Mortgages on preferential terms for low-income families. Mortgages for low-income families in Sberbank

Many families who decide to take out a mortgage should carefully study all the available offers of large banks. It is important to find out at what percentage they give a mortgage in order to choose the most profitable program. Some categories of borrowers can take advantage of state assistance in repaying a mortgage, thanks to which they will be able to significantly reduce the cost of servicing a loan.

How is the mortgage repaid at the expense of the state

Anyone can experience unexpected situations. Often they are associated with a decrease in income, which affects many areas of a person's life. If there are credit obligations, for example, a mortgage, then you have to save a lot. You also need to look for ways to repay the loan. Now it is possible to repay the mortgage at the expense of the state, if the decrease in income is due to objective reasons. This allows you to save housing purchased on credit. The rules of the program will be discussed in the article.

Social mortgage for low-income families in 2020

  • repayment of part of the interest rate from budgetary funds;
  • the allocation of a subsidy that is used by a citizen only to pay off a loan;
  • providing a soft loan for the purchase of social housing.

The regions have been granted the right to independently regulate some of the measures to support citizens. For example, municipalities allocate apartments owned by them for sale to low-income families.

Subsidies to low-income families in 2020: on the payment of social benefits

Funding for subsidies to low-income families in 2020 is provided from the federal treasury. Additionally on regional level authorities decide on the allocation of funds from local budget. The Government of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities provide material support to the needy by providing:

    • sell an apartment;
    • donate it;

State program of assistance to mortgage holders - conditions and procedure for obtaining a subsidy

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • full loan agreement for an apartment or house;
  • a certificate from the bank on the maturity of the mortgage and the remaining amount of the debt;
  • income statement from work;
  • an extract from the USRR confirming the right to ownership of mortgaged housing;
  • an extract from the USRR on the absence of other housing;
  • if there is a co-borrower, his certificate of income;
  • certificate from pension fund about the lack of income of dependent persons;
  • certificate from the pension fund on the amount of the pension;
  • equity participation agreement (for new buildings);
  • appraisal of the value of collateral;
  • certificate from the bank about the payment schedule;

Payments, benefits and allowances for low-income families

Students from low-income families are provided with a social stipend in the amount of 2010 rubles for universities and 730 - for secondary schools. Starting this year, only recipients of state social assistance can apply for a scholarship. It is necessary to apply for a scholarship annually so that it is accrued every month.

Young families are compensated up to 40% of the cost of housing. These funds can be used both for the direct repayment of the mortgage (payment of the existing loan), and for making a down payment (registration of a new loan). The rest can be paid in different ways:

Conditions for obtaining a subsidy for the repayment of a mortgage loan

  1. Select object real estate. It can be an apartment in an apartment building; part of a residential building for one family with access to the common area (the house must stand on its own land plot and have no more than 3 floors); residential building up to 3 floors.
  2. Sign a contract of sale or equity participation (DDU) or arrange a mortgage.

How to reduce mortgage debt by 600 thousand rubles: assistance to borrowers from the state

An important point is that if there are three or more minor children in the family, the requirements regarding the price and area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing are not relevant. However, according to innovations since 2020, in order to receive 600 thousand to pay off a mortgage from the state, a family cannot additionally own any other property, including more than half of the shares.

How is the restructuring of the mortgage with the help of the state in 2020

Since the restructuring process is carried out only by banks, and the participation of the state lies in the fact that its executive body owns AHML shares, the procedure for obtaining this opportunity will be determined by credit organizations, but with a focus on the instructions of the agency. To apply for restructuring, the borrower only needs to go through three steps.

Low-income families: a list of all benefits and benefits

Often, regional authorities provide low-income families and their individual members with benefits to pay for transport. For example, in Novosibirsk schoolchildren and students have the right to use them. And in educational institutions the latter receive a special social stipend.

Preferential mortgage from January 1, 2020

The Baranovs are expecting their second child in May 2020. The family pays off a mortgage taken from one of the Russian banks, at 13.5% per annum. Monthly payment is 23 500 thousand rubles, which is quite difficult for a family with a two-year-old child, since the mother does not work and does not receive benefits.

State assistance to a poor family

State assistance to low-income families in Russia is provided in accordance with a whole list of regulations and legislative acts. First of all, needy citizens need to pay attention to the federal law, which establishes which family is considered poor.

