Features of a credit card from a bank. Archive of a third-party organization - a company that provides services for the storage of documents, on the basis of an Agreement concluded between the Bank and the organization Card all at once from the bank


Reception and processing of Applications / Requests of the Bank's Clients by the Operations Officer / Registrar / Loan Officer

JSC "OTP Bank"

Moscow, 2014





V. Provision of Information ABOUT THE PRESENCE / ABSENCE OF DEBT 11


VII. preparation of certificates for submission to a third-party organization 13




XI. APPLICATION for changing the date of monthly payments 15

XII. APPLICATION for early repayment of a loan 16

XIII. Application for exclusion from the list of insured persons / refusal of insurance services 18

Annex 1 19

Appendix 2 22

Appendix 3 23

Annex 4 24

Annex 5 25

Appendix 6 26

Annex 7 27

Appendix 7.1 28

Appendix 7.2 29

Annex 7.3 30

Annex 7.4 31

Annex 7.5 32

Appendix 7.6 33

Appendix 7.7 34

Annex 8 35

Annex 9 36


1.1. The following abbreviations are used in this Order:

BC bank card
GO head office
BEFORE Additional office of the Bank
KA collection agency
KD Loan agreement
KCO Credit and cash office
OO Operational office
PM Software module "Orders for PC and Bookmaker" NC "Lotus Notes"
RPM Regional division of the Bank's network
MS Moscow network
MRC Moscow Regional Center
DPK Customer Support Directorate
DRPB POS Business Development Directorate
TT A store
UO for BC
UCA Department of credit administration
Full name Full Name
CoC cash on card

1.2. In this Order, the following definitions of terms are used:

Bank archive - Center for processing and archival storage of documents of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Bank of the Directorate for Personnel and Organizational Development.

Archive of a third-party organization - a company that provides services for the storage of documents on the basis of an Agreement concluded between the Bank and the organization.

Bank- OTP Bank JSC.

Bank card - a plastic card issued by the Bank and allowing its holder to draw up, certify and transmit orders for the purpose of transferring funds at the expense of the Client's funds in his account or a loan provided by the Bank to the Client.

Bank account- a current account intended for accounting of the Client's funds, reflecting non-cash settlements, cash withdrawal/deposit operations carried out using the Bank Card, and other cash flow determined by the Client.

DB "Orders for PC and BC" NC "Lotus Notes"– a software module of the Lotus Notes information system that provides registration, classification and processing of Applications for the transfer of excessively transferred funds, Applications for the transfer of funds, Requests for the presence / absence of debt, as well as additional documents of the Client provided depending on the type of Application /Request.

Application/Request– Application for the transfer of excessively transferred funds, Application for transfer, Application for consent to debit funds, Application for disagreement with the transaction, Request for information on the CA, Application for changing the Client's data, Application for blocking the card, Application for changing the date of monthly payments , Applications for early repayment of the loan, Application for exclusion from the list of insured persons / refusal of insurance services, as well as additional documents of the Clients, provided depending on the type of Application / Request.

Early return request Applications for early repayment of a loan under the consumer lending program and Applications for early repayment of a loan under the non-targeted lending program at the POS point, approved by order No. 301 of 06/20/2014, with subsequent changes and additions.

Clientindividual, who applied to the Operations Officer of the RPS/MS, the Registrar in KCO or to the Loan Officer at the TT with an Application/Request.

POS loan agreement– an agreement with the Client, consisting of the General Conditions of POS and the Individual Conditions of the Loan Agreement, under which the Bank undertakes to provide the Client with a loan, in the amount and on the terms agreed by the parties, and the Client undertakes to repay the Loan, pay interest for the use of the loan and fees.

CoC Loan Agreement– a loan agreement with the Customer, consisting of the General Conditions of CoC and the Individual Conditions of the Non-Purpose Loan Agreement, on the basis of which the Bank grants the Loan to the Customer.

Creditcash provided by the Bank to the Client in the currency Russian Federation on the basis of repayment, payment, urgency for purposes not related to business activities, in the amount and on the terms provided for in the Individual terms and conditions of the loan agreement / non-purpose lending agreement and the General POS / CoC conditions.

Loan Expert - Category 1-6 Loan Officer / Category 1-6 Direct Sales Expert of the Business Development Sector of the DRPB, who draws up the documents necessary for the Clients to receive loans and Bank Cards.

Moscow networkadditional offices of the Moscow regional network, Lipetsky Operations Office, Yaroslavsky Operations Office, Tverskoy Operations Office.

Operationist– an employee of the Operational Department of the RPS/MS, responsible for receiving and processing the Applications/Requests of the Clients.

postal service– express mail EMS Russian Post (for RPS), courier service/employees of the Collection Sector (for MS).

Cash on card program - Cash on card program– registration and issuance of non-targeted loans under the non-targeted lending program at the POS point, implemented in accordance with the Procedure for issuing non-targeted loans under the Non-targeted lending program at the POS point (CASH ON CARD project) of OTP Bank OJSC, approved by order No. 334 for the Bank -2 dated 07/01/2014 with subsequent changes and additions.

p Registrar- an employee of the KCO document management sector, or a person replacing him, responsible for receiving, processing the Applications / Requests of Clients and / or transferring scanned copies of Applications / Requests of Clients to the SC through the PM, the Oracle Siebel CRM 8.0 system. or email address [email protected](depending on the type of Application/Request).

