Governor's Program. What are the social programs for young families? Main conditions and purpose of the program

Many subjects of Russia implement gubernatorial programs financed from the regional and municipal budgets.

Participation in them can take:

  • single parents under 35;
  • spouses aged no more than 35 years (in some cases, only one of them may correspond to the established age limit).

In accordance with the rules of the federal project for young families, the amount of the subsidy is 30% of the average cost of housing for families without children and 35% for families with children. In many subjects, its size has been increased by 5%. The average cost of housing is determined by regional legislation.

There are also standards for real estate area:

  • 42 sq. m - for two people;
  • 18 sq. m - for each person, if the family consists of three or more members.

State support funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • buying a home;
  • share building;
  • individual construction;
  • repayment of the last contribution to a housing cooperative;
  • payment of mortgage debt.

The formation of the queue and the issuance of certificates is carried out by the district municipal authorities. Families are provided with detailed information on how to obtain an apartment, a house or build housing using the subsidy.

Program "Young Family" in the regions:

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In the life of every person, over time, a problem arises related to the lack of free space in the apartment.

Thinking about your own housing is most often necessary with the advent of a family and children. Newlyweds rarely get a chance to live separately from their parents, so they have to look for opportunities to improve conditions.

Option with rented apartment not suitable for everyone, buying real estate is an expensive pleasure, especially for young people who have not reached the age of 35-40 years.

The relevance of the introduction of state programs to support young families

A young family that is not provided with its own housing and cannot take out a mortgage today can take advantage of state assistance programs designed specifically for those who fall under the definition of “young family”. The relevance of their introduction is high - according to statistics and numerous studies, less than 20% of newly formed families can afford to live separately from their parents. Most - due to the lack of a second apartment or a country house.

The "Young Family" program allows you to purchase your own family on favorable terms living space receiving subsidies and various discounts. Although they will not cover all the costs associated with the purchase of real estate, they will significantly ease the burden, reduce the final amount and payments. Interest in the state program is so great that after the completion of the first stage, demand did not fall, so it was decided to extend it for the current year. The end of the current phase is scheduled for 2020.

The main essence of the program lies in the fact that the family participating in it is put in line to receive a subsidy for the purchase of real estate, which seems to them the best solution to the housing problem. The benefit amount is up to 30% of the amount to be paid in order to redeem residential real estate. The state helps young families to get decent living conditions that will allow them to develop and grow as a full-fledged “cell of society”.

It is no secret that many marriages are created by people who cannot afford to buy an apartment or build a house without a loan or mortgage - this is due to age, working conditions, salary. Participation in the program will allow you to get closer to your dream - to acquire a comfortable living space, and with it confidence in your abilities and capabilities.

A separate apartment is a start for a young family, which allows you not only to confidently “stand on your own feet”, but also not to postpone the decision to expand it, that is, to give birth to a child. The relevance of the state program lies in the fact that it solves the problem of the lack of living space, which prevents many families from becoming parents, since they quite rightly believe that a child needs good living conditions, suggesting a separate room, a spacious and comfortable apartment in general.

Young people who are confident in their future receive an incentive to work better and better, strive to improve their professional qualities, as they provide wage growth - all this makes it possible to realize Government program created to support young families. That is why its relevance today is high, and interest in proposals is not declining. The minimum package of documents, loyal conditions and reduced loan rates, as part of the program, are aimed at stimulating demand, and various subprograms are designed to give a real choice that will allow a couple to get their own housing on the most favorable terms for them.

The extension of the main program "Young Family" and regional options in 2019 will help many couples fulfill their cherished dream, as well as quickly decide to increase the family - the birth of children. If the government's plans come true, more than 170,000 families will receive the keys to their own homes.

Overview of the various options

Today, a program to support young couples who are married but need to improve / purchase their own housing divided into several types:

Program "Young family" appeared over 6 years ago. She implied that the state would provide support, first of all, a financial plan, in the form of a subsidy (up to 30%) for the purchase of housing. The program is of federal importance. The maximum amount of the subsidy is calculated individually - the main factor is the number of family members at the time of enrollment. So if it consists of two people, then the maximum assistance from the state will be no more than 600 thousand rubles. With an increase in the number of people in the family up to 3 - 800 thousand, respectively. In the event that the family is represented by 4 members - up to 1 million rubles.

Housing program is also federal. Its main goal is to provide citizens in need with high-quality and inexpensive housing, which is part of the "economy" segment. The program provides for the adoption of a set of measures aimed at assisting in the acquisition of a house or apartment.

IN number of events :

  1. Providing favorable conditions for mortgages (up to 12%);
  2. The loan term is 25-30 years;
  3. The first installment is minimal (10% of the price of the apartment).