Social mortgage for low-income families in 2020-2020: how to apply and get, conditions, laws, news

  • people buy real estate with borrowed funds;
  • money is not handed over to them. They go directly to the seller;
  • the right of ownership is acquired by a citizen from the date of signing the contract of sale, the owner uses the property at his own discretion;
  • the apartment acts as collateral for the loan;
  • the citizen is relieved of the encumbrance after full repayment debt, before that he has no right:
    • sell an apartment;
    • donate it;
    • use as collateral;
  • in case of regular non-payment, the bank has the right to return the money by selling the collateral property.

is a state program aimed at helping some categories of citizens to get their own housing. The conditions for granting assistance vary by region. We will talk about social mortgage in Moscow and the Moscow region.

social mortgage in Moscow banks

Social mortgage program in Moscow and the Moscow region, who can participate in it

State assistance under the social mortgage is provided in three areas:

  • a mortgage loan with a reduced rate (you can choose an apartment in any area);
  • allocation of subsidies for the payment of part of the housing;
  • sale of ready-made apartments from the social housing fund at a low price (the choice of real estate is limited).

The loan term is up to 30 years. Interest rates start at 10 percent.

Those who are officially recognized as in need of improved housing conditions can receive a social mortgage. What does this mean legally (the presence of at least one item):

  • accommodation in a hostel;
  • the apartment or house is in disrepair;
  • none of the family members own real estate;
  • each family member has less than 10 square meters of living space;
  • living in the apartment of a relative with a serious illness.

The more a citizen is in the queue, the greater the subsidy will be provided by the state. Subsidies and concessional lending are issued only for normalized footage. The norm is 18 square meters per person. If you want to buy an apartment more, you will have to pay extra own funds or take additional credit on general terms.

In Moscow and the Moscow Region, four categories are also eligible to apply for a social mortgage:

  • military;
  • employees of budgetary organizations;
  • families with the official status of "poor";
  • young families and large families.

The status of a young family is assigned if one of the spouses is less than 35 years old. Large families include families with three or more children. There is also a definition for the poor category: the income per family member is less than the established subsistence level.

The main bank that issues social mortgages is.

Features of obtaining a social mortgage in Moscow and the Moscow region

In addition to these programs, an additional one has been developed. The Government of the Moscow Region, together with AHML (Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending), created a program in 2016 to support young professionals (for state employees). The local authorities issue certificates for preferential housing to those who:

  • does not have his own housing in the Moscow region;
  • agrees to work in the suburbs in the specialty for ten years;
  • has professional achievements in his field of activity (mainly science, medicine and education).

The state pays an initial fee banks and the principal amount of the debt, the holders of the certificate can only pay the interest. This is an alternative free issuance service housing, which operated in the USSR.

The program has been running for three years, so in 2020 you can apply for participation.

Don't forget to take advantage of other perks. For example, make a down payment for a mortgage with funds. Or take out insurance.

The general rule for all residents of Russia: to obtain a social mortgage, contact the local authorities.

Muscovites can apply to the City Property Department. They will answer questions about whether you can count on a social mortgage and what documents will be needed. There you can also be on the waiting list for those in need of better living conditions.

Along with the application to the local authorities, you must bring:

  • applicant's passport.
  • income statements.
  • for family people - a marriage certificate and a copy of this document. If the applicant is divorced, a certificate of divorce. Additionally, information about the composition of the family.
  • those who have children must provide birth certificates.
  • documents from the registration chamber.
  • documents confirming being in the category of beneficiaries.

Another way to get a social mortgage for residents of the capital and the Moscow region is to apply to AHML. This is a government agency created to improve the mortgage program. The Agency promotes the development of housing loans in Russia.

AHML develops programs mortgage lending on favorable terms. Partner banks accept the agency's rules - lower interest rates and a loan term longer than a bank one.

Algorithm of actions for cooperation with AHML:

  1. Submit an application to AHML, wait for approval.
  2. Choose a bank with which AHML cooperates (see the list on the agency's website).
  3. Together with an agency employee, prepare documents for the bank.
  4. After approval of the application at the bank, look for housing.
  5. Now prepare the documents for real estate. For advice, you can contact the agents of AHML.
  6. Sign a sales and purchase agreement and a loan agreement.
  7. Register the right of ownership and insure the property.

State support in the form of a social mortgage for state employees allows you to improve living conditions with minimal expenses. This measure is intended for:

  • low-income and large families;
  • public sector specialists;
  • military personnel and other categories.

