Bank loan options. Bank loans for individuals Package of required documents

Today it is very difficult to find a person who could do without lending services. This is due to the fact that the desires of people do not always coincide with their capabilities, but such credit organizations as OTP Bank is always ready to assist in meeting the needs of a potential client. The most popular service among the population is a cash loan, which can be obtained at the above-mentioned bank in a fairly short time.

Why is it necessary to take a cash loan from OTP Bank?

This financial institution in 1994 and by this time managed to earn huge popularity among citizens. The Bank is part of an international financial group and is one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation.

The main services provided by the bank:

  1. car loans;
  2. cash loans;
  3. deposits;
  4. business lending;
  5. mortgage;
  6. currency operations;
  7. store credit;
  8. maintenance of a current account;
  9. placement of free Money;
  10. bank cards.

This is not the whole range of services provided by the bank, however, it is quite enough to get an idea about the organization.

Most wanted OTP service Bank is a cash loan - this is the so-called "lifesaver". However, before you go to the branch and take out a loan, you need to carefully study all the available information.

Positive aspects of the offer

The advantage of this program is that money is issued without financial guarantee and security. The loan does not have a designated purpose, so the bank's client can use it at his discretion. This may be the purchase of household appliances, paying for a child's education, or closing existing loans.

  1. Low interest rate is one of the main advantages of the bank.
  2. The loan is issued for 5 years.
  3. The loan amount cannot exceed 750,000 rubles.
  4. Possibility of early repayment of the loan.
  5. The financial institution is given up to five working days for consideration of the document, for the provision of a loan, but not less than three.
  6. The Bank does not charge its customers fees for providing funds and maintaining a current account.

There are certain requirements for the borrower, and in case of non-compliance with at least one of them, the bank has every right to refuse to issue a loan.

Basic requirements for applicants:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation in any of its regions;
  • the minimum age for obtaining a loan is 21 years, and the maximum age is 65 years;
  • the presence of a permanent job and the length of service at the last place of work must be at least three months.

To apply for a loan, you can contact the nearest branch of the bank or fill out an online application.

Required documents for obtaining a cash loan:

  • TIN information from the employer;
  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • the third document is provided to choose from: a passport, a military ID, a driver's license or a certificate of pension insurance.

Types of cash loans

"OTP Express". A loan is issued in national currency in the amount of 15 to 75 thousand rubles. Term this loan 12-36 months. For the first 12 months, the interest rate is 35.9%, and after this period - 47.9%.

"Standard". The loan amount is 76,000 - 500,000 rubles. Loan term is 12-48 months. In the first 12 months, the interest rate on the loan is 23.9%, after 27.9%, and after 25 months - 31.9%.

"Our people". The borrower has the right to take a loan in the amount of up to 750 thousand rubles for up to 5 years. The interest rate on the loan ranges from 21.9% to 25.9%.

"Promo". This loan is issued for up to 6 months in the amount of 50 to 150 thousand rubles. The interest rate in this case is 11.9% - 14.9%. The Promo lending program is provided with the help of a guarantee of an individual.

Cash loan "Business people". The loan amount cannot exceed 200 thousand rubles. It is issued for a maximum of three years. In this case, the borrower can be a person who has reached the age of 25, who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. For entrepreneurs, the interest rate ranges from 27.9% to 31.9%. A guarantee from an individual is not required. The age of the borrower at the time of loan repayment cannot be more than 65 years. If the applicant is a private notary, then he must provide the bank, in addition to the standard list of documents, with the Order of the Ministry of Justice confirming the appointment to the position of a notary.

In OTP Bank, a credit card is issued to both primary and existing customers. Service conditions and percentages depend on the category (classic or gold) and the type of plastic. Any of them can be issued online and received by mail (reviews confirm the reality of remote registration). Learn more about the credit cards of this bank.

The conditions of credit cards are directly related to the type of plastic and its category (gold, classic, for existing customers or primary). At the moment, the line of credit cards includes:

  • Home;
  • Lightning;
  • Clear category Gold;
  • Gold for clients.

General conditions for OTP bank credit cards

Credit terms are different for each card. The following rules will be common for classic and gold credit cards of OTP Bank:

  • size credit limit: determined individually, the maximum available amount is 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Availability grace period in 55 days: the interest-free period allows you to use replacement funds for free. To do this, after the end of the purchase period (lasts 30 days) and receipt of the statement, you must fully repay the debt and restore the credit limit in full within 25 days. Then interest on the loan is not charged (reviews confirm this);
  • transactions in own ATMs/terminals - no commission;
  • release is free.

