Improving the organization of settlements with plastic cards. Payment cards in the organization of retail payments on the example of Rosselkhozbank JSC

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AUTONOMOUS NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE CENTROSOYUZ OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION "RUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF COOPERATION" KALININGRAD BRANCH Presentation term paper on the discipline Organization of non-cash payments on the topic: “Bank cards in the settlement system: state, problems, development prospects on the example of JSC Rosselkhozbank” T. O. Kaliningrad, 2016

The relevance of the topic of the course work modern world bank plastic cards are gradually gaining more and more positions in comparison with cash as a means of payment.

The object of the course work is the system bank cards in the billing system. The subject of the study is work with bank cards in the settlement system on the example of JSC "Rosselkhozbank".

The purpose of the course work is the study of bank cards in the settlement system.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1. To study the history of the emergence of bank cards; 2. To study the essence of bank cards in the settlement system, present their classification; 3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of bank cards; 4. To reveal the prospects for the development of bank cards in the settlement system; 5. Explore legal regulation bank cards; 6. Explore the system of work with bank cards; 7. Consider bank cards offered by Rosselkhozbank JSC; 8. Compare plastic cards of Rosselkhozbank JSC with cards of foreign banks.

History of bank cards

The procedure for making payments using plastic cards can be represented as a diagram

Rosselkhozbank JSC offers 2 types of bank cards in the settlement system

No. Features HSBC Bank (Great Britain) Bank of America (America) Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy) 1. Annual service First year free, then subsequent £10 First year free, then subsequent $15 not withdrawn First year - free of charge, then 40 euros thereafter 2. Bonus programs Only Premier Credit Card offers a bonus program All types of cards have bonus offers for the client All types of cards have bonus offers for the client 3. Benefits For all cards 24 hours assistance anywhere in the world; student card available Cards are ideal for those looking for credit cards that are easy and convenient to use. Freedom to customize PIN; control of expenses from the card directly in the account statement

Intesa Sanpaolo (Italy) HSBC Bank (UK) Bank of America (America)

Having studied the bank cards offered by Rosselkhozbank JSC and 3 foreign banks, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. All banks offer customers credit and debit cards, but 2 foreign banks only offer credit cards. 2. All cards offered by banks are serviced free of charge for the first year. 3. All cards are attached to the international payment systems Visa and MasterCard. 4. All cardholders receive exclusive discounts and benefits. 5. All card transactions can be controlled via the Internet. 6. The Italian banking group offers the Carta Flash Nominativa card, which can be opened without a current account, even for minors. 7. JSC "Rosselkhozbank" offers its customers project cards. For example: salary cards or pension cards.

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Bank plastic cards are a tool in a particular payment system, thus, the essence of the card business is not at all in a piece of plastic, but in organizing a well-functioning and efficiently functioning system of cashless payments.

To maintain a leading position in the market plastic cards in the region, to ensure the normal progressive development of the cashless payment system, using the advantages of a chip card, to prevent competitors from capturing the plastic card market, banks need to:

  • · Expand the network of retail outlets that accept bank cards;
  • · Develop additional services to attract new participants to their card programs;
  • · Develop and put into practice measures that encourage non-cash payments in retail outlets;
  • · Organize at the proper level work to promote the salary card among the population;
  • · Ensure the smooth operation of payment terminals;
  • · Stimulate the growth of sales of plastic products by using new technologies.
  • · Distribute banking advertising and information about plastic cards.

Among these tasks, a special place is occupied by the problem of attracting new customers and opening card accounts for them. At the dawn of the card business, banks resorted to mass mailing of cards without prior study. financial position addressee. This practice resulted in heavy losses. As a result, banks began to take card marketing seriously and resorted to detailed study of the personal financial services market.

For various reasons, banks lose annually from 9 to 15% of card accounts (non-repayment of debt, death of the owner, leaving the bank, etc.). Therefore, an annual attraction of 12 - 15% of new accounts is required. Hence the role of marketing as a means of expanding the customer base.

Marketing should also stimulate the activity of cardholders. Operations with cards are unprofitable if one or two transactions per month are made on the card account.

A promising direction is to expand the network of stores and service points that provide benefits and discounts to bank card holders. This is a classic discount scheme widely practiced abroad. The basis of the interest of trade enterprises is the possibility of providing new services at the level of world standards and the use of trademarks of card companies to increase the prestige of the store. The store loses a few percent of the purchase amount, but this purchase could not have happened, i.e., the card acts as an incentive to increase the speed of turnover: the store acquires new customers, and regular ones. Reducing the amounts collected increases the protection of the enterprise from criminal elements, and sellers - from accepting counterfeit banknotes.

In addition, bank card holders can be provided with a range of discounts at travel agencies, ticket offices, car rentals, restaurants, sports clubs, beauty salons, etc.

An important step in improving operations with plastic cards is the development of the infrastructure of salary projects. Currently, the implementation of payroll projects is beginning to face the fact that all the main large corporate clients have already been sorted out and that the free space on the market is narrowing year by year.

Banks can be recommended to install ATMs on the territory of enterprises with a sufficiently large number of employees or open their own branch nearby, it is also recommended to install electronic terminals in the nearest stores, consider the possibility of transferring money by employees for the maintenance of children in departmental preschool institutions, paying for lunches in factory canteens, paying rent, paying for trips, etc. Upon retirement, employees continue to use plastic cards, but are transferred to the card account already pensions and benefits. The bank, which has taken over the maintenance of the social security, maintains personal accounts of pensioners.

