Calculation of annual interest. How to calculate interest on a deposit Calculate 20 percent per annum

22.06.2017 0

Today, banks offer many services to the population, the most popular of which are lending and deposits. The policy regarding loans and deposits is largely controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as Russian legislative acts. However, banks retain the right to provide loans and place deposits under certain conditions, if this does not contradict the law.
According to statistics, every 10th Russian is a client of one bank or another. This is why the question of how annual interest on a loan or bank deposit is calculated is so important. In most cases, interest refers to the size of the bet. The total amount of the overpayment on the loan, as well as the size of the monthly payment, depends on the rate.

Annual percentage of deposits: calculation using the formula

First of all, let's look at bank deposits. The conditions are specified in the agreement at the time of opening a deposit account. Interest is charged on the deposited amount. This is a monetary reward that the bank pays to the depositor for using his money.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the opportunity for citizens to withdraw their deposit at any time along with accrued interest.

All nuances, conditions and requirements for the deposit are reflected in the agreement between the bank and the depositor. Annual interest is calculated in two ways:

Annual loan interest: calculation using formula

Today, the demand for loans is huge, but the popularity of a particular loan product depends on the annual interest rate. In turn, the amount of the monthly payment depends on the interest rate.

When considering the issue of calculating interest on a loan, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic definitions and features of lending in Russian banking institutions.

The annual interest rate is the amount of money that the borrower agrees to pay at the end of the year. However, interest is usually calculated on a monthly or daily basis in the case of short-term loans.

No matter how attractive the loan interest rate may seem, it is worth understanding that loans are never issued free of charge. It doesn’t matter what type of loan is taken: mortgage, consumer or car loan, the bank will still be paid an amount greater than what was taken. To calculate your monthly payment amount, divide the annual rate by 12. In some cases, the lender sets a daily interest rate.

Example: a loan was taken out at 20% per annum. How much percentage of the loan amount is required to be paid daily? We count: 20% : 365 = 0,054% .

Before signing a loan agreement, it is recommended to carefully analyze your financial situation, as well as make a forecast for the future. Today, the average rate in Russian banks is approximately 14%, so overpayments on the loan and monthly payments can be quite large. If the borrower is unable to repay the debt, this will result in penalties, lawsuits and loss of property.

It's also worth knowing that interest rates may vary depending on your condition.:

  • constant - the rate does not change and is set for the entire loan repayment period;
  • floating depends on many parameters, for example, exchange rates, inflation, refinancing rates, etc.;
  • multi-level - The main criterion for the rate is the amount of remaining debt.

Having familiarized yourself with the basic concepts, you can proceed to calculating the interest rate on the loan. To do this you need:

  1. Find out the balance at the time of settlement and the amount of debt. For example, the balance is 3000 rubles.
  2. Find out the cost of all elements of the loan by taking a statement of the loan account: 30 rubles.
    Using the formula, divide 30 by 3000 to get 0.01.
  3. We multiply the resulting value by 100. The result is a rate that regulates monthly payments: 0.01 x 100 = 1%.

To calculate the annual rate, you need to multiply 1% by 12 months: 1 x 12 = 12% per annum.

Mortgage loans are much more complicated to calculate because... include many variables. For a correct calculation, the loan amount and interest rate will not be enough. It is better to use a calculator that will help you calculate the approximate rate and amount of monthly mortgage payments.

Calculation of annual interest on a loan. Online calculator (balance by month and overpayment amount)

To determine in detail the annual interest on the loan, distribute the balance of the loan by month and year, as well as display information in the form of a graph or table, you can use the online calculator for calculating

The banking system in the modern world is an indispensable element of the economy of any country, while having a significant impact on other areas of society. Credit organizations provide the population with numerous services that are aimed at ensuring the optimal functioning of each individual.

The greatest demand is for loans and deposits. They are regulated both by the bank’s policy and by the laws of the country. Terms of provision depend on many reasons, affecting the demand of each user.

Therefore, sooner or later, a bank client becomes interested in calculating the annual interest on his deposit or loan. The very definition of “interest” depends on the type of agreement with the organization, but the essence is the same - The financial well-being of the user of the bank’s services depends on the size of the bet. For this reason, many are concerned with the question “how to calculate the annual percentage?”