It is important to remember that within the framework of this program, the state will assume the obligation to repay up to 40% of the cost of the apartment, which will significantly reduce the amount of the mortgage taken. In addition, it can be used to make payments. This year, the program received significant changes - the military got the opportunity to improve their living conditions by applying for mortgage loans - at 16-18% for new housing and at 11% for secondary housing.

Affordable housing for a young family- This program, like the ones discussed above, is of federal significance and operates throughout our country. It allows couples to receive benefits for the purchase of housing, repay an existing housing loan, and make a contribution to the housing cooperative. The state subsidy is 30%. Changes that came into force in 2018 - it became possible to repay debts on previously taken housing loans, you can pay off a newly taken loan. You cannot buy secondary housing, but you can participate in shared construction.

Governor's Program- is of regional importance. It operates, for example, in Novosibirsk. Under the terms of the program, a young family gets the opportunity to purchase real estate in the primary market (in new buildings) at a reduced price. In this case, the subsidy is up to 35% of the total cost of the purchased apartment.

Regional additions

In the regions, the program of federal significance provides for additional assistance.

So a young family in which the first child (natural or adopted) appears, receives an additional 5% from the local administration to benefits from the cost of housing. In the Yaroslavl region, the amount of payments is 45% - to families without children and 50% - if any.

In St. Petersburg, the Young Family program began work 15 years ago. Its conditions are similar to those in Moscow. In Kursk, the administration helps with obtaining a loan for young families, acting as a guarantor. The condition for participation in the program is the presence of three or more children or one parent and three children.

Development prospects

The increased interest in subsidy programs, associated with the crisis in the economy and the impossibility for most young families to purchase an apartment on their own, necessitated additions and changes to the existing assistance system.

Changes should have been the following:

  1. No interest on loans for large young families;
  2. Preferential interest rate for lending;
  3. Social payment for the purchase of housing, ranging from 25% to 40% of its average market value at the time of purchase;
  4. A housing subsidy aimed at repaying part of the loan debt at the birth of a young family of a child.

At the moment, the bill has not yet been adopted, but is under consideration. Families with many children are offered to allocate plots for the construction of houses. It is also proposed to introduce an interest-free rate in some areas of the North or to receive land on Far East for the construction of housing, but with the condition of farming.

Thus, the conditions for the acquisition of their own housing for young families are prescribed by law. Many people who get married want to take advantage of the offers to facilitate lending, since almost none of the newlyweds have the opportunity to immediately purchase a separate spacious housing, since the level of salaries of young professionals is not high enough to buy an apartment or take a mortgage. In the current year, 2019, no significant and significant changes are expected that would negatively affect the program in the current state support.

For an overview and conditions of programs for young families in the Russian Federation, see the following video:

Every person, and even more so every family, wants to have their own separate corner in order to build their own nest there. But not everyone can afford to buy an apartment.

It is precisely for such young families that the Young Family program was developed, which in 2017 gained even more popularity among the inhabitants of Russia.

The essence of the program

State program "Young Family" 2017-2020 is aimed at improving the living conditions of the newly minted cells of society, as well as consolidating their position financially. This project ran from 2011 to 2015. However, Dmitry Medvedev announced a possible extension of the program until 2020. The extension of this program will help many families realize their cherished dream - the acquisition of their own living space. It is planned to provide more than 170,000 Russian couples with housing.

Do not confuse with the Young Family program from Sberbank.

Main conditions and purpose of the program

All such state programs have 2 main goals:

  1. Support for the poor.
  2. Increase in construction volumes in Russian Federation.

By reducing the market value of housing, many families will be able to afford to buy property. Initially, the maximum cost per 1 sq.m should not exceed 30 thousand rubles, however, after the program began to function, this price soared to 35,000 rubles. in certain regions of the country. This jump is due to the fact that prices for Construction Materials increased the cost of land.

The main and only condition of the "Young Family" program is that the location of the future home is determined by representatives of the local authorities. They also approve the developer company, all Required documents, projects on which the house will be built.

Already by July 1, 2017, 25 million square meters of housing, which are located in 67 subjects of the federation, will be ready for delivery.

In addition, each project must be located with a developed infrastructure, and if there is none, then by the time the object is commissioned, all the necessary buildings (parks, hospitals, kindergartens, shopping centers) should be within walking distance. Another important condition concerns the cost of housing. It should not be higher than 80% of the cost of apartments in the city. Price control is carried out on the basis of federal law.

Who can participate in the Young Family Program?

