Bank guarantee from Sberbank conditions. How to obtain bank guarantees from Sberbank

When concluding business transactions, there is always the possibility that the company will not be able to fulfill its financial obligations to its partners. A bank guarantee from Sberbank can significantly reduce such risks. This service should assist companies in obtaining lucrative contracts and participating in tenders. In addition, it can be used to guarantee the company’s obligations to the tax office and customs regarding taxes and duties.

Received bank guarantee the enterprise confirms in this way its solvency at the expense of a documented guarantee from the bank, and not at the expense of its own or borrowed money. Such a guarantee, in essence, is the bank’s promise to pay a penalty to the company’s partners if its obligations are not fulfilled.

Types of bank guarantee

Sberbank has developed a special product “Business Guarantee” for small businesses. This package includes the following services:

  • Guarantee for fulfillment of obligations. This type of guarantee is issued to a company that has won the bidding for a government order. One of the requirements of such tenders is that the winning company provides a guarantee that the bank will pay the customer a certain amount for penalties in the event that the company fails to fulfill the terms of the contract;
  • Tender guarantee. Such a guarantee avoids the risk in the event that a bidder withdraws his application for participation after the deadline for its submission or the winner of the tender refuses to enter into a contract or performs it improperly. In this way, the customer not only insures himself, but also weeds out unscrupulous contractors;
  • A customs guarantee is an obligation of Sberbank to customs, ensuring that the enterprise pays customs duties. Such a guarantee can only be issued by a bank that is included in a special register banking institutions. Sberbank of Russia has been on this register since 2008;
  • Advance payment refund guarantee. An enterprise that has entered into a contract with a contractor can pay up to one third of the contract amount in the form of advance payments. However, in order to insure against misuse of these funds by the contractor, the customer, before paying the advance, requires a guarantee of its return. If the advance is used for other purposes, Sberbank returns it to the customer;
  • Guarantee in favor of the state tax office. This type of guarantee is issued to ensure that the company pays taxes. It can also be issued only by banks included in a special register.

What to do to obtain a bank guarantee

In order to obtain bank guarantees from Sberbank, a company must submit the following documents to Sberbank:

  • application for service written on company letterhead free form, indicating the purpose, amount, period of the guarantee and the composition of its security;
  • enterprise profile;
  • registration documents and charter of the enterprise;
  • accounting reports for the last five reporting periods and explanations for them;
  • business plan for the period of provision of the service;
  • documentation of the transaction covered by the guarantee;
  • documents on existing guarantee security.

Conditions and cost of a Sberbank bank guarantee

The Business Guarantee service is included in the product line credit instruments for small businesses, so its main limitation is related to the size of the company’s revenue. It should not exceed 400 million rubles per year. In addition, the company must be a resident of the Russian Federation. The age of the entrepreneur should not exceed 70 years, and the length of experience in running the enterprise economic activity should be:

  • for seasonal work - more than 12 months;
  • for the rest - more than 6 months.

The service is provided for a period of one month to two years. If the work experience of a small enterprise exceeds two years, and also if the borrower is financially stable or is fully secured with certificates of deposit and bills of exchange from Sberbank, the period increases to 36 months.

The amount of the guarantee, that is, the amount that the bank will pay to the partners of the company as a penalty, also has limitations. It should not be less than 50 thousand rubles. The maximum amount of this amount depends on financial condition borrower enterprise.

In the cost of a bank guarantee, Sberbank includes a fee for issuing a guarantee and a penalty for diverting money when a guarantee event occurs. The size of these indicators is determined for each borrower individually, but there are some restrictions here too. The fee for issuing a guarantee is from 2.66 percent, but:

  • not less than 27 thousand rubles - if a pledge of property is provided;
  • not less than 15 thousand rubles - if a pledge of certificates of deposit and bills of exchange is provided;
  • not less than 17.5 thousand rubles - with the involvement of a guarantor:
  • at least 20 thousand rubles - without using collateral or attracting guarantors.

If the company fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, the rate for diverting Sberbank’s money is 11.73 percent or more per annum.