Annual percentage of deposits: calculation

First of all, you should pay attention to the following section of the functions performed by the bank - deposits. The organization accepts from a person a certain amount of money for a specified period or without it at all. At the same time, the Civil Code establishes that if the client requests a refund, the organization is obliged to pay the amount with interest.

It is this condition that encourages people to open deposits. Interest on a deposit is a monetary reward paid by a credit institution for the right to temporarily use client funds.

The size, conditions and requirements for such a process are reflected in the terms of the contract. It is clear that the depositor will choose the institution in which the interest rate on the deposit will be higher. But the bank should not remain in the red.

I.Simple. When using this method, interest is not added to the deposit amount, but is transferred to the client’s account in accordance with the agreement. In this case, remuneration can be accrued every month, quarter, every six months, per year, or only at the end of the deposit term.

The calculation is quite simple and can be done independently. To do this you need to use the following formula:

S = (P x I x t / K) / 100%.

The indicators have the following interpretation:

  • R – the amount of the deposit in monetary units;
  • I
  • t – deposit term;
  • K – the number of whole days in a year.

Example: a client entered into an agreement to open a deposit in the amount of 300 thousand rubles for a period of 12 months with an annual rate of 10%. When the deposit expires, he will receive: 30,000 rubles = (300,000 x 10 x 365/365)/100%

II.Complex or deposit with capitalization. The reward is credited directly to the invested amount once a month or quarter. This helps to increase the deposit amount and, as a result, the interest on it. Thus, the size of the subsequent profit increases and takes on quite significant values.

This method has its own calculation formula, which looks like:

S = (P x I x j / K) / 100.


  • R – initial and subsequent deposit amounts;
  • I – interest rate per year on the deposit;
  • j – capitalization period;
  • K – the number of whole days in a year.

Example: a client entered into an agreement in the amount of 300 thousand rubles for a period of 3 months with an annual rate of 10%.

Income for the first month will be equal to: 2465 rubles = (300,000 x 10 x 30/365)/100.

In the same way, the third month: 2506 rubles = (304951 x 10 x 30/365)/100.

You can see that the profitability is getting higher every month. This pattern is explained by the capitalization of interest.

It turns out that with identical interest rates, the same deposit size and validity period, a deposit with capitalization will bring more profit than with simple interest. This should be taken into account when choosing the most effective option.

Annual loan interest: calculation

Having dealt with deposits, it is worth considering another segment of banking services - lending. This is the main function of such financial institutions. The demand for a product of this kind largely depends on the annual interest rate. It determines the amount of money that the client pays at the specified time to the organization for the right to use borrowed money.

Before answering the question “how to calculate interest per annum?”, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and nuances of lending to financial organizations:

  1. Before taking out a loan, you need to carefully analyze your current and future financial condition, since the average rate in the country's banks is at 14%. Overpayments can amount to quite large amounts, as a result of which a situation may arise where it is impossible to repay the debt, which ultimately can lead to numerous losses.
  1. The credit card came into use among the population of the country quite quickly and easily, as it is very convenient and profitable to use. Its feature is as follows: Interest will not accrue if the amount spent is repaid within the specified period.
  2. Rates may vary depending on their condition. There are three types:
  • constant - t what value remains unchanged for the entire loan repayment period;
  • floating - s depends on many factors, so it can change at least every day;
  • multi-level - the main criterion that determines the rate is the amount of debt.

So, having familiarized yourself with the main nuances of the interest rate in lending, you can proceed directly to its calculation.

Initially, it is worth understanding the annual interest on a credit card. For a complete understanding of the actions taken, the discussion will be carried out in accordance with the example. So, to do this operation, you need to follow the steps:

  1. Check your current balance, as well as the amount of debt. The balance is 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Set the cost of all components of the loan. To do this, you need to refer to the latest bank statement: 30 rubles.
  3. Divide the established amount by the amount of debt: 30/3000=0.01.
  4. The resulting number must be multiplied by 100. The result is an interest rate that regulates monthly payments: 0.01 x 100 = 1%.
  5. To calculate the interest rate for the year, you need to multiply the answer by 12: 1% x 12 = 12%

Calculating interest on a credit card is quite simple and does not require special programs or consultants.

