transactions. Or if you took a bonus, but didn’t work it out. And there are many other situations in which a trader made full use of the services of a broker, but something did not work out for him with trading. And the trader wants to replay everything.

Is it possible to get everything back?

Only if the trader has a time machine. Otherwise, if you have already used the services of a broker, then please pay for them. There is no other way.

In some cases it is impossible to return money:

  1. if a trader took a bonus, but did not work it out, or did not fulfill all the necessary conditions for the bonus. The broker gave you money in exchange for certain obligations. If you decide to use other people’s money, then you must fulfill your obligations. If you have an unused bonus, no one will ever return the money to you.
  2. if the client does not know the refund procedure. In order to get your money back, you need to provide certain documents and go through certain steps. And until everything is done correctly, no one will return the money.
  3. if there are insufficient funds in the account for the requested refund. That is, since they spent it on trading, they spent it. The broker did not put a gun to your forehead to force you to enter into certain transactions. And since you have bargained, then this is solely your responsibility.
  4. if there are technical problems with the system. Just wait until things get better.

You can read more about how to withdraw funds from an honest broker in The main thing is to do everything correctly. The most reasonable option is to contact support and report the current situation. They should help solve the problem. Each broker also has a Frequently Asked Questions section on their website. There you can also find a lot of useful information.

But what to do if the money is stuck with a fraudster is a question that requires another investigation. And that's exactly what we'll talk about here.

So, you have made a deposit, but there is a need to return the funds. All conditions have been met, there seem to be no obstacles to return. but it was not there. The support service either simply ignores inconvenient questions or pretends that they are trying to solve everything, but, of course, there is no effect and is not expected.

You can try, as they say, to be annoying, in the hope that the broker will really get tired of you and decide that it is better to get rid of you by returning your money, rather than receiving hundreds of messages from you. Many people try to publish negative reviews on forums in the hope that the broker will come to their senses. But this is not recommended. In such cases, neither threats nor similar actions will improve your relationship with the broker, and the hope of a refund will become even more elusive.

So, the main strategy is to negotiate. But again, if a broker is a broker, then collecting money in this way is his way of existence. It is unlikely that he will take pity on you.

But realistically, how to get money back from a fraudulent broker?

If you made a deposit through an electronic payment system, or an electronic wallet, then no way. That is, not at all. It's easier to forget and forgive. But if you deposited money from a Visa or Mastercard payment card, then there is a way to return it. This method is called farzhback (), but the process is quite complicated. So it's best to try to negotiate with a broker.

So, if it does come to a chargeback.

When to apply for chargeback

The sooner, the better. As soon as you notice that something is going wrong, the support service either responds with excuses or is completely silent, and the time for executing the request has long passed - go to the bank. You can argue with the broker, prove that you are right, but this way you ONLY WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME. The broker, meanwhile, may suspect something is wrong and take action. Moreover, the procedure itself also has time restrictions.

How to file a claim

You should be very careful when filing a claim. For example, if you indicate that you have become a victim of fraudulent actions by a broker, you will be sent to the police. Your case will most likely have to be heard in court. And this takes a long time, and is not always effective.

You can point out that due to financial insolvency, the company cannot provide you with the services it promised. Or, if the agreement specifies a clause that your deposit is a charitable donation, then this clause is also entered illegally - the broker does not engage in this type of activity.

But it’s better to contact a qualified lawyer who will do everything right. In this way, you will avoid repeated reworking of the claim and significantly speed up the proceedings.

Then the bank will submit your application for consideration by the administration of the Visa or Mastercard payment systems. And if you did everything correctly, your money will be transferred back to your card.

Sergei Medvedev

Trouble, no matter how bitter it is for the victim, always attracts the attention of people who are more like vultures.

This can be seen in the article about the broker Vospari, which overnight turned from a very decent broker into a scam broker!

I won’t describe how the broker’s representatives began to denigrate and scare Sergei Lukinov and me, the matter is different.

Not only that, Vospari managers are trying to scam traders by promising them a withdrawal of funds only if they make a deposit!

Likewise, there are scammers on the Internet who, under the guise of help, promise deceived clients of brokers that they will withdraw their deposits, and deprive them of their last money.

Fraudsters promise to withdraw money from brokers

Resentment, anger, the desire to return your money, which was invested in trading, but which was brazenly stolen, often clouds the mind and the ability to think sensibly.

Especially when there are sympathetic well-wishers who, it seems to you, are acting with the best intentions, right?

Hope appears, you want to believe such people, and on this wave the victim is ready to do anything! As they say, hand over the keys to the apartment where the money is! -)

By the way, you can read about such a case here...

Yes, perhaps the scammers will be punished if they are found, of course!

Perhaps the woman will be given back what she lost the last time, but is such trust in unknown “well-wishers” worth the time, effort and nerves spent on all this?

