How to check the balance of a Belagroprombank card via mobile. Internet banking from Belagroprombank

You can obtain an account statement containing information about all outgoing and incoming transactions carried out on the account at the OJSC institution ASB Belarusbank» at the place where the account was opened, as well as in other bank institutions. The said extract is issued on on paper upon presentation of an identification document of the client (for the current and (or) previous month - without charging a fee, for another period - with charging). You can familiarize yourself with the list of institutions of JSC JSB Belarusbank that issue statements for accounts opened in other bank institutions in the section.

You can also receive a report on account transactions for the period in the Internet banking system (without charging a fee).

At the same time, OJSC JSSB Belarusbank offers its clients the service of receiving a free monthly account statement via email indicating the amounts and dates of all debit and receipt transactions for the past month.

You can activate this service in any of the following ways:

You can obtain information about transactions made using the card or its details using the “mini-statement” service provided at the bank’s information kiosks and ATMs, as well as as part of the Internet banking service. The mini-statement contains information about the last 10 transactions made using the card or its details, but no more than for the last 7 days. The bank charges for the provision of the service.

To receive up-to-date traffic information Money on the account (receipt and/or expense transactions) you can apply for the “ ” service.

Mini statement

The mini-statement contains information about the last 10 transactions made using the card or its details, but no more than for the last 7 days.

You can receive a mini-statement using the "Internet banking" service, as well as at the bank's information kiosks and ATMs. There is a fee for this transaction.

The mini-statement does not reflect transactions made without using the card (its details), including:

  • crediting to the account wages and other income, interest on the balance of funds;
  • fees charged by JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" for cash withdrawal transactions in the devices of other banks, as well as for mini-statements.

Belagroprombank is a popular bank in the Republic. Belarus

Since 1991, Belagroprombank has been providing high-quality Banking services For individuals and different forms of business. In Belarus alone, the bank operates over 360 service points. The bank’s own and authorized capital accounts for more than 44% of the total banking system states. Such scale and popularity of Belagroprombank is explained by the high quality of service and a wide range of services.

Belagroprombank provides its clients with a large list of methods for checking card balances:

Find out your card balance via Internet banking Belagroprombank

Internet banking Belagroprombank is a service that allows you to control funds on the card and conduct Bank operations via the Internet. To use it, you need to own a card from this bank or enter into a credit/deposit agreement. The system operates around the clock, 365 days a year, is easy to use and absolutely safe.

Connecting it is very simple:

  • the cardholder comes to the Belagroprombank bank branch;
  • reads the rules for using the Internet banking service;
  • writes an application to connect this service;
  • receives cards with a password and key or MobiPass;
  • Activation of the service occurs 2-3 days after the visit to the bank.

Activation and use of the service is free.

To check the card balance through Internet banking, you need to go to the bank’s official website at, in the window that opens, enter the login and password issued when activating the service, and click the “Login” button. If the data is entered incorrectly, access to Personal Area will be blocked for 2 hours.

On home page personal account in Internet banking, you can see the cards available to the client and their balance.

How to check your card balance by phone? The procedure for checking the balance on the card is quite simple. But banks are still trying to make this procedure even more convenient and simpler for the client.

So, one way to check your card balance is to use the mobile banking system (SMS banking). Many credit organizations(banks) provide this service. Its meaning is that the card account number is “linked” to the phone number, and using SMS requests you can perform a certain list of operations with the card.

Each bank provides its own list of services; you can familiarize yourself with it and activate this service at any bank branch or on the bank’s website. Below are brief instructions.


1st method:
To check your card balance by phone, simply dial the USSD command *212*ХХХХ# and press the “call” button (where ХХХХ is the last four digits of your card number).

2nd way to check your card balance by phone:
Send an SMS containing the last four digits of your card number to 1212.

Priorbank does not charge a fee for viewing the card balance. You pay only for the services of the mobile operator (USSD request or SMS message)


The SMS banking service from Belagroprombank allows you to quickly receive information on your personal banking payment card by sending SMS messages from mobile phone to the short number 1250. Thanks to this function, you can easily check your card balance.

