Federal Treasury: functions, powers, tasks and leadership. What is the treasury: bodies of the Federal Treasury

Comments on filling out documents for opening a personal account with the Federal Treasury Department for Moscow

1. Application for opening a personal account (Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Federal Treasury of October 7, 2008 No. 7n).

a) Date of Application, same date 30.12.2008 ;

b) Complete name of the client;

c) TIN of the client;

d) checkpoint of the client;

e) The line "KOFK code" indicates 7300 ;

f) On the line "Federal Treasury, body of the Federal Treasury" indicate: At governing body F

g) On the line “I ask you to open a personal account (type of personal account)”, the name of the personal account is indicated - budget revenue administrator;

g) To the right of the name of the personal account is indicated code of the corresponding type of personal account (see the reverse side of the Application for opening a personal account) – "04";

h) The positions of the head and chief accountant are indicated no abbreviation before last name.

i) An application for opening a personal account is submitted on the 1st sheet of A4 format (front and back).

j) Date of signing (at the bottom of the document).

2. Two cards of sample signatures (Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Federal Treasury of October 7, 2008 No. 7n). 1 card of sample signatures is certified by a notary.

Required fields:

a) On the line “Card of signature samples No.”, indicate serial number when accounting for signature cards in the client's accounting(in the absence of accounting for cards in accounting - "No. 1");

b) Date of the Sample Signature Card, same date, indicated in the upper right corner (after the line "Form by KFD") - 30.12.2008 ;

V) Complete name of the client;

d) TIN of the client;

e) the checkpoint of the client;

f) On the line “Legal address”, a space must be placed before the word Moscow;

g) On the line "Telephone" the telephone number is indicated, taking into account the area code;

g) The name of the chief manager of budgetary funds, the chief administrator of the budget deficit, the chief administrator of budget revenues;

i) The line "COFK code" indicates 7300 ;

j) On the line "Federal Treasury, body of the Federal Treasury" indicate: At governing body F federal treasury for the city of Moscow (a space must be placed before the word Moscow);

j) The positions of the head and chief accountant are indicated no abbreviation. Last name, first name and patronymic must be indicated fully. First and middle name after last name.

k) The sample signature card is submitted on the 1st sheet of A4 format (front and back).

l) Date of signing (at the bottom of the document).

3. List of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of budgetary funds, chief administrators and administrators of budget deficit financing sources, chief administrators and administrators of budget revenues of intracity municipalities (local budget) (Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Federal Treasury of October 7, 2008 N 7n). Filled only

Required fields:

a) The line "List No." indicates sequence number. On initial presentation - "1";

b) Date of Application, same date, indicated in the upper right corner (after the line "Form by QFD");

c) In the line "Financial authority" indicate p complete

d) On the line “Name of the budget”, indicate “ local»;

e) On the line "Name of the body of the Federal Treasury" indicate: At governing body F federal treasury for the city of Moscow (a space must be placed before the word Moscow);

f) The line "COFK code" indicates 7300 ;

g) Serial number (column 1);

g) The name is indicated in full and abbreviated in the appropriate columns (2 and 3);

If the municipality has a subordinate institution, the line below indicates the full and abbreviated name in the appropriate columns (2 and 3). Column 5 indicates the full name of the superior participant in the budget process by departmental subordination;

h) The positions of the head and the responsible executor are indicated no abbreviation. Initials are required before last name.

i) Signing date.

4. Information about the standards for the distribution of revenues between budgets for 2009. Filled only intracity municipalities.

Required fields:

a) The date of completion is indicated in the upper right corner (after the line “Form by KFD”);

b) The line “according to OKPO” indicates the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations, which is a constantly updated list of unique identification codes assigned daily by the territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service to all legal entities created in Russia, as well as citizens registered as an individual entrepreneur.

c) The line "Account number" indicates 40204 .

d) In the line "Financial authority" indicate p complete name of the client – ​​the name of the municipality;

e) On the line "Name of the budget" indicate " local»;

f) On the line "Name of the body of the Federal Treasury" indicate: At governing body F federal treasury for the city of Moscow (a space must be placed before the word Moscow);

g) The line "COFK code" indicates 7300 ;

g) Column 1 indicates the name of the budget classification code;

h) Column 2 indicates the code budget classification;

i) Column 3 indicates the standard (percentage) of deductions to the budget;

j) Column 4 indicates the budget type code;

j) OKATO code of the territory where the standard is in force;

k) Starting date of the standard;

l) Date of expiration of the standard;

m) The positions of the head and the responsible executor are indicated no abbreviation. Initials are required before last name.

o) In the "Phone" field, indicate the phone number, taking into account the area code.

o) Signing date.