Other conditions for different cards will differ, which, judging by customer reviews, allows you to choose a card with the most acceptable service rules. Before applying for an OTP bank credit card (online or directly at a branch, with receipt by mail or in person), we will take a closer look at the key options of different cards.

Interest for using cards of different categories

Regardless of the method of registration (remotely with receipt by mail or in person at a stationary branch), a potential borrower will be able to choose a plastic with the most interesting key options for him. Each card has its own characteristics, namely:

  • Homemade: Credit card with 3% cashback on all grocery store purchases. When paying for products with a card, cashback is automatically returned to the card account, which, judging by the reviews, is quite convenient. In fact, customers receive a three percent discount. The first year the card is serviced free of charge, from the second year the cost will be 1,600 rubles annually. Interest is determined individually, the rate is from 24.9%;
  • Lightning: also a credit card with a 1.5% cashback, which is returned when paying with a card for any purchases. For Lightning (credit card OTP Bank) interest from 19.9%. To get the minimum rate, it is enough to restore the credit limit on time within six months. Plastic is serviced free of charge, cards can be placed on the card account own funds for which up to 7% per annum is charged;
  • Understandable category GOLD: service fee is not provided, interest - from 27.9%.
  • Gold credit card for customers with an active loan with a few payments left or for those who closed the loan in the last 3 months. The first year is free of charge, from the second year the cost will be 700 rubles. Interest - from 19.9%.

You can remotely issue any OTP bank credit card (delivery is made by mail, the application is online - on the website, reviews confirm the convenience of this service).

Requirements for borrowers in OTP Bank for registration

To issue any credit card (gold or classic, remotely with delivery by mail or at the office), a passport is usually enough.

If necessary, provide additional documents bank employees will indicate this at the stage of consideration online applications. To be approved, a potential borrower must:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • actually reside in the region of circulation (at the location of stationary branches) and have a permanent registration there;
  • work permanently (at least 3 months by the time of application) or have a source of income in the form of a pension.

A borrower between the ages of 21 and 69 inclusive can apply for a credit card (reviews about credit cards OTP bank confirm this fact). As you can see, the requirements are quite loyal, the final conditions (amount and interest) are determined individually, based on the information provided.

OTP Bank offers its customers profitable and high-quality loan programs. Loan conditions are quite attractive, but some "pitfalls" still occur, so signing loan agreement you must carefully study each of its paragraphs, in particular, read the section on insurance. Let's take a closer look at what OTP Bank loans are offered individuals.

Potential borrowers of a financial institution can count on interesting offers for consumer cash loans. For physical OTP persons The bank can offer several lending programs for up to 4 million rubles at a rate of 10.5 percent per annum for up to 7 years. We will now list the most popular loan products for individuals.

  1. "OTP Special". Conditions: loan amount from 300 thousand rubles (for some clients, according to the results of scoring from 250 thousand rubles) to 1 million rubles, the interest rate for using credit funds is from 11.5% to 19.9% ​​per annum. Its final value is determined individually, according to the results of scoring, based on the level of risk of a particular client. As for the loan term, it can range from 1 year to 5 years.
  2. "OTP Universal". Allows you to receive an amount from 15,000 to 750,000 rubles, at an interest rate of 14.9% to 39.36%. The final rate for each borrower is calculated individually after the scoring procedure. Funds are issued for a period of 12 to 60 months.
  3. “Great opportunities. Salary". The organization within the framework of this product offers a loan at a base rate of 14.5 percent per annum, or at preferential interest - 10.5% per annum. The loan amount can vary from 1 to 4 million rubles. Loan term from 1 to 7 years.

In addition to a cash loan, a financial institution offers its customers the opportunity to apply for a loan directly in the store, this service allows you to purchase the product you like, even if you did not have the funds necessary for the purchase. For registration, you need to contact the representative of the OTP Bank, located directly at the point of sale, you only need a passport. The main conditions offered to potential borrowers under this program:

  • loan amount from 2 to 300 thousand rubles;
  • size down payment 0 to 99 percent;
  • loan term from 3 months to 3 years;
  • flexible rates;
  • the ability to determine a convenient date for the monthly payment;
  • high speed of disbursement of credit funds.