Under the social mortgage for state employees understand such state support measures as a subsidy issued for the first installment on a loan, lower interest rates and gentle loan repayment conditions. There are also other ways to support young families and other privileged categories of citizens.

You should start with concessional loans. Families in need of such a measure are provided with the opportunity to purchase real estate in the following forms:

  1. Payment of the incomplete cost of an apartment issued in a mortgage;
  2. Acquisition of real estate from the state with low interest rates;
  3. Compensation for part of the paid loan agreement percent.

In addition to preferential mortgages for state employees, a payment is provided for young spouses, given in accordance with the rules of the state program) to provide affordable housing. Married couples with or without children, whose social status meets certain conditions, are eligible to participate:

  • spouses, at the time of granting the family the status of applicants for the issuance of funds, did not step over the age mark of 35 years;
  • it is necessary to confirm the status of citizens who do not have their own residential property, a social contract has been concluded. recruitment, etc.;
  • availability of income sufficient to issue a loan, or other funds that are enough to pay the amount not covered by the social payment.

The last paragraph states that if a mortgage subsidy is issued to state employees, but its size is not enough to pay the full price of real estate, the future owners must pay the rest on their own.

In the current year minimum size subsidies equal to 30% of the total cost of housing. If there is a child or children, the minimum rises to 35%. It is up to the local authorities to set the final amount. What mortgage benefits state employees will receive depends on the region, prices per 1 sq. m. m. and the number of minor children living with their parents.

There is also a minimum interest rate on the loan. Special lending conditions can be used by state employees who are supported by the state, citizens from the poor category and families, which were mentioned above. Benefits for state employees when buying a home on a mortgage are provided if:

  • they have been in office for more than three years;
  • there is no own housing;
  • or the property does not meet sanitary and other standards;
  • the age of one of the spouses is less than 35 years.

Keep in mind the minimum living space allowed. His state is obliged to allocate residents in the process of distributing the housing stock. This is another support measure and it depends on the type and characteristics of the premises, as well as the condition of the applicant family.

The grounds for recognizing a family in need of improved housing conditions are spelled out in.

But it is important to know not only the terms of a mortgage for state employees or other support measures, but also the procedure for obtaining them. Most of the difficulties arise in initial stage when to complete and apply for benefits.

Where to apply for the provision of state. help

To issue funds on favorable terms, you should send a request to your immediate supervisor. It could be the director educational institution, the leadership of the military unit or the head physician of the clinic. You can find out about mortgage programs for state employees in your local municipality. Or the application is submitted directly to the bank if the financial institution has its own preferential products.

You can also apply to the local administration. Here it will be considered by putting the applicant in line. When the time comes, the citizen receives a subsidy or other support. To understand where to apply for a social mortgage, you need to decide which category of beneficiaries you belong to. If we are talking about military personnel, then the application is submitted to the commander of the military unit. If young spouses are counting on help, you need to send an application to the administration.

What is the interest rate provided for social mortgage for state employees

Much in this case depends on the region where the loan is received, the composition and position of the family (the presence of children, age, position, salary, etc.), as well as the price per square meter and other rules. If a mortgage is issued for state employees in banks, then the minimum interest rate is 7.6% and 5.5% - with state support for families with children.

Some financial institutions offer higher rates. So at Otkritie Bank, it does not fall below 9.3%. Here, the program developed by the bank itself influences the interest rate. Although the benefit may not consist in the rate, but in a longer loan period. Therefore, the exact percentage of mortgages for state employees can be found out only in the process of filing an application.

Is an initial deposit required?

Given that the loan is issued in a bank, the down payment is one of the key conditions for its provision. But the advantage of state support programs is that you don’t have to pay this amount at your own expense. If we are talking about issuing subsidies or lending to young families, then the funds allocated from the budget of the country or region cover the down payment.

When compensating for a mortgage to state employees (military personnel), money is taken from a special savings account, where the state lists indexed amounts. The amount of the first installment in the bank depends on the financial institution. Usually take at least 20% of the total cost of the apartment. But some organizations (for example, Rosselkhozbank) provide loans without a down payment.

How to get in line

The procedure will vary depending on the social group to which you have been assigned. But the standard scheme is as follows:

  1. First you need to make sure that you belong to a specific category of beneficiaries.
  2. Then a package of papers is formed, an appeal is submitted to the authorities or to the bank.
  3. After the formation of lists for receiving social mortgages for state employees, apply for a loan.
  4. Before receiving money from the state, you must submit a loan agreement to the municipality.