  • SMS messages must be dialed in the established format, using Latin letters.
  • The payment amount (phone number or personal account number) is entered only in numbers without separators.
  • The separator between individual elements of the SMS message (for example, between the transaction type and the password or between the password and the payment amount) is ONE SPACE.

To check your card balance, you need to dial: ostatok<пароль> , Where<пароль>- password received by the user when registering the SMS banking service.

OJSC Belagroprombank does not charge a fee for using the service; you only pay for the SMS message you send according to the tariffs of your mobile operator.


Thanks to the USSD banking service, cardholders receive information about the card balance by sending USSD requests from their mobile phone.

To check your card balance, you need to generate the following USSD request:

*146*1*ХХХХ#<вызов>, where ХХХХ is the last 4 digits of the card number whose balance needs to be checked.

There is no charge for using the service.


You can check your card balance:

  • at any Delta Bank branch;
  • through the use of the Delta Online service (Internet banking);
  • at any ATM or information kiosk of Delta Bank or other banks according to the bank’s tariffs;
  • by calling customer support (24 hours a day) +37517 299 25 25.


SMS banking from Belarusbank allows you to view your account balance around the clock.

To use SMS banking, you must register at the information kiosk using a payment card and a mobile phone connected to the Velcom, MTS or life:) network. You can register SMS banking using both a personal and corporate phone.

Upon completion of registration, the client receives an SMS message on his mobile phone with a password to access SMS banking, and an information kiosk receipt containing this password.

JSC ASB Belarusbank provides SMS banking free of charge.
The cost of SMS messages sent as part of the service is charged by mobile operators Velcom, MTS and life:) in accordance with the tariffs established by them.


You can check your card balance using the SMS Banking service, which is available to cardholders of the BELKART, VISA International and MasterCard Worldwide payment systems - owners of mobile phones.

To use the SMS banking service, you must register it in one of the following ways:

  • at any information kiosk of BPS-Sberbank OJSC or an ATM with advanced payment acceptance capabilities;
  • using the Internet banking system “Personal Bank”;
  • in any branch of the bank.

After registering the SMS banking service, to perform the operation, the card holder sends an SMS message of a certain format to number 1222. All messages have a standard format (signs< >no need to enter):<тип операции> <пароль> <сумма платежа> <код платежа> <индивидуальные данные платежа>

The SMS message must be typed in Latin. In response, a message comes with the result of the operation.

To check the card balance, you need to perform the OSTATOK operation (obtaining information about the balance of funds in the current (settlement) account using a bank payment card).

An example of the operation:

OSTATOK<пароль> <вид валюты (для белорусских рублей можно не указывать)>

Request examples:

  • ostatok jk3gh
  • ostatok jk3gh USD
  • ostatok jk3gh EUR

Answer examples:

  • Operatsia ostatok, summa 2000000 BYR, authkod 123456. Operatsia zavershena.
  • Operatsia ostatok, amount 389.86 USD, authkod 123456. Operatsia zavershena.
  • Operatsia ostatok, summa 273.11 EUR, authkod 123456. Operatsia zavershena.

VTB Bank (Belarus)

The "USSD balance" service is provided to holders of all Visa cards, issued by CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus), and allows using a VELCOM and MTS subscriber’s mobile phone to request the available cash balance on cards.

Using the USSD Balance Service does not require mandatory registration of the SMS Banking Service.

To carry out the operation, you must send a USSD request in the following format:

  • from a mobile phone provided to the Bank along with other client data (initially in the application form), in the absence of a registered SMS Banking Service: *130*1*1*XXXX#call, where XXXX is the last four digits of the card number ;
  • from the mobile phone specified when registering the SMS Banking Service: *130*1*2*XXXX#call, where XXXX is the last four digits of the card.

Example answer: Kartochka 4*1234. Available: 155000 BYR

USSD requests are charged in accordance with tariff plans mobile operators.