Important! Representatives of OTP Bank, located in partner stores, can quickly receive a debit plastic card, to which the amount of borrowed funds issued under the Cash in 15 Minutes program will be transferred.

Will everyone get a loan?

OTP Bank has special requirements for potential borrowers. Banking policy set General terms for individuals who need to comply. So the client must have:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration on the territory of Russia, in the region where there is an OTP branch;
  • actual place of residence in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where the loan is issued;
  • age from 21 to 68 years;
  • permanent employment, and continuous work experience must exceed 3 months.

A positive loan decision can also be made for non-working persons who receive an old-age labor pension, a military pension or benefits paid to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The financial institution also imposes certain requirements on borrowers with a special status: individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and their close relatives working for these persons. They must also have the citizenship of the Russian Federation, have a permanent registration, actually live in the region where the branch of the bank issuing loan funds.

The main difference is different age limits, persons must be between the ages of 25 and 68 years. The period of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, notary or lawyer must be at least a year. The main documents that should be attached to the application for the use of credit products:

  • the main document proving the identity of a citizen of Russia;
  • TIN (if any);
  • insurance certificate (SNILS), if any;
  • for persons with permanent employment - information about the TIN of the organization.

With a loan amount ranging from two hundred to four hundred thousand rubles, it is mandatory to provide a certified photocopy of the labor, as well as an electronic notice of the state of the personal personal account of the insured person, which must be sent to OTP Bank from an individual account on the State Services portal.

When the loan amount exceeds four hundred thousand rubles, in excess of the above, you should attach a 2-NDFL certificate containing information about wages individuals for the previous 6 months, or a certificate of income received in the form of a bank and certified by the employer.

How to get a loan faster?

You can make a request for any loan product offered by the bank in a few minutes, literally without getting up from the couch. All you need is a device with Internet access. Using a search engine, find the OTP branded page, go to the Cash Loans section. In the window that opens, you can study all the conditions of the available credit programs. If they suit you, you should click on the inscription "Apply a loan".

Filling out the online questionnaire will not cause difficulties, all questions are formulated clearly and understandably. First, the system will prompt you to indicate your monthly income, the amount of credit obligations to third parties, if any, the desired loan amount and the loan term that is comfortable for you.

Attention! The system, focusing on the size you entered monthly income, will automatically calculate the optimal ratio for the amount of the loan and the period of its repayment.

It is easy to understand that the top part of the application is a familiar loan calculator that will help you correctly calculate a comfortable loan payment based on your earnings. Next, the system will ask you to provide personal data, such as full name, date of birth, phone number by which the employee can contact you, email address. Then you need to write in which city you want to receive credit funds.

Be sure to select your type of employment from the proposed list, be it employment contract, a contract for military service, etc. Next, you will have to enter a period of continuous work experience at the last workplace. After entering all the requested data, you must agree to the processing of your personal data by the bank and click the "Continue" button. Next, you need to enter the data of a civil passport, such as:

  • series, number and date of issue;
  • indicate gender;
  • indicate which authority issued the document;
  • place of birth (exactly as in the passport).

If you have a TIN and SNILS certificate, you can immediately enter information about these documents, but this is not necessary.

A confirmation code will be sent to the phone number indicated at the beginning of filling out the questionnaire, which must be entered in the field of the same name. After that, you should agree to a request to the credit bureau. If you are determined to get a loan, click the "Next" button. The system will offer you a couple more questions, and after that a full-fledged loan application will be submitted to the bank employees for consideration.

If you do not agree to give permission for the processing of personal data in the BCI, it is permissible to click the "Finish" button, in which case the application will not be fully formed. Then the manager will contact you and ask you to complete the application, clarifying some information. After this is done, the application will be processed, and after 15 minutes you will be able to find out the preliminary decision on it.

Consumer loans from OTP are quite democratic in terms of conditions and requirements for the client. Quick processing of an express loan and a reasonable term for issuing standard loan products, no collateral and guarantees ... And at the same time noticeably high rates - why?

OTP Bank provides a wide range of consumer loans with a variety of conditions. For regular customers and borrowers - one bonus, for entrepreneurs - another, for pensioners - the third.

OTP Bank JSC is part of the international financial group with the same name, which provides a universal package of services throughout Europe not only to individuals, but also to corporate clients.

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He has an impressive capital of several tens of billions of rubles, in addition, he is among the 50 largest banks in the country and market leaders according to Interfax.