Regional branch of the Bank's network (RPS)– Branch/Subsidiary/OO of the Bank (except for MC and CCO).

Oracle Siebel CRM 8.0 system.– a client subsystem designed to register and process loan applications for transferring balances from closed loan agreements processing Applications for transfer, Applications for changing the date of monthly payments, Applications for early repayment of the loan, as well as for changing the data of Clients.

Account statement - a document issued by the Bank to the Client, which contains information on transactions made on accounts opened under consumer lending (POS), non-targeted loans (Cash on card), and on card accounts of the CI project. project "Cross sales", drawn up in accordance with the Instructions for working with software support.

Borrower Account (Account)– an account in the currency of the Russian Federation, opened by the Bank To the Borrower on the basis of the Bank Account Agreement, in order to make settlements under the concluded Loan Agreement.

A store- retail space used by the enterprise for the sale of goods / services.

Management of bank card operations– Management of Bank Card Operations of the Directorate of Operations of the Division of Operational Management.

Department "Credit Administration" - Department "Credit Administration" of the Directorate of Operations of the Division of Operational Management.

Claims handling center– Claims handling center of the Division's Customer Support Directorate.

The service of recalculating the payment schedule at the initiative of the client when changing the date of the monthly payment (Service)– the Bank's service of setting for the Client in the Payment Schedule as numbers of dates of Monthly payments a number that is not equal to the number of the date of issuance of the Loan, or changing previously established dates of Monthly payments, the decision to provide which is made at the discretion of the Bank upon the relevant request of the Client.

1.3. This manual uses the following regulations:

General POS Terms – General terms and conditions of the loan agreement of JSC OTP Bank, approved by the order for the Bank No. 491-3 dated September 22, 2014. with subsequent changes and additions.

General CoC conditions - General terms and conditions of the non-targeted lending agreement of OTP Bank OJSC, approved by order No. 491-3 dated 22.09.2014 for the Bank. with subsequent changes and additions.

Instructions for working with software maintenance - Instructions for working with Oracle Siebel CRM 8.0 software. For functional role"Agent" in terms of supporting projects of the Consumer Lending Division of OTP Bank OJSC, approved by order No. 334-2 of 07/01/2014. with subsequent changes and additions.

List of documents- The list of documents generated in the activities of OJSC "OTP Bank" and its branches, approved by Order No. 33 dated 04.02.2013. with subsequent additions and changes.

Card blocking procedure- The procedure for blocking cards of OTP Bank OJSC, approved by Order No. 1631 dated November 17, 2008, with subsequent changes and additions.

How to change data - The procedure for changing the data of the Clients of OTP Bank OJSC within the framework of the projects of the Consumer Lending Division, card business and electronic sales channels, approved, approved by order No. 335-2 dated 07/01/2014. with subsequent additions and changes.

The procedure for organizing workflow– The procedure for organizing document flow between third parties, the Head Office and regional divisions of OTP Bank OJSC regarding the delivery of documents by courier and postal services, approved by Order No. 758 dated December 29, 2011, with subsequent changes and additions.

The procedure for receiving, registering and monitoring the execution of incoming and outgoing correspondence– The procedure for receiving, registering and monitoring the execution of incoming and outgoing correspondence of OTP Bank OJSC, approved by Order No. 334 dated July 12, 2013, with subsequent changes and additions.

How to work with the financial emulator– The procedure for working with the “Financial Emulator” within the framework of the projects of the Consumer Lending Division of OTP Bank OJSC, approved by Order No. 715 dated December 26, 2013, with subsequent changes and additions.

Updated 10/22/2018.

Hungarian OTP Group for three years she tried to promote a remote banking project under the Touch Bank brand, but Tachka did not turn into a profit. As a result, it was decided to close this line of business, although during this time it was possible to attract more than 200,000 customers:

If the minimum balance for calendar month did not fall below 10,000 rubles, then 6.5% per annum is put on the balance from 10,000 to 600,000 rubles, if it fell, then only 0.1%:

Since it is the calendar month that is taken into account when determining the percentage, it is unrealistic to get 6.5% on the balance in the month of receiving the card. at the beginning of the month, you simply could not maintain a balance of 10,000 rubles, because you did not have a card yet.

The Clear Card has no interest on the balance; as an alternative, you can use a savings account, as of August 11, 2018, for a balance of 5,000.01 to 100,000 rubles. 5% per annum is charged, on the balance from 100,000.01 - 5.5% per annum:

UPD: 08/31/2018
On August 31, OTP Bank paid interest on the card balance for former Touch Bank clients, and now we can say with confidence that if the whole month on the card account was from 10,000 rubles. and above, then the interest is charged on the daily balance, and not on the minimum for the month:

Former Touch Bank customers can open a special savings account at the OTP branch at the “Welcome” tariff, it accrues 6% per annum on the balance of 5000.01:

4 Free C2C top-up.

"OTP" allows you to replenish many of your cards from cards of other banks through the service on the site without a commission ("Clear" and "All at once" among them). The limit for one transfer is 140,000 rubles, monthly - 300,000 rubles:

Some customers were brought cards with tariffs that did not assume the original one, but then they got such an opportunity:

It is important that during C2C replenishment, money is not immediately credited to the account, the operation hangs in hold, i.e. No interest will be charged on the balance for this amount at this time. You can make purchases right away, OTP Bank does not have a fine for technical oversight.