All types of receipts are indicated, including subsidies, subventions and incomes for the department "182" with full details.

In the Russian Federation, there is a unified centralized system of federal treasury bodies, including the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and subordinate territorial bodies of the federal treasury for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, cities, except for cities of regional subordination, districts and districts in cities.

The main tasks of the Treasury bodies:

1) organization, implementation and control over the execution of the budget of the Russian Federation, management of budget revenues and expenditures on the accounts of the Treasury, based on the principle of unity of the cash desk;

2) regulation of financial relations between the budget of the Russian Federation and state extra-budgetary funds, financial performance of these funds, control over the receipt and use of extra-budgetary funds;

3) implementation of short-term forecasting of the volume of public financial resources, their operational management;

4) collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of public finances, reporting to legislative and executive bodies on financial transactions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the budget of the Russian Federation, on state non-budgetary funds, on the state of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;

5) management and maintenance together with the Bank of Russia and others authorized banks state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation;

6) development of methodological and instructional materials, the procedure for conducting accounting operations on issues related to the competence of the Treasury, preparing a draft budget classification, conducting accounting operations for the state treasury of the Russian Federation.

The functions of the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation include:

Organization of budgetary and financial execution federal budget and financial performance of state federal extra-budgetary funds, based on the principle of unity of cash;

Management of the work of the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;

Bringing to the attention of the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury the size of appropriations from the federal budget for the territories they serve;

Maintaining a consolidated register of managers of federal budget funds, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds;

Organization of the distribution of income between the federal budget and the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, transfer to local budgets of deductions from state taxes and incomes;

Management of revenues and expenditures of the federal budget and other centralized financial resources administered by the Government of the Russian Federation, disposal of funds in the relevant bank accounts, except for funds from state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds, and transactions with these funds;

Organization of mutual settlements between the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Regulation of financial relations between the federal budget and state federal extra-budgetary funds, organization of control over the receipt and use of federal extra-budgetary funds;

Organization and implementation of: short-term forecasting and cash planning of federal budget funds, other centralized financial resources and directions for their use; accounting for operations on the movement of funds of the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds on the accounts of the treasury; collection, processing and analysis of information on the state of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds;

Implementation, on instructions from the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, of other operations with federal budget funds and other funds under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Organization of the work of the territorial bodies of the Treasury to control the execution of the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds, the receipt and use of federal extra-budgetary funds;

Management and servicing of the state internal and external debt together with the Bank of Russia and other authorized banks, organization and implementation of the placement on a repayable and paid basis of centralized financial resources administered by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Organization and conduct of operations for the accounting of the state treasury.

The Treasury bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as cities with district divisions, which have subordinate bodies of the Treasury in their subordination, perform functions in the relevant territory in relation to the functions discussed above, except for functions related exclusively to servicing the federal budget, assigned to the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury .

Bodies of the Treasury in cities, except for cities of district subordination, districts, districts in Cities perform the following functions:

Carry out budgetary and financial execution of the federal budget, financial execution of state federal extra-budgetary funds, control over the receipt and use of federal extra-budgetary funds;

Provide targeted financing of enterprises at the expense of the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds and targeted use of federal extra-budgetary funds;

Provide full accounting of the managers of the federal budget funds, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds;

Carry out the distribution of income between the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, make deductions from state tax revenues and incomes to local budgets;

Carry out operations with funds from the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds;

Carry out cash planning of the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds and directions for their use;

Control the timeliness of transactions and the intended use of federal budget funds, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds;

Carry out, on the proposal of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues, the return to the federal budget of excessively collected and paid taxes and other payments;

Carry out accounting of operations on the movement of funds of the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds on the accounts of the Federal Treasury bodies serving the relevant territory;

Collect, process and transfer to higher bodies of the Treasury information and reports on the execution of federal budget revenues and expenditures, on the financial performance of state federal extra-budgetary funds, the receipt and use of federal extra-budgetary funds;

Carry out separate operations on behalf of the higher bodies of the Treasury.