Similar work can be carried out in universities and develop student projects.

The number of cardholders has recently increased significantly due to pensioners who are given the opportunity to receive pensions using Sberbank cards. Sberbank cards provide unemployment benefits and child benefits.

Another way to stimulate growth in sales of plastic products is through the use of new technologies. We are talking about Internet projects, for example, such as "Home Bank", which allows you to manage your card account via the Internet, as well as "Electronic Series", which is, in fact, an online store. So far, such services are not actively represented by banks and are carried out, as a rule, with the help of large companies. After the improvement of technologies in the field of buying goods and services via the Internet, cards can become much more widespread.

The modern strategy of banks' behavior involves the provision of such incentives and prices that, on the one hand, would not ruin the bank, and on the other hand, would not give customers the opportunity to use plastic cards of competing banks. Prices in some cases are set taking into account the "behavior" of the holders. The best clients get the lowest interest rates and the best types of cards.

The development of the Russian plastic card market infrastructure (a network of retail and service outlets that accept plastic cards for payment, ATMs, settlement centers, etc.) lags behind the pace of issuing bank cards. In Russia, commercial enterprises do not seek to conclude agreements for the acceptance and maintenance of bank cards, since the population does not have enough of them, and citizens are not interested in receiving a card, because there is no sufficient receiving network.

In order to reduce the risk of fraud using payment cards when making cashless payments, Kazakhstani banks are taking a number of measures, the most popular of which are:

1) blocking the card after a limited number of incorrectly entered PIN - code;

2) setting a limit expense transactions by card account;

3) connection of cardholders to the SMS service - notification of the movement of funds on the card account;

4) informing clients about the types and methods of fraud by posting information on websites, distributing booklets, etc.;

5) installation of video surveillance systems on ATMs.

In addition to the above methods, issuing banks monitor card transactions, and if suspicious transactions are detected, appropriate measures are taken.

Since a significant part of fraudulent transactions using cards of Kazakhstani issuers are made abroad, banks form a list of so-called "risk" countries (mainly in the Asia-Pacific region) for themselves. When cardholders visit these countries, banks conduct enhanced monitoring of debit transactions on card accounts, and take additional security measures, up to the subsequent reissue of payment cards.

Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC offers several tips and recommendations to the payment card holder for safe use and avoiding fraud:

When receiving cards at the Bank, be sure to put a sample of your personal signature on them in the appropriate place;

Keep card details (card number, expiration date, special CVV2 / CVC2 code on the back of the card, if any) and Personal an identification number(PIN code) secret from others;

Connect the card to the mobile banking service. This can be done at the time of receiving the card by submitting an application to the manager or later through any ATM of Halyk Bank. Halyk Bank strongly recommends all its Clients to use the services of the Mobile Banking system. In this case, in case of any change in the balance on the card, you will be notified within a few seconds by an SMS message from the bank. Moreover, when you receive an SMS message about an operation that you did not perform, you can use mobile phone instantly block your card;

Keep in touch with your account managers regarding the status of your account, check your account statements regularly;

Notify the Bank of any change in address, phone number, place of work, etc. - it is extremely important for the Bank to contact you immediately when necessary;

Always have your card number and phone numbers of the Bank with you - this will significantly speed up the procedure for identifying you by the Bank as a cardholder;

Keep signed copies of slips and receipts of POS-terminals and other documents related to your card transactions (for example, hotel bills) issued by the trade enterprise or bank branch for three months;

Destroy any documents that are no longer needed, where the full number of your card is indicated;

Do not keep the PIN in a place accessible to others;

When entering a PIN code, make sure that the entered numbers are not visible to unauthorized persons;

Do not transfer the card to another person, make sure that in trade and service enterprises all transactions with the card are carried out in your presence (for example, in a restaurant, cafe, the waiter can take your card to the bar or even go to another room);

Do not provide your account information to anyone unless you are making a purchase using that account.

If the clients of Halyk Bank JSC suspect that they have become a victim of fraud, please report this to the Bank. At your first request, a Bank employee will block your card account. Upon subsequent contact with the Bank and filling out required documents You will be issued a new card.

As part of the acquiring service, Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC provides enterprises free of charge:

Installation and configuration of electronic POS-terminals (and/or imprinters) in trade and service enterprises (PTS);

Conducts training of personnel in the skills of working with payment cards (on site);

Organizes the supply to the PTS of consumables and information materials necessary for the organization of settlements using payment cards;

Performs maintenance of equipment;

Provides information and reference support;

Organizes the processing of sales receipts (slips);

Transfers reimbursement for goods and services sold in a timely manner and in full;

It monitors the operation of devices around the clock, and also monitors the activity of outlets in order to prevent losses from possible fraudulent transactions.

However, the main advantages are not even in this. In addition to service maintenance, the installation of Halyk Bank's POS terminals allows entrepreneurs to increase sales by 20-40 percent. Automatically there is an increase in trade turnover - the growth of spontaneous purchases (since "physically" not feeling the money in their hands, the client spends more than when paying in cash). At the same time, the costs of doing business are reduced due to savings on cash collection and storage of money. Also, by installing a POS-terminal, an entrepreneur receives a low rate for servicing payment cards of Halyk Bank (which is more than 2.7 million customers), which will reduce the cost of paying for the Bank's services.

