Where to get money for the New Year. Where and how to quickly find money

There are several safe options for finding an additional source of income. How accessible they are depends on the size of the required amount and the urgency of the issue.

Where can I urgently get money in small quantities?

If you need a relatively modest amount, in the range of $200-300, you can borrow it from friends or also get a loan from a bank. If your credit history leaves much to be desired or there are no suitable lending options at the moment, you can use the microloan service. When thinking about where to get money on the Internet, you can turn to microfinance organizations for help and get a loan in a short time.

Advantages of microloans:

  1. Quick decision on issuing funds.
  2. Possibility of borrowing a small amount for a short period of time.
  3. Flexible lending terms.
  4. Minimum required information and supporting documents.

The agreement to issue funds can be signed in one day, without leaving your home, directly online. It usually takes up to 15 minutes to receive funds on the card. You are given up to 1 month to return the amount borrowed in this way. Timely return of funds increases the organization’s trust in the client and next time you can count on more favorable conditions.

The disadvantage of microloans is high interest rates compared to bank loans and a short period during which it is necessary to repay the debt and interest on it.

Where can you quickly find money without using the services of microfinance organizations? In addition to microloans from organizations, using Internet resources you can find the opportunity to borrow funds from individuals. In this case, the terms and size of the loan and interest on it are negotiated individually.

Where can I get money for a large purchase?

If you need to urgently get a lot of money - to open a business, buy a home or car and for other purposes, it is preferable to contact a bank for a loan. Applying for a loan is a fairly quick procedure and allows you to receive a large amount at your disposal within a few days. To obtain a bank loan, the borrower must meet several conditions:

  • have confirmed income (as salary or other income) during the 6 months preceding the issuance of the loan;
  • “clean” credit history;
  • presence of a guarantor (in some cases).

A clean credit history means that all previous loans taken by a potential borrower were fully repaid on time or are being repaid consistently at the moment.

A frequent disadvantage of bank loans for large amounts is the presence of collateral in the form of valuable property, real estate or a car. In case of late payment, the bank has the right to appropriate the property designated as collateral for the loan.

Where can I get money quickly?

As an option, where to get money “for free”, you can go to a pawnshop to pawn a valuable item. The amount of money that can be obtained in this way depends on the value of the thing being pawned and the assessment of the pawnshop. When appraised, the value of things may be lower than the market value, but this is dictated by the peculiarities of the pawnshop’s work.

The following things can be pledged:

  • jewelry;
  • antiques, antiques;
  • equipment;
  • computer equipment;
  • Cell phones.

You can only pawn valuables that are suitable for further sale - after all, if the client does not pick up the item within a certain period of time, the pawnshop has the right to sell it. For these reasons, non-working equipment, unprocessed precious stones, and jewelry in unsatisfactory marketable condition are not accepted.

The conditions for working with pawnshops contain their own nuances. In order to hand over an item with maximum profit, it is advisable to contact several pawnshops and compare the amounts they will be willing to hand over. Features of pawnshops:

  • Only an adult can pledge a valuable item - you must provide a passport or other identification document;
  • the pawnshop charges a certain commission for storing the item;
  • It will be possible to return the item only after full payment of its collateral value and interest on the loan.

Where can I find money urgently without taking out loans?

Debts and loans for some people are a rather unattractive way to find money in a short time. How to get funds without resorting to loans? To do this, you can start selling your own things. This can be done through special websites or social networks by posting an ad for sale.

The easiest way to sell those things that are no longer used. Instead of giving them away for free, it is better to find a buyer for them and earn a certain amount. When selling online, you need to analyze what items are in demand - for example, certain items of clothing are of interest only in a particular season. The higher the price, the longer the item may be on sale, so if you need money urgently, it is worth adjusting the price.

One of the options for receiving money in a fairly short time is to perform work with piecework payment. This could be work on the Internet or a small position with minimal work in a company or office. There are several typical types of quick money that do not require special skills:

  • distribution of leaflets;
  • product presentations;
  • loading or unloading goods;
  • work as a courier.

Some jobs pay hourly or daily, allowing you to find cash quickly and without long-term employment.

Working on the Internet allows you to earn money in your free time from your main job. It could be:

  • work as an online consultant;
  • performing translations from/to foreign languages;
  • writing articles;
  • editing or transcribing audio recordings;
  • custom photo processing;
  • design of logos, flyers, etc.

All these options allow you to get a certain amount of money in a relatively short time.

August 10, 2015


Surely a situation has happened to you when you started planning a major renovation and suddenly discovered a bunch of unnecessary things in your apartment: furniture, books, decorations or household appliances. It’s a shame to throw it away, but there seems to be no one to give it to. But it is possible that at that time there lived a person on the other side of the city who dreamed of the furniture that you wanted to get rid of...

Or maybe you found yourself in the opposite situation. You urgently needed, say, a kitchen table, but there was absolutely no money for new furniture. And then you thought: “It would be nice if someone gave me the unnecessary table!”

You probably didn’t know then that there are many places on the RuNet where people give things away completely free of charge. Now you have probably become wiser. Now you know that you can get a lot for nothing: just as you can give a lot to those whom it will help. But if you don’t yet know which sites and message boards to pay attention to, then we will help you.

Where do people give things as gifts?

LiveJournal community “I’ll give it for free”


Where do they give it?: Moscow

What do they give?: clothes, shoes, furniture, household appliances, electronics, etc.

The LiveJournal community “Give for nothing” can perhaps be called one of the oldest Runet services for “getting rid of” unnecessary things. The community, which appeared in 2002, is growing every day. During the day, from 5 to 15 advertisements for donations of a variety of things appear here: from women's and children's clothing to medicines, from furniture to... animals (but this is still not a thing). All “gifts” in the community are marked with appropriate tags, which greatly simplifies the search.

To use the community, you will have to create an account on LiveJournal: anonymous comments are prohibited here. In addition, before “reserving” the item you like, do not forget to read the community rules.

By the way, the community has “regional” branches in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities. “Give for Nothing” groups are also active on VKontakte and exist independently of the LiveJournal community.