But things are different with mortgages:

  1. Mortgage loans in terms of the calculation structure are quite complex, as they include many variables, therefore You won’t be able to be satisfied with knowing just the loan amount and the interest rate for a year.
  2. Besides, Each bank may use different calculation methods from other organizations. Therefore, on almost every website of a financial institution there is a specialized calculator that allows you to make calculations in accordance with the established conditions of the organization. This function helps you analyze a wide range of banks and choose the best lending option.
  1. It's worth paying special attention to the implicit charges that pop up when calculating your mortgage interest rate. The lender may hide some details of the contract and avoid disclosing them. In this case, it is highly recommended not to enter into any agreements with such banks. In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you need to have all the data on the loan that is available to the borrower.

The annual interest rate and its calculation depend on many factors: starting from the bank’s policies and ending with the state of the economy in the country. It is worth understanding that its size is influenced not only by financial indicators, but also by relations between states. Especially if this concerns deposits and loans that were concluded in foreign currency.

With such parameters, no one can assume an absolutely correct outcome in the effectiveness of one of the options. Such processes will always be accompanied by risk. But to reduce it, it is necessary to analyze the proposals of banks, study their reputation, conditions and requirements.

Shareholders are stupid and arrogant people.
Stupid - because he buys shares.
Insolent - because he still wants to receive dividends.
Karl Furstenberg, German financier

As you know, stock investors have two sources of income. The first is the growth in share price, the second is dividends. The vast majority of investors focus on the first source. Its main disadvantage is that this income is virtual. Your shares may double in price, but this will not affect your wealth in any way until you take a profit by selling your securities.

Dividends are cash flow. This is their main advantage: you receive money while keeping the assets themselves (shares). Unfortunately, the dividend yield of shares even in Russia is low - only a few percent per annum, even lower than the yield on bank deposits. However, there are ways to receive income of tens of percent per annum only through dividends.

Real dividend yield

A dividend is a part of a company’s profit that does not go towards business development, but is distributed among shareholders.

Dividend yield is the dividend amount divided by the share price. Expressed as a percentage.

Dividend is an actual value. The amount of dividends is approved by the meeting of shareholders and does not change after that. But the dividend yield of the same stock, as can easily be seen from the formula, can differ significantly for different investors. The whole point is at what price the share was purchased.

When you look at publicly available dividend yields, you see the “current dividend yield,” which is what an investor would earn if they bought the stock on the closing date. That is, between the purchase of a stock and the receipt of dividends, at most a couple of months pass. It is not surprising that the current dividend yield figures are always low - 1-5%.

The actual dividend yield is almost always much higher. The fact is that the current dividend yield is calculated each time from the new share price, and the quotes of good businesses can grow by tens of percent per year. And it turns out that if a stock costs $10 today and the dividend on it is 50 cents, then the current dividend yield is 5%. But if you bought this share a couple of years ago for $3, then the same 50 cents in dividends gives a yield of 16%.

Let's take Sberbank. Dividends for 2015 amounted to 1.97 rubles per share. With a share price of 133.5 rubles, the current dividend yield was 1.47%. However, if you had invested in Sberbank a year ago, when the share price was 85 rubles, you would have received a dividend yield of 2.3%. Twice as much, but still thin.

Having invested 100,000 rubles in Sberbank shares ten years ago, during this time you would have received 356,405 rubles in dividends. This amounts to a 356% return over 10 years or 18% per annum.

Likewise, Surgutneftegas, a favorite among dividend investors, has produced a dividend yield of 10.3% per annum over 10 years. And the dividend yield of MTS was 9% per annum.

The above examples show that even by simply investing in blue chips for the long term, you can get dividend yields higher than on bank deposits. But to this is also added income from rising quotes.

But if you want to receive a much higher dividend yield - in the amount of 20-50% per annum - you will have to work hard. There are several steps you need to take to find high dividends.

Search for high dividends

There's really no need to chase high dividend numbers. Dividend yield depends on two factors, and it is much easier to monitor the quotes of selected companies in order to buy attractive shares when they fall, thereby sharply increasing the dividend yield.

It should be noted right away that the high dividend strategy is medium-term. Now, in August 2016, is the time to analyze and buy shares for dividends, which you will receive no earlier than the fall of 2017.

Step one. Determine the required dividend yield.

Set a goal for yourself - I want to get a dividend yield of at least XX percent. For example, 20%. Remember that the higher your goal, the more companies you will have to analyze in vain. An analysis of a specific company can easily show that with it you will not achieve the desired level of dividend yield, and all calculations will have to be repeated for another company.

