Accounting for financial investments. Accounting for financial investments Account 58.05 what is written off there

In the process of financial economic activity enterprises seek to make financial investments using temporarily free funds. Such actions are taken in order to prevent inefficient use of available resources and maximize company profits.

Within the framework of this topic, we will talk about the concept and types of securities, about the work of position 59, consider the correspondence of accounts, standard accounting records, and also look at one of the practical examples.

Definition and classification of documents giving the right to a share in capital

By this category, experts mean monetary documents that confirm the right to own capital or indicate the nature of the relationship between the owner of the document and its issuer.

The functions of such monetary documents, as an object of market relations are as follows:

  • savings mobilization individuals and free resources of enterprises to cover expenses;
  • regulation of money circulation;
  • acting as a source of investment designed to create new companies or develop existing ones;
  • fulfilling the role of a credit settlement instrument;
  • redistribution Money between industries and spheres of the economy;
  • granting the right to capital;
  • transfer of rights to manage the company;
  • acting as a source of income.

In world practice, all existing financial instruments are divided into basic and derivative financial instruments or derivatives. In the first case, we are talking about documents based on the property right to a certain asset.

If we are talking about derivatives, then in this case we are talking about a non-documentary form of right to property that appears due to changes in value financial instrument, which underlies it.

If we take the form of issue as a basis, then we can distinguish emission securities, for example, shares and non-issued, for example, checks and bills.

If we classify documents according to the order of ownership, then we should distinguish between registered, warrant and bearer papers.

In practice, there are many other criteria by which designated monetary settlement documents can be classified.

The meaning of position 58 in accounting

The designated account is designed to provide detailed accounting of the company's cash investments.

Analytics for this account is carried out for separate sub-accounts, including:

  • 1 – accounting for investments in shares and shares;
  • 2 – investing in debt instruments.

Investments of a company or organization are reflected in the debit part 58 of the account and the credit part of those positions where the values ​​​​that are subject to transfer on account of such investments are recorded. Thus, a company’s purchase of securities third party companies is recorded in the debit part of 58 positions and the credit part of 51 or 52 positions.

If an amount is written off that exceeds the purchase price of debt obligations over their nominal price, then the accounting department reflects these funds as a debit of 76 and a credit of 58 positions.

If the company decides to sell existing securities or pay off their value, then these funds are recorded in debit 91 and credit 58 positions.

Possible correspondence

In order for the company's management to have full view O financial condition enterprises, analytics for the designated position should reflect short-term and long-term cash investments. In the debit part 58, the position of the Chart of Accounts corresponds to accounts 50, 51, 52, 75, 80, 91 and 98.

For a loan, a combination with 51, 52, 76, 80, 90, 91 and 99 accounts is possible.

Standard accounting entries

Standard accounting entries for item 58 are reflected in the following entries:

Kt 52 – purchase of shares using funds in a foreign currency account;

Kt 51 – purchase of ruble bonds;

Kt 91 – reflects the difference between the initial and nominal price of the bonds;

Kt 58.3 – loan repayment in non-cash form etc.

Case Study

On September 1, 2017, a loan agreement was concluded between the two enterprises in accordance with the following conditions:

  • loan amount – 1,517,800 rubles;
  • loan term – until December 30, 2017;
  • The interest rate on the loan is 28% per annum.

Accounting account No. 58 “Financial investments” is used to systematize data on the company’s investments in government and private securities, authorized capitals firms The same account records information about loans provided to other enterprises.

Analytical accounting for account 58 is carried out by type of assets and by objects in which these assets are invested.

What subaccounts can be opened for the 58th account?

The accounting rules provide for the opening of sub-accounts to account 58.


  • “Units and shares” – 58-1;
  • “Debt securities” – 58-2;
  • “Loans provided” – 58-3;
  • “Deposits under a simple partnership agreement” - 58-4, etc.