The organs of the Treasury are endowed with the following rights;

Open accounts for crediting and disbursing funds with the Bank of Russia, its local institutions, and other credit institutions;

Suspend operations on the accounts of enterprises, including banks, using funds from the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds and federal extra-budgetary funds, in cases of non-submission or refusal to present accounting and financial documents related to the use of these funds to the Treasury bodies and their officials;

Issue binding instructions to collect from enterprises in an indisputable manner funds allocated from the federal budget, funds from this budget allocated to state federal extra-budgetary funds or federal extra-budgetary funds used for other than their intended purpose, with the imposition of a fine on enterprises in the amount of the Bank's refinancing rate Russia;

Impose a fine on credit institutions in case of late execution of payment documents for the transfer and crediting of funds to the federal budget, state federal extra-budgetary funds or funds from the federal budget and these funds to the accounts of recipients in the relevant credit institutions in the amount valid in the bank that committed the violation, interest rate for short-term lending, increased by 10 points; submit proposals to the Bank of Russia on the deprivation of credit institutions of licenses to carry out banking operations.

The Federal Treasury exercises the following budgetary powers:

Organizes the execution of the federal budget, as well as the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets in the event of the conclusion of relevant budget agreements;

Executes the federal budget, as well as the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets in the event of the conclusion of appropriate budget agreements;

Carries out preliminary and current control over the execution of the federal budget, as well as the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets in the event of the conclusion of appropriate budget agreements;

Carries out operations with the funds of the federal budget, as well as the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets in the event of the conclusion of appropriate budget agreements;

Draws up a report on the execution of the federal budget, as well as the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets in the event of the conclusion of appropriate budget agreements;

Prepares a report on the execution of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

Submits a report on the execution of the federal budget to the Government of the Russian Federation;

Establishes the procedure for keeping records and reporting on the execution of budgets of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation, cost estimates budget institutions, establishes the forms of accounting and reporting on the execution of budgets of all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

Opens and closes accounts with the Bank of Russia and its institutions, as well as with authorized credit institutions for crediting and issuing budgetary funds;

Opens and closes personal accounts of the main administrators, administrators of budgetary funds, budgetary institutions, as well as budgetary accounts of other recipients of budgetary funds;

Has the right to demand from the main administrators, administrators and recipients of budgetary funds to provide reports on the use of federal budget funds and other information related to the receipt, transfer, crediting and use of federal budget funds;

Receives from credit institutions information on operations with budgetary funds and funds of state non-budgetary funds;

Sends submissions to the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds, the Bank of Russia and its institutions, credit institutions with a demand to eliminate the identified violations of budget legislation and exercises control over their elimination; suspend operations on personal accounts of the main managers, managers and recipients of federal budget funds;

Collects in an indisputable manner from the personal accounts of the main administrators, administrators of budgetary funds and recipients of federal budget funds budgetary funds used for other than their intended purpose;

Collects from all accounts budgetary funds issued in the form of budgetary loans, budgetary loans for which the repayment period has expired, as well as interest payable for the use of budgetary loans, budgetary credits;

Imposes fines on the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds, credit organizations within its competence;

Maintains a consolidated register of the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds and registers budgetary institutions whose activities are financed from the federal budget;

Exercises other powers in accordance with the budget legislation.
The Federal Treasury may execute the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets under agreements concluded with the relevant executive authorities and local governments.

The powers of the bodies of the Federal Treasury extend to organizations, including credit institutions, carrying out operations with the funds of the respective budgets to the extent of their powers in relation to the funds of the federal budget.

The execution of the budget can be either bank or treasury. In Russia, the transition to treasury budget execution began in 1992 and ended in 2000. Until 1992, budget execution in our country was bank-based.

What is the difference between these two forms of budget execution?