Where they give it: throughout Russia and abroad

What they give: jewelry, food, clothes, books, etc.

"Darudar" is an international gift service. Here you can give other people something that you no longer need, but that might be useful to someone else. The site has a user-friendly interface: each gift is accompanied by a detailed description, and the announcements indicate the city and region of the donor. Anyone who wants to receive an item must leave a comment and tell them why he wants to receive this particular thing, and the donor has the right to promise the item to the person who likes him the most. Gifts, of course, are free, but those given the gift traditionally thank the givers with postcards or simply warm words and kind reviews.

To become a member of the service, you will have to register. At the same time, you can connect your Darudar account with profiles on the social networks Facebook and VKontakte in one click.

"Hand to Hand"


Where do they give it?: everywhere

What do they give?: everything, but mostly animals

The popular advertisement newspaper “From Hand to Hand” has long migrated from paper format to electronic format. As in other services, they give away everything: clothes that don’t fit, chairs that are no longer needed, gifts that have nowhere to put... But most often they give away pets - the “I’ll give away for free” section is simply replete with texts in the style: “I’ll give away funny kittens" or "Who will adopt a cute puppy"?

To use the services of the “Hand to Hand” service, it is not necessary to register: you just need to call the phone number indicated in the advertisement, or send a message through a special form posted on the website.

“I’ll give it for free/I’ll accept it as a gift”


Where do they give it?: in Moscow

What do they give?: clothes, furniture, jewelry, etc.

This Facebook group is relatively small, but quite active. Any user registered on this social network can not only respond to an advertisement for a gift from other participants, but also place their request. For example, if you need a baby stroller, then you don’t wait for someone to offer it to you, but publish an ad yourself.

The group is closed and the rules are strict. Only those who have Moscow listed as their city of residence are accepted, so make sure that your settings are not hidden from others. The rules may seem strict, but they are the ones that protect the group from spam and allow participants to communicate normally.



Where do they give it?: mainly in Moscow and the region

What do they give?: children's clothing

Babies grow so quickly that their clothes often last only one season. Therefore, mothers happily exchange unwanted clothes with each other or give them to strangers. The website Detstvo.ru has a forum and a bulletin board where children's things are sold inexpensively or given away for free. The board is updated regularly. To contact the author of the ad, just send him a message through a special form on the website, indicating your phone number and email address. Registration is not required.

sister to sister! mutual assistance


Where do they give it?: everywhere in the Russian Federation

What do they give?: animals, musical instruments, equipment, etc.

In this VKontakte public, women can seek mutual support and help from each other, as well as give various kinds of announcements and ask for advice. In the public you can also give and ask for things as gifts. The main thing is to carefully read the rules and place the appropriate tags. Only VKontakte users can leave advertisements and respond to them.



Where do they give it?: in most Russian cities

What do they give?: books and audiobooks

BookRiver is, in fact, an exchange service. Have you bought a book, read it, but don’t want to keep it? Or did you happen to have two copies of the same book? In this case, it would be logical not to take the books to the trash heap, but to exchange them for something more interesting. Participants in the BookRiver service make lists of unwanted and desirable books, and then exchange them among themselves. However, some are ready to give a book for nothing or for a chocolate bar.

To participate in the exchange, you will have to register on the site. In your profile, it is advisable to indicate where and at what time it is convenient for you to meet.



Where do they give it?: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Minsk, etc.

What do they give?: plants, clothes, building materials, dishes, books, etc.

“Otdamtak” is a large bulletin board made like a forum. Here people from a dozen cities in Russia and some cities in Belarus and Ukraine give away for free what they themselves did not need. Each city's forum is divided into thematic subforums, so navigation is easy. You can contact the donor at the phone number indicated in the post or through private messages on the forum (you must register for this).

You can also ask on this forum, so feel free to leave your requests.

We haven't written about your favorite bulletin board? Or maybe you yourself have created a page on social networks that serves the same good purposes? Feel free to share your links in the comments!

Almost all areas of a person’s life are related to finances. To buy food, pay for housing, buy a minimum amount of clothing - everything requires money. Therefore, most people daily ask the question: where to quickly find money or how to earn it, and as income grows, requests increase, which means more and more finance is required. Some consider it possible to commit a crime if there is a lack of money, but this threatens significant problems in the future, so it is much more effective to use legal means of obtaining money, especially since there are quite a lot of them.

How to find money quickly

Borrow from friends

The first thought that arises when you need money is to borrow the required amount from friends. Every person has friends or relatives who have free money. Of course, one person may not have the required amount, but by borrowing a little from several people, you can quickly collect the required amount of money. The advantage of borrowing from friends is, as a rule, there is no interest, so you will have to repay the same amount as you borrowed, and doing this taking into account inflation will be quite simple. The only limitation is that you must strictly adhere to the loan repayment period. Violating it can significantly worsen personal relationships and next time, if necessary, already acquaintances will not help.

Ask your relatives

Another popular source where you can find money is loans from relatives. Parents or older relatives often have savings that they can lend to solve the financial problems of their son or daughter. If you have good relations with other relatives, you can ask for a loan from them too. Relatives are often ready to help each other, so this method is one of the most reliable. But when borrowing money from relatives, you should also repay it in a timely manner. Just like with friends, violation of repayment terms or loan terms can significantly worsen the relationship.

Take a cash loan

Currently, there are quite a lot of different services that provide loans. The easiest option is to go to kiosks that are located at public transport stops or in large shopping centers. They offer everyone to receive a small amount of money only upon presentation of a passport. The main advantage of such loans is efficiency and guarantee of receipt, and the disadvantage is the high interest rate. Similar services can be found on the Internet. It is enough to type the appropriate request, follow the link to the site and fill out a special form, and within 15-30 minutes the money will be in your account or bank card. The disadvantage of such services is also the high percentage. The best thing to do, of course, is to contact the bank. Despite the fact that an application for a cash loan will take longer to process than in street or online services, and there is no guarantee of receipt, there are several significant advantages of this method of generating income. Firstly, a lower interest rate, secondly, a longer term, and, finally, the opportunity to receive the entire necessary amount (in street and Internet services, the loan amount is usually limited to 30,000 rubles).