Maintaining subaccount 58-1

Subaccount 58-1 is intended to systematize data on investments in shares of JSC ( joint stock companies), capital of other firms, etc. The following sub-account is used to analyze investments in private and public debt assets (for example, bonds).

Investments made by the company must be displayed in the Debit of the 58th account and in the number of accounts in which the corresponding values ​​are taken into account. For example, a company acquires assets of other enterprises for money. This fact is reflected in two entries: according to the D-t of account 58 and according to the K-t of one of the accounts 51 or 52 “Currency accounts”, “Currency accounts”.

How to maintain a subaccount 58-2

How to keep accounting for assets for which the current market value is not determined?

In this case, the difference between the initial and nominal prices of assets is uniformly recorded as financial results work of the company.

If we are talking about non-profit organization, the amount should be attributed to a decrease or increase in expenses. If you need to write off the difference between two asset prices, the accountant makes 3 entries simultaneously.

The entries are as follows:

  • “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” - Dt 76 (the amount of income on assets is indicated here);
  • “Financial investments - Kt 58 (only part of the difference between the purchase and nominal value is indicated here);
  • “Other income and expenses” - Kt 91 (the difference between the amounts attributed to 76 and 58).

If you need to additionally charge the difference between the real and nominal prices of assets, you also need to make three entries.

The accountant makes notes:

  • D-76 (you must indicate the amount of income received from securities);
  • Dt 58 (this account takes into account only the share of the difference between two prices);
  • Kt 91 (the entire amount that was allocated to the 2 accounts above is recorded here).

The fact of repurchase of securities is taken into account according to the D-tu of the 91st account and according to the K-tu of the account considered in this article. An exception to the rule is companies that record such transactions using the “Sales” account (No. 90).

Procedure for maintaining the sub-account “Granted loans”

Subaccount 58-3 takes into account loans that the company issues to legal entities and individuals.

The latter do not include employees of the organization itself. Loans that are secured by bills of exchange must be accounted for separately. Granted loans are displayed in two records at once: according to the D-th of the 58th account and according to the K-th of the account corresponding to the resource provided. For example, if money is provided, you need to make an entry to the credit of the “Current Accounts” account (No. 51). The repayment of the debt corresponds to the reverse entry - according to D-t 51 and the credit of the 58th account.

Maintaining subaccount 58-4

Subaccount 58-4 is intended for analyzing contributions to the partnership. For example, a cash investment is displayed by writing to the debit of the 58th account and to the K-t of the 51st account or another account corresponding to the type of funds provided material assets or assets. If the partnership agreement is terminated, the tangible assets are returned to the firm. The accountant makes reverse entries to the original entries.

Accounting for transactions with securities is necessary both in organizations that issue them and in enterprises that acquire shares as equity participation. In this article we will look at typical transactions on account 58 accounting on securities (sale, revaluation, loan) with examples.

A security is a document that certifies the property rights of the holder. Such rights can be exercised and transferred only upon presentation of paper. The main types of securities include:

  • stock;
  • bills;
  • bonds;
  • checks;
  • privatization papers:
  • certificates of deposit.

A security is a document that, on the one hand, is used for financial investments, and on the other hand, to attract loans.

Subaccounts 58 accounts

Typically, accounting is kept in the following subaccounts of account 58

Accounting for securities on account 58

Let's look at the basic entries for accounting for transactions with securities using examples.

Purchase of shares

Mint LLC acquired a stake of 15 shares from Flagman LLC. at a price of 7200 rub. per share. The acquisition was made through an intermediary, JSC Kommersant, whose services amounted to 3,650 rubles.

In the accounting of Mint LLC, entries were made to account 58:

Revaluation of securities

The records of Mint LLC include shares of Flagman LLC (15 pieces, book value 7,200 rubles/piece). Accounting policy Mint LLC provides for a quarterly revaluation of shares in accordance with their market value. The market price of the share as of the end of the reporting quarter was RUB 8,115/piece.