To check your card balance, send an SMS to number 1235 with the text 1.

Instant card balances are available to all payment card holders of BSB Bank CJSC without prior conclusion of an agreement. In this case, the mobile phone number specified for the contact in the application for the card is used. This service is not available from another phone number.

The service is provided by the bank free of charge. You only pay the cost of sending SMS to a short number according to the tariffs of your operator - MTC, Velcom or Life:). The service is available in roaming.


To check the card balance, just send an SMS message of the established format to a single short number 2472 Belarusian mobile operators Velcom, MTC, Life and receive information about the balance on the card by reply SMS message.

The number 2472 is very easy to remember - it corresponds to the BGPB (BelGazPromBank) symbols on a standard mobile phone keypad.

Message format: 1<четыре последние цифры номера карты>(only five numbers, no spaces or other symbols)

The service is provided by default for all holders plastic cards Belgazprombank and does not require separate special registration of the client, subject to the availability of information systems Bank of his registered mobile number.

Please note that the Bank uses the mobile phone number specified when registering for the Internet Banking service. If you are not registered in the Internet bank of Belgazprombank, then the mobile phone number that you indicated in the application form when applying for a bank card will be used.

How to check the balance on a Belarusbank card? You can control the funds on your card account regardless of your location, but only if you know how to do it correctly. Belarusbank payment cards are used not only by able-bodied individuals, but also by elderly individuals who receive pension benefits or other payments.

To find out the status of the card account on a Belarusbank plastic card can be used in many ways:

  1. Through an ATM.
  2. By calling an open bank line.
  3. Using different types of electronic banking.

The doors of Belarusbank branches are always open, but due to their excessive busyness, individuals simply do not have time to visit often banking institution. More convenient to use remote maintenance, which is not limited only to the territory of Belarus. The number of plastic card holders is growing rapidly, which is why there is a need for their secure servicing via the Internet.

It is better to use proven methods for checking the balance on a card, since third-party resources charge a considerable fee for providing such information.

Small risks exist when using Belarusbank Internet banking, which opens the interface only with a personal card account. The client is required registration in the system, after which he receives unique code to login banking service. You can also use your own password to log in, which must be assigned in the registration data.

How to find out the balance of a Belarusbank card via the Internet?

Conveniently find out your account status remotely through the Belarusbank website. With a minimum of time spent you can do it yourself check your bank card account online. By typing the necessary data in the proposed forms on the site, you can see the rest by any payment card Belarusbank, which has not expired.

Just as it is possible to order a card via the Internet, it is also possible to check the availability of funds on it. The bank's website opens via your phone, but the mobile version has limited functions, so it is advisable to access the browser from a PC.

Online services allow you not only to view your account, but also to receive a detailed statement of it or select other options. All money that comes or goes from the card account is opened to the user in electronic form, and, if necessary, can be printed.

Information opens in the system not only for the current month, but you can also select the desired period for which the client wishes to receive information on the Belarusbank card.

Using Internet banking

Manage competently cash flows allows a personal account in which you can open using a password.

Get secret code To enter it is possible:

  • At a bank branch.
  • Online.

The Internet banking menu opens from logging into the system, which you can access using a one-time code.

But it is more convenient to assign a password and then the card will always be available online, regardless of where its user is.

Once passed successful registration in banking, the client can see how much money is available on the card account from Belarusbank.

Select the section “Accounts with card”/“Accounts”, then “Accounts with card”. The information that will be displayed in the window that opens will contain the account number, the client’s account balance

Useful video:

Via mobile application

If you need to get payment history for a card account, then some of available ways are not suitable for this. Internet banking or a mobile application will come to the rescue. To check a card with their help, it is not enough just to have access to traffic, but you will also need to pay a subscription fee.

Along with the Belarusbank application, it is worth connecting the option, which is automatically accompanied by the activation of some payment cards.

The mobile application is loaded from the phone, after downloading a special file. You can find out your balance on the card at any time.