It is impossible not to say that there are a number of misconceptions that unreasonably repel entrepreneurs from installing POS-terminals. In particular, some businessmen say that no one addresses them with payment cards anyway. But that's why they don't apply because the organization doesn't accept payment cards! There are no special stickers on the windows, only a calculator stands in front of the seller... Or, for example, other managers believe that non-cash money the next day (after the customer has made a purchase) is not very profitable. Say, finances may be needed at any time, which is why you want to have them with you all the time. But in this case, the entrepreneur forgets that the increase in his turnover from customer service with payment cards will more than justify any delay!

In general, today, almost any businessman can install a POS-terminal of Halyk Bank JSC at his enterprise. Branches of action can be different: ranging from medical institutions and airlines, ending with small grocery stores. At the same time, the main plus of settlements through POS-terminals for the client - and the opinions of both bankers and clients agree on this - is the speed and convenience of settlements. Also, do not forget about the level of security, which is much higher when using a payment card. At the moment, Kazakhstani entrepreneurs cooperating with Halyk Bank have installed about 3,000 trading terminals accepting payment cards issued not only by Halyk Bank, but also by other banks that cooperate with international payment systems: Visa, MasterСard, Altyn, China Union Pay. At the same time, more than 2.7 million clients receive salaries, scholarships, pensions and other payments through Halyk Bank.

In order to increase interest in using a bank plastic card for non-cash payments, JSC Halyk Bank is gradually transferring utility and other types of services to payment using cards. In ATMs and information kiosks of JSC "Halyk Bank" using a plastic card, you can already pay: utility bills; communication services of Altel JSC (trademarks Dalacom and Pathword), Kar-Tel LLP (Beeline), MTS Kazakhstan LLP (NEO) and GSM-Kazakhstan LLP (K-cell and Activ), cable television; Internet providers in favor of 29 service providers.

In order to introduce new channels for bringing banking services to the population, since 2008 the bank has been developing the direction of providing individuals through the Internet such services as control of the balance of accounts, receipt of account statements, payment for communication services and utility bills, operations on demand deposits, repayment of debts on loans issued by the bank.

Unlike most Kazakh banks, ATMs and information kiosks of Halyk Bank JSC are open to accept payments for cardholders of any bank in the country and the world. All types of non-cash payments are possible from the client's mobile phone when using the Mobile Bank service, as well as using the Internet Bank service. Work continues to expand the list of service providers.

In order to expand the list of services provided to the population, the bank concludes agreements with enterprises - suppliers of services, goods, works to the population, for receiving payments with further transfer to the accounts of enterprises. . The growth in the number of users of the services "Mobile Bank" and "Internet - Bank" will further increase the share of non-cash payments in the total volume of transactions carried out using plastic cards, will contribute to a reduction in cash turnover, increase the profitability of transactions with bank cards, including for account for payment of remuneration to the bank by service providers to the population.

Repayment of the loan by means of a "salary" card is carried out at any time of the day from the user's current account through the network of ATMs and information kiosks of JSC "Halyk Bank", from the client's mobile phone when using the "Mobile Bank" service, or by cash Money at the bank teller.

Increasingly stringent requirements are imposed on the safe and reliable operation of cashless payment systems based on plastic cards. These issues are not only economic but also social in nature. The uninterrupted operation of ATMs, info kiosks and payment terminals, the quality of services provided by the population today forms confidence in electronic payment instruments and banking work generally.

In this regard, the "Banking Processing Center" and banks need to constantly keep up-to-date plans for ensuring continuous operation, improve information security issues, and work to improve the literacy of the population in terms of the safe use of plastic cards.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to speed up the process of building fiber-optic communication lines.

All the problems noted above are related to economic reasons - the low income of the vast majority of the population, high credit risks, high costs for the purchase of a technical base.

To solve the problems listed above, JSC Halyk Bank would like to express wishes and make a number of proposals. We believe that it is necessary to increase the installation of ATMs in remote settlements regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other devices to receive wages and non-cash payments, for this it is necessary to attract new investors, as well as foreign ones, thereby increasing the number of ATMs and other devices, we also propose to increase the number of credit cards which will increase the income level of Halyk Bank JSC and give the bank other advantages over its competitors.

Also, in our opinion, it is necessary to carry out more frequent PR of JSC "Halyk Bank" to attract potential customers of the enterprise for cooperation within the framework of the salary project.

In our opinion, it is necessary to reduce the tariff for servicing and replacing a plastic card, thereby increasing customers and the turnover of the bank's money supply, thus, a person subconsciously invests free funds in this particular bank.

We propose to develop a system of benefits for enterprises that pay salaries by transferring them to card accounts. The same system should be created for stores and other PTAs serving plastic card customers.

Summing up the above, we can draw the following conclusion: that the new banking services of JSC "Halyk Bank" bring both prospects and great profits to the bank. If we treat this as a serious business, success in which depends on constant, daily work, in which constant progress is needed - both in the quantitative growth in the number of issued cards, and in the qualitative integrated development of systems, in which a whole range of business tasks.

At present, it can be said with confidence that in providing services for settlements using cards, Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC is able to compete with other banks.

cards." It reflects the amount of obligations of the issuing bank, which it must repay upon presentation electronic money. Since electronic money is non-personalized, the bank's obligations, which are reflected in account 3350, are also non-personalized. Therefore, no interest is accrued on the funds recorded on account 3350.