Military personnel will be able to take out a public sector mortgage after joining the NIS (Savings System) program. From it, the funds are transferred to the bank.

Successfully passing the initial check means getting into the queue. But it can take several years. Based on the results, you will receive a certificate of participation in the program. You need to come with it to AHML, where they will provide a list of financial institutions working under the social mortgage program. The decision on inclusion in the lists is made on the basis of the papers provided by the applicant.

What documents are needed to apply for a soft loan

Exists basic list documentation required in any situation and for all categories of citizens. It includes:

  • and copies of identification documents;
  • an extract indicating the composition of the family, certificates for children;
  • confirmation of registration with the tax authorities;
  • a copy of the labor certificate certified by a notary;
  • information from the house book and account data;
  • information from the register of real estate rights;
  • certificate from the place of work, which indicates the amount of salary and length of service;
  • documents for an apartment and confirmation of the need for new housing ().

If you are already in the queue for mortgage compensation to state employees and civil servants, you will have to provide evidence of being on the lists. A marriage certificate may be required.

Depending on the category of beneficiaries, the authorities or the bank may require additional paperwork. Mortgage assistance to state employees is provided only after checking all the documentation. The list may change at different levels. For example, after your turn has come, you need to obtain a special certificate confirming the right to repay part of the loan. And before submitting papers to the authorities (if spouses under 35 apply), you need to get evidence that an improvement in the quality of living conditions is required.

How to check your turn

In order not to miss your turn for an apartment on a social mortgage, you need to check the lists regularly. There are two ways to find out your position in the queue.

  1. A written request is sent to the housing department of the local administration in two copies. In it you need to ask for the current queue number.
  2. Applications can be made through the portal. public services. The process indicates the appropriate response method and a request for a queue number.

Social mortgages are issued to those on the waiting list after certain deadlines. But they may change due to changes in the position of the applicant in the list. The queue can move both down and move back.

The application to the authorities is submitted in person or by mail. In the second case, you will have to attach documents evidencing the existence of rights to receive such information (certified copies). The answer is given within a month. In the case of social housing mortgages, there are no restrictions on the frequency of requests. However, it is most convenient to find out the queue number via the Internet. In this case, you do not have to wait a long time for a response, and it will take less time to file an appeal.

What happens when it's your turn

Clearly established order there is no list promotion. But certain categories of citizens (orphans, residents of emergency houses, etc.) have an advantage in obtaining housing. When it's your turn, you need to:

  • conclude a social mortgage agreement with a financial institution;
  • obtain a document confirming the right to a benefit (certificate);
  • provide an agreement with the bank and account details to the authorities;
  • wait for transfer Money(an initial fee);
  • register the property and make the remaining amount, or the first payment.

Although the algorithm of actions for subsidizing mortgages to state employees may differ depending on the chosen program or category of beneficiaries. If we are talking about the social products of the banks themselves, then the conditions for providing assistance should be clarified with them.

What kind of housing is eligible for concessional loans

It is important to take into account the norm determined for each family member. Eighteen square meters are provided per person. Together you will get 42 squares. If you buy a property of a larger area, the extra meters will be paid out of your own pocket.

Before you take a social mortgage, you need to decide what construction projects are available under this program. These include:

  1. Residential apartments and private houses, where you can move in immediately after completing the necessary documents;
  2. Land where unfinished real estate is located, or on which an object will be built in the near future;
  3. Apartments in new buildings, where the applicant will be able to move in after the property is put into operation.

With regard to housing in new buildings, there is one requirement. Social mortgage banks will approve the application if the property is 80% complete.

How is the transaction and settlements with the seller

The family fits the criteria for a preferential category of citizens - you need to find real estate that meets the requirements of the law. Then begins a lengthy procedure for collecting documents and obtaining consent to register an apartment or house as a property. Further, it all depends on the type of state support and the category of the applicant.

  1. If mortgage rates for state employees are reduced, then an agreement is drawn up with the bank on favorable terms, and the funds are transferred to the owner of the property.
  2. When it comes to military personnel, after obtaining permission to use the funds, the money is sent to a bank account to repay a loan or as a down payment.
  3. A young family (spouses under 35) receive funds from the state free of charge. But they can pay only 30-40% of the cost of housing. The rest is purchased at your own expense.