In addition to C2C, OTP Bank cards can be replenished at their own ATMs. But for some reason, a commission is set for replenishing the card in the OTP terminals:

There is no commission for the incoming interbank (it is better to send the interbank from).

5 Withdrawing cash from other people's ATMs without commission.

At debit card with a credit limit (“Everything at once” tariff), it is possible to withdraw 45,000 rubles per day from third-party ATMs without commission. In the tariffs, however, this possibility is described rather crookedly, it simply states that 45,000 rubles. - this is the withdrawal limit per day, and the commission is not prescribed at all.

In practice, it has been verified that it is possible to withdraw cash from OTP cards issued to Touch Bank customers at other people's ATMs without commission.

The Clear Card has a higher cash limit - 300,000 rubles. Cash withdrawal from account borrowed money- this is a non-preferential operation, interest will immediately begin to accrue on it.

6 Free donor.

Important: in the presence of overdue debt, cashback is not paid.

9 Google Pay support.

Recently, Gpay technology has become available to OTP Bank customers, but Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are not yet available.

OTP Bank card for Touch Bank clients. Flaws
1 They take the card for a long time.

The delivery of the OTP Bank card cannot be called prompt, when making an application, Marinka promises that the card will be delivered within 2 weeks, in practice this period can stretch for a month or even more.

2 Not a remote bank.

It is surprising that Touch Bank was a product of OTP Bank, no hint of quality remote service not here. Most issues are resolved only through the branch.

It would be logical to simply transfer the code word from the Touch Bank card, but no, to set the code word for the new OTP cards, you still have to come to the bank "for security purposes":

Without a code word, it will not be possible to carry out most operations on the hotline, and without it it is impossible to connect the possibility of making payments and transfers through the Internet bank. The option of opening deposits through the Internet bank is also connected only at the branch.

Remotely closing the OTP Bank card, unlike the Cars, will not work:

Appearance and functionality of the mobile application and Internet banking from the last century:

3 Compulsory consent to additional services.

When issuing a card, the courier gives a very voluminous document for signing, in which checkboxes are marked for consent to connect SMS informing (paid when using a credit limit), to transfer personal data to many offices, to spam, to receive bank cards by mail, and also to close the current Touch Bank card with a zero balance on it:

Moreover, the courier simply will not issue the card if you cross out the consent box at some point:

4 No free interbank.

Unlike Touch Bank, OTP Bank does not. Transfer to another credit organization through the Internet bank will cost 0.5%, minimum 30 rubles, maximum 300 rubles:

5 Paid statement by mail.

By default, it is set that the statement comes by regular mail in paper form, if there is a debt, this service is paid, it costs 59 rubles.

In order to receive an extract by e-mail, you will need to give a code word on the hotline, for which you need to go to the department.

6 It is difficult to talk to a live operator on the hotline.

If you just call hotline, then you can lose a lot of time listening to the robot, live Marinka connects to the conversation only with an unobvious combination of buttons. Users have found that the fastest way to access a live person is to select Change PIN.

7 Limits cannot be set.

It is not possible to set individual limits for various transactions in the Internet Bank, for example, prohibit cash withdrawals from ATMs or limit the amount of purchases per day/month.

8 Use of the anti-money laundering law (115-FZ).

On the net you can find reviews from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose accounts are blocked by OTP Bank under formal pretexts, extorting an increased commission:


In general, OTP Bank got a very good offer (especially since the issue and maintenance of the card, as well as SMS informing are free), but still not outstanding.

6.5% on the balance, and even with the condition of a minimum balance of 10,000 rubles. - by today's standards, not the best offer, for example, if you have 5 any purchases per month - 7.5% per annum, if you have at least 5 purchases for a total amount of 10,000 rubles. also 7.5%.

3% cashback on your favorite category (one of which is “Supermarkets”) will be quite useful, the card is also suitable for large purchases in those categories that are not covered by other cards. Let me remind you that when paying with a smartphone until 12/31/2018, a 12% cashback is provided in partner stores and 3% in all others.

The presence of free replenishment from cards of other banks, as well as the possibility of commission-free cash withdrawals at third-party ATMs, make the card more versatile.

In general, I received such a card, just in case, let it lie down until the worst of better times. True, if there was no bank branch in my city, then I would have thought a hundred times before agreeing to it. After all, OTP is not a remote bank at all, it will not work to solve any problem remotely or simply close the card.

I hope my article was useful to you, write about all the clarifications and additions in the comments.

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OTP Bank offers its customers various banking products, including credit cards. Each person who applied for a card in OTP department jar.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

You can get money for an already issued card easily and quickly by sending an application through the official website or SMS - message.

About bank

Initially, OTP Bank opened in Central and Eastern Europe, and after several years of successful work, it became the market leader. Russian bank is part of the international financial group OTP.

In Russia, there are statistics of banks, and OTP Bank is in the top 50. The Bank is also one of the participants in the insurance system of invested funds and a member of the Moscow Exchange, the Stock Association.

Bank customers can contact one of the many branches that are open in almost every city in Russia. There are also many points with terminals and self-service stations.