The National Bank supervises the activities of banks - issuers of electronic money cards. Issuing banks must comply with economic regulations and comply with the reserve requirements established by the National Bank. The National Bank has the right to increase the amount of funds contributed to the mandatory reserve fund for banks issuing electronic money cards, as well as to establish the maximum amount of funds and the type of currency that can be recorded on an electronic money card.

For all bank cards made on other media, the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus are applied.

In addition to the above regulations, banks in their activities with bank plastic cards are also guided by many other documents developed by the management of this bank in accordance with the above regulatory framework and recommendations for servicing bank plastic card holders developed by domestic and international systems, as well as internal private systems.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the legislative and regulatory framework for the functioning of cashless payments using bank plastic cards reflects:
1) creation and improvement of the legal space for organizing the circulation of cards of various systems and types on the territory of Belarus, including cards of international and domestic systems, credit and debit cards used for both individuals and legal entities;
2) creation of prerequisites for the mass issuance of cards into circulation, including the provision of services to the population on wages;
3) creation of a single information space for non-cash payments for goods and services, including payment for utilities (a single network of ATMs, trade and service enterprises that accept cards of international and domestic payment systems);
4) improvement of settlement mechanisms in order to optimize liquidity and reduce all types of risks.
It should be noted that the existing regulatory framework covers the main aspects of the functioning of banks within the framework of card systems. But, as it seems to us, it is necessary to refine the existing and develop new documents regulating the following areas of the card business:
1) development of a program of economic support for enterprises
countries operating under card programs;
2) development normative documents for storing documents
formed in the process of working with plastic cards;
3) development of regulatory documents regulating the procedure for working with non-bank and combined plastic cards, etc.

2. Organization of settlements with bank plastic cards in the Republic of Belarus at the present stage

2.1 Analysis of the market of bank plastic cards of the Republic of Belarus

In recent years, an active process of introducing bank plastic cards into the payment turnover has been going on in the Republic of Belarus. Therefore, from time to time in periodicals they write about this payment instrument, but in some cases an incorrect definition is given to the concept of a bank plastic card and its economic essence, types of bank plastic cards, the concept and legal nature of electronic money.

A plastic card is a payment instrument through which its holders can make non-cash payments for goods, works and services or receive cash.

IN this definition I would like to make three main points.

Firstly, a plastic card is only a means of access to the funds on the holder's account, through which he carries out the above operations (with the exception of electronic money cards). It contains certain information, with the help of which, as well as an individual code (PIN code), the holder accesses the funds in his account.

Secondly, a plastic card is a means of making payments, and not a means of payment itself. In other words, the card does not replace the money itself (legal tender), nor does it replace or duplicate the function of money as a means of payment. It is only the instrument through which money performs this function.

Thirdly, the card is not a monetary surrogate. As noted above, the card contains only certain information about the account, and not cash. By itself, it has no value (except for the cost of plastic).

The whole range of plastic cards can be divided into types depending on the selected criterion, but we would like to highlight, in our opinion, the main ones:

1) depending on the operations carried out during the issuance and circulation, plastic cards are divided into banking and non-banking (trading).

Bank cards assume that when they are issued and in the process of circulation, banking operations will be carried out: opening accounts, settlement and cash service settlement participants, currency exchange and other operations.

Non-banking (trading) cards are issued for circulation legal entities for payments for goods (works, services) that belong to them on the basis of property rights. In Belarus, these are Beltelecom, metro, Internet cards.

2) there are various settlement mechanisms for transactions made with the use of cards. However, in general terms, there are two main types of cards - debit and credit.

When using a debit card, the client must ensure the availability of funds on the account, the amount of which determines the limit of funds available for settlements. When making a transaction using a card, the amount of funds in the account also decreases. If all the funds on the account have been spent, then in order to resume operations, the client must again replenish his account. In some cases, it is allowed to exceed the limit of funds available for transactions by a certain amount, which must be repaid within a certain period (the so-called debit-credit cards, or cards with the possibility of overdraft).

When using a credit card, the holder does not pre-deposit funds into the account. The implementation of settlements on the operations of the holder is carried out at the expense of a loan provided to him by the bank. In this case, the limit of funds available for settlements is related to the amount of credit provided. Within a certain period, the holder must repay the resulting debt to the bank, after which the loan is renewed.

3) depending on who is the owner of the account, there are corporate and personal cards.

Corporate card accounts are owned by legal entities. Such cards are issued to employees of a legal entity to pay expenses related to its economic activity and business trips.

Personal card account holders are natural persons. In addition to a personal card, cards can be additionally issued to family members of the account holder (so-called family cards).

4) Depending on the identity carrier used, there are magnetic stripe cards and smart cards.

Magnetic stripe cards use a magnetic stripe as the carrier of identification information. It consists of magnetic tracks on which information is recorded. The weak security of data on magnetic stripe cards makes them quite vulnerable to fraudulent activities (copying or reading).

In smart cards, the carrier of identification information is a microchip. As a rule, the memory of the microcircuit is arranged in such a way that multiple reading and writing of information is allowed. Chip cards are essentially microcomputers and contain all relevant major hardware components. The level of data protection in smart cards is quite high, so their forgery is difficult.

5) depending on the information recorded on the storage medium, it is possible to distinguish the following types cards.