The collected documents for a social mortgage must be sent to a financial institution that has preferential loan programs. Among the papers there should be a certificate of allocation of funds or other confirmation of the need for sparing conditions. After obtaining consent from the bank, it remains to take the details for transferring budget money, transferring them to an official. After paying the first installment, the property is registered for the buyer.

It is important to know:

How to pay social mortgage

Having received a mortgage and social payments, you still need to properly dispose of them. There is a loan payment algorithm. After the applicant has applied to the authorized bodies, received a number in the queue for subsidies and concluded an agreement with the bank, you need to wait for the approval of state support and conclude an agreement on the purchase of housing. Next comes the application of state benefits.

If a mortgage is taken at 1 percent for state employees, you simply make regular payments from your own pocket. Everything is standard here, unlike subsidies or programs designed for young families. When the state allocates a certain amount to pay for housing, you need to obtain the appropriate certificate by contacting him for a loan agreement. Then the funds from the budget are transferred to a bank account, the borrower is given a payment schedule, and after that the payment of the housing social mortgage begins.

Getting state support for state employees

Such a measure of assistance in lending allows you to share the financial burden between the state and a representative of a privileged category of citizens. However, state employees have their own requirements for receiving such assistance:

  • living in a room less than 18 sq. m per person;
  • owners of apartments in houses recognized as emergency;
  • being in the queue for real estate;
  • living in the same house with seriously ill people.

In the latter case, we are talking about diseases such as tuberculosis, epilepsy and others.

Banks have their own requirements for borrowers who expect to reduce interest on social mortgages or for other benefits:

  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • official employment;
  • confirmation of income;
  • availability of funds for the first installment;
  • age limit;
  • status in need of improved housing conditions;
  • six months of work experience.

If a representative of the public sector meets the listed requirements, he has the right to count on:

  1. Receiving a cash subsidy (it is paid on account of the first payment).
  2. Acquisition of real estate at a reduced cost.
  3. Issuance of a loan on preferential terms (part of the interest is reimbursed by the state).

How to get a social mortgage in this case has already been discussed above. The procedure is standard: contacting the employer or the administration, obtaining benefits, obtaining a loan.

State support for young professionals

Young professionals are also entitled to preferential credit terms. However, they must have worked for the company for some time, need housing and have the appropriate status. In addition to the reduced rate, the state social mortgage is issued with a reduced down payment. It is issued in partner banks of the employer.

In the process, you need to find a suitable property, conclude a loan and sale agreement, contact the company management with it. Managers either issue a subsidy to repay part of the debt, or preferential conditions are provided at the stage of drawing up a loan agreement.

Providing state support to doctors and teachers

The issuance of a social mortgage to a doctor is carried out on benign conditions. It is usually provided when moving to countryside. Subsidies are given:

  • in-demand specialists under 35;
  • employed and living in the village;
  • signed a contract for at least 5 years.

The same category of beneficiaries also includes teachers who have just begun to fulfill their duties. They are supported by the state program dwelling, under one of the regional programs, or under corporate lending conditions.

Social mortgage for teachers involves a reduced loan rate, or reimbursement of up to 40% of the value of real estate. Also, funds are allocated from the budget for the first payment (10-15%). It is possible to issue both secondary housing and an object under construction. An apartment or a house can be provided from a special fund of affordable real estate. Allocate land for the construction of houses.

Additional requirements are imposed on teachers: the minimum work experience is a year, and the position is in a general education institution. The terms of the social mortgage for doctors are standard, although the place of work must be specialized, as is the case with teachers. If we are talking about researchers employed in this field, you will have to additionally confirm the presence of a scientific degree.

Other persons eligible for concessional loans

The state social mortgage program is designed not only for teachers, doctors, the military and families with three or more children. The category of people eligible to participate in state programs includes:

  • the poor and orphans;
  • spouses under 35 years of age;
  • veterans of military operations and the Great Patriotic War;
  • people with disabilities and participants in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • residents of houses recognized as emergency;
  • forced migrants;
  • inhabitants of the Far North.

A social mortgage is also provided to educators and other representatives of the pedagogical sphere. The main condition for obtaining benefits is the availability of confirmation of one's own social status.

Depending on the category to which the applicant belongs, the appropriate state support program will be applied. Social mortgage for a young family is provided in accordance with Government Decree No. 889, which states that one of the main goals of the program is formation of an affordable housing economy class market.But along with the application you will have to:

  • confirm that the family does not have their own residential property;
  • provide information on income (at least 21,621 rubles for two);
  • the occupied living space is less than the established norm in the law.

