What is going on with the banks. What is happening with the Russian banking system

Revocation of licenses from banks is a fairly common phenomenon today and hardly anyone is surprised. Only such a situation often becomes an unpleasant phenomenon for depositors and borrowers of the bank.

Many immediately have a question: what will happen to the loan if the bank's license was revoked.

Some believe that it is possible to stop paying, since the financial institution is no more, others are trying to quickly find out their rights and obligations in connection with the current situation, so that it does not get worse later.

The procedure for revoking a license is a rather complicated manipulation. Moreover, the larger the bank, the more difficult this process will be.

The Central Bank of Russia, when deciding to deprive a bank of a license, tries to do everything so that a financial institution can fulfill its obligations to customers.

After the revocation of the license, a special manager is appointed to further conduct business and resolve issues of depositors and borrowers of the bank.

In the event that he, in the circumstances offered to him, cannot establish the work of the organization, the bank is liquidated.

Many are concerned about the question: if the bank's license was revoked, how to pay the loan. Here, first of all, it is worth understanding that it will not be possible not to pay.

In this case, the client must, as soon as he learns the news about the revocation of the license, immediately contact his credit institution.

Here you need to clarify information about your latest payments received. After all, when changing leadership, some technical failures may occur.

If there are any problems with the last payment, you need to come to the branch with a check to find out everything on the spot and figure it out.

You can check the status of your account by calling hotline– official contacts continue to work so that the clients of the financial institution can receive all the necessary information.

Also, instructions should appear on the bank's official website on what to do and how to act if the bank's license is revoked. Here is a list of required documents.

What happens to the loan in this case? Nothing - it remains in force, as before. This was the case five years ago, and this situation will continue in 2020.

The bank's website should contain information that clearly states:

  • What are the ways to pay the loan in the circumstances.
  • Account details where to pay for your loan obligation (checks must be kept as proof of fulfilled obligations).
  • Other required data.

At the time of liquidation, a temporary administration works with clients and bank loans. It should be borne in mind that at this stage, fines and penalties for delay have been canceled on loans.

Are penalties and fines legal during this period? Of course not. And if you have any questions on this issue, they can be asked by calling the hotline of the bank or the Central Bank itself.

According to the current state of affairs, the client must pay only the body of the principal debt, the interest accrued on it and additional commissions, if any, in his agreement with the credit institution.

How to pay, where and in what terms - all this should be explained by the bank, which is in the process of revoking the license.

The repayment procedure in the new form will be determined and offered to customers, while it will not differ much from the already established practice.

After liquidation

When the bank is liquidated, for example, the new head could not cope with the situation, the questions become even greater. So, for example, many people are worried about whether it is necessary to pay a loan if the bank's licenses were taken away and it was completely liquidated.

Specialists answer - nothing much will change for clients. After all, all the obligations of the bank, including the obligations of borrowers to financial institution, are transferred to other banks that bought the liquidated organization. Accordingly, the client becomes indebted to him.

Against this background, there is a logical question: what will happen to the mortgage. After all, the property was pledged to a certain bank.

Experts explain that it's okay - all collateral after the license is revoked from the creditor will belong to the one who will redeem his debts.

In such a situation, no major changes will occur for the client - he will be served under the terms of the old loan agreement.

If you are still unsure, please contact new bank, to which the borrower's loan was transferred, and discuss on the spot all the conditions for fulfilling their loan obligations.

It is important to discuss here:

  • Payment terms;
  • The amount of payments;
  • Branches where you can pay off debt;
  • Online payment methods, etc.

If a client of a liquidated bank is frightened by the prospect of working with a new financial institution, he has the right to close his loan ahead of schedule.

But it is worth remembering that a new bank cannot force him to close the contract ahead of schedule - the client can revise his credit relations with a financial organization only at his own voluntary request.

He may also think if the bank offers him to renegotiate the contract on new terms. Here it is worth thinking over everything, calculating and estimating. Perhaps this option will be more interesting.

Many people in a situation where they don’t know what to do if the bank’s license was revoked, and I have a loan there, are frightened by the lack of branches of the new lender where the borrowers live.