The payment under the guarantee is reimbursed by the borrower within three months. If the guarantee was given on the security of certificates of deposit and bills of exchange, the reimbursement period is three days. If the payment was not reimbursed on time, a penalty is provided in the amount of 0.1 percent of the payment amount, calculated per day of delay.

The following can be used to secure warranty obligations:

  • real estate;
  • equipment;
  • transport;
  • inventories;
  • farm animals;
  • bills issued by Sberbank or certificates of deposit of Sberbank;
  • guarantee of the owners of the enterprise;
  • guarantees issued by other banks.

The bank can provide guarantees without any collateral, but only in the amount of up to 4 million rubles. To individual entrepreneurs, also without collateral, the bank can issue guarantees for the fulfillment of obligations, as well as tender guarantees in the amount of 8 million rubles.

Largest National Bank Russia has become famous not only for its tariff plans and innovative solutions for individuals, but also advantageous offers For legal clients. Small business is a developing industry that requires support with documentation and initial financing. Sberbank “Bank guarantee to ensure contract execution” is a unique offer for small businesses, the conditions of which facilitate the possibility of purchasing goods and arranging long-term supplies with third-party organizations.

In this material we will consider the terms of cooperation in 2019, the application process necessary documents and features of working with third party companies using bank guarantee services.

“Bank guarantee” is a kind of credit decision for small businesses, providing unique conditions for working with legal entities. The preferential tariff is available for use exclusively by representatives of small organizations, the financial status of which will have to be documented.

Taking advantage of such an offer will not only increase your potential payment power and credibility with other companies, but can also help your business grow rapidly. The tariff plan has many features that require preliminary study.

To be able to understand in detail the functioning of the solution, it is necessary to introduce the following banking terminology:

  1. principal – your company, which is a small business and acts as a borrower of funds and a customer for the long-term delivery of a consignment of goods or the provision of services;
  2. beneficiary - the organization with which you will sign agreements for further cooperation and purchase of goods. A mandatory condition for concluding an agreement includes its preliminary approval and notification of the intention to use the Sberbank guarantee;
  3. guarantor bank - such an organization is Sberbank, which guarantees timely payment of scheduled payments for the purchased batch of goods.

The principle of operation is to preliminary prepare a contact with the beneficiary with installment payments for the supply of goods. You must agree to use the services of a guarantor bank, which will be responsible for your solvency.

Sberbank also takes responsibility for preparing further documentation for the financial transaction, which simplifies work with other organizations.

  • the bank guarantees the payment of the first payment, the amount of which can be up to 25% of the total transaction value. This process is discussed in documentation when concluding an agreement, a generally accepted example of which can be downloaded from an open source;
  • if you violate the terms or conditions of payment, the guarantor bank undertakes to cover all arising financial expenses without fail. The additional documentation provides a detailed list of such “warranty” cases subject to payment.

Using Sberbank services, you also receive additional bonuses for running your own business:

  1. The service allows you to become a participant in Sberbank’s own auction, which will help you find a beneficiary in the near future. Detailed information on the auction is posted in the corresponding section on the official website of the largest state-owned bank in Russia;
  2. The bank assumes all obligations for the preparation of documentation and registration of current accounts for the payment of taxes. There are no various “hidden” taxes here, which indicates the openness of the transactions;
  3. the mandatory deadline for payment of imposed customs duties on the import of a consignment of goods can be divided into several parts and ultimately postponed for a period of up to 1 year. This item is especially in demand by companies with limited payment capacity, which do not have the opportunity to pay a large amount for customs duties at once.

The service has been present for a long time banking market, and user reviews are predominantly positive. Using a Sberbank guarantee is a kind of low-interest loan for a small business. Connecting to your own auction will not only increase your turnover, but also significantly expand your active customer base, which will help bring your company out of stagnation. The ability to defer payment of taxes and customs duties allows you to use funds for business development and additional purchases of goods.

An important point is that the initial payment does not apply to the loan, but to an advance, which reduces interest payments on the total amount. A bank guarantee when a bank’s license is revoked should not disturb an active client, since Sberbank has been a leading organization in its market for a long time, possessing a large loan portfolio. There is no point in thinking about terminating the activities of such a bank.