Its policy is to build relationships with clients based on mutual trust, which are tested by time and commitment.

What does the rate depend on?

comparison table

Bid Term Decision-making extradition Customer category Place of issue
OTP Standard
25,9–44,9% 12–48 months 2 days 2 days Are common
bank branch
OTP Express
37,9–66,9% 12–36 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms bank branch
Our people
23,9–47,9% 12 months–5 years 2 days 2 days Regular customer,
bank branch
business people
29,9–37,9% 12–36 months 2 days 2 days Sole proprietors and notaries bank branch
11,9–14,9% 1–6 months 2 days 2 days General terms bank branch
14,9–39,9% 12–60 months 2 days 2 days General terms online
Smart combination
24,3% 6–36 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms shop
Payment 2013
39% 4–36 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms shop
20,13% 6–24 months 15 minutes 15 minutes General terms shop

OTP Bank trusts its clients, and therefore does not include in the list of requirements the transfer of property as collateral or the invitation of guarantors when concluding an agreement (with the exception of one product).

Every citizen of Russia with a residence permit, over 21 years old and under 65 years old, can count on receiving a loan.

However, this trust should still be reinforced with something - a bank cannot just risk money and issue borrowed funds to anyone.

Therefore, at each conclusion of an agreement, except for those that are drawn up in partner stores of the bank, the client must provide not only a passport, but also information about his employer in the form of a TIN, as well as a document confirming income. All this helps the bank to reduce rates a little and be more confident in the return of funds.

For each applicant, the bank calculates a personal interest rate based on scoring (a special system for checking the client's solvency, the result of which is a certain number of points). It is affected by the amount of income, and the term for the provision of funds, and the category of the client, and even the reputation of his employer.

Of course, the interest rate on a consumer loan at OTP Bank Promo is significantly lower (almost twice) than others, since it requires a guarantor and the loan term is very short.

Credit term

The term of the loan significantly affects the amount of the overpayment. The Promo loan, which has already been considered, is issued for a period of up to six months, has the lowest rate among the bank's products from 11,9%. Loans with a duration of 60 months ("Online") have a long-term base rate in 31,9%.

The difference is noticeable, but this is only the base rate, which can be increased to 39,9% !

Number of documents

OTP Bank provides three packages of documents for obtaining a loan, and all of them are tied to its size.

Naturally, the more the client provides the bank with information about himself, the lower the interest rate becomes.

Required documents:

  • To receive an amount within 200 000 rubles, all you need is a passport, a certificate of registration with the tax office, the TIN of the employer. If the client receives a pension (by seniority, labor or as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), he must attach the appropriate pensioner's ID. The last paper in the list must confirm the income of a potential borrower: it can be an account statement, a copy of a passbook, a certificate of the amount of a pension.
  • If the loan amount exceeds 200 thousand, but less 400 000 thousand, then, in addition to the above, a copy of the work book certified by the employer will be required.
  • If the amount is more 400 000 rubles, you will additionally need to bring a 2-NDFL certificate for the last six months or a certificate of income in the form of a bank, which should also reflect income for six months and be certified by the employer.

Certainly, complete list also includes a questionnaire form, but you can get it at a bank branch or download and fill it out yourself.

Issuing time

For an express loan, the disbursement time is 15 minutes - that is, the money is issued immediately after approval.

For a quarter of an hour it is difficult to check all the information about the client, so the bank reinsures itself with a huge interest rate - from 37.9% to 66.9% per annum.

Standard loans are issued within 1–2 days, so the rates for them are significantly lower. By the way, the bank reserves the right to extend the term for consideration of the client's application without giving reasons.

Customer category

Rates vary by customer category. Verified clients - borrowers who repaid the previous loan without any complaints or depositors who have an account for at least 4 months, the base rate for them is 27,9% with long-term liabilities.

Risky clients - all the rest, however, they made an exception for entrepreneurs and notaries with a base rate 29,9% .

Location of the loan

Credit can be issued:

  • at the bank branch
  • through the Internet,
  • in the partner store of the bank.

The most reliable way for the bank is in its own branch.

Online is a little less reliable, in addition, it is quite difficult to verify the identity of the borrower.

But in the store, it’s completely inconvenient, despite the fact that qualified personnel are involved in the execution of the contract, simply located not in the branch, but behind the counter. However, all this has an impact on the interest rate.