What to do to get your money back

In the article about the scammer Vospari, I described the money return algorithm! Read it, just in case you haven't read it -)

But I was and am baffled by all the repeated questions about chargeback, about people who can help get the money back...

Understand people - every case is individual and, in fact, in your trouble you are personally of no interest to anyone!

The only interesting thing is that you can get more from you! -) It's just common sense!

What prevents you from contacting a person who really specializes in this area? From which you can then ask if something goes wrong?

Do you really not have a single financial lawyer in your city? Or do you feel sorry for spending 500-1000 rubles on a consultation?

After all, after consulting, you will have a clearer picture of the situation, you will understand what needs to be done next and what not to do!

Even if in your specific situation nothing can be done to return the money, then you will not lose anything except these 500-1000 rubles!

Why not go to the police then and file a report for online fraud?

After all, if the broker does not return your money that is on your deposit, then in fact he stole it. And he uses them without your consent!

I’ll just draw your attention right away - this only applies to those funds that you transferred to the broker and that are available at the moment!

If you traded or played binary options and lost everything, then you will have no one to blame.

Therefore, do not be fooled by the persuasion of managers who promise you the “deal of the century”, to double your deposit, and trade for you!

If you decide to withdraw money, then you definitely need to stand your ground!

Do not invent, do not deceive that you have circumstances there, that you will definitely make a deposit later, but stand on the fact that this is your money and you want to get it back!

Simple but obligatory actions:

  • Carefully study the terms and conditions of the user agreement with the broker before replenishing your account;
  • Keep documents confirming the transfer of funds to the broker's account;
  • Record all correspondence with the broker;
  • Take screenshots of the request for withdrawal of funds, responses from the financial department, comments from the manager;
  • Record all conversations with broker managers;
  • Be polite but firm in your decision to withdraw money.

And, if the broker does not withdraw your money within the time period specified in your agreement with him, do what I described above! Go to a lawyer!

How not to lose money with a broker

It is clear that because of one or two such black sheep, confidence in trading in financial markets in general is lost.

But here, too, ordinary common sense is needed - a broker is a broker, and trading is trading!

By the way, in the article about brokers I trust, I specifically, from the very beginning, sharpened my attention to the fact that any broker can cease to exist at any time!

Therefore, those traders who are seriously involved in this type of business always diversify risks.

For example, they trade with several brokers at the same time. They do not accumulate large deposits. They earned it - they took it out!

For stable earnings with binary options or CFDs, $1000 on deposit with two or three brokers is enough.

Perhaps such investments may seem too large for some, but it is precisely this diversification that helps not only to save your money and not lose it (if the broker merges or becomes a fraudster), but also to significantly increase it.

But, I will not scatter advice on who should invest and how much where, if you want, you can study everything yourself and decide how it will be better for you.

In general, those who have ears will hear! And he who has intelligence will apply -)

Don't trust scammers who offer to withdraw money from brokers!

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72 comments: Beware of scammers who promise to return money from brokers

    Hello Olesya.

    In fact, everything is sad -) No one forced you to listen to the analyst? Did someone forbid you? this work and do everything yourself? No, you just wanted someone to earn you money, and you didn’t even Google the topic of “earnings” . Remember the fairy tale about Pinocchio? -)

    Why, now that exactly what should have happened has happened, do you think that someone will return the money that you yourself gave? ? Consider it a lesson... or charity if you still haven't learned anything -)

    Alexander. Answers:

    @Sergey Medvedev Fraudsters take advantage of the gaps in the legal system and legislation. Inventing new schemes of deception, taking advantage of the fact that the publication

    legislative acts regulating new aspects of legal relationships that are newly emerging in our society and in our country, in particular, lag somewhat behind the realities of a changing world. BUT it is simply necessary to fight the dishonest acquisition of capital through deception and the taking of other people’s funds. Especially in our country, with such an almost catastrophic outflow of capital abroad. And a slowdown in production and industrial growth. Drop by drop, the entire economy of the state can be splashed out. Not dealing with such facts of deception is simply letting everything take its course. And everything acquired over centuries by the people of the country, smoothly and one direction will be merged into offshore companies. And there will be no way back. I do not agree with you.

    Sergey Medvedev Answers:

    Alexander, They take advantage exclusively of people’s stupidity and their thirst for profit! Or do you consider those who sold apartments and invested in MMM to be normal? What was driving these people?

    Do you think it’s normal to take out loans and make deposits from brokers you don’t even know? What drives such people, other than a desire, such as “to make money”? And what does the state economy have to do with it? Every citizen has the right to manage his own funds...

    Investments (investment of funds) should be made only when these investments are not a pity to lose if something goes wrong! And not the last to invest!

    And, if you really were deceived, then you should follow the advice from the article...

    By the way, here are good examples of how stupid people are scammed - read And