The disadvantages include a large list of required documentation and the need to provide guarantors, the number of which depends on the amount requested. This issue requires separate consideration, together with the percentage commission.

Sberbank "Bank guarantee": cost of service

To obtain a bank guarantee, you must first collect a complete list of documentation, which includes:

  • a completed application in the prescribed form, which can be obtained at the nearest service office or downloaded from official bank site. Printed filling is also allowed;
  • passport or other identification document of the business owner;
  • documentation evidencing completion state registration with the corresponding extract from the register;
  • the company must be registered with active tax authorities;
  • you should use cash and settlement services Sberbank and present plastic card, containing options for your signature;
  • constituent documentation with the corresponding protocol must prove your ownership of the individual entrepreneur or company;
  • accounting documentation must contain complete information about current balance, profit and loss statements for the past year and other data on the use of funds;
  • current contract with the supplier and additional documentation indicating pricing specifications.

Sberbank is famous for its individual approach to each client, which influenced the interest rate for this service. The commission can range from 2% to 10% of the requested amount, and will be announced as a result of the conclusion of the contract. Maximum size depends on the size of your profit and the value of the collateral of your property and the property of the co-borrower. The service can only be used by those organizations financial turnover which does not exceed 400 million rubles over the past year. You can find out how much the late payment fee and other information cost by calling the toll-free support service or by contacting the Sberbank service office.

The reputation of the initiator of the contract largely depends on how reliable its guarantor is. Sberbank of Russia is not only the oldest and largest of Russian banks, but also differs high degree reliability, carefully fulfills all its obligations. A bank guarantee from Sberbank will help you gain an advantage over competitors, longer deferred payments from government agencies and international organizations.

Sberbank and its bank

Depending on the features financial activities representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as their needs for confirmation of financing at this stage of development, Sberbank bank guarantees can be provided for:

  • participation in auctions, tenders, competitions;
  • return of the advance to the customer, which makes it possible to use additional funds, issued by the customer;
  • covering costs in the event of penalties (if delivery or delivery deadlines are not met, quality problems, etc.);
  • deferment of payments to customs and tax authorities.

Each Sberbank bank guarantee is carefully compiled by leading specialists, taking into account the individual needs of clients. That's why:

  1. A guarantee for the fulfillment of obligations is provided to companies that have won a contract with state or municipal institutions. It becomes insurance for customers against possible financial losses from improper performance of the contract. In this case, the bank is guaranteed to give back the money.
  2. A tender bank guarantee allows the organizers to be sure that the participant will not risk refusing to conclude a deal if they win.
  3. Obtaining a bank guarantee from Sberbank for customs will help defer the required payments for up to a year. Such a document is issued in writing in a special form, and provided that the bank is included in a special register. Sberbank has been included in it for 9 years.
  4. If the customer agrees to issue an advance, it is legal to request to obtain bank security for the contract for the return of the advance payment. If the funds are spent on other purposes not specified in the contract, the bank will reimburse the funds to the customer.
  5. VAT refund is possible even before the verification is completed tax return, If financial institution assumes warranty obligations. It should be noted that such cooperation with the tax office is not available to all banks, but in this case, bank collateral will be accepted, and the client will be able to use the funds for their own purposes much faster.

The conditions for each option are different. In addition, they directly depend on the financial condition of the company, its reputation in the market, debt obligations, the quality of cooperation with Sberbank and the availability of collateral.


Some experts believe that Sberbank is too demanding in terms of the number of documents and the depth of analytical research. However, the financial institution does provide profitable terms, therefore, the desire to insure oneself against risks is understandable. On the other hand, this affects the duration of paperwork. The problem is not the bank's slow performance. Collecting documents may take a long time.

You need to provide:

  • application in any form on the client’s letterhead, indicating the main credit parameters;
  • a questionnaire filled out by the borrower according to the bank’s model;
  • title documents;
  • transcribed accounting reports for the last 5 dates;
  • business plan for the period of validity of the security;
  • documented information on the transaction;
  • security documents.