Comparison with other banks

Despite all the advantages, services similar to the OTP Standard loan in other banks are often much more attractive.

OTP Bank positions its loans as accessible to everyone - no collateral, no guarantee. In fact, interest rates that compensate for the rejection of collateral make consumer lending in it unprofitable.

OTP Bank is well known in Russia. The size of its client base is about 4 million people. Individuals who apply to this organization can apply for a cash loan on terms that will suit them to the greatest extent.

Lending terms

When issuing a loan, calculating the credit limit and interest rate,A also, the establishment of a payment schedule is carried out individually for each client.

The loan amount can range from 15,000 to 1,500,000 rubles. Moreover, the established maximum includes all loans not repaid at the moment. The interest rate ranges from 14.9% to 46.2% per annum. Timely and full implementation monthly payments may be the reason for its decrease to 12.5%.

The table below shows an approximate range of lending rates depending on the terms and availability of an active bank account.

OTP Bank does not charge additional fees for providing financial assistance and early return of borrowed funds.

Requirements for borrowers

There are few requirements for bank customers wishing to receive a loan:

  1. Age: 21 to 69 years old.
  2. The status of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Permanent registration in the region of presence of one of the bank branches.
  4. Permanent place of work and work experience of at least 3 months.

Required documents

From the papers you will need to provide:

  • application form;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • TIN (your own and employer's);
  • a statement of income for the last six months, or an extract from the card account for the same period (if an amount of more than 400 thousand rubles is required);
  • pension certificate (if any);
  • a copy of the work book certified by the employer (for loans in the amount of 200 thousand rubles).

You may need to attach one of the additional documents to the main package:

  • driver's license;
  • international passport;
  • SNILS;
  • military ID.

IMPORTANT: In some cases (if the loan amount is large enough) it may be necessary to provide collateral, orattraction of a guarantor. Fulfillment of such requirementsallow for significant adjustments in interest rates.

How to conclude an agreement

To apply for a loan, it is enough to visit the nearest branch of the organization, or use the possibilities of its official website ( and send a special online application.

During a personal meeting, the bank manager selects the optimal conditions for obtaining a loan, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the client. To choose on your own suitable program lending, you can resort to the help of a special calculator, which is located on the previously mentioned Internet resource.

When submitting an application via the Internet, up to 2 days are allotted for a decision on it.

Making an online application

Filling out an electronic questionnaire on the bank's website can save a lot of time. To carry out this procedure, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the main page of the OTP Bank website.
  2. Click on the "Cash Loans" tab.
  3. Then select the item "Get a loan".
  4. Fill in the fields of the opened questionnaire, indicating the following information:
    • your full name and date of birth;
    • contact details: telephone number, e-mail;
    • preferred point of cash withdrawal (select from the proposed list);
    • short description credit history(choose one of the given options);
    • type of employment (similarly - one of the proposed ones);
    • work experience (in months);
    • click "Continue".
  5. In the appropriate fields, indicate the data of the passport, gender and place of birth.
  6. Completely enter the address at which the permanent registration is made, specify the duration of residence in this place (if the registration does not match the actual address, then you need to remove the confirmation from the corresponding field).
  7. Provide all the necessary information regarding the place of work, labor status and length of service.
  8. Enter data on the marital status, the number of minor children and the level of education of possible contact persons (it is also required to indicate the degree of relationship with them and their mobile phone numbers).
  9. In the "Finance" block, determine one of the proposed purposes for obtaining a loan, provide information about the existing movable and real estate, prescribe the level of income;
  10. Click "Finish".

Some time after the completion of the last item, the system will make a preliminary decision on the possibility / impossibility of providing a loan.

IMPORTANT: If the result was negative, then it will be possible to send a second application only after a month. At the same time, a potential borrower still retains the right to apply directly to any of the departments of the organization.

Loan programs

OTP Bank provides a number of different offers related to the consumer lending in cash. They have different purposes and are issued under different conditions, which are changed in accordance with the status of the borrower.

"Privilege Corporation"

Under this program, the client receives 75 - 750 thousand rubles. The loan rate is 15.9% per year. The duration of the loan period can be from 12 to 60 months. Only employees of companies approved by the bank who have received an offer to use lending services personally from an employee of a financial institution have the right to receive such a loan.