After all, in this case, where and how to pay them, it becomes unclear. And you don't want to build up a lot of debt.

In such a transitional period, when various organizational issues are being resolved, a bank client whose license has been revoked can use the help of notaries.

That is, when the deadline for making the next payment comes up, he can bring the necessary amount to the notary's office and leave it for storage. Making a deposit to the notary will be equated to the fulfillment of obligations to repay the loan.

The notary should write a statement that will list:

  • All obligations of the client to the bank;
  • The amount of debt;
  • Name of the creditor bank;
  • Grounds based on which the borrower is not able to pay his debt directly.

There are many options for how to get out of such an unpleasant situation with minimal losses. The main thing is not to hope that they will forget about you. Each lender knows his borrowers and will ask sooner or later.

In order not to build up unsustainable debts, you should worry in advance about timely payments to any accessible way. And, of course, it is necessary to keep all the checks on hand so that, on occasion, you can easily prove your case.

Video: Is it possible not to pay a loan if the bank closes?

Bank Otkritie, the sixth-largest bank in Russia by assets and the largest private bank in the country, has had a difficult time of late. Here's the main thing to know.

In June, the bank lost deposits of 105.8 billion rubles, most of the money was taken by the state structures that held them in the bank. The news about this appeared shortly after the collapse of the Yugra bank, and the wave of rumors that called into question the reliability of the bank reached such strength that the largest shareholder of the bank, Vadim Belyaev, was forced to comment on them. The bank is now negotiating with a potential investor for a substantial capital increase, and Belyaev has returned to the bank's management to calm the market.

1. Is there a risk that Otkritie will collapse?

Probably not. The Bank of Russia considers "Opening" systemically important bank. First Deputy Head of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin said on August 2: "We do not expect any serious negative events in the foreseeable future, and, above all, the revocation of licenses from large, significant banks."

2. Why are investors and savers worried?

Even before the rating agency ACRA assigned Otkritie an unprecedentedly low rating for its position (BBB- on the national scale with a stable outlook) in July, profitability Eurobonds bank grew, and customers actively took their deposits. In June, the outflow exceeded 105.6 billion rubles, and the fact that the Bank of Russia continued to actively clean up the financial sectors, instilled fear in the clients of Otkritie.

Since 2014, the regulator has recalled every third banking license in the country, and Ugra, which collapsed at the end of July, occupied 15th place in terms of the volume of deposits of individuals. Among other things, on the evening of August 5, part of the Otkritie ATMs stopped working for several hours due to the fact that two fiber-optic cables were damaged during road works in Moscow.

3. Who can help the bank?

A potential new investor has not yet been named. State banking group VTB, which owns 10% of parent company Otkritie, said it had no plans to increase its stake.

4. Who owns the bank?

A group of Russian businessmen. Otkritie's shareholder structure is unusual in Russia, as the interests of minority shareholders are often neglected here. Belyaev owns a 29% stake in OJSC Otkritie, which, in turn, has a controlling stake in the bank.

Other major shareholders include LUKOIL (MICEX: LKOH) billionaires Vagit Alekperov and Leonid Fedun, East Group President Alexander Nesis, financier Ruben Aganbegyan and Alexander Mamut. VTB Bank received a 10% stake in Otkritie in 2015 by foreclosing collateral on a defaulted loan.

5. Does the presence of VTB as a shareholder mean that Otkritie is controlled by the state?

In Russia, even private business is not immune to pressure from the state. However, the management of both banks denies that they are connected by anything else, except for the mentioned 10% stake.

VTB financed a 2012 deal that made Otkritie a major player and also sold 20% of Cypriot Russian commercial bank, reducing its share to 46% after the imposition of sanctions.

The State Bank was also the brains behind a secret reverse repo deal with Rosneft worth 1 trillion rubles. In December 2014, Rosneft raised 625 billion rubles in one day to refinance its external debt, and in January another 400 billion rubles.