Apply for a credit card

This method is also quite effective. More and more banks are offering their customers bank cards with an authorized credit limit. A significant advantage of this option for making a profit is the presence of a period during which interest on the debt amount is not accrued. Currently, in some banks it reaches 100 days, which allows you to solve your financial problems, repay the principal debt and not incur additional expenses. The only recommendation regarding a credit card is that it should not be used constantly. In such a situation, there is a high probability of becoming financially dependent on the bank, from which it will not be easy to get out. As a result, instead of solving one problem, a person may acquire another, more serious one.

Money on bail or receipt

Another attractive and frequently used way to attract urgent money is to go to a pawnshop. Such organizations now accept almost all types of property as collateral to attract a loan, so turning to them may well solve existing financial problems. The disadvantage of pawnshops, as in the case of street loan services, is the high interest rate, not always a fair assessment of the property offered as collateral, and a short loan period.

Advance at work

Some organizations practice providing employees with financial assistance, a loan or an advance on wages if such a need arises. The method is quite convenient, however, it must be taken into account that receiving an advance reduces future income. Therefore, when making such a decision, it is recommended to draw up a modified budget in advance and adjust your consumption so that in the future there is no situation where there is a lack of funds to purchase products or pay for utilities.

Find money on the street

If it is not possible to take out a loan because you do not have a permanent job, then one of the possibilities for obtaining funds is to find them on the street. Despite the seeming absurdity of the statement, spending a lot of time in places where people often pay with cash (street kiosks, supermarkets, pharmacies, public transport stops), you can easily find a decent amount in a day, since coins often fall out of wallets, and you have to bend over for them. people don't have the time or desire. In addition, you might get lucky and someone will drop a large bill. Fountains are also a popular place to look for funds, where many people throw coins as a sign to come to them or return to the city again. You can also find rare coins in foreign currency there.

Ask people on the street

If you don’t have a job, but you have the ability to sing, dance or play a musical instrument, you can go to a public place and try to make quick money this way. If the quality of the performance or dance is liked by the audience, they are likely to reward the performer, which will allow them to receive a certain amount. This way of getting money requires some psychological work on yourself - you need to overcome, for example, the fear of public speaking. And many people believe that singing or dancing in transitions is the lot of desperate people. However, with some effort, you can get money using this method and solve your financial problems.

Pawn in a pawn shop

If you don’t have time to sell any expensive items (although there are currently many services on the Internet that allow you to sell unnecessary interior or wardrobe items quickly), you can simply take expensive equipment, gold items or items to a pawnshop. The valuation, of course, in such a situation will be significantly lower than the market one, because the pawnshop will subsequently have to sell these goods itself, and like any commercial organization, it needs profit, but money can be received quickly and without the unnecessary hassle of showing things to several buyers, and so on .

Slot machines

If you hope for luck, you can use the money you have to buy slot machine tokens and try to win. However, there are two factors to keep in mind. First, such activities are prohibited in most cities. There are several gambling zones where you can play slot machines. The second factor is that playing slot machines is not always fair. A slot machine is essentially a computer, which means it can be programmed, which is what unscrupulous club owners often do. Therefore, when choosing a place where you want to try to win a lot of money, you need to first collect information about it.

Games and bets for money

If, in addition to luck, you also have the ability to play cards or dice, this way you can quickly replenish your wallet. Gambling is also prohibited in our country, with the exception of several special gambling zones where casinos are built. However, as a rule, professional players gather there. You can earn small amounts by playing with friends. Gradually, having honed your skills, you can try yourself among the professionals, where you can already earn a significant profit. The main thing during games is to be able to stop in time so as not to lose everything you previously earned.

Become a donor

This offer is absolutely legal. Moreover, it is noble because it allows you to save other people. Of course, you won’t be able to get rich with the help of donations, but it is quite possible to find the necessary amount or get an increase in your salary. To do this, however, you will have to take care of your own health. To be able to donate blood, you must not have chronic diseases or colds, and also not use alcohol or drugs. The donor can choose several options for receiving remuneration - cash, discounted meals or additional days on vacation.

Distribution of leaflets, newspapers

Many companies periodically require employees who can distribute advertising information about their activities. You can earn a small and not too difficult income by distributing leaflets describing the organization’s promotions and events. If the city is large enough, then such work will be constant, because information needs to be disseminated in all areas of the city, therefore, if you have the opportunity to move and work in different places, then it is quite possible to get a constant cash flow.

Temporary work for 1 day

Currently, the activities of recruitment agencies providing temporary staff are widespread. Most often, the services of janitors, cleaners, cashiers, loaders, and so on are in demand. This work does not require special qualifications, so it can be easily completed and appropriate remuneration received for it. It is especially easy to get additional income with the help of such a part-time job during the period of preparation for the holidays (New Year, March 8, February 23, and so on), since at this time shopping in stores is carried out most actively and they require additional staff.

Ways to make quick money for men

Rent out your home for a day

This method implies that a man can go fishing or hunting for a while, and provide housing to those who come on a business trip. This allows you to receive an irregular but good income, depending on the prices for renting an apartment that have developed in a particular region. When engaging in this type of activity, it is advisable to have one locked room where personal belongings will be stored. Of course, in such a situation it is better not to keep valuable items in the apartment - give them to friends or relatives in order to minimize the risk of their theft.


Most men have a car, therefore, you can easily earn additional income by providing taxi services. You can do this yourself - moving around the city in the hope of meeting passengers who need to go somewhere, or you can register with a taxi service and receive orders. The first method is more profitable, since all the profit goes to the owner of the car. The second one is safer, because the dispatcher always knows at what address the car was provided and who the customer was.

Husband for an hour

All men can change a light bulb, screw a screw into a wall or hammer a nail, make minor repairs in the house, and so on. These services are often sought after by single women or older people who lack the strength or skills to do such work. Therefore, by posting advertisements in your area, you can quickly get a small increase in your salary, and perhaps even make this type of work your main job.