Cards containing information allowing the issuer to identify the holder. The above information usually includes the card number, owner's name, card expiration date, PIN information. In some cases, additional information may also be recorded. Identification data allows you to determine where you need to go to get confirmation that the owner of the account of this card has the ability to perform a certain operation. This type of cards includes cards with a magnetic stripe.

Cards with full account of operations. These cards contain information that allows you to identify both the holder and the amount of money available to him during the operation.

A card with a full account of transactions allows the holder to carry out transactions without contacting the processing center immediately at the time of their completion, but it is necessary to have electronic means information processing (payment terminal, ATM). After the transaction is carried out through the payment terminal, the issuer tracks each transaction carried out by the cardholder and maintains a complete account of the movement of funds on the account. As a rule, these are smart cards or chip cards.

6) in payment systems using plastic cards, two operating modes can be used: on-line and off-line, and both magnetic stripe cards and smart cards operate in these modes.

Off-line - an operating mode in which payment terminals and ATMs are not in interaction with the source of the central computer of the system at the time of the transaction. In this mode, authorization is performed by settings inside the terminals or supporting devices. Access to information about the cardholder is carried out not in a real environment (that is, current information is not viewed during the time that the transaction is performed).

On-line - an operating mode in which payment terminals and ATMs are in interaction with the central computer system and have access to the database for authorization, request or change of information about the cardholder. The current information about the cardholder is accessed during each transaction.

In the Republic of Belarus, the market of services with the use of bank plastic cards is currently expanding dynamically. Three directions can be distinguished in it - cards of international payment systems Europay Int., Visa Int.; national cards of the Bel-Kart system and private cards of local systems of individual banks.

The international direction is represented by a wide range of products for various purposes based on magnetic stripe cards (Cirrus/Maestro, Visa Electron, etc.).

In addition to purely technological differences between magnetic stripe cards and microprocessor cards, the settlement mechanisms and sets of rules governing relations between participants are fundamentally different.

Until a certain time, international cards and microprocessor cards "BelKart" did not directly compete with each other. This was due to the fact that international cards are mainly focused on servicing foreign currency accounts, while BelKart cards are ruble-denominated. Some Belarusian banks (Priorbank, Belvnesheconombank, Belarusbank) introduce Cirrus/Maestro cards of the Europay Int., Visa Electron (Visa Int.) system to the Belarusian market for their use within the republic. This means that new cards are appearing for servicing ruble settlements in the field of retail banking services. In combination with technologies and rules of international systems and low cost, they can seriously compete with BelKart cards.

We can analyze the emission indicators of bank plastic cards for 2004-2008. based on the data in table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - Dynamics of the number of bank plastic cards in circulation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, pcs.

Settlement system







International settlement systems

Internal settlement systems

Internal private settlement systems

From table 2.1 it follows that during the analyzed period the number of cards increased by 5.3 times, including: international settlement systems - 6 times, internal settlement systems - 1.2 times, while internal private systems decreased by 3, 4 times, so we can safely say that preference is given to international payment systems.

International cards are traditionally purchased when the cardholder needs quick access to the funds in his account, for example, if you need to pay for goods and services abroad. The point is also that the card greatly facilitates the return of VAT on goods exported from the countries of the European Community, while saving 10-14% of the cost of goods. In addition, discounts up to 20% are provided to cardholders by hotels, shops, car rental companies.

Belarusian banks in the late 90s of the last century began to use plastic cards. Indicators of the number of issued plastic cards, transactions with them and turnovers in retail outlets are unlikely to impress Western issuers. However, in the conditions of Belarus, this is a significant contribution to solving the problem of non-cash payments. It should be borne in mind that such results have been achieved with undeveloped telecommunications networks and a still insufficient amount of computer equipment.

The formation and development of the domestic market of bank plastic cards, in fact, most actively began in 1998 and took place simultaneously with a number of economic transformations in the republic. The card market in Belarus is developing taking into account world experience and national features of the formation of the economy. Moreover, this development occurs both in quantitative and qualitative terms. The number of cardholders, ATMs and retail outlets that accept cards for payment is constantly increasing. New card products appear, technologies for storing data on the card change.

Table 2.2 - Indicators characterizing the development of the bank plastic cards market in the regions for the 1st quarter of 2008


Growth for the 1st quarter of 2008



Terminals in UTS



In one.

In one.

In one.

In one.

Brest region

Vitebsk region

Gomel region

Grodno region

Minsk region

Mogilev region

Table 2.2 shows that for the 1st quarter of 2008. the increase in the issue amounted to more than 302 thousand cards (6.3%), terminals in OTS - 833 units (9.1%), infokiosks - 158 (11.6%), ATMs - 59 units (2.9%).

At the same time, indicators of the development of a network of objects of software and technical infrastructure allowing you to use the card for cashless payment goods and services are still far from international.

Statistical data confirm this thesis. If on January 1, 2008 In Belarus, there were 1,073.9 payment terminals in OTS per 1 million inhabitants; in Hungary - 4,078.9; in the Czech Republic - 6,122.8; in Germany - 6,906.4; in the UK - 16,183.3; in France - 17,463.4 payment terminals. Obviously, according to this indicator, we are significantly behind the countries of Europe.