In the accounting of Mint LLC, the additional valuation of the share was reflected by the following entry:

Sale of securities

JSC Marathon acquired shares of LLC Magnat, the total cost of which was 137,000 rubles. As of December 31, 2015, stock quotes were RUB 124,000. In April 2016, Marathon JSC sold shares of Ballet LLC at a price of 148,000 rubles.

In the accounting of JSC Marathon, these transactions were reflected as follows:

Dt CT Description Sum Document
76 Reflection of the share price under the agreement with Magnat LLC 137,000 rub. Sales and purchase agreement with Magnat LLC
76 Transfer of the value of shares in favor of Magnat LLC 137,000 rub. Payment order
91 Formation of a reserve (the difference between the market and book value of shares) RUB 137,000. — 124,000 rub. 13,000 rub.
91 Reflection of the book value of shares sold by Ballet LLC 137,000 rub.
62 91 Reflection of the value of shares sold in accordance with the agreement 148,000 rub. Sales and purchase agreement with LLC "Ballet"
91 Reflection of an increase in the value of shares due to a previously formed reserve 13,000 rub. Stock Market Quote Report
62 Transfer of funds from Ballet LLC for sold shares 148,000 rub. Bank statement
91 99 Reflection of profit from the sale of shares (RUB 148,000 + RUB 13,000 - RUB 137,000) 24,000 rub. Sales and purchase agreement with LLC "Ballet"

Example of entries on account 09 for borrowing securities

Let us consider securities borrowing operations using the example of purchasing bonds registered with their owner.

Let’s imagine that Kremniy LLC purchased bonds from Sapphire JSC with a total nominal value of 351,000 rubles. In addition, Kremniy LLC suffered additional expenses for the purchase of bonds in the amount of 84,000 rubles. The bonds provide for an income payment of 1.5% monthly. The maturity of the bonds is 9 months, i.e. after this time, Sapphire JSC is obliged to buy back the securities, thus repaying the loan.

The following entries were made in the accounting of Kremniy LLC:

Dt CT Description Sum Document
76 Reflection of costs for purchasing bonds from JSC Sapphire RUB 351,000
76 91 Accrual of income (the difference between the nominal value of bonds and the costs of their acquisition) (351,000 rubles - 84,000 rubles) / 9 months. 667 rub. Bond placement agreement
76 91 Accrual of interest income (RUB 351,000 * 1.5%) RUR 5,265 Bond placement agreement
76 Transfer of funds from Sapphire JSC towards interest repayment RUR 5,265 Bank statement
91 Reflection of the value of bonds on the balance sheet RUB 351,000 Bond placement agreement
76 91 Sale of bonds of JSC Sapphire (loan repayment) RUB 351,000 Bond placement agreement

These are financial investments, which include, in particular, state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations (including bonds, bills), contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations, interest-bearing loans provided to other organizations, deposits, accounts receivable, acquired on the basis of assignment of the right of claim (clause 3 of PBU 19/02).

Account 58 “Financial investments” () is intended as the chart of accounts and instructions for its use to summarize information on the availability and movement of an organization’s financial investments. 58 accounting account is an active synthetic account, the debit of which reflects the receipt (increase in value) of financial investments, and the credit reflects their disposal (decrease in value). Analytical accounting on account 58 is carried out by type of financial investments and objects in which these investments were made (for example, by borrowing organizations).

In addition, in analytical accounting, financial investments should be divided into short-term and long-term.