Thus, finding money quickly is quite possible. You just need to think and choose the most attractive option.

Many people ask where they can get a lot of money for free and for free? Where can I urgently get money for a wedding, an apartment, a house, or to start a business from scratch?

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine HeatherBober.ru, Alexander Berezhnov.

I will share my practical experience and tell you where to get money quickly or borrow it.

I myself found myself in situations where I urgently needed a certain amount of money and had to quickly use my brain and find it in literally 10 minutes.

From the article you will learn:

  • Where can I get money for free?
  • Is it possible to get money for free?
  • How to get money using microloans?
  • Where can I get money for a business at a minimum interest rate?

Here I will also tell you how to borrow money and repay debts correctly, and what mistakes you should avoid if you urgently need money.

Sit back comfortably, let's begin!

1. Where can an ordinary person without a job get money quickly?

A person may need money at any moment: you remembered that today is a friend’s (girlfriend’s, grandmother’s, aunt’s) birthday, a workmate invited you to a wedding, you urgently need to repay a debt, and, as luck would have it, your salary is delayed - you never know how situations arise in life.

It’s good if there are several days until hour X (the time when you will specifically need finances), but what if it is several hours, and there is absolutely no cash? In this article I will tell you where an ordinary person (not a bank director or a businessman) can get money in the fastest and most optimal ways.

So where do you get money when you don't have it? The question may seem rhetorical and even philosophical.

However, when money is really needed and needed urgently, people somehow have no time for philosophy: they have to urgently find cash. If we are talking about small amounts within a few thousand rubles ( 100$-200$ ), then the most common way is to borrow from friends. What if you need more? Where can I get money for an apartment, a car, or to open my own business? There are much fewer options here.

Most people will answer that they need to work harder. The remark is fair, but only partly. We have already written about that. But sometimes even while working, you may need money. For example, if the salary is small or has already been spent. In this case, you need to use your imagination and mental abilities.

There is actually a lot of money in the world around us. Even more than enough. The problem is that they are unevenly distributed. Some people have a lot of them, others have the opposite. What do you need to do? Go to those who currently have finances. Another question is how to persuade, convince, force those people who have a lot of money to transfer it (temporarily or free of charge) to you. I immediately discard dubious and illegal methods of taking money - taking someone else’s property by deception, force, theft - is absolutely wrong.

This article discusses only fair and legal options.

We list the main methods of obtaining finance, and then discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:

  • Borrow from friends and acquaintances;
  • Make a microloan;
  • Get a loan from a bank;
  • Urgently sell some valuable personal item;
  • Use the services of a pawnshop;
  • Urgently complete quick work and receive payment immediately;
  • Repay your debts;
  • Rent out housing and temporarily live with friends (with mom and dad or other relatives);
  • Ask for a loan from criminal structures.

I’ll say right away that the last method is quite dangerous. You can use the services of “bros” only as a last resort, if you are confident in yourself and in the people with whom you are making a deal. However, if the question of where to urgently get money cannot be solved in any other way (all banks refuse, not a penny from friends), then there is nowhere to go - you have to borrow from those who give.

2. Microloans are a real way to get the required amount in 1 hour

Just 10 years ago, few people had heard of microloans, but now the number of organizations, companies and individuals who have even started a business with the help of microloans has grown rapidly. Now the question of where to get money urgently no longer causes such a headache as before.

Microloan– this is a loan for a small amount (usually up to 50,000 rubles) for a certain period (usually a month from the date of execution of the transaction).

To apply for a loan, you only need one document - a passport (plus a decent appearance). The interest rate depends on the amount you borrow as well as the repayment period of the loan.

5 advantages of microloans:

  1. Minimum time for obtaining a loan. The application is completed in a few minutes; you do not need to waste time collecting various certificates and documents, like in a bank;
  2. No guarantors required. Usually banks will ask you to find at least one guarantor, because every credit institution wants to reduce its financial risks;
  3. There is no need to state the purpose of the loan. As a rule, getting a targeted loan is much easier. For example, mortgages or car loans are much more readily issued than consumer loans;
  4. Receive money online. Some organizations transfer money to bank cards via the Internet - you don’t even need to go anywhere. You can also repay the loan through the online account of various payment systems;
  5. Ease of receiving funds. You don't have to "beg" by disturbing friends and relatives. For a microfinance organization, you are just one of many clients.

A microloan is the most convenient and simplest option if you need money in the very near future. This is a method for those who were refused to borrow money from a bank (due to the lack of necessary guarantees) and those who want to obtain finance quickly and without unnecessary questions from the lender.

Today, a microloan can be issued via the Internet without collateral, guarantors, income certificates, financial history, or other hassles.

To do this, you just need to go to the website, fill out a form, provide a phone number and log into your personal account. Then you need to select the amount, loan repayment period and agree to the terms of the organization with which you are working. You will need to send a scan of your passport (or provide your passport details) and indicate your bank card number.

Now there are many companies that issue microloans via the Internet, but I recommend working only with the most proven and reliable ones, which have transparent terms of cooperation and an understandable loan issuance scheme.

Among the advantages of this method:

  1. Ease of obtaining a loan. The process of filling out and approving the application takes no more than 5 minutes;
  2. Loan amount up to 30,000 rubles. At the first application up to 10,000 rubles and further higher;
  3. Convenience. There are 4 options to receive money: to a bank card, to a bank account, through the Contact system, and to a Qiwi wallet.

If you have a Qiwi wallet, it will be even easier: the money will be transferred to your account after reviewing the application, which must be completed in the appropriate section. True, in most cases, the amount of the first loan does not exceed 5,000 (the company checks the client’s reliability), but then the amounts increase many times over. If you repay the loan early, the amount of overpayment will be minimal.

If working with electronic systems seems difficult to you, you can make a microloan offline - that is, contact the microfinance organization (MFO) closest to your home. A decision on a request is made in just a few minutes.

Now about the disadvantages of this method.

The main disadvantage is, of course, the accrued interest. The rate in microcredit is much higher than when applying for a loan from a bank. The percentage of overpayment will become especially noticeable if you accidentally or intentionally delay the day and hour of payment.