It is important that the guarantee must be assessed. Not all companies have been accredited by Sberbank, so before starting the procedure, you need to obtain more detailed information on this matter.

For regular clients, the bank has partially simplified the documentary part, therefore, when contacting the manager with an application for obtaining bank collateral, it is worth specifying which documents may not be provided to regular clients, especially if an agreement on guarantees has already been drawn up not so long ago.

Sample BG from Sberbank

Basic conditions

Sberbank provides bank guarantees only to its clients, who are also distinguished by their stable financial situation. The cost of the service depends on the type of guarantee and individual factors in each case. Whether it is possible to provide a bank guarantee and in what amount, specialists decide after receiving all the necessary documentation for the client.

There are a number of restrictions that limit the number of possible clients:

  • the total income of the company should not exceed 400 million rubles. in a year;
  • contract duration is 1-2 years;
  • minimum amount from 50 thousand rubles;
  • excellent interest rate from 11.73% per annum is possible only for 1 year, provided that it is accepted by bank bills;
  • The client is given 3 months for compensation in the event of fulfillment of warranty obligations, then an additional 0.1% is accrued daily from the amount of debt.

The following is accepted as collateral:

  • real estate;
  • special equipment and cars;
  • Sberbank bills;
  • guarantees from owners, the Small Business Support Fund or other financial organizations;
  • goods and material assets;
  • farm animals (the only mortgaged property, which is subject to insurance when issuing a bank guarantee from Sberbank).

Registration of documents is possible only at a Sberbank branch.


An incorrectly completed document will not be accepted for use. The sample is on the website of the register of all-Russian guarantees. The form requires information:

  1. Contract number, date and place of signing.
  2. Details of all three parties to the transaction - Sberbank, the customer and the contractor (bank client), with the obligatory indication of contact information.
  3. A description of the obligations of the financial organization, in this case Sberbank, with confirmation of the customer’s right, partially and fully, depending on the possible losses incurred, to request compensation from the guarantor.
  4. An exact indication of all possible reasons for compensation and the exact amounts that the guarantor must compensate.
  5. Listing the requirements for customer documents in the event of a warranty case.
  6. If there is an authorized person - documentary evidence of his authority.
  7. Transfer of bank liabilities.
  8. Confirmation of the right to withdraw funds from the account by the executor in the absence of fulfillment by the bank of the obligations of the guarantor.
  9. The amount of the penalty for each day of delay.
  10. A note that the following changes do not call into question the fulfillment of the obligations of the parties.
  11. The bank or the customer are deprived of the right to transfer obligations to a third party, as indicated in the document.
  12. The exact name of the court that will consider the arising controversial issues between the parties.
  13. What is the basis for the issuance of a bank guarantee by Sberbank and its validity period.
  14. List of authorized persons, certified by their personal signatures.

All data must be accurate. The form is filled out without corrections.

Receipt procedure

It is important to remember that Sberbank’s banking security cannot be obtained from third parties or other organizations. There are no intermediary services here, and even the online option does not work. Personal presence is required. But this is justified, since among financial organizations the cost of the service when warranty obligations are fulfilled ranges from 10% to 30%, while Sberbank still offers 11.73% today.

Therefore, the contractor needs to visit the territorial office, fill out an application, discuss the package of documents with a personal manager, possible conditions for a particular case, and their options.

Next, you must submit all documents to the department, which will be previously reviewed by the manager and sent to analysts for study. The bank can announce its decision by calling the employee on his contact mobile phone, by email or SMS.

Upon receipt of a positive decision, the applicant must appear at the same branch in person, complete the registration procedure and pick up the bank guarantee received on a special form in writing.

Clients who have received a bank guarantee from Sberbank have an additional limit of trust from their partners. After all, this financial organization is particularly fastidious, carefully selecting among clients the most financially stable and reliably fulfilling their financial obligations. It is beneficial for the bank to work only with reliable clients; it is beneficial for clients to work with a bank that offers favorable conditions and never refuses its obligations. This tandem guarantees stable and confident business development.