Also, separately on account 58, financial investments within the group of interrelated organizations for which a consolidated report is compiled should be taken into account. financial statements(Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

Subaccounts to account 58

An organization can open, in particular, the following sub-accounts to account 58:

Typical transactions for account 58

Let us present in the table some typical accounting entries according to account 58 (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Operation Account debit Account credit
Shares were purchased by transfer from a foreign currency account 58-1 52 “Currency accounts”
Ruble bonds purchased 58-2 51 “Current accounts”
Loan of materials provided 58-3 10 "Materials"
An object of fixed assets was transferred as a contribution under a simple partnership agreement 58-4 01 "Fixed assets"
The difference between the original and par value of the bond, for which the current market value is not determined, is included in financial results 58-2 91 “Other income and expenses”
The revaluation of shares for which the current market value is determined is reflected as of the reporting date 91 58-1
Repayment of the bill is reflected 51 58-2
The loan issued in non-cash form was returned 51 58-3
An object of intangible assets, previously transferred as a contribution under a simple partnership agreement, was returned 04 " Intangible assets» 58-4

To reflect generalized information about investments and deposits made by organizations in securities, account 58 is used. In the article we will talk about the basic rules for using this account, and also consider in detail examples of recording transactions on account 58.

Account 58 in accounting: features of use

Account 58 is used by enterprises to reflect and analyze the amounts of investments and deposits in bonds, shares, and securities (both other organizations and government ones). When making a deposit, its amount is recorded according to Debit 58, when it is written off - according to Credit 58. Analytical accounting for account 58 is organized in the context of the types of transactions reflected on it (shares, debt loans, deposits, coupon bonds, etc.).

Let's look at typical wiring: (click to expand)

Account 58: account transactions using examples

In order to clearly understand all aspects of accounting for account 58, we use examples.

Account 58. Operations involving the provision of loans

According to the agreement concluded on August 1, 2015, Spectr JSC provides Etude LLC with a loan on the following terms:

  • loan amount – 1,415,300 rubles;
  • Refund deadline – November 30, 2015;
  • interest on borrowed funds is 28% per annum.

Based on the agreement, the accountant of Spektr JSC recorded the following transactions:

Account 58. Accounting for bonds with coupon income

Hidden text

The issuer of the bond is Megapolis JSC.

For this bond you must receive two coupon payments, each of which is 15% of the bond's par value (1,240 rubles * 15% = 186 rubles).

The accountant of Stolitsa JSC carried out the following accounting operations:

58.2 51 RUR 1,315Payment order, agreement
76 58.2 The write-off of part of the bond value upon receipt of coupon income is reflected ((RUB 1,315 – RUB 1,241) / 2)37 rub.Agreement
76 91.1 The amount of the difference between the coupon income (accrued) and the cost of the bond (written off) is taken into account (186 rubles - 37 rubles)149 rub.
51 76 186 rub.Bank statement
76 91.1 RUB 1,241Agreement
91.2 58.2 RUB 1,241Agreement
51 76 RUB 1,241Bank statement

If the agreement provided for the purchase of a bond at a price of 1063 rubles, then the entries in the accounting of JSC Stolitsa would be as follows:

58.2 51 Funds were transferred as payment for the purchased bond. The receipt of the purchased bond is taken into accountRUB 1,063Payment order, agreement
58.2 76 Reflects additional accrual of part of the bond value upon receipt of coupon income ((RUB 1,241 – RUB 1,063) / 2)89 rub.Agreement
76 91.1 The amount of income on the bond is taken into account - coupon income (accrued) and the cost of the bond (additionally accrued) (186 rubles + 89 rubles)275 rub.Agreement, accounting certificate-calculation
51 76 Funds are credited as coupon income received186 rub.Bank statement
76 91.1 The amount of debt of Megapolis JSC for the redeemed bond is taken into accountRUB 1,241Agreement
91.2 58.2 The face value of the bond is written off as expensesRUB 1,241Agreement
51 76 Funds were credited from JSC Megapolis to pay off the debtRUB 1,241Bank statement

Account 58. Placing a foreign currency deposit

On September 12, 2015, a placement agreement was concluded between Kvartal JSC and Stolichny Bank deposit:

  • deposit amount – USD 54,300;
  • placement period – 2 months;
  • interest rate – 9.5% per annum.