All the user needs is:

  • Complete registration.
  • Get a unique password code for the card.

Control via app Possibly all your cards that are registered and opened in Belarusbank. In the mobile program menu there are several sections, allowing you to check the availability of money and use it for purchases or payments.

The user can install the application on a modern phone with the following OS:

  1. Windows Phone.
  2. Android.
  3. Apple.

Belarusbank online application rationally establish if you have to use it often mobile banking, and there is not always an ATM or other means of servicing payment cards at hand.

In addition to advanced functions, the program has a clear and convenient shell, where to find the necessary services maybe an inexperienced holder plastic card Belarusbank.

How to check card balance via SMS?

You can also find out the amount on the card via SMS. Need to dial next message text: Ostatok XXX (a password is required after the space, consisting of three characters). You will need to send a message to 611.

There is no fee for using such a service, but for SMS you need to pay according to the tariffs of your operator. The response about the balance on the Belarusbank card is also presented in the form of a notification indicating the amount and time.

Do not confuse SMS banking with checking your balance via SMS, as this slightly different services Belarusbank. All SMS banking mailings are free and carried out according to the standard scheme. If you often need to receive information card, then using SMS commands for this is unprofitable (for each message need to pay a fixed fee).

How can I find out the balance on my card over the phone?

It is convenient to find out the balance on your card account by phone, by dialing one of the service numbers:

  • 8 017 299 25 23.

Service contact center is open around the clock, and you can find out the balance by voice prompts.

The system’s response is instantaneous, so it is possible to obtain the necessary information about the amount on the Belarusbank card in a matter of minutes.

other methods

You can check the status of your Belarusbank card in other ways, which are not as popular as others, but no less effective.

It is not always offered to view the balance on the card for free, so you need to carefully choose the appropriate method.

August 31, 2018 3250

Partner news

In the age of IT technologies, one of the main priorities of banks is payment security. Of course, banks ensure the security of their clients’ personal information through sophisticated encryption, special secure protocols, and security standards.

However, despite all the protective measures, each of us must monitor our accounts!

Today we will talk about the fastest and most convenient ways to check your balance, block a card, control and protect payments using the example of remote banking systems from Belagroprombank.

How to find out how much money is on the card?

One of the most popular operations with a bank card is checking the balance. An old proven way to find out your account balance is an ATM. But with the development of remote banking services, you no longer have to look around the city for this “iron box”!

You can check the balance on your Belagroprombank card in several simple ways.

Firstly, you can use online banking.

To view your balance, just click the button "Update balance" under your card avatar on the main page.

Secondly, if you have installed the Belagroprombank mobile application, you can find out the balance on the start page of mobile Internet banking.

The third method is a USSD request. Simple number dialing "*250*0#"— this is viewing the balance on the card. To find out the balance, you only need to indicate the last four digits of the plastic.

It is important to remember that the service will only be available for the mobile phone number that you indicated in the application form for issuing a bank payment card

If you want to send a request from another number, you will need to connect USSD banking, then use a slightly different request: "*250*1#". Read on to learn how to activate the service.

How to block a card?

Unpleasant situations happen when you urgently need to block a card. For example, if it is lost or forgotten at an ATM.

In such situations, many of us are accustomed to calling the bank. Of course, by calling the bank processing center they will definitely help you block the card, but in practice you don’t necessarily have to spend time and money on the call.

In my opinion, the fastest and convenient way- remote banking services. In simple words— Internet and mobile Internet banking.

If you decide to use Internet banking, then on the main page of the system you need to go to the section “Cards” - “Card Management”.

Now you need to select the desired card and press the button "Block card".

All that remains is to choose the reason for the blocking. It can be:

  • loss/theft of plastic
  • or just a voluntary block

In case of loss or theft, after blocking the card, it is placed on the so-called “hard stop list”, after which you can issue a new card by contacting the bank, or submit it directly in the system, which will again speed up receiving a new card!