The level of equipment with ATM equipment in the regions lags behind the number of ATMs in Minsk. Of the regions, according to this indicator, the first place is occupied by the Gomel region, the second place is the Brest region, the third is the Vitebsk region (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 - The volume of equipment with ATM equipment of the Republic of Belarus as of 01.01.2009

Financing of payment equipment for non-cash payments was made at the expense of banks by 87 percent. The highest rates of development of the payment equipment network are in Belarusbank (35%), Priorbank OJSC (11%); Belagroprombank OJSC (11%); JSC "Belinvestbank" (9%). Among non-bank sources, it is necessary to note RUE “Belpochta”, (15%) 2% of objects are equipped with trade enterprises, 2% of objects are equipped with RUE “Belorusneft”, 4% are other legal entities (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 Placement of card readers by industries National economy as of 01.01.2009

In optimization processes, cash monetary circulation the role of non-cash payments using plastic cards has noticeably increased. Their share in the volume of non-cash payments in 2008 increased from 5.7 to 19.1 percent. The interest of cardholders to pay for communication services, utilities and other payments has increased.

The volume of operations with plastic cards in 2008 amounted to 1,077.4 billion rubles, which exceeded the volume of 2007 by 1.9 times and the volume of 2006 by 34 times. The share of non-cash payments in the total volume is 1.9 percent, or 20.3 billion rubles. On the one hand, this is not much, but on the other hand, it is 200 times more than in 2006.

The lack of a balance of economic interests of settlement participants, in particular banks and trade enterprises, affected the low volumes of payments, trade and service facilities. Payments for goods and services through cards amounted to only 5.1 billion rubles, or a quarter of non-cash payments using cards. At the same time, a 3.4-fold increase in the amount of payments at trade and service facilities compared to the volume for 2007 indicates positive dynamics and a huge potential for the development of the payment functions of the system, which is the main task of banks and other stakeholders today.

In order to regulate the economic interests of trade enterprises and banks, by Resolution No. 152 of October 24, 2007, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus recommended that banks set tariffs for collection and operations with plastic cards in the amount of 0.33 percent of the amount. However, the implementation of the recommendations in the region was ensured only by JSC "Belagroprombank". Average acquiring rates are still around 2 percent.

At the initiative of the Main Department of city and district executive committees, the composition of commissions for checking the quality of service for cardholders was approved, control was established, and proposals were constantly made to take response measures. The issues of providing payment terminals with separate telephone numbers, increasing the level of staff skills in servicing cardholders, and expanding information support for the possibility of card payments still remain.

The range of services offered to plastic card holders has significantly expanded. Almost all equipment accepts non-cash payments (with the exception of 8 ATMs, 3 info kiosks, 110 cash points). The most popular non-cash payment for the services of mobile operators. In December 2008, the database on the services of the city telephone network was handed over to Belarusbank for organizing the acceptance of payments through information kiosks. Growth in foreign currency cash withdrawals on cards with an account in Belarusian rubles indicates the growing demand of the population for this service. It is estimated that in 2008 the population purchased about 14 million US dollars in equivalent using plastic cards through ATMs and cash points.

The residents of the cities of Beloozersk and Baranovichi of the Brest region became the winners of the prizes of the most significant marketing campaigns of the Visa international payment system before the Olympic Games in Turin and Beijing. The growth of non-cash payments through cards largely depends on the volume of issuance of credit cards. The volume of credits issued to the population through plastic cards exceeded 83 billion rubles in 2008, the debt as of 01.01.2006 amounted to 10.6 billion rubles, which is 1.8 times higher than the figure as of 01.01.2008.

Thus, the current stage of development of non-cash payments is characterized by the development of quantitative tasks into qualitative ones. It becomes paramount to ensure synchronism in the development of the system, bringing it closer to international standards load on equipment (no more than 2600 cards per ATM and 160 cards per payment terminal). The range of services and accessibility should be further expanded. Successful development should be ensured by ensuring a balance of economic interests of all participants in the system, the development and implementation by banks of an agreed and economically justified percentage and tariff policy.

An important aspect of the growth of non-cash payments is the expansion of the issuance and use of credit cards. Overdraft lending should be affordable and attractive.

Significant work remains to be done to create a single settlement and information space for the widespread and uniform provision of services, modification of services provided and the introduction of new information technologies, active promotion of new card products on the market, efficient use advertising.

Of great importance for the increase in non-cash payments are projects to encourage purchases. Much in the future development will depend on the permanent nature and mass character of these actions.

Studies conducted by the international payment system Visa revealed that the cost of any country for the production and maintenance of cash is up to 7 percent of GDP. By expanding the possibilities of conducting electronic non-cash payments, any country can save at least 1 percent of GDP per year. Taking into account global trends, the system of settlements using plastic cards should become the basis for the functioning of the national system of settlements for retail payments.

On the territory of the Republic of Belarus there are 4568 trade and service enterprises serving the holders of bank plastic cards.

Cash withdrawal by cards is possible in 1345 ATMs and 2094 cash points. Non-cash payments can be made at 590 self-service payment and information terminals (infokiosks). 10,730 terminals have been installed at all infrastructure facilities (5,317 in the OTS, 4,002 in the PVN, 340 outside the UTS and outside the PVN, and 1,071 in BelPochta) and 1,197 imprinters.

In 2008, 66,287,546 operations were carried out on the territory of the Republic of Belarus using plastic bank cards in Belarusian rubles to the amount of 6240,986.12 million rubles. The share of non-cash transactions in the total number of transactions using bank cards amounted to 26.4%, and in total terms - 4.6%.