The conventional US dollar exchange rate was:

  • as of September 12, 2015 – 61.47 rubles/dollar. USA;
  • as of September 30, 2015 – 61.72 rubles/dollar. USA;
  • as of 10/31/2015 – 61.66 rubles/dollar. USA;
  • as of November 12, 2015 – 61.22 rubles/dollar. USA.

The accountant of Kvartal JSC recorded the following entries in the accounting:

58 52 Funds were credited to replenish the deposit in foreign currency (USD 54,300 * 61.47)RUR 3,337,821Bank statement
58 91.1 The exchange rate difference (positive) resulting from the revaluation of the deposit as of September 30, 2015 was taken into account ((USD 54,300 * (61.72 – 61.47)13.575 rub.
76 91.1 Income reflected - interest accrued for 09/2015 ($54,300 * 9.5% / 365 days * 19 days * 61.72)RUR 16,574Banking agreement
91.2 58 The exchange rate difference (negative) resulting from the revaluation of the deposit as of 10/31/2015 was taken into account ((USD 54,300 * (61.72 – 61.66)RUR 3,258Accounting statement, bank agreement
91.2 76 The exchange rate difference (negative) resulting from the revaluation of interest for 09/2015 was taken into account ((USD 54,300 * 9.5% / 365 days * 19 days * (61.72 – 61.66)16 rub.Accounting statement, bank agreement
76 91.1 Income reflected - interest accrued for 10/2015 ($54,300 * 9.5% / 365 days * 31 days * 61.66)RUR 27,014Banking agreement
91.2 58 The exchange rate difference (negative) resulting from the revaluation of the deposit as of November 12, 2015 was taken into account ((USD 54,300 * (61.66 – 61.22)RUR 23,892Accounting statement, bank agreement
91.2 76 The exchange rate difference (negative) resulting from the revaluation of interest for 10/2015 was taken into account ((USD 54,300 * 9.5% / 365 days * 31 days * (61.66 – 61.22)193 rub.Accounting statement, bank agreement
76 91.1 Income reflected - interest accrued for 11/2015 ($54,300 * 9.5% / 365 days * 12 days * 61.22)RUB 10,383Banking agreement
52 58 The deposit return amount is reflected - credited to the foreign currency account (USD 54,300 * 61.22)RUR 3,332,246Bank statement
52 76 Funds were credited to the foreign currency account to pay off interest on the deposit (USD 54,300 * 9.5% / 365 days * 62 days * 61.22)RUB 53,643Bank statement

Account 58. Accounting for transactions with bills of exchange

As of November 1, 2015, the debt of Revansh JSC to the thermal energy supply company Teplovik amounted to 12,954 rubles, VAT 1,976 rubles. In November 2015, Revansh JSC acquired a bill of exchange from Teplovik at a price of RUB 9,340. (nominal value - 12,954 rubles). The promissory note was purchased to pay off the debt of Revansh JSC to the Teplovik company, which was done on November 30, 2015.

The accountant of Revansh JSC made the following entries in the accounting:

20 60 The cost of thermal energy consumed by Revansh JSC as of 11/01/2015 is taken into account (RUB 12,954 – RUB 1,976)RUR 10,978Acts, receipts
19 60 The amount of VAT is reflected on the cost of consumed thermal energyRUR 1,976Invoice
68 VAT19 VAT is accepted for deductionRUR 1,976Invoice
58 51 The transaction of purchasing a bill of exchange from the company “Teplovik” is reflected.RUR 9,340Agreement
76 91.1 The bill “Teplovik” was presented for paymentRUB 12,954Bill of exchange
91.2 58 The accounting (book) value of the bill is written off as expensesRUR 9,340Bill of exchange
60 76 The operation of debt offset between “Revenge” and “Teplovik” is reflectedRUB 12,954Bill of exchange
91.9 99 The amount of profit received at the end of November 2015 is taken into account (RUB 12,954 – RUB 9,340)RUR 3,614Turnover balance sheet