During the banking execution of the budget, taxpayers' funds were transferred to the accounts tax authorities in the Bank of Russia or in commercial banks. Once every five days, the Bank of Russia received from commercial banks information on the receipt of tax payments credited to the federal budget. This information was transmitted to the Ministry of Finance. It was of a generalized nature and was not detailed in accordance with the budget classification.

In parallel with this process, the tax authorities collected information on tax payments credited to their accounts, summarized it and transferred it to the Ministry of Finance twice a month.

It is clear that the data of the tax authorities and the Bank of Russia could not match due to the lack of reconciliation in the course of their receipt. In addition, these data were not operational.

At banking system financing of budget expenditures was carried out through bank accounts of sectoral ministries and departments. At the same time, it was impossible to control the process of passing the allocated funds to budgetary institutions, i.e., the final recipients. This was used commercial banks using budgetary funds as its credit resources.

Treasury system budget execution lies in the fact that with it, between taxpayers and budget recipients, on the one hand, and banks, on the other, a special controlling structure is built in - the treasury.

The Treasury controls both streams of budgetary resources - both revenue and expenditure - in one account. This ensures the principle of the unity of the cash desk, and also achieves an acceleration of the turnover of budget funds. The treasury system allows you to detail information on budget execution.

The Treasury performs the following functions:
  • ensures accounting of all budget revenues;
  • confirms budgetary obligations (i.e., obligations to spend budgetary funds), and makes a permissive inscription on the right to make expenditures, i.e. authorizes expenditures within the limits budget commitments;
  • makes payments on behalf of recipients of budgetary funds.

The Federal Treasury is part of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Treasury registers incoming income and outlays in the General Ledger of the Federal Treasury. This book is maintained on the basis of a chart of accounts approved by the Treasury itself. The data entered in the Treasury General Ledger is the basis for the preparation of reports on the execution of the federal budget. The Federal Treasury maintains a consolidated register of recipients of federal budget funds.

To account for federal budget expenditures, personal accounts of budgetary funds are used, opened in a single accounting register Federal Treasury for each chief administrator, administrator and recipient of federal budget funds.

The personal account reflects the amount of federal budget funds available to the manager or recipient of these funds.

The structure of the Treasury consists of three links.

  1. Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury (GUFK). This department carries out a consolidated accounting of revenues and expenditures of the federal budget.
  2. Departments of the Federal Treasury (UFK) in the regions, territories and republics of the Russian Federation, in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  3. Branches of the Federal Treasury in cities and urban regions (OFK).

Federal Treasury within the structure of the Ministry of Finance

Federal Treasury Russian Federation created in the structure of the Russian Federation. The Federal Treasury is guided by the Regulations on the Federal Treasury.

In the Russian Federation, a unified centralized system of federal treasury bodies (treasury) has been formed, including the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies for the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous entities, the cities of Moscow and St. with the exception of cities of regional subordination), districts and districts in cities.

The Federal Treasury (Treasury of Russia) is a federal executive body (federal service) that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, exercises law enforcement functions to ensure the execution of the federal budget, cash service execution of the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, preliminary and current control over the conduct of operations with federal budget funds by the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds.

The Federal Treasury is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Treasury in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as these Regulations.

The Federal Treasury carries out its activities directly and through its territorial bodies in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, central bank Russian Federation, public associations and other organizations.