6. How long has Otkritie been the largest private bank in Russia?

The bank became one of the industry leaders after the purchase of Nomos Bank in 2012. The bank then grew during the recent crisis, thanks in part to 127 billion rubles received from the Central Bank to reorganize the bank Trust. Even more successful was the deal in 2014, when Otkritie spent 800 billion rubles to buy 74% of Russia's sovereign Eurobonds maturing in 2030. This allowed it to become the largest private bank overnight.

The bank continues to grow aggressively, this year, according to some reports, plans to absorption the largest insurer in Russia - the company Rosgosstrakh. S&P Global Ratings warns that the deal will undermine its capital adequacy.

7. Who is Belyaev?

51-year-old Vadim Belyaev first tried to go into business as a teenager - then he traded in imported watches. He has been working in the banking business for two decades, from the moment he founded Otkritie together with Boris Mints. Compared to the heads of other large banks, Belyaev is a non-public person. In a 2015 interview, he described himself as more of a risk-taker than an investment banker. Belyaev stepped down from operational management in 2014 and rejoined the bank in August this year.

Prepared by Lisa Dobkina

The decision to reorganize Promsvyazbank was made on Thursday by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev said.

What happened

At the end of May this year, the inspection of Promsvyazbank ended, Pozdyshev said. It was a comprehensive audit: during the summer, audits were still going on at AvtoVAZbank and Vozrozhdeniye - all banks are controlled by the brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananiev. By the end of the summer, the overall assessment was summed up financial position banks of the group and the owners and management of the bank were familiarized with the act of verification - they were presented with information about the necessary reserves for formation, Pozdyshev said. The bank was informed about 104 billion rubles. reserves for completion, in addition, and about additional reserves that appeared as a result of the assessment of remote supervision, but were not formally supported by documents, Pozdyshev said.

Vozrozhdenie needed to complete the formation of less than 1 billion rubles. reserves, AvtoVAZbank - about 15 billion rubles, he said.

After that, negotiations were held with the owners and management of the bank to find a solution, says Pozdyshev. There were several options for such a large and systemically important bank, but the option of revoking the license was excluded. Initially, negotiations were underway on the independent possibilities of the owners to correct the situation with capital - the bank was presented with a lack of capital of about 200 billion rubles.

The owners began to offer plans to increase financial stability, there were several of them, but they were all based on two ideas, Pozdyshev said: to give the bank a significant delay in the formation of reserves (at least three years) and replenish the bank's capital from profits. The Central Bank did not accept these plans for two reasons: the regulator does not have a legislative opportunity to give such an installment plan without using the mechanism of the old rehabilitation through the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), and it would not have been possible to replenish capital from the bank’s profit, since the bank generated profit mainly due to the dissolution reserves.

Reserves of 104 billion rubles. the bank added additional charges this week - on Wednesday, Pozdyshev confirmed. The order was received by the bank on Monday, he said.

Together with the order on reserves, the Central Bank limited Promsvyazbank's operations. As long as the bank is not under the operational control of the Central Bank, such restrictions are needed so that there are no attempts to withdraw assets or a significant transformation of the balance sheet, Pozdyshev explained.

Historically a market bank

Each troubled bank has its own story: when Promsvyazbank was created and began to function, it was not aimed at lending to owners, historically it issued market loans, Pozdyshev said. But, starting from the crisis of 2008 and ending with the crisis of 2014, a large portfolio of market loans became problematic, the deputy chairman of the Central Bank said. After that, the owners of the bank chose a strategy that is quite understandable to many private and non-private banks: troubled enterprises or construction projects began to get into debt and transferred to the balance of the bank or the company of owners, the deputy chairman of the Central Bank says.

From a market bank, it began to turn into a bank that mainly finances owners, Pozdyshev stated. “The exposure to the owners' business exceeds the bank's capital,” he said, adding that formally the bank complies with the regulations.

The second source of problems is subordinated instruments, which, according to the Central Bank, were and are financed to a certain extent by the bank itself, Pozdyshev said. In total, the bank has about 100 billion rubles of subordins, perhaps not all of them were financed by the bank, he specified. It will be impossible to count on any amount of subordins in terms of content - that is, to replenish capital, he said.