The conditions for program participants remain the same, namely:

  • only those families whose dwelling area per each member is less than established in the region of their residence participate in the program;
  • spouses must be adults. Another nuance - both must be under the age of 35 at the time of application for participation in the Young Family Program;
  • Families that have their own housing are not allowed to participate.
  • The government only queues up families that really need an apartment or a house;
  • joint residence of spouses;
  • minimum income for two - 21,621 rubles, for three - 32,510 rubles;
  • at least 1 child in the family;
  • all family members, including children, must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

For more information about who, according to Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as needing housing:
1) if the citizen (and his relatives with whom he is registered) do not own residential premises, and they do not live in “social housing” (i.e. under a social tenancy agreement);
2) if a citizen (or his relatives who have him registered) owns residential premises, or they live in “social housing” (i.e. under a social tenancy agreement), but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises for each resident is less than the established (accounting) norm;
The accounting norm for living space, below which a family is defined as needy, varies in the regions of Russia, but on average it is 10-14 square meters. meters per person. The calculation takes into account the total area of ​​​​housing (without balconies and loggias), as well as all citizens officially registered (registered) permanently on it;
3) citizens living in premises that do not meet the necessary requirements, i.e. in emergency housing;
4) citizens living with a patient suffering from a severe form of a chronic disease, in which cohabitation is impossible.
When determining the level of housing provision (i.e. how many square meters per person), it matters:

  • where each family member is registered, regardless of the place of actual residence;
  • what is the total area of ​​​​all premises, while taking into account: a) premises (including shares) owned by a citizen, b) premises occupied by a citizen under a social contract. hiring, c) premises owned or occupied under a social contract. employment by relatives with whom the citizen is permanently registered;
  • and how many people are registered in the considered premises. Thus, if the spouses do not own housing, they still will not be able to get into the program if their parents (who have them registered) have a housing of sufficient size, since the square footage of the parents' property is also taken into account. The family must have their own funds, which, together with the subsidy, will be enough to buy a home, or have income that will allow them to take out a loan for the missing amount. At the same time, funds should be enough to purchase housing, based on the estimated cost, and such an area that each family member has at least the established norm of square meters. meters.

What is the amount of the subsidy? And how to use it?

Each payment case is calculated separately. In order to more accurately know the amount of material compensation, the following calculation principles should be taken as an example:

  • Young families without children receive 35% of the price of the housing they purchase;
  • If there are children in the family, then the amount of compensation increases to 40% of the amount for the purchased apartment. In cities of federal significance, this interest rate is reduced. So, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, childless families can receive 30% financial assistance, while a family with children - 35% reimbursement of the cost of housing.

Subsidies can be used:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • for the construction of their own house;
  • for a contribution to the housing cooperative (housing and construction cooperative) for registration of ownership of the apartment;
  • on an initial fee on a mortgage;
  • to pay off debt on a mortgage or other housing loan issued before January 1, 2011.

If you meet all of the above criteria and are ready to comply with the necessary points, start collecting a package of documents.

Required documents

Required package of documents for participation in the program:

The application is written according to a standard template (can be found on the State Services website) in 2 copies. The text of the application should contain information on exactly what difficulties the young family is experiencing in terms of housing, as well as a reasoned need for state financial assistance.

After the package of documents has been collected in full, the family should contact the real estate department at the place of residence (or other authorized body), submitting a copy of the application. The applicant takes the second copy with him.
The estimated time for consideration of the application does not exceed 10 working days. After this period, the applicant receives a letter from the department informing him of the decision.
In the case of a positive answer, the young family becomes a participant in the program (however, the certificate is issued only when the queue comes up).

After receiving the certificate, you should contact the bank with it to open an account, where they will be transferred cash(this must be done no later than 2 months after receiving the document).

Applicants should pay attention to the fact that maximum amount mortgages cannot exceed 2.2 million rubles, in addition, the program prohibits buying secondary housing.

We wish you good luck with your decision. housing problems and decoration!

Real estate in Moscow is the most expensive in the whole territory of Russia. Many young families registered in the city are in need of better living conditions. And not everyone can afford to buy their own housing, even taking into account Moscow salaries and on credit.

In most regions of Russia, there is a set of initiatives under the general title "Affordable housing for young families". A program to help family youth has also been introduced in Moscow. In the capital, it has been operating since 2003; it does not apply to residents of the Moscow region (there is a regional program).

In Moscow, the program retains only the general principles of the state housing initiative. It has its own characteristics and develops according to a separate scenario. According to it, young families are invited buy apartments at a reduced price owned by the city.

Young families with children can get partial write-off housing provided to them.

The Moscow program is designed to help families with a sufficient level of income that allows them to pay off a loan (installment plan), but does not allow them to save up money for an apartment in a moderate period of time. The program brings the moment of buying your own home for the family closer.

Housing programs for young families in Moscow

The Russian Federation has a nationwide program "Affordable housing for a young family" (Resolution No. 889 of August 25, 2015). It provides funding for a number of regions from federal budget, in 2017 there were 74 of them. Money for Moscow from the state budget in 2016-2017. did not stand out. That is, formally government program does not work here.