According to the requests of the company's clients, “Professional Services” is the most frequently asked. And this is natural, because Sberbank of the Russian Federation has established itself as a universal financial institution, the guarantees of which are of interest to both residents and non-residents of the country.

Bank guarantees of Sberbank look great as security for expensive contracts with foreign partners and perfectly satisfy the wishes of strong domestic entrepreneurs who need the most reliable confirmation of the trustworthiness of the other party. For the Beneficiary, the Sberbank guarantee is a particularly trusting factor.

Types of Sberbank guarantees

Sberbank of Russia is able to issue you guarantees for any needs. But it still happens that in order to participate in any business program, money is required, and then the usual question arises, also in Sberbank, on the same conditions as obtaining guarantees.

All types of guarantees that are usually needed in the business sector are issued by Sberbank to order. And by the way, it is the bank that is authorized to sell guarantees for the client in the interests of the tax and customs authorities, and also take responsibility for ensuring the guarantee foreign bank or support a transaction to repurchase securities.

The Professional Services company does its best to help its clients interested get guarantees from Sberbank, since it is not so easy for clients to do this on their own.

What dangers does the Sberbank guarantee prevent?

Sberbank's payment guarantees - at best - will seriously reassure the Seller under the contract. Tender guarantees as a product of Sberbank will advantageously represent you at a tender or competition. Sberbank guarantees in favor of tax or in the interests of customs will help to accurately resolve the matter with mandatory fees.

As you know, bank guarantees, especially from the famous Sberbank, allow you to minimize risky situations. The bank's insurance helps out during transactions of various kinds and in such unpleasant but solvable cases when it is necessary to demand payment, return of prepayment or high-quality implementation and completion of work.

Sberbank warns about false guarantees

Cases with false guarantees allegedly issued by Sberbank, are and will happen. It all depends on how hard you try to find the scammers. This is not possible through the Professional Services company.

Sberbank guarantees are printed on special forms and have an identification number. To check the genuineness of the guarantee, you need to make a request by mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The verification request includes the guarantee number, the amount for which it was issued, and the date of receipt. Attached is a copy of the guarantee and a scanned copy of the application signed by the director of the enterprise.

Sberbank tariffs for bank guarantee

find out Sberbank tariff for your bank guarantee at the Professional Services company. Issues of the cost of the guarantee, payment of remuneration, calculation of interest upon the occurrence of a guarantee event and settlements between the bank and your partner are resolved individually. Guarantees are issued in an amount adequate to the financial flows of your company.

Sberbank guarantees - to whom are they provided?

With us you can on fairly mild terms order Sberbank guarantees. What is needed?

  • have a service agreement at the cash desk of the Russian Sberbank;
  • provide the company's accounts reflected in Sberbank transactions;
  • fixed income;
  • do not cause any complaints regarding credit histories.
Documents for obtaining a bank guarantee from Sberbank

To provide a guarantee from Sberbank First of all, a statement is written. You must specify:

  • amount;
  • goals;
  • term;
  • security.

Fill out the form, attach documents on the right to own your company, documents on the transaction and its security, provide financial statements, business plan. The company “Professional Services” will tell you what certificates and checks you may still need.

Sberbank guarantees - terms

Sberbank issues guarantees for a period from 1 to 18 months. The validity period of the Sberbank guarantee is determined by the duration of the contractual obligations and the amount of money for which the guarantee is requested. The Sberbank guarantee is valid with a reserve for a period of 2 weeks - a month compared to the period when the secured contract expires.

The Professional Services company helps you become owners of a decent white guarantee of the prestigious Sberbank. It's easy to interact with us! And with our help, you can easily buy the necessary banking instruments. Call.

If there is a shortage own funds favorable loan small businesses will have the opportunity to purchase new equipment, warehouse and office space, working capital. A “specialized” product offered by Sberbank of Russia will help demonstrate the company’s solvency and expand its scope of activities.