The third element is the reorganization of Avtovazbank, the deputy chairman of the Central Bank said. AvtoVAZbank is less of a problem than in other sanitized groups. But it also needs additional capitalization, he says.

90 days before sale

Pozdyshev said that the Central Bank saw transactions that took place on the Moscow Exchange with bank shares on the eve of the announcement of the bank's reorganization. In total, such transactions amounted to 16.5 billion rubles. - a package of about 10% of the bank's shares was sold and bought. Pension funds sold shares of Promsvyazbank and purchased its bonds, Pozdyshev said. “We believe that these transactions should be considered in the course of a thorough investigation from the point of view of who was the buyer, who was the seller, and with what funds these transactions were financed,” Pozdyshev said. It will be necessary to conduct an investigation into the possible use of insider information, he added. What was the meaning of the transactions for pension funds, it is clear: bonds in the event of financial recovery are not written off, he pointed out.

The Central Bank expects that the assessment financial condition the bank and its additional capitalization will take place quite quickly, Pozdyshev said, - within three months. First of all, due to the fact that the Central Bank immediately proceeds to the second stage of financial recovery - the bank is immediately under operational control management company Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. To speed up the process and taking into account the possibilities given by the legislation, the Central Bank decided to go straight to the second stage, Pozdyshev said.

The financial recovery of the bank does not end there, but the bank will begin to comply with the standards, he says, and within six months the bank's reorganization will be completed.

The Central Bank considered the "Renaissance" financially stable. But the Ananyev brothers will really have to sell it: due to the reorganization of Promsvyazbank, they will be required to reduce their share to below 10% in the capital of Vozrozhdenie, he said. They have 90 days to do this, Pozdyshev added.

The interim administration manages the bank for only a few hours, it is too early to say whether other assets of the owners will be in demand. Remotely, we have not seen attempts to withdraw assets, the latest transactions need to be investigated, he said. After the provisional administration confirms that all payments are under control, the restrictions will be lifted, Pozdyshev concluded.

Ordinary Russians, as always, will have to pay for the policy of the authorities.© CC0 Public Domain

Messages that the next commercial Bank I could not cope with the problems that arose and lost my license, they appear more and more often. In 2016 alone, the Central Bank terminated the activities of ninety-seven credit institutions. In total, over the past less than five years, licenses were revoked from three hundred and forty-three banks, and today there are already less than six hundred of them - and ten years ago this figure was almost twice as much.

Some "sick" banks were able to avoid bankruptcy proceedings by going "under the wing" of other organizations. At the same time, the Central Bank itself did not deal with the rehabilitation of problem market participants before. But when Otkritie Bank, named one of the backbone banks, was threatened with liquidation at the end of the summer, it was decided to save it according to a new scenario - through the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund, formed at the expense of the regulator. Before the storm caused by this news subsided, it became known that Binbank, another large commercial lending institution, had asked for similar assistance.

The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, claims that all the actions of her department are aimed at "improving the banking sector, getting rid of weak players." However, some observers call what is happening a “cleansing” and note that more and more banks are coming under state control. It is worth adding that such a policy has already cost the budget a substantial amount - in 2013-2015 alone, 3.4 trillion rubles were spent for these purposes.

Rosbalt asked experts what such a sharp reduction in the number of banks in the country would lead to, which means the reorganization of Otkritie and Binbank according to new scheme and how the current situation will affect Russian citizens.

Vadim Zhartun, director of the consulting company Nova Team:

“First, you just need to call a spade a spade. There is no rehabilitation. You can sanitize a viable bank that finds itself in a difficult situation. Otkritie, and now Binbank, are banks with near-zero or even negative capital. Accordingly, there is no rehabilitation. There is nationalization, the transfer to state ownership.

The second question is what exactly is being nationalized. And holes in the capital, that is, losses, are nationalized. Consequently, the Russians, by decision of the Central Bank, take on the burden of losses of the largest banks. For Otkritie and Binbank alone, about 10,000 rubles of loss falls on each economically active Russian. They will either be taken from the reserves, or wait for a jump in inflation.