Step two. Choose a company with a consistent dividend.

The key to looking for high dividends is not to chase numbers, but to choose companies that pay dividends year after year. The company should not have missed payments over the past 5-7 years. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the predicted high dividends next year simply will not be paid.

Step three. Analyze the company's dividend policy.

You should be interested in the following figures - the percentage of profit going to dividends, its dynamics over the last 3-5 years and the distribution of dividends among ordinary and preferred shares. The simplest case is if the company has no preferred shares at all, and the percentage of profit for dividends is constant from year to year, for example, 50% of the profit is distributed among shareholders.

In complex cases, with the presence of preferred shares, different formulas for calculating dividends and a sharply changing percentage of profit on dividends (in one year - 50%, in another - 20%, in the third - 70%), there is a high risk of screwing up the forecast. I do not recommend dealing with such companies.

Step four. Identify trends in key company indicators.

You will need to analyze the company's financial statements for at least the last three years. And reporting should be quarterly.

First, you identify year-over-year trends in the company's revenue, profit, and profitability. For example, revenue grows by an average of 7% per year, profit by 9% per year, and business profitability remains almost unchanged. If the indicators are highly volatile (+20% one year, minus 10% the next), then the average values ​​cannot be used, and it is worth paying attention to other stocks. Trends should be more or less constant.

We then identify intra-annual trends and seasonality for the same indicators. Simply calculate the average contribution of each quarter to annual revenue and profit. For example, a company may be running very smoothly, with each quarter generating 25% of annual revenue and 25% of annual profit. And another company has a pronounced seasonality - the third quarter gives 50% of annual revenue and 35% of annual profit, and the results of the first quarter - 10% of revenue and 0% of profit. Analyze the past 3 years in this way. As with annual trends, quarterly averages can only be taken into account if they do not change much from year to year.

Step five. Forecast dividends.

Take the current year's quarterly reports. In general, it is better to start such an analysis after the first quarter, somewhere in April-May. Based on the results of the first quarter, based on the identified trends, calculate the forecast for the year in terms of revenue and profit. You can then use the dividend policy numbers to determine the dividend per share.

After the second quarter, just at the end of summer, you can check the accuracy of your forecast, looking at the company's reporting for the second quarter, and, if necessary, adjust your forecast.

Step six. Determine the maximum price of the stock.

Knowing the approximate size of the dividend per share next year and your target dividend yield, you can easily calculate at what price you need to buy to get the desired result. After this, you calmly wait for a situation when market quotes are lower than your maximum price. At this moment you make a purchase.

Be sure to compare your maximum price to current market quotes. They shouldn't be significantly different. If your maximum price is 75 rubles, and the share is traded on the market for 200 rubles, then you will not get the required dividend yield with this company. Analyze the other one.

Example with numbers:

Target dividend yield 25%.

The number of ordinary shares is 1 million. The company, on average, pays out 40% of annual profit in the form of dividends. Average annual profit growth of 7%. Quarterly distribution of annual profit: 10%, 20%, 50%, 30%.

In April, after the release of quarterly reports, we compare the profit of the first quarter with the profit of the first quarter, but last year. You need to check the annual trend. It shouldn't be too different from the average. For example, quarterly profit grew by 5%. Less than the average increase (7%), but tolerable.

The profit of the first quarter amounted to 1 million rubles. Based on the quarterly distribution, we predict the annual profit: 1 million / 10% = 10 million. 4 million out of 10 million will go to dividends. This means that for each share there will be 4 rubles in dividends. In order to obtain the required dividend yield (20%), we must buy shares of this company at a price below 20 rubles per share. If current market quotes do not exceed 25-27 rubles, it makes sense to follow this company.

Second quarter reporting allows you to refine your forecast. According to our data, the forecast profit for the second quarter should be 2 million rubles. How much was it really? If the discrepancies are insignificant, then we continue to wait for a price of 20 rubles per share. If profit has sharply increased or decreased, then we analyze the reasons for this phenomenon and, if necessary, adjust the forecasts.

Risks of the dividend strategy

With blue chips, this approach, if it works, brings in around 15%. The same result can be achieved with regular long-term investments. The maximum dividend result can be obtained mainly among second-tier shares. And 20% per annum there is far from the limit. My partners who trade using similar strategies manage to receive both 30% and 50% per year only through dividends.