  1. Pay back the borrowed money on time. Please remember that late refunds will incur high interest rates. This way you can make the most of the borrowed money.
  2. Take exactly as much as you need. Do not give in to the persuasion of MFO employees that it is more convenient to take, for example, 10,000 than 8,000. If you, again, delay the payment, this small difference will grow into a tangible amount.

We've sorted out microloans, let's move on to other methods.

3. Where to get money for free - 10 surefire ways

These methods are obvious for most people, but when money is needed right now, a person is stressed and forgets about some of them.

That is why I decided to describe them here.

Method 1. Borrow from friends and acquaintances

Borrowing money from acquaintances or friends is an obvious option, but not always convenient.

  • Firstly, It’s unlikely that your friends will be delighted with your proposal (remember the popular wisdom: “the best way to lose friends is to borrow money from them”);
  • Secondly, You have to take other people's money and give your own. However, this method is chosen by a significant percentage of people who urgently need finance.

According to statistics, people of the old school, aged 40 to 50, prefer to borrow from friends. Young people prefer more creative options.

Where can I get money if all banks and microloans refuse?

You will have to borrow from friends even if all banks and microloans refuse due to bad credit history or other reasons.

It’s good if you have rich friends for whom the repayment period is not of fundamental importance. In other cases, you will need to inform creditors of the approximate date of repayment of the debt. This method has its advantages: your friends won’t grab you by the throat if you don’t get the money within the promised time frame, and you don’t have to pay any interest.

But on the other hand, although friends are more tolerant and loyal than financial institutions, you should not abuse their kindness.

If you are delaying your refund, it is better to immediately warn about this: going underground by turning off your phone is not the best way to behave. If you are honest, most people will understand the situation, and perhaps help with practical advice.

By the way, borrowing money from friends correctly is a whole science. There are even special strategies that allow you to perform this operation most effectively.

For example, experts advise that it is better to borrow small amounts from several people than large ones from one. This way, the likelihood of receiving money will increase many times over. After all, for a person, 1000 rubles is not money, but 10 people for 1000 rubles each... This is already a decent amount.

Method 2. Get a loan from a bank

Where can I get a lot of money at once? For an apartment, house, car, opening a store or business? Serious sums can be obtained from the bank. Consumer and business loans are a fairly popular way to obtain finance. The interest rate on loans from a bank is much lower than from an MFO, and the repayment period sometimes extends for years. Another thing is that not everyone can take advantage of this opportunity.

To receive money from a bank, the borrower must meet certain conditions. These are the banking obstacles that a large percentage of people who want to get a loan face.

The bank's main requirements for borrowers:

  1. Confirmed stable income. If you do not have an official job and 6 months of confirmed income as salary, then the chance of getting a loan decreases;
  2. Positive credit history. It’s good if you don’t owe anyone or have already borrowed money from banks, but paid it back on time;
  3. Availability of a guarantor (in some cases). Cosigners are the people who signed your loan agreement and will pay your debts if you fail to do so.

Of course, if you want to take out a loan from a bank, you will be asked for identification documents and income certificates. Sometimes banks require collateral in the form of valuable property, such as a car or apartment.

In other words, the bank wants to be sure that you will repay the debt no matter what. No one will physically extract money from you if something happens, but they can easily take your property to pay off your debts.

The main advantage of getting a loan from a bank is the opportunity to take out a fairly impressive amount. You can repay the loan in small installments every month: psychologically it is much easier than handling large amounts of money.

Among the popular banks at the moment are the following:

What you can sell through online classifieds:

  • collectible clothing (in good condition);
  • antiques;
  • gramophone records;
  • stamp collections;
  • books;
  • old or Soviet coins;
  • modern Russian anniversary rubles.

Sometimes in the attic, on the mezzanine or in the closet you can find an item for which collectors can give quite decent money.

An extreme way to get money for women and informals!

Some hairdressers buy hair at a high price (minimum length 20-25 cm). A haircut often suits the face - it makes you look younger and adds variety.

In the East they believe that by cutting off hair, a person renews his karma.

You can also sell scrap metal. If you live in a private house, have a dacha or a garage, then unnecessary metal junk is probably lying around somewhere, if you look carefully. Non-ferrous metals, by the way, cost a lot of money.

Maybe you have bronze or aluminum figurines, paintings made of non-ferrous metals, or just pancake copper wires - all this is potential money today!

Method 7. Rent out your home and temporarily move in with friends

2 square meters of space is enough for a person to live. Whether such a life will be comfortable is another question, but for the sake of a great goal, one can endure it.

If you have real estate and have the opportunity to temporarily move in with relatives, good friends or acquaintances, you can rent out an apartment and take money in advance from the tenants. Especially in big cities, this option can bring good profits. The same can be done in resort areas during the season (summer and early autumn).

If you are the happy owner of a two-room (or more) apartment, then you don’t even need to move anywhere: just rent out the room to a student and take payment from him for several months in advance. Here is the amount for opening a small business. If you are looking for where to get money for a business, then after receiving it, read the article “” - this will help you properly manage the funds received.

Method 8. Find a “coven” or do a one-time job

Temporary work for students and anyone interested is a popular section on job sites. One-time work that is paid daily can be found in any city. This includes the work of a “barker” in some boutique, and the position of a delivery courier, and writing articles as freelancers, and working part-time as a waiter for students.

Girls can get a job as a nanny or one-time house help with an hourly wage.

It’s even better if you are a narrow specialist in some field - for example, you can quickly translate text from Chinese to Russian.

Aren't you afraid of hard and "dirty" work? If you are a strong guy, hire yourself as a loader (unloading wagons and other one-time activities are well paid), a cleaner, or a laborer at a construction site. Such work is, of course, not valued too highly by employers, but there is no need to borrow from anyone.

Method 9. Return the money of your debtors

Where can I get money “for free”, that is, without having to pay it back after a certain period of time? Of course, from their debtors. If you are a sociable person and have many acquaintances and friends, some of them probably owe you money. Think about whether it’s time to pay off, and gently remind debtors to repay their loans.