The main goal of the bank is to build trusting, long-term relationships with all customers. Information about affordable and profitable products is distributed among visitors, and OTP employees strive to improve the financial literacy of clients, advising them on all issues, explaining the principle of operation of a particular system.

OTP Bank is actively developing, new branches are opening in different cities. The aim of the bank is to remain key, subsidiary bank V OTP group, to maximize profit growth and improve attendance rates.

Types of cards

OTP Bank offers its customers different types of credit cards:

Golden The client gets the opportunity to withdraw cash without commission in OTP ATMs, a certain amount is returned from card purchases when the Cashback service is activated. The interest on the card is 27.9% per annum
Lightning A card for those who do not have the opportunity to spend time at the bank for a credit card. Lightning is issued in the Svyaznoy chain store; to receive it, it is enough to provide only a passport. The percentage per annum is higher than on the gold card and is 34.9%
Standard MasterCard Can be issued to an employee of an accredited organization. The percentage is not high - 23.9%. The first year of service is free, thereafter a fee of 900 rubles is charged. Additional documents with proof of income will be required to receive a credit card
Gold MasterCard The card is issued to those clients who are long-time visitors to the bank and receive a salary on the OTP card. The interest on the card is 29.9%, only a passport is required for registration
touch bank It differs from the rest by the presence of a long interest-free period - 61 days. Using Cash-back allows you to return 3% of the amount of purchases made by the card. Annual percentage does not exceed 29.9%

The most favorable conditions are offered to regular customers, or those citizens who have the opportunity to confirm their income. In recent years, people have been striving to become owners of gold cards. It is not only prestigious, but also convenient - a low percentage, high quality service, additional discounts and bonuses.

But even using a simple credit card, you can get a lot of advantages, and if you prove yourself well, the bank will make a profitable offer, for example, increase the limit.

Terms and interest

OTP customers prefer to issue bank credit cards for the reason that their use can significantly simplify life.

The bank offers the following conditions:

  • all bank cards are divided into two groups - classic and gold, but differ in terms of issuance. So, the classic Lightning card can be issued to anyone, and the Standard MasterCard card can only be issued to reliable, regular customers;
  • the security of all payment transactions carried out on the card is ensured;
  • when withdrawing or receiving money on the card, the client receives an SMS notification;
  • the client can choose the currency (rubles or dollars) when applying for a credit card at the bank;
  • the maximum limit is 1,500,000 rubles;
  • interest-free period - 55 days, with the exception of some credit cards, for which a longer grace period is provided;
  • you can use an OTP bank credit card as an electronic, virtual wallet for shopping on the Internet, it is also possible to make purchases in real stores;
  • you can withdraw cash at any ATM, including abroad;
  • no declaration of funds is required when traveling abroad.

Interest on loans ranges from 15 to 34.9%. Regular customers and holders of golden, prestigious cards are provided with more favorable conditions. Before the client proves to the bank his reliability and solvency, you will need to take and close 1-2 loans with an interest of 29.9% per annum.

For new customers of the bank, an initial limit is set - 100,000 rubles. However, after one successfully repaid loan, the amount can be increased. The client learns about new offers through SMS and e-mail notifications.

Documents to receive

The simpler the card and the less favorable the conditions for it, the fewer documents are required for registration.

In some cases, only a passport is enough, however, in order to receive a gold credit card, Toush card or MasterCard, you need to provide:

  • passport;
  • a certificate from the place of work indicating income, a photocopy of the work book;
  • military ID for men;
  • driver's license, if available.

The list of documents may vary depending on the selected type of credit card.

How to apply for an OTP bank credit card

Before proceeding to issue a card, a bank employee checks a potential client for compliance with the requirements.

The client and cardholder of the OTP bank must:

  1. Have Russian citizenship and residence permit in the region where you plan to get a credit card.
  2. Appropriate age - not less than 21 years and not more than 60 years for men, 55 years for women.
  3. Have a good credit history.
  4. Receive official income within six months before receiving the card.

Also, the bank can check the availability of secondary or higher education. When applying for some credit cards, it is very important to provide proof of income, which must be no less than 7 thousand rubles.

To apply for a credit card, you need to contact one of the branches of OTP Bank, or apply on the official website, and then talk with a loan officer by phone. You should be prepared for the fact that the information specified in the questionnaire will be verified, and additional questions will be asked during a telephone conversation.

Is it possible to receive by mail

You can get an OTP bank credit card by mail if you express your desire to the operator by phone during the process of issuing a card. You can also fill out the questionnaire by mail, after which it will be sent to the bank. However, in this case, the wait may be somewhat delayed.

In order to receive a credit card at the post office, you must specify the postal address in the application. This option is especially convenient if the client lives in a small town, and the OTP bank branch is far away, and the post office is located a few blocks from the house.

To prevent incidents, an unactivated credit card in an envelope is sent by mail. When the parcel arrives at the post office, the client receives an SMS notification and can come to pick up a credit card.

The process of receiving a credit card is no different from receiving a regular parcel. The card will be sent by registered mail. To activate it, you need to call a specialist at the phone number indicated in the documents. It should be remembered that it is impossible to make purchases with an unactivated card.

Grace period

OTP Bank provides customers with the opportunity to repay the loan without interest during the grace period, but this is only possible if the purchase was made without withdrawing cash from the account.

The grace period is valid if the money was returned before the end of the term. The start date of the interest-free period coincides with the start date of the monthly settlement period.