The total number of transactions in foreign currency in 2008 amounted to 470759 transactions in the amount of 107723.82 thousand US dollars. The share of non-cash transactions in the total number of transactions using cards in foreign currency amounted to 5.2%, and in total terms - 9.8%.

The total number of bank plastic cards in circulation in Belarus increased in January-April by 13% and amounted to about 2 million 482.45 thousand pieces. Of these, 2 million 195.4 thousand pieces, or 88.4% - cards of international payment systems, 265.5 thousand (10.7%) - the national payment system "Belkart", 21.6 thousand pieces (0 .9%) - cards of internal private settlement systems.

According to National Bank Republic of Belarus, there were 944 ATMs and 1782 points of cash dispensing in the republic, which is 6.4% and 7.6% more than at the beginning of 2007, respectively. Currently, more than 3,342 trade and service enterprises in Belarus are ready to serve customers using plastic cards (a year ago there were 2,264 of them).

In accordance with the average international indicators, there are 2600 cards per 1 ATM, 160 cards per 1 payment terminal. In addition, the ATM network is still concentrated in the largest cities and is not properly branched out.

An underdeveloped network of payment terminals is one of the main negative factors affecting the share of non-cash payments using cards in Belarus (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3 - Indicators characterizing the ratio of cash and non-cash transactions in rubles using bank plastic cards.


Volumes of transactions using bank plastic cards in Belarusian rubles

Cash transactions

Cashless transactions


Amount (billion rubles)


Amount (billion rubles)

So as of January 1, 2008. the share of non-cash transactions in the total volume of transactions using cards in Belarusian rubles amounted to 36.9% in terms of the number of transactions and 6.9% in terms of the amount of transactions. Five years ago, these figures were 12.6% and 3.2%, respectively.

Of course, there is growth, but it is not enough to meet the standards of the State Program. In 2006, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank approved the State Program for the Development of the Technical Infrastructure that Ensures the Use of Bank Plastic Cards for 2006-2010 and the Action Plan for the Transition of the Sphere of Trade and Services to Cashless Payments with the Organization of an Incentive System for the Installation of Terminal Equipment and cashless payments using plastic cards. These documents contain a set of measures to bring by 2011 the share of non-cash payments in retail payments to at least 30%.

The active work of the banks made it possible to improve the indicator of the provision of cards with the necessary number of technical devices for servicing them. Yes, as of April 1, 2008. banks of the Republic of Belarus installed 2,085 ATMs, 1,518 info kiosks, 7,015 PTSs were equipped with 10,038 payment terminals.

However, bank plastic cards did not immediately receive recognition from the population. Meanwhile, the analysis of foreign experience shows that bank plastic cards are very popular, and payment systems based on them are highly efficient and profitable. It is generally recognized that plastic cards are the most progressive product in the banking services market.

To date, 22 banks of the Republic of Belarus issue bank plastic cards of domestic, international and domestic private and international private settlement systems: OJSC Belagroprombank, OJSC BPS-Bank, OJSC ASB Belarusbank, OJSC Belinvestbank, OJSC Priorbank, OJSC Belvnesheconombank, OJSC Paritetbank, OJSC BNB-Bank, OJSC Belgazprombank, CJSC RRB-Bank, CJSC MTBank, OJSC Technobank, OJSC Fransabank, CJSC Trustbank, CJSC VTB Bank (Belarus), CJSC Alfa-Bank, OJSC Bank Moscow-Minsk, OJSC KhKBank, CJSC BTA Bank, CJSC BelSwissBank, CJSC AKB BELROSBANK, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (only for employees of the system of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus).

As of 01.01.2009, more than 6 million 083 thousand cards were issued, of which more than 5 million 603 thousand were issued for international payment systems, more than 458 thousand for the Belkart internal system, and more than 21 internal private payment systems thousand

Interbank settlements in Belarusian rubles based on the results of clearing for transactions using bank plastic cards, carried out on a net basis by processing centers of international and domestic settlement systems using bank plastic cards, are carried out in the system of international bank settlements on large and urgent money transfers on a gross basis in real time (BISS - Belarus Interbank Settlement System).

In 2008, 333,541,466 transactions were carried out on the territory of the Republic of Belarus using plastic bank cards in Belarusian rubles to the amount of 32,867,388.84 million rubles. The share of non-cash transactions in the total number of transactions using bank plastic cards amounted to 40.9%, and in total terms - 9.1%. The total number of transactions in foreign currency for the same period amounted to 2,131,093 transactions in the amount of 605,693 thousand US dollars. The share of non-cash transactions in the total number of transactions using cards in foreign currency amounted to 6.7%, and in total terms - 3.3% (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4 - Volumes of transactions using bank plastic cards as of 01.01.2009

Insufficient today is the level of development of the infrastructure of the so-called "dual use", which allows servicing cards of various payment systems.

The number of objects of the software and hardware infrastructure that ensures transactions using cards is shown in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 - Objects of the software and hardware infrastructure as of 01.01.2009

Thus, the market of bank plastic cards is at the stage of formation in comparison with economically developed countries.

What needs to be done to speed up the process of development of the bank plastic cards market? To develop regional programs for the transition of enterprises to the issuance of wages through plastic cards. This program has already been implemented in many cities of our republic. But to achieve success, an integrated approach is required, i.e. when the project simultaneously involves:

All the largest enterprises of the city with their salary projects;

All systems and points of payment of pensions and benefits;

All major trade and service enterprises.