If you have chosen voluntary blocking, the card will be on the “soft stop list”, in which case you will be able to see all the information about the card in the online banking system. Subsequently, if the card is found, the voluntary blocking can be removed remotely.

All that remains is to confirm the blocking operation with the session key that will be sent via SMS.

If you don’t have access to a computer and only have your phone at hand, then you can use Belagroprombank’s mobile Internet banking to block it - this is probably the fastest way.

On the start page, click on the card that we want to place in the “stop list”, and in the section "Operations" select an item “Block card”. Believe me, it won't take even a minute of your time.

In this case, to confirm the blocking, you don’t even need a session key, you just need to press "Yes" in the dialog box that appears.

If the card is found, it is just as easy to remove the blocking. You just need to click " Unblock card" in the same section.

The last method may seem unusual at first glance, but in fact it is one of the most quick ways block the plastic so that attackers cannot take advantage of your savings - USSD request.

The main advantage of this type of blocking is that you don’t even need the Internet. So that you can block a card using a USSD request in the future, the first step is to connect USSD banking.

Customers of mobile operators Velcom and MTS can use USSD banking

If the service is not yet connected to your card, this can be done in several ways:

First way. Contact a Belagroprombank branch.

By the way, at the office you will not be charged a fee for connecting to the USSD banking service!

Second way. At the information kiosk

If you decide to use the information kiosk, you will not have any difficulties. Insert the card into the device and press "Payments - Bank services - Registration USSD-banking - Registration USSD-banking", then enter all the required information, such as your email address and phone number.

All you have to do is type the USSD request on your mobile phone "*250*6#" and enter the activation code that will be printed on the card receipt.

Third way. In Internet banking

You can also register USSD banking in Internet banking in the payment for services section.

Choose “Bank services - Registration USSD-banking”.

All the necessary data was already in the system, so I didn’t have to re-enter my phone number, my address and email!

For connection, only 0.03 BYN was debited from the card.

Now, as in the case of connecting to an information kiosk, you need to send a USSD request "*250*6#" and enter the activation code.

When using online banking, you will find the activation code in the payment receipt; you can view it either immediately after payment or in the section "Operations Archive".

Let's assume that the USSD banking service is active, now a short instruction on how to quickly block a card using it.

To block, type a USSD request "*250*5*1#" and enter the last digits of the plastic.

To remove the blocking, you can also use a USSD request, in which only the last digit will change: "*250*5*2#".

How to control your finances?

We have already told you how to pay for services in the ERIP system, so today we will tell you how you can control transactions on your bank card issued by Belagroprombank.

A great way to keep track of any spending on your card is to use the service "Card Statement". With its help you can track how expense transactions, and income.

The statement can be found both in Internet banking and in mobile Internet banking.

To view account movement in Internet banking, you need to either click on the card on the main page of the system, or go to the section “Cards” - “Get a statement of cards.”

You can view the statement for the last week, month, or for any required period.

You just need to select the account and card for which you want to see the movement.

Once the statement is generated, it can be printed or saved on your computer.

In mobile Internet banking, to view card transactions, we click on the avatar of the card that interests us and go to the section "Extract". At the very top of the window you can configure the period of interest to us.

In my opinion, receiving a statement in mobile Internet banking is much more convenient than in Internet banking, and - as a bonus - it can be sent via instant messenger or email.

However, as a rule, in a regular statement, you will not find same-day operations. They appear within 1-2 days, depending on how quickly the merchant confirms the transaction.

Therefore, you can track mini-statement transactions in real time!

In Internet banking, a mini-statement can be found in the same section as a regular one: “Cards” - “Mini-statement”.

In mobile internet banking it is located in the section "Operations".

In the mini-statement, transactions that are still blocked are displayed immediately, but, unlike a regular statement, such a statement is paid, the commission is 0.20 BYN.

Another equally effective method to control your income and expenses is SMS notification. Connecting it is “a matter of 5 minutes.”

The service can be activated in mobile application and in Internet banking. In Internet banking, to connect, you need to go to the section “Cards” - “Service Management”.