"Our people"

The opportunity to take advantage of this offer is available only to regular well-established customers of the bank. The borrower can become "their own person", provided that he has:

  • repaid the loan in full and without delay;
  • salary account (deposit) in this financial institution;
  • active contract with 4 timely installments.

Such citizens are given the opportunity to apply for a loan for 55 - 750 thousand rubles. The loan rate is 28.9% per annum, and up to 5 years can be allotted for debt repayment.

"Business People"

This offer can only be used by notaries and individual entrepreneurs. They are entitled to receive financial assistance in the amount of 15 to 200 thousand rubles. The credit rate is determined individually (but not less than 34.9% per year). The term allotted for debt repayment is 1-2 years. No collateral or guarantor is required.

The minimum age for lending under this program is from 25 years (the maximum is 65 years). Required work experience is 12 months. In addition to the passport and TIN, it is necessary to present a certificate confirming state registration individual entrepreneur, or an order of the Ministry of Justice (for notaries).

OTP Standard

The classic option, which allows you to borrow 76 - 500 thousand rubles for up to 2 years. Credit rate - 30.9% per annum.

OTP Express

According to its name - the most fast way granting a loan. The borrower is offered a relatively small amount of 15 to 75 thousand rubles at a rate of 42.9% per year. No more than 3 years are given to repay the loan. The registration procedure lasts a quarter of an hour. The list of documents is limited to a passport, TIN and any additional one at the choice of the client.

Passport cash loan

A popular line of loans, a feature of which is the fast (within 24 hours) provision of the required amount (from 76 to 750 thousand rubles). The execution of the contract is carried out only by passport, no other documents are required from the client, all the necessary information is found by the bank employees themselves. The rate is set at a rate of 23.9% to 31%, the borrower may have up to 5 years to return the borrowed amount.

How to repay a loan from OTP Bank?

The return of the borrowed money is carried out in accordance with the schedule of monthly payments attached to the contract. It is better to make money transfers to the necessary account 2-3 days earlier than the date on which the payment is scheduled, since during weekends and holidays they may be delayed (this leads to delays and demands to pay a fine).

Monthly installments for credit account produced in several ways:

In the absence of timely payments, the borrower is charged a penalty in the amount of 20% per annum of the amount owed for each day of delay.

Loan programs from OTP Bank have been used by many citizens of the Russian Federation. Their reviews allow you to get an idea of ​​the positive and negative aspects of these products.

Among the main advantages are:

  • convenience of drawing up an agreement and receiving borrowed funds (for example, at the nearest ATMs of the organization);
  • the possibility of paying monthly installments via the Internet;
  • the presence of a calculator for self-selection of the most favorable conditions;
  • availability of free access to numerous services of the official website;
  • the possibility of preferential lending for up to 55 days without interest.

Among the minuses indicate:

  • enrollment duration money transfers(especially for weekends and holidays);
  • cases of refusal to provide a loan after the approval of the online application.

In general, the Bank and its employees adhere to a very loyal policy towards borrowers and try to meet them halfway in case of problem situations.

Getting a loan without proof of income

Making a loan at OTP Bank without certificates and guarantors is possible only if the loan amount does not exceed 400 thousand rubles. Otherwise, you will need to provide (one of two):

  • certificate of form 2-NDFL;
  • bank statement.

In the presence of these papers, the bank will have no reason to refuse.

Bank services for monitoring the loan

If you have questions regarding the payment schedule, specific amounts and dates, then you can use one of the services offered by the bank:

All this will help make lending simple and affordable.

Questions and answers

  1. What should I do if I cannot make a payment on time?

For individuals who applied for a loan in one of the branches of the organization, it is possible to postpone the payment date. If the previously established schedule has become inconvenient, then you can apply for a revision. If the decision is positive, the dates for the contributions will be revised.

  1. What is the risk of missing a payment?

In this situation, the Bank will charge a fine. Also, this case will be displayed in the borrower's credit history. Therefore, in case of any difficulties, you should immediately contact bank employees. They will help you find the best way out of the current situation.

  1. How to pay off the loan ahead of schedule?

The Borrower may make full or partial early repayment loan. To do this, it is enough to write an application in accordance with the established form in one of the branches of the organization, and then deposit the required amount to the credit account. If the repayment was partial, then a new payment schedule will be drawn up for the borrower.

These are the most significant information regarding consumer cash lending at OTP Bank. For additional advice, you can contact the bank employees by phone 8-800-100-55-55 ? (the call is free).