In the short term, the nationalization of troubled banks, of course, makes it possible to maintain the stability of the system and avoid panic and rolling bankruptcies. This is a positive effect. But there are far more negative long-term effects. The state does not need to earn money - they can always be extracted with the help of excises and taxes from the population. In the same way, the state bank does not need to earn money by lending to businesses, the population, or working with securities.

As a result, the banking system begins to solve not economic, but political tasks - financing the next "constructions of the century", for example. And she doesn't care about anything else. Combining the roles of the regulator and the bank in the Central Bank only contributes to this. Because of this, the economy is deprived of a mechanism for development and even an illusory hope for growth.”

Andrey Nechaev, former Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics:

“Administrative squeezing out of small and medium-sized banks began when the Central Bank was headed by Sergei Dubinin. And with the advent of Elvira Nabiullina, this process accelerated sharply. Moreover, if earlier the financial authorities adhered to the “too big to fail” policy (“too big to fail”), then after the bankruptcy of the Master Bank, fairly large banks, including those in the top 50, began to lose their licenses. As a result, the Deposit Insurance Agency found itself in a difficult position, which is constantly forced to apply for new loans to the Central Bank in order to pay off debts to depositors. In this regard, the regulator decided to implement a fundamentally new approach, resorting to the idea of ​​the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund.

The number of small and medium-sized banks, unfortunately, will continue to decline. The Central Bank, of course, motivates this policy in its own way, stating that it is necessary to clean the banking system, firstly, from semi-criminal, and secondly, from weak banks.

I agree with the first point. If a bank violates the law, engages in money laundering or other criminal and semi-criminal operations, then it should be punished. True, domestic financial authorities themselves are pushing banks to such operations. Regulatory requirements are very bureaucratic and constantly tightened, which greatly reduces the profitability of the banking business. According to my estimates, at least half of the employees of any bank, not counting the technical ones, are busy monitoring operations and writing all kinds of reports, messages, responses to requests from the Central Bank, tax office, investigating authorities, etc. All this is done by qualified and highly paid personnel. As a result, in order to “keep up the pants”, some banks are simply forced to engage in all sorts of semi-criminal operations in order to increase their profitability.

But how many small and medium-sized banks can be considered weak and suitable for revoking a license is an open question. In my opinion, most of them are inherently more stable than the big players. Just the criteria by which a particular bank is allowed access to budgetary funds and government programs subsidizing interest rates, very strange and sometimes contrary to logic. For example, a bank that has not applied for government bailouts is considered less resilient than a large bank that has.

There is a big problem with the small business support program and Agriculture. Mostly, this is the sphere of small banks. big bank it is not interesting: it is much easier to issue one large loan to a large state or semi-state borrower than to fiddle with several tens of thousands of small ones. And small and medium-sized banks work with them, since this is their main clientele. But when it comes to subsidizing interest rates, the authorities say that only large banks can participate in such a program.

So many banks whose licenses were revoked were simply cut off from state financing before that. Hundreds of billions of rubles are allocated to support large banks, while small and medium-sized banks receive nothing within the framework of anti-crisis programs. Thus, our financial authorities themselves create unequal conditions for competition and eventually suppress it. Ultimately, the consumer suffers. After all, only when there is competition, for example, in providing loans to small businesses or mortgage loans, banks improve conditions, reduce rates, reduce initial contributions. And if there is no struggle for the client and there are only two or three banks that have divided the market among themselves, then the consumer will be dictated by those conditions that they consider beneficial for themselves.

Maxim Osadchiy, Head of Analytical Department of BKF Bank:

“The nationalization of the banking sector is taking place in Russia. And if this trend continues, then in the end, several state-owned banks will remain on the banking services market: a savings bank for the population, a bank for foreign trade and several branch banks. The competition will be destroyed.

Naturally, in this case, the quality of banking services will be low, and long queues will return to everyday banking practice. The nationalization of the banking sector is a consequence of the general trend of return Russian economy to state capitalism (socialism is one of its forms).