Instructions for training employees of the POS network in connection with changes in the federal law 353-FZ from the city of

Information standard of OTP Bank OJSC 2 * The data will be filled in later and placed in the Documents Library. HOW IT WILL BE NOW Information standard In addition to the current requirements, general information about lending (1 page of text) should be posted on the TT in KCO / Representative Offices. INFORMATION WILL BE ADDED

Conditions of the loan agreement of OTP Bank OJSC 3 HOW IT WILL BE NOW Name: Conditions of the loan agreement. Conditions of the loan agreement (special*) OTP Bank OJSC. NAME AND COMPOSITION CHANGED Name: General conditions of the loan agreement. General conditions of the loan agreement (special*) OTP Bank OJSC. * Composition: Terms of the loan agreement: Terms of the loan agreement (special*) JSC OTP Bank: Composition (significant changes, you need to study the entire document): General terms of the loan agreement: General terms of the loan agreement (special*) JSC OTP Bank:

Tariffs of the Bank JSC OTP Bank 4 HOW IT WILL BE NOW Tariffs depending on the region (POS, cash on card): - Penalty for late payment of the Monthly payment under the Loan Agreement HAS BEEN MUCH EASIER The document on tariffs has been cancelled. Information on tariffs (forfeit) will be displayed in: Individual conditions when applying for a loan. General conditions consumer lending. General terms and conditions for non-targeted lending products at POS. For all regions Sverdlovsk region Vologda Region

OJSC OTP Bank repayment channels 5 HOW IT WILL BE NOW The commission for making a transfer through the Russian Post is 1.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 40 rubles, excluding VAT. NOW NO NEED TO COUNT THE COMMISSION The commission for making a transfer through the Russian Post is 0%. Russian Post is a free credit repayment channel (POS, Cash on card, UP Sell, Credit Instant)

Consent to the processing of personal data by JSC "OTP Bank" 6 HOW IT WILL BE NOW 1. Filling out the Application. 2. Formation, printing, signing of the Questionnaire (Cash on card, Credit Instant), Consent (POS). 3. Sending an application for scoring. NOW WE ARE ONLY FORMING 1. Filling out the Application. 2. Formation of Consent (POS), for Cash on card, Credit Instant Consent is formed automatically. 3. Sending an application for scoring.

Formation of printed forms of documents in the Siebel system (POS) JSC "OTP Bank" 7 HOW NOW WHAT'S NEW POS 1.2 copies Application for a consumer loan. 2.Specification. 3. Schedule of payments. 4. Postal transfer form. 5.2 copies of the Application for insurance. 6.1 copy Annex to the Application for insurance. 7.1 copy of the Insurance Policy for each of the issued Types of Insurance. 8.2 copies of the Service Agreement, Client Questionnaire, Notification of the conclusion of the Service Agreement. 9.2 copies of the Application for insurance on the map of a copy of the "Application for the conclusion of contracts for the provision and maintenance bank card a copy of the document Information about UCS on the card (UP Sell) a copy of the Application for data changes. NEW POS DOCUMENTS ADDED 1.1 copy of the Consent to the processing of personal data. 2.1 copy of the Loan Application. 3.2 copies of the Individual Conditions. 4.2 copies of the Individual Terms and Conditions of the Loan Agreement on the establishment of a lending limit to bank account, opened within the framework of the agreement on the provision and maintenance of a bank card within the framework of the "Cross Sales" project. 5.2 copies of the Individual terms and conditions of the loan agreement on the establishment of a credit limit for a bank account opened under an agreement on the provision and maintenance of a bank card. cards as part of the UP Sell project. The rest of the package of documents remains unchanged: 1. Specification. 2. Schedule of payments. 3. Form of postal order of a copy of the Insurance Application + 1 copy of the Appendix to the Insurance Application copy of the Insurance Policy for each of the issued Insurance Types of a copy of the Service Agreement, Client Questionnaire, Notification of the conclusion of the Agreement on the provision of the service "Save dear!" a copy of the Application for insurance on the "Cross-selling" card; a copy of the Application for changing data; a copy of the Application for changing the payment date.

Formation of printed forms of documents in the Siebel system (Cash on card) JSC "OTP Bank" 8 AS NOW WHAT'S NEW The rest of the package of documents remains unchanged: 1. 2 copies of the Application for insurance and Appendix to the Application for insurance. 2. Payment schedules. 3. Blank postal order. 4. Application for changing the data of a copy of the Application for insurance on the Cross Selling card of a copy of the Individual terms and conditions of the loan agreement on setting a credit limit for a bank account opened under the agreement on the provision and servicing of the Cross Selling bank card. Cash on card 1. 2 copies of the "Application for granting a loan and opening a bank account" copy of the Application for insurance and Appendix to the Application for insurance. 3. Payment schedules. 4. Blank postal order. 5. Application for changing data (if the Client's data was changed during the application). Cash on card 1.1 copy of the Consent to the processing of personal data. 2.1 copy of the Loan Application. 3.2 copies of the Individual Conditions of the General Purpose Lending Agreement. NEW DOCUMENTS ADDED