It happens that people themselves call and remind you that they owe you, but as a rule, you yourself, as a creditor, have to chase the debtors and remind them to return the money.

Method 10. A dangerous way is to ask for a loan from your “brothers”

You can get involved with the world of crime only in special, completely hopeless situations - when loans are denied, no one gives money on receipt, friends are hiding, and the microfinance organization has run out of cash.

Of course, this situation is only possible if you have the appropriate acquaintances - it’s good if, for example, your classmate has become a major crime boss. However, even in this case, you should think 100 times before making such a risky decision.

4. Donation as one of the non-obvious ways to receive money

Being a donor is not only an honor, but also profitable. But donating blood too often is harmful and dangerous to health, and they won’t give you much for one portion. In addition, not everyone is willing to donate their blood for ethical reasons. And one more nuance - only an absolutely healthy person can become a donor.

Although, if you become a professional donor, then for donating blood 40 times or plasma 60 times, you receive the title “honorary donor” and then you are entitled to monthly payments, visits to doctors without a queue, travel compensation and even a vacation in a sanatorium 1 once a year.

By the way, you can become not only a blood donor, but also a sperm donor (for men) and even an organ donor.

For example, kidneys are highly valued in the medical market.

For women, using their body to bear children (surrogacy) is suitable.

Science and progress are ongoing and donation can become a good source of income for some people, although in some cases this money will not be available immediately.

5. How to borrow money and repay debts correctly - 5 useful tips

Before you borrow money or start paying it back, I recommend reading my tips. They work, tested in my own experience!

Basic rules for borrowing and repaying money:

  1. It is better to borrow and repay in the first half of the day, because people become tired in the evening, which negatively affects all financial transactions.
  2. Study the conditions repaying loans and paying off debts in advance.
  3. Assess all risks financial transaction before signing the contract, and not after.
  4. Money has a time value: If your friends are dear to you, repay your debts on time.
  5. Don't forget to thank those from whom you borrow.

By the way, according to Feng Shui, it is better to give money on a waning moon, and to take money on a waxing one.

Even using the “magic of money”, it’s unlikely to be possible to get it for free. It is better to rely on your intelligence and common sense.

How to repay a loan correctly

If you take out a loan, then take it for as long as possible!

Many are afraid of this, because the amount of overpayment in this case will be greater. However, most loans can be repaid early, meaning you can pay the loan back as soon as you have the money.

But if you, for example, took 100,000 rubles for 1 year, then on average you will pay 10,000 rubles per month, but if you took the same amount for 5 years, then your payment will be about 2,500 rubles.

What amount do you think is easier to pay per month: 2,500 rubles or 10,000 rubles? - the answer is obvious.

Robert Kiyosaki, a world-famous investor, businessman and teacher in the field of financial literacy, author of the game “Cash Flow”, recommends paying off loans in the minimum possible amounts. Where to urgently get a microloan in 5 minutes and without refusal + practical advice on choosing an MCO with favorable microcredit conditions

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Each of us and our friends have faced the problem of quickly obtaining money for various needs. When the question arises of where to get money right now, whether it’s for a wedding or starting a business from scratch, we start racking our brains and calling everyone.

It’s good if you have many relatives and friends who are ready to help selflessly and will not ask for interest on the loan. But what to do if all the banks refuse, and you need money right now?

In this article, we tried to collect real ways and methods to get money quickly and tried to answer the following important questions:

  • Where to get money right now without unnecessary problems;
  • How and where can you get money for free or for free;
  • Where to borrow money if all banks and microloans refuse and you have a bad credit history;
  • What methods can you use to get the urgently needed amount of money?

Let's look at each section in as much detail as possible and take note.

How to get money urgently? We'll tell you about the best ways to get money if all banks and microloans refuse to issue them.

Everyone always needs money. In some cases, a person may have an amazing idea, but may not have the resources to implement it. Then various ways of earning money are used, for example, selling property. Here you need to figure out what exactly is called property. If we are talking about small things, this is one thing. If you plan to sell a car or living space (apartment), this is much more serious and the reason for such a step must be very, very significant.

Most often, when the question arises of where to get money to open a business (from scratch), they sell movable property, such as furniture.

By the way, if you search hard enough, on numerous sites online you can find groups or individuals who are engaged in buying furniture, small and large household appliances at a decent price.

The main condition is that the furniture is in good condition and that the household appliances work. The main platform for the Russian-language segment of the Internet is the Avito website, which brings together thousands of sellers and buyers.

If you look closely, you can find a huge number of things in your home that you have never used, or used only twice in your life. And it seems like everyone has already said that there is no need to fill your apartment with rubbish, most people stubbornly continue to bring home all sorts of nonsense, while storing it very carefully. But in fact, this very nonsense can sometimes serve a good purpose and help a person in a difficult life situation.

By rummaging through old (and not so old) things, you can find things that can be sold. And even if the price for them is not as high as we would like, it is still better than nothing. You can search for buyers on the Internet: in thematic groups on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Avito. The only important advice is to be patient and persistent, and then everything will definitely work out.

If you have some valuable jewelry and need money right now, without leaving the cash register, you can take it to a pawnshop. Pawnshops operate according to a very simple scheme: people bring what they would like to sell, and the pawnshop employees immediately pay them the cost of this product. This method of earning money is especially convenient for those who urgently need money and who are not willing to wait.

The only disadvantage of pawnshops is that they mostly value things at a price much lower than the real one, and beautiful gold items can be bought up as scrap gold.

Therefore, if a pawnshop includes some valuable, memorabilia, you need to make sure that you buy it back as quickly as possible. You need to remember that for each day of storage, the pawnshop takes a certain commission and the item will be returned only when the full amount + interest is repaid.

In order to complete the transaction, you only need an ID card.

Tip #4. Make money online by completing one-time tasks

The World Wide Web is sometimes replete with various advertisements for quick money, however, you need to carefully read what exactly is offered and under what conditions. By the way, one of the common ways to earn money is to complete various tasks on the Internet. The most well-known methods are visiting certain pages, staying on specific sites for a certain time, participating in surveys and studies - for all this you will earn a certain amount of income, albeit a small one.