Separate requirements apply to the age and presence of children. Veterans of hostilities and participants in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant must confirm their official status. According to the same rules, social mortgages are provided to large families. Without the appropriate certificate, you will not have to count on the benefit.

In the case of emergency housing, you need a resolution recognizing the house as such. The advantage will be being in the queue, as a result of which living conditions will be improved. The list of documents is also compiled on an individual basis. It may include information about wages, extracts from the register of rights or the house book, indicating that the applicant does not have his own housing.

The provision of social mortgages to low-income families is made after receiving information about wages, documents confirming the status and other similar papers. If the registration takes place through a bank, additional information may be required. Financial institutions have their own programs aimed at helping beneficiaries.

What feedback do the participants of the social mortgage leave?

Most of the reviews about social mortgages are positive. Citizens praise the easier loan repayment terms, the convenience of applying for some programs (in particular, helping a young family) and the transparency of the situation. If there is a subsidy for the down payment, you can choose either smaller size payment, or a reduced credit period. But there are also disadvantages. Most complainants complain about:

  • for a long queue for a social mortgage;
  • the need for annual insurance (not everywhere);
  • frequent denials of benefits.

The last point is related to the absence necessary documents, beneficiary status or non-compliance with other conditions. The need for insurance depends on the particular bank.

The positives include:

  • the ability to repay the debt ahead of schedule without penalties;
  • low down payment percentage and reduced rate;
  • obtaining an apartment in the property after a loan;
  • security (the bank carefully checks the solvency of the client);
  • suitable even for people with modest incomes;
  • high subsidies and automatic recalculation when making large amounts.

Among the advantages is also the opportunity to issue a social mortgage on a house under construction. With a low cost of housing, the loan can be closed in 4-5 years.

Many applicants are worried about the amount of funds issued by the bank. But with detailed calculations, it turns out that the maximum borrower pays 25% of total income families. Separately, it is worth noting the package of papers required to receive benefits. You can find out what documents are needed for a social mortgage in three places:

  1. The municipality of the city or town where the application is being made.
  2. The head of the organization where the applicant works.
  3. Bank, if we are talking about programs of a financial institution.

You can understand where you should apply after determining the category of the beneficiary.

Is there a preferential mortgage for state employees in banks

Many financial institutions do offer their own support programs for privileged categories of citizens. The provision of a social mortgage is carried out after the submission of documentation and an application to the bank office. However, the conditions for its execution and the package of papers may differ from the requirements imposed by the state. Often, banks offer reduced interest, a smaller down payment and no need for guarantors.

Which banks issue loans to beneficiaries, and under what conditions

In addition to government agencies, you can apply for a social mortgage at a regular bank. The list of institutions involved in the issuance of such loans include:

  • VTB - from 5% per annum and an initial contribution from 20% ();
  • Rosselkhozbank - a rate of 4.75% and 20% down payment ();
  • Sberbank - according to the program Young family and social mortgage and the rate is reduced by 0.4% ();
  • AK Bars - allowed to use maternity capital ().

Also, the list of organizations offering social mortgages includes Rosbank. Rosselkhozbank And Sberbank provide separate programs. First, you can get a loan Young family, and the second presents a military mortgage.

In addition to their own developments, such banks allow the issuance of funds under the state. programs and subprograms of social mortgage. In this case, they receive part of the funds from the budget of the country or region, and part of the money is contributed by the borrower himself. Rosselkhozbank can receive funds under the program Young family and maternity capital():

  • at 9.75% per annum;
  • down payment from 10%;
  • up to 60,000,000 rubles;
  • from one year to 30 years;
  • without guarantors.

The same bank runs a state program to support families where a second and/or third child was born from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022). The rate for the entire term is minimal - 4.7%, subject to insurance of real estate, life and health of the borrower.

Although the conditions for granting funds may vary depending on the region of application. So social mortgage under the Housing program in some areas is provided at 10% per annum. If you buy real estate in a new building, you will have to pay 20% of the cost.

To understand how to apply for a social mortgage through a bank, you need to contact the financial institution directly. Here you will find the conditions for providing funds, a list of documents and requirements for the borrower. General rules standard:

  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • official employment;
  • age from 21 years;
  • work experience and so on.