Formation of printed forms of documents in the Siebel system (Credit Instant) OTP Bank OJSC 9 AS NOW WHAT'S NEW The rest of the package of documents remains unchanged: 1.1 copy of the Application for changing Credit Instant data 1.2 copies of the Application for obtaining a card. 2.2 copies of the Information about the PSK. 3.1 a copy of the Application for changing data (if the Client's data was changed during the execution of the Application). Credit Instant 1.1 copy of the Consent to the processing of personal data. 2.1 copy of the Application for the provision and maintenance of a bank card. 3.2 copies of the Individual terms and conditions of the loan agreement on the establishment of a credit limit to the bank account. NEW DOCUMENT ADDED

Printed forms of documents JSC "OTP Bank" 10 HOW IT WILL BE NOW 1. POS: 1. Application for a consumer loan. 2. UP Sell: 1. Applications for the conclusion of agreements on the provision and maintenance of a bank card of OTP Bank OJSC. 3. Cash on card: 1. Application - questionnaire. 2. Applications for granting a loan and opening a bank account. 4. Credit Instant: 1. Application - questionnaire. 2. Applications for a card. DOWNLOAD, SAVE AND KNOW 1. POS: Loan Application: Individual conditions: 2. UP Sell: Individual conditions: 3. Cash on card: General purpose loan applications: Individual conditions: 4. Credit Instant: Card issuance and maintenance applications: Individual conditions:

The amount of the penalty for non-fulfillment/improper fulfillment of obligations by borrowers to return (POS, Cash on card) OTP Bank OJSC 11 AS NOW AS IT WILL BE NOW DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE REGION payment of the Monthly payment under the Loan Agreement, a penalty is charged in the amount of 20% per annum of the balance of the principal debt (Credit) under the Loan Agreement for each day of delay until full repayment overdue debt, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the loan agreement. If the overdue debt, which arose as a result of the delay by the Borrower of the Monthly payment for the first time, was repaid by the Borrower within 10 (ten) working days from the date of its occurrence, then the penalty in this case is not charged and charged by the Bank. If the Borrower does not repay the overdue debt within the specified period, the Bank accrues and collects the penalty starting from the date of its occurrence. Tariffs for consumer lending(Sverdlovsk and Vologda Regions) Penalty for violation by the Client of obligations under the loan agreement If the debt that arose as a result of the Customer's delay in the Monthly payment for the first time was repaid by the Customer within 10 (ten) working days from the date of its occurrence, then the penalty in this case is not charged or charged by the Bank. If the Customer does not repay the overdue debt within the specified period, the Bank shall accrue and collect the penalty starting from the date of its occurrence. 2. The penalty is charged on the overdue debt on Monthly payments under the Loan Agreement until the full repayment of the overdue debt, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the loan agreement. Tariffs for consumer lending All regions, except for the Sverdlovsk and Vologda regions. Penalty for violation by the Client of obligations under the Loan Agreement Penalty for late payment of the Monthly payment under the Loan Agreement is charged at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (% per annum) determined on the day of repayment of the overdue debt (its part) 1. If the overdue debt resulting from the delay For the first time by the Client of the Monthly payment, was repaid by the Client within 10 (ten) working days from the date of its occurrence, then the penalty in this case is not charged or charged by the Bank. If the Customer does not repay the overdue debt within the specified period, the Bank shall accrue and collect the penalty starting from the date of its occurrence. 2. The penalty is charged on the overdue debt on Monthly payments under the Loan Agreement until the full repayment of the overdue debt, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the loan agreement. 3. Minimum amount the penalty charged for late payment of Monthly payments from the date of occurrence of the overdue debt to the date of its full repayment (for each such period) is 300 rubles.

OJSC OTP Bank 12 The amount of the penalty for non-fulfillment/improper performance of borrowers' repayment obligations (UP Sell, Credit nstant) OJSC OTP Bank 12 AS NOW AS IT WILL BE NOW DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE REGION Penalty for late payment Minimum payment regardless of the area of ​​loan processing: Tariffs for UP Sell/ Credit Instant card Penalty for missing Minimum payment: 20% per annum for each day of delay. Calculated from the balance of the principal debt (Credit) at the end of the Payment period. The Client is obliged to pay the penalty from the date following the end date of the relevant Payment Period in which the minimum payment was missed. UP Sell Card Tariffs Sverdlovsk and Vologda Regions Penalty for late payment of the Minimum payment is calculated at the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia (% per annum) determined on the date of repayment of the overdue debt (its part) under the Loan and interest for using the Loan. The Client is obliged to pay the penalty from the date following the end date of the relevant Payment Period in which the Minimum Payment was missed. The penalty is calculated from the amount of the overdue debt on the Credit and interest for the use of the Credit until the full repayment of the overdue debt, unless otherwise provided by the Rules. All regions, except for the Sverdlovsk and Vologda regions Penalty for skipping the Minimum payment for the first time - is not charged. Penalty for missing the Minimum payment for the 2nd time in a row - 10% (min. 200, max. 300 rubles). Penalty for missing the Minimum payment for the 3rd time in a row - 10% (min. 700, max. 900 rubles). It is calculated at a time from the amount of overdue debt at the end of the Payment period. The Client is obliged to pay the penalty from the date following the end date of the relevant Payment Period in which the minimum payment was missed. Tariffs for the Credit Instant card Sverdlovsk and Vologda regions Penalty for late payment of the Minimum payment is calculated at the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia (% per annum) determined on the date of repayment of the overdue debt (its part) under the Credit and interest for using the Credit. The Client is obliged to pay the penalty from the date following the end date of the relevant Payment Period in which the Minimum Payment was missed. The penalty is calculated from the amount of the overdue debt on the Credit and interest for the use of the Credit until the full repayment of the overdue debt, unless otherwise provided by the Rules. All regions, except for the Sverdlovsk and Vologda regions Penalty for skipping the Minimum payment for the first time - is not charged. Penalty for missing the Minimum payment for the 2nd time in a row - 10% (min. 1000, max rub.). Penalty for missing the Minimum payment for the 3rd time in a row - 10% (min. 2000, max. RUB). It is calculated at a time from the amount of overdue debt at the end of the Payment period. The Client is obliged to pay the penalty from the date following the end date of the relevant Payment Period in which the minimum payment was missed.