Another option is to register on the copywriting portal and write texts (). If it’s difficult with texts and you need to find where to quickly get money without taking out loans, there is also a special category of tasks, the essence of which is to write reviews or give ratings to some organization with quick payment.

Where can I urgently get the required amount of money? You can borrow from friends. Of course, borrowing money is commonplace for many people, but there are several pitfalls.

  • Firstly, not all people like to borrow money, despite the fact that they may not show it. Therefore, you can borrow once, maximum twice, but making it a permanent habit is a risky activity. One day, a person may refuse this request altogether.
  • Secondly, you can’t borrow a too large amount, otherwise they may require a receipt, and for some reason many people consider this an insult.
  • Third Having borrowed money, you need to try to do everything possible to return the money within a predetermined time frame. Otherwise, trust will be lost, and next time you will need to look for help elsewhere.

Where can you get money for free (for free): 10 ways to make money

Few people want to work hard at a factory or construction site, but at the same time they want to get easy money. Fast money is always associated with illegal transactions or fraud with anything, but we will only use permitted methods.

Method number 1. Donate blood

In Soviet times, it turns out that donating blood was no less common than it is now, with the only difference being that they paid more. Nowadays, donation seems to be a rather dubious way to make money, especially since it is practically not paid, and if they are paid, it is only pennies. Rather, they will write out a certificate for work and give you a can of condensed milk, so this should be done for free.

However, if the idea of ​​donating blood for money seems very attractive, then you should remember the risks and not donate blood in dubious and incomprehensible institutions. You must always maintain sterile conditions, and also remember that it is recommended to donate blood no more than once a month.

Method number 2. Ask passers-by on the street

Another dubious idea where you can get money when you urgently need it, although for some reason many are sure that it will work. Here, before making such a decision, you need to take the place of a passerby and think “would I give money to this guy or girl?” It’s one thing when a cripple, a pregnant woman with three children in her arms, or an old grandmother asks for alms, and quite another thing when a healthy young man stands on the street and begs passers-by for help.

If they help, it will be an isolated case and it is unlikely that you will be able to earn money in this way every day.

But don’t despair - you can always arrange a mini-concert in an underpass or subway and earn a few hundred, just for fun and for the soul.

Method No. 3. Sperm donation

A slightly more attractive way to earn money is to donate sperm. Yes, there are now sperm banks, however, there are very few of them and they don’t pay very much. Plus, this method of earning money, due to physiological characteristics, is suitable exclusively for men.

In Europe and the USA, for example, sperm donation is much more developed than in the post-Soviet countries; there are even different payment rates, depending on how high-quality the “product” turns out to be. But if you still need to find where you can get money quickly, then you can try yourself in this business.

Method number 4. Lend for micro amounts (it’s easier to pay them back)

In every city or more or less large settlement you can find dozens of banners offering to contact a microcredit financial institution and get a loan. If a person is interested in where, then this option is definitely suitable for urgent loans.

If we put aside the numerous risks of this enterprise and assume that a person will be able to pay everything on time, such loans also have positive aspects:

  • To receive a microloan, you only need a passport;
  • Money is issued immediately without applying for a loan;
  • Information about the borrower remains confidential;
  • Microloans can be obtained even by unemployed people;
  • The application review period is only a few minutes;
  • The payment can be repaid ahead of schedule, unlike many banks, where you can also receive a fine for early repayment.

Method No. 5. Complain to the city administration and social security

Social protection of the population, of course, provides for certain cases in which a person can be helped financially. However, in most cases, a person must have a truly objective reason for this: temporary disability, the birth of a child, military service and others.

In order to receive unemployment compensation, you will need to provide a large number of documents to government agencies, which means additional time, nerves, certain expenses and unnecessary headaches. Therefore, if I may say so, this method is not a very good idea for making money.

Method number 6. Resell items given through free advertisements

In order to realize this idea, these very things first need to be purchased. You can, of course, place an ad in thematic groups from the “I will accept as a gift” series, however, you should be prepared for the fact that people will offer things that are not of the best quality. A huge number of things are given away on Yula, Avito and other ad services, including VKontakte and Odnoklassniki groups.

Consequently, since the people who responded will give things away for free, it means that they themselves do not really need them and, accordingly, it will be even more difficult to sell them again. But if this idea doesn’t seem so hopeless, you need to identify groups of things that will sell better than others.

Basically, these can be antique players, cassettes, gramophone records, which are of at least some value to collectors. Ordinary clothing sells less well, but there is still a possibility that a couple of things will still be bought.

In a word, to implement this idea you will need to be patient and not wait for quick results.

Method No. 7. Ask a rich friend

Here comes a great saying for just such cases: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”. If your social circle is wide enough, then perhaps there will be several people of high income in it. You can ask wealthy people to borrow money for a long period of time or without specifying the terms at all, but asking them to repay the debt, if possible, in installments.

If we are talking about people who sometimes themselves are looking for where to borrow money, then the situation is different. In this case, it becomes necessary to clearly define the deadline and try to repay all debts exactly by this moment. In addition, in both cases, you need to explain what the money is needed for, because this way people will be much more willing to help.

And finally: you should always be prepared for several refusals in response. There is no need to be offended or angry, it’s just that each person has their own, subjective attitude towards their money, and they have every right to dispose of it at their own discretion.

Method No. 8. Take a loan from a bank for a grace period

Unlike numerous microcredit organizations, banks can give a large amount, both with and without interest, the return of which can be extended over many months, or even years. Of course, if we are talking about small or medium amounts, the repayment period will be lower and the conditions will be less strict, unlike such long-term problems as a mortgage, for example. But there is a “but”.

Serious banks will never approve an application for a loan, even at interest, to just anyone, again, unlike microcredit organizations. Then we can talk about interest-free loans.