In the second echelon, there is a higher volatility of quotes, which means the percentage of uncertainty increases. Fluctuations of 10-20% are not uncommon; this is what makes it possible to buy shares at a price below the required price and receive additional dividend yield.

The main risk of a dividend strategy is non-payment of dividends. You should now buy shares with the expectation of dividends for the full year. If next summer a decision is suddenly made not to pay dividends, you will be left with nothing. That is why, with special care, you need to follow steps 2-4, and in case of the slightest doubt, do not complete the analysis, but look for another company.

Now is a very good time to catch good dividends for next summer.

Big dividends to you!

Using a percentage calculator you can make all kinds of calculations using percentages. Rounds results to the required number of decimal places.

What percentage is number X of number Y. What number is X percent of number Y. Adding or subtracting percentages from a number.

Interest calculator

clear form

How much is % of number


0% of number 0 = 0

Interest calculator

clear form

What % is the number from the number


Number 15 from number 3000 = 0.5%

Interest calculator

clear form

Add % to number


Add 0% to the number 0 = 0

Interest calculator

clear form

Subtract % from the number

Calculation to clear everything

The calculator is designed specifically for calculating interest. Allows you to perform a variety of calculations when working with percentages. Functionally it consists of 4 different calculators. See examples of calculations on the interest calculator below.

In mathematics, a percentage is one hundredth of a number. For example, 5% of 100 is 5.
This calculator will allow you to accurately calculate the percentage of a given number. There are various calculation modes available. You will be able to make various calculations using percentages.

  • The first calculator is needed when you want to calculate the percentage of the amount. Those. Do you know the meaning of percentage and amount?
  • The second one is if you need to calculate what percentage X is of Y. X and Y are numbers, and you are looking for the percentage of the first in the second
  • The third mode is adding a percentage of the specified number to the given number. For example, Vasya has 50 apples. Misha brought Vasya another 20% of the apples. How many apples does Vasya have?
  • The fourth calculator is the opposite of the third. Vasya has 50 apples, and Misha took 30% of the apples. How many apples does Vasya have left?

Frequent tasks

Task 1. An individual entrepreneur receives 100 thousand rubles every month. He works in a simplified manner and pays taxes of 6% per month. How much taxes does an individual entrepreneur have to pay per month?

Solution: We use the first calculator. Enter the bet 6 in the first field, 100000 in the second
We receive 6,000 rubles. - tax amount.

Problem 2. Misha has 30 apples. He gave 6 to Katya. What percentage of the total number of apples did Misha give to Katya?

Solution: We use the second calculator - enter 6 in the first field, 30 in the second. We get 20%.

Task 3. At Tinkoff Bank, for replenishing a deposit from another bank, the depositor receives 1% on top of the replenishment amount. Kolya replenished the deposit with a transfer from another bank in the amount of 30,000. What is the total amount for which Kolya’s deposit will be replenished?

Solution: We use the 3rd calculator. Enter 1 in the first field, 10000 in the second. Click on the calculation and we get the amount of 10,100 rubles.

Greetings! I am sure that I do not have to know and be able to do everything in the world. Yes, this is impossible in principle. But in the most important areas for a person it is worth navigating at least at the “teapot” level.

I consider work, business, family, health and, of course, money to be vital areas. What am I getting at? Moreover, any investment requires. Even if it’s a banal bank deposit or a loan for business development.

To be honest, I haven’t done such calculations manually for a very long time. For what? After all, there are a lot of convenient applications and online calculators. As a last resort, a “fail-safe” Excel table will help out.

But it doesn’t hurt to know the elementary formulas for basic calculations! Agree, interest on deposits or loans can definitely be classified as “basic”.

Below we will recall school algebra. It must be useful at least somewhere in life.

We calculate the percentage of the deposit amount

Let me remind you that interest on a bank deposit can be simple or complex.

In the first case, the bank accrues income on the initial deposit amount. That is, every month/quarter/year the depositor receives the same “bonus” from the bank.

Of course, the calculation formulas for simple and compound interest differ from each other.

Let's look at them using a specific example.

Return on deposit with simple interest

  • Amount % = (deposit*rate*days in the billing period)/(days in the year*100)

Example. Valera opened a deposit in the amount of 20,000 rubles at 9% per annum for one year.