In order to accelerate the process of development of the bank plastic cards market, it is necessary to:

1) when implementing payroll projects, issue bank plastic cards to individuals free of charge, that is, at the expense of enterprises (budget funds) or at the expense of enterprises (budget funds) and banks (50% + 50%). In practice, when implementing salary projects, this item is fulfilled.

2) improve the quality of business planning. More widely use the system of incentive measures for the holders of bank plastic cards (discounts, prize draws, bonus incentive programs, etc.).

3) to give incentives to the taxation system for trade enterprises with the direction of the released funds for the purchase, installation and maintenance of payment terminals. Cancel customs duties on equipment necessary for the introduction of a system of cashless payments using plastic cards, the production of which has not yet been established in the republic. Return to the consideration of the program for the development and production of specialized devices for the payment system with bank plastic cards that meet international standards.

Thus, at present in the Republic of Belarus there is a significant activation of the processes associated with the development of the market of bank plastic cards.

For further development of the market of bank plastic cards, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

Most transactions carried out with cash should be possible with plastic cards;

Bank plastic cards must have at least one advantage over cash.

The government, realizing the importance of the above processes, provides all possible support, and also applies protectionist measures to expand the system of settlements with bank plastic cards in the Republic of Belarus.

In conclusion, it should be noted that due to the significant influence of a number of negative factors on the process of distribution of bank plastic cards (economic problems in the republic, low incomes of the population and, as a result, its low savings capacity, high price of equipment for servicing bank plastic cards, etc.) e) the development of the bank plastic card market may be difficult. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the project for the development of the bank plastic cards market is of a long-term nature and the main effect from its implementation will not be obtained immediately. Moreover, the experience of developing payment systems based on bank cards in European countries has shown that the greatest effect within an individual state is achieved through the creation of a single national payment system focused on the mass consumer and using both domestic and international card products, which in is currently being implemented and is being implemented in the Republic of Belarus.

2.2 Implementation mechanism settlements with bank plastic cards at JSC Belvnesheconombank

OJSC "Belvnesheconombank" was the first bank to issue plastic bank cards of international systems in banking system The Republic of Belarus.

The system of plastic cards in JSC Belvnesheconombank has been functioning since 1995. The bank is a member of international payment systems, and has created a national product in accordance with international standards, has mastered the entire range of services and payments, from the simplest imprinters to payment terminals and ATMs. “Salary” projects based on Cirrus / Maestro cards have been implemented and are successfully developing with enterprises and organizations McDonald's - 1489, Center for Banking Technologies - 150, Beltransgaz - 166, Coca-Cola Amatil Belarus - 335, Mobile TeleSystems - 255, Gromin LLC - 160, LLC "Pakoplast" - 154, OJSC Minsk Watch Plant "Luch" - 2435, OJSC Bobruisk Machine-Building Plant - 1494 and others.

Belvnesheconombank OJSC issues cards of international VISA and Eurocard/MasterCard systems. After ASB "Belarusbank" and OJSC "Priorbank" it ranks third with a share of participation: in terms of the number of transactions - 10.8%, in terms of the volume of transactions - 17.0%.

At the beginning of its activity, the bank faced misunderstanding and a negative attitude on the part of customers towards the product being introduced. It was important to convince people of the benefits of plastic card payments, to show the scope of their application. This required an active advertising campaign, as well as the expansion and renewal of card services.

The main procedures related to the issuance and acquiring of bank cards, and the procedure for interaction between the services of OJSC Belvnesheconombank are regulated by the Rules of OJSC Belvnesheconombank for carrying out operations using bank plastic cards approved by the Resolution of the Board of OJSC Belvnesheconombank dated August 28, 2006 No. 124.

The production of card blanks of the Settlement Systems is carried out by order of Belvnesheconombank OJSC from manufacturers authorized by the relevant Systems and with their consent.

Upon provision by the client complete package documents required to purchase a card, an application for the purchase of cards, MasterCard class and Visa Classic are registered in the book of registration of applications of clients. After the client's application is approved, the bank concludes an agreement with him.

The Bank obligatorily provides an explanation on the scope of the card, the conditions for using the card, the tariffs for transactions made using cards, the rights and obligations of the client, the procedure for canceling and withdrawing the card, the technology for conducting transactions with the card, the procedure for resolving mutual claims, the distribution of responsibility between the bank and holder. If the decision is positive, the authorized persons sign the contract.

The information contained in the application is transferred to the bank card issuing department. The bank card issuing department controls and enters the received information into the bank's card servicing system and generates a production report, which is transmitted to the plastic card system software and hardware department. Based on the data of the application and the production report, the cards are personalized and PIN codes are generated. After that, the manufactured cards and envelopes with PIN codes are transferred against receipt for copies of the production report to the responsible executor of the bank card issuing department.

The issuance of the card and PIN-code to the client is carried out against signature upon receipt on the application. If within 45 calendar days from the moment of production the card is not received by the client, then the card and PIN-code are subject to destruction. Re-manufacturing of a card to replace the one destroyed by the bank is carried out at the written request of the card holder.

In parallel with the issuance of cards, OJSC Belvnesheconombank actively carried out activities to create and expand the infrastructure for servicing cards issued by it. Over the past 6 years, the bank has carried out and is currently carrying out the effect of ...........

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