As for the rescue of the largest private banks at the expense of the state, this is a manifestation of the policy of “nationalization of losses and privatization of profits”. And all this happens at the expense of public funds. Let me remind you that the debt of FC Otkritie Bank to the Central Bank as of September 1 amounted to 1.1 trillion rubles. That is, every citizen of Russia paid more than 7 thousand rubles for the "art" of Belyaev & Co. In particular, FC Otkritie Bank received from the Central Bank a deposit in the amount of 330 billion rubles. What is the source of these funds? Printing press. Therefore, such reorganization will contribute to inflation.

At the same time, if the owners and top management of banks "too big to fail" know that in the event of a collapse they will not be punished, and their bank will be reorganized, then they will pursue a risky opportunistic policy - for example, to carry out reckless expansion, "including a vacuum cleaner “. So a surprisingly mild attitude towards the owners and top management of FC Otkritie and Binbank encourages the owners and top management of other large banks to withdraw assets, lend to related businesses, and manipulate prices. financial assets and so on. And the absence of a bailin — a rescue at the expense of creditors — encourages the latter (including the overweight depositors) not to care about the financial stability of the bank and not to monitor its condition.”

Andrey Movchan, Program Director Economic policy» Carnegie Moscow Center:

“The private banking system in our country is slowly ceasing to exist. This does not mean that there are no private banks with the capital that allows them to operate. But out of five hundred banks, only a few remain. The private banking sector accounts for less than 1% of Russia's GDP.

We need a full reboot. But so far, on the contrary, there is a trend towards the nationalization of the banking sector. Private banks are leaving, and as a result, there will be a few large state-owned banks serving the entire country. It is clear that this will be a cartel, and all banking services will be monopolized.

Under such conditions, no economic growth, which can provoke banking, you can't speak. The remaining banks will lend only to whom they are told, and buy those securities regarding which they will be given instructions.

So we are losing one of the potential drivers of growth, which has always worked very well all over the world.

Of course, there is one good news: the average consumer of banking services will not lose money, because the state, apparently, has decided not to allow such a development of events. At least it won't be a massive process. But the problem is that when the banking system is monopolized, all services will be worse and more expensive. Even now, I see that banks with an unspoiled reputation that are still alive are starting to increase the cost of servicing. The population has less and less choice.

Therefore, those magnificent years when it was possible to say that our banking system is better and cheaper than in the West are fading into the past, and soon we will not have any privileges and benefits.”

Tatyana Khruleva

One of the common misconceptions is that in the event of liquidation or revocation of a bank's license, borrowers no longer need to fulfill their obligations.

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However, debts to a banking institution do not disappear when the license is revoked, and debtors will have to fulfill their obligations in full.

In this article, we will consider what happens to a loan if a bank’s license was revoked in the Russian Federation in 2020, what consequences await borrowers in case of refusal to pay, what legislative acts regulate the issue of debt repayment and what rights customers have in such a situation.

Important Aspects

If the bank in which the citizen's loan has not been repaid has been revoked the license to maintain banking, then many questions arise, to whom to make payments and how to repay in full without additional fees and penalties.

IN this section introduce you to the basic concepts legislative regulation and potential consequences for borrowers in the event of a bank liquidation.

Required terms

The total amount of the borrower's debt to the bank, including all penalties, fees and penalties for late payments
Bank liquidation This is the calculation method banking organization with creditors, which is preceded by the revocation of a banking license. This occurs in the case of forced liquidation, if the bank is unable to meet its obligations. In case of voluntary liquidation, it can be initiated by the founders of the bank
Banking license Issued to credit institutions in order to give them the legal right to perform Bank operations With in cash and securities of individuals and legal entities

Consequences of debt

In a situation of bank liquidation, the previous agreement between the bank and the borrower is terminated.

That is, when a bank is deprived of a license and liquidated, all borrowers already owe money to a third party or the state. All credits are bidable to third party institutions.

Most borrowers are waiting for official notification from the bank about the change in payment details, and do not make payments on their loans.

However, in general, such notifications are sent to borrowers after the procedure for recognizing a banking organization, that is, after a few months or even a year or two.

Moreover, for the entire period, penalties and fines for delays are charged. Consider what is fraught with non-payment of your debt.