If a social mortgage is issued to persons with disabilities, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement compulsory insurance. When all the conditions are clarified, you need to send an application to the bank (if you want to get a loan under the company's programs) or to the municipality (if you need a state benefit). The documentation package differs insignificantly. When applying through the administration, you will have to provide a decision confirming that the benefit is approved.

There is another option to get a social mortgage for young professionals. The government of the country entrusted the responsibility for the implementation of this program to Domklik.

  1. The annual rate here starts at 7.6%, and the down payment is 20%.
  2. You do not need to take out insurance for the borrower, a real estate insurance contract is enough.
  3. Also, the law on social mortgage provides for the opportunity to buy a home through Domklik using maternity capital.
  4. If the payer encounters financial difficulties, a reduction in the amount of the payment is allowed.

In addition to favorable lending conditions, the state provides for tax breaks. But the scheme of their provision is somewhat different from the standard.

Is it possible to get a tax deduction from a social mortgage?

Despite the active support from the Government and regional authorities, the borrower has the right to count on additional benefits. Among them and tax deduction on a social mortgage, which can be issued after receiving a loan. The main condition is the presence of official income taxed at 13%(base - ). There are other requirements as well:

  • ownership of the apartment;
  • absence of appeals for the deduction filed earlier;
  • a complete package of necessary documents.

Check social mortgage news to see what other conditions must be met. For example, if the salary is paid unofficially, or the employer does not pay personal income tax for you, then you will not be able to exercise your own right to a deduction. But without official income, the right to a social mortgage is also lost. Other types of earnings are also taken into account, including receiving rent for renting out housing (if tax is paid on them).

To apply for a property deduction, you must apply to tax service. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • confirmation of rights to the property;
  • an act of acceptance and transfer of housing and an acquisition agreement;
  • proof of payment of expenses for the apartment;
  • loan agreement with a financial institution.

The amount of the deduction depends on the social mortgage rate or the amount of the subsidy provided. You can only receive a benefit for the funds that you spent on the purchase of housing from your own pocket. Therefore, the amount of state support will have to be deducted from the total cost of the apartment.

As payment documents confirming the fact of payment for real estate, the following are provided:

  • receipts;
  • seller's receipts;
  • bank statements;
  • sales receipts;
  • and other similar papers.

Documents must be handled by a person who expects a deduction. If you have Personal Area on social mortgage on the State Services portal, here you can also get detailed information on the list of securities.

When an apartment is purchased in a building under construction, you will have to wait for the issuance, and then contact the tax service. Take this into account, because housing stock on social mortgage includes not only secondary objects, but also new buildings. You should also check that the loan agreement clearly states for what purposes the funds are being spent. The deduction is paid only on loans issued for the purchase of housing.

If there is an interest-free mortgage for a young family, then the deduction is given only from the cost of the apartment. For the interest paid, issue tax break won't work anymore. But even if there is a minimum rate, they first pay 13% of the funds spent directly on the purchase of real estate. Therefore, with an interest-free mortgage for a large family or another category of citizens, you should immediately apply for property deduction for the price of the apartment.

A tax deduction is provided only on those amounts that have already been paid to the tax service. Therefore, you can apply with an application at the end of the loan (when all payments are made) or annually (after filing a declaration). On the official social mortgage website, you will find additional information on acceptable ways to return part of the funds spent on housing. But getting a deduction of more than 13% will not work. The monetary equivalent of this amount is also limited by law.

Social mortgage is a bank loan issued on preferential terms with the support of the state. At the same time, cooperation is carried out on the part of a poor family, a credit institution (bank) and the authorities of the region, representing the state. Authorities provide a low-income person with a partial repayment credit interest from budget money, a subsidy to pay off a mortgage or soft loan on special terms.

Who is eligible for a social mortgage in 2020?

Persons who have confirmed their status and received a certificate for assistance are entitled to a social mortgage for citizens with low income.

Applicants must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • residence of two or more families in one house or apartment;
  • living in rental housing without personal property;
  • living in a communal apartment or in an area less than that established by local law. For example, for Moscow and the region, the minimum square footage per person is 18 sq.m.;
  • a social mortgage can be received by a family member whose age is not more than 35 years;
  • when applying for a mortgage on the status of a large family, there must be at least three children;
  • living in emergency housing.

Also, working disabled people of the II, III groups can count on the social mortgage.