Debt repayment order (POS/Cash on card) JSC OTP Bank 13 HOW THE REPAYMENT ORDER WILL BE CHANGED NOW Monthly payments in chronological order; 2. Secondly - the next Monthly payment; 3. In the third place - the amount of the Loan (part of the Loan) against early repayment in accordance with the written application of the Client 4. In the fourth place - the fees stipulated by the Loan Agreement (if any), except for the fees included in the Monthly payment; 5. In the fifth place - the amount of interest on the overdue debt on the Credit (if any); 6. In the sixth place - the Bank's costs of debt collection (if any); 7. In the seventh place - the amount of the penalty (if any). The Bank repays the Client's debt (including in case of insufficient funds) in the following order: chronological order (in the order in which the delay occurred). If overdue interest for the use of the Credit and the overdue part of the Credit amount occur on the same date, the overdue interest for the use of the Credit is repaid first, and then the overdue part of the Credit amount; 2. Secondly - a penalty (if any); 3. In the third place - interest for the use of the Loan accrued for the current billing period (including interest on overdue debt on the Loan accrued for the current billing period); 4. Fourthly - a part of the Loan amount for the current billing period; 5. In the fifth place - other fees provided for by the Loan Agreement (including overdue fees) (if any); 6. Sixthly - other fees for services in accordance with separate contracts / agreements with the Borrower (if any); 7. In the seventh place - the Bank's costs of debt collection (if any).

Application for early repayment of the loan by OTP Bank OJSC 14 INFORMATION IS ADDED TO THE APPLICATION Information is generated as of the date of formation of the Application for early repayment: I also confirm that I have been provided with information that on "___" __________ 20__ under the Loan Agreement on the principal debt is ________ rubles, the amount of debt on interest is _______ rubles; the balance of funds on the Account is _______ rub.

Early repayment of the OTP Bank POS loan 15 HOW THE CONDITIONS WILL BE CHANGED NOW Full early repayment loan (principal, interest, penalties, commissions, etc.) - by the date of the Monthly payment, the Client must deposit the amount of the full early repayment indicated in his payment schedule to the account. Application for early repayment in this case is not required. Partial early repayment of the loan upon application from the client - The client can apply for early repayment no earlier than 30 calendar days before the desired repayment date. Full early repayment of the loan: 1. The Client, within 30 calendar days from the date of granting the Credit, has the right to make full early repayment of the Credit amount without prior notice to the Bank by submitting a relevant written application and securing the necessary funds on the Account. Early repayment of the loan will take place on the date specified in the Application. 2. After 30 calendar days, by the date of the Monthly payment, the Client deposits into the account the amount of full early repayment specified in his payment schedule. Application for early repayment in this case is not required. Partially early repayment of the loan: funds. Early repayment of the loan will take place on the date specified in the Application. 2. After 30 calendar days from the date of granting the Loan, the Client may apply for early repayment no earlier than 30 calendar days before the desired repayment date.

Early repayment of the loan Cash on card OTP Bank OJSC 16 HOW THE CONDITIONS WILL BE CHANGED NOW specified in his payment schedule. Application for early repayment in this case is not required. Partial early repayment of the loan upon application from the client - The client can apply for early repayment no earlier than 30 calendar days before the desired repayment date. Full early repayment of the loan: 1. The Client, within 14 calendar days from the date of granting the loan, has the right to make full early repayment of the Credit amount without prior notice to the Bank by submitting a relevant written application and securing the necessary funds on the Account. Early repayment of the loan will take place on the date specified in the Application. 2. By the date of the Monthly payment, the Client shall deposit into the account the amount of the full early repayment indicated in his payment schedule. Application for early repayment in this case is not required. Partial early repayment of the loan upon application from the client: 1. The client can apply for early repayment not earlier than 30 calendar days before the desired repayment date.

JSC OTP Bank 18 Changes will come into force from the city. All changes will be valid only for new loan agreements concluded with the city. IMPORTANT!

The top 1 expense for most people is food. Remember how much you spend on buying food per month, I think the amount is not small. But thanks to the Domashnaya credit card from OTP Bank, part of this money can be returned. Let's talk about how to do this today.


Advantages of the "Home" card

The card has a lot of advantages and will serve as an indispensable assistant for those who buy products, that is, for everyone:

  • Cashback when paying for purchases in stores - from 3 percent;
  • The first year of using a credit card is free of charge;
  • Reduced credit rate - from 24.9 percent per annum;
  • The grace period is 0 percent up to 55 days.