In Moscow operates city ​​initiative, the purpose of which is to help residents of the city in the acquisition of housing. It functions within the framework of the state program of Moscow "Housing" for 2012-2018, or rather, subprogram 2 "Fulfillment of state obligations"(Resolution No. 454-PP of September 27, 2011). Now the third stage is in progress initiatives.

According to the program, young families are one of the population groups (group 6 out of 8), along with others, who are provided with discounted apartments. In addition, they can receive partial compensation (write-off) of the cost of housing purchased in installments.

The objective of the program is to exclude the growth in the number of young families registered with housing as in need of improved living conditions. According to this principle, a certain number of apartments and amounts are allocated annually to ensure cash write-offs. Other tasks: reduce social tension in the city, contribute to the improvement demographic situation to make housing more affordable.

Who is eligible to receive a subsidy (conditions for participation)

You can participate in the Moscow program complete families with or without children, in which the age of each of the parents does not exceed 35 years (inclusive). If the couple has no children, they must have been married for at least 1 year. May also participate incomplete families where the age of the father/mother also does not exceed 35 years. The following conditions must be met:

  • Applicants must be registered as in need of better living conditions. Or stand in line for assistance from the city of Moscow in acquiring housing.
  • At least one of the spouses/parents must have Moscow registration.
  • All family members must be Russian citizens.
  • The family must have income to pay mortgage or installment.

The presence of children in the family is really optional. But applicants with many children, as well as those who have disabled children, are entitled to partial compensation for the cost of housing they buy from the city, and to the first places in the queue.

Some families participate in the city's housing program not as young people, but on a different basis. If at a particular point in time it becomes more profitable for them to participate as young people (and they meet the conditions), the legislation provides for their transfer from one group to another. For example, from 1st or 2nd to 6th.

What is the amount of the social benefit?

Apartments for young families in Moscow not provided free of charge. Applicants are offered to purchase housing at a discounted price using own funds. For families of certain categories there is an opportunity writing off part of the redemption value apartments purchased from the city. The write-off amount is as follows:

  • 30% - for parents with three or more children or at least one disabled child (if these children exist before the conclusion of the program agreement).
  • 30% - in the event of the birth or adoption of a child in the family after the conclusion of the contract (but not more than what remains to be paid). Write-off is carried out in accordance with Decree No. 461-PP dated July 6, 2004. It is provided for every child born (adopted) during the period of the contract.
  • Full write-off of the balance of debt at birth for applicants with twins, triplets or a disabled child. Not available for adopted children. It can only be allocated if the family complied with the payment schedule.

If applicants received a 30% write-off as having many children, and then they had another child, they can use the birth/adoption benefit (another 30%). For young families when buying housing under the Moscow city program, along with own funds allowed to use maternal capital .

Previously (before 2009), the size of the write-off for the birth/adoption of a child was determined differently. The cost of 10 m², 14 m², 18 m² was written off when the first, second, third / next baby appeared in the family, respectively, during the period of the contract. Now this rule does not apply.

The redemption value of 1 m² and the amount of interest for the installment plan is determined by regulations Moscow. The cost of redemption depends on the standard cost of housing in the city. The average market cost of 1 m² of residential premises in Moscow in the 2nd quarter of 2017 is 90,400 rubles.

Also, a young family receives compensation for the funds that it spends on renting (subleasing) a dwelling. If the family has a disabled child, or two or more children, compensation is calculated with a coefficient of 1.95.

Where to apply under the Young Family program in Moscow?

The queues for the provision of housing from the reserves of the city are formed separately for each method of use. When forming them, the following is taken into account:

  • date of registration of the family as needy;
  • the number of children (the presence of a disabled child);
  • the availability of benefits or other preferences for citizens living with a young family;
  • the number of available square meters per person.

The preferential right to conclude a contract is granted to families with three or more children. Or in which twins, triplets or a disabled child will be born (to be adopted).

Lists for the next year are formed annually as of January 1. You only need to apply for the program once. The serial number of the participant in the list in different years can change in both directions.

How to use the subsidy under the "Young Family" program

This type of assistance can be used to purchase housing (apartment), which is geographically located within the city of Moscow. You can choose one of two options purchases under a sales contract:

  • In installments. The contract is concluded for a period of up to 10 years, payments on the balance - quarterly. The size of the first payment is 20-60% of the purchase price of the apartment. It can be reduced to 15% (if the family has two children), 10% (three children), changed to 10-80% (if the applicant has a disabled child).
  • WITH using social mortgage.

It is believed that if a family has the means to pay the entire amount of housing at once, then it does not need assistance from the budget. Therefore, apartments are provided in installments or mortgages.

The premises provided to the applicants remain the property of the city until the full completion of payments. At that time the family must maintain the premises, pay public utilities and repairs at their own expense in full. If maintenance payments are delayed for more than 6 months, the sale and purchase agreement with the family may be terminated.