We will calculate the profitability of the deposit for a year, month, week and one day.

Interest amount for the year = (20,000*9*365)/(365*100) = 1800 rubles

It is clear that in our example, the annual profitability could be calculated much more simply: 20,000 * 0.09. And as a result, you get the same 1800 rubles. But since we decided to count according to the formula, then we will count according to it. The main thing is to understand the logic.

Interest amount for the month (June) = (20,000*9*30)/(365*100) = 148 rubles

Amount of interest for the week = (20,000*9*7)/(365*100) = 34.5 rubles

Amount of interest per day = (20,000*9*1)/(365*100) = 5 rubles

Agree, the simple interest formula is elementary. It allows you to calculate the return on a deposit for any number of days.

Return on deposit with compound interest

Let's complicate the example. The formula for calculating compound interest is a little more sophisticated than in the previous version. The calculator must have a power function. Alternatively, you can use the degree option in the Excel table.

  • Amount % = contribution * (1+ rate for the capitalization period) number of capitalizations - contribution
  • Rate for the capitalization period = (annual rate*days in the capitalization period)/(number of days in a year*100)

Let's return to our example. Valera placed the same 20,000 rubles on a bank deposit at 9% per annum. But this time - .

First, let's calculate the rate for the capitalization period. According to the terms of the deposit, interest is accrued and “added” to the deposit once a month. This means that we have 30 days in the capitalization period.

Thus, the rate for the capitalization period = (9*30)/(365*100) = 0.0074%

Now we calculate how much our contribution will bring in the form of interest for different periods.

Interest amount for the year = 20,000*(1+0.0074) 12 – 20,000 = 1,850 rubles

We raise it to the power of “12” because the year includes twelve periods of capitalization.

As you can see, even with such a symbolic amount and a short period of time, the difference in the profitability of a deposit with simple and compound interest is 50 rubles.

Interest amount for six months = 20,000*(1+0.0074) 6 – 20,000 = 905 rubles

Interest amount for the quarter = 20,000*(1+0.0074) 3 – 20,000 = 447 rubles

Monthly interest amount = 20,000*(1+0.0074) 1 – 20,000 = 148 rubles

Note! Capitalization of interest does not in any way affect the profitability of the deposit for the first month.

The investor will receive the same 148 rubles with both simple and compound interest. Differences in profitability will begin from the second month. And the longer the deposit term, the more significant the difference will be.

Before we stray too far from the topic of compound interest, let's check how fair one of the recommendations of financial advisors is. I mean the advice to choose not once every six months or quarter, but once a month.

Suppose our conditional Valera placed a deposit for the same amount, term and at the same rate, but with interest capitalized every six months.

Rate = (9*182)/(365*100) = 0.0449%

Now we calculate the return on the deposit for the year.

Interest amount for the year = 20,000*(1+0.0449) 2 – 20,000 = 1,836 rubles

Conclusion: all other things being equal, semi-annual capitalization will bring Valera 14 rubles less than monthly capitalization (1850 - 1836).

I understand that the difference is very small. But our other initial data is symbolic. For large amounts and long periods, 14 rubles will turn into thousands and millions.

We calculate the percentage of the loan

We move from deposits to loans. In fact, the loan calculation formula is no different from the basic one.

Example. Yuri took out a consumer loan from Sberbank in the amount of 100,000 rubles for 2 years at 20% per annum.

  • Amount % = (debt balance*annual rate*days in the billing period)/(number of days in a year*100)

Interest amount for the first month = (100000*20*30)/(365*100) = 1644 rubles

Amount of interest for one day = (100000*20*1)/(365*100) = 55 rubles

Note! Along with the balance of debt, the amount of interest on the loan decreases. In this regard, the differentiated scheme is much “fair” than the annuity scheme.

Now suppose our Yuri has repaid half of his loan. And now the balance of his debt to the bank is not 100,000, but 50,000 rubles.

How much will his interest burden decrease?

Monthly interest amount = (50,000*20*30)/(365*100) = 822 rubles (instead of 1644)

Amount of interest for one day = (50,000*20*1)/(365*100) = 27 rubles (instead of 55)

Everything is fair: the debt to the bank has decreased by half - the “interest” burden on the borrower has decreased by half.

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