Real cashback on food

OTP Bank's "Home" credit card allows you to save 3 percent of the funds you spend when paying for groceries in stores and supermarkets. The credit card refund program works thanks to the "cashback" function connected to it.

Everything is very easy - you pay in stores for purchased purchases with a card, the bank returns 3% of the amount spent to your account. We can say that at the expense of the bank, you have a discount on all products in supermarkets and shops.

In a month, you have the opportunity to receive a cashback amount of about 2000 rubles, in a year the maximum cashback will increase to 5400 rubles.

Under the conditions for this card you can contribute own funds without using credit limit, while cashback will still be credited for purchases.

Grace period

It would seem that buying products with a credit card is unreasonable, but the presence of an interest-free period and cashback make these purchases truly profitable.
The grace period for lending is a month for making pleasant purchases and 25 calendar days for repaying debt without interest.

The duration of the grace period is calculated in calendar days and is 55 calendar days. To use the grace period, you must repay the full amount of the debt, which is indicated in the monthly statement, before the end date of the grace period.

Here you can clearly see how it works Grace period:

Who can apply for a credit card

When applying for a "Home" credit card of OTP Bank, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • At least three months of work experience at the last workplace;
  • Have registration on a permanent basis on the territory of Russia and the actual residence of the subject of the Russian Federation in the region where the credit card was issued;
  • Age must be between 21 and 68 years old.

How to get a home credit card

In order to issue a credit card "Home" of OTP Bank, you only need. Further, the specialist will advise you on all issues of interest and select the conditions that best suit your requirements. He will also provide advice on the package of documents required for issuing a credit card.

How to control expenses and cashback

The tariffs of the "Home" credit card already include the connected free service convenient online service: direkt.otpbank.ru . SMS banking, Internet banking, mobile applications will allow you to be aware of all ongoing credit card transactions, as well as make payments from anywhere in the world.

How and where to pay off debt

There are many ways to pay off credit card debt, like online ways as well as in cash.

Repayment of credit card debt in cash:

  • Repayment of credit card debt through the offices of our partners. Their number is about 40,000 throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Using terminals and ATMs with the function of accepting payments cash OTP Jar;
  • Through the branches and cash desks of OTP and Unistream banks, through the post of the Russian Federation (free of charge);
  • You can repay the loan and replenish the card in the Megafon salon. The commission is 1.5%, but not less than 50 rubles;
  • Credit payment can be made through terminals and large retail chains: MVideo, Eldorado, Domo. The commission is 1%, but not less than 50 rubles;
  • Loan repayment in Svyaznoy. It is possible to pay off credit debt in any branch of Svyaznoy. The commission is 1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 50 rubles. Funds are credited to the account on the next business day after the transfer.
  • Loan repayment through the Rostelecom service and sales center, a commission is charged at a rate of 1%, but not less than 50 rubles;

Loan repayment online

Transfers from a card of any other bank to a credit card: otpbank.ru/p2p. The commission is 2% of the payment amount. Choose convenient way payment is possible in the OTP-credit mobile application or on the OTP Bank website.

  • Loan repayment using the service " gold Crown". Instant payment transfer by account number;
  • Payment can be made in any service "MTS", "Evroset", "Beeline", "Agent.ru", shoe store "Kari", "Know-How". The transfer service charges a commission of 1%, but not less than 50 rubles. In Agent.ru stores - 10 rubles from the transfer, in Kari shoe stores - 30 rubles. In Euroset stores, when transferring from 20 thousand rubles, the fixed amount for the commission is 200 rubles. It is possible to replenish the card account or pay off credit debt;
  • Loan repayment through the terminal and Visa Qiwi Wallet wallet. Instant crediting of funds to the account. Percentage of commission when paying through the VQW site, Qiwi terminals and mobile applications is 1.6 percent, but not less than 100 rubles. When repaying a loan by card number, funds are credited within two business days;
  • Redemption credit debt through the Eleksnet wallet and terminals. When paying through the Eleksnet terminal, the commission is 1.4%, but not less than 50 rubles. When making any transfer through Eleksnet, discounts and gifts are provided;
  • Repayment of a loan using the Internet system. The terms for crediting funds and the commission directly depend on the chosen Internet system;

Debt repayment through bank transfers

  • If you have funds on your current account or debit card of OTP Bank, you can repay the loan via OTPdirect Internet Bank by making a free transfer between accounts;
  • It is possible to repay the debt in any bank of the Russian Federation by sending a payment to the details of the recipient and OTP Bank;
  • You can make the credit transfer process much easier by instructing your company's accounting department to collect from wages monthly payment to repay a loan debt OTP jar;

OTP Bank strongly advises making payments using the services recommended on the OTP Bank website or in other information systems jar. OTP Bank is not responsible for making payments through other channels.

Withdrawing cash from a credit card

If you need to withdraw cash from a credit card, you can do this at an ATM. The amount must not exceed the limits specified in the settlement service tariff. In the tariffs, you will be able to find out the amount of commission charged for cash withdrawals at ATMs, cash disbursement offices of OTP Bank and other banks.

Often the percentage for withdrawing money from ATMs is much higher. The bank advises using a credit card for daily purchases in online stores and shopping centers. If you need to receive a large amount of cash, use cash OTP loans Jar. This is the best option, because you will receive funds as quickly as possible and on favorable terms (for a long period and at a low interest rate).