The Federal Treasury exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

  • communicates to the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds the indicators of the consolidated budget list, the limits of budget obligations and the volume of financing;
  • keeps records of operations on cash execution of the federal budget;
  • opens in central bank the Russian Federation and credit organizations accounts for the accounting of federal budget funds and other funds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, establishes the modes of federal budget accounts;
  • opens and maintains personal accounts of the main managers, managers and recipients of federal budget funds;
  • maintains a consolidated register of chief administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds;
  • keeps records of indicators of the consolidated budget list of the federal budget, limits of budget obligations and their changes;
  • draws up and submits to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation operational information and reports on the execution of the federal budget, reports on the execution of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;
  • gets in in due course from the main managers of federal budget funds, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state extra-budgetary funds and local governments, materials necessary for compiling reports on the execution of the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;
  • carries out the distribution of income from the payment federal taxes and charges between the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • carries out forecasting and cash planning of federal budget funds;
  • manages operations on the unified account of the federal budget;
  • carries out, in accordance with the established procedure, cash services for the execution of budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;
  • ensures cash payments from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation on behalf of and on behalf of the relevant bodies collecting budget revenues, or recipients of funds from these budgets, whose personal accounts are opened in the prescribed manner with the Federal Treasury;
  • carries out preliminary and current control over the conduct of operations with federal budget funds by the main administrators, administrators and recipients of federal budget funds;
  • confirms monetary obligations of the federal budget and makes a permissive inscription on the right to carry out expenditures of the federal budget within the allocated limits of budgetary obligations;
  • summarizes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity and submits proposals to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for its improvement;
  • performs the functions of the main manager and recipient of federal budget funds provided for the maintenance of the Federal Treasury and the implementation of the functions assigned to it;
  • ensures, within its competence, the protection of information constituting a state secret;
  • ensures timely and complete consideration of citizens' appeals, making decisions on them and sending answers to applicants within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • provides mobilization training for the Federal Treasury;
  • organizes professional training of employees of the Federal Treasury, their retraining, advanced training and internships;
  • carries out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, accounting and use of archival documents formed in the course of the activities of the Federal Treasury;
  • interacts in accordance with the established procedure with public authorities of foreign states and international organizations in the established field of activity;
  • conducts competitions in accordance with the established procedure and concludes state contracts for the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of the Federal Treasury, as well as for the conduct of research work for state needs in the established field of activity;
  • performs other functions in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Treasury, in order to exercise its powers in the established field of activity, has the right to:

  • to request and receive in accordance with the established procedure the information necessary for making decisions on issues of the established field of activity;
  • give legal and individuals clarifications on issues related to the established field of activity;
  • organize the necessary examinations, analyzes and assessments, as well as scientific research in the established field of activity;
  • involve, in the prescribed manner, for the study of issues related to the established field of activity, scientific and other organizations, as well as scientists and specialists;
  • exercise control over the activities of the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;
  • create, reorganize and liquidate territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury in agreement with the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • apply measures of a restrictive, preventive and preventive nature provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at preventing and (or) suppressing violations legal entities and citizens of mandatory requirements in the established field of activity, as well as measures to eliminate the consequences of these violations;
  • create advisory and expert bodies (councils, commissions, groups, colleges) in the established field of activity.

The Federal Treasury is not entitled to carry out in the established field of activity legal regulation, except for cases established by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the functions of managing state property and providing paid services.

The restrictions established by the first paragraph of this paragraph do not apply to the powers of the head of the Federal Treasury to manage property assigned to the Federal Treasury on the right of operational management, to resolve personnel issues and issues of organizing the activities of the Federal Treasury.

The Federal Treasury is headed by a head appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The head of the Federal Treasury bears personal responsibility for the exercise of the powers vested in the Federal Treasury.

The head of the Federal Treasury has deputies who are appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the Federal Treasury.

The number of deputy heads of the Federal Treasury is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Federal Treasury:

  • distributes duties among his deputies;
  • presents to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation:
  • draft regulation on the Federal Treasury;
  • proposals on the maximum number and wage fund of employees of the central office of the Federal Treasury and territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;
  • proposals for the appointment and dismissal of deputy heads of the Federal Treasury;
  • proposals for the appointment and dismissal of heads of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;
  • draft annual plan and forecast indicators of the activities of the Federal Treasury, as well as a report on their implementation;
  • proposals for the formation of a draft federal budget in terms of financial support for the activities of the Federal Treasury;
  • draft regulations on the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;
  • appoints and dismisses employees of the central office of the Federal Treasury and deputy heads of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;
  • decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service, issues related to the passage of the federal public service in the Federal Treasury;
  • approves regulations on structural subdivisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury;
  • approves the structure and staffing of the central office of the Federal Treasury within the limits of the payroll fund and the number of employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the cost estimate for the maintenance of the central office of the Federal Treasury within the limits approved for the corresponding period of appropriations provided for in the federal budget;
  • approves the number and wage fund of employees of the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury within the limits of the indicators established by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the cost estimate for their maintenance within the limits approved for the corresponding period of appropriations provided for in the federal budget;
  • approves the regulation on the Certificate of Honor of the Federal Treasury;
  • on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issues orders on issues within the competence of the Federal Treasury.

Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the central office and territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury is carried out at the expense of funds provided for in the federal budget.

The Federal Treasury is a legal entity, has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form, as well as accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The location of the Federal Treasury is Moscow.

Treasury Department is a special organization of treasurers who service the treasury: a private or public depository of funds.

What is the "treasury" and its functional responsibilities?

This term refers to a special financial state institution (body) that carries out the operation of cash execution of the country's budget.

The Treasury deals with the following main issues:

  • organizes the collection of fees, taxes and duties;
  • controls income from the sale of loans;
  • lets go cash for expenses;
  • issues money (paper).

Features of the treasury organization in the countries of the world

Each country has its own peculiarities of the functioning of the above body. In the United States, the Treasury is a department of the Ministry of Finance, in Russia it is the Federal Treasury, in France it is the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance, in Great Britain it is an independent treasury.


The Russian Federal Treasury is federal agency executive power or, in other words, the federal service, which carries out strictly in accordance with the legislation of this state law enforcement obligations to ensure the execution of the budget of the Federation, cash services. This institution is under the control finance ministry Russia.

The Treasury of the Russian Federation was established in 1992 on December 8 by presidential decree. The central office of this body includes the following units:

  • Budget management and reporting;
  • Division of financial and reporting operations;
  • Department for Ensuring the Execution of the Budget of the Federation;
  • Financial division;
  • Department of control (internal) and performance evaluation;
  • Legal division;
  • Department of Information Integrated Systems of State Finance;
  • Administrative division;
  • Financial Technology Department;
  • Functional Work Improvement Unit;
  • Management of growth of budgetary payments;
  • Division of information secrecy regime.

The Treasury of the Russian Federation consists of territorial departments of the federal treasury, which are part of the Russian Federation of the republics, cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, regions and territories.

Treasury bodies have the status of an independent federal service, have independent cost estimates and current accounts in banking institutions. They are legal entities and report to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The territorial bodies of the treasury are subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, who is also the head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury.

Main functional responsibilities Treasury of the Russian Federation:
  • management of accounting operations for cash execution of the federal budget;
  • distribution of income from taxes and fees in budget system RF between budgets;
  • maintains and, among other things, opens personal accounts of managers, maintains their register;
  • provides the Russian Federation with data and reporting on the execution of the federal budget;
  • provides mobilization training for the Federal Treasury;
  • carries out short-term forecasting of the volume of financial resources of the state;
  • serves and manages, together with the Central Bank, the state internal and external RF.


The US Treasury or the US Treasury is one of the executive departments that was created as early as 1789. His responsibilities include developing and implementing monetary policy United States, regulation financial institutions, exports and imports, the printing of paper dollars, as well as the minting of coins, and, of course, the collection of taxes.

In addition, the functions of the US Department of the Treasury include:

  • payment of state bills;
  • managing the country's debt;
  • advising on international and domestic economic, monetary, trade and tax policy;
  • publication of static reporting;
  • criminal prosecution of persons who evade paying taxes;
  • Ensuring compliance with tax and financial federal legislation.

This agency is led by the United States Jacob Lew.

What is an organization's treasury?

The above key division or any other financial institution is engaged in ensuring the liquidity of the company (that is, making payments, depositing free funds to a cash account, attracting money in case of a shortage).

On financial markets transactions are carried out directly by the treasury itself or by a dealing division that is part of it or is parallel to it in the structure of managing the company's liabilities and assets. In the latter case, they talk about the separation of the middle office (treasury) and the front office (dealing division).

Market risk management is a functional obligation of the Treasury. This is done in order to generate income from the expected development in the market. Specialists identify interest rate, currency and stock risks.

Interest rate risk is managed by setting interest base rates and special transfer prices for branches. Transfer prices and interest rates offered either by the treasury itself or by the asset and liability management committee.

The method of opening currency positions (that is, the sale and purchase of one currency for another) is used to manage currency risk. Limits are also set on the value of the currency positions of branches or other divisions that generate income.

Stock risk is managed through the formation of stock portfolios.

Another important function of the Treasury is to coordinate the above obligations within the framework of the centralized management of the liabilities and assets of the organization.

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