First of all, accrual, as a result of which you must pay additional funds bank.

Also, the borrower may be required to prepay in full along with interest and penalties.

In case of refusal to pay, the manager of the banking institution will file a claim with the court in your case. As a result, you can expect:

  • problems with bailiffs;
  • negative marks in the credit history;
  • withholding amounts for repayment from;
  • property or.

Regulatory regulation

In case of revocation of a license from a bank, the algorithm of behavior is clearly regulated by legislative norms.

In accordance with the provisions, the contract with the bankrupt bank is terminated and a new transaction is executed.

What to do with a loan if the license was taken away from the bank

In recent years, there has been a tendency to revoke licenses from banks by the Bank of Russia, as a result of which citizens who have loans and suffer.

The grounds for this are serious unsolvable problems of the bank or loss of trust.

However, often borrowers who have not yet repaid their loans to such banks find themselves in a difficult situation and do not know how to act competently, which is fraught with the consequences of refusing to pay the debt.

Client's first steps

First of all, you need to understand that even if the bank is liquidated, citizens must pay off their debt.

After all, in case of non-payment of the debt, you spoil yourself credit history and may cause the case to go to trial.

Consider step by step instructions how to act as a client of a bankrupt bank:

On the official portal of the Bank of Russia Specify which banking institution took over the functions of the bankrupt bank. Also, this information can be clarified in the DIA support service or on the website of the credit institution in which the loan was originally issued
Then you need to take a package of documents (passport and, and on making payments) and contact the branch of the new bank
You will need to know the amount due Adjustments in the details, as well as, if necessary, create a new one
If in your locality not representative offices of a new banking institution Then send a request for clarification of new payment details by registered mail

Note that if the license is revoked, the new bank may offer you more favorable lending conditions, for example, debt or repayment of the entire amount without commissions and fines.

What happens to loans

Let's consider what actions of the new bank should be expected, what will happen in the future with loans if the bank's license is revoked:

Initial notice of revocation of a banking license Hosted on the official website Central Bank RF, it is there that you can find out which bank has become the assignee of your debt. It is recommended to check with the DIA when the last payment on your loan was received and whether there are delays on it. If there is no response, it is recommended to continue making payments using the same details, while keeping all receipts. In most cases, within 10 days after the adoption of the verdict on the liquidation of the bank by the court, a notification with new payment details is posted on the DIA portal
Carefully control that the amount of debt does not change under your contract After all, even in the event of a change in the creditor, the new bank is not entitled to require you to repay a significantly larger amount
In the new bank, you must request an extract on the repaid part of the debt This is especially important if you made the payment on the day the bank was declared bankrupt.
If there is no branch or representative office of the new bank in the locality Send a written request to the Central Bank for clarification of new details
It should be noted that in case of delay in the next payment The new creditor is not entitled to impose fines and penalties on you in accordance with the law. However, it is not recommended to form a significant debt
The new lender is usually Offers restructuring or execution of a new contract. However, the bank, by law, does not have the right to require you to fulfill a specific condition; in case of illegal actions, you have the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor

Often, citizens are faced with the fact that they are required to pay for loans from bankrupt banks with a commission.

At the notary's office, you must write an application with a clear indication of all obligations, the amount of debt, the name of the lender and the reasons why you are unable to repay the loan directly to the lender.

The further task of notifying the creditor rests with the notary. In the event that the debts of a liquidated bank are sold at auction or assigned to another bank, each borrower must be notified of the new procedure and payment details.

Client Rights

Clients of bankrupt banks have not obligations, but also rights:

  • timely notification from the bank about new details;
  • reporting information on the current amount of debt, fines and penalties;
  • obtaining a certificate from the creditor on the repaid amount of the debt and the amount payable;
  • in the event of a significant increase in debt due to the accrual of fines and penalties, the borrower has the right to go to court with.

In accordance with the law, the borrower has the right to pay the remaining amount of the debt on the same terms.

The new creditor is not entitled to impose significant fines and significantly increase the amount of debt for biased reasons.

Also, the creditor is not entitled to demand early repayment the entire amount, if such a clause was not assigned in the contract.