The state offers three types of financial assistance for the purchase of housing for low-income families:

  • registration of a mortgage on preferential terms, the interest on which will be partially paid by the state;
  • issuance of subsidies for housing;
  • loans for the purchase of an apartment, a room at preferential rates.

Legislative regulation

To receive a social mortgage, citizens need to obtain the status of low-income. The rules for confirming status are established by Federal Law No. 178 of 07/17/1999. Specifically, the conditions financial assistance housing issues are regulated by laws:

  • Art. 52 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which stipulates the conditions under which a family is appointed in need of assistance to purchase a home;
  • Art. 220 FZ No. 117 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rules for tax deductions for low-income citizens.

Amount and terms of payments

Mortgages for citizens with low incomes or large families do not differ from the standard. The state only removes the burden from payers. Those in need are entitled to:

  • reduce interest rate up to 6-9%.
  • Increase the term of payment of social mortgage - up to 35 years.
  • Don't make a down payment.
  • Replace annuity payments with differentiated payments: the amount of the payment decreases monthly. The overpayment in this case is much less.
  • More loyal terms of the contract. For example, the list of valid reasons why the payer suddenly stopped paying is wider.

After the full payment, the poor have the right to compensate for part of the money spent through a property tax deduction. But if the state paid interest, then there will be no refund, since the deduction implies a partial refund of interest on the tax.

How to get a mortgage for low-income families

Making a social housing loan takes more time than a mortgage on standard terms. First of all, the borrower needs to apply for a preferential status and receive a confirming certificate. Then collect a package of documents and come to the bank.

Required documents

A package of papers for obtaining social lending for housing:

  • application for improvement or expansion of living space;
  • certificate confirming the status of the needy;
  • passport of the family member for whom the loan is issued;
  • an extract stating that those in need are in line for a subsidy or benefit;
  • certificate of marriage or its dissolution, of the birth of children;
  • certificate of income from the place of work (2-NDFL);
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • bank account opening certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the absence of personal real estate;
  • availability of funds in the account.

The organization has the right to request additional documents.


To apply for a social mortgage, there are several stages:

  1. Collect a package of documents.
  2. Contact the city administration with an application for a subsidy or social mortgage.
  3. Stand in line and wait for a decision.
  4. After approval of the right to a benefit, receive a certificate confirming the status of the needy and open a bank account.
  5. Contact one of the proposed banks, as not all credit organizations issue social loans for housing.
  6. Choose the right program.
  7. Find accommodation.
  8. Pay monthly loan under the program.

Social card and its benefits

By paying off a social mortgage, the income of a low-income family will decrease. Therefore, citizens have the right to issue a social card. The card is allowed to pay utility bills, travel by transport, taxes, and the card also identifies the owner as an insurance policy. The account can be replenished with personal funds.

Benefits of the social card:

  • accrual of interest on the account balance;
  • receiving discounts on certain services;
  • free or discounted travel public transport for pensioners and students, the right to use a social taxi for the disabled;
  • serves as a pass to schools and enterprises;
  • payment without commission utilities, circles or sports sections, traffic police fines;
  • Every cardholder has the right to participate in social programs developed by the local government;
  • receiving funds transferred to the card, including scholarships and allowances.

Cash withdrawal is provided at any ATM without commissions.

Terms of Use

Since social cards are issued by more than one authorized body, special restrictions are imposed on their use.

  • The card has an expiration date, which can be extended by contacting the Social Security Office.
  • When you change your place of residence or replenishment in the family, you need to provide this data to the social security, since depending on the conditions and circumstances, the benefits change. If a citizen loses the status of the poor, social card cannot be used.
  • If the card is lost, then to restore it, you need to contact the bank that issued it. It is advisable to do this immediately.

Reasons for rejection

Credit organizations have the right to refuse to provide a citizen with a social housing loan.

Six common causes for refusal:

  1. Borrower is over 35 years old.
  2. Insufficient income. Low-income persons are also set the minimum allowable monthly income to get a loan.
  3. Providing false information: either falsified data, or the documents have expired.
  4. Bad credit history.
  5. Frequent job changes.
  6. A large number of dependents.

After finding out the reasons for the refusal, you can try to apply again, solving the problem.

It is difficult for low-income citizens to get a social mortgage, since the legislation does not have clearly defined criteria specifically for low-income citizens in obtaining a loan. The state gives such persons the right to reduce the interest rate, soften the terms of payments, but at the same time, the payment period can be extended.