In order to get a loan from a bank, and especially an interest-free one, you need to provide several important documents, including a certificate from your place of work, a certificate of income for the last 12 months (in most banks this is the amount required), a positive credit history, and also the presence of a guarantor. The most important advice: you need to take out such loans exclusively from banks, not from credit unions, not from financial groups, but from a bank. Everything else is high risks and high interest.

Method number 9. Rent out your home

Renting out housing would be an ideal option only if there is another apartment. Then yes, this will be an additional way to earn money, and you can make very good money by renting out housing. The only caveat is that you must always choose tenants very carefully, since any claims from neighbors (in case of flooding or God forbid a fire), debts for utilities and others will be brought against the owner.

Most people give preference to married couples or girls/women, who, by definition, are more clean and tidy in their everyday life. Also, when renting out housing, it is best to draw up a formal agreement, which will spell out all the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as solutions in case of unforeseen and force majeure circumstances.

Method No. 10. Win a competition or lottery

This method can be called earning money, perhaps, in one case out of a hundred, but there are also those lucky ones who succeed. Therefore, if you believe in your luck and fortune, then go ahead. But, unfortunately, as a rule, a large winning event occurs in one case out of a thousand, or even less often, and you cannot live on small winnings. Therefore, you should not take the opportunity to win a large sum in the lottery seriously.

Where to borrow money urgently with a bad credit history: let’s look at some useful tips

Where to get money if all banks and microloans refuse: TOP-4 ways to get money urgently

Let's look at some quick ways to get funds if there is no other option.

1. Sponsor's help

Sponsors or private investors are people (may be legal entities) who can provide free funds without interest or collateral. Sometimes there are situations when collateral is needed, but this is only relevant if we are talking about a large amount.

You will also have to take money from the investor against a receipt, which will indicate within what time frame the debt will be repaid. Before you take money, you need to carefully study the receipt, because any misunderstood word can lead to a lot of problems that result in the loss of even more money.

2. Bets at bookmakers

Where can I get money if banks and microfinance organizations refuse? For example, make money on bets. But this is a completely legal and possible way to make money, if you know on what principle to place bets. Generally speaking, the operating principle of all bookmakers is that the client places bets on various sporting events. Each event has a certain coefficient, which is inversely proportional to the probability of the outcome. That is, the more likely Team A is to win, the lower the odds will be. Also, the total number of bets has a great influence on the odds: the more bets, the lower the odds, again.

It is best to bet on those sporting events that a person is well versed in. A beginner can, of course, get lucky, but this is the exception rather than the rule. You can place bets at bookmakers both on the final outcome of the match and on the intermediate results of the game.

3. Call out on social networks for help

Even though many people are quite skeptical about this idea, there is nothing difficult in its implementation. Firstly, now there is a lot of websites about crowdfunding, where a person asks for financial help to implement some idea. Of course, you can describe your own particular case, the main thing is to follow a couple of rules: do not ask for millions and honestly describe the situation. In most cases, sympathetic people (and, as it turns out, there are many of them) will definitely help in any way they can. As the saying goes, “one by one…”

You can, of course, write a long post on your personal page on a social network - the likelihood that someone will respond is, of course, less, but there you can attract the attention of people you know, and they are more willing to give money than those you see for the first time in your life.

4. Execution of one-time orders

But this is closer to the point. If you really want to, you can find tons of ways to make money on the Internet, and fulfilling someone’s requests or instructions can actually bring you quite a decent income.

For example, you can start cleaning apartments - in fact, there are many more people who are willing to pay another person for this work than might seem at first glance.

Or, alternatively, you can walk the dog or look after the cat during the trip. This is not difficult, most people can do it, and it also suits everyone: here is an opportunity to make money, and the owner will be calm that everything is fine with their pets.

You can also fulfill requests such as taking and bringing something, picking up or transferring. In a word, there would be a desire!

Where to get money for a business without a loan - TOP 4 proven methods

Few people want to overpay, but banks rule states and break people as soon as they can. If there is at least some chance of getting money without investing, then you should take advantage of it.

No. 1. Investing in a young startup

If you look hard enough, you can always find people who are actually investors. There are always those who want, but how can this be done without risking. Of course, the older and more experienced the investor, the more demands he will place on the aspiring businessman, but if you are one hundred percent confident in your idea, then everything will definitely work out.

In order for an investor to give money to start a business, he must see real numbers, which means that there is no way to do this without a business plan.

Only if a person sees with his own eyes what exactly he will invest money in, and most importantly, how much and when he will get back, can he count on a successful outcome of the event.

No. 2. Borrow from business friends

One of the most proven methods is to ask a business partner for help. Such people are good because they have free funds, they see who they are borrowing from and know what the person is doing. But there are pitfalls here too: before borrowing money, you need to carefully calculate all possible outcomes, and also communicate the exact date of return of the money. Most likely, the business partner will be able to return his money in the form of profit, however, it is worth dotting all the i’s right away and stipulating the conditions.

No. 3. State subsidies

Now there are special programs to help small and medium-sized businesses, which means that a person can count on government assistance. Most of these programs come from the employment center, so first you need to go and find out whether such a program operates in a particular region and under what conditions it is carried out.

There are also subsidies for the development of individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. The only disadvantage of such programs– there may be too many people willing and the main thing is to prove and show the special commission the seriousness of their intentions and focus on results. And you will still have to run around with bureaucratic procedures, however, this is already trivial compared to the fact that the application for a subsidy will be approved.

No. 4. Receiving grants

To receive a grant to start a business, you will need to submit an application for participation in the grant and provide. The business plan should indicate in black and white what purposes the funds will be used for, so you should always indicate only real numbers. In most cases, a cash grant is not issued immediately, but gradually, in the form of cash tranches, which are allocated for each individual stage of work. Each individual ruble should be spent only on those purposes that were indicated in the business plan.

To apply for a grant you will need:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
  • Copy of participant(s)
  • Application
  • Constituent documents

Conclusion + Video

So we looked at the most effective tips and ways where you can get money for free and without refusal. Use any of the examples given and put it into practice. Each method can give significant results if you act wisely. See you soon, and lastly, we suggest watching a video on the topic of the article.