Bank guarantee

The economic viability of your company in the eyes of counterparties. It is necessary to fill out an application for a Sberbank agreement after reaching preliminary agreements with the customer on the upcoming transaction. To designate the parties to the agreement, special terms are used: principal, guarantor, beneficiary.

You (the principal) contact the bank with a request to issue a guarantee under the contract in favor of the counterparty (beneficiary). The bank acts as a guarantor of the relationship between the parties.

Types of guarantees to achieve goals

  1. By issuing a tender guarantee in favor of the auction organizer, you will become a participant in the auction.
  2. Returning the advance payment to the customer will allow you to attract cash as an advance payment.
  3. Fulfillment of obligations - promptly covers the costs of penalties to the beneficiary in the event of your violation of the terms of the agreement (deadlines, inadequate quality, etc.)
  4. Security for payment of payments to the budget - in a short time you will receive the amount of value added tax to be reimbursed to your current account.
  5. Customs – will postpone the date of payment of duties on import (export) of goods for a long period (up to 1 year).
A Sberbank bank guarantee is issued on letterhead with an individual number and has several degrees of protection.


The focus of the Business Guarantee program from Sberbank is to support small businesses.
Can take part individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
Your annual revenue excluding VAT for the previous reporting period should not exceed 400 million rubles. That is, if you intend to enlist the support of Sberbank in 2015, you must provide data for 2014.

  1. Availability of a current account in this bank.
  2. Your money turnover corresponds to the requested guarantee amount.
  3. Absent .
  4. Impeccable credit history.

Stages of obtaining a guarantee

  1. Select the type of guarantee.
  2. Fill out the form.
  3. Submit documents.
  4. Wait for the result of the application review.
  5. Conclude an agreement with the bank to obtain a guarantee, a pledge agreement (with collateral).
  6. Pay the fee to the bank.
  7. Sign the transfer deed and receive a guarantee.

List of documents

1. Legal rights

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • extract from the unified state register;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • licenses and patents for activities (if available);
  • card with sample signatures;
  • constituent documents (for a legal entity);
  • protocol (decision) on the appointment of a manager (for a legal entity);
  • order, employment contract on appointment to the position of chief accountant.

2. Accounting

  • balance;
  • Profits and Losses Report;
  • about cash flow.

3. For an upcoming deal

  • contract (agreement);
  • price specification.

4. By provision

  • Sberbank bills;
  • guarantees of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities;
  • guarantee of Small Business Support Funds;
  • guarantee of business owners;
  • for collateral - confirming ownership of vehicles and real estate.

5. Others depending on the situation.

Calculation and tariffs

For each client, the cost of a bank guarantee is determined individually by Sberbank. The most significant influence is exerted by the timing, size, security and purpose of receipt.
Let's look at tariffs and cost formation using an example:

1. Commission for issuing a guarantee

  • 2-10% of the requested amount;
  • the minimum amount is 5,000 - 14,000 rubles (depending on the type of security).

Let's say you enter into a contract worth 10 million rubles. The customer requires a 25% guarantee. Duration of validity is 1 year. Bank tariff 4% for issuance.
Guarantee amount: 10 million rubles x 25% = 2.5 million rubles.
Remuneration to the bank for the guarantee: 2.5 million rubles x 4% x 1 year = 100 thousand rubles.

2. Compensation in the event of a warranty claim

  • the maximum period for using borrowed funds is 3 months;
  • rate 10-30% per annum.

If you violated the terms of the contract, the bank paid the beneficiary the full amount of the guarantee obligation in the amount of 2.5 million rubles. After 2 months you received a refund. Let's calculate interest at a rate of 20% per annum:
2.5 million rubles x 20% / 12 months x 2 months = 83.3 thousand rubles.

3. Penalties.

  • penalty 0.1% of the overdue chargeback.

Do you have any financial difficulties, the delay in covering the bank guarantee was 20 days.
Penalties payable (in addition to the guarantee amount and interest for deferment):
2.5 million rubles x 0.1% x 20 days = 50 thousand rubles.

Occurrence of a warranty case

Your counterparty is least exposed to risk. A written claim is the basis for the guarantor bank to transfer the required funds.